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MontaVista Rolls Out Fully Preemptable Linux 185

A couple people wrote with a link to an article about MontaVista. They've introduced "a fully preempetable Linux". It's based on kernel 2.4, but the timing is interesting, considering 2.4 isn't completed yet - and if this had come out earlier, perhaps some of this could have been included. The article's a bit press releasely, but has some good info.
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MontaVista Rolls Out Fully Preemptable Linux

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  • Why are all of these companies switching to the 2.4 series of kernels? I mean, do they know something the rest of us don't? I'm aware that most of the Linux users out there probably do have a box running a 2.4 series kernel, but I wonder how many of us are willing to actually trade of the security of a tested 2.2 series kernel for these performance enhancements...
  • A fully real-time linux that could support Rate monotic analysis is EXACTLY what the real-time world needs. Reliance on expensive, proprietary Realtime OSes prevents many small companies from entering the real-time world (I used to work for one - a license for QNX and a compiler was about $5000 US and it was the cheapest. Of course, prices have come down :-)

    -- Rich
  • Perhaps it is slashdottal for something which can preempt...
  • "MontaVista would like to see this technology, or similar technology, utilized as a foundational feature of Linux 2.5 ... Linus indicated that he is leaning towards a fully preemptable kernel approach in Linux 2.5."

    For a company that claims to be revolutionizing Linux kernel development (I assume it's them making the claims, considering this sounds more like a press release than a news report) -- shouldn't they know that the next version of Linux is 2.6, not 2.5?

  • by Listen Up ( 107011 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @04:33AM (#794495)
    I am currently a user of QNX OS and it's preemptive real-time capabilities are absolutely astonishing. For the sake of Linux I would hope that this company holds off on production of its distribution until the kernel is at least stable, if not fully released. If a big "oops" is made too early in the game, many people or just going to stay with their OS of choice, which isn't at the time most likely Linux, because having confidence in what OS you stick on your real-time hardware is no laughing matter at all.
  • This article points out an area in which Linux has one major weakness over traditionally developed operating systems such as Windows, Solaris or even BeOS, and that is that essentially one man has control over the entire operating system, and it is his somewhat capricious wishes that govern the addition of new features and the acceptance of patches.

    Whilst I'm sure Linus Torvaldes is a competent, possibly even brilliant programmer, his quirks make the entire project too reliant upon him - his disdain for CVS springs to mind as an important example. Were he to be hit by a bus tomorrow then development would be stunted as people like Alan and Inigo fight over the "hot seat", and the open source movement would fail without Linux.

    What Linux needs is to be incorporated under law as a non-profit organisation which can then be run by Linus at CEO/CTO. This way they can implement a professional approach to things like source code control, copyright and trademark infringements, and reviewing new proposals for the kernel, like the one rejected by Linus for specific preemption points.

    Unless this happens, the Linux operating system is left vulnerable, and if its creator should leave for any reason, its progress would most likely shudder to a halt.

    Jon E. Erikson

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 08, 2000 @04:34AM (#794497)
    This was discussed on the kernel mailing list a few months ago (before MontaVista did their implementation of it) and it seems likely that a preemptable kernel will be available (or the default) in Linux 2.5 for _uniprocessor_ systems .

    The problem, though, is that the approach taken doesn't work on multi-CPU systems. The overhead of synchronization between CPUs is prohibitive when doing preemption in the manner that MontaVista describes.
  • 2.5 is the next -DEVELOPMENTAL- version of the kernel. They'd like to see it as the base for new development. Good lord, people...
  • 2.4 is needed by those of us running Linux on the Vaio C1Xx series of Picturebooks.

    2.4.0-test8 has fixed most of my problems with USB and IDE.
  • by jjr ( 6873 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @04:36AM (#794500) Homepage
    This show the power of open source. These guys proposal was regeted so they decided to add in themselves. If they improvments are good enough it will be incorparted in the next version of linux. Got to love it.
  • From what I read, it's not that they are including the 2.4 kernel in their distro. It's that they are making some changes to the current 2.4 kernel, which will result in a faster kernel. They are saying that it will be better for desktop environments, and are hoping that the majority of the stuff they do are merged into the 2.5 kernel. Lastly, the article states that it will not be ready until January 2001, at which point the 2.4 kernel could well be ready.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Somebody has to be first.

    In Antartica, when the penguins are ready for a swim to go get some yummy fishies, they all cluster around the edge of the ice. No penguin wants to be the first one in, because there might be penguin-eating seals in the water. If only some brave penguin would jump in first, then they could watch to see if he suddenly turns into a bloody chunky cloud in the water.

    I guess Montavista is one of the brave penguins.

  • You mean you don't know much about the kernel numbering scheme...
  • by Fross ( 83754 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @04:40AM (#794504)
    Basing their code on 2.2 would mean it was outdated before it was of any use - afaik 2.4 has big extra support for SMP, which is essential for their pre-emptive solution.

    It's not as though 2.4's contents are unknown, they have probably been working with 2.3 builds all the way through. they mention they have been in contact with linus torvalds, i'm sure that for something this big he would have provided them with as much information about 2.4 as soon as possible.

    Integration into 2.5 makes sense, not 2.6, so this can be tested and refined within the full linux kernel development environment, and then subsequently released into 2.6 as part of the full stable kernel.

    i really look forward to this, this is _good_ corporate involvement with useful goals.

  • Except that there's already a line of succession, regardless of what you may believe. Almost all of the day to day developmental "stuff" is handled by the subsystem and module maintainers, and then by Alan. Linus has final yay/nay, as it should be.
  • Reliance on expensive, proprietary Realtime OSes prevents many small companies from entering the real-time world...

    I work for one now. In the beginning (circa 4 years ago) we considered several real time OS solutions but, as you point out, they were quite expensive. So in the end we avoided them all by essentially writing our own. Nothing fancy but it works. (Two tasks always running, a resolution-adjustable real time task and an interuptable background task to handle the user's needs.) Unfortunately this announcement is much too late for our product (but I'll keep in mind for any new products we develop ;)
  • ...if this had come out earlier, perhaps some of this could have been included [in kernel 2.4] 2.4's already taken so much longer than any other release, why not just slap on a few more months to integrate preemtion?
  • "MontaVista's Hard Hat Linux distribution"

    HARD HAT? Make me say uggghh! uuggghh!!!!!
    Gee, Even PinkHat sounds better.

  • This is why companies like Microsoft can't win against free software. If Microsoft wanted a real-time version of NT they would have to put togeather a huge team and it would be a risky, complicated project. With Linux, somebody decides they want a pre-emptable kernel so they just do it; and everyone benefits. (Not to belittle the effort it took to make this kernel.)

    Now other projects, like GNOME, are gaining a 'critical mass' of interest from developers and industry. I expect progress will be made by leaps and bounds.

    The future looks bright.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 08, 2000 @04:42AM (#794510)
    > Can someone explain what difficulties these people at MontaVista must have overcome? What is
    > it about the linux we know that makes it not fully preemptable?

    Current Linux only switches processes when the kernel explicitly decides to. (in other words, when a system call finishes all its work, or when a system call decides that work will take so long that it is time to give another process a chance to run)

    This patch makes Linux able to switch between processes every time that an interrupt hits, even if it is in the middle of a system call.

    The trick is to avoid deadlocks. Consider the following case: process A enters a system call, and the system call takes a lock. Then, an interrupt hits and process B is scheduled, preempting A. Now B does a different system call. This call disables interrupts and tries to take the same lock. It can't get it, though, because process A already has it. But since interrupts are disabled, process A will never get a chance to run again.

