Kernel.org Needs Some Help, Perl Foundation Got Some 181
Dante wrote in to say "I just read this on the Linux Kernel mailing list, it's from Peter Anvin, one of the ftp.kernel.org maintainers...
H. Peter Anvin writes: "The recent troubles we've had at kernel.org pretty much highlight the issues with having an offsite system with no easy physical access. This begs the question if we could establish another primary kernel.org site; this would not only reduce the load on any one site but deal with any one failure in a much more graceful way.
Anyone have any ideas of some organization who would be willing to host a second kernel.org server? Such an organization should expect around 25 Mbit/s sustained traffic, and up to 40-100 Mbit/s peak traffic (this one can be adjusted to fit the available resources.) If so, please contact me."
In related news, mbadolato wrote in to tell us that "there's a press release over at dyndns.org announcing that they've donated $20,000 to the Perl Foundation!
'Thanks primarily to Perl and other Open Source technologies, we are able to provide DNS services to over 180,000 members of the Internet community,' said Tim Wilde, founder and chief executive officer of DynDNS.org. 'This is our way of giving back to some of the people whose tireless devotion to writing quality software has enabled us to provide our services to the Internet community over the past three years.'
The donation page for the Perl Foundation can be found here
To persuade RH... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:To persuade RH... (Score:1)
Why not IBM ? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:legal environment? (Score:1)
Q: Bandwidth composition (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Q: Bandwidth composition (Score:3, Insightful)
So if we have a decentralised system (I assume you are inferring P2P style? If not, then surely the mirrors system is adequate?) how are we to stop people abusing the system? I could host a trojan version - where do people go to verify the MD5? How many people actually check MD5s? My point is that we need a trusted pool of servers; the truly paranoid can still check their MD5s against those at kernel.org, the rest of us can be assured that this is one of the trusted mirrors, and not a server owned by j03 133+ h4X0R.
Hey - my acct works again!
Good for the Perl Foundation (Score:5, Funny)
Well it's about time! I couldn't bear to think about those 45 year old GNU hippie geek virgins working at the Perl Foundation anymore.
Read my UPDATED journals!
Dyn Dns. (Score:4, Informative)
I use DynDNS, and have been thinking about sending them *something*. I don't have much, but to see them donate a little something in return is nice. Any donation is cheaper than getting a 'real' domain name. Plus *.ath.cx is kinda cool, I wonder if goatse.ath.cx is available?
I just hope all these donations don't go to stuff like strippers. I could be spending my money on that.
Re:Dyn Dns. (Score:1)
Not just downloads... (Score:3, Insightful)
As we saw earlier in the week the
Realistically they are victims of their own success - people want information about the new kernal and doubtlessly they want to download stuff too.
As these once limited interest sites become more mainstream, then it's clear that they need to maintain quality of service, and that means no
Just my 2c
Re:Not just downloads... (Score:2, Insightful)
I would imagine that everytime a new kernal is released that world+dog go to view the site.
Why would you think that? Let's say _all_ Linux users did that, you're still only talking about 0.24% of computer out there. Of course, realistically, not all Linux users are going to visit the site for every new kernel release. Just imagine if Linux ever gets 1% of the computer world, that's going to be over 4 times the load that they're complaining about now. Say it with me, kids, "Scalability nightmares."
Re:Not just downloads... (Score:1, Funny)
This was of course a joke - a really, really bad joke I agree; but a joke never-the-less.
I thought it might be funny but the 'Slashdot Lameness filter kicked in and rejected it. Ok I've typed enough lower case shit now, so lets see it it gets posted
donation ability (Score:3, Interesting)
The real problem (Score:4, Troll)
The solution to the problem is really quite simple. As Larry McVoy, who maintains the powerful but non-free BitKeeper [bitkeeper.com] RCS system and knows a thing or two about patches, has hinted towards [iu.edu] kernel.org may be better off not providing a tarball for each release, instead providing some kind of utility that downloads the latest available full kernel, but only if necessary, plus patches. I'd be all for it. In the meantime, there are a number of incremental patching systems for the Linux kernel that automatically download patches, verify their signatures and patch the kernel which may be worth looking into to save time, bandwidth and resources:
Of course, it goes without saying that everyone should still use their local mirror, particularly as kernel.org will only be accessible to mirrors for the forseeable future.
