New IBM Linux Notebook Includes DVD Player 118
An anonymous reader noted that there's a story on Newsforge about IBM's new ThinkPad. This story says it's the "first commercially available Linux computer with the ability to play back DVDs." The 900MHz Linux T22 will come with a commercial Linux DVD player. Meanwhile Xine, Xmovie, and OMS race to be the first one to support all the features (I need subtitles for anime darnit!) in an open source project, but since CSS plugins float around the net for each of them, actually playing DVDs is something they can do pretty well depending on your hardware. Most interesting about this LinDVD included with the ThinkPad is the implementation of one feature no user needs: Macrovision... done as a kernel module? Hrm.
Re:Another linux DVD program (Score:1)
Does this remove the justification for DECSS? (Score:2)
Re:xine does subtitles (almost) (Score:2)
But it sucks in quality when you watch your DVD in your monitor.
Re:Don't forget VideoLAN (Score:2)
Xine beats the crap out of VideoLAN in terms of picture smoothness, and the need for SDL (Xine doesn't need SDL)
Re:funky web site (Score:2)
All work is now done on the production site.
- A.P.
Forget Napster. Why not really break the law?
xine does subtitles (almost) (Score:4)
Also, I've never been able to get xines
Still, the feature is there, and possibly even useful in some circumstances.
Down that path lies madness. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.
Re:GPL? (Score:1)
Re:Another linux DVD program (Score:1)
Re:WinDVD (Score:1)
IBM == Good (Score:1)
Their earnings are up and/or on target this quarter - as seen by this morning's NASDAQ-boosting announcement.
Bring it on, Big Blue!
Re:VCR with TBC may still respond to MacroVision! (Score:1)
If you reside in the US it is required by law that all devices respond to macrovision, or at least for consumer devices (I don't recall if pro equipment is exempted.)
Re:Does this remove the justification for DECSS? (Score:2)
Yes, one of the reasons was so you could watch DVD's on Linux. Now, if IBM puts this out you can.
But what if I have a DVD drive on a non-intel version of Linux?
What if I sit around tomorrow and hack out my own OS just cause I want to use component PC parts and build my own DVD player?
Re:xine does subtitles (almost) (Score:2)
Which, unfortunately, doesn't include the NVidia Riva TNT2 I picked up recently.
Hopefully, either (a) Xv support will be extended to other cards, or (b) xine will get the ability to do subtitles in software without special drivers.
Macrovision module security (Score:4)
The intersection between "trusted client" security (as demanded by the MPAA/RIAA) and open source OSes should be interesting to watch.
Re:Possible Macrovision workaround? (Score:2)
(*) Disclaimer: This is in no way an endorsement for DVD piracy. I use the DXR3/ H+ without Macrovision for archival purposes only.... >:-)
Re:That's Wonderful! (Score:1)
Re:Don't forget VideoLAN (Score:1)
Re:Kernel Version Dependent (Score:2)
The idea is that they would sell more hardware if anybody in the world could write a driver. And people would still pay money for your closed-source driver if it provides added functionality that they cannot figure out for themselves.
Re:what about UDF (Score:2)
In fact, Yggdrassil (yes, they are still around, but they don't make a distribution of Linux any more) and SuSE make DVD-ROMs targeted for Linux users.
IBM Supports Linux But Recommends... (Score:1)
IBM recommends Windows 2000 Professional for business.
Re:$3500 - it must be *really* nice... (Score:1)
I bought my first laptop (Dell p133 w/16mb and a 12.1 Active Matrix LCD) for $3300. If you are into cutting edge stuff (and are a linux DVD zealot) then you would be into paying for that.
I would rather just tote around my Cassiopeia myself (any support for the USB cradle yet?)
Re:That's Wonderful! (Score:2)
I'm split on DVD on the laptop: it's nice, but it's too expensive, and the machines I want (older, cheap laptops) don't have it.
Zener diode? (Score:2)
Stupid question time - does this mean that a pair of back-to-back $0.05 zener diodes would remove Macrovision?