    Your machine hangs hard.

    The solution to this problem chosen by MontaVista is to simply disable all preemption whenever _any_ lock is taken by the kernel. The disadvantage to this approach is that:
    - even when it is not possible for a set of locks to conflict, preemption will still be disabled.
    - all locks become slightly slower (because every lock operation must now disable preemption too)
  • Linux doesn't belong to "the community", it belongs to Linus. He can run it how he wants. If you don't like that, feel free to issue the following command:

    cp -a /usr/src/linux /usr/src/Jonix

    You can then incorporate or whatever the heck you want. Remember to abide by the GPL and good day.
    Linux MAPI Server!
  • I know what preempting is, but I don't understand what makes something "fully preemptive". Why is "fully preemptive" better than, er, I guess, "partially preemptive", and what do these terms mean? Anyone care to elaborate? What will be gained by making the kernel "fully preemptive", and what state is the kernel in now that keeps it from being "fully preemptive"?
  • We had some problems running some of our software (quantum chemistry) in paralel on 2.2. The 2.4 kernel seems to handle the distributed network better than 2.2 did.
  • Mostly likely because 2.4 is supposed to be a stable-series, and they don't want to add a lot of new, not-as-tested-as-much-as-they-want code into unless they have to.
  • by DLG ( 14172 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @04:48AM (#794516)
    Well I can't claim to be an expert kernel hacker, but I have had to use Linux for what was essentially real time interactivity, relying on controlled conditions to provide me with CLOSE ENOUGH. The fact that Linux IS reliable and predictable and has been for some time, has allowed alot of folks to use it as if it was a fully multitasking system, and in many ways that sort of quality of service (having programs not freeze because of other programs) is what I think
    drew me to Linux in the first place.

    For a time I explored BeOS and the BeBox in particular, but the slowness of that development and the abandonment of the hardware left me cold. Still it had some interesting ability that other OS's don't have involving streaming media, and anything that brings such things (Rendering in a window continuing smoothly while window was being dragged as one example) is a good thing for the user community as well as for the embedded.

    While people DO seem to throw alot of hardware at problems to make operations smooth, with my Athlon 500 and 256 ram I cannot run an IE 5 session without getting skips out of winamp. This sort of performance depresses me so much I have already begun to switch over to Linux on the machine for normal use, despite it being purchased for windows development (necessary evil).

    I don't know how long it will take to get this sort of performance up, and I know that the danger of RTOS functions is that a badly programmed high priority thread can cause havoc, but if there were proper guards against such things, it would probably be enough to make Linux my OS of choice for interactive exhibits (which it is close to being as it stands).

    As to why we are already talking about 2.4, what I really want to know is why 2.5 is meaningful, when it is an unstable track and thus unlikely to be seen until 2.6 in most desktops. What does this mean? If we are talking about something that is done now that is not going to be in a stable release for another year, but with 10 and 100 fold improvements, does that mean we are going to have to start supporting development kernel releases for clients because the feature set is too important to miss? It hasn't been the case for me since 1.3.. I really DON'T want to be doing kernel catchup in the modern era.

    If this is important technology, then why can't we postpone 2.4 a little and move it in?

    What kinds of schedules are we really talking about?
    Is 2.4 expected this week? Is this RT stuff expected this year?

    Unlike with Windows and Mac, I don't think that many people are sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for 2.4. I don't think it is keeping folks from choosing Linux. I am not sure I can understand the purpose of rushing forward if there is good technology that can become PART of the mainstream kernel without causing radical change in usage.

    Or is this not so important after all?

  • by Digital Commando ( 2881 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @04:53AM (#794517)
    Ingo did a preliminary patch for this a while ago, as part of his low-latency work. It appears that MontaVista has picked up the ball and run with it. Integrating a patch like this is going to require a lot of QA, so it should go in early in the 2.5 cycle -- this is definitely not something that one throws in at the last minute.

    It will be interesting to see how much the preemption infrastructure impacts performance (throughput) on a uniprocessor.

    On a perhaps related note, I've been thinking about the growth of locks in the kernel. Many of these will have little contention, and locking is a pessimistic approach that incurs overhead. Plus, more locks means more locking discipline required. :-/ Anybody have a good reference to lockless data structure, algorithm, and design techniques?
  • by Palin Majere ( 4000 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @04:55AM (#794518)
    Nothing has been "rolled out". This is not a product launch. This is the prototype release of preliminary code for a development kernel. The 2.4.x series isn't here yet, and neither is MontaVista's code.

    Read the article, as there are several paragraphs in there talking about where this code will be going. They're hoping to get it incorporated into 2.5.x NOT 2.4.x.
  • If you would read it wel it was not regeted, the guys asking for the video optimizations wanted something different. The article was merely pointing out that the general preemptive stuff would help them to.


  • by fhwang ( 90412 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:07AM (#794520) Homepage
    If you're unaware of this, Segfault published a study earlier this year titled "What if Linus Torvalds Gets Hit by a Bus? []" To quote from the conclusion: "... given standard traffic patterns, Linus Torvalds has an 8.9% (plus or minus 1.4%) chance of surviving and fully recovering from a collision with a bus."

    Francis Hwang

  • Well, 2.4 is pretty stable, and even if it does go weird I still have a 2.2 one in lilo to drop back to, it doesn't do any harm to try it...
  • with my Athlon 500 and 256 ram I cannot run an IE 5 session without getting skips out of winamp

    Considering I can do this with a Celeron 300A (not oc'ed), I can safely assume your computer is phuX0red.

  • > The trick is to avoid deadlocks.

    I think that should read, "one trick among many tricks is how to avoid deadlocks".

    To have decent real-time performance, they need to:

    1. Optimize interrupt handling code so that drivers get out of the handlers and into preemptible threads as quickly as possible;
    2. Find an efficient synchronization mechanism for dealing with multi-processor system lock issues;
    3. Deal with the priority inversion problem, which happens when a low-priority thread has control of a resource needed by a ready-to-preempt high-priority thread;
    4. Optimize the scheduler
    None of these problems are new, they're just a pain, particularly when you're trying to wedge them into a kernel that wasn't really written with these things in mind from the start.

  • What if Linus is hit by a bus? That question has already been settled here: What if Linus gets hit by a bus? []
  • > At the very least, the final say on all things
    > to do with the kernel should be handed to Alan
    > Cox,

    Hmm. a few things spring to mind..

    Don't you think Alan should have some say in what "should be handed to" him? The last I heard, he wasn't terribly happy that he was even seen as second in command, never mind first.

    You don't think Linus should be in charge, but what makes you think others would be happy if someone else were?

    The only reason Linus is still in charge is because he is bloody good at his job. Do you really believe Linux would have got this far if he weren't?

    > ..fork the code, but this wouldn't be of
    > benefit to the vast majority of Linux users ..

    It would if it was better. Do you really think anyone would hold back on forking the code if they thought they could do a better job than Linus? I know I wouldn't

  • by hawk ( 1151 ) <> on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:12AM (#794526) Journal
    I like the sound of it.

    While I generally prefer FreeBSD, one of the reasons is exactly the desktop responsiveness spoken of. On the same machine, I find FreeBSD far more repsonsive than Linux when using X under load. On Linux, I can feel the lag in system response at a load of about 3--even though that load is from doubly niced makes and there's plenty of physical memory left. Under FreeBSD, I've gotten to loads of 10 without any noticable degradation in response.

