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Linux Software

Intel/HP Release Linux SDK For IA-64 35

HerbieTMac writes: "Intel and HP are releasing HP's IA-64 emulator for Linux later this week. Particularly interesting is that this emulator will be free (as in beer) for download from Intel's and HP's Web sites."
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Intel/HP Release Linux SDK for IA-64

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  • Good. I've been looking for something to do with my 9000/340.
  • That might let me get a head-start on an Itanium port without spending any money. But when will the Real Thing be available? Or is it already and I missed it?
    Compaq dropping MAILWorks?
  • I would have to say that it will probably only take off with McKinley rather than Itanium. With all the problems Intel has had lately I would definitely not be jumping on IA-64 anytime soon. I still think companies will be buying Itanium based systems, but I think a lot that do buy it will only buy a couple for their own porting efforts more so, than intergrating them into their networks as IA-32 replacements.
  • Well you could at least try to enlighten the first posters, unless you are one of them of course.

    HP - Hewlett Packard
    IA - Intel Architecture
    SDK - Software Development Kit
  • Ok, didn't mean to offend you. Calm down.
  • Now if you could have only told them that about four years ago...
  • This is the top highlight on the HP site [hp.com] right now, and there seem to be a few download links at the HP Software Depot [hp.com] and the Intel Developer site [intel.com]. I am not going to have time to download and play with this myself just yet, so I look forward to seeing comments from people who try it out.

  • Why does Linux only get an emulator? Why not a compiler that compiles AI 64 code.
  • Is this like a hp-ux emulator? the link didnt say much about it. And if it is will we be able to run hp-ux IE from microsoft?
  • Hey, the emulator is from Intel and HP. Take a wild guess as to what architectures will be suported? :)
  • We are confusing clock speed with performance, are we.
    If clock speed was all that mattered we would all be running AMD athlon and pention III chips at the moment.
  • Of course! If you're making money off of something developed using HP's technology, HP should be making money, too!

    Personally, I think that if they're going to give something away for free they ought to take the risk that someone will make money using it.

  • Is this any Linux, or just i386 Linux?

    This seems to be a common problem with binary software releases - many people seem to forget that there is life outside of Intel chips.
  • I wonder why we haven't seem Microsoft Linux yet?

    on the other hand, I can only imagine the prices!

  • I agree with you. I'm sort of new at this thing and I was lost. But after seeing what they meant, it made sense.
  • For more info start here.

    To download preleases of Linux for ia64 (but it won't do you any good if you can't get ahold of a machine, which you probably can't unless you work for a company that has an agreement with Intel.) you can use either Turbo Linux
    or RedHat
    Suse and Caldera should have distributions soon.

    But the emulator is a way to start porting software before the hardware is generally available.
  • Okay, we've got the emulator - but how do you test your apps with it unless you have an OS?

    Is there a prerelease of RedHat, Debian or whatever compiled for IA-64? And how would it interact with your real system (file sharing etc)? I'd certainly want to do the editing and compiling natively.

    It would be useful if the emulated IA-64 system had some kind of virtual network device that communicates with the host system as if it were an Ethernet or PPP link. Then you could just pop up emulated xterms and share files via NFS to the emulated system.

  • gcc compiles it. Other compilers to follow.
  • But what would you run that code on? They're not about to give away the hardware to any old developer...

    If my memory serves me, the compiler is already being worked on (in fact, I'd be surprised if it wasn't included in this package). But a compiler is useless without the machine to test the code on. As we can't have one (yet), this is the next best thing.


  • And don't forget about how reveloutionary the VLIW concept is. Just think about the best case coming out of these new compilers: as long as everything is compiled out to one super-long instruction, it will execute in just one clock tick! Intel is trying to make MHz matter again! Imaging your Quake 3 framesrates then people...


  • This is supposed to be an emulator, right? So it's supposed to emulate the processor's features accurately, including any bugs, right? So then shouldn't this emulator be several years late to market, over-priced, and about to be replaced by the next generation in SDKs to come out two quarters later?
  • What I want to know is weather or not people think this architecture will really take off. As we all know, the IA-64 architecture has been delayed many times. According to the first reports out I should probably have one on my desk allready. This intern will drive up the price higher and higher
    It's great that we're gonig to have an emulator, and i'm sure it's not long before g++ is ported and all our applications can move on over. This isn't going to be cheap though...
    Are people really going to run out and buy a brand new system with this processor? The market is very saturated with pentium this and pentium that, is this going to be big enough to have an immeadiate impact? And how long till we get a reverse engineered AMD chip that's affordable?
    The way i see it, the emulator is going to be all a lot of us are going to see for a while. I know I don't have the money to go out and buy one of these things as soon as they hit the shelves.

