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SCO Berates Linus' Approach To Kernel Contributions 947

Matthias_305 writes "The New York Times has an article about a new court document in which SCO critizes Linus Torvalds touting the 'inability and/or unwillingness of the Linux process manager, Linus Torvalds, to identify the intellectual property origins of contributed source code.' They claim to have got evidence from a conversation on the kernel mailing list in which Torvalds advocates programmers shouldn't care about patents. According to the article he stands by his view which is at least 'candid'." On a related note, BobDowling points to a proposal at The Inquirer ("Shutting down SCO's FUD machine") regarding SCO's claims. "SCO won't let people see the contested source code without signing an outrageous NDA but the article gives a mechanism for publishing appropriate MD5 checksums which allow code trees to be compared without anyone else seeing the code. This is offered as a means to locate the source of SCO's contested code. ... This mechanism gives a concrete procedure that SCO can be challenged to follow as part of the community's "put up or shut up" response. There would be no threat to SCO's claimed IPR."
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SCO Berates Linus' Approach To Kernel Contributions

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  • free link (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:31AM (#6231982)
    free link [nytimes.com]
  • by CountBrass ( 590228 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:32AM (#6231993)


    of course Linus is going to have little regard for software patents. He's a European and that's one bit of stupidity we have yet to import from the US (please God we never do).

    I'm surprised SCO hasn't tried to persuade Linus to support them. "Join me my son!". ;-)

    • by streepje ( 87249 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:41AM (#6232090)
      of course Linus is going to have little regard for software patents. He's a European and that's one bit of stupidity we have yet to import from the US (please God we never do).

      Emphasis on the "yet".
      Have a look at this European Commission proposal to make all useful ideas patentable [ffii.org]
    • by arth1 ( 260657 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:43AM (#6232108) Homepage Journal
      Of course, if US patents are to do what the founding fathers originally intended -- make it easier for the *inventors* to invent -- the patents should be non-transferable and with a relatively short patent period. A corporation and bunch of lawyers won't ever invent anything and shouldn't be allowed to own a patent, and unless the patent expires, there's no economic incentive for an inventor to invent anything new.

      As for software patents, and patents on methods, they don't contribute to increased invention and development unless you restrict patents to what truly IS groundbreaking or a Columbi egg. If patents were more difficult to get, there would be an added incentive to try to come up with something more revolutionary than what people have been using, but not describing, for years.

      • by PMuse ( 320639 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:10AM (#6232917)
        unless the patent expires, there's no economic incentive for an inventor to invent anything new.
        Just to be clear, U.S. patents expire 20 years after filing. Patents, unlike copyrights, have been holding the line against term expansion pretty well over the years. Copyrights (though theoretically limited to life of the author + about 70 years) keep getting extended so as to be effectively perpetual. Trademarks are yours as long as you use and protect them.

        Also, there is _always_ an economic incentive to invent something better. If I invent a better mouse trap, people will buy it over your old-but-still-patented mousetrap.

        A corporation and bunch of lawyers won't ever invent anything and shouldn't be allowed to own a patent
        Some fields of research require a $5M or a $50M laboratory and a team of twenty. There are some inventions that will not and cannot be made with a chemistry set in someone's basement. (Of course, software generally is not such a field.)

        the patents should be non-transferable and with a relatively short patent period.

        We already have a relatively short patent period: 20 years. Formerly patented material continues to pour into the public domain every single week, unlike copyright.

        Patents already have periodic maintenance fees that must be paid every few years during the 20-year term.

        These fees increase in size in the later years and they are higher for large companies than for small ones. (Both notions that might help with the copyright problem.)

        Non-transferrability, now, there is an interesting idea. Let's talk about that.

    • by leonbrooks ( 8043 ) <SentByMSBlast-No ... .brooks.fdns.net> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:44AM (#6232118) Homepage
      He's extremely patient and reasonable, which about sums up SCO's most obvious deficiencies, and not at all greedy for either money or attention, which apparently sums up SCO's entire motivation (or more specifically, D'ohl's entire motivation). Is it any wonder that they're jealous of him?
    • by laird ( 2705 ) <lairdp.gmail@com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:44AM (#6232119) Journal
      Actually, I've been told exactly the same thing by a number of US patent lawyers. In the US you're liable for greater damages if you violate someone else's patent if you know about it than if you don't. So the last thing any engineer should ever do is admit publicly that they know anything about any patent, because they open their employer up to (IIRC) treble damages. Given how well known this is, I am surprised that it's "news".
      • then he's fine (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Fishstick ( 150821 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:12AM (#6232346) Journal
        SCO themselves said it..

        "If source code is copied from protected Unix code," the SCO document adds, "there is no way for Linus Torvalds to identify that fact."

        So, there's no way he could have known in advance if a contribution came from somewhere else? Sounds like they are pointing at the process as the problem, rather than setting Linus up to take the hit.
      • by siskbc ( 598067 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:03AM (#6232843) Homepage
        Actually, I've been told exactly the same thing by a number of US patent lawyers. In the US you're liable for greater damages if you violate someone else's patent if you know about it than if you don't. So the last thing any engineer should ever do is admit publicly that they know anything about any patent, because they open their employer up to (IIRC) treble damages. Given how well known this is, I am surprised that it's "news".

        Right, so when some developer who is ignorant of US IP law asks Linus for his advice on a patent problem, Linus basically told him to STFU. And it was a good thing he did too - look at the riffraff who ends up pointing at things like that. What if the company owning the patent in question found that email? They wouldn't have to work at all to build a case - you've already proven that Linus and the other developers were aware of your IP at time they were developing a competing product. How smart would it be to document this freaking publicly?

        Now, I expect Linus was expecting his flock to read bteween the lines there - it's not good necessarily to be ignorant of other patents - but it's a bad idea to let anyone, inside the company or out, to know about the knowledge. You can't exactly make this official corporate policy, but unofficial policy should be "do your own patent searches. Talk about them with no one."

      • by Chris Burke ( 6130 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @10:44AM (#6234008) Homepage
        I too have been explicitly told not to do patent searches when I come up with an idea, for exactly that reason.

        I was also told explicitly that, partially because of the above, violating someone else's patents is essentially unavoidable. Therefore the purpose of patenting things is to have a bigger stick when you sit down to discuss any patent dispute.

