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New LILO Breaks 1024-Cyl Limit 208

slambo writes: "Everyone's favorite bootloader, LILO has been updated to remove the 1024-cylinder limit. LILO now supports disks up to 2Tb. "
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New LILO Breaks 1024-Cyl Limit

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Its funny one of the first boot loaders (and most popular) is one of the last to get this functionalty. How long has LBA, Large > 512MB drives been out anyway?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Nothing much. Watching the game, drinking a Guinness.
  • You read that 2TB as 2T TB => 27 TB. The 31337 4R3 M3551N6 W17H UR M1N|) d00d!!!!11!!!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    For one thing, newbies will have less chance of installing linux only to reboot and to nothing happen. I know that Redsplat and related distros have gotten around this by creating a 10-20 megabyte boot partition. Other distros limit you to either figuring out how to do the mini boot-partition yourself, or keeping the / partition located entirely under the 1024 cylinder. This means you can't have one huge-ass partition with most everything in it.

    Also you can now install new kernels much easier in RH and it's cousins by eliminating the small /boot partition and using
    %make bZlilo
    after compiling your new kernel.

    Good for us lazy folks :)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Why isn't this story posted under "Boot Sector Viruses" where it belongs?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I had been using LILO, but I recently switched to GRUB. It doesn't have the 1024 cylinder problem
    and more importantly

    o Once it is set up you don't have to tell
    it about new kernels if you don't want to
    because it can
    o Read ext2/msdos/minix/... filesystems
    natively which means you can boot any
    file. This also means you can
    o cat /etc/fstab from the boot prompt
    and it will search you partitions for
    the file and cat it and
    o Most importantly it has file/disk/partition
    completion from the boot prompt.
    o It can even do a nice menu (that you can
    always escape to a prompt from).
    o As it is a GRand Unified Boot loader, you
    can also boot 95/98/NT/*BSD... and
    o Use the same command line from inside
    your OS to try it out and set things up.

    I liked it so much, I made an rpm [] so I could easily put it on all of my computers. Beware, it is still in alpha/beta.

    LILO, no more...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The excrebyte. Roughly a sh1tload of storage.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    to the world of Linux software. See, no linux software in the world has a version number of more than .96. It's not possible. See:


    Since $ is a sin, that all must be under .999.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'm using BootEasy from FreeBSD, this loader also can boot beyond 1024 cylinder (I had to change Makefile and recompile it). For me this loader much easier to use than LILO, because it supports many disks, doesn't have any config file and can remember last boot choice. But the real problem is not loader, but operating systems themselves. For example, W2K cannot find swap file after moving its partition beyond 1024 cylinder. FreeBSD kernel loader btx do not use int13 extensions - the only way to break limit. Until last time linux kernel also had problems with this. Anyway, any progress in this area is good thing :)
  • LILO is a two-stage bootloader like most of the bootloaders for x86 systems. The first stage is approximately 500 bytes that sit in the MBR or the boot block of the partition you put it on. The second stage is in the file /boot/boot.b

    One big problem with LILO is that it won't boot your system if you've moved the kernel to a different set of blocks on the hard drive. GRUB and other more intelligent boot loaders actually understand the filesystem and can be told to blindly load a previously specified filename, and many have a command line interface that allows the user to find a different kernel to load at boot time.

    The best solution would be to rebuild the underlying methods by which PCs are created. A 512 byte MBR is an artifact of the original IBM PC, which is nearing it's 20th anniversary. BIOSes of today are built upon legacy after legacy, even though we have a few more modern operating systems out there today (like Linux, HURD, and the *BSDs. Ok, NT too..) that would much rather have a fully contiguous block of memory rather than the chunkified model that evolved along with the PC.

    Anyway, I'd be really happy if someone decided to make MBR's be 100kB in size or at least something a *little* larger than 512 bytes. Or heck, the BIOS itself could be redesigned to understand filesystems and kernels..
    Stop the MPAA []
  • I once posted about how we could get anti-aliasing support in to Linux quickly, commenting that we just need something that works. A BSD guy quickly slammed me for being a typical Linux user who just wants things to work.

    We can't settle. Don't we want our OS to be the best? We won't get there by telling people things like "LILO is good enough! Leave it alone!"
  • My coworker makes fun of my bsd usage, I make fun of his "redcrap".
    He says "you've just got kernel envy cuz linux has a bigger kernel"

    Welp its not that size that matters, its how you boot it:)
  • I think LILO uses large numbers for version numbers, like 21-4 and such. Apparently the guy submitting LILO updates to freshmeat is saying that 21 is the minor version number, not the major version number.
  • I checked the Debian changelog for LILO, and it looks like they are going to go ahead and put it in potato. Yay! :^)
  • The FreeBSD boot loader has been able to do this for ages!

