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Lindows - Where's the Source? 532

bbh writes: "NewsForge has an article about the Free Software Foundation asking the makers of LindowsOS a simple question, 'Where's the Source?' Lindows CEO Michael Robertson has an interesting take on what the GPL means."
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Lindows - Where's the Source?

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  • by wackysootroom ( 243310 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @07:39AM (#3334307) Homepage
    That Lindows has more in common with the Redmond OS than just a similar name?
  • Eating Our Young (Score:5, Insightful)

    by outlander78 ( 527836 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @07:45AM (#3334319)

    These are the kinds of silly questions that give open source projects trouble. Business projects, as a rule, have a manager who is (more or less) obeyed. Linus, the closing thing to a Linux manager, obviously can't fire anyone, and the tree can be forked an infinite number of times. This is a good thing, since he can't take his toys and go home when someone finally gets under his skin.

    However, when attempting to run an open-source-based business, some semblance of order is required. If the guy says he'll release the code, give him a chance. These dirty-laundry-in-public attacks damage open-source credibility, and that is not a good thing.

    I agree that the guy is playing fast and loose with the rules, but I think we should give him a chance by waiting until he meets his deadline. Then, if he doesn't open up, a lawsuit may be in order, but otherwise, what's wrong with waiting a few months? Do we really want alpha- and beta-level projects released and visible to people who will immediately compare them to Microsoft Windows? Let's not forget that there is no such thing as a rough draft - when we see a prototype, we form lasting first impressions. cheers, Andrew

    • I agree with you to a certain point, but by not releasing the source on an alpa or beta level project, they are losing most of the benefit of open source, which is the community.

      Are they forgetting that there are thousands of programmers out there willing to audit their source code for free, or are they just afraid that they will lose a few bucks by people trying to compile around their '$99 preview fee', which seems extremely steep to me.
    • by jwinterboy ( 567531 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @08:03AM (#3334378)
      That's absolutely true. If you want to run a business, you need to be able to make decisions of this sort, and control the quality of what makes it out of your shop.

      The only problem is that it sets precedent. Microsoft would like nothing more than to co-opt the GPL. Sure, the FSF would be much more aggressive if Microsoft attempted to do the same, but Microsoft could then point to Lindow's use of the GPL in this manner to do the same thing. The point is that Lindows is making $99 off every beta release.

      Admittedly, if the FSF, a private party, is lenient on enforcing the GPL, it's not the same thing as a legal precedent. However, over time, if more and more companies start using the GPL in this way, it will change the meaning of the words incorporated in the GPL. Once the meaning of those words change, it can affect other open source licenses too.
      • by thing12 ( 45050 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @08:21AM (#3334428) Homepage
        The point is that Lindows is making $99 off every beta release.

        But this begs the question... has any individual who spent the $99 asked Lindows for the source to the programs they received? I realize the FSF is asking for it, but did they purchase the product? The GPL does not require that you give away your code for free to anyone who asks for it, only to those who you distributed the binary.

        That's not to mention that we don't know which programs have been 'enhanced'. Wine? XFree86? KDE? Who's to say... they might have written completely proprietary code to do all their special Windows-esque things and they won't have to release any of it.

    • by Quixote ( 154172 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @08:05AM (#3334383) Homepage Journal
      I agree that the guy is playing fast and loose with the rules, but I think we should give him a chance by waiting until he meets his deadline. Then, if he doesn't open up, a lawsuit may be in order, but otherwise, what's wrong with waiting a few months?

      Then this will become the new way to skirt GPL: grab other peoples' GPLed code; modify it somewhat to add some functionality; sell it for a year or so all the time claiming that its not "final" yet; and then release the source.
      Folks, the GPL has been around for quite a long time. These sorts of issues would not be coming up unless there's an attempt to do an end-run around the GPL.
    • This isn't even worth a slashdot thread till the thing's released.

      That's when we can debate till the cows come home whether he's complying with the GPL.

      Anyway I make its a rule in life to not comply with any rules, regulations or laws I don't agree with. Life would be bloody boring if everyone complied with the rules.
    • GPL is GPL (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Cato ( 8296 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @08:08AM (#3334395)
      It's not about whining, it's about sticking to what the GPL requires. IANAL, but I understand that when you distribute the binary of a GPLed program (such as Linux), you must also distribute the source code (or make it available, e.g. via the Net). If this is not acceptable to Lindows, they should have chosen another OS with a more permissive license, e.g. one of the BSDs. They can't have the developer base and mindshare of Linux without doing what the GPL requires.