        So you have tons of engineers inventing things and deliberately remaining ignorant of whether anyone else has invented it, then trying to patent it for the sole purpose of ensuring that if it turns out to already be invented, that inventor will be violating some other patent that did get through.

        Does that not sound completely fscked to anyone?
    • by Simon Garlick ( 104721 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:55AM (#6232206)

      It's nice to see that Linus is getting a bit more riled up about SCO now that SCO has started taking personal potshots at him. In a recent interview [com.com]:

      "I care deeply about IP (intellectual property) rights. I've
      personally got more IP rights than the average bear, and as the owner of the copyright in the collective of the Linux kernel, I shepherd even more. It's what I do, every day. I personally manage more valuable IP rights than SCO has ever held, and I take it damn seriously," Torvalds said in an e-mail interview.
    • Of course not. And I don't think they're going to. This whole thing is starting to remind me of the trash talking pro wrestlers do before they get in the ring. It's loud, but means little in the big scheme of things.
    • by platypus ( 18156 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:05AM (#6232861) Homepage
      No no no.

      Linus doesn't have a shit to do with it if something is pushed into the kernel which happens to be someone else's IP, because everything contributed not from linus is someone elses IP.

      He doesn't get assigned the rights from the contributors, and he doesn't distribute the kernel (i.e. he doesn't own kernel.org), insofar SCO again is really really far away from anything which matters.

      Boy do they get on my nerves, they more and more fulfill the rolemodel of that guy in school which was sooo obnoxious that even the most pacifist people sooner or later had to follow the urge to beat him up.

  • Bullying Linus... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:33AM (#6232002)
    'inability and/or unwillingness of the Linux process manager, Linus Torvalds, to identify the intellectual property origins of contributed source code.'

    Seems they want to bully Linus to present the evidence for their cause they failed to present. This seems at least irrational to me.
  • by jkrise ( 535370 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:33AM (#6232003) Journal
    SCO's approach seems to scare everyone that Linux is illegal dynamite, waiting to blow a hole through their purses. If they're really concerned and ethical, should they not go upfront and declare the violations in the code and be done with it?

    Secondly, what if someone had poisoned the code over a period and SCO's blowing the whistle now? Something like the tcpdump files getting infected with a trojan?

    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:57AM (#6232222)
      I'll use what I used to explain it to the Board of directors last week....

      I hold behind me a reason to sue you all.

      I can show you what I am suing you about, but you have to sign this NDA that states that after you see it you cant talk about it and you can't be a part of the suit/ you must agree with me.

      This is in essence what the whole thing is. SCO is trying to play the blackmail game, if they really were inteested or had anything it would be public and being poured over right now showing that it appeared on XX date and came from XX...

      but they know that they have nothing, like a bad poker player trying to bluff the whole table.

      IBM knows this and this is why they are ignoring them and certianly not lowering themselves to SCO's level, but acting in a professional manner.

      Finally, I mentioned to the board that the Linux Kernel development team has the greatest amount of programmer talent on the planet... Greater than Microsoft,SCO,SUN,Apple,IBM and Silicon Graphics combined. AS well as a peer review system that is impossible to impliment in any corperate setting, therefore all of SCO's claims are unfounded and should be ignored until they reveal any proof, letalone proof that THEY did not steal the code in the first place.

      One of the members mentioned that he did not think of that, that the code could have came from BSD to begin with.

      It worked well, they understood.
  • Old... (Score:5, Informative)

    by r6144 ( 544027 ) <r6k@[ ]u.com ['soh' in gap]> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:34AM (#6232006) Homepage Journal
    I think this thing has been discussed here before.

    Also, Linus was advising developers that they don't look at patents, for if the kernel is hit by one of them (some are pretty broad), it would be much more trouble if the alleged patent infringement were done knowingly.

    I suppose this is a reasonable tactic used by everyone, yet one can criticize it if he like.

  • md5 (Score:5, Insightful)

    by the uNF cola ( 657200 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:35AM (#6232020)
    As all hashes go, and I know, it's mathimatically "very hard", two different byte segments CAN have the same md5 sum. Longer they get, harder it is... but then again, anything is possible.. just not probable.
    • Re:md5 (Score:5, Informative)

      by AftanGustur ( 7715 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:07AM (#6232298) Homepage

      As all hashes go, and I know, it's mathimatically "very hard", two different byte segments CAN have the same md5 sum. Longer they get, harder it is...

      Uhh, well, the probability that a given line of code has a certain MD5 checksum is 1 to 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.

      That's way less probable than the probability of a false positive in a DNA test. (I.e. "Good enough" for a match)

      So, unless I see a two headed guy with dark sunglasses, climb into his shiny spaceship and start it's engines, I belive SCO could very well use this technique to demonstrate what part of their code is in Linux.

  • by lovebyte ( 81275 ) * <lovebyte2000 AT gmail DOT com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:38AM (#6232047) Homepage
    I used to work in pharma research. The patent lawyers used to tell us not to worry about patents until close to the end of our research. And then let the lawyers look at patents.
    The reason for this is that patents are complicated and claims are not easy to understand. For instance some chemical/protein/DNA/whatever could be patented for a very specific use (it normally is). You can still use it for a totally different reason.
    So from my own experience I can see that Linus attitude is perfectly correct.
  • Paradox? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ptaff ( 165113 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:38AM (#6232053) Homepage
    From the article:

    "If source code is copied from protected Unix code," the SCO document adds, "there is no way for Linus Torvalds to identify that fact."

    You'd want Linus to compare both codes and after that sue him for "inspiration"?

    Look, Linux, you've seen all SCO code, now don't say you weren't influenced by it. As we said earlier, it is technologically impossible for anyone to produce great code without copying it from us.

    They're shooting themselves in the foot, and remove their shoes beforehand!
    • If only (Score:4, Funny)

      by TheConfusedOne ( 442158 ) <the...confused...one@@@gmail...com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:55AM (#6232199) Journal
      They're shooting themselves in the foot, and remove their shoes beforehand!

      Now, if we're really lucky we can get them to shove their foot in their mouth first too! :-D
    • by leuk_he ( 194174 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:30AM (#6232477) Homepage Journal
      "If source code is copied from protected Unix code," the SCO document adds, "there is no way for Linus Torvalds to identify that fact."

      True. It is impossible to find out if someone else has a tradesecret.

      But then there is a lawyer problem. Linus (or some other kernel hacker) puts a GPL tag on the source. Is he/she allowed to do that? Is the GPL legal? The point is, who GPLed it, and does that make the GPL viral? (And is the Sys V copyright viral?)