    Of course it can also read UFS, FAT, and do PXE booting..

    Run faster!
  • I've recently had a very frustrating experience trying to get FreeBSD 4.0 working on a large drive. I'll share it here because it might be useful for others. It also helps to have another FreeBSD machine around already installed...

    First, you have to patch and rebuild /boot/boot[12] and /boot/loader (mail me if you want my copies). There is a patch for LBA support in /boot/loader available in the FreeBSD-hackers archive. I sure hope this patch makes it in to FreeBSD 4.1, because installing without it is a real pain.

    Once you have these new versions, go ahead and install FreeBSD normally. But, before you reboot, goto the shell screen (ALT-F4) and copy your new versions of /boot/boot[12] and /boot/loader into your newly installed partition.

    Then, you need to update the FreeBSD slice with boot1 and boot2: disklabel -r -B ad0 (assuming this is drive C:).

    Finally, you need to update boot0 to know about the LBA extensions (it calls this packet mode). Use boot0cfg -v -o packet ad0.

    Good luck, and I *really* hope that this makes it into FreeBSD 4.1, because it's a pain in the butt for those of use installing into partitions over 8Gb...

  • by mholve ( 1101 )
    This was out yesterday already, yer too slow. ;>

    All I can say is, "it's about time!" I've had many a situation where LILO puked on the drives installed. This is great news!

  • And guess who's lost his three NT boot disks?
  • You need the boot disks if you want to change any of the files used in the initial boot (e.g. ATAPI.SYS) , or if you need any other files from a newer service pack than your CD. I believe there is a setup.log file similar to the one on the Emergency Repair Disk that you can modify so that specify alternative locations for files.
  • "Why the f*****g hell couldn't they have made updated install CD's of NT 4.0 with all the service packs included. "

    I believe that it's called an MSDN subscription - it gives you updated versions of ALL their software ;)
  • I can't help being pedantic... 1^15 bytes = 1 byte :-)
  • Hey! I was hoping somebody would bring up XOSL. Has anybody tried it? Waddaya think?
  • An idiot, maybe. Environmentally conscious, definitely.
  • I know you're being funny, but if your post is taken literally, I'd like to point out that I use Linux as my desktop at work and I shutdown my computer everyday. Therefore, for me, I DO boot with LILO everyday. Well, at least every working day.

  • What game are *you* watching...?
  • This is Interesting. The x86 world is still playing catch up to us Alpha Linux [] users.

    On Alphas we have no such limitations on disks/boot loaders.

    Also on Alpha Linux we can now use up to 2TB of RAM!

    Now what we all need is EXT3 so we can have > 2GB filesystems and files!
  • err yeah.. I meant just "files" and not filesystems.. and no, it's an EXT2 limit. Everytime I've tried to create files > 2GB it fails. Using a filesystem other then EXT2 solves it. Therefor I do not believe it is platform related. This is one of the features that EXT3 is supposed to have at least that's what was announced (check /. archives).
  • Hmm I probably shouldn't come over then. I have a death metal band and we have a song where we jump around (trying to look 'artistic') and yelling "DEE! SELECT! DEE! SELECT!" and then during the chorus (to break it up) we do basically the same thing, but yell "DEB! IAN! DEB! IAN!"
  • You know the 1024-cylinder limit wasn't really *that* bad. You had to create one more partition than usual. I'm glad it's gone too, but I've never heard anyone really complain about it.
  • GRUB rocks totally and without any doubt - more flexible than LILO too. LILO looks so boring, too... GRUB has a colored full-screen boot menu (though colors are optional, of course =)

    This was just one reason why I switched from LILO to GRUB - Dammit, I've never booted my home machine just to see that utterly coooooool boot menu! =)

  • Now that this is done, maybe the LILO
    developers can remove the size limitations that
    LILO can load? Or is that a problem with the
    Linux kernel design?
  • by escher ( 3402 )
    Weird. I've never actually run into any trouble with lilo. On a 6GB disk I have a swap partition, 3GB Win95 partition, and 3GB (roughly) linux partition, in that order. Never had a single problem. Am I missing something?
  • I chose loadlin too. IMO, anyone who has a linux+win setup is much better off with loadlin. It's simple and it's safe and, until now, it had the advantage that cylinder limits were neatly sidestepped. It does add a couple of seconds to the boot time, I suppose, but does anyone really mind that?
  • I rather thought the +-21 and +-24 terms which are roughly as you have them, came from Finnish.

  • i think the article said *2* TB, chief.
  • GNU GRUB (the GRand Unified Bootloader) can be downloaded from: []
  • In place of using dselect to figure out package names, I'd recommend getting to know apt-cache. In particular, apt-cache search pattern is your friend.