      If Lindows had licensed a commercial software component and were breaking its license terms, would that be a 'silly question'? For some reason, conforming to open source licenses is considered by some people to be an optional extra...

      The only real issue IMO is whether some delay is acceptable between releasing the binary and the source, particularly for betas - this seems to happen with some projects, in practice, but if the project/business goes away in the mean time, the users are left without the source.
      • by 56ker ( 566853 )
        Yes but can't you understand that with a beta they wouldn't want to release the sourcecode? If they did release the source every little bug in it would be reported to them ... then again .... isn't that the point of Open Source? ;o)
      • Re:GPL is GPL (Score:4, Informative)

        by Kraft ( 253059 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @09:16AM (#3334586) Homepage
        I agree. The GPL [] is clear on this matter:

        3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
        under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
        Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

        a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
        source code
        , which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
        1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
      • Think about this. (Score:3, Insightful)

        by mindstrm ( 20013 )
        Distribution is not defined. That is one of the problems with the GPL.

        I mean, say I am working on a piece of code, based on GPL stuff. Say it's for internal use only within my office. I think we all agree that using it on my company's computers only is not distributing it. Now let's say I want to send a copy to Joe because I value Joe's input into UI design, so I send a binary to my pal Joe. AM I now obligated to give Joe source? I don't think so. I am not distributing my new work. I am merely SHOWING it to joe so he can give me feedback. The GPL should not prevent this.

        Now.. what Lindows is doing is different.. the bastards are charging people to see a beta, which is slimy to begin with...

        So.. anyone know what *really* constitutes distribution?

    • Re:Eating Our Young (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Cyclops ( 1852 )
      The GNU GPL is very strongly fit into copyright law. If you do not want to respect the GNU GPL, you loose the rights to use and/or distribute the code.

      The FSF, by publicly alerting the Lindows project, surely has done so after fruitless discussion with the project managers, and so they have the need to publicly call for respect of the GNU GPL.

      Lindows is specially based off Debian GNU/Linux, which uses almost exclusively Free Software. It has building processes that include source packages.

      That way, if the source packages for the betas are not there, then they are distributin software under copyright law violation by not respecting the source.

      This is the second beta. The FSF surely has been trying to talk privately with the Lindows project so bad publicity could be avoided towards the project.

      They choose not to respect the GNU GPL terms of distribution. They choose to either ignore or disregard attempts to privately solve this problem (NOTE: this is speculation).

      The FSF must've seen no other choice than making a public alert, as the inventors of the GNU GPL.

      There are other Free Software licenses, but The FSF has responsabilities with the GNU GPL and GNU LGPL.

      This is not eating your young. Imagine it was Microsoft snithcing to the BSA that Lindows was not respecting the software licences? They would probaly then close the project down.

      Hugs, Cyclops

      ps: silly question? definitely not.
    • by evilviper ( 135110 )
      So, how long should we let him delay? 6 months? Who knows, we might end up in a Eazel situation, with Lindows making some money, then disappearing before they relase their changes.

      The point is that he is NOT following the GPL. It says that you MUST give the source to anyone who bought the product. So, if nobody has asked, no problem. If someone asked and they were turned down, or their request is being delayed, they should be talking to a lawyer right now. Hell, I don't use the GPL for any of my code, but if I was one of you that did, I'd be worried that the GPL will loose all of it's legal status because of continual and repeated unchallenged violations.

      In all honesty, I think it's ridiculous that every time someone says two words about the GPL, it ends up on the front page, but that's an entirely different subject.
    • by Fluffy the Cat ( 29157 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @08:20AM (#3334424) Homepage
      what's wrong with waiting a few months?

      If they've made an alteration to a piece of software that I'd find useful now, I have to wait a few months or reimplement it myself. If they go bust between now and finally releasing the source, we may never get our hands on it.

      People who release their software under the GPL are explicitly stating that they don't want their software redistributed unless source is available. They weren't under any obligation to do that (unless they based it on already GPLed code, but they weren't under any obligation to do that, either), but they did. Perhaps they did that because they don't like the idea of commercial organisations modifying and selling their code without them being able to get at the improvements. Maybe they thought that it was important for users to be able to get the source of the software they use. Possibly they were mad. Who knows? Whatever the reason was, that code was released with an explicit statement requiring companies provide source to software they distribute based upon that code.

      Now, you may not think that that's important. The Freeness (in the GNU sense) of software may not be much of an issue to you. But that doesn't change the fact that Lindows is distributing people's software in a way that they have no intrinsic right to do, and which the authors of the software have specifically stated they do not wish to occur. Lindows didn't need to do that. They could have based their product on non-GPLed code.

