Linux and Public Access Computing? 344
An Anonymous Coward asks: "The Seattle Community Technology Alliance is a non profit, federally funded, public/private project that supports community technology centers in the Seattle area. We are interested in moving our public workstations from Win 2000 to Linux. In order to do this, we need good multi-lingual options and the abiltiy to create 'guest accounts' that prevent users from changing settings (to provide a consistent environment for users). What are the best tools for multi-user Linux labs? Should we use KDE? Gnome? How do we keep users from changing settings? We are eager to start experimenting, but would appreciate expert advice on starting points!"
Funding ... (Score:2, Interesting)
Don't make me give money to Matthew "The Riddler" Lesko.
Re:Funding ... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Funding ... (Score:2)
BSD (Score:2)
You're gonna get a flood of answers (Score:3, Informative)
Choose any of the larger distributions you wish. Red Hat, Suse, whatever.
Use KDE. Windows users freeze the second they see Gnome.
Guest accounts and multiuser environments are what Linux is all about.
As far as locking down the desktop, Linux and KDE are infinitely configurable so this won't be a problem. Alternatively, if you are just using guest accounts, let them change what they want then have the logout script clean out their home directory. That way every time a new guest logs in, It's a brand new desktop.
Re:You're gonna get a flood of answers (Score:4, Insightful)
Good thing there's no partisanship here! KDE and GNOME are both fine interfaces. kde has always been slightly ahead of GNOME, and has a more consistant user interface. I use GNOME because I always have, and the range of apps seems larger. It's really a judgement call.
Gnome at least has language selection in its logon screen, kde might have something similar.
Re:You're gonna get a flood of answers (Score:2)
I agree and have one more add-on (Score:2, Interesting)
That way frequent vistors with their own personal stuff and preferences that are burnt on a CD or on a diskette (if they can fit it all on that) can use these mediums when they visit.
It'd be cooler if when they choose their desktop background, they automatically can save their config file that points to it on a diskette along with other prefs for instance.
If any of that is possible.
Re:I agree and have one more add-on (Score:2)
If you get the server cheap on ebay, a free license of Solaris 8, and buy the SunRays from either sun or someone else, I would guess it might be close in cost to PCs and Linux. It also makes your life easier, since there is less administration on the single server.
Re:You're gonna get a flood of answers (Score:2)
I think you mean that Gnome freezes when it sees Windows users.
As far as locking down the desktop, Linux and KDE are infinitely configurable so this won't be a problem.
Hmmm... I would say that Linux and KDE are infinitely configurable, so this IS a problem, as far as locking down a desktop. Setting it up to clean out their home directory would be an option, as long as it would only clean out appropriate files, but I would say that somehow preventing a user from changing the desktop would be a better option. I haven't used KDE or Gnome a lot (I prefer FVWM, now THAT's infinitely configurable), but I'm assuming that all the control-panel-like things they have are just frontends to some
Re:You're gonna get a flood of answers (Score:2)
I haven't checked on it's progress but that is probably the kind of area that you are looking for.
Re:You're gonna get a flood of answers (Score:4, Interesting)
About the logout script. Just make sure you can read the SKEL files. Then make that logout script owned by someone other then the guest user, and make it read only by others.
I've always thought, if I was going to setup computers in a public area (such as a library), I'd easily go Linux over Windows. With windows, you either have to grab the most PITA programs to lock down a desktop (and break half the other things running), or you find the worst junk installed on it. Speaking of which, find an open source AIM/ICQ/MSN/whatever client. Under linux, you should be able to throw together a pretty TK/perl script to setup accounts. I've noticed many users love their IM. And, since the accounts are supposed to be wiped at each logout, everything is good.
Just my $.02
check the howto (Score:5, Informative)
http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/Kiosk-HOWTO. html
I would start here.
The only problem I see with this ... (Score:2, Interesting)
what other boot loaders are out there than have the functionality to "lock it down" to where the boot options can't be changed?
Re:The only problem I see with this ... (Score:2)
Re:The only problem I see with this ... (Score:2)
But then windows boxes in a lab are even easier to own with a floppy disk . .
I think the bottom line in a lab that is "public" to any degree is image early, image often.
