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Linux Beer Wanderung 85

murger burger writes: "You have forgotten to report the linux beer wanderung, it has been taking place this week in Bouillon in Belgium. We just did a tour around the villages of Apach, Perl and Borg."
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Linux Beer Wanderung

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  • oh yeah, since i always use apache and perl in my job, finally i can also visit it.... cool thing
  • Too bad that place in Belgium isn't named:

    Whoops... sorry for bringing that troll back to /.
    I couldn't resist.
  • oh no! webcams! (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
  • I haven't seen something like this since Scotchtoberfest.
    Silly children, there's no such thing as scotchtoberfest.
    What? There isn't? You used me! You used me skinner!!!
  • LBW2001 (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Manaveru ( 234070 ) on Friday August 31, 2001 @09:41AM (#2238967)
    I'm still at the LBW right now, the event was very funny and avoided the hype going around Linux events.

    Just a bunch of geeks having fun together, sharing knowledge and drinking a lot of beers.

    Great party! I will definitively go to the next one.
  • Uhhh (Score:5, Funny)

    by mcc ( 14761 ) <> on Friday August 31, 2001 @09:44AM (#2238981) Homepage
    Is it just me, or does this seem like a REALLY bad idea??

    I mean.. crap. Hundreds of linux users setting up computers and then getting really drunk. I can just see this. People stumbling around drunk in the evening, absentmindedly tripping and falling into the spaghetti-cable mess between card tables.. and since everyone is drunk, no one can get them out.. so they remain in a tangled heap until the conference ends and they are discovered by maintenance crews. A quake game in which everyone is just kind of sliding around in slow motion, moving forward and then turning slowly (their crosshairs wobbling) to shoot at each other and missing. And then strafing into the lava by accident. A man stumbles in from drinking, collapses at his cardtable and wakes up the next morning with a throbbing headache in front of a screen covered in near-gibberish written sometime during the previous night that later turns out to be a threaded messaging cgi system written in perl. A weepy drunk guy, unable to deal with his repeatedly crashing X Server because he's not thinking clearly, goes and drinks to forget his troubles until he dies of alchohol poisoning. The SUSE team, sitting on the floor with the guy who wrote Kontour, halfconsiously swinging beer cans in the air and singing Filk in german. The guy who's been writing all those "BSD is dying" trolls standing and angrily yelling, his voice slurring, threatening physical violence against the one mac user who dared to show up for some reason. A bunch of british football hooligans who stagger around, challenge random people to FIFA 2001, lose, and then beat the victors up and smash their playstations. A LARGE HORDE OF PEOPLE GETTING DRUNK AND POSTING ON SLASHDOT EN MASSE.

    Umm.. damn. I wish i was in germany.
  • The towns of Apach(e), Perl, and Borg??

    What about trips to the towns of Java, Samba, and Ferengi?
  • I was writhing with envy at the thought of being able to pop off to Europe for a pub crawl, and it got me to thinking: absent of the transatlantic plane ticket, what's the cost for one person to do this sort of thing? (This would include transportation, accomodations, and of course beer.) There's a page listing accomodations, [] and registration [] is free, but what about the rest? (If anyone knows, just post your info in whatever currency you use [].

  • Bad Mondorf (Score:3, Funny)

    by Bazman ( 4849 ) on Friday August 31, 2001 @09:50AM (#2239011) Journal
    I'm going to request that Larry has 'Bad Mondorf' as an error message in the next release of perl. Can you imagine?

    % perl
    Error compiling bad mondorf

    Go check the pics if you haven't a clue what I'm on about!

  • When I drink heavily, I can see Tux waving at me.

    Does this happen to anyone else...

    And Sometimes, when I get really drunk, uh, nevermind, I've said too much already.
  • Survival Dictionary (Score:4, Informative)

    by Col. Panic ( 90528 ) on Friday August 31, 2001 @09:55AM (#2239038) Homepage Journal
    For those of us who don't speak German, here is a reference that might just come in handy:

    beer -- das Bier
    beer barrel -- das Bierfass
    beer barrel -- das Bierfass [obs.]
    beer brewed from wheat -- das Hefeweizen
    beer brewed from wheat -- das Weissbier
    beer mat -- der Bierdeckel
    beer mat -- der Bieruntersetzer
    beer mug -- der Bierkrug
    beer mugs [pl.] -- die Bierkruege [pl.]
    beer tent -- das Bierzelt
    bottled beer -- das Flaschenbier
    head (on beer) -- die Schaumkrone
    life isn't all beer and skittles -- das Leben besteht nicht nur aus Vergnuegen
    life isn't all beer and skittles -- das Leben ist kein endloses Vergnuegen
    Life isn't all beer and skittles. -- Das Leben besteht nicht nur aus Vergnuegen.
    a kept woman -- eine Maetresse
    bosom (woman) -- der Busen (Frau)
    buffalo woman -- die fette Frau
    business woman -- Geschaeftsfrau
    career woman -- Karrierefrau
    cleaning woman -- die Aufwartefrau
    cleaning woman [Brit.] -- die Zugehfrau
    foolish woman -- die Toerin
    gipsy woman -- die Zigeunerin
    kept woman -- die Maetresse
    married woman -- verheiratete Frau
    the new woman -- die Frau von heute
    to play the woman -- empfindlich sein
    vanward woman -- die Vorreiterin
    woman -- die Frau
    woman -- Frau
    toilet -- Abort
    toilet -- Abtritt
    toilet -- die Toilette
    toilet -- Toilette
    toilet -- WC
    toilet article -- Toilettenartikel
    toilet articles -- Toilettenartikeln
    toilet bag -- der Kulturbeutel
    toilet paper -- Klosettpapier
    toilet papers -- Toilettenpapiere
    toilet set -- Toilettengarnitur
    toilet sets -- Toilettengarnituren
    toilet soap -- Toilettenseife
    toilet soaps -- Toilettenseifen
    toilet table -- Toilettentisch
    toilet tables -- Toilettentische
    toilet tank -- der Spuelkasten (Toilette)

    That should about do it.

  • I hope they are all having fun drinking their Linux Lager, Penguin Porter, and, of course, Slashdot Stout while I am working. ;)
  • This is the way we live in Belgium. First, we use our brains for good and invent a new standard for AES, then, we kill our brains for good by consuming large quantities of alcohol. Well, I know I did.
  • So a bunch of drunk geeks in a quonset hut throw a beer bash ...

    I can't wait to see the women.
  • I thought the actual name was the 'linuxbeerwanderung'.. one word... not the 'linux beer wanderung'. No?
  • "Imashhin a Beowufff clushter of theeezzzsh..."

    - Freed

  • Belgium is home to several hundred styles of beer. Many use wild yeasts and have very unique tastes. Good descriptions can be found on the website [] of Michael Jackson (the British one).

    Food Network [] recently had a Beer Unwrapped special which showcased Belgian beers and dishes cooked with them. It was pretty good...for something hosted by Gordon Elliott.

    Chimay [] and Orval [] are two brands which can be found in most parts of the US. Corsendonk is one of my favorites, but it's harder to find.
  • Up on the hills to the east, it's pretty cool. Otherwise, there's not much to do in Bouillon. It's a washed-up spa town for has-beens. But the castle is cool, and the youth hostel is nicer than average.

