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Thomas Sterling su Beowulf 46

Ellen Spertus writes, "La storia del museo del calcolatore Center, situato al campo di Moffett nel Mountain View, è patrocinare serie di ingranaggi del PC di Beowulf-Class denominate colloquio: Un Perpective Storico' serie di ingranaggi del PC di Beowulf-Class denominate colloquio: Uno storico Perpective' dato da Thomas Sterling, che ha condotto la squadra della NASA che ha sviluppato le prime serie di ingranaggi del PC del Beowulf-codice categoria ed è il co-author How per costruire un Beowulf. Il colloquio avverrà la sera di giovedì, il 13 aprile. RSVP entro 10 aprile. Tutto il centro di storia del calcolatore lo comunica ha dovuto essere grande."
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Thomas Sterling su Beowulf

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Na da ist ja lustig. Sprichst Du wirklich Deutsch oder tust Du nur so?

    Ich finde wir sollten das Beispiel der Slashdot-Editoren befolgen und ab jetzt einfach nur noch in anderen Sprachen als Englisch schreiben. Ich bin sicher der Prozentsatz an mehrsprachigen Slashdot-Besuchern wird unterschätzt... und für die, die wirklich nur Englisch können, gibt es ja noch den Babelfisch, nicht?

    Ich wünsche einen schönen Ersten April!
  • by KMSelf ( 361 )

    First it's just one screen gone bad. Now it's spreading to Slashdot. Someone tell Sam.

    What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
    Scope out Kuro5hin [kuro5hin.org]

  • Another reason why grammar software needs to be used in conjunction with the fish:

    that-make-a-beowulf-large-to regroup dept.

    Ellen Spertus writes, " the history of the museum of the Center calculating, situated to the field of Moffett in the Mountain View, is to sponsor series of gears of the PC of Beowulf-Class called talk: A Perpective Storico' series of gears of the PC of Beowulf-Class called talk: One historical Perpective' given from Thomas Sterling, that the square of the NASA has lead that has developed to the first series of gears of the PC of the Beowulf-code category and is the Co-author How in order to construct one Beowulf. The talk will happen the evening of thursday, 13 April. RSVP within 10 April. All the history center of the calculating communicates it has had to be large. "

  • erster Pfosten!
  • za'ha'dum% ftp gods_site
    Connected to gods_site
    220 gods_site.com FTP server (Version wu-25.0(1) Tue Jan 1 00:00:01 EDT 0001 ready.
    Name (gods_site:bob): bob
    331 Password required for bob.
    Password: ********
    230 User bob logged in.
    Remote system type is Linux.
    Using binary mode to transfer files.
    ftp> get a_life
    local: a_life remote: a_life
    220 PORT comand succesful.
    550 a_life: No such file or directory.
  • AAhh, the power of bablefish....

    Here, in English to french, then back to english:

    Announced by the emmett over rested April 01, 14:10 of that-make-a-beowulf-large-with gather the Ellen service that Spertus writes " the history of the museum of the central calculation, located at the zone of Moffett in Mountain View, is to finance the series speeds of the PC of the maintenance called by Beowulf-Class: Series of Perpective Storico ' speeds of the PC of Beowulf-Class called speak: Given historical Perpective ' of Thomas sterling, that the place of NASA has the lead which developed first with the series speeds of the PC of the category of Beowulf-code and is the joint author how in order to build Beowulf. Maintenance will occur the evening of Thursday, April 13. RSVP with less than April 10. All the center of history of calculation communicates it had to be large
  • ...and the server fell over. D'oh. Hey, it is still alpha software :-)

  • Hmm... er zijn meer nederlanders op slashdot hoor :)

  • by thimo ( 36102 )
    Oh wat hebben we het fijn,
    Het is goed Nederlander te zijn.
    Posten op /. in de eigen taal,
    Zonder inhoud, geen verhaal.
    Er is toch niemand die het begrijpt,
    Hoe ver je ook kijkt.


  • Ja! Død over den angelsaksiske verden, lad os få nogle flere nordiske sprog. En smart måde at lokalisere Slashdot på, vi snakker bare hvert vores sprog. (This was Danish if you couldn't figure it out).
  • Get a life you stupid little script kiddie! Can't you take a joke? If you've got such a big problem with it, cut and paste it into babelfish and translate it yourself. Don't be lazy.
  • Um... APRIL FOOLS?!?!? or is it that youre just the fool?
  • I hope it's a slow news day. Too bad bablefish doesn't do pig latin.
  • We can have fun once in a while guys but don't ya think you've gone a little overboard in the past few hours? When I want to read the news, I should be able to do it and so should all the other readers. The polls and the funny departments add humor. I think you can pretty safely not try to make people giggle when they read the articles. I know it's 4/01/00 but enough is enough. The news. Now, please.
  • ...is a butt-ugly babelfish traslation, barely understandable in Italian. The English original must be something like that: Ellen Spertus writes, the Computer Museum History Center, situated at the Moffet Campus of Mountain View, is to sponsor a Lecture series denominated: Beowulf-Class PC Clusters:An Historical Perpective, given by Thomas Sterling, who led the team that developed the first Beowulf cluster at NASA, and is co-author of the Beowulf HOWTO. The Lecture is on Tuesday April 13. RSVP whithin April 10. All the Computer Museum History Center comunicates it has to be big [!!!!??? It says so in Italian!]
  • Il centro museale di storia degli elaboratori, situato a Moffet Field di Mountain view, presenta una conferenza intitolata: 'Cluster PC di tipo Beouwulf: una visione storica', con la presenza di Thomas Sterling, capo del gruppo di lavoro della NASA che creo` il primo Cluster Beowulf e co-autore di 'Come costruire un Beowulf'. La conferenza si svolgera` la sera del 13 aprile. E' necessario dare conferma entro il 10 di aprile.
    Tutte le manifestazioni del centro museale di storia degli elaboratori cui ho partecipato sono state assai ben fatte.

