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Tridgell Taking Samba Beyond POSIX 137

dW writes "The Australian hacker has been working on pushing Samba beyond the POSIX world and figuring out what work needs to be done to get Samba to support new filesystems such as XFS, ext3, and Storage Tank. The answer is nothing less than a complete rewrite of Samba's smbd code, which has become his latest pet project. Here's an interview with Andrew Tridgell on his latest Samba rewrite."
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Tridgell Taking Samba Beyond POSIX

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  • Out of the datacenter market!
  • There's no support for ext3? I'm sharing out several partitions with ext3 file systems via samba right now. Maybe they meant some other type of "support".
    • As I mentioned elsewhere I think they are talking about thing that might be unique to the filesystem. Say ACL's or simialr

    • by DrSkwid ( 118965 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @10:57AM (#5751393) Journal
      I think he means that instead of Samba presenting itself as a legacy CIFS file server it should serve files to a client expecting other file systems. So you could run Samba on AIX and tell your Linux box it's an ext3 connection.

      Or maybe it's because the user level file systems on plan9 have made too much of a mark on me.

      open, close, read, write & walk baby, s'all you need

    • Re:ext3? (Score:5, Informative)

      by amcguinn ( 549297 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:10AM (#5751526) Journal

      What he's talking about is taking advantage of "exotic" filesystems. Currently Samba just assumes it has a plain-old Posix filesystem like ext2 behind it, and does things less efficiently than might be possible

      I'm not sure ext3 is a good example, but let's imagine it has a concept of transactions. Samba might be able to take advantage of that to provide a better implementation of CIFS, but to do that it has to know about ext3, more than that it's compatible with Posix.

      Other examples: ACLs, case-sensitivity, multiple streams in files (like Macintosh resource forks), stuff like that.

      • Good summary :) One to make a note of I think

      • I was under the impression that at least TNG had ACL support for the various ACL'd filesystems under linux and their native unices. Am I incorrect?
        • Re:ext3? (Score:2, Informative)

          by MCZapf ( 218870 )
          Samba 2.2 has ACL support - for XFS, at least. I know because I use it now. It's not just a TNG feature.
      • How can the parent be +5 informative when the poster is clearly making it up?

        let's imagine it has a concept of transactions.

        1 - ext3 doesn't expose a transaction interface
        2 - CIFS doesn't need it
        3 - Let's imagine moderators are on crack
        • There's more to information than facts you can use to answer multiple-choice questions.

          Brian: Look, there was this man, and he had two servants...

          Heckler3: What were they called?

          Brian: What?

          Heckler3: What were their names?

          Brian: I don't know. And he gave them some talents.

          Heckler2: You don't know?!?

          Brian: Well it doesn't matter.

          Heckler3: He doesn't know what they were called.

          Brian: Oh, they were called Noims, and Adrian, now...

          Heckler3: Oh! You said you didn't know!

          Brian: I

  • Extended Data Types (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rf0 ( 159958 ) <> on Thursday April 17, 2003 @10:51AM (#5751332) Homepage
    They way I'm reading this support for things like XFS/ext3 etc is that samba will implment things such as native ACL's and such like. However I can help but wonder how these will be preserved if say the server is XFS and the Client FAT. The only think I can think of is some sort of file which stores it as Metadata. Of course if it was XFS -> ext3 then you might be able to convert to the native setup but it might be buggy and subject to the filesystem formats changing

    • Probably the same way that it isn't in windows.
      • If the NT side is using NTFS then it might actually be possible to store in NTFS streams which I believe are simliar to the way Apple in HFS used to implement a data and text part of their files. TBH I'm not 100% sure about that

    • by Abcd1234 ( 188840 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @12:21PM (#5752048) Homepage
      However I can help but wonder how these will be preserved if say the server is XFS and the Client FAT.

      Hmm... it seems you didn't fully understand the article, and the problem currently being solved. First, let's create an example. We have a Win2k server serving files to a Win98 box. The Win2k server supports ACLs (in NTFS) and there's a bunch of access controls on the file. The user copies said file to their local box. Guess what, Windows must handle this somehow...

      My point? This isn't Samba's problem! In fact, it's not even the same problem domain. Samba runs on the server side. What you mention is a *client side issue*.