Snort could help here too by identifying funny network traffic coming from any of the boxes in the lab.
Re:check the howto (Score:2, Informative)
Granted it's limited to web browsing, but it's a start
It uses a modified TWM as the window manager and XUL modified Mozilla as the browser.
cool start, but limited (Score:3, Insightful)
The sooner people realize how easy this stuff is, the sooner they will use it and discover how easy it is.
Can I ask why? (Score:3, Insightful)
Personally I could say that switching a bunch of computers that are already up to date as a SERIOUS waste of taxpayers money. Switch those systems in 4 or 5 years when you really need to. Then you can think about using linux.
Re:Can I ask why? (Score:5, Insightful)
The second is what the machines are supposed to be doing. If it's just surfing the web, emails, and basic word processing then you should be able to do this much cheaper than paying the annual MS tax.
A terminal server like setup would allow you to use cheaper boxes at the front. (Maybe you could put out 10 more boxes with the savings in hardware and software.)
Finally, it'll discourage the script kiddies. When Joe Jr. goes to logon and use his floppy disk with the latest priviledge elevating holes in Windows they'll be stuck at step one.
The best approach would be to figure out how to set up the new boxes and use them whenever you replace/rebuild a system. (You could probably create a pretty nice computer center with a server grade box and 10-20 PII class machines acting as terminals.)
Re:Can I ask why? (Score:2, Informative)
Did you not read what the original poster said? It wasn't "Why switch?", but "Why switch now?" If the library is already running Win2K, then they have
Given that, switching now is a waste of money (even if the switch costs $0, they've still wasted money on Win2K licenses). It serves no purpose but to promote a zealot agenda, and as a Seattle taxpayer, I would prefer my money be spent on better things.
I don't know where you work, but unless you're paying for a yearly service contract, you're not paying yearly for your license (some LORGs may have special licensing deals with MSFT that require yearly payments, but most businesses aren't LORGs), and especially not with Win2K (whether or not this will change in the future will have no effect on already-purchased licenses, of course). So, unless you're doing funky accounting (amortizing the cost of Windows 2000 licenses across the expected lifetime of the OS, for example), you don't have a yearly "MS tax" to pay. The licenses are already purchased, nothing more needs to be paid.
Well, the hardware's already purchased it seems. However, if they wanted to go with thin clients, you can do that just as well with Windows, so since they already have the licenses ...
Why even bother providing a floppy drive? Okay, so you change that to "When Joe Jr. goes to logon and use his CD-R with the latest priviledge elevating holes ..." Still, it doesn't matter. It's apparent that you're not a Windows sysadmin (not a dig, just the truth -- unix admins don't always make good nt admins, especially when they have preconceptions about how "terrible" windows is), or you would realize that the reason most people get into trouble with nt4/win2k/winxp is because they run as administrator 24/7. You wouldn't do that with root in unix, so why do it in Windows? Anyway, you can very effectively lock down Win2k, and as long as you stay on top of security patches, you'll be just as secure as linux (where the same applies -- lock down your users and stay on top of security patches).
Re:Can I ask why? (Score:2)
Renew your license costs before you lecture others.
That theme has been discused too many times on
Re:Can I ask why? (Score:2)
As of Win2K, TS has been provided in all versions of NT, not just the server versions. And how am I wrong when you say yourself that "only remote administration is free"? With Pro, you're allowed at least one (probably no more than one, either) remote connection, which is "good enough" to remotely administer the box. With the server versions, you generally get some number of licenses (5, 10, 15, check your license) by default. So, like I said, unless you're doing thin-client computing, you generally don't need to worry about licensing costs.
Re:Can I ask why? (Score:2)
I never said it was. I said there was such a product for NT4 back in the day. Win2K has Pro, Server, Advanced Server, and Data Center (big iron). Most people will be using Pro or Server. Both have Terminal Services.
Re:Can I ask why? (Score:2)
Re:Can I ask why? (Score:2)
Hell, just to make a point, at my school, the public access computers use WIN98! The workstations use win2k. There are also a few linux boxes in the comp sci department as well as macs for those who need them.
Re:Can I ask why? (Score:2)
One of the requirements was that the system be multi-lingual. With Linux you can select language at login, even customise gdm/kdm to make this selection easy. AFAIK you can't do this with W2K, people would have to login and then change the language.