    About the only thing dselect is needed for anymore is dealing with optional packages.
  • kilo-

    Although peta- and exa- aren't legitimate SI prefixes.
  • This person does have a point, despite an inability to make it graciously. It is rather unseemly to whine about not gettng free improvements to a free operating system on a schedule that suits you instead of the people actually doing the work, and it's by no means the first time that this attitude has reared its unseemly head.
  • Beh... you know what I mean. :) How about "Most linux computers, when they boot, boot with Lilo."


  • NT SP1 will freak out a little during the install. The way I did it was to create a 4gig partition (On a 30.6 gig drive) and leave the rest unpartitioned. Install NT, it will work with the 4096 partition just fine. The other 26 gigs it will see as only 4 gig until you install a higher service pack. I am not sure of the first service pack to support larger driver, I just went with the latest, Service Pack 6a, and everything worked fine. After the SP6a install, go to the disk admin and it then recognizes and lets you partition and format the remaining 26 gigs.

    I am a bit confused as to what you people are talking about with this 1024 cylinder limit. I just installed Mandrake Linux on an 8.6 gig drive with zero problems, and the drive states that it has something in the neighborhood of 15000 cylinders. Maybe I just got lucky and avoided it by making a 26 meg /boot partition.

  • Okay. This was always like the second biggest problem I had with explaining how to install linux to people. After I clue them in about partitioning, you have to explain Lilo... and they are always like "huh? what do you mean boot sector" or "put the kernel below 1024 cylidners" Anyway, this should shave a bit off of the "hard to install" block, I'm sure.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This was the main reason I wouldn't adopt Linux as my OS of choice. With the price of terabyte hard drives falling, this is a must for Linux to make it to the desktop. Now all the Win9x-ers can move their pr0n and pirated mp3s to Linux...

    P.S. "F" Dr. Dre

  • by Eccles ( 932 )
    Oops. Since when was unorthodoxed a verb?

    Well, I suppose if you took an Orthodox Jew or Eastern Orthodox Catholic, and converted them to Reformed or Reconstructionist Judaism or Protestantism, you could be said to have unorthodoxed them...
  • Let me get this straight. Is it a function of the boot loader or the OS whether it can be booted above the 1024th cylinder? I've just ordered a 30GB drive... will I be able to re-install NT above 1024 and boot it using LILO? I bet the NT setup program (I have an SP1 NT Workstation disk) can't handle the installation tho.
  • There is a way of doing this. (ALA OS/2 Boot Manager)

    This requires that a boot loader partition usually about several KB to beinstalled in the system as the first partition. This boot partition contains the remainder of the boot loader. IE the main bootloader sits in the MBR and when called actually executes the MBR in the bootloader partition.

    The bootloader residing in that partition can then be much more complex. IE Graphical/text menus et all.

    The downside of this scheme is that you HAVE to install the bootloader partition first and then install any operating systems you want. Needless to say the OS/2 boot loader was wonderfull. (I still use it today to dual boot my Linux / Win98 box at home)


  • cw is dead. ib aka a2fm(unintelligible)b -- for those not sufficiently 'leet in this realm: cw is morse code.


  • Yeah.... I never DID get my license. Guess there was a reason.

    Your tact... errrr... could use some improvment.


  • GRUB was being maintained for a while by Erich Boleyn and, as I remember it, was released as "stable." Recently the GNU people took it over since Erich didn't have time to work on it, and they're probably bringing it up to snuff with features they want.

    I agree with other posters tho...GRUB is so nice there's really little reason to still use LILO.
  • Say your LILO configuration gets messed up and it doesn't have any bootable images when you reboot. What do you do? You start trying to find a boot disk, because you're up the creek. With GRUB, since it can read the filesystem directly, all you have to start doing is hunting through your fs looking for a kernel image. A more appropriate analogy would be that using LILO is like choosing a car WITHOUT dials even if that option didn't cost you anything.
  • The 1024 cylinder limit isn't something that the LILO author made up because he was a lousy designer, it's a limit that PC BIOSes have because they were created by lousy designers. Does LILO not need the BIOS anymore? Did they fit an IDE driver on the master boot record?
  • AH, yes, they can move over their pr0n... but how will they play it??

    Microsoft is dumping 4l33t tools for making moviez, in order to build a base for a proprietary format. These kiddiez will download every Linux ISO out there and probably even TRADE them on IRC (lol!), but they'll never switch to Linux and lose their warez...

  • XFdisk [] looks a lot like the OS/2 bootmanager but doesn't require a separate primary partition. It's a DOS program, so you can put it on a DOS rescue disk. For instance, in case Windows overwrites the MBR (sigh).

    IMHO it looks much more intuitive than Lilo. You still have to install Lilo of course, in the Linux boot partition instead of the MBR. I am sure Lilo is more powerful but in most cases XFdisk would be much easier to user. XFdisk supports harddisks up to 1 Terabyte.