      These dirty-laundry-in-public attacks damage open-source credibility, and that is not a good thing.

      One of the most important things about the GPL is that the source is available. Not complaining about companies ignoring that is significantly more damaging to open-source credibility.

      This isn't about eating our young. This is about pointing out that the reason much of this code is under this license is because we care about the implications, and companies who want to use this code should abide by the wishes of those who wrote it.
    • Codeweavers is responsiblefor Wine switching to GPL, this is good and bad.

      Codeweavers is pretty much against Lindows and Transgaming, the whole "release the code" thing, codeweavers is trying to bully Lindows in the same way they bullied transgaming in the past.

      Transgaming released some of the code, but code weavers wants all of the code released most likely so they can use it in their product.

      Anyhow, theres more to this than just "release the code", if you look at the wine mailinng lists you can see the fighting between code weavers, lindows and transgaming.
    • by BlueWonder ( 130989 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @09:26AM (#3334614)
      what's wrong with waiting a few months?

      What do you think would happen if I copied Microsoft Windows from a friend, and when the police knocked at my door, I'd reply "Sure, I'll pay for a license in a few months. Right now, this product seems like a beta-level project to me; I'll think about complying with the license when it's more stable."

    • Relax people. Redhat, who is one of the strongest corporate supporters of open source, has been doing this for a long time. They get contracts (the Cygnus part of the business) to do custom work on things like gcc where some company pays them to port/optimize for their new processor or instruction set. Then Redhat does the work, gives the company the product and goes about their merry way. After about 6 months or so to make some money/make sure the port is stable, they release the source. They did this with the 128 bit Mips MTX 7860 instruction set support that they added to binutils and gdb. Anyone can get the code as a patch if they ask for it, it just isn't released for general consumption right away.
  • "The GPL states, in part, that the program instructions in their original form as written by the programmer (source code) must be available to users of the program. The GPL also requires that users be allowed to copy, modify and redistribute the program freely, but they must in turn provide the source code. "

    That would include any betas realsed also wouldnt it? Not just FINAL releases?
  • Really, sometimes the FSF can be as bad as the BSA...
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 13, 2002 @07:59AM (#3334360)
    I have the feeling that there's quite a lot of GPL'd code out there being used in products without source being provided. I recently found that my employer (who are large and well-known, and I shall say no more than that) are selling such a product without offering source for download. (I'm posting anonymously cos I want to try to persuade management to talk to the FSF about fixing this. If they refuse, I'm going to have an interesting ethical choice before me...) This product has been on the market for a few years now, and it's not hard to discern the signs of GPL if you're familiar with Free software in general; it just seems that no Slashdotters use it... which seems unlikely.. or, that no-one's been bothered to look for the source, or if they have, that they just shrugged and thought "not my problem." (Incidentally, any suggestions about what I should do if management refuse to publish the source? I don't want to leave except as a last resort... )
    • by david_bonn ( 259998 ) <davidbonn AT mac DOT com> on Saturday April 13, 2002 @11:49AM (#3335110) Homepage Journal
      I'd amend that. There is lots of intellectual property theft in general.

      About a dozen years ago, I worked for a small, heartless high-tech startup. The cash money pay was good, my immediate manager was extremely clueless, and the founders and senior management had (for once) greatly overestimated the complexity of the development effort. This made for an extremely leisurely work schedule that (almost) made up for their other obnoxious habits.

      My first week there I was writing some code to interpret the logfiles for their product, when I needed to Read the Manual to figure something out. While an MS C Compiler was installed on my peecee, I didn't have copies of the manual and figured they must be around someplace.

      Twenty minutes later I discovered that (1) the only copy of the manuals was in the (locked) office of my boss, and (2) there was only one C compiler for about a half-dozen coders. My boss was in meetings all day and didn't want to be disturbed. It was a Friday so I went home before lunch to start my weekend early.

      On Monday morning I got the manuals from my boss, fixed the code, and had this entertaining conversation when I returned the manuals:

      Me: We need a few more copies of the compilers, at least so more than one coder can read them at a time.

      My Boss: We don't have the money for that.

      Me: So? We're violating the license agreement. I'd hate to cross MS on something like this.

      My Boss: Don't worry, those agreements are impossible to enforce.

      I went back to my cube with much to think about. Only a week before, I had signed a fearsome stack of employment agreements with terrifying and nasty language. The employee packet also had an intimidating memo about employee's stealing any company property -- it left me with the impression that I'd end up in jail if I accidentally took a pen home.