  • Why would you do that in Java OR Perl? I could run this 10 ten times before you rJava shite finishes compiling.

    #include <stdio.h>
    void main () {
    int i;
    for (i = 0, i < 1000, i++) {
    printf ("Oh, get a life.");
  • Correct -- anyone who tries to compile that without noticing the commas (instead of semicolons )in the for statement will find that out soon enough. ;-D
  • Wung arkg, Kyvatba? [ Lvahk ] Pbfgrq ol rzzrgg ba Sng Acevy 01, 14:10 sebz gur gung-znxr-n-orbjhys-ynetr-gb ertebhc qrcg. Eyyra Screghf jevgrf " gur uvfgbel bs gur zhfrhz bs gur Cragre pnyphyngvat, fvghngrq gb gur svryq bs Mbssrgg va gur Mbhagnva Vvrj, vf gb fcbafbe frevrf bs trnef bs gur PC bs Brbjhys-Cynff pnyyrq gnyx: A Precrpgvir Sgbevpb' frevrf bs trnef bs gur PC bs Brbjhys-Cynff pnyyrq gnyx: Oar uvfgbevpny Precrpgvir' tvira sebz Tubznf Sgreyvat, gung gur fdhner bs gur NASA unf yrnq gung unf qrirybcrq gb gur svefg frevrf bs trnef bs gur PC bs gur Brbjhys-pbqr pngrtbel naq vf gur Cb-nhgube Hbj va beqre gb pbafgehpg bar Brbjhys. Tur gnyx jvyy unccra gur riravat bs guhefqnl, 13
  • from English to German to English:

    Announced by emmett over stood still April 01, 14:10 of that form in beowulf large along meeting is to finance the service inches, which Spertus writes " to the history of the museum of the central calculation, been because of the zone of Moffett in the Mountain View, the series of rates PC of maintenance, which is designated by Beowulf Class: Series of rates of Perpective Storico ' PC of designated Beowulf Class speak: Given historical Perpective ' of Thomas Sterling, that the place of the NASAS has the line, first with the series rates PC of the category of the Beowulf code developed and is a common author, how one structures for Beowulf. Maintenance occurs the evening of Thursday, April 13. RSVP with smaller than April 10. The whole center of the history of the calculation divides it had to be large with
  • Ahhh.. assim pareceria, Troll bom. Eu não tinha olhado bornes sob 1.
  • História muito intersesting, eu desejo somente que eu soube o que disse!
  • Ich erhielt auch ersten Pfosten! Wer wußte?
  • ... the poem "Owed To A Large Clump of Green Putty I Found In My Armpit One Midsummer Morning" by Grunthos the Flatulent.
  • On an ironic note to that criticism, I tried to visit http://kiro5hin.org just then only to find the below error message. I have never seen Slashdot down before. However, I don't want a flame war either cause I'm a supporter of both sites. Competition keeps the quality of all services higher, most Slashdotters seem to know that. So don't wish for the downfall of Slashdot, cause it'll give kiro5hin a reason to slacken off a bit too. The vice versa applies. It's called a free market.

    Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, rusty@kuro5hin.org and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Apache/1.3.9 Server at www.kuro5hin.org Port 80

  • Oh freddled gruntbuggly...
    Thy micturations are to me
    As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.
    Groop I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes.
    And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,
    Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurgecruncheon, see if I don't!

    Now, Earthlings... I present you with a simple choice! Either die in the vacuum of space, or... tell me how good you thought my poem was!

    Anyone who doesn't think Douglas Adams is an absolute genious is a damned fool...
    Dilbert: I have become one with my computer. It is a feeling of ecstacy... the blend of logic and emotion. I have reached...
  • by ujuhh ( 114769 )
    This happens the same day that google happens to go werid. Did anyone see their 'Mental plex' joke? its good to see someone having fun !!!
  • OK, guys, what is it, really? Couldn't you have made it more subtile? Couldn't you have allowed images in the posts or something? Maybe you should have ran all the posts through a translation utility and have all our comments in Japaneese too?
    Look at www.google.com, even those goofs have better sence of humor than this poor site.
  • I must say, as Italian-speaking, that the translation made by Babelfish sounds (as usual) a bit funny. I really don't manage to understand some things, even though I'm Italian. But it's OK, glad to see something familiar on ./ . I even didn't notice the first time I was reading it ... :P
  • Homines qui possunt latinem mal scripsere vos salubant! Salvete ad hunc situm intergentem. Vos invito colloquium latine facere, qui, re vera, est lingua intergens. (Illuc fuit "kludge"...;-)

    Toronto data Kalendis Aprilibus.


