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New Security Module For Kernel 2.5 94

CelestialWizard writes: "After the Linux Kernel 2.5 summit, a new security model is to be created for the next kernel. You can see the post from Cripsin Cowan on BUGTRAQ. " Interested folks should look at the mailing list; my guess is this is gonna be for the techies only.
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New Security Module for Kernel 2.5

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Adding hooks to ease the implementation of security features as loadable modules is not a new security model.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The article was not very informative and so I can understand how you would feel the way you do. But you are missing the point of this new idea.

    I'm currently developing Ultra Secure and Cool Linux for the CIA. It is estimated to be atleast 3.42% more secure than NSA Linux.

    One of the things that we had to develop is a "Read this message once and destroy it" feature into the Linux kernel. Our spies were not deleting the messages or were doing it improperly and the Russians were finding out all of our secret plans.

    With the new 2.5 kernel it is trivial to implement this new feature so that if someone opens the file once (regardless of which application they use) then we delete it right away. Just like they do in the movies.

    Hope this helps.

  • by Kelvin ( 295 )
    The article here on /. has a typo in it. Crispin is actually at [mailto], not
  • by DG ( 989 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @10:29AM (#295421) Homepage Journal
    Part of the functionality of modules is that you can change core kernel functionality on the fly, no reboot required.

    Whaddya think this is, Win95? :)

  • One thing is that Security means different things to different people. For example the NSA probably does not care much about hackers trying to break into a box. In order to hack into their box you have to get into the building past the guard with the gun and a lot of other types of security. On the other hand they are very worried that someone might take a classified document and make it not classified, or differently classified.

    To you and me that does not matter at all. The guy who runs a web hosting firm has a differet set of issues and so on.
  • by Sabalon ( 1684 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @12:27PM (#295423)
    Look at how PAM works.

    Your app is PAM aware. You want someone who is ftping in to be authenticated by RADIUS, you set the pam.d/ftpd file up to allow that. You want SMB also, you add that...and so on. Once your app is PAM aware, it does not care what happens on the back end - it says I have this userid and this password - is it valid? YES or NO.

    now, on the kernel end, applications don't really need to be modified. There are C calls which deal with files (fopen/open namely). Unless you deal directly with the FS (you sicko!) your app/shell will eventually use these.

    (I get a little fuzzy here.) Basically, the libc will tell the kernel "I have this uid accessing this inode - is it okay" and the kernel then decides. Instead of having pam_modules, it may have ACL modules, or a module that only allows access if they are logged in from a certain IP#, or only if the parent process belongs to a certain program.

    Behind the scenes, the kernel file system security can be configured however, and you either get a file pointer or EACCES returned to the open/fopen call.

    I think this sounds great and allows a lot more flexability (and complexity) in the rather minimal unix security model.

  • ...we really had to work for our Karma points. There wasn't any of this "whoring" crap going on.
    Damn you little bastards!!

    We also had to walk to school. Five miles uphill in the snow. Both ways even.

    You youngsters nowadays don't know how good you've got it!

  • A module or a model? Tell us now Commander Taco.

  • Well, you could always compile the module into the kernel instead of making it a LKM. I imagine that 2.5's compile will default to having POSIX security compiled into the kernel, or even have a new compile section like Loadable Security Support (y/N/m)?, where if you say yes, then you could choose from a number of risky schemes to use.

    The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.

  • The same way CA_Unicenter implements security as a loadable module in (at least) Solaris. It inserts a few modules that intercept and reruote filesystem access calls, and run them through their security module to see if user X has command Y in their allowed profile, and if so, runs it.

  • Because if it's a permanent code entry, then it has to be changed in the kernel to implement new algorithms and such.

    If it's a module, then the API is exported from the kernel in a number of structures, and you can implement whatever type of security thing you want. A few ideas I've seen scroll by:

    • Encrypted filesystems
    • User runtime profiles
    • Network access
    ...just to name a few.

    In fact, there won't have to be anything in the kernel that you will need to explicitly configure. It will be some additional information in the loadable kernel module model that new modules can take advantage of to implement security functions.

  • Quit trolling and read the post you numbskull.

    They aren't talking about 'is my housed securely locked up', they are talking about 'does the door in my house come with holes in the door for locks and strikeplates for the bolt'.

    They are trying to make sure you can buy any lockset for your house, without having to mortise in the parts and drill holes in the door.

    Linus doesn't care, beyond bug fixes, whether the kerenel is the antithesis of secure OSes, from the kernel side. You can't compare oBSD to Linux because Linux is a kernel and oBSD is an OS distribution.
  • I will be very intersted in seeing how they solve the problem of validating security modules prior to loading them. Clearly this solution will make the kernel more flexible, but it will also add a layer of complexity in the security/trust relationship as now the system will have to protect against rogue security modules.

    Equally obvious is that if someone can put a rogue security module on the system they can probably put a rogue kernel on the system, so this is likely not a real issue. However, it is something that should be addressed to make sure tha the system is as tightly integrated and unabusable as possible.
  • A firewall won't hack it. It is trivial for an application to find a way to connect out thru your firewall. Or do you not allow outbound DNS and HTTP? That's what I thought.