    And yes, it is GPL-ed, should anyone ask.

  • er... why is this good? how often do you boot a machine?

    we've got about half a dozen linux servers here and an equal number of linux desktops. we rarely reboot the servers (and with dual power supplies we've even kept them up while reconfiguring the power to the server room - think long extension cords) and the desktops always boot the same kernel.

    from what you described it's like putting altitude gauges and flap controls in a car. sure, it looks neat, but why?
  • LILO still boots Linux off of MS-DOS style partitions because it's designed to boot OS's that only read those partitions. What good would it do to fdisk the disk in slices unless that's the only thing you're going to do with the disk. Windows, DOS, et al won't even recognize those disks as formatted.

    If you want something better, you can look into System Commander. For what LILO does, it does it fast, well, and small. To tell me how much space System Commander takes up on your disk to be able to run bootloaders for all the OS's it does....

  • This is quite a complex problem and is about the kernel not LILO - 2.2.14 was supposed to fix this but doesn't seem to have done on my 34 GB drive.

    See Andries Brower's excellent Large Drive HOWTO for full details of this and other problems with larger disks -
  • have you tried grub? grub is great, imo. it has everything you ask for; a cli - it understands ext2, so you can just do `root=(hd0,0)' `kernel=/boot/(whatever)' `boot' and it starts right up. and it has tab-completion, so you can browse around your fs to find whatever kernel you want.

    and you don't have to reinstall it after each kernel upgrade.


  • depends on which issue you mean. :)

    there was a fix for >32gb drives folded into the 2.2.15pre series around 6 or 7.

    there's also an issue with _lots_ of award bioses where they can't handle >32gb drives. award fixed this a while back, but many mobo oems haven't updated their bioses (like asus []) - which is extremely frustrating. i have an asus p5a-b, and the only way i can use my 40gb maxtor is by having a 32gb drive to boot from, and not tell the bios about the maxtor. since linux doesn't use bios routines, it picks up the 40gb fine when it boots.

    irritating nonetheless.


  • I think BeOS's bootman is, at the very least, prettier than lilo.
  • LILO's approach of jumping to a predetermined block generally works OK, but it will always be as problematic as the retarded PC BIOS forces it to be. I've had some difficulty with a system that had about 5 SCSI disks hanging off two controllers with their various BIOS defects.

    On the other hand, NT has an interesting kludge to work around this situation. It allows you to load a disk driver (the NT .SYS file) from a "C:" FAT partition. This lets you avoid the BIOS entirely and get at partitions that aren't recognized at boot time for whatever reason.

    Of course, NT4's boot process has it's other annoyances, particularly on IDE drives (which MS seemed less keen on supporting than the Linux folks), not to mention that it doesn't try to support a good number of motherboards.

    The real solution would be a OpenFirmware type system, instead of the continual series of "large disk" IDE kludges. Maybe, some day, the whole BIOS/Disk Geometry issue will be transparent to the user, but we may need something like IA64 to get there.
  • Personally, I like Bootman, the boot manager that ships with BeOS. It is very simple.

    See, I had Linux and BeOS on my computer, and it would just boot to a colorful menu that would select "BeOS" by default, but if I pressed an arrow key, it would switch to Linux. Then I'd just hit enter (or wait 5 seconds) and that was it.

    Well, I had extra partition space and I decided to add Windoze as a third OS, because there were certain win32 programs I needed. So I install windows, which of course overwrites the MBR, so I can't boot into anything else now.

    Simple - I just put the BeOS CD in, and run a program that loads BeOS straight out of windows. Then, from the Be terminal (a bash shell, or should I say BaSH shell?) I type "bootman". A window comes up listing every partition on every hard disk. I simply put a checkmark by every one that I want to be able to boot from, and give each a name as it will show up on the boot menu. I click "OK" and that's it. Bootman has taken back my MBR.

  • Not with linux (just drop lilo in the boot sector of your root partition) but this proggie was the only help in getting winnt installed. Fucking nt wasn't able to find it's partition after installation. I installed the boot manager (text version) and everything worked fine.
    I even recommend this program to people over a warezed partition magic, it's very coool. And the author doesn't ever bother about _any_ license, plain freeware with source - how laissez-faire is that.
    And you have the option to install it on it's own bootdisk, no need for msdos etc.

    Sorry for my long text, but I think partion manager is the most overlooked program on the internet.
  • A quick search of Google's Open Directory revealed a list of bootloaders!

    Click here [] to check it out.
  • MYTH: Most large scale enterprise server drive storage is larger-sized diskx.

    Fact: Most large DB systems prefer to have collections of the *smallest* capacity points (was 4GB, now usually 9GB), so that they can gain more from performace. More arms, less spindle time, more throughput. Large scale RAID arrays are far more likely to get a terabyte by RAIDing ~130 9GB drives than by RAIDing 30 40GB drives.