Re:Can I ask why? (Score:2)
We use it here for Korean, Spanish, and Japanese and it works great.
Run from CD-ROM? (Score:4, Insightful)
After user is done, reboot and next one gets a fresh clean install. Plus, no data kept, so nothing for "The Man" to subpoena, no privacy to invade/violate.
- JoeShmoe
Re:Run from CD-ROM? (Score:2)
This may be a major point.
Knoppix is fantastic. (Score:2)
Re:Run from CD-ROM? (Score:2)
Too bad, this sounds really cool.
Why not let them change anything they want (Score:3, Interesting)
Might be nice to have a policy "You can't 'check out' until you log out." so no one gets stuck with someone elses freakish preferences.
Or you could just give away (restricted) accounts with ~ on NFS, a small quota, and automate removal after 30 days of inactivity or something.
First of all. (Score:5, Insightful)
The reason I bring up this, is because from your question, it seems that you are new to Linux- in the fact that you don't know how to deny permissions, the differences between KDE and GNOME, guest accounts, etc.
So go get Linux, format your box, test it out!. Experienment, and try different Distros. I would sugest one without too much bloating, but that's my personaly opinion. You don't want people in the public to get a bad opinion of Linux because of messed up public Linux boxes.
Re:First of all. (Score:3, Informative)
There should be some HOWTO for that kind of thing, at least if you wanna see some more desktops joining in. I remember when everybody was eager to help schools to move to linux.
Process should be divided to some various points.
1. Securing machine.
Securing bios, lockaway of power and reset button
2. Securing boot loader to disable user commands to kernel. You can even compile kernel to make some improvments to that point
3. Securing interactive service boot mode, make a change in rc scripts just to comment the lines waiting for input key to start interactive mode.
4. Securing X by disabling accessing terminals with Ctrl + Alt + F?
5. Disabling reboot without password and disabling reboot with Ctrl + Alt + Del (otherwise in some various points Ctrl + Alt + BckSpc and Ctrl + Alt + Del might enable user to reboot)
6. Disabling any kind of autologin
7. Next thing is securing desktop manager
It could be done in some various ways but best in my opinion is forst one.
Personally I don't think that idea with guest accounts would be good. Much better choice is LDAP users and LDAP login. With this you can have as many centralised users as you want. But every new user gets new preferences and every user is able to choose desktop (Still you can install only one and disable that choice if you want equal desktops). Just protect icons on desktop for softwares you want (chmod 555).
Extend that option with NFS share for storing their home folders. You just got your self moving profiles accessible from any computer in network.
Second idea is far easyer to achieve. after session, delete home folder, recreate new one from templated one with rsync and here is the point where user modifications to desktop are reset
Re:First of all. (Score:2)
The only thing is that we have to make the Howto a little redundant over others, because we shouldn't assume that they know what they are doing.. .
Re:First of all. (Score:2)
Re:First of all. (Score:2)
Re:First of all. (Score:2)
IMHO, the best way to prevent problems is run all of the machines diskless and network boot them. A friend of mine found a motherboard that supports dual CPUs and 4 IDE channels with hrdware raid. This means you can pull all of the hard drives out of the machines and put 8 hard drives on the one motherboard for some serious file storage. YOu probably want one standby fileserver. Why keep N coppies of the OS arround when you can keep one copy and send it to the N machines over the network? I'd prefer Kerberized OpenAFS over NFS for home directories (encryption is your friend). In any case, it's a good idea to allow home accounts. If you make all of the machines diskless, you're going to have a fair ammount of storage for the fileserver from collecting the hard drives.
With a headless setup, if you disconnect the floppy drives' and CD drives' cables from the motherboards, you're reasonably assured that they can't boot the machine into a Trojaned OS. You probably want a couple of machines with functional floppy and CD drives, but put them close to the supervisor's desk.
Diskless clients are so much easier to maintain. All you need is a reboot to sync a computer's software with the rest of the machines. The hard drive is one less thing to fail. If you're running RAID 5 on the fileserver, one of your hard disks can fail without any loss of data.