    When my web browser connect to port 80 somewhere, I don't really care. When my new email program or game tries to connect to some third world server with no DNS info, I care. The only place that you have any hope of controlling this is in the kernel.

    I would love to have this kind of flexibility. Netscape: port 80 only. Mail: 25 and 110. New binary-only game I'm trying out: nothing
  • by kaisyain ( 15013 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @11:10AM (#295432)
    You don't seem to understand completely what is being discussed, which is fine becaues neither do I. However, I have some passing familiarity with products like SELinux, RSBACS, and LIDS.

    FreeBSD and OpenBSD may audit their code to make sure that what they have written is secure but that is something completely different from writing code that does what I want it to. Almost all variants of unix are still stuck in a decade's old world view of security, which is ironic since that's what many unix users make fun of Windows for.

    Things like implicitly giving uid 0 god like powers, or thinking ports under 1023 are somehow more special than those above.

    Projects like SELinux provide Mandatory Access Controls. Granted, I haven't looked at OpenBSD in a while, but I've never heard of any project to provide MACs for OpenBSD. Which is too bad because proper MACs significantly lessen the need for in-depth code auditing. When programs can't misbehave it becomes less important to audit six hundred million lines of code. And what do you do when you don't have enough man power to audit everything that needs to be audited? Have you ever looked at how little code OpenBSD actually audits?

    This isn't about patching a hole is a tire. Audits aren't even relevant.
  • WTF??
    Screw the marketing game, that's not the kernel developers jobs. For the most part, I wouldn't be suprised if they don't give a damn about the success of RedHat, VA, SUSE, Caldera or anyone else that makes a commercial Linux distro. Has it crossed your mind that maybe theyr doing it NOT for money, but to have the best product possible? Sometimes that means that we -HAVE- to admit to there being a fault. It's the only way that someone is going to go "Oh SHIT! this needs to be fixed!" and then to FIX IT.

    What the fuck are you talking about with a closed source version of Linux???? That's 1. impossible due to the entirety of the tree being GPL'd, and 2. see #1. It's not going to happen. PERIOD. End of story. Security by obscurity DOES NOT WORK. The failures of MS to adequately secure -anything- that runs on Windows is an example of just how poor that philosophy is. Hackers WILL find holes in anything, if those holes exist. The best we to prevent holes is to design the app, and be a bsolutely anal retentive when writing the code that you handle -all- possible security breaches.

    Jeseus, what a crock of absolute SHIT.
  • By hooking ACLs (Access Control Lists) as a module. This would allow someone to use ACLs or not.

    ACLs would not only be for file/directory access but for Sockets and devices as well.

    This would need to be linked in to the code that handles permissions now -- sort of like an optional extra step.
    Charles E. Hill
  • by chill ( 34294 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @10:16AM (#295435) Journal
    Well, this can be minimized by doing two things:

    Installing the initial modules on a fresh install from trusted sources. There are already definitions of "trusted sources" in the industry -- pick the one that suits you best.

    ACLs and user compartmentalization. Right now, root==God. In a "trusted" system, this isn't so. Users, including root, are assigned certain rights and if compromised, only those rights are compromised. There is no one account that if breached, compromises the entire system.

    Who can install kernsec modules would be very specific and tightly controlled.

    Charles E. Hill
  • in linux. It reads like a feature comparison against the major UNIX vendors and M$. If this all occurs within the next year or so, then linux truly will be enterprise ready. On the other hand if it takes 2x the time of the last release (linux release times seem to be doubling) then the commercial players will stay ahead of the game with the long list of features that are currently being implemented on the commercial platforms and are expected within the next 2 years. Things like logical and or physical partitioning, NUMA support, hotplug memory support the list goes on (some of these things exist on some platforms already.)
  • by IPFreely ( 47576 ) <> on Thursday April 12, 2001 @11:08AM (#295437) Homepage Journal
    This discussion is not about whether the kernel has bugs or holes. It is about portable/configurable security models. A Model is not the same as an implementation.

    A security model is about defining how users will be given permission to perform specified actions. The message gives an example of the POSIX model. Others are possible. You can choose an ACL based model, or a highly restricted class/access or simple user/group/world RWX like unix of old.

    Installable security modules allows the user to select what TYPE of security they want to use. Whether any of the implementations of these has holes is up to the implementers. We would prefer that the implementation be well audited as well as well defined.

    This has nothing to do with BSD being better audited or better tested. Each of the BSDs has its own model, but just the ONE.

    This installable security model is a very good thing for Linux. It allows choice for using linux in areas that require widely different types of security methodology.