    NOw if anyone can find a way to quantify this . . . :)
  • Their distribution is targeted on developers, not on end users. By the time when real products are shipped there will be an update to the stable 2.4
  • by StarFace ( 13336 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:15AM (#794528) Homepage
    You bring up some good points, however there are in fact compelling reasons for 2.4 to be released as soon as possible. One of the biggest reasons I can think of off the top of my head is vastly improved SMP.

    For instance, the computer I'm on now is a slightly old Hewlitt Packard dual chip system. I can't even use the SMP in Kernel 2.2, it crashes on boot up when compiled in. That means I either have to choose between running the Debian approved 2.2.17 or downloading 2.4-test5 and crossing my fingers.

    Right now I'm crossing my fingers. While the factors are different for other machines, the choice remains the same. Do you run your website with old-tech SMP(or none at all!) or run the risk of being slightly unstable, not fully tested, but with more modern performance?

    Delaying 2.4 for 6 months or another year would really set back a lot of people dependant on the newer features of the Kernel. I don't imagine that a fully RT Kernel is going to be rolling around any sooner than that, I could be wrong, but this is a rather massive project. Just developing it is going to be a large project, fully testing it and getting it solid enough for the big-time is going to take lots of time.

  • YHBT, YHL, HAND []. Crissakes, the guy works for Natalie Portman Obsessive Technologies!

    Quit replying to "Jon Erikson" troll account.

  • As a rule, I avoid the comments on moderation. However, this morning I"ve noticed a cross a few threads that it seems to be a bad crack day. A couple of troll/flamebaits here, a couple more elsewhere.

    Seems a couple of folks who drew moderation today took the "I am your God" comment a bit too literally, and must smite all unbelievers . . .
  • You are not forced you use their distribution. They provide patches against the kernel. Take their kernel and build your distro around.
  • and push a penguin :)

    Of course, the penguin that gets pushed gets the best herring.

    Then again, the second mouse gets the cheese . . .

    which reminds me, I better go check the traps in the attic. I could have four-day dead mice by now . . .
  • by MartinG ( 52587 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:24AM (#794533) Homepage Journal
    It is fairly stable now, true. And it doesn't do any harm to try.

    Oh, except when it randomizes your hard drive and suddenly all your data gets eaten because of the truncate() bugs. But apart from that, its okay to try.

    Ah, theres also the random oopses. Thats the other thing I forgot, Apart from the truncate() bugs and random oopses, its okay to try.

    Whoops, I forgot the memory leaks. you have to reboot quite a lot 'cos of the memory leaks. But... apart from the truncate() bugs, the random oopses, the memory leaks its okay to try.

    Eek. theres the memory corruption. It scribbles on your memory. If you can put up with truncate() bugs, random oopses, memory leaks and random corruption then it's definitely stable.

    Seriously folks, get linux2.4.0test8-pre6 and test it as much as you can and submit ____proper____ bug reports of any problems. But I would _not_ reccomend using it near "real" data yet - even if you do have 2.2 to srop back to like the previous poster does. remember: fsck is not magic.

    (BTW, the truncate() bug is fixed now AFAIK and I made most of the other stuff up for a laugh.)

  • by jfk3 ( 215200 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:26AM (#794534)
    There are certain activities in the kernel that must be completed undisturbed. If you are running some type of real-time application that must take action in a short time period, you have a conflict. Fully preemptive simply means that you can *always* interrupt the kernel to do whatever needs to be done rather than *sometimes* or even *most of the time*.
  • by Chalst ( 57653 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:29AM (#794535) Homepage Journal
    If you're referring to this []
    discussion, my understanding was that while Linus though low
    latency was a desirable goal for the kernel, he thought that `hard
    real time' was a bad thing for the kernel as a whole, becuase somtimes
    you do need to lock the kernel to have other important features like
    robustness and reliability. That ws in the context of RT linux, but I
    didn't see any big changes in that attitude since.

    The conclusion was that if you really needed these kinds of tiny
    latencies, then the right approach was to use a derivative kernel, but
    for the rest of us, it wasn't worth the candle. So I guess hard real-time isn't in the pipeline for 2.5.

  • I'll second that, even on an old 233mmx I can do any day to day task without winamp skipping... only time it skips is if i'm doing some cpu intensive tast like rarring/unrarring a huge file or thrashing my HD by copying huge files all over the place.

  • Is-it 2.2 or 2.4 ?

    The 2.4 will include some code to make the kernel more "responsive", but I suspect that this will be true only for "soft-real-time" processes (audio application).

    I'm wondering if the desktop responviness will be better under 2.4..

    May be, you could try using XFree86 4.x if you have a supported card, I suspect that it would help more than a new kernel release..

    Are you using KDE, if yes KDE 2.0 should help..
  • The nicest thing about all of this is that even if Linus rejects MontaVista's changes, there's nothing stopping anyone who wants to use those patches from getting the code. While it's true that Linus owns the Linux(tm), the truth is that we all own the code, by virtue of the GPL, and we can all do what we want to with our own copies, whether Linus approves or not.

    Contrast this with a non-GPL work, where if a single marketdroid decides to quit selling it (even if it is a good product), all the product's users are permanently and irrevocably screwed.

    People can bitch all they want about the GPL, but it is clearly working to everyone's advantage here. Thanks, RMS!

  • by cduffy ( 652 ) <> on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:34AM (#794539)
    MontaVista, recall, is an embedded linux company. Since embedded systems don't need SMP, that's not where their focus is. It'll be interesting to see if they try to add support and what actually gets into the official kernel.

    Btw, I happen to work at MontaVista Software (not their main office right now, which is why I'm kinda' out of the loop and don't have more to say about this), and can attest that they're really cool folks! <grin>.
  • PhuX0red, or perhaps some of the components (video card/sound card) aren't as up to date as the processor.

    This is covered in the Winamp FAQ and/or help file (last time I checked), about why the music skips when someone scrolls in a window, etc ... I'd presume it's the same problem, and not IE5's fault. If it turns out not to be, I'd agree with
    you on the phuX0red diagnosis.
    But hey, it's always easiest to blame microsoft, right?
  • Ahh! Now I remember. He is the meanest kernel bandit in Mexico. :-)
  • by cduffy ( 652 ) <> on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:45AM (#794542)
    ...even most people who think they do.

    With CPU speeds being what they are today (and constantly increasing), the number of cases in which the regular schedular can't handle things correctly is really very low.

    On the other hand, some of the improvements done for RT purposes (eg. finer-grained locking) help other people too (eg. SMP users).
  • Unlike with Windows and Mac, I don't think that many people are sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for 2.4.

    I'd dispute that to a certain degree, I think 2.4 is eagerly awaited, as the first really scalable kernel, and also for the consumer-type stuff such as USB and FireWire. Let's not start saying 'delay the kernel' now, we don't want to get into NT5/2000 territory, let's go with what we have, which is, by all accounts, pretty damn good already and getting better as the bugs and performance issues are dealt with.
  • by TheGratefulNet ( 143330 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:48AM (#794544)
    multi-cpu systems (at least the intel SMP model) really is suboptimal and has ALWAYS been somewhat buggy and not really production-quality.