Please please please educate users on using strong passwords.
check out the DNA lounge source code (Score:5, Informative)
This is Editor Trolling Day, isn't it? (Score:4, Interesting)
What, the vim book review, "fastest browser" and "developers prefer Debian, vi and GNOME and are mostly married or living with someone" study weren't enough?
By way of an answer, I'd give an edge to KDE only because of wider Unicode support. You say you want multi-language support, and in Seattle, you'd be especially concerned about Asian languages, particularly Chinese, right? Until GNOME apps are widely ported to GNOME 2 (and then have gone through an upgrade cycle or two), KDE is probably a better choice.
Like someone else said, the best thing to do is probably to have the logout script clean out and replace the guest account each time it runs.
Don't leave out user accounts... (Score:2)
Wish I had your e-mail address (Score:5, Interesting)
Interesting, but.... (Score:2)
I did find the policy banning XP until further notice rather interesting/ammusing, but this was only until they had a chance to evaluate it and any effect it may or may not have on their network. It rather reminds me of Netware administrators banning Windows 95 when it was first released.
Re:Interesting, but.... (Score:2)
Depends on the needs of your users (Score:4, Insightful)
Check out jwz's solution. (Score:5, Interesting)
Jamie Zawinski [jwz.org] of mozilla and xscreensaver fame owns a nightclub in San Francisco called DNA Lounge [dnalounge.com].
He installed IRC, telnet, ssh and web enabled diskless linux kiosks [dnalounge.com] for just this purpose. His code is available, as well as instructions on how he did it. It may give you a good place to start.
Linux as a public access machine... (Score:2, Informative)
The desktops should be put together in a kiosk fashion. Whatever desktop you end up using should be absolutely simple.
The best thing would be for a featureless desktop with the few handful of applications that are allowed to be used as clickable icons on the desktop. A taskbar is not needed, in fact it shouldn't even be welcome.
Having a taskbar, with a number of applications available through a Windows-Start-Menu-Like system can provide far more functionality then is needed. Sure, you can edit the taskbar "Start-Menu" to include only a few applications, but then what is the point to having a "Start-Menu"?
All that is needed is a basic web browser that supports currently used web elements. Not just standards, but things that are used across most web-sites. That means Flash Support, Java Support and a host of other web technologies.
The important thing is to have that all setup properly with all the correct plug-ins in place. If those are missing, then you will see the users gravitating away from those systems.
Probably the best thing to do, would be to setup a specially tweaked Windows machine and one of these specially tweaked Linux Machines. Both can have the same basic applications available that the public-access users will be wanting to use...
Here is one thing that might hold you up...
IRC, Yahoo! Messenger, Aol Instant Messenger and MSN Messenger. These are all used on public access machines. To confirm this, check out the public access machines at Kinko's, also check out public access machines at college campuses. All of those are installed onto those machines.
Setup a Windows machine with only IE and those messenging services Icons on the destktop. This can be done using Group Policies.
Setup a Linux desktop with just a Mozilla or other web browser link on the desktop. Then one of those "Easy to use" multi-client chat programs as a link on the desktop.
Run both of those machines side by side. Track how many people use both machines. You might be surprised to find that more people will end up using the Windows machine, simply because of those messenger clients.
You can even remove the messenger clients and you might find that more people will still end up using the Windows machine, due to the better font handling and other things that they are used to.
Do this experiment before you take a leap and radically alter your configurations.
Gconf (Score:3, Informative)
KDE Kiosk Howto (Score:2, Informative)
This may be a little out of date by now, but I think they have a mailing list as well.
Re:KDE Kiosk Howto (Score:2, Informative)
Firewall all traffic OUT (For starters.) (Score:3, Insightful)
If you are creating public access Linux boxes, do the rest of the internet a favor and strictly restrict all internet access out as well as in. This protects everyone else in case a local user roots a box.
Don't put floppy drives in the systems, and disable the CD drives. This will help prevent a user from walking in with a disc of exploits and root kits, forcing anyone who wants to use local hacks to go download the hacks, which you can track in firewall logs.
Aesthetic suggestions:
Consider renaming all the KDE/Gnome apps withing the config files. Many Linux apps have lame, undecipherable names (Stick a G in front of the name of a python actor type crap.), and if you make the purpose of an app obvious, a newbie will learn the real name of the app over time.
