New Features For 2.5 Linux Kernel 141
An anonymous person writes "The current development version of the Linux kernel is 2.5. At the recent Linux kernel summit, it was agreed to have a "feature freeze" on this kernel by October 31, 2002. Here's a story looking at what's left to be merged before the freeze. Projects most likely to make it into 2.5 (and thus be a part of the next stable kernel, 2.6), include: the reverse mapping VM, the Linux Security Module framework, User Mode Linux and support for filesystems greater than 2TB."
"An anonymous person writes" (Score:2, Funny)
Should I infer something about his identity from this? Should I infer that this means the
Should I cue the X-Files theme song?
Re:"An anonymous person writes" (Score:1, Insightful)
Maybe someone has the username anonymous person?
Yep. http://slashdot.org/~anonymous%20person [slashdot.org]
Re:"An anonymous person writes" (Score:1)
Song? Ah ha, So there are hidden messages then.
Halfway there... (Score:1, Troll)
To infinity, and beyond! (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:2, Informative)
on some PentiumIII motherboards, for example.
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:2)
(I think you were referring to the 512MB limit on i815E mainboards?)
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:5, Insightful)
Finishing moving disk-related parameters to 64 bits makes this largely unnecessary. It is extremely unlikely that we'll have to worry about devices with more than 2^63 blocks for a very long time (with 1k blocks, this would be eight [us] billion terabytes).
Having the OS scale block size instead of just using a sane parameter width leads to much nastiness (remember how much fun FAT16 was).
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:2)
640KB is enough for everyone!
see a pattern already?
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:3, Insightful)
We may need it some day, but figure 64 gig (2^36) is a reasonable hard disk size today. Then assume that hard disk size doubles every year. We won't be running into the 64 bit limit for another (64-36=) 28 years!
By that time all of our computers will be using 256 bit words, or maybe word-sizes won't really exist anymore. Who knows. Certainly Linux will have morphed into something entirely different. It's pointless trying to plan that far ahead.
Also, there is in fact some limit to hard disk size, we just don't know what it will be yet. I have a 10gig drive in my laptop, and really I just fill it up with crap. I don't need half that much room. Until I start saving movies on my laptop I'll never need 80 gig. We'll run into physical limits too at some point.
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:1)
640KB is enough for everyone!
Yes! Burned! Etc!
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:1)
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:2)
2^63 blocks ought to be enough for anybody.
Grin, duck & run
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:1)
Harddisk storage space have grown roughly by a factor of ten million in the last 20 years. With the same rate, it would take another 25 years before we need that amount. I'm pretty sure kernel 4.0 will be out long before that.
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:5, Insightful)
Let's compute this long time, just for fun. Let's see, we've got to assume a bunch of crap before we can compute a specific time for this. Using data from this [pro.on.ca] and this [pricewatch.com], let's assume that the current largest hard drive size on the market is 180GB with a doubling rate now at 9 months. (The 80s saw 30% growth annually, 60% in the 90s and 130% now.) Unlike processors, which have been steadily doubling every 18 months thanks to Mr. Moore, it appears that the growth rate itself for storage capacity is doubling every 10 years. Go figure.
Let's use this, blow some hot air and molest these numbers a little bit.
180 * 2 ^ p = 8 billion TB
p = periods of doubling = 36
Using a flat constant growth of 130% this would equal to
36 * 9 = 324 months / 12 = 27 years
Now, we see crossed 2 periods of doubling in growth, but can storage technology really experience growths of 260% or 520% annually. I'd have to say not, so I'll just give up computing the time given the growth of the growth right now. That's an assignment left to the reader -- I'd say it has to do with "e".
Anyhow, the reality is:
1) No one will ever read this comment since the article is so far down on the front page.
2) We'll have quantum computers in 10 years that will use unlimited-bit numbers to access unlimited capacity storage devices.
Ok, I'm all babbled out...
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:To infinity, and beyond! (Score:2)
I like this idea. Could be used for memory addressing as well, so you never run out of RAM.