  • Why does Linux only get an emulator? Why not a compiler that compiles AI 64 code.

    Gill gets out his clue-stick. Thwaaack!

    The compiler produces native IA64 code.
    The compiler runs on Linux.
    Since there is currently a somewhat limited supply of IA64 hardware (i.e., none) the SDK includes a simulator so you can test your IA64-compiled programs.

    BTW, SGI [sgi.com] released their IA64 compilers a month ago.

  • The kit includes other relevant tools, as well, such as the standard GPC compiler

    Shouldn't that read GCC or is there something I'm missing? Why would anyone want a Pascal compiler?

    "Work is the curse of the drinking classes" - Oscar Wilde
  • I don't agree with you, friend, that HP and Intel are taking a huge risk with a fresh new architecture (I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't point out your misspelling). I've discussed many of the benefits of the new design with one of the HP developers and I can assure you that there is little risk.

    Here's why:
    1.) The IA-64 is not designed to compete for the desktop market. This chip is powerful. All of the new high-end HP workstations/compute servers/file servers are designed for this chip. When the chip is finally available, the users can remove an adaptor in the machine and simply plug in the new chip. The main competition is from Sun or SGI.

    2.) Since the chip is the next best thing from Intel, then it will make it to the desktop. Even then it'll be the power user who needs high video game FPS, or is doing CAD work at home. Most of the desktop market would prefer an hacked i-opener to a full PC, just because it is simple and one can drag it around the house with them.

    3.) As much as you complain about having to support a brand new architecture, look at all of the people saying that what is holding Intel/Microsoft/Large Corporation back is backwards compatibility. This chip breaks away from that and offers revolutionary features in the manner of branch prediction and I'm sure other areas. It is a big complicated power-hungry chip, but as a CAD station, that won't make a difference.

    Finally, I think that IA-64 will catch on, even with charging for development. Intel's marketing might will help, but the high-end market for computers will keep new applications coming.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 14, 2000 @04:18AM (#1003495)
    IA-64 Linux NUE Environment

    NUE provides the toolchain (compiler, linker, assembler), the libraries, and execution environment necessary to develop IA-64 Linux software. A user running within NUE can compile, link and execute applications as if he or she were on an IA-64 system executing the Linux operating system. (72 MB)

    ftp://download.intel.com/design/IA-64/lnx_nue.htm [intel.com]

  • A little C code test:

    [root@localhost /root]# cat moks.c

    int main (void)
    unsigned long int myvar;
    printf ("Size of int : %d\n", sizeof (myvar));
    exit (0);
    [root@localhost /root]# cc -O2 -g -omoks moks.c
    [root@localhost /root]# file ./moks
    ./moks: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, IA-64, version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
    [root@localhost /root]# ./moks
    Size of int : 8

    So.. It obviously works; compiler and everything :-)

    This message is printed on 100% recycled electrons.
  • by Bananenrepublik ( 49759 ) on Wednesday June 14, 2000 @03:16AM (#1003497)
    It is an impressive piece of technology.
    You start the NUE and get your usual UNIX shell, /nue gets the root directory though, so your home directory in the NUE is /nue/home/myname.

    The whole thing runs mostly IA32 binarys, but once you try to run IA64 code, it automatically triggers the SKI IA64 emulator via binfmt_misc. So it's really fast compared to a complete emulation, but still gives you a (more or less) native environment.

    I have no idea, how they run this subsystem, it even has its own /proc, which is not in any way symlinked to the host computer's /proc, but still contains up to date information on everything.

    (I'm using it for documenting how SGI's GPL Fortran 90 compiler interfaces their I/O-library, so that we can use it in GNU g95, the Fortran 95 compiler that is going to be part of GCC. See http://g95.sourceforge.net for information on this project)
  • by Stickerboy ( 61554 ) on Wednesday June 14, 2000 @03:48AM (#1003498) Homepage
    Merced is supposed to be a server platform mainly for enterprise and scientific applications - not for your basic desktop, which is why it costs as much as it does.

    According to this page [intel.com], properly optimized code will be able to execute 8-12 parallel operations/cycle. This is hardly a "waste", as you put it, of designer effort. Willamette will only beat it in terms of IA-32 code, because Merced will only emulate it.