Do your users a huge favor and avoid Gnome. KDE is a much easier transition for Mac/Windows users.
Re:Firewall all traffic OUT (For starters.) (Score:2, Informative)
I also agree with the use of KDE in this situation. Using GNOME, Blackbox or another "geek friendly" DE is asking a little too much of the casual user, who is most likely not familiar with a *NIX environment.
Also, doing this in the Seattle area is pretty bold, seeing as how it's more or less Microsoft's home turf. I have no doubt that they'll try and shower you with funding, presentations on the benefits(?) of Windows, and other junk aimed at preventing your switch to Linux. You're going to have to tell them where to get off the bus, which can be rather tricky when the beast is tempting you with spoils. I wish you all the best of luck ^-^
Re:Firewall all traffic OUT (For starters.) (Score:2)
Hell, take the spoils (make sure there are no strings attached), then implement the Linux solution anyway. Have a raffle at a dollar a ticket with the prizes being the Microsoft junk.
Motives, considering that MS is a SCTA partner... (Score:2, Troll)
Please analyze the facts before you mod.
Guest accounts. (Score:2)
After logging out, the script wipes out the account's home directory, and restores the default home directory contents from a skeleton model, somewhere. After logging in they can mess things up as much as they want. After logging out the account gets wiped out, and restored to a default state.
Let the flamefest begin... ;) (Score:3, Funny)
1)Install RedHat, Mandrake, Debian and slackware. Yeah all 4. And then put a difficulty ranking for each one on the computers, like from 1-4 (1 being easiest) assign them all a 1 because everyone is going to tell you that slackware is just as easy as mandrake.
2)Install kde, gnome, windowmaker, blackbox, enlightenment, every other windowmanager that at least 1 person uses. Then install every single theme for them. We all know users want choice, so give them plenty of it. *already laughing*
3)You'll need the Gnome office stuff (gnumeric, abiword,etc), Kdeoffice, openoffice and off course emacs (but if you install emacs, you'll also need vi).
3)Put up posters in the room with penguins biting bill gates, or put "bill doesn't live here anymore" stickers on the machines. This will add to the feel of the room.
4) Make sure there are no windows in the room.
5) Don't forget to have one *BSD machine in the corner that nobody touches, just so the bsd people start complaining that "bsd is so much more 1337 then linux". Don't worry about keeping it up to date, noone will use it.
That should be pretty much the answers you get out of the slashdot community. Personally I'd get Mandrake 8.2 with Kde 3 and Open Office. Entirely free and hell you could probably just boot them all off the same network image if the hardware is the same.
KDE Kiosk Mode (Score:3, Informative)
As other posters have said, use KDE 3. You'll need to write some scripts to set up the accounts properly, since you really can't set up multiple accounts in KDE by copying the
KDE3 has a nifty kiosk mode, which I don't think anyone has mentioned. It allows you to restrict access to programs on the application menu only - people don't get a terminal, and they don't get any filesystem access through the file manager. It's great for Web browsing and e-mail, though it can lead to trouble when you want to, say, rename a file.
Use KDE, NIS, and NFS so home dirs are shared across the system, of course. That's easy to set up. Using rdist for the KDE distribution itself is a good plan too.
If you spend the time to set up Linux properly, it's a very competitive alternative to Win2K for public labs.
use Knoppix (Score:2)
Your only problem would be people swiping the discs, but you could also offer them for sale.
Here's a salve for the flaming... (Score:3, Insightful)
This made me think... What is more important for the end-user, from the standpoint of computer literacy? Knowing the operating system, or understanding basic functions that are universal across applications?
As patrons shouldn't even be THINKING of accessing the OS, I lean towards emphasizing application functions, such as print, save, etc. Those are the functions the majority of users will be needing anyhow.
That said, I think Linux should work fine, despite the naysayers, so long as the desktop/interface is simple and straightforward enough so that the user doesn't feel the need to plum the depths of the OS (in order to type up their recipe, email their grandson, etc.). In fact, the flexibility of Linux, I believe, enables you to BETTER serve your constituency in this manner.
Plus, Microsoft is pure evil.