      ... and my boss said that "those kind of agreements are hard to enforce"???

      Well, like I said my boss was clueless so I kind of let it slide. But I noticed that for a company with over thirty people, there was only two or three legal copies of any word processing or desktop publishing software around the office. Later that week there was a big dust-up and two of the six engineers quit. In order to patch up the morale a cozy meeting was arranged that friday with the company president, my boss, and the remains of the software group of which I was a part.

      At one point I brought up the software license issues:

      Me: Y'know, having only one C compiler for four engineers is illegal. We really ought to buy more copies.

      President: We'd rather hire really good people than buy software.

      Me: So you're saying we should steal to support the company?

      President: It isn't really stealing...

      Me: I doubt Microsoft would agree with you. What you're doing gives every employee who walks out of here with a beef, like [the two guys who just quit], a way to shut this whole company down.

      He didn't know how to answer that. My boss gave me a dirty look. A few weeks later a "working group" was set up, headed by my boss, to identify what software we needed to buy and buy it. This group met weekly for over six months and probably after -- well past when I left the company. As far as I know, they never did spend any actual money correcting the problem.

      In the following months I noticed that a fair amount of code in the company's products had also been lifted from various places. Some of it was harmless and easily corrected. Some of it went a long way towards explaining why the company was rather secretive about how it had managed to build its products. I told my boss about it and he basically blew me off by adding it to the list of "issues" (e.g. cases of intellectual property theft) his "working group" was looking at.

      I quit after less than six months on the job, taking a well-deserved year being mostly unemployed. The company failed a couple of years later, warmly despised by its ex-employees, customers, and probably anyone else who came into contact with them.

      My boss was probably more clueless than average, but I don't think crap like this is at all uncommon.

      How do you fight this silliness?

      If you are into persuasion, I'd try an argument that goes something like this:

      We're a technology company. Our primary assets are intangible. One of those assets is the intellectual property represented by the source code to the software we sell. Putting a dollar value on any such software is highly subjective and very vulnerable to perception, both positive and negative. We want to avoid any negative impressions which might cause difficulties, in particular during a due diligence process such as during an acquisition, business partnership, or when raising money from investors.

      Probably the best approach is pretty gentle. Make friends with some people in your accounting department. If you've already got a friend there, so much the better. Tell your friend about this problem, emphasizing what it might do to the company's stock price or how much trouble it might make during an acquisition. People tend to lend more credence to information from someone they know than from some person they never met who comes to them with a story of gloom and doom. Unfortunately, this becomes a lot harder in a larger company.

      A less discreet approach might be to write a nice memo on paper on the above themes, print it out and sign and date it. Keep a copy for yourself, give a copy to your boss, and give a copy to your CFO or VP of Finance. Emphasize that these kind of intellectual property violations could cause problems with the value of the company or the company's products.

      A final approach is to discreetly contact your company's auditors. Auditors have a bad rap right now and are hence pretty stuffy about any iffy situations. They are involved in assigning a value to any assets a company has (like software that might have a license violation) and they will probably be very interested in what you have to say. This can make quite a bit of trouble for your company if you aren't sure it can be fixed easily, so be a bit careful with this approach. However, it is less of an escalation than going public with the embarassing information.

  • Work in Progress (Score:5, Insightful)

    by gabeman-o ( 325552 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @07:59AM (#3334362)
    What an idiot... to claim that Lindows is a work in progress and therefore they wont include the source with preview releases is BS. All open source projects and linux distros are a work in progress, yet no one else seems to have any problem distributing their source.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 13, 2002 @08:13AM (#3334404)
    The application of the GPL license in this case is absolutely clear: anybody who pays $99 for the preview should be able to get sources to Lindows if (as it seems) Lindows is based on GPL'ed code. That was the deal his company signed up for. There are no exemptions for "beta" code or "previews".

    If that doesn't fit into his business plan, he shouldn't have used GPL'ed code; it's not like anybody was tricking him into accepting a license he didn't understand. He shouldn't complain about it, and if he persists in not complying with the GPL, he will lose all rights to using the code in perpetuity. The GPL needs to be enforced in order to be meaningful. If companies can get away with flaunting it, abuse of GPL'ed code will become widespread.

    I also wonder what kind of strange plans that company is hatching that they aren't developing out in the open. Why isn't their code on a public CVS repository already?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    OK, so to follow the letter of the GPL and to encourage community goodwill, Lindows should probably have released their code under the GPL, at least (as I understand it) to those who have been given binaries.