      The article is describing a method of emulating (or, more accurately, mapping) SMB (actually, probably NTFS) ACLs to ACLs in the native filesystem format. This is something Samba never did before because POSIX simply doesn't have the capabilities necessary to do this, and Samba was always targetted specifically at POSIX-compatible systems. BUT, filesystems like XFS, ext3, and others, have more advanced functionality in this area. So the work being done is to simply make the Samba backend more backing-store-agnostic, allowing it to take advantage of the advanced features in some of the more exotic filesystems out there.
  • samba appears to support FFS with softupdates just
    fine so I'm cool. ;)
  • license to change (Score:5, Interesting)

    by drgroove ( 631550 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:03AM (#5751455)
    Samba's existence is vastly important to the adoption by corporate management of perceived 'alternate' computing systems (i.e., Linux, Mac, sometimes Unix, as opposed to Windows) in the datacenter. The simple fact that there exists an easy-to-use, open source method of interconnecting disparate file systems, allowing multiple OS co-existance, is often the lynchpin in convincing managers to permit non-Windows systems to be deployed in a company. I have worked in several situations where employees have wanted to use Mac OSX desktops or Linux/Unix servers (etc.) in an all-Windows shop, and managers balked at the idea until they were convinced that data could still be exchanged, and that the 'alternative' OS'es could still 'talk' to the Windows machines.

    With this established managerial behavior in mind, isn't it interesting that IBM would have hired Samba's creator outright, to work on a project which furthers Samba's ability to communicate with additional operating systems? Samba in many ways is a 'license to change' computers in a datacenter for IT staff. IBM has positioned itself to pump funding directly into the Samba project, as well as to have a say in which file systems it supports; this gives IBM the ability to write its own ticket in terms of promoting its disparate filesystem architectures' usage in the datacenter, alongside their Windows brethren.
    • Re:license to change (Score:4, Interesting)

      by rf0 ( 159958 ) <> on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:06AM (#5751485) Homepage
      Its intresting to think that Sun developed NFS which is now a standard UNIX method of sharing files. Now we have them going for Samba as well to tap into the Microsoft Dominated areas, i.e. the desktop. It looks like a good move by sun to target new areas. Just the way I see it

    • Windows in the datacenter, hahahahaha, maybe for the branch office datacenter to handle logins and dynamic dns but that's about it. Any real corporate datacenter will be mostly unix and Z series (nee S/390) machines with maybe some VMS or other legacy systems.
    • drgroove wrote:
      Samba's existence is vastly important to the adoption by corporate management of perceived 'alternate' computing systems

      Tridge is doing a good thing, but I really would like to see additional work on single-signon without converting my Unix datacenter to use NT servers as DCs (;-))

      --dave (unix bigot) c-b
  • Aaaaah (Score:5, Interesting)

    by stratjakt ( 596332 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:04AM (#5751466) Journal
    Who's working on polishing up that ActiveDirectory and Kerberos stuff so I can continue to use my samba based PDC with WinXP.

    It's neat that he's extending the SMB protocol to support some more of the native features of the underlying filesystems.

    But I'd wager the lions share of it's user base want samba to replace/supplement Win2k Server, and soon Win2003.

    This always happens in open source. Projects get pulled in a new direction before they're completed. Developers always want to work on neat stuff and get bogged down in the academics, and it doesnt produce a truly functional result.

    There's nothing that can be done about it, it's his time, his decision. Still, it sure would be nice for samba to be a full member of a Windows 2000 domain.
    • File locking (Score:5, Interesting)

      by SuperBanana ( 662181 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:42AM (#5751749)
      But I'd wager the lions share of it's user base want samba to replace/supplement Win2k Server, and soon Win2003.

      Actually, no- I'd rather have cross-platform file locking. Correct me if things have changed since 2000 when samba and netatalk developers were "thinking" about this problem, but...

      It is a HUGE problem that netatalk, Samba, NFS, and the system itself don't share common file-locking, and some file-based applications like Visual Source Safe(still used by many shops) -require- file locks be across all the shares; if you don't have it, you run a serious chance of screwing things up.

      WinNT/Win2k with Services for Macintosh is the only server I know of capable of cross-platform locking, and that is pathetic...

    • Re:Aaaaah (Score:5, Informative)

      by Abcd1234 ( 188840 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @12:27PM (#5752121) Homepage
      But I'd wager the lions share of it's user base want samba to replace/supplement Win2k Server, and soon Win2003.