Re:Here's a salve for the flaming... (Score:2)
There's a simple way to deal with that, especially if you aren't ready to make the switch yet. Just create a machine with all the latest and greatest bells and whistles for KDE, super-simplify it and then set it up at your library and let the librarians have a go at it. I think that will turn them around rather quickly, unless they do use the hidden obscure features of windoze.
Re:Here's a salve for the flaming... (Score:2)
In my home town of Brisbane, Australia. The city council uses a web interface to their catalog. Its easy and apart from the browser being IE with some apparent functionality locked out, including closing / minimising the browser, its fine. In fact you can access the catalog remotely [qld.gov.au] by browser. The other PCs in each library just run IE to interface to the web. Soooo ... if you had something like Konqueror or *insert name of favourite browser* then why run Winders at all ?
So my suggestion is, yep a linux box but it only runs a browser and that is the only interface the user sees.
LTSP (Score:2)
There are a flood of resources out there... (Score:5, Informative)
ltsp [ltsp.org]
Which has been adapted to public schools in the form of:
k12ltsp [k12ltsp.org]
The linux in education folks have tons of info on doing stuff like this and are very wise about digital divide issues.
Here are some links:
open source schools [opensourceschools.org]
School Forge [schoolforge.net]
k12os [k12os.org]
SEUL/Edu [seul.org]
Some case studies:
seul dat [seul.org]
There is also Simple End User Linux (SEUL)
SEUL [seul.org]
RedHats "Open Source Now" initiative has listings of people in the area who can help out. They also have a bunch of "why's" and "hows" on their site.
Open Source Now [redhat.com]
I should be listed there in the Army of Friends, but have not gotten around to putting myself up. Feel free to contact me at cschwan4@attbi.com, as I am in the Seattle area.
Doing this kind of thing is a great interest of mine, and I work in education to help make these transistions.
Hope this helps.
My public access terminals (Score:4, Interesting)
For a 'guest' account, I set up a user in a unique group, and chown'ed all the files in that user's home directory to root, leaving them read-only for the guest. Problem: some programs expect to be able to write to disk, e.g., Mozilla expects to be able to make changes in $HOME/.mozilla -- so I wrote a simple script for each such program that, if the program isn't already running, will restore
So far, these machines have been completely stable, and our users have been pleased, even those using it mainly to check Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. It's reasonably easy to duplicate across various machines, too -- for only a few machines, this works fine: dpkg -[get|set]-selections to save and set which packages are installed, plus save settings from
My recommendation: it's definitely worth a try setting up Linux machines as public access terminals, especially if the programs the users need are few in number (e.g, web browser, telnet, ssh, and pdf viewer, which is all just about everyone in our library wants on a regular basis). Just be prepared to do a little fiddling or simple script-writing to handle programs that expect read-write access to the guest account's home directory, and/or provide an interface for programs that normally are run from the command line.
Multi user kiosk (Score:3, Informative)
But lets pretend they do not have write permission, or save their files on a common shared (nfs) directory. Then one would take a basic redhat system, set up the 'guest' users envirioment
The kiosk-dm script would untar the guest's home dir to the correct spot, and start's X using your custom xinit script:
while 1; do
rm -rf
tar xvfz
this kiosk-session.sh script would do something like:
exec su --login --command
This way, the user can 'log out' of xwindows, the home dir gets cleaned & restored, and a brand new x-session (restored from original config) is displayed.. Since eveything is on a ram drive, nothing that can break! (the guest user has no write perm on the rest of the file system, so can only fuck up his own home dir, which is cleaned every session)
Now if you want a user to be able to log in, keep his files, etc.. that be a whole other situation.. nfs mounted home dirs, authorisation via kerebos, and all that..
Now you also asked for multi-language support.. I would sugest getting your hands on the null beta (gonna be redhat 8.0), it has better UTF-8 support then i've seen before in any linux distro.. as a browser, use mozilla for decent internationalisation support.
As a added bonus, start up redhat-config-language first in your guest's
Re:Multi user kiosk (Score:2)
tar xvfz
should be:
tar xvfz
Sorry 'bout that
No Changes available. (Score:2, Informative)
Well, I'm not exactly sure what your specific purpose here is, but I know that the Indianapolis / Marion County Public Library [imcpl.org] Has set up little Linux kiosks that talk to their main server for doing things such as performing book searchs by title, author, etc and then taking those searches and adding them to your request database.