Re:The real problem (Score:4, Troll)
It would also help, if /. would not put direct links to kernel.org but would instead provide or link to a list of mirrors.
BTW, the following message I just got back from www dot kernel dot org:
The Linux Kernel Archives is currently offline due to a hardware failure. However, mirror sites are receiving updates; please use a mirror site instead.
May be this is the beginning of the end to direct access to them?!
Re:The real problem (Score:3, Funny)
Re:The real problem (Score:3, Interesting)
This could probably be simplified by creating a small program that automates the server search process, and possibly download and apply patches on the fly. Later we might have a mirror system that is distributed. This latter stage could have a system like Freenet which is P2P or a load-balancing, centralized system.
Another method that just came to mind is to use a system similar to Audiogalaxy or Napster. While you've just downloaded a new kernel, your download software remains running. The software could have a default time to terminate. While the software is running, it acts as a small server, and the "Kernelgalaxy" software (what a fitting name) controls distribution in a distributed manner.
Re:The real problem (Score:3, Informative)
I agree, that's a great idea. But it needs a good name... how about calling it CVSup [polstra.com]?
Re:The real problem (Score:4, Troll)
Take a line from FreeBSD (Score:3, Interesting)
I realise that CVSup is oriented towards CVS trees, which the Linux kernel isn't, but even an rsync server would be better than continuously downloading the patch.
The reason I mention this is because of the support infrastructure available in FreeBSD:
1. Install cvsup (once)
2. edit
3. cd
CVSup is available at http://www.polstra.com/projects/freeware/CVSup/
Re:The real problem (Score:4, Insightful)
Also. some are not updating from the last kernel, wich requires more than 1 patch.
I slso believe that such tool, that downloaded as many patches as needed, should be explained and incentivated in the kerne's site motd. If they don't show it on the front page, and say it's an advantage to the user, then few people are going to get it.
Re:The real problem (Score:1)
Or perhaps publicised?
Re:The real problem (Score:2)
Re:The real problem (Score:1)
I downloaded the patch from 2.4.16 to 2.4.17, but couldn't figure out what to do with it... So I downloaded the whole kernel. Which means I wasted even more bandwidth than I would have if I just downloaded the whole thing.
Re:The real problem (Score:2)
I've been using Linux since 1998, and my favorite mirrors are often faster than I am in finding out there's a new Kernel available.
I do have to agree though, that I rarely download patches. I have a reason for this though, I like to keep the old kernel tree for a while, if the new kernel is broken in some way that facilitates changing back to the old one. I value that, so I value full tarballs.
Re:The real problem (Score:2, Informative)
Re:The real problem (Score:1)
Re:The real problem (Score:2)
Re:The real problem (Score:4, Troll)
Another thing: when I download the kernel (as an end-user), why should I have to download Sparc, MIPS, IA64, PPC, etc. sources when all I need is x86? Maybe the kernel sources can be broken apart into individual architectures for the end users (obviously not for the kernel hackers).
Just did a quick check on my 2.4.17-xfs. The "arch" directory, compressed, takes 5.1MB. But the i386 subdirectory takes just 400KB (all figures with tar | gzip -9). I see a potential savings of 4.5MB right here.
Re:The real problem (Score:2, Interesting)
I would MUCH rather grab linux-base-2.4.18.tar.bz2 and linux-i386-2.4.18.tar.bz2. Possibly break it up even further... I don't need or want SCSI drivers Video4Linux, ISDN support, etc, etc. Why not a simple utility similar to make xconfig that not only configures your kernel, but downloads the neccesary subsystems to your tree. This could also be used to patch for new releases. Just hit the "Upgrade" button and your hard drive grinds for a few seconds and spits out a shiny new kernel.