  • If you read the mailing list post, you will see that what they want to do is add extra hooks in the loadable modules code so more security features would be able to be added as a module. This is great news for people who like to tinker. For instance, say I want to try out a new encrypted filesystem. On modern systems that means patching the kernel, compiling, fixing all the little things I invariably screw up because I am unfamiliar with compiling kernels (I do it rarely) and I skimmed the docs instead of reading thoroughly. With the new hooks (and already running a kernel with the changes, ie not now but a year from now) all I would have to do is compile the module, and tell modules.conf it was there. A reboot later and some configuration and in theory I would be up and running. MUCH easier.
  • It's both. It is a new security model for the linux kernel. This model involves adding hooks to allow more security features to be implemented as loadable kernel modules
  • In general no reboot required. Something tells me that in some cases (for my example, changing to an encrypted filesystem, assmuing this is being used for, say, the root partition) a reboot is still neccesary.
  • If I download and install an encrypted FS, I want it to automagically change everything for me. I also want it to defrag my hard drive, undelete that Bangles mp3 I accidentally deleted the other day, manage my stock portfolio and brew me coffee.
  • The concepts are totally unrelated. Kernel developers try to make the kernel as secure as possible in the OpenBSD sense, which mostly means "If the spec says an operation isn't allowed, a user can't trick the system into allowing it". ie, "no exploits".

    Security modules are about defining new types of policys. You can go a long way on POSIX file permissions, but sometimes you want the extra level of flexiblity that systems like SELinux and LIDS allow. Perhaps they should be called "Security Policy modules" or just "Policy modules", instead.

    Check out the selinux and LIDS web pages for more information on what these patches actually provide.
  • How many non-techies use Linux? Honestly?

    And how many of that minority read slashdot?

  • The outsized teeth, elongated limbs, excessive hair and overall foul stench. Yes, it's most definitely a TROLL.

    Trundle back to your hole before you catch a clue.

  • With no shoes. And back then, books were *books*, not this wimpy paperback crap. My backpack was 50 lbs on a day where I only had 5 hours of homework, and normally I had 10. And I still had time to do all my chores, make dinner for my family (and I have 8 brothers and 6 sisters!), work to help support my family, and learn how to play three different instruments! On top of that, I was captain of the football team, student body president, and valedictorian!

  • rwxs wasn't designed for security. The only arguments against ACLs that I've ever encountered are the following:

    1) They're too complex.

    Er, no. An ACL can be as specific or as simple as you want - rwx permissions are much more complex than a single line ACL. But when you want to be able to set some fine grained permissions, they have the ability to do that. rwxs doesn't.

    2) There's no practical use for them.

    Oh please. I have some word processor templates on a Linux server for a client. They document templates which contain business sensitive information. This isn't an unusual case:

    * The owner should be my own account
    * The software group needs read, write, and SetGID permissions
    * The staff group needs read permissions
    * All other accounts should not have access to these files, as they contain business sensitive information.

    I could get around this in a number of ways, but they're all rather hackish.

    3) NT uses them and NT sucks.

    Grow up. So does Trusted Solaris, TRIX and Trusted BSD. So does Squid and (IIRC) Bind. Regardless of that though, there's no reason to discount a good idea because a company you dislike uses it. In fact, its pretty childish. Its nice to know this usually comes from trolls rather than anyone who works on major Linux based projects I discussed this with at conferences and on mailing lists.

  • by TMB ( 70166 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @10:09AM (#295447)
    I guess I'm used to thinking of modules as device drivers, since that's invariably what they're used for. So how do you turn a security feature into a module? How much does the module interface need to be expanded in order to implement something like that? Is there a way of extending the interface in such a way that it minimizes breakage to extant modules? What sorts of security features are we talking about here?

    Ultimately, these issues are all going to get discussed in gory detail, but might as well start the discussion here...
  • They don't want to do this because it adds bloat to a codebase that is quickly becoming unwieldy.
  • its scarcasm you dopes.
  • Oh Yeah! []

    Your OS is only as secure as the tools you use. You could make Linux Really Really secure by running no servers on it. You could make BSD really really insecure by running insecure servers on it. How many BSD servers out there are running vulnerable NTP servers, for instance?

    I'm not slamming the BSD practise of auditing their code, mind you. I did source code auditing as part of Data General's DG/UX B2 certification and we caught a lot of problems that way, but security doesn't end there. Claiming any one thing is the Be-All and End-All is just plain wrong. I wouldn't hire a system administrator whose sole security plan was "Install BSD." Nor would I trust auditors to catch every single hole, and it only takes one to compromise a network.

  • by Greyfox ( 87712 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @10:21AM (#295451) Homepage Journal
    But you kind of lose it at the end.

    Linux thrives precisely because this kind of experimentation takes place -- because this kind of experimentation is possible. And while the PHB's may believe that a product can be secure enough, any systems guy worth his salt will tell you that no system is ever secure enough. Striving to make code more secure is never a bad thing. I would be much more concerned if the kernel developers came forward and said "We don't need to worry about security anymore -- our system is secure enough."

    I would like to see more effort put in to development of interfaces to existing security features, though. There's not be a lot of movement to incorporate linux-privs into anything (The LIDS guys are the only ones I know of who are doing anything with it.) All server code should be using Linux privs at this point.

  • That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
    Reid Hochstedler
  • by dudle ( 93939 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @10:05AM (#295453) Homepage
    One of the byproducts of the Linux 2.5 Kernel Summit [] was the notion of an enhancement of the loadable kernel module interface to facilitate security-oriented kernel modules. The purpose is to ease the tension between folks (such as Immunix and SELinux) who want to add substantial security capabilities to the kernel, and other folks who want to minimize kernel bloat & have no use for such security extensions.