If this is all for non-profit type of work you might drop them a line and see if they can get you in touch with how helped them set it all up.
I know that the terminals are relatively dumb, and may even be using some form of LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) [ltsp.org] because when they reboot they drop directly back to a bare desktop with only icons for the software to do their catalog search. So in essence they are all guest accounts.
KDE kiosk mode (Score:3, Informative)
README.kiosk [kde.org]
This is for KDE 3.0.
good luck!
Re:KDE kiosk mode (Score:2)
Ask the seattle Linux Users group (Score:2)
MS sponsored ? (Score:3, Interesting)
It says "Microsoft will contribute more than $200,000 in software".
Re:MS sponsored ? (Score:2)
Makes it a bitch to be a linux advocate.
Re:MS sponsored ? (Score:2)
I wonder if it was Windows 2000 they contributed....
Re: problem with economics (Score:2)
It's very easy why, but in the land of Economics (USA) nobody can see something as easy as that
Companies are really abusing the economy and the citizens. But people will figure it at some point, if not already doing it (i have doubts though)
ThinkNic? (Score:3, Insightful)
They're cheap, run linux and hard to hack. (Also largely valueless from a theft standpoint.)
Qustion is: Do they have enough horsepower for your needs?
VNC? (Score:2, Interesting)
anyways, it became a hit at work and I ended up with 50 people using my box.
you just have to set the permissions correctly for the directories by using groups
and you can configure kde and gnome to work the way you want
it is a big step to read all the materials, but the manuals really help out.
"what should we use..." (Score:3, Funny)
Re:"what should we use..." (Score:2)
Oh boy, you asked the naughty question (Score:2)
THAT'S gonna hurt. You asked which is better to use, KDE or Gnome. You are now certain to get a slew of messages from the Gnome fanatics and KDE fanatics telling how the other guy SUCKS. You didn't know, I'm sure. For future reference, try to inquire about both by using as neutral a tone as absolutely possible. The question itself, how it is specifically written matters and in this case it implies a winner and a LOSER! with a big "L" on its forehead.
I'll fix you right up though, save you the need to read rants and raves. Use KDE, it's the best, most mature, and integrated solution...NO WAIT! Use Gnome, IT is the cleanest, purest, most politically correct, mature, and...ah f*ck it. Toss a frickin coin.
LTSP (Score:2, Informative)
My first go-round with the library, i did what you're looking at (a full blown distro on each machine). it worked very well. i created an install disk that created a nice, locked down desktop, etc. But then we started changing things like printer IPs and proxy server addresses and wanted uniform bookmarks, etc. And changing little things started to be time consuming.
With LTSP you change things in one place, reboot the clients and they're all pointed at the new proxy or whatever. Besides, booting off the network and using ram disks made me feel a lot better when patrons kept just turning the machines off without shutdown now -r. no more fsck, ect.
one more thing. using netscape i was able to edit the preferences.js file to disable all sorts of menus, settings on the web browser. i haven't tried doing the same with mozilla, but you'll probably want to make sure you use a browser with a lockable config file so kids can't change the homepage to playboy.com or whatnot.
mod parent up (Score:2)
What about the applications? (Score:2)
But what else do people do at these terminals? Do they get to use Word and Excel? Any custom Windows-based reference tools that aren't available over the web? Educational titles?
StarOffice/OpenOffice is okay, but it can be a little confusing for the kiosk user. It's one thing for a consumer or office worker to spend a couple of hours getting the hang of it if they're replacing MS Office with it. It's quite another to expect people to be productive in it on a casual, walk-in basis. You'll probably also want to customize it to replace the load/save buttons on the OpenOffice toolbars with buttons hooked to macros that load and save in MS Office formats by default. A kiosk user probably isn't going to want to save things in native StarOffice formats.
By all means ignore others' advice to remove floppy drives if you want. If you're comfortable with letting people use floppies to load and save their work under Win2000, you can do it just fine with Linux.