I see it working like this: use a 64-bit dword to store the address (or head/cylinder/sector/etc.). Only use 63 bits. When you run out of room, use the 64th bit to indicate that another 64-bit dword will be used along with the first (making it 126 bits of addressing, since the 64th bit of the second word would be used to denote a third 64-bit dword, which would give 192-3=189 bits, ad nauseum).
We'd never run out of addresses, although there may be a performance hit once we start addressing really large amounts of data.
Serial ATA support - why? (Score:5, Interesting)
From the TODO [lwn.net]:
From serialata.org [serialata.org]:
If this is a drop in replacement for parallel ATA, why is support needed in the linux kernel?
Re:Serial ATA support - why? (Score:1)
Re:Serial ATA support - why? (Score:2)
That's the inherent problem with add-on cards.
Why was UltraDMA requiring of new code? (Score:2)
My Question: Why Does [s]locate Exist? (Score:2)
Would it be possible to organize that information in a manner so that it could be used to find / locat files in a very quick and efficent manner? I guess what I'm looking for is indexes which are updated on writes / unlinks. Would this be possible? Would there be drawbacks, and could they be counteracted? If someone with more skill than I implements this we'd all save a bit of time.
Re:My Question: Why Does [s]locate Exist? (Score:3, Informative)
FS has a tree alike structure (which maps directly to the directories and files) to easily get from a file name to its position on the disk.
[s]locate has progressive encoding (from their website http://www.geekreview.org/slocate/) which maps from name fragments to their complete name.
Another difference is that slocate database structure is difficult to update, and you wouldn't want to do that everytime you rename/add/delete a file...
Note that I'm not an expert, and this is just my (incomplete and perhaps even wrong) understanding .
Re:My Question: Why Does [s]locate Exist? (Score:2)
Re:My Question: Why Does [s]locate Exist? (Score:2)
Heres a quick way to compare the functionality of the file system structures versus locates database.
let's say we want to search for documents on the computer.
File system
find / | grep ".doc"
Locate database
locate ".doc"
Compare the speed. Locate is incredibly quick, especially on large harddisks.
Now compare creating a new file in the file system
echo "hello" > test
to updating the locate database so that it can find the file quickly
(I think you need to be root to perform this).
Here the filesystem wins easily.
Unfortunately, like most computer algorithms, there is no "perfect" solution to searching for and adding files : if you optimise for searching speed, then update speed suffers. If you optimise for access and updating, then searching suffers. You can optimise for both (by having both the file system and locate), but you have gained better performance at the penalty of storing the information twice and hence taking up more space and greater code complexity - you need the file system code and locate, rather than just one or the other.
Another way to look at it : why does your favourate computer textbook, or a world atlas contain an index? I mean, that's just duplication of information already on the map!
Of course, it's because it's easier to find the place you are looking for in the index, but the map is actually useful for figuring out how to get there...
Re:My Question: Why Does [s]locate Exist? (Score:2)
Re:My Question: Why Does [s]locate Exist? (Score:1)
OK, you asked for it. I'll answer the question. Why is there not an implementation of locate (or slocate, which is much the same thing) which indexes filesystem changes in real time?
Because of the kernel/user split. locate and slocate operate in user mode, getting information from the kernel in bulk, when updatedb is run. File creation / linking / unlinking / renaming happens in the kernel. There is no general interface for the kernel to alert userspace of changes to the filesystem - which means locate has no way of picking up updates short of rescanning the whole filesystem for them, manually. As you'll notice when you run updatedb, this is a laborious process, not suitable for running in real time. (Indeed, if you want real time, use find. locate was invented specifically for its cache - that's the only real advantage it has over find.)
As to the callback, the concept exists in the form of directory notifications, where an application can request a list of directories its wants to be notified about. The kernel then makes it known when one of these changes in some way - link, unlink, rename. I know this has been implemented for Linux, but I don't believe it has made it into the mainstream kernels. It could be put to good use by a file manager application, or a "desktop icon manager" like the Windows Explorer shell.
Having a similar callback for an entire filesystem - well, apparently nobody has found it necessary yet, and it would probably slow down a lot of filesystem workloads / benchmarks. Richard Gooch's devfs filesystem for device nodes does have this - it's called the devfsd protocol - but of course it's specific to the devfs partition.