    However, it is just a beta of a commercial product after all, and he did promise to adhere fully to the GPL when the official product release occurs.

    Cut the guy some slack, and see what happens. If they release the 1.0 version and don't release source, then it's time to get mad. It's a one-time thing, no need to bite their heads off.
  • by brink ( 78405 ) <( (ta) (renrawj)> on Saturday April 13, 2002 @08:18AM (#3334422) Homepage
    Maybe it's because I just woke up, maybe it's cause I missed something in the article, but it seems a simple thing for him to say, "Oh, we didn't include the source due to x y z." But instead of giving a straight answer, or even an answer that hedges a bit, he starts blathering on about how the company has done so much for the community.

    That's what makes me suspicious, and that's what the FSF is probably responding to -- companies historically have a tendency to support any given "community" only when it serves the company's best interests (which I can't fault); however, they also historically tend to retain the willingness to arbitrarily pull that support, no matter the cost to that community, if it will better their standing.

    So, when some business says it's helping the Open Source community, doesn't follow through on part of the obligation, then doesn't give a straight answer when asked "why not", it sort of seems duplicitous in a way. Note that most of the article is Robertson pleading that he's done so much for Open Source, as if to say, "But look at everything else we've done!" Yes, those things are commendable. It doesn't free you from your other obligations, though.

    I hope it was just bad reporting on the part of Newsforge. If not, the FSF seems pretty justified in asking what the deal is.

    • companies historically have a tendency to support any given "community" only when it serves the company's best interests

      Good point.

      Seems that now, living in really rough times, the GPL started to be really put to test by more and more companies. I don't want to plunge (again) in a discussion that ends in a flamewar, but don't forget that inherently, the GPL is totally counter-intuitive to any classic capitalist; and although GPL'd software *can* be used to make profit in the standard way, it's *less* profit than one could make if they used other people's code and just "forgot" to release their code - even for some limited time (gives them the upper hand/pole position in the field).

      I'm waiting for the first court-test. A lot of things can be different depending on how a real judge sees this.
  • Then all we gotta do is not use lindows.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • No, they shouldn't sue until all other options have been exhausted. The FSF deals with a lot of GPL violations. Most of them are just the result of misunderstanding and are resolved quietly. That's the best way to handle things if possible. The software is Freed, the company saves face, everybody is happy.

      I don't know why Robertson is being such a jerk about this, but if he now releases the source, then there's no long-term harm and that should be the end if it.

      If he says "screw you, I'll violate your copyright all I want", then that's another story. RMS should nail him to the wall. I don't know how much of othe code in Lindows belongs to the FSF, but I'm sure it's enough that RMS can put Lindows out of business, and he should do that if they refuse to obey the license. Remember that once the license has been violated, RMS holds all the cards. He can withdraw the license and refuse to let Lindows release their OS, ever.

  • by MadFarmAnimalz ( 460972 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @08:41AM (#3334483) Homepage
    but I have one word for this chap: LEECH.

    I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when I came across:

    Kword repackaged as Wordpublisher []

    and other rebadged stuff []

    Major credibility plunge there. Not to judge the rest of the package, but it looks more like they're just grepping through the source for places where they can splash the words lindows and/or Michael Robertson. No value added.

    Like I said, leech.

    • That is interesting. While I think the renaming they're doing is at a minimum tacky, it's not against the GPL.
    • Well I can understand why they rebranded kword as wordpublisher, kword or kanything does not make any sense to the mainstream consumer. If they are trying to make a distro for the common user, its understandable why they would change some of the names around. I can understand why some of the developers would be upset but as long as the include they source it's perfectly legal.
  • Oh, come on! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 13, 2002 @08:41AM (#3334487)
    I know all the parties who are around this mess, so I'm posting as anonymous - who knows...

    Lindows release PR2. It's the EXACT same thing as Xandros OS which also went out with beta 1 (not public). Xandros, if I recall correctly, doesn't give the sources (yet), so why the FSF doesn't nit-picking them? Is it just because Lindows got a much better PR then Xandros?

    You really want Lindows sources? here's what you'll need to do:

    * Grab Corel Linux OS (the latest one which you can grab), apply KDE 2.2.2, kernel 2.4.18, nvidia binary drivers, XFree 4.1.0, and remove all the servers services (sendmail, ssh, you know the suspects).
    * Grab WineHQ CVS snapshot + Freetype 2.0.8 and turn fonts hinting on - now you got the wine part. That doesn't mean you can install MS Office since this needs few tricks to make it run, simulate reboots, hack tons of registry tricks, etc - but it's more or less the same Wine..
    * The Lindows installer - same as Corel Linux installer, hacked a bit to support more devices and updated more...