      They could always sue linus for being a basterd that who not care . He called himself that multiple times in interviews.

  • by Niksie3 ( 222515 ) <nico@kist.nl> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:39AM (#6232056) Homepage
    Mr. Torvalds developed the software engine, or kernal, blah blah blah

    Maybe we should ask Mister Steve Lohr to become a slashdot editor :)
  • Whew (Score:5, Funny)

    by twfry ( 266215 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:40AM (#6232070)
    I was getting worried. It had been almost a whole 24 hours without an SCO update. If it reached a full day I don't know what I would have done.
  • by RyanFenton ( 230700 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:40AM (#6232072)
    It is the responsibility of copyright holders to find violations and defend their own hold on ideas. It is not the responsibility of everyone else to police their claim. If someone, like the moderator of an open source software development community, is notified that they are directly or indirectly violating such claims, then they have they will have to remove the proveably unsanctioned content, but that is not a blank check to stop others from speaking or sharing ideas. Until a law is passed to actively restrict all communications on the basis of "defending" the rights of copyright holders, then I'd understand such accusations - but otherwise, I can't imagine how Linus could have done anything wrong here.

    Perhaps it's the ones who complain about their rights the loudest/with the most money that may end up getting their way. But here, unlike many copyright cases, you can expect everyone present to stand up for their rights, loudly. Unfortunately for SCO, it appears that IBM and many other powerful companies are in favor of Linus' and other's rights.

    Ryan Fenton
  • by Goonie ( 8651 ) * <robert.merkel@NOsPAm.benambra.org> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:42AM (#6232102) Homepage
    IANAL, but as far as I can tell SCO is suing IBM, not Linus, and the issue of whether Linus is cavalier about patents has precisely nothing to do with the actual lawsuit.

    As I understand it, the lawsuit is about IBM contributing code to Linux that SCO claims it owned the rights to, and which they didn't have the right to distribute. There was no way Linus or anyone else who didn't have access to IBM's contracts with SCO, could determine that. In any event, the case certainly doesn't seem to have anything to do with patents.

    One can only draw the conclusion that they're throwing mud in the hope that some will stick.

    • by sjvn ( 11568 ) <(sjvn) (at) (vna1.com)> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:53AM (#6232738) Homepage
      > IANAL, but as far as I can tell SCO is suing IBM, not Linus, and the issue of whether Linus is cavalier about patents has precisely nothing to do with the actual lawsuit.

      That's right. So far.

      SCO is 'trying' this case in the court of public opinion. More specifically, they're trying to convince CIOs and CTOs to drop Linux and AIX. If sucessful, so I believe their logic goes, that will pressure IBM, and then other companies, to either buy them out or pay them off.

      The merits of the case don't matter. It's all about creating FUD and then trying to take advantage of it in business.

      If they think that suing Linus will help them do that, they will. At this point, I'm sorry to say, that I expect they will eventually sue Linus.

      Again, it's not that they'd think they win this point in court. As many of /. writers have already pointed out, there are many solid, good legal reasons why developers shouldn't pretend to be IP lawyers. But, if by suing Linus, they can make many more business buyers doubt that Linux is a safe bet, they'll do it. After all, it's not like they haven't completely burned their bridges with the Linux community already!

  • Seems fair enough (Score:5, Informative)

    by The Tyro ( 247333 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:44AM (#6232116)
    Here's the relevant section:

    "I do not look up any patents on principle because (a) it's a horrible waste of time and (b) I don't want to know."

    "The fact is technical people are better off not looking at patents. If you don't know what they cover and where they are, you won't be knowingly infringing on them," Mr. Torvalds wrote in the e-mail message last August.

    In an e-mail interview earlier this month, Mr. Torvalds explained that his was a candid view in the murky, complex realm of software patents these days.

    "Hey, one of the advantages of not personally being involved in any of the commercial Linux players is that I can be honest," Mr. Torvalds wrote. "In fact, openness pretty much requires it â" there is no corporate speak here. Ask any lawyer in a tech company (off the record, so that he can be honest too), and he'll tell you that engineers should absolutely not try to look up other people's patents. It's not their job, and you don't want them tainted."

    What's so terrible about that? Why would you bias yourself (and waste a LOT of time) by poring over someone's code before writing your own? You may subconsciously emulate what they've done, and taint any originality you might have started with.

    Same thing goes for other disciplines. In medicine, one should talk to the patient first, THEN read their medical records... you want an honest gestalt, unbiased by somebody else's interpretation of signs and symptoms. Isn't that what a second opinion is supposed to be?

    This sounds to me like the old "better to beg forgiveness than ask permission" philosophy. Big whoop... give linus a break, SCO.

  • by file-exists-p ( 681756 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:45AM (#6232127)
    A point seems of major importance and I have not seen it addressed so far. In such a situation, how could SCO prove they did not steal a part of the linux kernel ? Is there an official organism in the US where companies can register source code for future legal problems ? If not, how is that supposed to work ? Experts would look around at SCO's and get convinced (or not) by the internal memos and CVS logs ? I know we are talking about the US legal system, but that's totally surrealistic to me ...
  • Law in the USA (Score:5, Interesting)

    by pubjames ( 468013 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:46AM (#6232136)
    What I don't understand about the SCO/IBM case, is why IBM isn't taking action to immediately stop SCO from doing what they are doing. I am sure it must be affecting their AIX business, and I can't believe that there isn't a legal method they can use to take some kind of cease and desist out on SCO.

    If such a law doesn't exist in the USA, does that mean Pepsi can say they have proof that Coke has dog poo in it, but they aren't going to show the proof? I doubt it somehow.

    Furthermore, if SCO are doing these things just to manipulate their share price, and the allegations turn out to be baseless, surely that is fraud?
    • Re:Law in the USA (Score:4, Insightful)

      by whovian ( 107062 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:07AM (#6232302)
      Just a guess...it could that IBM is just letting SCO dig its own grave. How can IBM defend itself if SCO isn't "freely" (I mean in the courtroom sense) showing its alleged proof? Thus, when it comes time IBM can silence SCO forever by suing it for damage to its reputation and business.
    • Re:Law in the USA (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Arker ( 91948 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:24AM (#6232426) Homepage

      IANALS (I Am Not A Land Shark) but it's my understanding that

      1. IBM could file a cease and desist, if they wanted to, but they probably don't because SCO is really digging themselves a very deep hole with their public statements, and this will be to IBMs advantage later on.