    Modules that can be loaded, or not, are the obvious solution, but the current LKM does not export sufficient hooks to support many security mechanisms. Thus many current security enhancements end up existing as kernel patches, which marginalizes their utility by making distribution problematic. The proposed solution is to enhance the LKM with a variety of new kernel elements exported to the module interface, so as to support a reasonable variety of security enhancements.

    We have started a new mailing list called linux-security-module. The charter is to design, implement, and maintain suitable enhancements to the LKM to support a reasonable set of security enhancement packages. The prototypical module to be produced would be to port the POSIX Privs code out of the kernel and make it a module. An essential part of this project will be that the resulting work is acceptable for the mainline Linux kernel.

    The list is open to all. You can subscribe here ity-module [] or by sending e-mail to [mailto] with a subject of subscribe.


  • On your hands and knees. On sharp icy hills mind you... ;-)

    "People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them"
  • And I had to get up early in the morning to milk the cows and feed the pigs and chickens. That's 4am for you little whipper snappers. None of this 6 or 7 as "getting up early" crap.

    "People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them"
  • Really?!

    I'll have to download it when it comes out.
  • Read pivot_root(8). Assuming you've already created the encrypted filesystem, this is easy. Not that I've tried this or anything, but the man page makes me think it will work.

  • I think you're confused. What Crispin is writing about is a new security _module_ that allows loadable _modules_ to do more and "better" things with regard to security. This is a good thing, as it will allow for a better "pluggable" security architecture while keeping kernel bloat down.

    See module/model. They're different. I don't think that there is any sort of unified "security module" for Linux, as you seem to suggest. Are you referring to something I don't know about?

    By the way, I don't believe that you are saying that closed source is a way to enhance security. While open source allows security flaws to be diiscovered, that is the point-- that discovered security flaws in open sourde programs are quickly fixable and easier to find than say, closed source binary-only products.

  • The security-module proposal is completely orthoganal to the talk about auditing.

    Auditing can help.

    Security models can help. For example with SELinux you never have to worry about having a root exploit. Never.

    Both are important.

  • I can't believe someone hasn't posted this yet.

    It's a fairly informative email that describes what the modules would do and what the reasons behind it are. ule/2001-April/000005.html []

    This should answer some questions people had and also explain how this is different from the "why don't audit everything instead" type posts.

  • Hey, I heard that Office XP was supposed to do all that, plus more, when it comes out.
  • You do know the difference between fake emailaddresses in the headers of postings and real emailaddresses in the headers of postings? good. :)


  • by Otis_INF ( 130595 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @11:49PM (#295463) Homepage
    From the mailing list:
    (Linus wrote:)

    struct security_checks_struct {
    int (*execve)(struct task_struct *tsk,struct binprm *new);
    int (*file_open)(struct file *);
    int (*raise_capability)(...
    ... selinux had about 140 points they wanted to hook into ..
    ... others probably have a few more.

    Linus, first of all, for this kind of stuff, they invented C++: easy encapsulation of data and methods on that data in simple objects, no functionpointers in structs anymore, and last but not least: polymorphism!

    Second, since the mailinglist is about design aspects, why is code popping up? functionality is designed without looking at CODE. It's designed by defining WHAT functionality should be implemented. THEN you dive into a technical designphase and perhaps you come up with pseudocode. Not in THIS phase.

    This new security model can be a big part of the kernel, perhaps a lot has to be changed to adapt the security model in every part of the kernel (like it's done in WIn2k f.e.) to have true ACL driven security inside the OS. You can't design that with codesnippets.


  • by bellings ( 137948 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @11:18AM (#295464)
    What the hell are you talking about? The type of security that the various "security-enhanced" linux are working for is completely orthogonal with the type of security OpenBSD or Bastille Linux is working for.

    The goal of OpenBSD and Bastille Linux is to develop distributions where it is impossible (well, extremely difficult) for users to gain permissions they were not explicitely granted. I.E., you get root access if and only if you were explicitely granted root access.

    The goal of the security-enhanced Linux work is to make the permissions more granular -- more levels of permission, and standard methods for defining and granting those permissions. I.E., your name server can connect to port 53 if and only if you grant your name server access to that port. The backup operator can read everyone's email if and only if he's explicitely given permission to read everyone's email.

    This doesn't have jack squat to do with user-land security systems, or code auditing, or how easy the OS is to r00t. These pluggable linux security modules will probably never, ever be used by 95% of even the most hardcore h4x0rs reading slashdot. They'll certainly never be used in any sort of application where stock OpenBSD provides the security model the application needs. Why? Because OpenBSD and stock Linux have (nearly) the same security model, differing only in the amount of auditing. If the OpenBSD security model is good enough for your application, if follows that the Linux security model is good enough for your application. This is for people who need a different security model.
  • I'm not a kernel hacker but I think the loadable module is to provide a security model for user space apps and not for the kernel itself. Thus providing protection against bugs in applications.