    Single workstations (for MM) may have a large drive for storage, but that's not the server.

    Ah, so if you deduct it, you get your (say 40%) of that cost back... so, you mean that (COST_OF_n_NT_LICENSES x .60) < COST_OF_n_LINUX_LICENSES? (leaving out the support calls, we'll assume they are the same). Some is still more than none. That being said, almost every OS has its place.
  • That should hold us for a while. Maybe until next year.

    Of course, you can always have more than 1 disk. If you can't fit your boot loader onto a 2 Tb partition, you must be running an inferior OS :-)

    the AC
  • Ok, I'm no bootloader guru either, but on my x86 laptop I've been using GRUB for quite a while (to multiboot into Linux or HURD).

    It's still a bit hairy to install, but I beats me why anyone is still using Lilo. With grub, you get an editable list of boot images. If you messed up, the only thing you need is figure-out where a kernel is, and you've got tab-completion to find it. No messing around with boot floppies.

    So, can anyone tell me why she's using Lilo for her distribution?


    Jan Nieuwenhuizen | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter [] | []

  • You might have been thinking of "System Commander" by V-Tech as it's an old Boot Manager.

    Anyone have a link for GRUB ?
  • Yes. About 2.4 gigs. The smallest HDD with more than 1024 cylinders would be 8.4 gigs.
  • Friend of mine tells me that is only a problem if you've got LBA enabled in the BIOS. I checked on my 36 gig drive at home and I do indeed have LBA enabled in the BIOS and can only access 32 GB. I plan on reinstalling shortly and will disable LBA and see if that lets me see the whole drive.
  • I've never had any problem with LILO. Of course, I don't do Windows. And I knew about the 1024 cylinder limit from trying to install SCO eleven years ago. People tend to blame the OS for it when in fact it's the fault of IBM and Microsoft jointly. You can't format FAT partitions beyond cylinder 1024 either, not without some special TSRs which lie to the (And I use this term loosly) OS about where it is on the disk.

    You can actually get away with putting the Linux kernel on a FAT partition as long as you take steps to insure that it doesn't get relocated when you defragment your drive. Heh. Easily fragmentable file system... you may as well be putting your data on the drive by hitting it with a rock...

  • In 4.0+ you can set up boot0 to use packet mode rather than the CHS mode to boot beyond 1024 cyl. Of course this IS hardware dependent and not all machines will behave properly.

  • I think news about this has been out for a while yet (I seem to remember hearing about it, but maybe it wasn't the official release) -- regardless, it's still good news.
    Especially for new folks. A roomate I had tried to install linux - Red Hat wouldn't let him create a boot partition. Why? Because his windows (which he was going to dual boot into) was taking up space above the limit. At the time, I didn't even know about the limitation. We had to break out FIPS and get to work.
    The book that came with his distro (not official Red Hat, I think it came with the 'for dummies' book) only brieftly mentioned the limitation, and did not mention workarounds. I don't know if my roomate even uses linux anymore, so traumatic did the install seem :/
    Another friend was installing linux. I remember mentioning this problem and trying to explain for an hour and a half exactly what the problem was. My friend's not stupid, but the vaugaries of the hard drive are not for the weak of heart. She installed fine (she's got a linux-only system right now) but I was worried the warning would scare her off.
    To make a long story short (too late) I look forward to not having to warn people about this anymore. I'll be able to reccommend Linux to many more people, now :)

  • I've never messed with the actual boot loader, however the Ranish Partition Manager [] is one of the coolest partitining programs I've ever used. It does have the option to put in a custom boot loader. If anyone has any experience good or bad with it please let me know.
  • GRUB does this (look on freshmeat). Quite nice really, it even understands filesystems and can browse them to the kernel it wants.
  • These are all the prefixes I know of. For those of you out there who can't figure it out, these are the exponents. i.e. 1 petabyte=1^15 bytes

    -12 pico- # Spanish pico, "a bit"
    +12 tera- # Greek teras, "monster"
    -15 femto- # Danish-Norweg. femten, "fifteen"
    +15 peta- # Greek pente, "five"
    -18 atto- # Danish-Norweg. atten, "eighteen"
    +18 exa- # Greek hex, "six"
    -21 zopto- # Latin septem, "seven"
    +21 zetta- # Latin septem, "seven"
    -24 yocto- # Greek or Latin octo, "eight"
    +24 otta- # Greek or Latin octo, "eight"

  • Not true. I have a 250MB HD with more then 1024 cyls...
  • Now there's some good news :) The 1024 cylinder limit has been bugging me for a while, along with other people who already have Windows installed. For those who like to try Linux but still use Windows (like me) - resizing your Windows partition to fit Linux on the system is all very well, but nowadays it still tends to hog the first 1024 cyls. It's possible to move all the data "down" 10MB for a /boot partition, but it takes quite some time! All the hackers I've spoken to have said it simply wasn't possible to break the 1024 limit... My congrats to the coders. Now take up space travel and break the speed of light :P
  • In a word: SCSI. (And the linear option, it won't hurt you.)
  • I noticed in the comments section there is a claim that GNU GRUB [] never had that problem. Has anyone used GRUB? I am interested in knowing if LILO has any advantages over it. I'm not trying to start a flame war, but I have noticed that LILO and loadlin seem to be the boot loaders of choice among the HOWTOS [].