    Thats it! thats the whole thing, more or less - (well, Lindows got Xandros file manager - which sucks, anyway - and I think it's a closed source) and Lindows got their app which does apt-get install some stuff from their web site, and no Konsole icon...

    So FSF people - I would suggest you WAIT for the final release. There are other Linux distributions who did some tricks also with their source code (guess who's the company who didn't release in their beta their partition resizing tools source code?)
  • Just one question about the GPL....

    With most people following the GPL not making tons of money from their efforts, who will enforce the following of the GPL? I mean, boycotts do not work, and the masses will purchase something without knowing what it means. "Excuse me sir, what is the GPL?" The response would be, "Huh?".

  • What do you want to bet Lindows contains some Windows source that they are busy cleaning up before final release? or they are using strait Windows binaries in some cases that they cannot release the source for because they don't have them. Perhaps they stuffed them in some sort of .pak file but they would be there for all to see if they released the source now. Who knows?

    What I would like to know is what is the definition of an "End User"? Anyone outside the company that gets a binary should have the source? If that is the case is there any way for the big distros to compete with each other without destroying the whole?
  • Consumer (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Hellburner ( 127182 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @09:05AM (#3334552)
    "We battled for the consumer at every step."
    Danger, Will Robinson.
    Call me user, call me prole, hell call me Ishmael,
    but when I am "consumer" little warning lights go off. I suddenly become the doofus who doesn't need to be troubled with all that irritating source. You know what, I wouldn't do a damn thing with the source. But the fact that he waffles about releasing it brands him as someone who has used other people's work to create something that HE SELLS. He received information and will not return his contributions to the pool.
    That kind of behavior is bullshit.
    "And while the code is important, that is not what it will take to get Linux to "20 million desktops." Robertson says to help more people understand Open Source, better marketing and lobbying is needed. "And yes, battling Microsoft and their huge coffers which influence OEMs, retailers, politicians, and the press in ways you only understand if you talk to them personally, which I have." way of understanding open source release the source.

  • Hmmm (Score:4, Interesting)

    by jgerman ( 106518 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @09:08AM (#3334561)

    Robertson seems dismayed by the FSF's attempt to enforce the GPL. "No wonder there's virtually no healthy Linux companies. The community seems to attack them when the real focus should be elsewhere."

    So what's he trying to say here, we shlould ignore gpl violations because they're on our side? No. That's a good bit of the reason we don't like MS. They bend the rules for those on their side, admittedly they use strongarm tactics to force companies into it, but that's beside the point.

  • I might be completely wrong or misunderstanding the GPL, but...

    If you read the GPL you will notice that it says that you have to ACCOMPANY the source or the offer of the source TO THE DISTRIBUTED BINARY.

    Which means that you have to offer the source only to the people who you have given the binary to. So currently i think only the members of the beta program are in a position to demand the source.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Redundant? Most likely. Troll? Hardly.

    Guess what, people? The GPL is a license. Be it a 'good' license or a 'bad' license is up to the individual software developer. Whether or not they think they can 'ignore' the rules of that license is most certainly not.

    "It's only beta!" "They'll release it when they're ready!" No deal. You use the GPL, you release the source with the binaries. Last time I checked, there's no 'Beta-version Exception Clause' or 'But Really, When It's Convenient Paragraph'.

    "This type of behavior soils the image of GPL software in the eyes of business/home users/your mother.." /bull/shit. This can only help deliver credibility to GPL code. If you're a business, what do you choose? Those freelance hobbiests who ask nicely if people would please please pretty please follow their rinky dink little license, or the vicious horned beast that protects its own interests?

    Call me crazy, but I'd choose the latter. Businesses sure as hell won't take GPL'd software seriously if we let others walk all over us.

  • by acoustix ( 123925 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @09:17AM (#3334590)
    Subject says it all.

    There is a lot of excitement around Lindows. Especially for people who use Windows, but are too afraid to start into Linux. Lindows has a very good chance of becoming popular and gaining some market share if it does everything it says it will.

    So I propose that we let them tweak their software with these beta releases. Then when they release a final version we will see the source code. Why do we need to see it now? It almost sounds like a bunch of three-year-olds that can't wait to open presents.