    I gave up trying to get smp to work and just went with a NI (network-interconnect) cluster of single cpu systems. each cpu has full cache-coherency on a single cpu system [vbg]. each has its own private ram bank and spinning-disk, pci bus, etc.

    with the cost of pc's these days, I really wonder if dual cpu systems even are relevant anymore.

    now with something like sgi's origin systems - now THAT's a real multicpu system. but linux is far from finished for such large systems; irix, as weird as it is, still rules for that level of scalability in cpu counts.

    my point is: for consumer level systems, smp might as well not even exist. its an intel hack - and a bad one, at that.


  • by Anonymous Coward
    I guess Linux isn't a 'time sharing' system any longer.

    Has the 'nice' command been disabled? What happens when User 27 on the teletype down in the basement of the Physics building is plonking away at the keyboard and the response locks up for ten seconds? Do we really want User 18 up in the third floor of Mace Hall to be able to lock up the whole system to run that data acquistion program?

    Sounds like there's some cool potential for DOS attacks here.
  • "What kinds of schedules are we really talking about?"

    What's a `schedule'?
    "When it's ready" will suffice, not before, and any later due to continuing testing.
    None of this "January 2001" crap here, please!
    .|` Clouds cross the black moonlight,
  • by MartinG ( 52587 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @05:53AM (#794547) Homepage Journal
    > his quirks make the entire project too reliant upon him.

    You could have ended that sentence four words earlier.

    What makes you so sure the project would grind to a halt if Linus left? Very little development on this scale has been done in this way before. There is nothing in the past to compare this to that tells me Linus leaving would be a drastically bad thing. Some people (I'm not among them BTW) think it would even be good for Linux.

    > Alan and Inigo fight over the "hot seat",

    Do you even know these people? I don't, but I know enough about Alan at least to say that I would be very surprised to "fighting" over anything in that way.

    I'm almost regretting replying to this. I almost think it's a proper troll.

    I don't mean to be insulting, but all I see in what you have said is that you are afraid because you don't understand why the Linux development model works. It seems you would be more comfortable seeing a more traditional approach, but for no rational reason.
  • Uh, the development kernel set's numbered 2.5 (which would be the next "unstable" version of the kernel).
  • James Ready? As in Ready Systems (VRTX)?

    The rep Ready Systems had some years ago with people buying real time systems is that if it visibly works in the demo, it will probably work in the product you buy. If the salesdroid talks about it working, it won't. Perhaps that's just in the Southeast US, but their reputation where I work was far from enviable.

    In VxWorks one of the things we learned to do early was get the hell out of interrupt level as quick as you could. The driver I ported to VxWorks for an FDDI board, for example, basically shuffled stuff onto a ring buffer that fed the process (at high priority task level) that did the actual work. That's because interrupt level was honest-to-god interrupt level.

    Please forgive my ignorance here, but is that the way people are writing Linux drivers? If not, then you're going to have a massive job of driver rewriting before preemption is actually usable for (e.g.,) cyclic schedulers like we use in training simulators and some kinds of hardware-in-the-loop simulations.

    Simply turning off preemption every time a process or a driver takes a lock is a far, far cry from usable preemptive scheduling. If I need a 60 Hz scheduling event, then I bloody well need it at 60 Hz, and a pause for a few dozen milliseconds for a filesystem sync (etc., etc.) is right out.

    And there was a need for a number of parallel utilities in VxWorks. For example, printf() takes a semaphore, so it's unusable at interrupt level and you have to use another function to print things out at interrupt level. Note the way VxWorks did it: it doesn't let you take a semaphore at interrupt level, which is just the opposite of what Ready is suggesting. Why? Because they believe real-time is important, and it's at the core of the philosophy behind the operating system, not an add-on.

    Unless I've badly misunderstood this, it looks like preemption in Linux is going to be a toy.

  • Your comment is true for Intel brand CPUs, but not X86 in general. The problems with Intel SMP is the use of the Intel GTL+ CPU bus. AMD's Athlon series uses the DEC EV6 bus, which is point-to-point switched, rather than a single chunk of bandwidth shared between CPU's. AMD's 760MP chipset, due later this year, combined with the new Mustang-based CPU's should spank PIII Xeons in SMP.

    "Evil beware: I'm armed to the teeth and packing a hampster!"
  • They claim in the FAQ that it's a video driver issue. I'm not enough of a HaX0r to know if it's a driver or it's phUx0rEd, but it sounds plausible to me.
  • The way Linux is licensed makes Linus unnecessary to its future development. Anyone can take it and check it into CVS, modify it as they wish, and build their own group of people to maintain it. What keeps Linus in control right now is the respect that people hold for him. Once he moves on, there will be another group. Given the way that anyone can use anyone else's modification under the GPL, code-forks naturally converge.

    Anyway, Linux only has a few years of development left. The system we run 10 years from now will be Free Software and will contain a lot of the same tools, but might well have a different kernel. I'm surprised that people don't consider this more.



  • by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <> on Friday September 08, 2000 @06:19AM (#794558) Homepage Journal
    The system that serves has been running 2.4.0-test1 for 98 days without a reboot. It's a dual-processor Pentium III 600 system with 256M RAM, running multiple Zope processes to serve the weblog and two SETI@home processes set to the lowest priority to keep the CPUs busy when they would otherwise be idle.

    I'm about to install a more recent kernel and reboot that system. 2.4.0-test1 had lots of flaws, but it happened I don't exercise any of them and the later releases are much more stable.

    If you think putting this mod in 2.4.0 is a bad idea, consider that operating systems other than QNX and Linux try to provide real-time services and are probably less stable than either in their full release versions. We've got to get the code in if we're going to get it tested, and there's really no good test but actual use. Developing something this intimate with kernel internals for 2.2.17 would waste a good deal of developer time.



  • RMS's loss would cut the heart out of the free software movement


    I'm not even convinced he played a significant role in any major trend except promoting the TLAs: FSF, GNU, GPL, and RMS. That, and injecting a lot of moralistic nonsense into what are essentially economic and engineering issues.

    Free software is not like free speech. It is like public domain text: nice to have, but not a fundamental property of a free society. Going around convincing people that it is essential is harmful both to them and to the people who have rational reasons for releasing free software.

    If he was never born, the major difference would be that Emacs wouldn't be around. If he died today, nothing would really change. He hasn't really done anything significant in a long time, he just goes around as a figurehead of the "free software movement" who is hated by half of the people involved in free software.

  • by MartinG ( 52587 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @06:31AM (#794563) Homepage Journal
    > RMS's loss would cut the heart out of the free software movement.

    RMS is a great inspiration to me. I now use and write free software because I believe in it, and this is due in part to RMS's work. However, if he were suddenly abducted by aliens I wouldn't suddenly stop believing in, using, and writing free software. In time another figurehead would emerge. There is always someone else.

    Similarly, if Linus disappeared, I wouldn't stop reading the kernel source, trying to find and fix bugs and I doubt others would either, and in a short time the right person would assume his position, (probably Alan in the short term I have to admit,) it would ultimately be the best person for the job as decided by all Linux contributers. Such is the nature of the development model IMO.

    Yes, of course there would be short term upset if Linus left, but there is upset in any model if the key people suddenly leave. The question is, in which model is the quickest recovery? I know where my money is.
  • The problem, though, is that the approach taken doesn't work on multi-CPU systems.

    This may be gross ignorance on my part, since I've never done any realtime programming, but aren't most common RT apps designed to run on single-processor systems? MontaVista's solution is surely not the end of the journey towards a realtime Linux, but it will probably satisfy a lot of needs in the meantime.