(Actually, I just remembered - as of 2.5.27 Linus is in the process of merging LSM. This is a security module framework which presumably would make it fairly easy to provide such filesystem-wide notifications to userspace. I don't yet know any more about it than that, at present.)
So ... next question ... why not just do locate in kernel space? In short, too little benefit for too much complexity - i.e. it would be seen as bloat.
Re:My Question: Why Does [s]locate Exist? (Score:1)
Re:my pet feature (Score:2)
Is that really what you want? If you're burning a CD, and you somehow hit the CD button by accident (let's say you have the DVD drive right above the CD-RW like I do, and you're trying to take out the DVD you left in there), do you really want the drive to immediately stop burning the CD and spit it out?
There's a _reason_ the system won't give you back the CD "right now" sometimes. It's because it still needs it. You can handle waiting a few seconds for the program to finish reading data so that it doesn't block, explode, or fail at whatever it was trying to finish (which will probably lead to you being more upset than it not giving you back the CD the instant you want it).
What sort of CDs do people use on a Linux system these days anyway, other than audio CDs (which don't need to be mounted)? And thankfully, some people are starting to get the idea that floppies are annoying and bad. True, they're now transferring files by emailing them to themselves via Hotmail...
Re:my pet feature (Score:1)
"I'm burning the disk right now. If you eject, this current burn will fail. Do you really want to eject the CD drive? *NO* Yes"
mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:5, Interesting)
It possible to jerk out my netword PC-Card. The network is closed down nicely. Reinsert the card and the network restarts.
But if I put a floppy in the drive, I cannot read it by default. Aargh. Sure, I can use automount, but then it's not safe to just remove the floppy.
And for the CD it's even more weird. A CD/DVD player has a button. This is disabled when I mount a CD. So a mounted CD cannot be ejected. Yet, mounting the CD when it is inserted. That's apparently asking too much.
It's great that so many new features go into the kernel. But why can't a simple feature like this make it into the kernel. There's no lack of patches.
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:2, Funny)
And my goodness: is there any brand of floppies left that doesn't have at least three dead in a box of 10?
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:2)
No, there bloody isn't. I now maintain a small collection of antique floppy disks for the rare occasions where I want them to work.
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:1)
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:1)
My main reason for the decision though is that while in school I worked at the University Help Desk. You have _no_ idea how depressing it is to watch people lose their thesis because the only place they saved it was on a floppy! Sure, they should have backed it up on the network (that's what it's there for)...anyway, floppies just aren't reliable for anything anymore.
It's time to start the push for elmination of this antique and very fragile technology.
Down with floppy drives and disks!
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:1)
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:1)
There's some free DOS clone out there, I can't remember the name, but it works as well as, or better than DOS6.
So the mfr could just put those files need to boot a disk from that DOSclone, as well as the files needed to flash the bios, in a compressed archive. Then all you have to do is uncompress the archive and burn in on a cdr -- and then boot the CD.
Posted from Gentoo+KDE3, day1. GENTOO ROCKS!!! You won't understand 'till you try it. Don't be intimidated, it's not hard to install! It's so freaking fast!
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:2)
The problem has kind of been sidestepped by the popularity of CDR (and RW, and DVD, etc) drives which typically end up completely copping out by requiring a special application to write, instead of just being a filesystem. That really sucks, BTW, and it's even worse.
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:3, Informative)
Here's a patch for 2.4.18:
The latest version of Mandrake Linux includes supermount and I've grown to like it. It would be nice to have it in the kernel, even if it was marked EXPERIMENTAL.
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:2, Informative)
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:1)
As for CDs, put the CD in eject -t and then mount
Just my $0.02
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:5, Informative)
both Unix and Windows, in general, assume it is. You don't copy a file to "disk xyzzy", you copy it to "A:" or "the filesystem mounted on
The amiga got this right:
a disk became part of the filesystem based on its label/id, if possible -
so I could say "copy mfile.doc to xyzzy:mydocs", and if the disk xyzzy was unvailable, the system would prompt for it, while the copy process blocked waiting for it. If I put it back in a different drive, the system didn't care.