This could even automate the process of checking signatures, similar to Ximian's Red Carpet. I know I never bother to check when I download from kernel.org or mirrors, but if the utility that downloads automagically does it, those that are worried about j03 h@x0r putting up a rogue mirror will be that much more likely to use the mirrors.
Re:The real problem (Score:2)
I thought as you do, and about a year and a half ago - I think it was with 2.2.16, not sure - I tried removing the nonessential arch/* garbage, because at the time I was restricted to about 2.5 gigs total space on my system.
The kernel failed to compile in some pretty horrific ways.
Now, if that stuff is for the architecture specified ONLY, it should've done just fine. Apparently, though, somehow stuff for my i386 kernel needs to reference stuff from IA64 or Alpha or some such. I think that diverse kernel types based on Architecture - from a download perspective, at least - is a good idea, but it appears that there needs to be some code cleanup before it can happen.
Re:The real problem (Score:3, Interesting)
I've thought a bit about this. It seems that every separate open-source project has to set up their own mirrors, there is no automatic system for finding "nearby" connections or for load-balancing, and volunteering for being a mirror can cause you to incur quite a bit of bandwidth costs.
I would be willing to pay a modest fee for downloads. I don't know if many of the other open-source fans (notorious cheapskates) would be willing, but if they were:
Re:The real problem (Score:4, Troll)
Re:The real problem (Score:1)
Re:The real problem (Score:2)
Poor Guys ... (Score:1)
The porblem is I can't help them, my 256k (yeah that's what they call broadband here) DSL Line is at full load, sucking the newest Debian Packages
Yep, you're right: Shit Happens
Hmm, I wonder who could help? (Score:4, Troll)
Nah, nothing comes to mind. Shame.
Re:Hmm, I wonder who could help? (Score:2, Insightful)
IMHO we have to move away from the idea a central resource allocation for projects is good. The currecnt debate about SourceForge and VA is the best example.
It is just dangerous to rely on one or two main sites run by corporates. Why not try to find many corporations that can share the load and also minimise the risk for the project of being affected by companies woes?
One main server that is the central source for many, many mirrors and without direct access for the end-user might be the way ahead.
Re:Hmm, I wonder who could help? (Score:2)
IBM would be top of my list, but there's also SGI, Compaq, maybe RedHat (soon to be AOL-Time-Warner?!), SuSE...
solutions.... (Score:1, Insightful)
as for the rest of us, how about having words with major shareware sites.
Or possibly some sort of pay-per-mb-download scheme from official mirrors? that would certainly improve the popularity of patching.
just ideas. flame as you see fit.
MS (Score:2, Funny)
Then again, maybe not...
Re:MS (Score:1)
It's fun to violate D-M-C-A (Score:2, Informative)
Why not AOL?
Because AOL Time Warner funded the DMCA [opensecrets.org].
That is ALOT of bandwidth... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:That is ALOT of bandwidth... (Score:2)
Re:That is ALOT of bandwidth... (Score:1)
erm, Google? (Score:2, Insightful)
They probably have that kind of bw...
Re:erm, Google? (Score:2, Interesting)
Yes, but FreeBSD... (Score:1, Informative)
Freenet is the future? (Score:2, Interesting)
Besides being an anonymous (but authentic) information storage, it is also higly distributed.
In this case, that would mean there would be no "bottleneck", instead, the kernel tar.gz would be distributed, in small blocks.
Too bad it's yet under development, but it's getting better and better.
Re:Freenet is the future? (Score:2)
Re:Freenet is the future? (Score:2)
my 2 Euro-cents (Score:2, Insightful)
No thanks! (Score:2, Informative)
P2P is not the way to distribute a critical thing like the kernel source. It only takes one individual with an malicious intent to spread a virus in the kernel itself! Linux has been virus free for over 10 years and I would personally like to keep it that way.
Re:No thanks! (Score:1)
at least, thats what i would do...
Re:No thanks! (Score:2)
Other solutions? Net-News? (Score:4, Insightful)
What about Net-News it is an existing system that could distribute the patch to many of the people within a day.