  • "According to Morgan, a group of Linux game programmers recently petitioned Linus (Torvalds) to add specific preemption points in the 2.4 kernel, primarily for video throughput improvement. "

    This was in kernel traffic either last week or the week before. I think that it was not added cause it was either alot of changes or it was messy code. I think also that Linus has his wants and not wants in the kernel.

    I wonder if this is the start of the forking of Linux that so many have said woudl happen. May the best kernle win.

    I also wonder if they are releasing there changes to the kernle as Open Source under the GPL?
    I don't want a lot, I just want it all ;-)
    Flame away, I have a hose!

  • The simple way to get an idea of the difference is this:

    - Linux does fully preemptive multitasking, which means that CPU time is shared by multiple processes, that each process gets his part, and that if some process waits (e.g. for I/O), his "part" will be used to run other processes in. So all in all, this is a fine "time-sharing system".

    - The kernel however, doesn't do this internally (yet!). If you do a kernel call, e.g. write to a device, the kernel call is the _only_ thing that runs at that moment. If it has to wait for something, it just _waits_. Only after the call has returned, Linux starts looking at the scheduling system again.

    A fully preemptive kernel means (anyway in this context), that it is also preemptive internally, so if kernel code has to wait for something, other tasks can be performed. As you might understand, a fully preemptive kernel must be _very_ sophisticated. I'm glad we're gonna get it (well, if Linus permits it, anyway ;-), and hats off for the developers!

    It's... It's...
  • by Ed Avis ( 5917 ) <> on Friday September 08, 2000 @07:34AM (#794577) Homepage
    CPUs are getting faster but the demands placed on CPUs are growing at least as fast. If you're taking part in a videoconference, you need to compress and stream out your own image at the same time as streaming in and displaying images from the other participants. And if you can manage that, try again when the screen resolution and refresh rate have reached television-like levels.

    Of course in the long term everything will be fast enough that clever schedulers won't be so necessary. But you could say the same of optimizing compilers, transparently-compressed network links, or almost any performance improvement invented over the past thirty years. Most of them are still with us. Even if the need will eventually disappear, there will be at least a five-year window when people will need a better RT scheduler (is my rough guess).
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @07:43AM (#794579) Homepage
    A free, but not open, QNX should be available shortly. See Get QNX. [] I'm looking forward to using this, partly because there's so much less cruft than with Windows and UNIX/Linux. Especially in the windowing environment.

    As for "preemption", QNX takes this much further than Linux does. For one thing, networking and file systems are in preemptable processes already. Beyond this, in QNX, priority is preserved through calls to services. For example, if a high-priority process reads from a file system, its I/O request goes ahead of requests from low-priority processes. This falls out of the priority-oriented interprocess communication system. It's something needed for streaming media if the machine has other work to do as well.

  • Okay, we'll use videoconferencing as an example.

    If you're using realtime for your videoconferencing box, you're running pretty much the following threads (depending on how the thing's designed, of course):

    Network Input
    Video Input

    With a hard real-time schedular, you can guarantee timings for some or all of these... so what are you going to do?
    Be sure that your video input thread is awake in time for each frame? Doesn't do much good if compression or output are falling behind; the received video is then getting buffered (and memory for those buffers potentially being allocated... or time is being spent on frames which get dropped... or some other Bad Thing like that, depending on your design).
    Verify that compression gets the CPU frequently enough to keep up with video input? First, that presumes that input is keeping up itself -- and if you starve decompression, or anyone else, Bad Things happen.

    And so on for the rest of the system.

    Real time doesn't give you more CPU cycles; it just gives you a little more control over where they go. Most of the time, though, this control is something which is much more trouble than it's worth. If you've got enough total CPU time to run your videoconferencing box, then it'll generally run -- whether your schedular supports RT or not.
  • by hazydave ( 96747 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @07:59AM (#794583)
    In a typical RTOS, you have atomic operations on semaphores and other very small chunks, and that's it (well, ideally). So essentially, your atomicity is on a data level, it's not generally a processor/interrupt/hardware issue. It's also possible, but more complex, on multiprocessor systems.

    Much of this is based on the OS design. The original RTLinux people looked at implementing realtime in plain old Linux, but decided it couldn't be done without massive work and risk to the API integrity. Of course, they were after hard realtime. Mainstream Linux would benefit greatly from "as good or better than Windows" realtime; hard realtime is only truely necessary for certain classes of embedded apps.

    Another thing they don't mention, but should, is the need for a reentrant kernel and real, actual, useful, and working threads in Linux. This goes hand in hand with well written realtime/near realtime applications. Being preemptable is a whole lot more useful when the multitasking is far more fine grained than you have in today's Linux. Also, kernel-mode threads (as you have in BeOS and NT) are particularly useful for realtime-sensitive data.

  • by Kaz Kylheku ( 1484 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @08:07AM (#794586) Homepage
    The SMP support already allows multiple processors to execute much of the kernel code already, except within locks. In principle, any code that is not in a lock and runs on SMP can be made preemptible on a single processor. So this is not a hugely revolutionary step, but rather evolutionary.

    I'm glad that someone is taking the effort to actually do this.
  • 2.4 hasn't been released yet. We have test versions of it but for all purposes we are still on 2.3 officially.

    So Linus, what are we doing tonight?

  • by td ( 46763 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @08:20AM (#794590) Homepage
    Henry Massalin's PhD thesis `Synthesis: An
    Efficient Implementation of Fundamental
    Operating System Services' has all kinds
    of good stuff about high-performance system
    software, including fairly cool lock-free
    synchronization ideas.

    I can't find a url for it -- Columbia University
    has apparently dumped Henry's pages from their
  • with my Athlon 500 and 256 ram I cannot run an IE 5 session without getting skips out of winamp.

    That's amusing, given that my Celeron 400 with 64 megs can do it fine. Hell, even my P75 can play MP3s and run Opera at the same time (just barely). There's something very very wrong here...

  • apt-get install kernel-source-2.4.0-test5
    cd /usr/src
    tar -xzf kernel-source-2.4.0-test5.tar.gz
    cd kernel-source-2.4.0-test5
    make (config|menuconfig|xconfig)
    make dep
    make bzLilo

    And you're done, WITH a Debian approved 2.4.0-test5 kernel at that. It's probably not as modular as the binary release will be.. but do you really care?
  • I havn't been following the kernel very closely recently, but Mandrake 7.2 beta is just out and includes the 2.4.0-test? kernel, so it's got to be reasonably stable!
  • Did you know that Linus owns the name Linux? He could simply not allow anyone to use the name. The software wouldn't change but it would no longer be buzzword compliant. Not that he would do that of course....
  • I'm using 2.2, and noticed the same thing with 2.4.
    It's stock debian potato with proposed-upgrades and security, except for the cvs version of lyx.

    I'm not using KDE; plain old X is fine for me. I need to see how long it will take to get my new machine once ordered; I don't want to spend too much time on this one. However, if 2.4 will work better with my eepro network card . . . I have to have a script force-reloading the netwrokd with five second pauses, and I still need to power down to completely reset the card once a day (warm boot doesn't do it).
    The card stayed up under FreeBSD, but I don't have the disk space for the compiles (make world and make lyx together take more space than I have . . .)

    hmm, now that I think of it, I used to run X at a -2 nice on macbsd to solve some of these (and xfs at +2 or some such :)
  • remember: fsck is not magic.

    Depends on your technique.