I'm currently casting an eye over the linux block device and filesystem code with a view to mangling into something vaguely amiga-like - but I'm not really even a C programmer (more of a Lisp guy), so I make take a while.
Basically, a disk contains a set of blocks. Some or all of those blocks may be accesible via a block device file. But you should be able to mount the filesystem "on the set of blocks of the disk", not the set of blocks currently accessible by a particular drive - disk partitioning schemes still have one or two fields to facilitate this, the disk label/name and/or a uniqueid.
If I have a disk labelled "peaches", I want it part of the filesystem at e.g.
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:2)
e2label /dev/foo "Foo" /mnt/foo
mount LABEL=Foo
Add in automounter magic, and TaDa: "Its a userspace problem," albeit one that assumes you are using ext2 as your only file system.
If you actually want to hack this, look into the executable maps and wildcards features of autofs (man 5 autofs). It might be possible now with some clever automounter config files...
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:1)
The Linux mount program knows about SGI XFS labels. I'm pretty sure it doesn't parse labels for FAT, HPFS or NTFS (yes they all have them) or whatever other filesystems have labels - probably because nobody really needs to specify label-based FAT mounts in fstab (it's a legacy format anyway). Plus, FAT/HPFS/NTFS labels are much harder to extract than ext2/ext3 and XFS labels, which are in fixed fields in a fixed superblock. (In FAT, the label is a pseudo-file in the root directory.)
It's a bug not a feature (Score:1)
I've seen years of work being destroyed, working at the university's help desk, because our users were able to do this. It shows the cynical side of Windows' user-friendliness.
But I admit, I had to learn to appreciated mount myself. Joke opportunities helped a lot though :)
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:2)
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:3, Informative)
$ more /etc/auto.master
/misc /etc/auto.misc --timeout=1
# Format of this file:
# mountpoint map options
# For details of the format look at autofs(8).
A 1 second delay good enough? There are still some details about remembering to change out of any automounted subdirectories, but this setup "Works For Me(TM)"
I also use the CD like this, and have setup some view profiles for Konqi that start in the directory. Now I can buttons on the desktop I click to look at the cd... and no need to care about mounting/unmounting it.
Re:mounting floppies, CD's and DVD's (Score:1)
Bah. Don't condemn a perfectly good feature (which has worked just fine for nearly a decade on Windows) because of a some shitty think tank's music copy protection sc(am)heme. At least place blame where it belongs, not on Apple's (somewhat ill-conceived but still very usable) automount system.
I see.. (Score:1, Troll)
This should be standard practice. Sure reporting on the features to be included before the freeze is worthwhile, I can see why that's interesting, but "feature freeze" in quotes? C'mon already. every two-bit dev team from Seattle to Sri Lanka must reach a point of "feature freeze" during a dev cycle.
Re:I see.. (Score:1)
Re:I see.. (Score:2, Insightful)
If what you were saying was the case, the writeup might appear more along the lines of '
If you see what I am saying. The emphasis established by putting the phrase "feature freeze" in quotes is suggestive of that particular practice being unusual.
Re:I see.. (Score:2)
Which, historically, has been the case. Linus admits he isn't very good about things like that
In any event, it is really unconscionable that XFS isn't being integrated into 2.5. It is hands down the best, most reliable filesystem under Linux bar none, and the only filesystem I will use on mission critical servers running Linux.
This politicking about kernel patch sizes and "I don't like the way you tweaked [whatever]" has really gotten out of hand, and the result is that we have subpar filesystems integrated into the default kernel while the best of the breed remains an external patch.
Maybe we'll get lucky and Linus will cave once again and let XFS through, but my money is on something a lot less innocuous, like another VM revamp in the middle of a "stable" series a la 2.4.
Re:I see.. (Score:1)
It is nothing of the sort. For one thing, you should look up the word unconscionable [m-w.com] - "I do not think it means what you think it means." For another, if you think it such a great crime, why don't you undertake to integrate it?