    According to the grub page, grub isn't publicly available. Only alphas are--can an alpha bootloader really be better than LILO? (which is more established) Is there any meat to this guys comment?
  • You know, I finally get all 3 of my Hard drives working with Linux .. and my /boot sector on a small 80meg Hard drive .. and what do they do?

    3 Days after I get it working ... THEY RELEASE A VERSION OF LILO THAT DOESN'T HAVE THE 1024 CYLINDER LIMIT!!!!!!!!

    Damage Inc. BBS

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27, 2000 @09:02AM (#1106582)
    I friend of mine once did 5 Debian installs back-to-back.

    He's ok now, except any time someone says "dselect", he starts screaming and sobbing uncontrollably.
  • by Equuleus42 ( 723 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:12AM (#1106583) Homepage
    This is great news! No more separate /boot partitions, etc..

    I've had to explain the 1024 cylinder limitation to numerous newbies before, and it does nothing but puzzle them. Once distributions get the new LILO, that's a thing of the past. Maybe it's not too late for Debian to fold this into potato. Fingers crossed...

    Here's a question for boot loader gurus: Do GRUB and other boot loaders have the 1024 cylinder limit problem as well?
  • by Malc ( 1751 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @10:42AM (#1106584)
    Thanks, that reply was quite insightful. It seems that NT cannot boot from above cylinder 1024 (unless perhaps it's a matter of getting ntldr below that value). I also get the impression that it affects Win 2K as well.

    On Intel-based computers, the system BIOS controls the initial operating system boot process. After the initial Power On Self Test (POST) when hardware components are initialized, the system BIOS identifies the boot device. Typically, this is a floppy disk or a hard disk. In the case of the hard disk, the BIOS reads the first physical sector on the disk, called the Master Boot Sector, and loads an image of it into memory. The BIOS then transfers execution to that image of the Master Boot Sector.

    The Master Boot Record contains the partition table and a small amount of executable code. The executable code examines the partition table and identifies the active (or bootable) partition. The Master Boot Record then finds the active partition's starting location on the disk and loads an image of its first sector, called the Boot Sector, into memory. The Master Boot Record then transfers execution to that Boot Sector image.

    Whereas the Master Boot Record is generally operating system independent, the Boot Sector of the active partition is dependent on both the operating system and the file system. In the case of Windows NT and Windows NT Advanced Server, the Boot Sector is responsible for locating the executable file, NTLDR, which continues the boot process. The only disk services available to the Boot Sector code at this stage of system boot up are provided by the BIOS INT 13 interface. The Boot Sector code must be able to find NTLDR and file system data structures such as the root directory, the File Allocation Table (FAT) in the case of an MS-DOS FAT volume or the Master File Table in the case of an NTFS volume. These must be present within the area of the disk addressable by the 24-bit side, cylinder, sector structure used by the BIOS INT 13 interface and the partition table. This limits the size of the system partition to 7.8 gigabytes regardless of which file system is used.

    It's interesting that they claim an NT boot partition can be 7.8GB. I've never achieved more than 4GB - the setup program crapped out for anymore. On my 13GB drive I had to delete all my other partitions otherwise the NT setup program crapped out with a strange error number - I re-created the partitions afterwards without any data loss (obviously I didn't do any partitioning in the NT setup prog). For my work I need four versions of Windows installed... and I currently only have two drives. This new LILO will allow me to have 4 4GB partitions for each of the windows installations (I don't let them put NTLDR etc on other installation's partitions), and still have Linux without the small boot partition I currently have, which of course uses up one of my four primary partition entries.
  • Let me get this straight. Is it a function of the boot loader or the OS whether it can be booted above the 1024th cylinder? I've just ordered a 30GB drive... will I be able to re-install NT above 1024 and boot it using LILO? I bet the NT setup program (I have an SP1 NT Workstation disk) can't handle the installation tho.

    It's a combination of the two. To put it simply, the loader needs to be able to find the OS, and the OS needs to find itself. The way LILO loads Linux is different from the way it loads other operating systems, so the precise limitations aren't identical.