      2. Pepsi could say Coke has dog poo in it, sure, and open themselves to a huge libel suit. Analogous to a degree, but where it breaks down is in that situation Coke would have nothing to gain by delaying counteraction - in this case IBM does have something to gain - a huge chain of public statements from SCO that can be used against them in court. When this finally gets to court IBMs lawyers can bring in a collection of all the contradictory nonsense SCO has been spouting in public and have a field day with it.

      3. Yes, if SCO executives are indeed engaging in a pump and dump scheme, as seems most likely, that is fraud and would be a criminal offense. But on that one only time will tell for sure.

  • by DeadSea ( 69598 ) * on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:46AM (#6232138) Homepage Journal
    When I read the headline, I thought how could comparing MD5 sums of files work? I'm sure the files have been modified at both ends. Even if they were from the same source orginally, there is no way they would match now.

    The scheme instead computes an MD5 sum for each line (actually each five lines together) and publishes the hashed versions of the files. Then anybody can do the line by line compare without ever seeing a readable version of the source code.

    The theory is that SCO can't complain about somebody distributing these hashes because you can't get the source code from it.

    The only problem I see is that the hashes are still derived from SCO's intellectual property and are therefore still covered by copyright. SCO could still put up a stink about it. Especially since they have stated that their goal is to sue IBM for money rather than to identify the peices and rectify the situation. SCO has said that they are afraid that if the lines are known, the problem will be fixed and they won't be able to sue any more. (Poor babies.)

    • Copyright -- NOT (Score:5, Insightful)

      by OmniGeek ( 72743 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:21AM (#6232403)
      The only problem I see is that the hashes are still derived from SCO's intellectual property and are therefore still covered by copyright.

      Nope, not a problem at all. I'm not a copyright expert, but the hashes would certainly not be covered by SCO copyright for two reasons: 1) They are not an original work of authorship, but instead an application of a mathematical algorithm to "fingerprint" a file; they're just a list of numbers. That would be like copyrighting the output of "ls -l". 2) Even if a judge somehow finds 1) above to be inapplicable, the hashes would certainly fall under the "fair use" exception to the copyright on the SCO files, as they are a form of commentary on them.

      Of course, SCO will never agree to such reasonable measures, since they are not fundamentally looking for something reasonable, so the whole thing is moot. A far more likely scenario is that SCO may *eventually* be forced to submit their code base and backups to a court-appointed special master tasked with analyzing the issue of code derivation (what, when, and in which direction), and will be required to fully disclose their development logs to the court. At which time,assuming it ever gets to trial, the case will finally, finally collapse for good and all, and we can get back to sniping at Microsoft.
  • Strange (Score:4, Informative)

    by TheDredd ( 529506 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:48AM (#6232151)
    SCO bought the source code and license rights to Unix in 1995

    I thought they bought a license to the source code and license rights to the code, but not ownership of the source, and that Novell owns the code
    So this article is not entirely accurate
  • by IdleLay ( 682465 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:49AM (#6232162)
    I have not seen any post from any SCO people standing up for or against anything lately. Can SCO management legally gag their employees during this litigation? Not trolling or stirring, just deafen by the silence.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:50AM (#6232165)
    SCO seems to be trying to pull the strings of the Linux community, hoping for an irrational response. The more of an uproar, the more news coverage, the better the situation for SCO.
    Everyone needs to take a deep breath. We all know what they are trying to do. We need to just turn the other cheek and let IBM deal with it. SCO is now threatening IBM's bread and butter. It will be over soon. I doubt IBM would drag this out in the courts, because this type of FUD would continue to be spouted off throughout that entire time. If IBM comes up with a solidified argument demonstrating that SCO was near perjury with this lawsuit, its all over.
  • Read this...NOW (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @07:50AM (#6232172)
  • by drgroove ( 631550 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:02AM (#6232258)
    If I were a CIO or CTO debating the TCO of *nix vs. Win2K3 to a CEO, would IBM vs. SCO be the TKO that stops the CEO from approving A/P to pay my PO for RH's LGX?

    FWIW, even if OSS is FAIB, if the DOJ considers *nix IP with a TM, then it basically become's SCO's LIC, meaning our OSS becomes a CSS OS, which would RSTBO.

    AIBO going w/ an ASP that manages our OS? BTA, we might end up w/ a BOFH giving us ZA, which WWAD PMS.

    AFAIK, INMP if SCO wants to be ITM by enforcing its supposed IPR - *nix IP should be PD or GNU, like BSD just on GP, IYKWIM. I keep asking myself in this situation - WWLD?

  • Sounds right... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by TFloore ( 27278 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:08AM (#6232310)
    "If source code is copied from protected Unix code," the SCO document adds, "there is no way for Linus Torvalds to identify that fact."

    Yep, I'd say that's an accurate statement, really.

    If you are trying to identify closed source/proprietary origins of submitted linux code, there is just one thing you need.

    God-like omniscience.

    Linus is good, but he isn't that good.

    Oh, if you wanted a horrible paperwork audit trail, you could make people include a signed document stating "I am the copyright holder for submitted code" or something like that. But part of the draw of working on OSS is to get away from all the icky lawyers and legal documents.

    In this one specific instance, SCO is correct. It doesn't really affect their case at all, but they are still correct about this.
  • Patent Clearance (Score:5, Informative)

    by overshoot ( 39700 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:10AM (#6232327)
    Linus certainly has good company. I know that my employer, at least, tells us the same thing: don't sweat the patents. Our Corporate IP department (not a small one, either) doesn't even do patent clearances on request, because it's too expensive.

    If SCO tries to make this case at trial, they're gonna get reamed when IBM inquires into their patent clearance process.

    Nobody can afford to do prior patent clearance. All engineering work would stop dead if we did.