Hint: "integrate" does not mean "take the SGI patch and throw it at Linus". It means "comb through SGI's patch, figure out what all was added to the kernel to support XFS, and take it apart feature by feature." Then, for each separate feature:
Finally, when Linus has merged enough of your patches that XFS has all it needs, send Linus the XFS filesystem code itself. At this point Linus will most likely take it. If Linus has objections to the XFS code itself, work with him to clean it up as necessary. Remember, just because code was good enough for IRIX doesn't mean it's good enough for Linux. (:
Here endeth the XFS Integration Mini-HOWTO.
What? You don't want to be the one who gets to do all that after all? Then quitcher bellyachin'.
are you new here? (Score:4, Funny)
#include <usual lecture about reading the article before commenting.h>
Left Out and Left Behind (Score:3, Informative)
And would anyone care to comment on the SCSI interface? According to the kernel summit, there was going to be much code yoinkage and redoing for the entire subsystem. Where does that play in the 2.5 freeze?
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:3)
Easy there - XFS has been available available for months for those that really want it. It'd be nice to have it in the base kernel, but its not like you're going without.
I'd like to know exactly what hasn't been implemented in IPv6...
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:3, Informative)
Full compliance with IPv6
Exactly what isn't compliant with IPv6 in the current (2.4) kernel? I'm currently using stock unpatched 2.4 to run a web server over IPv6 quite happily. It's the applications that are lacking support. Hell, with radvd it's functioning as a full 6-to-4 router for my home network.
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:2)
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:3, Informative)
Here's a little info [tldp.org]. Doesn't go into specifics. Follow the links and you end up here [linux-ipv6.org].
They key is the "my home network" part. The router for an autonomous system would probably require full support. I'm running RH7.3 (kernel v2.4.18) and i don't see kame [kame.net] dancing.
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:1)
Still, Microsoft still hasn't got a production driver out for Windows either, so Linux isn't behind yet
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:1)
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:3)
Depends on how you look at it. If the feature freeze holds (a big 'if') then 2.7/2.8 will follow in reasonable time. There's always a next version.
The danger is that the feature freeze holds just well enough to keep a few important features out, but not well enough to bring a stable 2.6 quickly. That's pretty much the worst of both worlds.
I'm hopeful anyway. I think everybody is serious about getting the release cycle shorter.
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:2)
To this end, I put on my corporate CTO's hat and looked at the listing of things being left out and said, "Uh...maybe a tad longer development cycle rather than shorter and getting a few more of the features in would be a good thing for the market."
Mind you, I'm not a kernel hacker and therefore some of these issues I may have said, "Ok, why aren't these in?" and the reason is because they're involved beyond what I know.
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:2)
Will not be ready/tested. You can always patch your kernel to add support for it. It just won't come default as they can't bundle everything, specially the non stable developements (reiser4 has not even been released yet).
# Full compliance with IPv6
I am not an expect, but surelly the "full compliance" means a lot of unused parts that are non-critical and non-important and can be implemented later. For example, no C++ compiler implements all the C++ specs. Does this mean C++ is unsopported?
# Serial ATA support
What's this for?
# Overhaul PCMCIA support
I agree, it sucks a bit. I'd like it to be more userfriendly. I sometimes don't know what is used for what (what do you have to check to get ATA CompactFlash cards to mount?). Probably just my fault here! (the PCMCIA network card works great though, and Slackware 8 default kernel autodetected it).
Re:Serial ATA support (Score:1, Interesting)
Because it is fast looking like serial ata disks are going to be hitting the market in a big way, before the end of this year. By the time 2.6 comes out, it is going to be more than important.
Controllers from all the major manufacturors are out as of now, and disks from seagate and maxtor are likely to be out next month.
And to boot, all of the prototype Opteron motherboards seen to date have had Serial ATA onboard. It seems improbable that they'll have a standard ide controller as well, considering that the serial ata controllers can be used with standard ata drives, via a converter.
If support doesn't appear, linux users will be left in the dust.
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:1)
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:2)
ReiserFS v4 makes some BIG changes to the kernel - for instance, it requires that files can be also directories at the same time. It's currently slated for December 31st, so I doubt it'll be in the next kernel. It's a big bit of work. Anyway, I think most distros have had ReiserFS v3 (which is also journalled) in their for ages, I know SuSE has, or you can recompile your own. Having it in the base kernel is nice, but hardly necessary.