      Aren't people reading this article? The work this fellow is doing is exactly along the lines of what you describe. The problem is that Win2k, et al, have a variety of features (like filestreams) which Samba simply can't implement because the underlying filesystem isn't capable of supporting these features.

      So, this work involves modifying Samba (actually, re-architecting it) to allow it to take advantage of the advanced capabilities of some of the new filesystems out there. This will allow Samba to implement *more* of the SMB protocol, such as filestreams, advanced ACLs, etc. BUT, this is a lot of work because Samba is really inherently tied to POSIX, and all the limitations that implies. So, the work he's doing right now is to remove these dependencies and allow Samba to be more backing-store-agnostic.
    • But I'd wager the lions share of it's user base want samba to replace/supplement Win2k Server, and soon

      We fit this bill at my company. We have an ldap instance that stores all pertinent employee info. It is our authoritative data source. We sync the data from ldap into our NT domain. We want to get rid of the middleman here and do straight ldap authentication to ldap, and then authorization to our file systems, w/out NT.

      There is nothing to do this at this point, thus NT lives on.

    • Re:Aaaaah (Score:3, Informative)

      by lkaos ( 187507 )
      "Who's working on polishing up that ActiveDirectory and Kerberos stuff so I can continue to use my samba based PDC with WinXP."

      A goodly number of us actually (myself included).

      "There's nothing that can be done about it, it's his time, his decision. Still, it sure would be nice for samba to be a full member of a Windows 2000 domain."

      Tridge has already implemented AD member support (and yes, a samba server can be a full member of a Win2k domain). The things holding us up from Win2k DC support have nothing
  • by forau ( 536024 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:07AM (#5751492)
    When I first read the headline, I thought that it said "Trogdor Taking Samba Beyond POSIX." I thought "Why would the burninator bother with this? Doesn't he have villages to burninate?" Yeah. I'll go ahead and read the article now...
  • talk (Score:4, Informative)

    by lpontiac ( 173839 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:08AM (#5751500)

    The article was similar to Tridge's talk on the same subject at in January - "towards full NTFS semantics in Samba."

    The talk (in Ogg Speex audio format) and accompanying paper are on the CD. There's a list of mirrors on their web site [], both to mounted copies of the CD so you can download individual talks, and ISO images of the whole thing.

  • by Libor Vanek ( 248963 ) <libor,vanek&gmail,com> on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:14AM (#5751562) Homepage
    I was on Monday and Tuesday on SambaXP where Tridge had talk about Samba 4. Also we discussed possibility of having completely Windows-compatible (and NFS v4) compatible ACLs on standard fs like XFS and ext3. Result was that Samba team needs a kernel interface for this so I'm going to hire some summer students for this and I expect some working code on autumn.
    • OOC, why would you need a kernel interface? I'd assume these filesystems have user-space libraries to provide access to their more advanced features. Isn't that all Samba needs?
      • If I wanna do it for both ext3 and XFS (and in future JFS - but I don't care about it) so I think it'd be good to have some standard layer. IIRC Samba now left using XFS specific ACL interface and if possible uses Posix ACL which should work genericly for any fs with ACL support
  • Eh? No XFS + ACLS? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by caluml ( 551744 ) <slashdot&spamgoeshere,calum,org> on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:20AM (#5751601) Homepage
    I don't know what they're talking about, but if you compile XFS in, all the acls libs, and then compile Samba, you get something that you couldn't tell from Windows. Apart from the uptime, the speed, the security....
    • These are Posix ACL with clasical rwx attributes. Windows ACLs does have more ACL attributes.
      • But they all boil down to can you read a file, or can you write to a file. That's all there is to it. You can execute a non executable file by . ./somefile or you could copy the file somewhere and change the permissions so the execute bit isn't mandatory.
        • by Libor Vanek ( 248963 ) <libor,vanek&gmail,com> on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:30AM (#5751667) Homepage
          No exactly. For example see NFS v4 ACLs:

          READ_DATA Permission to read the data of the file
          LIST_DIRECTORY Permission to list the contents of a
          WRITE_DATA Permission to modify the file's data
          ADD_FILE Permission to add a new file to a
          APPEND_DATA Permission to append data to a file
          ADD_SUBDIRECTORY Permission to create a subdirectory to a
          READ_NAMED_ATTRS Permission to read the named attributes
          of a file
          WRITE_NAMED_ATTRS Permission to write the named attributes
          of a file
          EXECUTE Permission to execute a file
          DELETE_CHILD Permission to delete a file or directory
          within a directory
          READ_ATTRIBUTES The ability to read basic attributes
          (non-acls) of a file
          WRITE_ATTRIBUTES Permission to change basic attributes
          (non-acls) of a file