The new kernel could be released,
mirrors and approved developers could have access to kernel.org for the first 3 days. Then only be patch downloads from kernel.org for the next 4 days.
BUT through net-news and most people would have it in a day.
Re:Other solutions? Net-News? (Score:2)
Re:Other solutions? Net-News? (Score:2)
If new kernels where posted to a specific group even before the mirrors where updated, I'd sure get it from there. Of course, I'd have to hit kernel.org to get the md5sum before I did anything with it. Just include instructions along with the post on how to verify authenticity and how important it is. Have an automated process post the latest kernel every 2 or 3 days to make sure it's always there.
The traffic generated would surely be less than that used by even a small warez or porn newsgroup.
Or another idea... make a deal with the major Internet providors to create their own mirrors of major projects. It would save them bandwidth out of their network, and would also be a good PR move.
Re:Other solutions? Net-News? (Score:1)
You can't broadcast to the entire internet.
Multicast/streaming is of little use for downloading files, unless you include code to correct errors, and resubmitting erred parts. Besides, multicast doesn't really work well across the entire internet.
Akamai could help. They have lots of servers located near the edges of the internet. The ISPs hosting these servers would probably welcome less costly traffic to upstream providers, and instead get the files to the customers from a server on their own network.
Re:Other solutions? Net-News? (Score:2)
As for the broadcasting of source code, you'd have to use some form of forward error correction (FEC) similiar to what is used in sat. broadcasting.
There are lot's of ways to do this... (Score:4, Insightful)
- Use the existing file sharing networks
- Netnews (I can get the file faster from my ISP's news server than anywhere else), and software like pan makes getting all the pieces trivial.
- Are there any open file sharing projects that we could use? Something that limited to a single download per user wouldn't be onerous. There are lots of cable/DSL linux users.
Re:There are lot's of ways to do this... (Score:1)
Now i am not saying this couldnt be solved, by md5 or what ever check is needed, but you know that i know that common people like me dont use those checks, until something goes wrong....
Re:There are lot's of ways to do this... (Score:1)
The user's system would be comprimised and they wouldn't know it.
But in a case like that, that's where the MD5 checksum would come in handy, which would still have to come from a reliable source (kernel.org) but how many admins out there who were just tossed into the job would actually compare the 2?
It's a great idea but for those MS system admins who are now running a linux box, it's a black hat's oasis of comprised systems. He could just keep a log of who downloaded his modified kernel and start scanning thier IP blocks.
Re:There are lot's of ways to do this... (Score:1)
Re:There are lot's of ways to do this... (Score:2)
# make
*** MD5UM file not found. Copy MD5 file "xyz"
from http://www.trustedsource.com to the kernel directory before performing a make.
This might not be a bad idea anyway, to keep people from becoming complacent.
Re:There are lot's of ways to do this... (Score:1)
Re:There are lot's of ways to do this... (Score:2)
Re:There are lot's of ways to do this... (Score:2)
A legitimate use for P2P? Unpossible! ;)
A FAQ would help (Score:2)
1) Who *REALLY* needs to update, and why?
2) How to patch an older kernel.
Re:A FAQ would help (Score:2)
Corporate Sponsorship Program/Organization? (Score:2)
Perhaps I'm uneducated about what all is out there currently. But it seems to me that with a common base of GNU, Open Source Software, etc.. The building of the Public Common Wealth of computer operating systems and the benefit this is providing to everyone around the world, that there should be some sort of Sponsorship type of program or organization that would help to streamline the searching for and finding, the matching up of corporate sponsors to software projects.
Would it be so bad that in return the Sponsor gets a mention in the source code and perhaps even in any "about this program" information box or command line option?
A old paper of mine that might generate some ideas [mindspring.com]
Peter ALVIN?! (Score:1)
Donating to Perl (Score:2, Funny)
How about some of those porn sites that use Perl extensively donating some of their profits?