Re:Left Out and Left Behind (Score:2)
If you mean Serial ATA add-on cards, well, people would have to have them and write drivers for them, or the manufacturers would have to write drivers. It's hardly reasonable to expect drivers that don't exist to be included in the kernel.
Support for mounting NTFS (Score:2)
I just got a new computer, and I installed a dual boot of Windows 2000 and Redhat 7.3. When I went into Linux, and tried to mount windows (mount
Re:Support for mounting NTFS (Score:2)
Re:Support for mounting NTFS (Score:1)
They don't have anything on their kernel which is marked experimental/dangerous in the config. Of course, write support is really dangerous. FWIW, they don't have UDF support either.
Re:Support for mounting NTFS (Score:2)
Re:Support for mounting NTFS (Score:1)
I was aware that write support is extremely dubious, but I thought that read support was pretty safe - am I wrong ?
Well, if the code is not reliable, all bets are off when it is mounted, although in the config it says that read support is just experimental and not dangerous. I don't think RedHat would want to take that chance.
Re:Support for mounting NTFS (Score:2, Informative)
You may wish to explore loading NTFS as a module or compiling it into your kernel.
Re:Support for mounting NTFS (Score:4, Informative)
There are two ways to get NTFS support. The simplest is to add the NTFS module to the kernel (as root):
modprobe ntfs
If this fails, modprobe: Can't locate module ntfs, then your distribution didn't install the NTFS module.
The second way is to recompile the kernel, yourself. This sounds like a lot of work, but it isn't that hard. Have a look at the section: How do I add NTFS support to Linux?
3.3 Can I write to an NTFS Volume, too?
There are two drivers, currently. The original driver, in 2.4 has some write code in it, but it is extremely dangerous to use it. The possibility of destroying your filesystem is very high.
The new driver, introduced in 2.5.11, has no write code at all. This may sound like a backwards step, but it was necessary to rewrite the driver in order to make the future coding simpler and more solid.
Adding write support will take a long time. NTFS is built like a database. Any changes you make, necessitate making changes in many places, for consistancy. Make a mistake and the filesystem will be damaged, make too many mistakes and the filesystem will be destroyed. Also, the current developers are only working on NTFS as a hobby, during their free time. If you'd like to help, please email: webmaster@flatcap.org.
Re:Support for mounting NTFS (Score:2)
The stock kernel from your distro probably doesn't have the support comiled in. Assuming the kernel was compiled for loadable modules, you could compile the code as a module, and it would probably auto-insert itself when you tried to mount the partition.
The HOW of getting that done isn't very difficult, but beyond the scope of this thread.
My project (Score:5, Funny)
Ah, good! This has been a major stumbling block for me. I've been writing a guide and I hit the 2TB ceiling. My target market is hitchhikers.
kbuild? (Score:4, Interesting)
politics: from the greek: poly:(adj.) many, ticks:(n., pl.) blood sucking animals.
Just one important bit they left out: (Score:1, Troll)
This would allow the latest bttv [bytesex.org] driver to be packaged with the kernel once more...
After the preemptive patch, that's the first patch I run on a plain vanilla kernel.
In kernel checkpoint support? (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, I could distribute a patched kernel across all of my systems. But then I'm tied to that kernel until whichever project I'm following updates their patch (or I update it myself, and I don't consider myself competent as a kernel hacker). This would be a really useful mainline feature for those of us in the scientific computing community. Wasn't there some talk of one of these going in 2.6 proper? --M
So much for Enterprise Linux (Score:3, Interesting)
Why is XFS still not considered ready? Its in almost every major distro except for RedHat. Heck - the XFS team even provides custom XFS RedHat installer iso's to fill in the gap. XFS v1.1 is already released and is being used on huge fileservers in production all the time. Why can't we get past the 'we don't like the way you tweaked module X' and finally move forward.
I wish EVMS was going to be ready - this is going to be huge for enterprises - finally a unified, feature rich storage manager.