One nice potential savings with Linux is that you can present a customized, locked-down desktop environment like those that Windows system-management tools let you create--without any additional software or fees necessary. Take KDE and modify the guest "start" menus and desktop to include only the things you want to offer: the browser, maybe some desktop shortcuts to popular webmail services and instant-messaging tools, the word processor, a floppy formatter, and a logout button, for instance.
I'm still not convinced there are good reasons to switch over; you certainly don't want to make the systems less useful to the people who use them. I'm assuming you're facing mandatory upgrades from Microsoft and will soon have to choose between paying $300 per machine in Software Assurance with more of the same in two years, or biting the bullet and getting rid of the commercial software.
Depending on your needs, it certainly can work, and can work well. Linux (and Unix in general) is a great way to deploy rock solid centrally-managed, locked-down systems at a low cost. Just make sure you can give people the applications they need and present them in an easy-to-use, zero-training way.
The Minority Report (Score:2)
FreeBSD is very easy to administer and has all the software Linux has. Stability and security is your prime concern in a public environment like this, and FreeBSD holds its own here. Only a few Linux distros can compare in this area (and the for-the-masses distros aren't them).
I'd use OpenBSD. (Score:2)
Re:My advice? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Here's a question: (Score:2, Insightful)
Is the troll well fed, now?
Re:Here's a question: (Score:3, Insightful)
To go to Linux is fine, but it has to be a GOOD REASON, and you have to understand who will be using those machines. Is it an IT person? A student? A grandmother in her mid eighties? The level of knowledge and comfort is key here, especially with a public organization like a library. Go too far off in one direction and you can and do lose the core market.
Like I asked: reasoning.
Oh, and calling me a troll only makes you look like a dork. Grow up.
Re:Here's a question: (Score:2)
A non-trolling post would have actually tried to answer the question of the post, what's a good environment, not posed an off-topic, inflammatory comment.
Hm.. and in Seattle... (Score:2)
(just so i'm not being overly vague: "because it's only 15 miles from Redmond...")
Re:Hm.. and in Seattle... (Score:2)
Re:You must read this: (Score:2)
Not any Canadian I know.....
W.R. McDougall, seek some serious mental help.
Re:easy answer - K12LTSP (Score:2, Informative)
Try the K12LTSP distro, a modified LTSP setup ready-to-install. It has Mozilla, OpenOffice, etc., and will likely be updated to GNOME2 goodness once the latest 7.4/8.0 limbo/null/whatever betas are done.
The diskless terminals boot from a floppy or NIC bootrom, with the K12LTSP server doing all of the heavy lifting. I've used Pentium 90s and worse for the terminals.
k12ltsp.org [k12ltsp.org]
Re:No (Score:2)
Securing your box. [geocrawler.com]
Now, secure your box... And please stop trolling.
Re:No (Score:2)
Even if they don't reconnect the FDD as
Re:Remote Installs During Nights (Score:2)
This sounds a sledgehammer to crack a nut. It should only be necessary if there are no effective access controls to prevent end users trampling on system areas.
Re:DON'T USE LINUX (Score:2)
Not necessarly. They do not need to edit
ALso how do you do a gradual upgrade? Employees who have not upgraded yet will still send
You know MacOSX might be a better desktop option if the cost of Windows is too high. Employee's can have their palm pilots, Microsoft office if needed(shudder) is there, better nds and active directory support, very easy to use, IE support, true printing, etc all with the benefits of lower tco of unix. It is a much better desktop and still is a unix. The reason I am not a macosx user is because a mac system is too expensive and slow for video games. Cocoa looks awesome and if I get better at programming I may switch totally.
Re:No that won't work either (Score:2, Informative)
First of all, remember that you have the sticky bit to work wthin directory perms (look at how
Actually, setting the guest user's homedir to
if you want to disallow write access to a file then just change the owner and make the file globally readable...
And please don't make wide and unfounded generaliztions about unix if you're going to be wrong.
Two things: (Score:2)
2) Do you even know what Active Directory is?
Re:Not so hard... (Score:2)
Why bother when you've got process accounting?
As for front-end, you don't need anything spectacular at all; I've seen very useable terminals in Brighton hospital here in the UK, where the WM was basically fvwm(2/95) but with galeon running full-screen, access only to a proxy that required login to let you out on the 'net for real. See http://www.pienetworks.com/products/index.htm for more