    That said, you'll probably run into problems installing NT on such a large drive if it's IDE, but there are workarounds. See: Q197667 - Installing Windows NT on a Large IDE Hard Disk []. Two things to note:
    The Microsoft supplied generic IDE driver (Atapi.sys) may not be fully compatible with drives larger that 8 GB. This issue only affects IDE-based drives 8 GB and larger.
    SP4 fixes his problem, but of course you can't install SP's until after you install NT. The Installation will fail, so normally you'd be screwed. MS has worked out a hack (in the linked article) that works around this problem by installing SP4's updated Atapi.sys. Also note:
    The system parition[sic] (boot partition) is still limited to 7.8 GB whether an updated version of the Atapi.sys file is installed or not.
    Why do I know this crap? I was installing NT4 on my Dad's new 20GB HD a few months ago. It took me three days to figure out why neither NT 4.0 or Windows 95 would install. I actually thought the HD was damaged at first, but Linux (Mandrake 6.0) installed with no problems. (He uses AutoCAD all day, so he wanted NT...)
  • by Phexro ( 9814 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @10:15AM (#1106586)
    from the freshmeat announcment: (is freshmeat _really_ slow today, or is it just me?)

    "The 1024-cylinder limit has been removed by a patch that uses the EDD bios extensions and supports up to 2 TB disks."

    so it's just a matter of supporting a BIOS extension to read >1024 cyl with real-mode bios calls.


  • by Pike ( 52876 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:57AM (#1106587) Journal
    Hi people. This is a joke, a parody of Microsoft's Linux Myths page []. I know how tax deductions work, but thanks anyhow.

    -JD, certified geek []
  • by BandSaw ( 104086 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @09:03AM (#1106588)
    We regret that you are displeased with our site.

    Now that you have brought it to our attention, we realize the enormity of our gaffe.

    Please accept our bowing and scraping as we endevor to correct our appaling mistake. In future we will post no stories without consulting you for approval.

    No, that's not enough. We will give you all creative control of slashdot since we are clearly incapable of the intelect needed to properly run this, or any other, site.

    Moderators, please moderate this post down as it is unworthy of being seen.

    We now go to disembowel ourselves in shame.

    With Abject Regret,

    The Management.

  • by The Man ( 684 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:52AM (#1106589) Homepage
    Gee, SILO [] has been able to boot past 1024 cylinders for ages now. It also doesn't have to be run on new kernel images, understands ext2 and iso9660 filesystems, and even has some simple functionaly like the ability to ls some directory to see what you want to boot. In addition to Linux it can also boot SunOS and Solaris, and has been ported to PowerPC for use on Apple's Open Firmware systems. Very nice. Of course, the catch is that you'll need a system with enough intelligence in its firmware to know what it is. The peecee BIOS is too braindead for something nice like this. Though the possibility might exist of writing a bootloader for peecees that included an OF emulator. But then, why bother; writing real-mode 16-bit x86 code isn't my idea of fun, and I doubt it's yours either.
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <> on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:40AM (#1106590) Homepage Journal
    LILO has all sorts of bizare restrictions on it. But instead of moaning about the ones yet to be crushed underfoot, it's better to praise those scaled and defeated.

    (On the other hand, I still think Shoestring was better. :)

    For those wanting alternative loaders, take a look at these, to see if they'll do what you want. (I can't remember the URLs, but they should all be on Freshmeat.)

    • GAG
    • GRUB (Gnu or L4)
    • Shoestring (for that Olde Worlde look)
    • Barboot
    • Smart BootManager
  • by logicTrAp ( 2864 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @12:17PM (#1106591) Homepage
    LILO sucks, try GRUB []. GRUB lets you boot from arbitrary kernel images, has a nice menu and doesn't need to be rerun after every kernel install. It works with *BSD, HURD, and maybe other OSes as well.
  • by Booker ( 6173 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @09:03AM (#1106593) Homepage
    This is Stuff That Matters. Some new version of an ICQ client is not slashworthy. But LILO boots most linux computers every day. It has also been the cause of more newbies giving up than probably any other problem. "Why do I have to have /boot?" "what's this 1024 cylinder thing?" "I can't make a new partition under 1024, that's where windows is!" Etc...

    Fixing this problem _is_ big news, as far as I'm concerned, and I would have missed it on Freshmeat.

  • by decaym ( 12155 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:51AM (#1106594) Homepage

    Hey, it could be worse! You know you've been around Linux for too long when you can remember having to boot off floppy disks because there was no hard disk boot loader available.

    One thing to remember about boot loaders is that their only purpose is to help the disk boot. You don't want a large application sitting here or you slow your system boot time down even more. I could be wrong here, but I believe that LILO has to fit completely in the MBR. This severly constrains how much can be put into it.