Re:Zener diode? (Score:2)
Perhaps I was misunderstanding the description of Macrovision, then. If it messes up decoding by fooling the automatic gain control, that means out-of-band voltages, right? You should be able to tailor a very simple circuit to cut out out-of-band voltages, thus making timing irrelevant (as far as the AGC's concerned, which is what we presumably care about).
If the spike is much slower than the retrace pulse, on the other hand, a simple low-pass filter should do the trick. Another $0.10 worth of components.
If the spike has a voltage range and time scale similar to the real sync pulse, then it should muck up tracking, as there'd be no way to distinguish it from the real sync pulse.
I'm obviously missing something, here. What is it?
Reality. (Score:2)
Why? MS Office. It's the only thing out there that can reliably read MS Office files,
and chances are, business customers are already using it on Win or Mac.
Linux just doesn't have the app support to make it viable on many corporate networks.
Sure, StarOffice and friends are nice programs, and have most of the capability of Office,
but until they can flawlessly exchange files from MS Office, they won't be able to compete.
Re:kernel modules (Score:1)
This is OT, but couldn't you just rebuild your kernel with just the security patches, but not patch the top-level makefile so that the module version number remains the same? You wouldn't want to pick up every change from a new kernel version, just the security stuff. I've never tried this, I'm just curious as to whether there would be problems with this approach or not. It would probably be a huge pain to get this to work right, though.
what about UDF (Score:1)
so thats complete in linux and IBM done all the debugging ?
strange I thought that this was sort of shaky in linux with SUSE doing most of the work
john jones
Re:Does this remove the justification for DECSS? (Score:3)
The main reason CSS was put onto DVDs is to stop people watching movies bought in other countries, so the movie companies could actually control prices for these movies.
CSS does not hinder pirating....it hinders consumers' rights to watch the movies on the player of their choice.
Re:Kernel Version Dependent (Score:2)
Actually, there is a way to get around the whole mess: don't license CSS. The main reason to license CSS is that it used to be a secret, so licensing was the only way to get it. But it's not a secret anymore.
MPAA wouldn't be able intimidate them. It's not like IBM can't afford lawyers. Just showing that you are financially able to fight, is 90% of the battle. IBM probably wouldn't even need to spend any money.
And DVD CCA has already shown itself impotent in the California case. The whole "trade secret" argument fizzled.
IBM could get away with it.
Re:$3500 - it must be *really* nice... (Score:1)
Addendum (Score:1)
You can tell when a time base changes on a source video signal by a distinctive picture rolling for a moment that looks like your video resolution changing -- but since NTSC (e.g. televisions) only have one resolution, the resolution can't be changing.
I bet if you tried to record a Playstation 2 game, a macrovision-detection enabled video capture device would bitch about the flicker between the PS2 boot up screen and the video game boot up screen.
...More Powerful than Otto Preminger...
Re:Macrovision@Everything2 (Score:3)
To overcome macrovision "protection," you need some form of a time base corrector. Most TBCs sell for a couple grand -- they're used by video editors for making sure the source and record decks are synced perfectly. Some consumer VCRs, however, do time base correcting internally (I have a Sharp VCR that I use between my DVD player (with composite out) and my TV (with coax in)). It overcomes macrovision, and could probably be used to tape macrovision-enabled video sources, but I haven't tried.
...More Powerful than Otto Preminger...
kernel modules (Score:1)
I am not aware of many people who use linux and want to be dependent upon the hardware vendor to supply kernels and binary-only kernel modules...
Dell does the same thing with the Linux servers they sell with onboard RAID -- the RAID drivers are provided as binary-only kernel modules. (Or at least they were ~6 months ago). This is espescially ugly on a server, where you don't want to get locked into a particular kernel build that might later prove to have security issues.
Re:kernel modules (Score:1)
couldn't you just rebuild your kernel with just the security patches, but not patch the top-level makefile so that the module version number remains the same? You wouldn't want to pick up every change from a new kernel version, just the security stuff. I've never tried this, I'm just curious as to whether there would be problems with this approach or not. It would probably be a huge pain to get this to work right, though.