          DELETE Permission to Delete the file
          READ_ACL Permission to Read the ACL
          WRITE_ACL Permission to Write the ACL
          WRITE_OWNER Permission to change the owner
          SYNCHRONIZE Permission to access file locally at the
          server with synchronous reads and writes

          • Some of them can help administrator a lot (especially when managing large system you can by "WRITE_ACL" delegate rights to sub-admins, by "ADD_FILE" you can restrict some BFUs doing mess on your system etc.
          • For example, on a log file, Root should have the ability to read, but not write, append, take ownership, and so on. The daemon user, however, *should* have the ability to append, but not to write/modify, or read.

            • I think root won't take care of any ACLs ;)
              • ... which is the great failure of the POSIX security metaphor.

                • No, having a root account is not a great failure of POSIX. The great failure is in irresponsibly using the root account like most Linux systems do.

                  There are far too many things on a Linux system that require root access. Adding ACLs is only have the battle, the other battle is using them responsibly.

                  However, even without ACLs you can use tools like sudo to avoid passing out the one true root password, or even avoid having a usable root account at all, except through sudo.

                  Basically, there's a number of

                  • I could not disagree more. Having a superuser AT ALL is a security mistake. How many exploits would Unix have suffered if there was no possiblity of universal privilege escalation? The issue isn't so much with interactive users as it is with the kernel just stepping aside when presented with uid 0.

                    Blaming the sysadmin for Unix security holes when the entire security infrastructure is what's b0rken is blaming the victim. Shamingly, this is a situation where NT is radically more advanced than most (all?)
                    • Right, 'cause you know how NT doesn't have an all powerful superuser account. Oh wait, it does. And you know how UNIX systems simply must require the root account to be used. Oh wait, they don't.

                      NT is more advanced in the sense that it is more complex. If you know UNIX there is hardly anything you can do with Windows NT that is any more secure than UNIX.

                      UNIX merely exposes the truth about security. Windows NT exposes a model that makes things appear secure when often times there is at least a back do

                    • If you know UNIX there is hardly anything you can do with Windows NT that is any more secure than UNIX.

                      Oh, really? Tell me, then, how do I revoke root's ability to even open a file? How about allowing root to read only, and allowing all members of a given set of users the ability to do nothing but append? I'd get into file records, but according to Unix dogma, nobody ever needs those.

                      Security is complicated because computers are complicated. Sweeping issues under a "not our problem" carpet doesn't ad
        • What they don't implement traverse folder, list contents, read/write attributes and extended attributes, delete subfolders, and delete permissions? These are all NTFS permissions that are part of CIFS from what I remember.
          • by jtrostel ( 235703 )
            XFS doesn't implement those permissions because they are not part of the POSIX permission set. There are ways (using extanded attributes) to add these types of permissions into XFS, but it isn't trivial and still does not match NTFS ACL semantics and behavior completely.
  • I wasn't aware that Windows supported a view of files where they had multiple forks.

    I hated the concept of resource forks on Macs, and I hate this.
    • Re:File Streams? (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      This page has some information on Windows Alternative Data Streams: p
    • The streams are there, just not that apparent. This is one reason why NTFS is case aware, but not necessarily case sensitive. I think there is a resource kit utility called "streams" that you can use to show the alternate data streams.
      • This is one reason why NTFS is case aware, but not necessarily case sensitive.

        Eh? What does case-sensitivity (NTFS is case-preserving, in that if an application makes a call to create a file named "FooBar", it'll be named "FooBar", not "foobar" or "FOOBAR", but not case-sensitive, as an application could try to open "foobar" or "FooBar" or "FoOBaR" or "FOOBAR" and all of those would match "FooBar") have to do with multiple data streams (the pathname syntax for which, in Win32 APIs, is "{filename}:{streamn

    • NTFS supports streams but pretty much the only use it gets is preserving Mac resource forks on Mac shares. NTFS actually goes beyond the Mac resource fork by supporting not just 2 streams but many (either 255 or "unlimited," I don't remember which).