    Oh wait, that wasn't a euphamism, nevermind :(
  • ... out of seeing the handful of posts NIT-PICKING the numeric versioning system thing.

    And, since I haven't posted here for awhile, and so dislike people who nit-pick an issue simply to look intelligent, allow me to take the very same sentance and explain it to you:

    "MontaVista would like to see this technology, or similar technology, utilized as a foundational feature of Linux 2.5,"

    "... this technology, or similar technology", referring to the preemptive structure changes and coding they have been working on. Very cool, and I think everyone can follow it this far.

    "... utilized as a foundational feature", meaning they would like to see these largish to major changes made early on, either all theirs, part theirs, worked on by them, others, or a better way, whatever works out to be the Best Thing for Linux. Again, seems fairly clear to me.

    "... of Linux 2.5", meaning they would like to see it begin incorporation in Linux 2.5. This seems proper to me.

    As I see it, it was stated correctly, a new, and fundamentally large change such as this would be inculded in a DEVELOPMENT kernel. Hence, the term DEVELOPMENT.

    A large change like this would NOT get directly incorporated into a STABLE kernel series.

    You're beef seems to be more of a grammatical one than anything else. Would Montavista stating it this way have satisfied you - "MontaVista would like to see this technology, or similar technology, utilized as a foundational feature at the beginning of Linux 2.5,"? Probably not.

    Long ago, I read the explanation of the versioning system being used in Linux, and understood it. And ever since, I've gotten a chuckle out of anal-retentive grammatical nazi Slashdotters like yourself who feel the need to try and show the world that they know it too.

    Get over it.

    And now that I'm guilty of doing the exact same thing I so dislike here, I'm moving on before I end up conditioning myself to be guilty of it more often.
  • I see you've tried 2.4.. on what hardware setup? 2.4.0-test6 on my K6-III 400 w/ 128 mb of ram produces a very noticeably different behaviour under load (as compared to 2.2.16 and 2.2.17).

    For me, the difference was that make -j 27 (which help get a ludicrous load) didn't destroy interactiveness. I was able to type, etc, as if nothing else was happening on the system. This partially has to do with the atomic timeslice going from 200ms to 50ms, and partially from the general updates to 2.4. If you've not tried -test6, I suggest you do :)
  • So - if MontaVista's kernel is fully preemptive it should be interruptible at any time. This means that there are no times when you can't serve an interrupt, or am I wrong?

    It's not interruptible when interrupts are disabled. So interrupts are disabled to protect critical regions in this type of kernel.

    "Fully preemptible" means always preemptible by default, except when it isn't. The alternative is non-preemptible by default, except at certain well-defined preemption points. There have been some kernel patches proposed that add more preemption points, but I believe that a fully preemptible kernel is cleaner, more maintainable and higher-performance, when it's done correctly. SGI's IRIX works this way, for example.
  • For the sake of Linux I would hope that this company holds off on production of its distribution until the kernel is at least stable, if not fully released.

    Don't worry too much about that. It will take *months* for the dust to settle on this pre-emption patch. There are just too many parts of the core kernel that are unanalyzed and unprepared for arbitrary preemption, let alone device drivers. The VFS comes to mind.

    Even with full preemption the Linux kernel can still be only a soft-realtime system. There are too many drivers holding off interrupts for unknown amounts of time, and the scheduling algorithm is not deterministic. Treat this as experimental. If you want solid, hard realtime for Linux, use RTLinux or RTAI.
  • they mention they have been in contact with linus torvalds, i'm sure that for something this big he would have provided them with as much information about 2.4 as soon as possible.

    You don't quite get it. (1) Linus doesn't have to provide anyone with information about linux, 2.4 or otherwise, because they can get that information themselves. It's open source, right? (2) Even Linus never knew and still doesn't know what the final 2.4 is going to be. Somebody out there is staying up all night as we speak preparing a killer patch that Linus doesn't know about. Linus will like the patch and include the patch. So much for Linus giving out prefered information to prefered collaborators. You got the wrong OS, son.
  • The hard realtime patch (which this isn't), last I checked, requires you to have a specific high priority to be able to change the scheduling mode. So you need to have root permissions when you set up your scheduler, or have someone (some daemon?) who has such permissions renice you. Normal users can't use it, so it's not a security risk.
  • Without RMS there would be no FSF or GPL.

    True, but these are just names. Other free software organizations exist, other free software licenses exist. Neither is really necessary for anything.

    Free software has been around since they first let university students touch computers. It went on just fine in the public domain or with simple blanket permission-granting documents and without any central representative. The dramatic increase in free software production is a natural result of internet growth: suddenly students and hobbyists could show off their software to everyone interested in the world and collaborate with them, regardless of distance.

    Without either of these there would be no gcc or GNU,

    Without the gcc project sucking in most of the people who are interested in writing a C or C++ compiler, another free C or C++ compiler would have been made.

    GNU is one of several "let's remake Unix in our own image!" projects. Unix was poorly marketed and overpriced, but popular, and lots of people had seen the source, so naturally someone would recreate it. FSF propaganda made GNU high-profile, thus it sucked in more programmers than other efforts.

    Again, the primary difference is the names, the basic product was inevitable, regardless of the actions of any one individual.

    Remember, the existence of a good, working program available freely is a disincentive to produce another one that serves the same purpose. People understand that they'll eternally be playing catch-up to the earlier project, and won't bother unless they strongly disagree with the way parts of it are done, and want to do something significantly different. With something like a C compiler producing a certain type of object file, once it is approaching compliance to the standard, the only differences are in the optimizer; even if you strongly disagree with how the optimizer is done, it only makes sense to fork the existing project (gcc, egcs).

    Besides, other C compilers were written, like lcc and vbcc. You just don't hear about them because gcc is so much better. And, of course, gcc is better because the gcc project attracted the most attention at first, then once it was going, it didn't make sense to waste effort by working on others. There's only room for one great community C compiler.

    without either of which there would be no Linux.

    That Linus used GNUtilities doesn't mean they were necessary to produce Linux. Assuming, for the moment, that nothing like the GNU utilities that were running at the time would have existed at the time, the most you can say is that they made the early development easier. After that, I'd say Linux drew more people to work on "GNU" tools than the GNU project drew on its own before that.

    Remember, Linux was based on Minix, which had a large community. Anyone who seriously undertook to convert Minix into a full-fledged useful OS would have had lots of support. There was much interest and several abortive attempts before the cheap and powerful 386 processor and the growth of the internet made Linux the successful one.

    all of the *BSD's and XFree86 depend on gcc

    No, they are compiled with gcc. Believe it or not, you can compile them without too much trouble with other C compilers. For the moment, let's ignore that in the absence of the gcc brand the same people would have just put their work into another free compiler project and made one of comparable quality. You don't need a free compiler to make free software. It's very handy, but not strictly necessary. Before free compilers, programmers just bought commercial compilers (or used the licensed ones at their school). These produce object files, the formats of which are documented, when you're making your own executable format, a linker isn't too hard to write (for basic utilities such as compilers, linkers, web browsers, etc. the biggest problem is conforming to someone else's standard, especially when it was "grown" in a haphazard manner).

    It's amazing how many of you just have no idea how much RMS has done

    It's amazing just how many of you attribute everything that's GPL'd or that has the "GNU" stamp on it to RMS. He didn't do that stuff, he didn't make it possible, he just provided some popular names (and a popular license that is the root of most license conflicts), then he went around bitching like spoiled brat when a popular piece of free software didn't include "GNU" in its name.