  • by godot42a ( 574354 ) <s.pado@ed.ac.GIRAFFEuk minus herbivore> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:16AM (#6232376)
    Very nice trick :). However, I see two problems:
    1. The procedure throws away all code pieces which occur more than once in the same version of the code. Okay, most of them will be trivial, but there might be some that aren't. These pieces aren't compared to the other version of the code. Might be an idea to use a frequency threshold instead.
    2. During comparison of the two versions, all code pieces with the same checksum are disregarded. But different checksum does not mean different code! MD5 are computed on string level - let there be an additional comment, or a linebreak, and you won't get a match. Some simple operation to bring the code into a kind of canonical formatting can take care of that.
    If you don't do that, you run the risk of losing some correspondences, I'm afraid.
  • by ctid ( 449118 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:20AM (#6232398) Homepage
    So it's patents now? SCO don't have any patents that are relevant. If they did, they would have included reference to them in their lawsuit. This is premium-quality BS. The "issue" that SCO has is that IBM and other UNIX licensees have been GPL-ing and submitting stuff that SCO claims is their intellectual property. If this is what has been happening, that cannot be Torvalds' fault. The fault (if any) lies with the submitters. It's not unreasonable for Torvalds to assume that if a patch comes from IBM that IBM has the right to submit it.

    Essentially, what SCO is now saying is that if you license UNIX, any ideas that you (perfectly legally) incorporate into your version of Unix belong to SCO, because... well because of course, you couldn't have created it without SCO's huge contribution. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to call "shenanigans" at this point.

    Incidentally, I would point to this link [gnu.org], where the FSF argue that the term "intellectual property" is not useful - because it can be used by disreputable organizations (like SCO for example) to confuse matters relating to copyright, patents, trade secrets etc.

  • Common contents (Score:5, Interesting)

    by deepchasm ( 522082 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:23AM (#6232417)

    The following describes the common sections found by the Inquirer reader (although I have only looked at the linux source files).

    • amd7930.c - the matching lines are just a table of constants (a gain curve or something), pretty much straight from the chipset manual, although the comment above the table is also identical - but the BSD contribution is not noted at the top of the file (assuming they mean the audio amd7930.c and not the isdn one).
    • slhc.c - this is BSD ppp code, and is copyrighted as such at the top of the file.
    • balloc.c - dunno about this, which balloc.c?
    • bonding.c - hmmm, the lines seem to correspond to a random section of code in the middle. May be BSD code, but the comments at the top imply that this is all recent stuff.

    Of course, this assumes that the line numbers the Inquirer published are for the linux files and not the BSD files (why did they only publish one set?!?)

    • Re:Common contents (Score:5, Informative)

      by ratboy666 ( 104074 ) <fred_weigelNO@SPAMhotmail.com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @10:31AM (#6233857) Journal

      A couple of points. *If* this appears in SCO source, this would be very strange. The 7930 is ONLY used in some 4c and 4m Sparcs. That would be 32 bit SPARC, SBUS based machines. I don't even think these are SUPPORTED by recent Solaris releases.

      Nobody uses this for Intel, and these machines are not current anymore.

      If SCO has this in THEIR code base, they are really smoking some strange drugs... The only reason this is in Linux is because it was ported to old SUN boxen. Trust me, IBM wouldn't have ANY involvement with that.

  • SCO's motivation (Score:5, Interesting)

    by theolein ( 316044 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @08:52AM (#6232728) Journal
    Someone posted in the SCO article yesterday, that SCO was in a stock scam, and that their aim was to make money for the board for a while by keeping a high volume in the press before going under when the actual court case proves they do not have any real basis in their case.

    I agree that SCO must be one or more of the following things:

    1.SCO is indeed doing a stock scam as their actual products are close to worthless. An SEC investigation would be very apropriate here, but would only happen after the fact, sadly.

    2.SCO is being funded by another party to persue this scheme, the most likely candidates being Microsoft or SUN, both of whom have a vested interest in seeing Linux and IBM suffer. I would go for Microsoft because while SUN has something to gain in seeing IBM suffer, they also have something to lose if Linux suffers. Microsoft is the only party that has something to gain if both Linux and IBM suffer. It would need a leaked email or something to start the ball rolling on an investigation into this side of the matter though. I also wonder at the same time why no leaked emails have as yet appeared from any SCO employees.

    3.SCO's products are absolutely worthless and SCO is indeed trying to do a last ditch fight in order to legally force some kind of artificial marketshare for it's products. The fact that SCO has changed it's public statements on numerous occiasions and even changed the official claim recently (IBM bypassing export controls even though it is no business of SCO to enforce this and the RCU claim which is as patchy as well), means that SCO knows it is on shaky ground. The latest official claims show that SCO is indeed scraping the bottom of the barrel and are truly frightened by the fact that IBM hasn't taken them seriously. Their lawyers nerves must be blank. The accusation against Linux is simply something they are doing in order to try and strengthen their claim. It does however mean that they are actually pouring through every piece of available information in order to come up with some kind of evidence because they truly do not have any that would stand up in court.

    The only thing that worries me is that Linus should perhaps learn when to shut the fuck up and think before he speaks. Courts are not democracies and crap like his statments on patents can and will be used against him.
    • Re:SCO's motivation (Score:4, Interesting)

      by clonebarkins ( 470547 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:44AM (#6233317)
      The only thing that worries me is that Linus should perhaps learn when to shut the fuck up and think before he speaks. Courts are not democracies and crap like his statments on patents can and will be used against him.

      No, he shouldn't check his opinions at all. As has been pointed out, his thoughts on engineers reviewing patents are completely in-line with many of the corporate IP/legal deparments out there. Secondly, Linus isn't being sued (okay, "yet" I suppose), but even if he was he has his behind covered. It can be proven which code came from where, and as long as he didn't provide the "offending" code [which, by the way, is semantically incorrect, since code itself cannot commit an offense] (if there is any) and didn't know that the code was taken from somebody else, then he's off the hook.

      Furthermore, his statements about patents have no bearing on the lawsuit as SCO never claimed any patent infringement -- only stolen code (which is a copyright claim).

      • by Tony ( 765 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @12:24PM (#6234912) Journal
        Furthermore, his statements about patents have no bearing on the lawsuit as SCO never claimed any patent infringement -- only stolen code (which is a copyright claim).

        It's a little more subtle than this. SCO isn't even calling it a copyright infringement; they are suing for breach of contract. Part of the breach of contract claims IBM used parts of System V (which SCO claims as their own) in beefing up Linux.

        Now, which parts? Apperantly, SCO claims that one specific area of infringement is in the RCU code, which removes a major bottleneck for >4 CPU machines. Sequent "invented" the RCU algorithm; Sequent was later purchased by IBM.

        So how does this constitute breach of contract? SCO claims that the Unix contract signed by IBM (and, in fact, by every Unix signee) includes provisions for SCO to claim all derivitive works.