    If something more is really needed, you would have to have a first stage loader like LILO boot a 2nd stage loader with all the bells and whistles. The problem this is that you have to get the 2nd stage loader out of the way for the kernel to come into memory.

    Ask yourself the question, is this really necessary? Machine boots, I'm happy. Put your time in configuration tools to help with setting up LILO in the first place

  • by omarius ( 52253 ) <omar AT allwrong DOT com> on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:11AM (#1106595) Homepage Journal
    Why is Lilo's version still sub-1?

    It probably boots more systems on this planet than the old DOS MBR did though its useful lifetime, and it sure seems stable enough. . .


  • by Pike ( 52876 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:18AM (#1106596) Journal
    Myth: Linux supports the use of larger-sized hard disks that are required for large scale enterprise server use.

    Fact: Linux makes no sense as a server. Whereas NT supports up to 480 gazillion petabytes of disk storage, the largest disks Linux supports are only 27 terabytes. This limitation is especially frustrating for e-commerce companies and multimedia developers, for whom large amounts of hard drive are a requirement.

    Myth: Linux has a lower TCO

    Fact: If you consider that buying NT licenses for business use is tax-deductible, as are all those tech support calls, NT actually has a lower TCO than Linux! How are you going to expense software that doesn't cost anything? Eh?!?
  • by toh ( 64283 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:27AM (#1106597)
    Actually, I hate LILO. I'm (genuinely) curious what the people posting in its favour like about it - it seems to me that it's not so much the favourite as it is the sole viable option, currently. In particular, have they used other schemes, like FreeBSD 3-4's multi-stage bootloader? A real CLI that can actually do stuff like read a filesystem, name a kernel by sight, and dynamically switch devices even from the first-stage loader in the boot block (not to mention from either a serial line or a console, automatically probed for or manually switchable at boot time). The next stage loader after that can dynamically preload modules, among a host of other useful features. And I don't have to update the MBR on the raw disk (!) every damn time I rebuild a kernel.

    LILO has been due for replacement for a looong time, and it should probably take the current reliance on the awful MS-DOS fdisk style partitioning scheme with it (for a slice scheme like the BSD and many others use, or better still a completely flexible named-partition design like the (gasp) Mac has had for years). Really, these are areas that have been addressed by other Unices for years, including the free ones.

  • by zorgon ( 66258 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @09:38AM (#1106598) Homepage Journal
    Booker said ...But LILO boots most linux computers every day.

    Like hell. Every day!? Lessee, the last time I saw a LILO prompt was oh what the heck, 8 months ago? I had to bring the system down because of a hurricane.

    Now if LILO loaded NT, well then everyone would see it just about every day... {cackle}

  • by wass ( 72082 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:35AM (#1106599)
    Well, if you have a big disk, and want to boot a partition beyond 1024 cylinders, the old LILO couldn't handle this. An example is you have a 13 GB disk, with Windows installed. You decide to try linux, so you squash the windows partition to 8GB, and add a linux partition or two (including swap) at the end. If the beginning of your linux partitions is beyond 1024 cyliners (easy to happen for the larger drives), then LILO, or LInux LOader, which is supposed to bootstrap (ie, load) the kernel, chokes. Until now that is.

    Older methods to get around this problem was to put a boot partition with the kernel image on a separate partition (earlier) on the disk to satisfy LILO. But now that shouldn't be necessary (unless you've got 27+ TB disks!)

  • by randombit ( 87792 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:38AM (#1106600) Homepage
    So the problem with LILO was that the root partition you wanted to boot to had to be all under the 1024 cyl limit?

    To be totally exact, the kernel and related boot file had to be under the 1024th cyl. However, it's usually a good idea to make sure the whole partition is under the limit, as otherwise the OS might allocate the blocks for your next kernel upgrade right at the end of the partition, in which case you're fscked.

    Is there a different problem with drives over 32Gig?

    This sounds like a pure kernel problem. The problem with LILO is brain-dead BIOSes (well it's not totally their fault, the original BIOS interface assumed that things never got very big, like over ~800 Meg). It would be very interesting if some MB OEM created a new BIOS interface that can handle reasonably sized disks (say using an unsigned 64 bit int for handling addresses, with addressing single bytes thats 16777216 terabytes).
  • by adaking ( 158188 ) on Thursday April 27, 2000 @08:18AM (#1106601)
    You don't need separate /boot partitions, just use the same one for all of the distros that you install. I had a 10GB disk with RedHat installed on it (with /boot accessible in the first 1024 sectors), and when I installed Debian on a 20GB disk (outside of the 1024-sector boundary), I booted it out of my RedHat's /boot with a different image and symlinked Debian's /boot to RedHat's /boot. It seemed to work ok. It only took about 3 installs of Debian (which was rather painful) to come up with this 'strategy'. :)

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