LVM 2.0 - well, I'd rather ensure 1.x is super stable (it is so far for me) so this isn't as big a deal.
Serial ATA - Bummer. I realize this is new. But I get the feeling Serial ATA is going to be huge, especially for lower end servers. Finally getting real hot plug support and a setup that'll make things easier on the HW RAID vendors (I can't wait to see a Serial ATA card from 3-Ware!) I would hope this would be flagged as something to be merged into 2.6 as soon as its possible, even if marked experimental.
Don't get me wrong - I'm really psyched for 2.6, but there are some features (whose development is out of the control of the core kernel team) we really need, to push Linux farther and farther into the enterprise. I know you can patch in what you want - but many IT folks, even Linux zealots, are wary of doing so in production - they want stock RedHat kernels so they can tell their boss its gone through RedHat Q&A and all that. Its CYA sure, but necessary in many environments. Granted RedHat often adds stuff not in the stock kernel, but not usually hueg features.
LSM to be included - yay! (Score:3, Insightful)
I know I am running the risk of being modded down for saying that Win2K is way ahead of linux (or other *nix for all I know) but in the real world of file sharing, we use permissions and auditing quite a lot; these are not always black and white (what linux is currently capable of) permissions, they are often varying shades of grey.
Hopefully, with LSM, this will change even if it is in the future (1 year? 2 years?)
For a good explanation of the LSM, read this from NSA/SELinux [nsa.gov]
Re:LSM to be included - yay! (Score:2, Informative)
Re:LSM to be included - yay! (Score:1)
Well, Linus has started integrating it, so you'll get your wish.
As to whether NT is superior, it depends on if you measure by flexibility or by ease-of-use. NT ACLs are hella flexible - you can grant or deny a whole range of permissions to anyone you wish. The Unix "read write execute / owner group other" seems horribly primitive by comparison. But it comes at a cost. NT does not come with any sane way to manage permissions. The GUI tool? Puh-leeze. It can't even add / remove users from a tree of files without resetting every file in the tree to the same ACL. It doesn't give access to the "deny" half of an ACL either - everything is "start from zero, and allow". It doesn't seem to have any "summary mode" or search capabilities - you have to click on objects individually to find out their status, which gets pretty old on even a small filesystem.
The command line CACLS.EXE is not much better. It is some better, but still does not have a "search" mode, or an easily greppable output format - there seems to be no equivalent to "find -user" or "find -perm".
Finally, although the order of ACL entries is significant in NT, the tools (both GUI and CACLS.EXE) do not seem to provide access to the ordering. (CACLS lets you view the order, but not change it; the GUI goes so far as to sort the entries alphabetically! - misleading at best.) This is a fatal flaw, and shows that either the tools are inadequate, or the system is overdesigned. (IMHO, both.)
Windows 2000 is a bit better - the GUI at least gives you access to the "deny" half of things, and exposes the "inherit permissions" functionality which can simplify life considerably.
Unix / Linux, on the other hand, may not have ACLs, but frankly, with a few well-chosen groups you usually don't need ACLs anyway. (My evidence: AIX and IRIX do have ACLs, yet in several years of AIX/IRIX administraction, I've never actually used them, or wanted to.) And, thanks to both the simplicity of the scheme and the maturity of the tools, Unix permissions are much easier to manage than NT ACLs, in my experience. (Speaking of which, I may as well admit some serious bias, since I've had a lot more experience managing Unix than NT.)
Linux (Score:1)
Re:My question (Score:1)
Re:Linux 3.0 == Trusted Linux (Score:1)
Being more specific, I expect LSM, SE-Linux and LIDS to bring me RBAC. I am sick of primitive Unix user-group-other file permissions and unsecure workarounds.
Re:Not a troll (Score:2)
Next version number will be 2.7/2.8 with 99,9% probability. Who cares?!
Re:Modversions... (Score:2)
I'd love to have some way to use generic modules but not sacrifice the stability of the system (as in insmod -f -error all arround-..."it works". And when the system freezes you don't know what it was (and when you bugreport, you translate the problem to the developers)).