    Running native IA-64 code, unless AMD's got something up its sleeve that no one's talking about, Merced will blow Sledgehammer and Willamette out of the water instruction-wise clock for clock. Kinda the reverse philosophy of Willamette.

    IMHO, I think EPIC's going to kick some major hiney, in terms of pure processing power, as soon as Intel scales up the clock speeds (coming in McKinley and beyond). It's a pretty nice concept (removing guesswork from optimization) and I have to give Intel props for sticking with their guns.
  • by dsplat ( 73054 ) on Wednesday June 14, 2000 @05:50AM (#1003499)
    For anyone who wants the actual links. There's a press release here [hp.com] that contains links to the download pages on both the Intel and HP sites. The Intel link takes a bit of searching to find otherwise. HP puts a link to this press release prominently on their main page.
  • by bfree ( 113420 ) on Wednesday June 14, 2000 @02:42AM (#1003500)
    Can I assume that this is not a "free speach" release because it is sooooo perfect that any bugs in the emulator will also be in the processor so you will have to get around them anyway?
  • by spiro_killglance ( 121572 ) on Wednesday June 14, 2000 @03:03AM (#1003501) Homepage
    Well with Slegdehammer and Willament expected at 2GHz next year. And Foster still to be late and expensive. PowerPC and Alpha will tail a little at 1GHz-maybe 1.5 next year, maybe more. So i would say IA-64 hasn't got a chance until Northwood 3GHz in 2002/3 and then only if the rest of the industry is sleeping. Follow link for a leaked IA-64 roadmap http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:www.theregist er.co.uk/990428-000005.html+IA-64+roadma p&hl=en
  • by Jon Erikson ( 198204 ) on Wednesday June 14, 2000 @02:42AM (#1003502)

    Given that the uptake of the IA-64 is likely to be slow enough anyway, the idea of making people pay a hefty amount for this tool is one that's just too stupid for words. Intel and HP need to have software available for the chip, since otherwise nobody will touch it with a bargepole despite all of Intel's marketing might.

    No, the two companies are taking a huge risk by starting with a fresh, non-compatible arhcitecture, and they're going to want as much support for it as quickly as possible. This way they can get the Linux developer crowd, always eager for a new platform, to start work on an IA-64 version as quickly as possible, so that the server market will be open to the chip.

    No, it's not suprising really. Not doing this would have put Intel/HP at the mercy of closed source development houses, many of whom are going to be very unwilling to risk the jump to a new platform.

    Jon E. Erikson
  • by ChrisRijk ( 1818 ) on Wednesday June 14, 2000 @02:53AM (#1003503)
    Most of the time when I see something about the Itanium these days, I just tend to ignore it. I've looked at the architecture quite a bit, and talked to people who actually design and develop chips, and I have yet to find someone who thinks the IA-64 architecture is actually any good....

    The ISA is very big and complex and doesn't actually look any simpler than the x86 ISA. The designers also seem to have pretty much missed on what a good new architecture should actually do - they concentrated on trying to maximise IPC (Instructions Per Cycle - ie how many instructions you can issue per clock cycle), when current designs have pretty much already gotten as good as practically possible. So, all that complexity to increase IPC is pretty much going to go to waste...

    I'm not that surprised it's late, consumes huge amounts of power (100W at 600MHz or something), and slower than expected. Also, given that they're going to cost $2000-$4000 each, and that Intel's own Pentium 4 (Willamette) will beat it in terms of pure performance, as well as price/performance, I don't think there's going to be much demand. (and multiprocessor Athlon motherboards will be out before too long, and there's plenty of good stuff from the RISC vendors if you wish to splash out...)

    Intel/HP would have been much better off doing something like the Alpha 21464 (a few years away), the MAJC (few months away), or some of IBMs recent POWER chips - already on sale. I kinda pity the poor guys who actually have to implement the design since the higher level architects seem to have introduced the concept of bloatware to chip design...

    Sorry, kinda been wanting to say this for a while now.

  • by Shirotae ( 44882 ) on Wednesday June 14, 2000 @03:09AM (#1003504)

    Interesting that the license says:
    HP grants you a license to Use the Software solely for the purposes of (i) teaching and training of the IA-64 architecture by non-profit educational institutions and (ii) for developing software for Open Source operating systems.

    It seems you can't use it to develop for a proprietary OS without special permission from HP.

In specifications, Murphy's Law supersedes Ohm's.