I think the key phrase is "it would be a huge pain to get it to work"... and the idea of doing that kind of experimental kernal patching (around a binary-only RAID driver no less) on a production system doesn't strike me as wise. Even if you could "probably" get it to work with enough time, that's not the sort of black box I like to go messing around with unnecessarily.
Re:$3500 - it must be *really* nice... (Score:1)
Re:macrovision (Score:2)
Re:macrovision ...NO-COPIES explained (Score:4)
I'm cautiously optimistic... (Score:2)
Link to the product page (Score:2)
Re:Does this remove the justification for DECSS? (Score:3)
A $3500 "off-the-shelf" DVD-capable laptop is small comfort for those of us that purchased DVD drives and decoders long ago, and will probably never see drivers, binary or otherwise, released by the companies we purchased the equipment from.
Quite frankly, the DVD business is the only reason I still have Windows installed, and I keep watching the em8300 (DXR3/Hollywood+ card) driver releases, as well as Xine and OMS developments, for the day I can get that crud off my drive and I can happily watch DVDs on the platform of my choice.
Re:Possible Macrovision workaround? (Score:2)
This is not the case. VCRs do not have a Macrovision chip. This is a quick explanation, and might have an error or two:
The Macrovision signal is primarily a set of flashing white squares in the "vertical blanking interval" (VBI), the area just above and just below, the rest of the picture. A television tube's Automatic Gain Control (AGC) circuit ignores these flashing squares as they don't appear on the screen. But most VCR's AGC looks at the entire picture. The VBI should be black, or have some information like Teletext or close caption data...but NOT flashing squares. So the AGC, trying to control the gain of the signal being recorded to the tape, raises and lowers the gain as the squares flash from white to black. So your dubbed program flashes.
Macrovision removers replace the flashing squares with the black that should be there in the first place. Some of us with projection TVs have to use Macrovision removers in order to simply watch our legally purchased VHS tapes, as the Macrovision signal screws up our picture. Macrovision reps are scumbags and lie like dogs even when confronted with evidence.
Anyway, there is no chip. VCRs vary in their sensitivity to the Macrovision crap.
Another linux DVD program (Score:3)
called VideoLAN (http://www.videolan.org [videolan.org])
works on my system, does css (i think),
and has subtitles. get a pretty decent framerate too.
I saw it annouced over on freshmeat,
but never see anything mentioned about it.
just though I'd post a link.
Re:Kernel Version Dependent (Score:1)
Re:Kernel Version Dependent (Score:2)
developed our software with information on the ASIC that we received under NDA, so we can't make the entire driver open source. Not to mention that other companies could just slap the ASIC on a card, use the software we developed, and undercut our price, since they'd save 90% of the development costs.
The ASIC maker would sell more hardware if there was an open source version of the driver and people didn't have to pay your 90% markup.
IP laws and trade secrets have their own inefficiencies. Isn't it ironic that capitalists strive to avoid competition as much as possible?
Re:Macrovision module (Score:2)
Unloading the kernel module would probably just disable the S-video output or something like that.
So, who the heck is this aimed at? I am not aware of many people who use linux and want to be dependent upon the hardware vendor to supply kernels and binary-only kernel modules...
Another thing I would be interested in is if the DVD player sovtware or the hardware will regionalize. I think that the player is REQUIRED to regionalize if it is a 3rd generation player or later...
macrovision (Score:3)
Re:$3500 - it must be *really* nice... (Score:1)
Thinkpads... (Score:2)
I just bought an IBM X20 and run Debian and Windows 2000 on it. The only piece that Linux has a problem with is the modem. If you order it without the NIC it comes with a Lucent modem that is supported, but if you get the built-in NIC it has a 3COM mini-PCI NIC and modem, and the modem is a non-supported software modem. I put a Lucent 802.11 card in it and now have a great 3.5lb wireless Linux box.