      The concept of supporting at the filesystem level data and metadata together is awesome. It's much cleaner than trying to stash metadata at the beginning or end of the data stream using a myriad of formats. It's only a problem when dealing with other filesystems
      • It's only a problem when dealing with other filesystems which don't have such support.

        ...and when using a network transfter protocol that doesn't understand the metadata in question (which is virtually all of them).

        • ...and when using a network transfter protocol that doesn't understand the metadata in question

          I think that's more the fault of the transfer servers and clients rather than the protocols (the protocols shouldn't have to care) but it's still another important case. I guess my point was that while the environment or implementation makes file streams problematic, the concept of file streams, at least for use by metadata, is a good one. For multiple data streams I think something like OS X's bundling (which i
  • Just one? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by MrMickS ( 568778 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:21AM (#5751608) Homepage Journal
    The Australian Hacker

    There can be only one perhaps?

    • Yup. And, he's immortal and wields a sword.
    • The Australian Hacker, Australias Hackersaurus, is a *breed* of Hacker: fearless, wiley, strong, *big* on pain and scaling mountains.

      But did anyone else notice in the article that MS are involed in *yet another* Standards Committee - NFSv4. Whoops, there goes another neighbourhood.


      trolling since 2001.
  • by thogard ( 43403 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:30AM (#5751669) Homepage
    I don't think the Samba team is well. At least not in the head anyways.

    These guys look at some of the uglyest packets in the world. And they keep doing it. And they keep coming back for more. Ever hear Tridge talk about whats going on inside the SMB packets? Hes not too hard on MS in the large public forums but see what happens when you hand him a VB or 5 before a talk... then he will give it to you without the sugar coating... Were talking odd sized data structures that may or may not be little endian. Most of the time the structures are hiding inside other structures and the inner and outer structures will have different bitness and different world alignments. Nest a few levels for even more pain. And then repeat. This is what these guys do for FUN! This is why I'm concerned about them.

    Now they want to tackle other stuff as well? Maybe they could just throw in Novell's stuff for grins. Once they have done that, they will win the all time award for being the most saito masicistic coders ever. No one will ever be able to beat them. Ever. Its not even worth attempting to compete with them.
  • Rewrites suck (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Cthefuture ( 665326 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:37AM (#5751713)
    A complete rewrite? WTF? I thought smart developers learned a long time ago that rewrites are almost always a waste of time.

    There are many issues to be overcome when doing a complete rewrite. As a developer, I understand the desire to rewrite something from scratch to make it feel better. You feel like you are doing something to improve the system. However, this hardly ever happens. Most developers face serious burn-out issues when they rewrite something. It's fun at first but as you realize the magnitude of what you're trying to do, you quickly start to burn out before you are even close to finishing.

    The thing is, even if you do manage to rewrite everything, there will STILL be issues. Hacks, special conditions, etc. All the same types of issues that made you feel bad about the original version will be present in the new version. They may take a different form, but they will still be there.

    Successful systems tend to just continue off the old code. Rewrite the problem areas, add things that are needed, etc. That's how you make forward progress. In the end, the only thing that matters is that it works. It doesn't matter how crappy you feel about the code, if it works then people can and will use it.

    It's not an impossible task, I just think it's not the smartest thing to do.
    • Re:Rewrites suck (Score:2, Insightful)

      by DarkBlack ( 5773 )
      Obviously, you did not read the article. You just read the posters comments. Tridge is only working on 30% or so of the code. User and group mappings for example will not be touched. Just the things that interact with the posix layer of the system in question. It is still a significant portion of the code, but not a complete rewrite.
      • Well, I read half the article. I didn't read any of the /. comments :) But yes, I missed any partial rewrite remarks. The article I saw seemed to suggest a full rewrite. But I guess they meant full rewrite of only part of the code.
    • and there will be many new bugs introduced. all that effort in spent in eliminating bugs in the existing code based - wasted. throwing away mature code is a big mistake. refactor and refine. dont re-write.

    • Read the article.

      He speaks at length about the reasons for the rewrite, and how extensive it is.

      "So it is only affecting what has always been the core piece of Samba, but it is perhaps now, I'd guess off the top of my head, maybe 30 percent of the code in Samba."