    Say I run an IRC client and there's a bug in it that allows people access to my files. With a better security model I could not allow the IRC app access to my files and the bug would not cause damage.

    Another approach would be to audit all applications you run like OpenBSD does but I guess that limits your choice of applications and you end up with very old versions.

  • Nonsense and here is why. With a secure OS installed you're less likely to worry about issues until you begin to install third party sw, this is one of the biggest problem with security, and often there are limits to even most third party security issues.
    Which is my point exactly... with a security module you could install third party software and give it very few permissions (less than is possible in Unix).
    With OS's like Free, Open, Net, again many security risks are minimized, and sorry to say but I truly feel tihs can be attributed to the fact that people take their time, and try to get it as right as possible before a release IS released, as opposed to a kernel every other week.
    I think you're totally missing the point here. This security module is not there because the kernel is insecure, it's there because third-party software might be insecure. And it is also foolish to think the OpenBSD team will catch *all* bugs (though they come very close), additional security is a Good Thing.
    Don't be fooled into thinking that you won't be able to run XXX program or XXX version will be obsolete, a good admin can find a fix for most issues, either by finding a suitable program which will work, tweaking code, and ensuring the program is installed in a secure fashion, even if it means chroot'ing every 3rd party binary.
    Well, there's more to computing than servers is there not? The software available for desktops is far to great to audit all and normal users don' have the option to chroot every 3rd party binary. In fact, chroot can be escaped IIRC.
  • ignorance is bliss

    Hi Otis! :)
  • Didn't they just...

    and so did the fscking moderators.

    It's a crying shame.
  • Why would you want to do that? To incite false ridicule?

    But still, you scored me some kharma, so thanks :)
  • Nicely put.
  • Hehe, an AOL user telling Linus how to code...

    OK, so I don't know who's right, but that's not the point :)
  • Not to mention the fact that FreeBSD's POSIX ACL support has been worked on for a while now, TrustedBSD [], the work is largely being done by FreeBSD core team member Robert Watson.

    While audits are important, these features will go a long way, and we'll have them very soon in FreeBSD 5.0

  • by JordoCrouse ( 178999 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @10:16AM (#295473) Homepage Journal
    Now, thats just FUD....

    This is not a push to develop a new security model, rather than a push to develop a way for security models to be integrated with Linux. The problem that exists is that everyone wants to roll their own in security... In Linus's own words:

    Everybody has their _own_ particular flavour that they want to push, and don't realize that I cannot accept that as a maintainer.

    This security module is an effort to make it so that Linux can have an easy way to implement security without actually having to choose a particular security implementation to stick in the kernel. As has been the rule in Linux, this is not an operating system that tries to be all things to all people, rather it tries to give people the ability to choose everything they need and nothing that they don't.

  • Heh, if you change root to an encrypted filesystem, when it's already running as a non-encrypted filesystem, you'll probably have to do more than just reboot, unless the FS auto-converts non-encrypted FSs to encrypted ones somehow. Possible, I suppose, but...
  • Now now... don't you think that's asking a bit much? Leave the coffee making to the coffee.o module where it belongs. One wouldn't want to bloat the kernel FS layer with that kind of cruft, now would one?
  • Looks to me like the new model is a module of some sort. So the answer is: both.
  • As I understand, this isn't as much a security update, as a convenience update. The whole point of systems like SELinux is that they adds mandatory access control. The OS is secure enough without it, but this makes it more secure by allowing priviliges to be divided and checked so that compromising root would not compromise the system entirely. It also allows some distribution of system administration. More convenience, not really much more security. That being said, I don't know why this is going to be a module as opposed to say, a compile-time option for the kernel.
  • ZoneAlarm sucks. It doesn't work, it hangs regularly, it trashes performance, it's nagware and it gives wierd error messages at random intervals.

  • I find about 1 in 3 apps crash with it. ICQ, Counter-Strike for example... Oh, it gets very upset if NS6 tries to use SSL over it.

    And now for the bit of the last message which got cut off: you want a mini firewall. Linux is really good for that, offers far more than ZoneAlarm even if you only stick in some really basic rules.

    BTW, has anyone else had proplems with preview cutting text to bits?

  • Erm, no. Heard of groups? You just need to read up on how to do it, it's not that difficult.

    You can't do it at all on NT.

  • Wall, my sincerest congratulations to you ... they fell for it like flies for ...

  • im not a guru either (though i have compiled my own kernel :). But i dont think you are correct: You dont have to recompile your kernel whenever you change e.g. you NIC IP. One option "turn additional security on" and then you compile your kernel. Afterwards you configure it with some utils or through /proc .. Only my 0.02 Euros..

    Well.. I think you are missing the point.. you are assuming there is already some security code that is written and reads a flat file for config info. The kernel guys are saying they are going to add hooks for a loadable module for security. i.e. No security exists.. you write the code.. you compile the module.. you tell the kernel to load the module and boom.. you now are testing your security module. Found a bug? Thats fine tell the kernel to unload the module, fix the bug.. recompile the module.. tell the kernel to reload the module. If the security was staticly in the kernel you would have to fix the kernel itself, rebuild the entire kernel, and reboot. It's my opinion that we want to move more in the direction of dynamically loadable kernel modules, and stay far away from statically linking new stuff into the kernel. Idealy everything but the REAL basics should be dynamically loadable modules, and only the things that are required to be a static part of the kernel be there.