Re:Thinkpads... (Score:2)
'Obviously IBM can't use current projects' (Score:2)
If they're worried that IBM couldn't open source their own work, sure they could. Nobody in their right mind would use IBM's alterations, but they could certainly publish the changes (presuably without altering the main part, and thus without having to republish that).
$3500 - it must be *really* nice... (Score:2)
It's interesting that this apparently has S-video output. Aside from big screen TV Quake sessions, this might be just the thing for business presentations.
It's nice that IBM seems to see the light in regards to DVD capability on Linux, but at this price, I don't think this is the one "for the rest of us"...
IBM's Recommendation? (Score:1)
IBM recommends Windows 2000 Professional for business.
What the ?????
All this after just half a page up they list the Operating System Provided as Caldera OpenLinux 2.4 and the included Productivity Applications as StarOffice. Me thinks somebody over at Big Blue still doesn't quite grasp the concept of using an operating system other than Winblows! Linux on my laptop and desktop has served me just fine and saved me countless hours of work from not having to rewrite code and documents after system crashes.
Re:Great (Score:1)
Windows has detected that you have moved your mouse. Windows will now reboot in order for this change to take effect.
Re:macrovision ...NO-COPIES explained (Score:1)
Re:macrovision ...NO-COPIES explained (Score:1)
Must use Preview next time...
Re:WTF?! (Score:1)
If you're a system integrator, you probably have to sign an NDA which says you will only compile the code and release binary versions.
Paul "TBBle" Hampson
Macrovision Linux standard (Score:1)
We can disable the protection in the kernel, since we have the source. We cannot disable such protection in closed-source apps. So lets hope indeed that the Linux kernel shall contain such a function soon :).
Off to the computer show (Score:1)
Re:Kernel Version Dependent (Score:1)
Production Costs != Development Costs
It doesn't take a huge development effort slap an ASIC into a reference design card. If the driver is simple, then the software effort isn't that great either. However, our driver is about 30000 lines of code and runs on six OSs, and multiple hardware platforms for many of those OSs. Yes, we do support Linux on the PPC. Developing and testing the software is a huge development effort and required a large investment by our company. In order to pay for that we have to charge $$$ for our products.
Our cards are more expensive that the ASIC developers cards, however you get more for your money.
The ASIC maker would sell more hardware if there was an open source version of the driver and people didn't have to pay your 90% markup.
The ASIC manufacturer has decided that there are some markets they aren't interested in because the customres require special features or additional support that they aren't interested in providing. We provide additional features in our software, and more personalized support to those customers that need it. We can't just sell the support seperately, because that's not the way the business works. Customers, especially the government want COTS (Comercial Off The Shelf) products. However, a large percentage of our customers don't want the common off the shelf product, they want something a little bit different. They don't want to develop it themselves, because that would be way to expensive. Me make products that fit those niches, and have the experience to make our products work in non-standard environments. We add value the the product that the ASIC vendor cannot or will not provide.
Now, the ASIC vendor could just fully publish their specs and let the open source community provide drivers. However, many of the non-mainstream projects just never reach a high level of quality control, and most open source developers really can't afford the hardware we need to properly test and develop our software.
The other issue is that developing sowtware costs money. Most of our ASIC vendors customers don't need the software we develop. They don't need our specialized protocols or a driver for a PPC single board computer. Why should all the vendors customers have to pay more for their boards to pay for development of software they don't need. Let the people who need our software pay us for our software.
Free software has a place. We do have a hardware product to which we have always provided the source to the driver. For that product there is a definate benefit to the customer to having source, and it uses our own custom ASIC, so we make our money off the ASIC in that case.
The sell the hardware, but all software should be free also bothers me because it's getting harder to define what's hardware and what's software. We have a product that is mostly implemented in a FPGA. VHDL is just software to me. You compile it, load it into the FPGA, and you have a hardware product. Change the VHDL and you have a significantly different hardware product. Should that be free too? How do you expect developers to recoup costs? Where do you draw the line? How can companies make money so they can pay for the development tools, and pay their employees? There's lots of people pushing for free software, but how does it work as a business model when you aren't talking about a mass market product. How does free software address a complicated, software product that has relatively few people that need it?