  • by kmorgan ( 143392 ) on Friday September 08, 2000 @01:58PM (#794641)
    I'll try to answer/respond to the most significant questions and points made here. 1. 2.5 is the next "development kernel", and is clearly the right place to initiate a fundamental kernel change such as preemptability. 2.6 is the right place for commercial usage, obviously. 2. Preemptibility means the systems can and will stop a process running in kernel mode and switch to a higher priority newly executable process. For more, including specifics of what our prototype does and how we want to advance our white paper! Here isn't the place to repeat those details. 3. We are not dogs, but after a few beers or missed shots on the pool table we do howl alot. 4. We actually did initial work on 2.2.14 but our primary goal is proving out this technology, providing to customers who may need it, and offering back as a technology for 2.5 (->2.6). Hence, 2.4 was and is the proper base, given that we think we can have production ready software early next year, "long after" 2.4 is cooked. We feel releasing a prototype on 2.4-test software is okay. 5. A preemptable kernel is not a rate monotonic scheduler! We also offer a scheduler that sits on top of (runs before) the standard Linux scheduler that does a good job of selecting/dispatching real-time processes very quickly and with fixed overhead. It's not rate monotonic, it's a simple priority driven scheduler. 6. I won't engage in arguing the pro's and con's of "one man's control of an OS". It is the way it is. MontaVista lives with it and is trying to work with it. We think a preemptible kernel design, leveraging the SMP locks, is a good next step for the Linux kernel and benefits all "market segments" (types of users). We want to prove it with real software, and this is our starting point. We are "releasing early, releasing often", amen. 7. "these guys proposal was regeted"...I reget to tell you that you misunderstand. What was "rejected" was a set of patches that injected preemption points, which is a fundamentally different technology than what we've implemented. We have not proposed or submitted anything as of yet, beyond making our current prototype available. 8. Fross, THANK YOU. 9. Inclusion in 2.4 is absurd, it's time for it to stabilize, finalize and start getting deployed. 10. Most of the systems that Hard Hat Linux get designed into aren't serving "multiple users". They are control oriented environments. In such environments, having a design ability to assure that high priority tasks get cycles very quickly, with assurance, and all the cycles they want until they are "done", is critical. We are trying to enable that capability. Superuser privileges usually protect real-time priorities from casual mis-use on multi-user systems. 11. RTAI and RTLinux are "sub-kernels" which provide a lower level multi-tasking environment, a small set of services (mostly around synchronization and passing data to/from higher level Linux processes), and which virtualize interrupt off/on operations in Linux. Basically, they provide a multi-threaded interrupt handling environment with better worst case interrupt off characteristics. There are limitations to such an environment. A preemptible Linux kernel attempts to improve PROCESS responsiveness in Linux proper (as opposed to attached a small underlying, separate multi-tasking environment). They are quite different. They are not in conflict, and even with excellent preemption performance, a system can still benefit from improved interrupt responsiveness via use of RTLinux. 12. MontaVista did not request/support the request for preemption point inclusion in Linux. The perspective of our real-time team is that preemption points are NOT a desirable long-term technology, and we don't support their inclusion in Linus's kernel. 13. Everything MontaVista develops on our own dime is released as GPL or LGPL software. Everything to date anyway, and we don't see that changing anytime soon. Even most of what we've been paid to develop user professional services has been GPL/LGPL licensed (with our customers approval of course), as it's turned out. We are dedicated to the values of open source. We're a Linux company for gosh sakes! 14. Minimizing throughput impact on a uniprocessor is important. There are opportunities for throughput improvement under busy workloads...very simple workloads won't improve and could degrade, the questions are how much, and is the tradeoff worth it in order to get responsiveness/consistency of high priority behavior. Exploring, proving and educating in this area is an important component of our prototype work. 15. No our prototype doesn't yet support SMP. The cost of synchronizing across processors using the SMP locks shouldn't be more than synchronizing across processors using the SMP locks...don't know where you are coming from suggesting what we are doing will be prohibitively expensive on a multiprocessor! We'll share an SMP version when we get one put together (but it's not highest priority for us, our first order target for this thing is uniprocessors, which are far more prevalent in the embedded market segments.) 16. This is available for an IA32 platform. If you think that's an obscure platform...I guess you live in a parallel universe where Motorola hardware got selected by IBM back in the early 80's for their PC, or something! We'll productize on all supported MontaVista platforms (21 different boards across 4 different architectures as of our 2.1 release 2 weeks ago...). 17. I'm not aware Ingo did fully preemptable kernel work, and if Ingo did any work on such a system, we weren't aware of it and did not base this on any such work. 18. Preemptible is not interruptable. We've separately and previously done characterization work on interrupt off times in Linux. See our real-time project area on our web pages ( Interrupt off times in Linux are surprisingly good, with one exception (child process exit with many children)...and of course ignoring arbitrary drivers that can misbehave. 19. Time to go howl... Sorry to be long winded. I hope this helps to clarify a few things. -Kevin
  • Hard-real time needn't impact stability. Take QNX for example. It is perfectly robust and still hard realtime.
  • Huh? As far as I can recall a good deal of mission critical production quality x86 servers ARE SMP. And you make the assumption that SMP is limited to server tasks. A dual CPU system crunching Photoshop or 3D Studio will have a lot better performance than two interconnected single CPU systems.
  • That's just pattantly false. I can stream more videos in NT (on my 300MHz 128MB machine) than I can on Linux (which is several less than what I can do on BeOS ;) I can keep open a dozen IE5.5 windows while listening to a couple of MP3s. Hell, my normal usage is
    1) Listening to an MP3
    2) Coding in Visual Studio.
    3) Doing graphics in 3D Studio
    4) Doing textures in Photoshop.
    This is without any skips from the MP3 player!

    If my significantly weaker machine can do all that, I have a hard time believing that your 500MHz 256MB machine can't run IE and WinAMP at the same time. Unless you abuse your Windows installation that much, I can't see how it would happen.
  • Let's get something straight. The GPL doesn't prevent Linux from being subject to reality. A sucessful fork of the kernel would be a nearly impossible task. There would be little developer support, it would encourage other forks, etc. Additionally, the Linux project is prone to the same power struggles, ego trips, jockeying that everything else is. If Linux suddenly gave up the project without a clear line of sucession (god damn that sound medieval) then there would be a power struggle. Similarly, the GPL doesn't make Linux imprevious to egos. The bit with Alexander Verio posted in earlier Slashdot stories confirms this. Really, all the GPL makes it easier to do is use the code. Beyond that, you've got the same problems with power and introducing a new OS (forking) that you do with every other project. All it takes is a look to the BSDs' past to prove that OSS is not the "grand unified solution to everything."
  • Try burning a CD, rendering an animation in 3D Studio, listening to an MP3, surfing with IE, while coding in Visual Studio. I've done it. In fact, I do it several times a week. This is on my 300MHz 128MB PII. NT can handle it. Linux (kernel 2.4-pre7, NVIDIA 0.9-4, Slackware 7.1, XFree86 4.0.1, Gnome 1.2) get's flaky on me when I try to untar the kernel source and surf the net with Netscape at the same time.
  • I've never had an MP3 player skip on me in NT, what's your point? The person I was responding too said nothing about audio latencies. He said that he couldn't listen to an MP3 and surf the internet at the same time with NT. That statement is patently false. True, WindowsNT won't give you millisecond latencies (and neither will regular Linux), but hell, it wasn't designed to. It was designed to be a fast (as in interactive speed) workstation OS, and in that segment, it more or less suceeds.