      "So we need to be able to break the tight link to POSIX and be able to support, directly in Samba, the more advanced filesystems that are now available on Linux, such as JFS and XFS. There are a whole bunch of interesting filesystems that a

    • Don't forget the part in the article where Andrew Tridgell says:

      "I've spent probably a month or so on the core rewrite so far. It doesn't compile yet. It's a long way from compiling. I'm hoping that by the time the Samba XP conference comes around in Germany, that these core changes will, in fact, be compiling and I'll be able to start getting other developers to look at them."

      How can he go a month without compiling? Either his code will be perfect or very buggy. How is he verifying that he has not a
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Instead of trying to simply take advantage of extended attributes of various filesystems, what about taking Samba the same route as NFS and implement some kernel-level support? Replace the existing kerne smb code with samba-based client/server bits, similar to NFS; a mix of knfsd and usreland bits like portmap. This could eliminate the many layers that could crop up simply by trying to make the daemon-only version use various filesystem bits.

    Don't convert the ENTIRE samba to kernelspace; that would be poin
    • Because, as you noted, Linux isn't the only place where Samba is used.

      Samba is found in many different commercial products on many unix-like and non-unix-like OS's. My first exposure to it was on HP-UX, followed by IRIX (on XFS, the best damn NT server I ever ran). Later, I had Samba running on OpenVMS, then Linux, and finally Mac OS X.

      Your solution would be great for Linux, but would leave a large portion of commercial users out in the cold. How much benefit would this give Linux, and how much extra c
    • We've talked about doing this a lot. The work tridge's doing is actually quite complimentary to this.

      The biggest gain Samba could get from kernel-level stuff would be by an NT-like filesystem that supported proper NT ACLs, was case insensitive, and support unicode natively. Unfortunately, the samba right now only likes to be on top of Posix like filesystems. We need a bit of an overhaul before we can begin to take advantage of kernel-level improvements.
  • by mnmn ( 145599 ) on Thursday April 17, 2003 @11:55AM (#5751848) Homepage

    Many opensource projects started out trying to emulate some other protocol, then overtook it and grabbed the lead.. then the proprietary protocol had to follow.

    Samba is in a similar position. I think there are improvements to be made, efficiency, authentication, virutualhosts?(multiple domains/workgroups/subnets with the same daemon), better filesystem support, changes in the protocol making it faster, more efficient and unbreakable etc.

    If Andrew can release improvements to samba for say win9x, 2000 and xp, replacing some networking DLLS,or just replacing microsoft network client, samba can be in a real leader position. MS SMB code is deinitely buggy or just inefficient, even on one subnet with 8 hosts. Improve that, release the improvement as GPL, and people will flock to it. Best form of marketing of Linux I can think of. OSSphobics will have no way out.
  • I am so tired of applying security patches for system software... the latest double-double vulnerability of samba and sendmail were quite trying.

    We keep hearing that the use of a language with bounds checking and a GC would solve a great many security problems. Is there any push towards such a platform?

    I don't know much about Objective C, but it seems to be tight with gcc, g++, and g77. Does it have the needed security features?

    At this point, I'd almost prefer that Samba was written in Java.

    • Smoke crack for baby jesus? ... I want my files now not next week when the JVM decides its done cleaning up after itself!
    • Objective-C isn't garbage-collected nor does it have built-in bounds checking. It wouldn't help in this situation. What we really need is to start developing everything in Ada!
    • I'm so tired of people pooh-poohing C because it can leak. C, when it is the right technology can outshine other platforms. The trick is to make sure you are choosing the right technology for the task. For Samba, C is pretty damn close to perfect.

      Samba is supposed to be a cross platform networking technology. C is perfect for that because it is supported on nearly every system out there. Writing a program in C conforming to POSIX standards means that it will work 99.99997% of the platforms out there n
    • Much of the most secure software around is written in C. Look at OpenBSD or qmail or djbdns. The problem is not the language, the problem is the skill of the programmer. C makes good programmers better, and bad programmers worse.

      And yes, bounds-checking and GC are nice for a lot of things. And they do make it much easier for a mediocre or average (or even a good) programmer to write safe, reasonably secure code. The problem is the overhead. For a lot of things, that doesn't matter, and for a lot of t
  • I'm still waiting for samba to fully support my windoze users and fully emulate a windows box 100%. a good example is printing support. I still cant deploy it to a network of windows boxes due to the lack of print queue management from windows workstation. They can print no problem, but god help them if they need to cancel that 200 page document. So far it cant seem to be done from the workstation. The workstation print queue shows the print jobs, but gives errors about not being able to connect to the ser

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