Kernel Version Dependent (Score:2)
We've run into this problem where I work. Our hardware uses an ASIC produced by someone else. We developed our software with information on the ASIC that we received under NDA, so we can't make the entire driver open source. Not to mention that other companies could just slap the ASIC on a card, use the software we developed, and undercut our price, since they'd save 90% of the development costs.
The code for the binary driver can't call kernel functions directly. It goes through a layer which is open source and contains the kernel headers. That layer needs to be recompiled every time the kernel is recompiled to ensure the driver works with the new kernel. It's a pain for our customers, and it makes Linux the most difficult (and therefore the most expensive) OS for us to support. Fortunately, we have enough customers using Linux to still justify supporting it, but tech support really dreads getting calls on our Linux products.
As for InterVideo's particular choice of going with a binary only approach, they really don't have a choice. The MPAA dictates the rules of the licensing agreement, there choices are a closed source LinDVD or no LinDVD.
Re:Kernel Version Dependent - NVidia? VHDL!=chip (Score:2)
We're not in the graphics market, but the issues may be similar.
So why don't they, and why don't you publish that which you can publish and ship only the NDA'd stuff binary? (which would also aid the reengineering effort because then there's a lot less to work on).
I really don't know why the ASIC vendor doesn't publish their spec. The firmware specification which tells us how to interface with their ASIC is under NDA, but a lot of that information can be determined from the GPLed Linux driver, but definately only a subset of the functionality that we use. Since the material under NDA is at the core of the driver, it wouldn't do users much good if we released the source to the rest of it. It would however help our competitors which have access to the NDA information.
By releasing the source, we risk having the software we developed stolen and used by our competitors, but what do we gain. In our particular market the hardware our board interfaces with is very expensive. The average open source developer doesn't have $100,000 worth of equipment sitting around. Because of this our market just doesn't lend itself well to open source development. We do have certain partners who do have access to the source. We had to execute a 3 way NDA with the ASIC vendor to give them access, but it is possible.
You of all people should know that a chip isn't done when the VHDL is done. Even if people get it to work on a FPGA (and they're sometimes more expensive than purchasing the device!) all they l get is an underpowered version of the real thing.
That depends a lot on the product. When you aren't talking about huge volumes, then FPGAs are a reasonable and even cost effective solution. Rolling an ASIC is very expensive, and mistakes mean rolling it again. With a FPGA you can change how the hardware works across the PCI bus, while the board is in the system. We have two products which perform significantly different tasks, on which the only differences are the parts externel to the FPGA and the VHDL. You can actually populate the board with parts for both functions and change what it does while it's in the system.
As for a FPGA being an underpowered solution, this is completely untrue. There is no reason that a FPGA solution is inherrantly less powerful than an ASIC solution.
Your comments on FPGAs being expensive it very true, especially at higher densities. However, you can save money if you can split the design into a couple less dense chips.
One more thing, I'm also aware that making the device available with only proprietary closed software to use it with also has the advantage of controlling what functionality/features of the device are available to the end-user. That way, you can keep people from exploiting the hardware of the device to the point that it prolongs the product's lifecycle and thus possible impedes sales of a successor device.
We are a small company that's trying to put our the best product we can with the most features we can in the shortest time we can. We aren't holding back features for the sake of our next generation products. This may be true of other companies, but I can say that it's not true of ours.
Why the ASIC vendor has a NDA (Score:2)
Possible Macrovision workaround? (Score:2)
If that is the case, then all you need to do is get a scan converter to convert VGA -> NTSC, and skip the Macrovision entirely.
Possible Macrovision workaround? (Score:2)
If that is the case, then all you need to do is get a scan converter to convert VGA -> NTSC, and skip the Macrovision entirely.
First DVD laptop? (Score:1)
Macrovision@Everything2 (Score:2)
Macrovision [everything2.com]
(thing) byZorin
Sat Nov 13 1999 at 14:28 utc
An extremely annoying copy protection used on commercial VHS videos and the output of DVD players. Although it is easily worked around with a Macrovision Buster, it's a necessary evil that content producers need to use to protect their assets.