  • It sounds to me like you are speaking more with a Microsoft type mentality. They are the ones who have to hide their true intent to protect their market share. With Linux we are more interested in building a powerful, stable and secure system. It is good that we admit are weak points. As we have done before. It then gives everyone in the community driver to improve on them.

  • Perhaps it's time to release a completely closed-source version of Linux. One that doesn't let hackers find holes like these. One that'll protect our vital national secrets from the eyes of those who would steal them.

    Who modded this up? How can people fail to see this as the troll that it is?

  • Why does it have to be a module? IMO an option in make config would be enough. With this there would be no troubles with "exporting more hooks" and so on..
  • im not a guru either (though i have compiled my own kernel :). But i dont think you are correct: You dont have to recompile your kernel whenever you change e.g. you NIC IP.
    One option "turn additional security on" and then you compile your kernel. Afterwards you configure it with some utils or through /proc ..
    Only my 0.02 Euros..
  • What is it about Windows users that lets them completely obviate someone's good point with "it works fine for me". Someone else said he had problems...the response is, "no, you're not having any problems because it works fine for me". Windows crashes a lot..."no it doesn't it's stable because it works fine for me". God...
  • I don't see it that way... say you are a government agency and you want to run linux in A VERY SECURE enviroment ... well "plug it in plug it in". Now say that you are me and hate messing with security- I will want something much easier to manage and much more open so I would want to plug in "The easy hacking" module. I think the module aproach is excelent because there is no way that any specific security system will match the needs of any particular enviroment or person. Best answer is to give people choice and the module aproach looks excelent.
  • sudo [] sort of does this, but its not as finely grained as the model in NT.

    Of course, I find the model in NT to be too finely grained, so that delegating tasks to underlings becomes an administrative nightmare.
  • This should answer some questions people had and also explain how this is different from the "why don't audit everything instead" type posts.

    Well Mr. Karma Whore, stay true to your statement and explain to all of us 'good code is secure code' advocates and tell me how any security model can compensate for a bug-ridden kernel?

    And before any of you moderators decide that I'm evil and wrong, this is a valid question and squarely on-topic.

  • While one program having a root exploit MAY not be a system root exploit, it doesn't mean it can't be. All the ACLs and such mean is that the exploit has to attach a much deeper level. I assure you, SELinux exploits will be found, and all the people that think their box is safe will be hit very hard.
  • OpenBSD style code audit is obviously very important, but it's not enough. That's why NSA and others are exploring how to enhance or redesign the security model of current operating systems (see for example The problem with the proposed enhancements is that they will alter the OS in fundamental ways. The basic drawbacks are that the OS will become more restrictive and slower. Some people are willing to pay the price others are not. Security modules are quite nice in that situation.
  • I'm sad to see a new security module implemented. Why? Because it discredits Linux.

    It discredits Linux to admit that the existing security modules aren't good enough. It discredits Linux to admit that security modules themselves are even necessary in the first place.

    We must do everything in our power to ensure that Linux thrives. That means playing the marketing game. If it's bad for marketing, then it's bad for the whole project.

    Insecurity is simply something that cannot be admitted up front. It must be cloaked in secrecy. If you reveal the cards in your hand, then your enemies will take the pot. It's that simple.

    Perhaps it's time to release a completely closed-source version of Linux. One that doesn't let hackers find holes like these. One that'll protect our vital national secrets from the eyes of those who would steal them.

    Because if we let them take our secrets, then we're letting them take our lives.

    It's then a short trip in a handbasket to the abyss of anarchy and hell as we know it.

    Crime breeds more crime. Criminal hacking contributes to murder and mayhem. We must take a stand, here.
  • Pluggable linux security module framework

    Sounds rather ironic when you think about, but here's my <rant> on it all.

    Supposed I was CTO of a company, what would make the Linux developers think for a second, that I would want an add on for security. This may sound as flamebait to most, but think about it for a quick second, without getting into an OS envy thread.

    With the BSD's per se, security has been improved on the FreeBSD side of things, and Open is a martyr of security, without having to "add on" any modules.

    Thinking os the LKM I think that the developers are slipping when programming and this is their solution for this miscalculations on security.

    So the OS is not secure, but if you download X patch add on for rev XXX of version XXX, you may maintain a level of security for a while.

    Maybe their approach should be as that of the anals of the OpenBSD team with regards to security. If you check it before releasing it, your bound to have less issues in the future. Sure many are gonna bitch, but think about it, with the analness of source code checking done by the developers at OpenBSD, there hasn't been a remote compromise for 3 years on a default install, and thats hellishly good.

    What should be implemented is an in-depth code audit of the kernel before its released. Instead of attempting to release a new kernel revision every other week, they should take an extra step, and some extra time to weed out the issues instead of focusing on an add on module for security purposes. This defeats the whole security scope of thinking Linux will be secure, since there are many administrators who wouldn't know a patch if it hit them upside the head.