  • #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;

    my $i;

    for ($i=0; $i<1000; $i++) {
    print "Oh, get a life. ";
  • Unfortunately, Ticalc.org [ticalc.org] thought of it first... May be just a coincedence, but their foriegn language news post were made at midnight GMT, which is a lot earlier than 4:02 AM CST... Not to offend anyone, but that's what I see =)
  • actually Klingon would be pretty cool...
  • I decided it after my my post. but actually it is becoming fun. I actually wanted to do something else now, but I couldn't resist when I saw an answer to my topic. I think I will look for the actual message in the Beowulf posting now.

    Ate mais.

  • Isn't it refreshing to see the American ethnocentrism expressed so drastically? I don't speak Italian, but at least I could identify the language. Run it through babelfish, it makes a little sense.
    Other than that, I have decided to avoid /. on April 1st....nothing good can come out of this.
    Außerdem darfst Du Dich jetzt über Deutsch beschweren, Du Kaschpernas. Versuch das mal zu babelfishen...:)

  • man.. i knew i failed french for a reason.
  • at first i was thinking you suck assdick cause you couldn't stand the jokes, but then you said the Crapdot thing and said "Fuckers."

    that's funny.

    Okay, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck crap fuck. Real funny.
  • BOW DOWN TO THE CLUSTERED POWER THAT IS _SATAN_ muhahahahahahahah ahahahahha muahahahaha!!!
  • Fuck that shit man, I'm going to Elves on Tricycles [elvesontricycles.com]. They speak english there.
  • Oh well, I'm off to kuro5hin.org, which doesn't suck yet.

    Slashdot's idea of an April Fool's prank is so bad that Anonymous Coward is leaving? I never thought I'd see the day.

    I'm going to miss him... I swear, he posts on every topic on here, and not just once, but like 178 times. Some of his posts are funny, some of them are insightful, but some of them just seem like lame troll attempts. He's kooky in an all-over-the-map kind of way.

    I'm sorry to see you go, AC.

    Jay (=

  • The banner ad I got was for babelfish on AltaVista... :)

  • by stx23 ( 14942 ) on Saturday April 01, 2000 @05:15AM (#1157673) Homepage Journal
    What next, Klingon?
    [ Linux ] Posted by emmett on Sat April 01, 14:10 from the that-make-a-beowulf-large-to regroup dept. Ellen Spertus writes " the history of the museum of the Center calculating, situated to the field of Moffett in the Mountain View, is to sponsor series of gears of the PC of Beowulf-Class called talk: A Perpective Storico' series of gears of the PC of Beowulf-Class called talk: One historical Perpective' given from Thomas Sterling, that the square of the NASA has lead that has developed to the first series of gears of the PC of the Beowulf-code category and is the Co-author How in order to construct one Beowulf. The talk will happen the evening of thursday, 13 April. RSVP within 10 April. All the history center of the calculating communicates it has had to be large."
  • by Bedemus ( 63252 ) on Saturday April 01, 2000 @06:01AM (#1157674) Homepage
    It's one day in a year, people. Let the guys have some fun. Personally, I appreciate it when I see people in public positions act like REAL PEOPLE. A few weeks ago, for instance,. the local newscasters on the ABC affiliate in my area changed the way they report news, ever so slightly, in that they stopped reading straight from the teleprompter and started acting REAL, for once. I actually enjoy watching the news now. Anyone who gets all worked up about a little prank here and there (regardless of whether YOU think it was funny or not) should be taken outside and smacked around a little.

    Keep on "keeping it real," Slashdot. I, and many others like me I'm sure, will keep reading until Slashdot becomes all business, quoting press releases instead of providing personal takes on the news. It's nice to see a group of people that hasn't sold out like that yet.
  • by Perdy ( 168594 ) on Saturday April 01, 2000 @05:25AM (#1157675) Homepage
    11011010111 10 101101010011 01 10010010100011001 100101 01100101010101 101010010101000001 101011011010101 0110110101010100101 1010010101 011010101010 1101010010001010101 100111010101 101110100

    just my thoughts anyways

    ps. 101011101001 0101011101001010 10101001

  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 ) on Saturday April 01, 2000 @05:24AM (#1157676)
    ENOUGH dammit, or I start singing VOGON POETRY!
  • by Ellen Spertus ( 31819 ) on Saturday April 01, 2000 @06:03AM (#1157677) Homepage
    The Computer Museum History Center [computerhistory.org], located at Moffett Field in Mountain View, is presenting a talk entitled "Beowulf-Class PC Clusters: An Historical Perspective" [computerhistory.org] given by Thomas Sterling, leader of the NASA team that created the first Beowulf cluster and co-author of How to Build a Beowulf. The talk will take place in the evening of April 13. RSVP [computerhistory.org] by April 10. All of the Computer Museum History Center events that I've been to have been very good.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