        This is the crux; SCO has stated (through its top administrators) that all modern operating systems are merely derived works; they have hinted this includes MS-Windows, and they also want to re-visit the BSD decision.

        This is patently rediculous. (Excuse the pun. Couldn't resist.) But, if SCO succeeds in their assault on IBM, they will have a case against every other Unix provider, and against Linux. They will probably have no case against Microsoft (who would most likely pay SCO off anyway, rather than face more bad publicity) or BSD, but that wouldn't stop them from trying with their new-found booty.

        This is shares some attributes of the British Telecom case against (Compuserve? Prodigy? Don't remember off the top of my head), based on the scope of the claims. BT wanted to own the Internet; SCO wants to own every OS. The greatness of their chutzpah is stunning.

        These guys must have Epcot-sized testicles.
  • by nick_urbanik ( 534101 ) <nicku@@@nicku...org> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:15AM (#6232962) Homepage
    An interesting scheme for comparing source code is here [berkeley.edu], and a paper about the system is here (PDF) [berkeley.edu]. Aiken has already processed some version of Linux code with the system; it looks as if this scheme could be helpful in this case. The plagiarism detection system based on this (MOSS [berkeley.edu]) works extremely well, as many students will ruefully agree. Unfortunately, Aiken hasn't published the code, only the algorithm, but the algorithm looks like it could be implemented quite easily (I might have a go this summer).

    It is based on something like this:

    • Preprocess the code (replace all variables with the letter 'V', strip the comments, replace white space strings with a single character)
    • Divide the result into fixed sized units of length k that overlap, each starting at a succeeding character. They call these k-grams
    • Efficiently calculate a hash for each of these k-grams
    • Divide the result into windows that contain a number of these k-grams
    • Within each window, use a method of selecting a subset of these k-grams that does not depend on position, but rather on the k-gram itself, such as the minimum hash value within that window; if there are ties, select the right-most hash value within the window
    • The result is the fingerprint of the code
    • Any document with fingerprints in common has some code in common with the original source
    Okay, that's a very rough idea of the process, but you might have some idea of it now. Check it out yourself if you're interested.
  • Fixing the MD5 idea (Score:5, Interesting)

    by hobsonchoice ( 680456 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:18AM (#6232999)
    The MD5 idea is a good idea, but I think it needs some refining.
    - You want to get EVERY example, for potential manual review
    - You want to avoid any problems with white space leading to different MD5s for "identical" code
    - Doing a 5 line compare seems flawed as what if you compare lines 1-5 in A and B, but lines 1-5 in A match lines 2-6 in B

    I therefore propose that:

    1. before calculating any check sums, both files should be massaged into some common "base" format.
    - Remove all white space inc. tabs and spaces
    - Concatenate on one long line, but line break immediately after any semi-colon (;) or end-comment (*/) or immediately before begin comment (/* or //) [obviously additional rules for script files, maybe #]
    - With comments, line break at least every (say) 20 characters or if there was a line break in original file.
    - Maintain some kind of map back from massaged file to Linux source (line 237 in massaged = line 40-42 in Linux source)
    - In the massaged file, mark any line less than say 20 characters in a non-comment section as being potentially and probably too small to be copyrightable. This would eliminate stuff like i++; or #include . Matches for these should still show up in the overall results, but be considered as less important unless there are also lots of "more important" matches in the same source file as well.

    2. Run both sets of sources thru this algorithm, and calculate two or more hashes for each line, say MD5 and some kind of CRC. If both sets of sources match for all the hashes, a match is found. This is to reduce number of false positives.
  • by bourne ( 539955 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:20AM (#6233023)

    Linus wrote:

    "...the transparency in the process also means that if dishonesty happens, you can go back and see what went on."

    Right on. In other words, if SCO would release info on what was copied, then by going through the archives it will be possible to see who contributed it, and under what auspices. So we can see if IBM did it, if Caldera did it, if John Quackenschmoe did it, and if there is a violation hold the appropriate party responsible and stop the FUD.

    Of course, the fact that SCO hasn't done this only shows that the pieces of paper they hold in their hands, probably don't have the names on it they say they do.

  • by phiwum ( 319633 ) <jesse@phiwumbda.org> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:21AM (#6233041) Homepage
    The NY Times article had a surprisingly insightful closing quote.

    Indeed, because Linux code is published publicly, it is easier to track what I.B.M. contributed to the operating system. But the issue, of course, is whether SCO's Unix license covered any of the code I.B.M. put into Linux.

    Should the SCO suit turn up any offending code, the open nature of Linux â" and the many programmers working on it â" will ensure a quick solution, according to open- source software experts.

    Now, that should be old news for /. readers, but it's refreshing when a mainstream article makes this point explicit. Slowly, perhaps, the general (non-geek) public will understand open source software and the issues surrounding it.
  • by xA40D ( 180522 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:46AM (#6233326) Homepage
    SCO won't let people see the contested source code without signing an outrageous NDA

    This SCO thing is really starting to f**k me off. It's all just insubstantial FUD with sod-all solid facts. SCO's even looks like it's aiming it's guns at BSD - which is crazy as there has NEVER EVER been any System V code in any of the BSDs. I'm of the opinion that SCO's strategy is to declare total war on the entire Unix community in the hope that people fold. Criticize SCO and you'll be next....

    So my message to SCO has to be put-up or shut-up.

    I'm not a Linux user, I don't hack kernels. But I can find my way around source-code. So come on SCO I'll sign your fscking NDA to see what you're carping on about. I'll even check it against the BSD sources too....
    • by !Squalus ( 258239 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:59AM (#6233482) Homepage
      Don't do it. If you sign their onerous NDA, you may be "in the know", but you will be "held accountable" for anytjhing you say or write, and could be forced to testify on their behalf, and even muted in what you CAN say at that point.

      That is what is wrong with their NDA. You cannot tell the truth if you do sign the NDA, or work on code anymore, or develop anymore without having given them control over you. Why on Earth would anybody want these people to gain control? They are complete loonies anyway. They probably have the support of the RIAA, Senator Orin "Booby" Hatch and others of that ilk. we know that Microsoft supports them, and at least one other "as yet unnamed" vendor.

      We all know that they cannot stand freedom or innovation, because they don't own you anymore. That is what is wrong with their arguments.