    For those who do their best to maintain a level of security on a Linux based network, it must at times be hard to address security issues when they come out many at a time. Its unfair to think that an administrator under pressure in a large Linux based environment has the time to address everything at once, and many times things will slip by.

    Again if the audits were done prior to the releases, the problems would be solved, and once someone began an in-depth review, and got it over with, it would be easier to maintain second, and third times around.

    Patching a hole in a tire will only get you so far until you'll eventually will have to replace it.

    George Bush's secret meetings with Japanese officials []
  • Another approach would be to audit all applications you run like OpenBSD does but I guess that limits your choice of applications and you end up with very old versions.

    Nonsense and here is why. With a secure OS installed you're less likely to worry about issues until you begin to install third party sw, this is one of the biggest problem with security, and often there are limits to even most third party security issues.

    Administrating a machine isn't just kill -HUP'ing a daemon, or ./configure ; make ; make install and thats what I've seen of many adminstrators. Little is done to maintain groups, usage of programs like sudo, etc., to restrict issues regarding security.

    With OS's like Free, Open, Net, again many security risks are minimized, and sorry to say but I truly feel tihs can be attributed to the fact that people take their time, and try to get it as right as possible before a release IS released, as opposed to a kernel every other week.

    Don't be fooled into thinking that you won't be able to run XXX program or XXX version will be obsolete, a good admin can find a fix for most issues, either by finding a suitable program which will work, tweaking code, and ensuring the program is installed in a secure fashion, even if it means chroot'ing every 3rd party binary.

  • So does Trusted Solaris, TRIX and Trusted BSD. So does Squid and (IIRC) Bind. Regardless of that though, there's no reason to discount a good idea because a company you dislike uses it. In fact, its pretty childish. Its nice to know this usually comes from trolls rather than anyone who works on major Linux based projects I discussed this with at conferences and on mailing lists.

    Add VMS to that list as well. The first multi-user system I got to program on was a VMS system. It has ACLs (or some form of like) and they aren't hard to learn at all. Unix premissions where totally alien after ACLs. I look forward to using them again.


  • Okay, I see the article was about modules instead of file permissions. No, I didn't read it. Kernel articles are usually far too technical to read through. I'm stupid. I'm an idiot...stop me anytime here. :)

  • ZoneAlarm sucks. It doesn't work, it hangs regularly, it trashes performance, it's nagware and it gives wierd error messages at random intervals.

    It works great for me. I don't know what you mean by nagware. It tells you when there is a new version, but you can turn that off. The only time it has ever crashed on me has been when I was running Gozilla. YMMV

  • Actually the kernel team wouldn't have to do that. Just let there be one distro that dedicates itself to developing a secure kernel. They could do OpenBSD style code reviews and admins could upgrade when they released stable versions. Debian isn't using 2.4 yet because they are waiting for the kernel to become stable. The problem is that everyone wants to get the latest greatest thing. BTW, I am no different. I'm just installed Mandrake 8.0 beta 2. I'm just not a sysadmin.

  • I don't know why this is going to be a module as opposed to say, a compile-time option for the kernel.

    Because everyone has a different way they want to do security. If they included all of those into the kernel, you would probably have a 70 Megabyte file. This keeps the bloat out of the kernel. It also frees linus from having to write all these different options into the kernel. (I think that's the big reason.)

    This way you can download the kernel compile it, and then you can pick your security module based on you preference. Also you can change security modules on the fly since they are modules.

  • What is it about linux users that lets them completely obviate someone's good point with "it works fine for me".

    Actually you little troll, I never said that he wasn't having problems. I just replied that I hadn't had any problems. So it may be something specific to his system like oh...say his modem. As I said YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary.

    I seem to see a lot of posts about "Mozilla crashes all the time" and "No it doesn't. It works fine on my system."

  • Kernel level firewall control was what I was referring to. You would get to choose which applications got to have ports. Still it's not just as simple as Netscape: port 80 only. Your browser opens more ports than that. Besides port 80 is actually the port your browser connects to on the web server if I'm not mistaken.

    Also just having a firewall like this isn't perfect protection. Most people would give their browser automatic permission. There's nothing to stop some app from waiting till you start netscape and sending off for mber&expiration=023001. There really should also be permissions for what applications are supposed to be able to communicate with what other applications and in what ways.

    New binary-only game should be able to open my browser for me, but I should see a pop-up before hand letting me know that another app has activated the browser and would like to go to so and so url. I believe that there is some built-in firewalling in kernel 2.4. There is an app over at to configure it.

  • It would be nice if there was permission for internet or network access. Anyone who has use zonealarm under windows knows how needed this is. In this day of trojans no application should be connecting to the internet on my computer unless I know specifically what it's doing. That would help linux really become a desktop alternative.

  • I'm not a linux guru and I've never compiled my own kernel so don't get worked up if I say something wrong. I assume what your saying why not just put compile options into the kernel. If you did that you would have to recompile the whole kernel everytime you changed security or tested something new. This way you can just compile your own personal security modules. Lots quicker and more easily configurable.