    I don't need to see the source code to make any fixes. That what the Lindows programers get paid for. So let them do their jobs and when Lindows is released THEN we can poke at the code.
    • by gilroy ( 155262 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @09:50AM (#3334691) Homepage Journal
      Interestingly, I think this proverb cuts exactly the other way. Lindows is getting material and monetary benefit from all the unpaid work of all the Linux coders who came before. They released their work into the wild without compensation, in the understanding that follow-ons would adhere to the same principle, thereby encouraging the growth of useful projects. Now Lindows comes along and says, "Well, shucks, thanks for making all that code available to us -- it's been downright useful. But if you want to see what we came up with, well, sucks to be you."

      This is just another case of the digital commons being fenced off to benefit a few sheepherders. It's better to stop it early than when it has momentum.

    • by carm$y$ ( 532675 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @11:05AM (#3334941) Homepage
      There is a lot of excitement around Lindows. Especially for people who use Windows, but are too afraid to start into Linux.

      Exactly for this reason, they *should* release the code. The have no chance at beating or "harming" M$ in a one-to-one fight, with rules that M$ not only masters, but over the time suggested, improved, and outright invented.

      Microsoft is afraid of GPL, you can see this. GPL may have it's shortcomings, but on the short run, whatever is seen as a threat by M$ - and is not illegal, obviously - must be used against them.
  • I would greatly appreciate a listing of the files
    in a Lindows install. If you can do this, please get in touch.
  • well (Score:2, Interesting)

    by waspleg ( 316038 )
    the last line says it all

    "The Codeweavers/Lindows association was terminated in part because Lindows wanted to be able to keep its Wine modifications private.

    look what else they want in their crown jewel set ;)

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 13, 2002 @10:06AM (#3334762)
    Like having an argument with a five year old.

    Time for bed, Johnny

    "I don't want to go to bed!"

    "Look at the clock Johnny, it /is/ bedtime isn't it?"

    "The clock doesn't matter!"

    To bed this instant!


    When arguing with children, there is no logical foundation to the argument. They will whine and wheedle in any way they can to get what they want. No need to let little things like reality get in the way of an angry child.

    And Robertsons arguments seem to go like this:

    "Robertson, you are a sentient being who was fully aware
    of the GPL before starting your business. Fullfill your part of the agreement"

    The agrement doesn't matter! Look at all the nice things I've done. Therefore the agreement doesn't matter!

    Robertson, you are abusing the goodwill of thousands of people who realeased their software under the condition that that goodwill be perpetuated.

    That doesn't matter! Look at all the nice things I've done!

  • by A_Mythago ( 204246 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @10:27AM (#3334827) Journal

    According to the Lindows Licensing Information page [] Source code is available for download at []. Of interest is the statements to check the main developer trees for products they use (KDE, Denbian, Wine), as most modification made by Lindows have been accepted and integrated into the main trees.

    The dates on the source files are 12 Apr 02, although the downloader is cautioned in two places the Lindows OS software "has not even been released in beta", so the source may not reflect the most current build.

  • by bokmann ( 323771 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @12:22PM (#3335200) Homepage
    I recently took a new car out for a test drive. While I was going 75 miles an hour in a 35 mph zone, a cop pulled me over. I told the cop, "Officer, I am just testing this car for it applicability to my lifestyle. Once I complete the process and agree to buy this car, I will comply with all applicable laws."

  • OBEY THE GPL!! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dh003i ( 203189 ) <dh003i&gmail,com> on Saturday April 13, 2002 @12:26PM (#3335220) Homepage Journal
    Anyone who uses GPL code knows what they're getting into in advance.

    I'm sorry if it doesn't fit into his business model or plans...perhaps he should have planned better. Its not our problem.

    Our problem is that HE is violating the GPL, and that SOME in the OSS (Open Sourced Software) / FSS (Free Sourced Software) are ACCEPTING that.

    The reasons for accepting this guys violationg of the GPL range from, "It's not even a beta release," to "Give him some time," to "All this bashing of Linux companies is what harms Linux". Sorry, none of those reasons cut it.

    The GPL is a license, and he agreed to that license before using it. He agreed that in exchange for FREELY taking advantage of the HARD WORK of THOUSANDS of benevolent programmers, he would in return contribute his source modifications back to the community. By not doing that, he is taking advantage of thousands of programmers who generously GPL'ed their code.

    Until he does release that code, he will and should be criticized. The FSF should contact him and try to get him to release the code; if that fails, a lawsuit is in order. In order for your contributions to the GPL to have any affect, the GPL must be obeyed.

    When he does release the source, then we'll drop it. No hard feelings. We're not in it to ruin his company, his image, or his product. We simply want our license -- the GPL -- to be treated with respect.