      Imagine a future where the public domain does not exist. Where no product is ever allowed to be "public", where owning a book is illegal until you pay for it every time you read its pages, where you can't own a pen and toilet paper because you *might* write something and you have a vision of what it is these people really are all about.

      They hate humanity and our ability to think and reason and invent. They just want consumers of the garbage culture they purvey. Not me pal, I can think and write for myself, and every idea in Unix, Linux, and other Operating Systems did not descend down these stock-shysters precious "source-tree of invisibility".

      Never, ever, sign an agreement with them unless you enjoy being in a lwasuit. They cannot be trusted, and you'll only pay for it in terms of your job, livelihood and reputation.

      Think about it, honestly. I mean you no harm and only mean to advise you against signing this thing as a concerned human being who wants you not to be harmed.
  • by Aceticon ( 140883 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @09:50AM (#6233372)
    I believe that our efforts should be aimed at identifying and exposing the top managers at SCO.

    SCO is a company but it is also a group of people. SCO's current actions have to had been sanctioned by management at the highest level. Someone made a choice, someone said "let's go ahead with this".

    So make it personal. By exposing each and every of SCO's top-level managers as being associated and willing participants in this mess their chances of ever again be employeed in a top-level management position (at least in this industry) are highly decreased.
    This is especially true if they are tracked into any new job they go into and the company that employes them is exposed (thus being smeared along with SCO by their choice of managers) - any company that hires any one of those persons has a business ethics (or more precisely lack of it) that accepts this type of attitude.

    Decisions are taken by someone (companies do not take decisions). Those that take the decisions (or are willing participiants in taking those decisions) should be made to assume their responsabilities instead of being allowed to hid behind a SCO-mask.
    • by GojiraDeMonstah ( 588432 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @12:14PM (#6234796) Homepage
      http://www.caldera.com/company/execs/ tells us:
      • Darl C. McBride - President and Chief Executive Officer
      • Robert K. Bench - Chief Financial Officer
      • Sean Wilson - Senior Vice President, Corporate Development
      • Jeff Hunsaker - Senior Vice President, Worldwide Marketing
      • Chris Sontag - Senior Vice President and General Manager, SCOsource Division
      • Opinder Bawa - Senior Vice President, Engineering and Global Services
      • Reg Broughton - Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations
      • Larry Gasparro - Senior Vice President, North America Sales
      Each has a bio page, but no email address.
  • by Stephen Samuel ( 106962 ) <samuel@@@bcgreen...com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @10:12AM (#6233627) Homepage Journal
    "If source code is copied from protected Unix code," the SCO document adds, "there is no way for Linus Torvalds to identify that fact."

    Yep. and that's because SCO refuses to identify the protected code.

    They also complain that Torvalds refuses to go hunting patents.. That's also appropriate. One of the best ways to avoid violating patented methods is to not know about them. If the solution is an obvious one, then the fact that you came to the same solution without konwing about the patent is almost a sufficient defence. On the other hand, if the solution is not an obvious one, then chances ar that you'll come up with a solution different enough from the pattern that the difference is a sufficient defence.

    The purpose of a patent is to document a method such that (once the patent expires) anybody else can use it. The patent monopoly is just to ensure that people have an incentive to register their patents so that they ultimately do go into the public domain.

    An interesting feature about the OS process is that -- once something goes into an OS project, it is (or at least should be) essentially unpatentable -- this is because any open source project is effectively published.. Especially for large and well-distributed projects like Linus, it's almost trivial to prove when that idea was published.

    If you take the time to hunt patents before you use an idea, you run the risk of delaying the publication of an idea long enough for someone else to patent it.

    The long and short result is that it's easier (and even better) to implement an idea and then wait to see if someone complains about a patent infringement than to go wandering through the patent office looking for something that may be the same as what you are using.

    Reading through a patent application well enough to understand whether or not it applies to an idea is a long, difficult and dirty job. I'd much rather leave that to someone who's paid to do it (like the patent owner's lawer). Once the issue is raised by somene who cares about it then I'll deal with that bridge when I come to it.

    I think that Linus has the same idea, and it sounds like he got it from his business colleagues.

  • Start here (Score:5, Informative)

    by utahjazz ( 177190 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @10:47AM (#6234041)
    Here is a good old one-liner that produces a list of files with duplicate contents:
    find . -type f -exec md5sum '{}' ';' | sort | uniq --all-repeated=prepend -w 33 | cut -c 35-
    I'll bet you could do the 5-line splitting, and some whitespace ignoring and still keep it a one-liner.
  • by virtigex ( 323685 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @10:53AM (#6234084)
    Anybody here see the irony of SCO's comments appearing in the New York Times, previous employer of Jayson Blair [bbc.co.uk]. Now we have two reality distortion fields to deal with.
  • by funwithBSD ( 245349 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @11:14AM (#6234291)
    I.B.M.'s Opponent in Suit Criticizes Linux Advocate

    SCO is so insignificant it is not mentioned the headline! Those guys at the Times are smarter than I thought, I may have to kick down for a subscription.

    It is just so sad, I learned Unix on SCO, back in '92. Shame to see the old girl is on crack.
  • by mark-t ( 151149 ) <markt@NOSPAm.nerdflat.com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @11:17AM (#6234328) Journal
    I have no other words for it. "shit", and "stupid" pretty much say it as well as I possibly can.

    Even if every single line of code the SCO is objecting to happened to get removed by some massive kernel overhaul by someone who had never had the opportunity to see SCO's "evidence", SCO would still claims rights over the changes as a derivative work because they consider the fact that their code was merely inspiration to be a cause for the new code to be "derivative".

    SCO would consider any code developed based merely on what one had learned from Unix code to be derivative. This would mean that at least 3/4 of the programs I wrote in Operating Systems class were probably infringing in some way on SCO's IP. The GPL does not consider code developed based on what one learned from GPL code to be derivative -- The GPL only considers a derivative if it is copied and modified, not if it is completely rewritten from scratch by the application of actually understanding what the code does.

    Let's say, for example, I wrote a book that had all the same concepts and ideas as Lord of the Rings, but didn't use any of Tolkien's names or trademarks. Having already read LotR, my book would obviously be a "derivative". Indeed many people might say my book was just a knockoff of LotR. While many Tolkien fans would likely be outraged at my writing it, I wouldn't actually be breaking any copyright laws, however. The most anyone could do would be to personally boycott my work, but they couldn't stop me from publishing it or from it being distributed anywhere I chose.