  • I would speculate that the 2.5 kernel would provide support to both statically compiled security models (those accepted into the mainstream kernel) and modular compiled security models. Much like the current system allows you to compile a device driver statically or as a module. One of the major benefits from allowing the security models to be compiled/loaded as modules is for development reasons. It can become a bit problematic to have to recompile a complete kernel then reboot (or boot a vmware session) after changing the code. You might end up spending a lot of time staring at the screen vs. writing/testing code. By allowing modules, you can update the code, recompile the module, load the module, test, unload the module, repeat. In the end, it can save a lot of time. This has been a major advantage for kernel developers in the past and I would imagine it will continue for the developers working on the new security features.
  • It does not discredit linux. It is enhancing it's current security. It is simply responding to the growing need for less technically apt people to implement security (and the modular approach is much less intimidating than the kernel patch approach).

    "Perhaps it's time to release a completely closed-source version of Linux. One that doesn't let hackers find holes like these. One that'll protect our vital national secrets from the eyes of those who would steal them. "

    Errr ... it did not work for microsoft ... please tell me that this is sarcasm?
  • Linux faces a bleak future. In fact there may be no future at all for Linux b ecause Linux is dying. Things are looking very bad for Linux. As many of us are already aware, Linux continues to lose market share; red ink flows like a river of blood. Slackware Linux is perhaps the most in endangered. Let's look at the n umbers.

    MandrakeSoft's CEO Henri Poole states that there are 70000 users of Linux-Man drake. How many users of Debian GNU/Linux are there? Let's see. The number of Li nux-Mandrake versus GNU/Linux posts on Usenet is roughly in ratio of 5 to 1. The refore there are about 70000/5 = 14000 GNU/Linux users. Slackware posts on Usene t are about half of the volume of GNU/Linux posts. Therefore there are about 700 0 users of Slackware. A recent article put RedHat Linux at about 80 percent of t he Linux market. Therefore there are (70000+14000+7000)*4 = 364000 RedHat Linux use rs. This is consistent with the number of RedHat Linux Usenet posts.

    Now Linux companies are consolidating, overhauling their business plans, laying off staff, scaling back expansion plans and pushing back profitability schedules. "It would seem there are too many distributions for the market to bear," said Gartner analyst Tom Henkel. (,4586,269 5638,00.html)

    Red Hat, Inc., the leader in developing deploying and managing open source linux solutions, announced on a reported basis, a net loss of $24.2 million. ( 3-22-010-20-PS)

    Turbolinux, based in Brisbane, Calif., a Linux-based software provider has withdrawn a $60 million initial public offering "in light of current market conditions." ( (

    Clayton-based, a Linux training and service company with 106 employees, laid off 100 employees ( 03/05/daily41.html)

    Lineo withdrew its initial public offering in January. Caldera Systems delayed the acquisition of Santa Cruz Operations' Unix software by a quarter. Linuxcare laid off dozens in February, with Linuxcare co-founders Dave Sifry and Dave LaDuke are among those departing. VA Linux Systems cut 114 people in February and delayed its expected profitability by nine months. (,4586,269 5638,00.html)

    Due to the troubles of Corel, abysmal sales and so on, Corel Linux is going out of business and was nearly taken over by Microsoft who sell another troubled OS. Owing to the GPL, SuSE is laying off almost all of its US staff. Major marketing surveys show that Linux has steadily declined in market share. Even shut down "because of the economy and everything else" ( 1720254&mode=nocomment)

    Linux is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. If Linux is to survive at all it will be among OS hobbyists (i.e. those who dabble with Minix, Xinu, etc). Linux continues to falter. Nothing short of a miracle could save it at this point in time. For all practical purposes, Linux is dead.

  • Um, actually SE Linux is totally open source you can read about it here [] be warned, this is pretty heady stuff view the NSA licence here [] if yer brave enough to follow the link hehhehheh Z1 --
  • Perhaps you have not been paying much attention, but it is no secret that Linux lacks user level security controls. Microsoft points it out on their site as one of the reasons not to use Linux.

    Sure Linux has great file level security, but users are users and admins are admins. There is no mechanism for giving one user administrative control of the Apache and another user administrative control of Bind for example. With Linux it is an all or nothing proposition.

    There is no shame in announcing that publicly known and exploited security short comings are going to be addressed.

  • Groups work well for what they are, but they are not fine tuned access control mechanisms such as those in SELinux or for that matter NT.
  • by stuccoguy ( 441799 ) on Thursday April 12, 2001 @10:09AM (#295511)
    I like this idea for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that is offers an alternative to SELinux for those of us who prefer not to use a product engineered by the good folks as NSA.

    The idea of adding kernel hooks so that a variety of security oriented modules can be loaded at boot time will alow for maximum flexibility and control by admins.

    However, the short term consequences may very well be a plethora of security modules releases which could lead to confusion. Fortunately, the OSS community is good at sorting the good from the bad. It will not take long for the best modules to become more standard and make it into the distros.

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. -- Isaac Asimov