(thing) bygetzburg
Sun Apr 2 2000 at 00:54 utc
I lack technical details on this one, but basically what it does is mess with the gain control on whatever device you attach it to, particularly VCRs, so that the picture keeps alternating between light and dark. Tremendously annoying.
(No, I wasn't going to merge all the node linkage! Some people [] too much! Perhaps Slashdot needs some E2 intergration... that would rock...)
Anyway, hope this helps!
WinDVD (Score:3)
IIRC WinDVD is only $30, so LinDVD should be similar in price. I was unaware that the product had even gone gold... perhaps I should pick up a copy for my Debian laptop.
Dell Inspiron Laptop DVD works without problems (Score:1)
Re:what about UDF (Score:2)
DVD-ROM does not imply UDF.
Did ya notice? (Score:1)
IBM recommends Windows 2000 Professional for business.
Seems kinda silly to be selling it with Linux and recommending Windows 2000.
Re:what about UDF (Score:1)
videolan (Score:1)
Re:Does this remove the justification for DECSS? (Score:2)
Re:Thinkpads... (Score:1)
One thing to note on the NIC is that most models have options for either 3Com or Intel. In my experience, Intel has far fewer driver problems with their NIC products.
Re:T22 Costs the same regardless of preinstalled O (Score:1)
DVDs? (Score:2)
Show me a laptop that plays vinyl LPs, THEN I'll be impressed.
Re:macrovision (Score:2)
Great (Score:2)
Please.. (Score:1)
Some of us can do something useful in win2k and learn how to use an OS before bitching about it
Re:Great (Score:1)
Re:Reality. - or word 6 (Score:1)
Re:How about the last feature in BOLD print (Score:1)
T22 Costs the same regardless of preinstalled OS (Score:1)
Am I missing something, or is IBM hoping people won't notice?
If it ran Debian I'd buy it tomorrow. I wonder what their motivation was behind choosing Caldera OpenLinux.
VCR with TBC may still respond to MacroVision! (Score:1)
Disable it by ... (Score:2)
Re:IBM == Good (Score:1)
Re:IBM == Good (Score:2)
Re:xine does subtitles (almost) (Score:1)
"just connect this to..."
Re:Does this remove the justification for DECSS? (Score:2)
Commercial DVD player for embedded systems (Score:1)
Re:xine does subtitles (almost) (Score:1)
Re:what about UDF (Score:1)
GPL? (Score:3)
On the other hand, if it's just a LKM, then it's in a nice self-contained file where it's easier to disassemble and patch, or even replace with code that does nothing.
Wrong (Score:4)
Betamax video recorders were not vulnerable to this signal and would supposedly copy it perfectly. Ditto for Go Video VHS recorders, although I think they were eventually forced to put the crappy AGC circuit into their stuff a couple of years back.
Time Base Correctors fix the problem because the nasty signals are in the sync areas of the screen, which they throw out and replace with clean signals. But a true TBC (which makes sure that entire scanlines come through with the right timing, something that videotape is not accurate at) is overkill for Macrovision.
Welcome to the fold. (Score:2)
$2500. (Score:1)
Don't forget VideoLAN (Score:3)
I don't know if it's "the best one" or not, but it's the only one I managed to compile AND make work, so I thought I'd mention it.
More info on their web site [videolan.org].
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
Re:Don't forget VideoLAN (Score:2)
Boy, this software would be perfect if they had a Win32 build. Sadly, I'm still stuck in Windows for most of my multimedia work.
macrovision (Score:2)
Re:Does this remove the justification for DECSS? (Score:2)
No, because the justification for DeCSS is that source code is free speech, and is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Ways to remove the justification for DeCSS would be:
1) Open Source the DVD format and release it into the public domain
2) Amend the Constitution to remove the first Amendment
3) Have the Supreme Court rule that computer source code is not speech.
Of those three options, 3) is the most likely.