    Just as a quick recap, here are the four major IP's. I find it interesting that SCO has changed its story so many times, it's hard to actually tell which sort of IP they actually have that they are referring to. It seems like the premise of trade secret is closest to what they mean, but they keep talking about owning rights to derivative works, which has to fall back on the strength of copyright, not trade secrets.

    Copyright only protects content, it cannot protect ideas. Copyright also has provisions for protecting works that can reasonably be considered derivatives, such as translation into another language, changing the media of distribution, and several others. Trade secret can protect ideas, but it cannot protect them once they are publically known (although it is entirely reasonable to make a claim for damages from the party that caused ones trade secret to become public in the first place). Further, trade secrets do not protect against reverse engineering or reinvention. Patents more completely protect inventions and methods, even to the point of stopping reverse engineering, but unlike trade secrets, *MUST* be public knowledge in order to retain patent protection. Trademarks protect terminology, must be publically known, must be defended in order to be retained, and only apply to the field in which the trademark itself is applied (for example, a person should be able to start a plumbing business called "Apple Plumbing", without violating Apple's trademark).

  • by ctid ( 449118 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @01:36PM (#6235605) Homepage
    I think I'm beginning to get a handle on what has happened here. Suppose I license Unix from SCO and create my own version called AndyIX. Subsequently, I get my hands on some cool NUMA hardware and decide I'm going to port AndyIX to this new system. A little while later, I end up with something like this:
    #ifdef NUMAMACHINE
    blah blah blah
    yada yada yada
    My customers are really happy with this, and I make a bit of cash out of it. A few years later, I decide to port Linux to run on this nice NUMA hardware; of course I'll GPL my changes (blah blah blah) but my plan is to sell services to customers who want to run Linux rather than AndyIX on this HW. So, I adapt blah blah blah to Linux's way of doing things (leaving most of the comments unchanged of course). Eventually, I submit the new version of blah blah blah to the appropriate member of the Kernel team and the code is incorporated into the Linus's official kernel tree.

    So now SCO come along and say that they own blah blah blah, because I implemented it into AndyIX first. As far as I can see, this seems to be the basis of SCO's "case". If the GPL is "viral", then SCO's Unix licence must surely qualify as a WMD?!

  • by Kjella ( 173770 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @05:07PM (#6237464) Homepage
    SCO could already provide us with a list of files and line numbers they claim are infringed, since they have access to both sources.

    They could already have stated "We claim line 13-37 of /foo/bar.c in Linux 2.4.18 violates our IP rights" and it would not violate their IP at all, since it simply a reference to a location in a public work.

    To make a more concrete example, I could claim that Stephen King's latest novel has sentences identical to mine. But when asked to point them out, I would answer "No, that would reveal what my sentences are. See you in court." Does that make any kind of sense?

    The fact that they won't show it except under an NDA, makes it very clear that they do not *want* to identify the infringing pieces, if there are any at all. They certainly don't want anyone to be able to find them or replace them.

    The MD5 approach would be appropriate for two closed source companies disputing the same problem - it allows a comparison by a third party without compromising either codebase. But in this case SCO has already done what the program is meant to do - they just won't tell you the results. Period.


  • by wrestler ( 230554 ) on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @05:11PM (#6237518)
    SCO management has been selling stock lately (June 5 - June 11). Look here [yahoo.com] for details.

    This comes after almost two months of no insider trades.
  • by JWSmythe ( 446288 ) * <jwsmythe AT jwsmythe DOT com> on Wednesday June 18, 2003 @05:39PM (#6237807) Homepage Journal
    I found the thread that they're citing. [google.com]
    In the mlist.linux.kernel From 02-Aug-2002 to 12-Aug-2002

    The conversation isn't about SCO at all. The conversation started about virtual memory, and some SGI patents.

    Linus' comment was to the effect that it's a waste of time for programmers ("technical people"). It's very likely someone has patented any idea you can come up with. Even if we see the patent, we aren't qualified to judge if it effects us. That's the legal department(s) problem (or your lawyer, or whoever). IANAL. LINAL (Linus is not a lawyer), but a lawyer would be more than happy to tell you that they understand the law better than us technical people. :)

    Think of the recent stories on here about tabbed browsing, hyperlinks, and the one-click purchase. Read the full thread to get it in context, rather than a couple lines thrown in a news story. I doubt that I've written anything that hasn't been patented before, even though I stick (c) on all my code. :)

    BTW, the filters on here really suck. I've been trying to post this message, but have been hitting filters all over the place. The current one I'm hitting is "Your comment has too few characters per line (currently 33.3).", so I'm just filling in some space here to get it to post, without changing any of the quoted material. {sigh}

    Now for the real messages (quoted directly from dejanews).

    x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- x- x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
    -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

    From: Linus Torvalds (torvalds@transmeta.com)
    Subject: Re: large page patch (fwd) (fwd)
    Date: 2002-08-11 16:42:30 PST

    On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Daniel Phillips wrote:
    > It goes on in this vein. I suggest all vm hackers have a close look at
    > this. Yes, it's stupid, but we can't just ignore it.

    Actually, we can, and I will.

    I do not look up any patents on _principle_, because (a) it's a horrible
    waste of time and (b) I don't want to know.

    The fact is, technical people are better off not looking at patents. If
    you don't know what they cover and where they are, you won't be knowingly
    infringing on them. If somebody sues you, you change the algorithm or you
    just hire a hit-man to whack the stupid git.


    x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- x- x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
    -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

    From: Linus Torvalds (torvalds@transmeta.com)
    Subject: Re: large page patch (fwd) (fwd)
    Date: 2002-08-11 16:44:17 PST

    On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Linus Torvalds wrote:
    > If somebody sues you, you change the algorithm or you just hire a
    > hit-man to whack the stupid git.

    Btw, I'm not a lawyer, and I suspect this may not be legally tenable
    advice. Whatever. I refuse to bother with the crap.


    x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- x- x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
    -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

    From: Linus Torvalds (torvalds@transmeta.com)
    Subject: Re: large page patch (fwd) (fwd)
    Date: 2002-08-11 19:22:06 PST

    On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Larry McVoy wrote:
    > This issue is more complicated than you might think.

    No, it's not. You miss the point.

    > Big companies with
    > big pockets are very nervous about being too clo

A sine curve goes off to infinity, or at least the end of the blackboard. -- Prof. Steiner