Of course, maybe they do - if I was getting bucks from porn people I might not be issuing press releases about it :)
Suggestions for kernel.org (Score:5, Insightful)
2) Get more mirrors. We're talking like several thousand here. As an ISP, I know I would not mind hosting a mirror, but I cannot afford $25,000/month in bandwidth. Splitting up the load using a large number of mirrors would make it MUCH cheaper to mirror the kernel files.
3) Use a highly-efficient load-sharing/balancing mechanism to direct people to mirror sites. Make it so the user can browse/select the files from the main kernel.org site, but the downloads are redirected from there to the mirrors.
4) Use a better patch process to reduce the size of the average download: 1) The x.x.0 release is the only full download, 2) use a patch system that downloads all the necessary updates, applies them to the x.x.0 version (or whatever the version the user already has) to get the latest version, and 3) MD5 checksums EVERY file to verify that it was patched correctly.
Re:Suggestions for kernel.org (Score:1)
Re:Suggestions for kernel.org (Score:1)
Oh wait, if you distribute data using peer-to-peer technology, the copyright holders will get really pissed.
Re:Suggestions for kernel.org (Score:1)
Rsync is your friend... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Rsync is your friend... (watch the cpu) (Score:2)
I think it would still be a win. CPUs are cheap compared to bandwidth, but it does change the hosting dynamic a bit. You can't just use a nasty old desktop PC or virtual server to soak up the excess bandwidth. You need something with a little meat to it. (Not to disparge virtual servers, but they usually have paying clients that care if their CPU gets saturated.)
Now that you mention it, it is such a good idea that I will set one up today. I can't publish the access to it. I only have 2mbps uncomitted and that won't go far on a slashdotted kernel loader.
I suppose I will settle for rsyncing the tar file around. It is seductive the rsync the unpacked source tree, but if I turn on --delete then it will whack my
Linus needs to modify his devopment model. (Score:1)
and also keep drivers separte from the kernel
i think its dumb to include drivers for EVERYTHING! the tarballs are getting huge
imagein being able to use a 5 month old kernel because it works, and just compileing the latest modules for your scsi adapter or soundcard
does'nt that sound like a better way of doing things
but then again im the kind of person who uses the kernel that comes with a distro, because it works and there no reason to waste your time compileing a new one
guess im just not a ubergeek
Round robin the DNS to the mirrors. (Score:2, Insightful)
Further, make kernel.org alpha.kernel.org, and have alpha be the site everyone mirrors from, and restrict access to it to only core kernel developers.
Overnight, you'd have taken care of the problem.
Don't they already do that? (Score:1)
It seems to give me a random mirror site every time
insightful?? (Score:1, Informative)
Mirroring Scheme? (Score:2, Interesting)
That said... An idea struck me. Suppose kernel.org develops a system where incoming requests are sent to a server; the routing is based on the preferences of the admin of that server. For example, let's say I work at a small webhosting company, and have a couple of T3s. (I don't really.) All our servers run Linux, and I want to give back to the community, and show everyone how cool I am. But I'm gonna go out of business if I allow 90 Mbps of bandwidth to be going to kernel.myfakelittlehostingcompany.com, because my customers wouldn't have any bandwidth.
So I decide "Well... I can spare 10 Mbps at the most." I could tell the kernel.org admins this, and when you went to kernel.org, you would be redirected to a site, based on what the mirror sites wanted.
I'm willing to be that companies like OSDN, RedHat, Mandrake, Rackspace, etc. might be willing to let a kernel.org mirror have a small bit of their bandwidth, if they had a way of knowing that it would be controlled.
Re:Mirroring Scheme? (Score:1)
Two words: google cache.
Re:Mirroring Scheme? Mandrake? (Score:2)
Not Mandrake at least. They, wisely, don't host a thing. It's all mirrors and it works well, especially since most people are downloading 650MB ISO images. Something kernel.org should think about. The only problem with that is they need fast syncing of the mirrors, because a lot of -pre patches are only tested for a few days until the next one comes out....
Why not ohther sources like... (Score:1)
Why not ask then to contribute?
Also the big biofirms who're working on the biotechnology are using massive pc farms with linux. Why not them for support?