    As for Mp3 playing being implemented under any OS, that's also false. It's not if you can play an MP3 without skipping, but how many you can play, and what load the system will take before it starts skipping. Linux starts skipping at a lot lower load than does NT, which handles a lower load than BeOS. That's just the truth of it. You can totally max you the processors in BeOS and still have the system stay responsive, while doing something proc intensive (like gunzipping the kernel archives, which can fit into main memory) will cause the system to become unresponsive.
  • Here's that post reformatted a bit for readability. I'm not karma whoring here, I've already hit the cap.

    ---Begin quote---

    I'll try to answer/respond to the most significant questions and points made here.

    1. 2.5 is the next "development kernel", and is clearly the right place to initiate a fundamental kernel change such as preemptability. 2.6 is the right place for commercial usage, obviously.

    2. Preemptibility means the systems can and will stop a process running in kernel mode and switch to a higher priority newly executable process. For more, including specifics of what our prototype does and how we want to advance our white paper! Here isn't the place to repeat those details.

    3. We are not dogs, but after a few beers or missed shots on the pool table we do howl alot.

    4. We actually did initial work on 2.2.14 but our primary goal is proving out this technology, providing to customers who may need it, and offering back as a technology for 2.5 (->2.6). Hence, 2.4 was and is the proper base, given that we think we can have production ready software early next year, "long after" 2.4 is cooked. We feel releasing a prototype on 2.4-test software is okay.

    5. A preemptable kernel is not a rate monotonic scheduler! We also offer a scheduler that sits on top of (runs before) the standard Linux scheduler that does a good job of selecting/dispatching real-time processes very quickly and with fixed overhead. It's not rate monotonic, it's a simple priority driven scheduler.

    6. I won't engage in arguing the pro's and con's of "one man's control of an OS". It is the way it is. MontaVista lives with it and is trying to work with it. We think a preemptible kernel design, leveraging the SMP locks, is a good next step for the Linux kernel and benefits all "market segments" (types of users). We want to prove it with real software, and this is our starting point. We are "releasing early, releasing often", amen.

    7. "these guys proposal was regeted"...I reget to tell you that you misunderstand. What was "rejected" was a set of patches that injected preemption points, which is a fundamentally different technology than what we've implemented. We have not proposed or submitted anything as of yet, beyond making our current prototype available.

    8. Fross, THANK YOU.

    9. Inclusion in 2.4 is absurd, it's time for it to stabilize, finalize and start getting deployed.

    10. Most of the systems that Hard Hat Linux get designed into aren't serving "multiple users". They are control oriented environments. In such environments, having a design ability to assure that high priority tasks get cycles very quickly, with assurance, and all the cycles they want until they are "done", is critical. We are trying to enable that capability. Superuser privileges usually protect real-time priorities from casual mis-use on multi-user systems.

    11. RTAI and RTLinux are "sub-kernels" which provide a lower level multi-tasking environment, a small set of services (mostly around synchronization and passing data to/from higher level Linux processes), and which virtualize interrupt off/on operations in Linux. Basically, they provide a multi-threaded interrupt handling environment with better worst case interrupt off characteristics. There are limitations to such an environment. A preemptible Linux kernel attempts to improve PROCESS responsiveness in Linux proper (as opposed to attached a small underlying, separate multi-tasking environment). They are quite different. They are not in conflict, and even with excellent preemption performance, a system can still benefit from improved interrupt responsiveness via use of RTLinux.

    12. MontaVista did not request/support the request for preemption point inclusion in Linux. The perspective of our real-time team is that preemption points are NOT a desirable long-term technology, and we don't support their inclusion in Linus's kernel.

    13. Everything MontaVista develops on our own dime is released as GPL or LGPL software. Everything to date anyway, and we don't see that changing anytime soon. Even most of what we've been paid to develop user professional services has been GPL/LGPL licensed (with our customers approval of course), as it's turned out. We are dedicated to the values of open source. We're a Linux company for gosh sakes!

    14. Minimizing throughput impact on a uniprocessor is important. There are opportunities for throughput improvement under busy workloads...very simple workloads won't improve and could degrade, the questions are how much, and is the tradeoff worth it in order to get responsiveness/consistency of high priority behavior. Exploring, proving and educating in this area is an important component of our prototype work.

    15. No our prototype doesn't yet support SMP. The cost of synchronizing across processors using the SMP locks shouldn't be more than synchronizing across processors using the SMP locks...don't know where you are coming from suggesting what we are doing will be prohibitively expensive on a multiprocessor! We'll share an SMP version when we get one put together (but it's not highest priority for us, our first order target for this thing is uniprocessors, which are far more prevalent in the embedded market segments.)

    16. This is available for an IA32 platform. If you think that's an obscure platform...I guess you live in a parallel universe where Motorola hardware got selected by IBM back in the early 80's for their PC, or something! We'll productize on all supported MontaVista platforms (21 different boards across 4 different architectures as of our 2.1 release 2 weeks ago...).

    17. I'm not aware Ingo did fully preemptable kernel work, and if Ingo did any work on such a system, we weren't aware of it and did not base this on any such work.

    18. Preemptible is not interruptable. We've separately and previously done characterization work on interrupt off times in Linux. See our real-time project area on our web pages ( Interrupt off times in Linux are surprisingly good, with one exception (child process exit with many children)...and of course ignoring arbitrary drivers that can misbehave.

    19. Time to go howl... Sorry to be long winded. I hope this helps to clarify a few things. -Kevin

  • Even here, realtime gives you nothing a standard high scheduling priority doesn't.

    Remember, your CD burner has a nice fat buffer on it. You don't have to push data into the buffer at exactly the right time (which is what hard RT is for) -- you just need to be sure you push data in.

    Your standard schedular is perfectly capable of giving your CD burning app all the CPU time it needs if you pump up the priority all the way -- it just won't give you the ability to decide exactly which millisecond you want that time to arrive at. Realtime doesn't make performance come out of nowhere -- it doesn't suddenly make your machine faster if you decide you want that app to have realtime priority. It may get you a guaranteed timeslice, but that's all -- and it's not as useful a thing as most folks seem to think.

    Note that I'm saying this from the POV of someone running an app on an embedded system or other dedicated machine. If you're using RT as another way of setting a really high scheduling priority to deal with preempting other, lower-priority user apps... well, you're misusing it -- there are other, lower-overhead ways of doing that. If you need to be damned fscking sure that data gets read in from that device at EXACTLY THAT TIME or else it's going to be lost... well, that's where hard RT comes in. But it's really not needed for much anything else.

  • I haven't tried 2.4, that should have said 2.0. I guess it's time to give it a try and see what I get . . .
  • "will definately not be a toy when it's out" somewhat correlates with "what's the REAL shipping date for 1.0. not 0.9, not 0.9" :-)

    I wish them luck - the more realtime capabilities are available in Linux, the more applications can use it instead of either specialized embedded system OS's or close-enough Windows products.

  • Yea, you can also say that BeOS network performance kicks ass or that it's OpenGL is faster than Windows OpenGL. However, given that those two products are in Beta, they mean nothing until they're actually implemented in the mainstream. Same thing with the eostoric Linux patches. While Ingo's patch may be fine and good, it is really marginal until it is implemented in a production kernel.

How much net work could a network work, if a network could net work?