    Its not an unreasonable license. It has very simple requirements, which are more than fair when you consider that you're getting all this stuff free as in freedom, and usually free as in beer too. Its not like the EULA, where you have no rights and violations will result in multi-million dollar lawsuits. Violations of the GPL don't cost companies any money -- not like the EULA does. Lawsuit's brought are only to force the company to release the source, not to punish the company, bankrupt them, or make an example out of them, as the BSA does. There is no GPL-BSA which goes around raiding companies to see if they're violationg the GPL.
    • Re:OBEY THE GPL!! (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Chris Johnson ( 580 )
      Plus, Robertson would be a great test case for the GPL, because he is an idiot- he has really no clue for what is legal and what is not. He's capable of going into a GPL lawsuit that he can't win. That's the ideal test case for GPL licensing- against an idiot who thinks he can spin the facts with publicity.
  • by graf0z ( 464763 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @01:19PM (#3335464)
    There are many statement like MR is a good boy, lindows is good for the FS movement, they worked for wine (category "niceguy") or who needs the source, lets give them time or that's only trifle (category "trifle"). Does that count? The question is: are there any reasons to let somebody get away with violating the GPL? (if lindows does not release the code of their preview although the FSF asked for it, they violate the GPL, no matter if its free or not, if its beta or not, if they release the final code or not)

    I think there is NO such reason. Even if we love lindows & MR, the principles of the GPL are too important to weaken them by saying: "usual people have to fulfill it point for point, but some for some special people we turn a blind eye".

    Damned - who decides what is "beta", "final", "contributing enough open source", "good project for the free software movement" an so on? If we Let Lindows do what they want we will see more and more GPL violations and excuses "they let lindows go, why do they sue me?" (there is a post above exacly like this), "hey, i already published some GPL ware", "oh just wait a few month until my project reaches a status i define as 'release'" or "my project is so nice and good PR for the FS movement".

    We should not behave like officials in the old soviet union: "everybody has the same rights and has to fulfill the same duties - except good old merited communists..."

  • by Jah-Wren Ryel ( 80510 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @02:37PM (#3335773)
    Robertson blew hundreds of millions of IPO dollars while at MP3.COM because of one simple, arrogant, mistake. He thought that by using a program to remotely verify your physical possession of a CD, that he could then make MP3's of the songs on that CD available to you online in a "virtual locker."

    Indeed, this is a great idea and it was long overdue. But, that is not the way copyright law works in this country. Robertson was overconfident that the law would be no hindrence to his business plan, and thus ignored it -- at his peril. The copyright industry took MP3.COM to court over the service and won, they won bigtime. MP3.COM ended up blowing over half their IPO wad on just the pay-offs of the Big5 in the copyright industry. At $25,000 per song per copy maximum fines that $200M was actually a huge discount. But, come on man, a $200M mistake is a huge mistake nonetheless.

    Fast foward to today. MP3.COM has sold out to Vivdeni-Universal and Robertson made out like a bandit on the sale. Now, here he is working on a very good idea, an idea whose time is longer overdue. But he is ignoring the law AGAIN because he doesn't think it should apply to his special case because what he is doing is so ground breaking.

    Now, I am not saying that the GPL is equivalent of the RIAA bandits. But if Robertson weren't quite so gung-ho-with-blinders-on he might have made MP3.COM a true force for topling the copyright industry as was once his battle cry. Instead he sold out and the dream was killed. If he continues to follow true to form, he is going to end up adding little to nothing to the Libre Software community and may end up harming it in the process.

    Grow up Mike, you should have learned your lesson the first time around. Ignore the rules at your own peril.
  • by Gerdts ( 125105 ) on Saturday April 13, 2002 @04:12PM (#3336119)
    Bruce Perens as sent an open letter [] to Michael Robertson requesting that they release the code to the software that he wrote that they are distributing.
  • The GPL FAQ [] seems pretty damn clear about this issue:
    Does the GPL allow me to distribute a modified or beta version under a nondisclosure agreement? No. The GPL says that anyone who receives a copy of your version from you has the right to redistribute copies (modified or not) of that version. It does not give you permission to distribute the work on any more restrictive basis.
    As addressed elsewhere in this discussion, Lindows must make available all the GPL source code to users who have the binaries, and cannot charge more for the distribution of the code than the cost of distributing it. If these subscribed users are not able to get the entire set of matching source code that's under GPL, Lindows is violating the GPL. I don't think it will hold up in court that members of the Lindows Insiders subscription service are "internal".