The support of non-profit project can be done by this, and others big corporate guys who are profiting a lot from the technology we are developping.
Instead of a central server (Score:1)
Here's your answer, Peter.. (Score:3, Informative)
If iBiblio [ibiblio.org] is willing to host Propaganda, i'm sure they're more than willing to host a kernel.org mirror. In my experience, they've been wonderfully good hosts and run a very professional operation. Better still, they aren't hiding alterior motives by hosting free software projects, unlike the two-letter chameleon we've all grown to hate over the past year or two.
As for SourceForge, I wouldnt bother..The company that runs it turned its back on the community that made it's existance even possible. That alone should dissuade anyone. More tangible perhaps would be that the company has only one product (which they cant sell), and only enough cash on hand to last another year at most.
P2P (Score:4, Insightful)
P2P (Score:1)
What I find really distressing is the number of times I have searched for things such as the linux kernel or openbsd iso's on the late morpheus/kazaa, or gnutella, and not found any. after downloading, I put up the kernel never to have it touched.
Many people don't use gnutella because of the high bandwidth consumption of the porn/warez/mp3 searches going on. What if we were to start a new gnutella network strictly for open source software. maybe network ID "opensource"? I have to admit I don't consider myself an expert on gnutella, maybe someone who is can remark on the merits of this idea.
If I get three other people who respond to this post and will tell me they are willing to be a part of the network, I will put up a node here.
Now, what we need is kernel maintainers (and other project maintainers) to post MD5s in a place that won't be swamped by people using the traditional methods (c2s?) of leeching^h^h^h^h^hdownloading.
chump change (Score:2)
Re:chump change (Score:2, Informative)
However, last I checked, dyndns.org wasn't a multimillion dollar company. It's run entirely by volunteers (myself being one of them), and almost every penny of our income comes from user donations. We don't have a single full time anyone on staff to run the service, let alone to develop open source applications.
What this donation is supposed to signify is not so much a dollar amount, but what it stands for. It's a challenge to any company making money from open source. If a non-profit service run by volunteers can donate such a sizable amount to open source, imagine what for-profit companies are capable of doing? Come up, try and one up us
if only i had the bandwidth... (Score:1, Redundant)
Although I'm sure there's no shortage of admins for kernel.org.
The Quasi-Ultimate OSS Mirror for Canadians (Score:3, Informative)
Incidentally, just some of the files available via rsync [ftp.crc.ca] from ftp.crc.ca [ftp.crc.ca] (which, sadly, has an anon-ftp limit of 25 users):
Perl CPAN mirror
GNOME desktop and utilities
Linux HowTo's
KDE desktop and utilities
ALSA Linux sound drivers
Debian Linux
Debian Linux ISO images
Alexy Kuznetsov's IP Routing Tools for linux
Blackdown's port of JAVA for Linux
CRC's Linux Kernel Archive (I wonder if this is different from the standard kernel? they don't say "CRC's" on everything)
CRC's RedHat mirror
CRC's RedHat Contrib (interesting)
Slackware Linux
SUSE Linux
CRC's VQEG Digital Video Experiments
CRC's XAnim mirror
So if you are Canadian and use any of these software packages (or the others on the page I linked), PLEASE use this site, it's extremely fast on broadband and even more so to university students. I used it for my Debian packages until they dropped the limit on FTP users. Maybe if I ask real nice they'll give me a login....
The site itself is interesting too. Neat stuff.
Re:The Quasi-Ultimate OSS Mirror for Canadians (Score:2)
I recall getting 300 kbytes/s download from them once or twice. I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure I'm not. Perhaps they have several T1s (they're fairly cheap nowadays, all things considered).
I'd love to help... (Score:2, Insightful)
That's an idea! Linus should ask Bill G to front the green for the Linux kernel site. I know Billy-boy would do it. He's all for helping the community... ;-)
How does it beg the question? (Score:2, Funny)
I'm confused; I don't see how it begs the question. I dont see an attempt to prove anything with itself.
ack (Score:1)