Real-Time Linux Developers Unite On API 57
Markar writes "Developers and programers decided to support EL/IX by Cygnus Solutions as the API for Real-time Linux. Only one dissenter was counted after the vote was taken. The lone dissenter wanted to wait for further developements. PlanetIT is carrying more information. " You can also check out more information about the conference as well.
Re:Real Time System definition (Score:1)
I got to be anonymous because I'm using up my moderator points on trolls.
Cygnus hype, really a power grab (Score:1)
I can assure you that the "concensus" about the Cygnus API was done behind closed doors, by people that already have an financial investment in the Cygnus approach. It is marketing over substance.
Why the hell are you using Redhat as a RTOS? (Score:1)
Developers and programmers decided? (Score:1)
Re:Maybe I'm Crazy, But. . . (Score:1)
Minor correction. Realtime systems do not necessarily have to respond very quickly to a event. That just have to respond in time. If could be they have a hour to respond... but(especially hard realtime) but they must respond within the time.
Re:Wetware failures (Score:1)
Re:Fault tolerance (Score:1)
This is OLD News and Incorrect (Score:1)
On the Real-Time Linux mailing list, this entire load of piffle was discussed in February, when EETimes ran an article [eetimes.com]. I'm sure you can find archives somewhere around http://www.rtlinux.org/ [rtlinux.org].
Poor Mr. Wilshire was misquoted in the original article, and if you search for his emails in the archives, you will see the thread. Well, since I can't be bothered finding the URL, I'll post his message to the list verbatim.
I have not asked permission to post this, so I hope that Mr. Wilshire will accept my apologies.
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 11:05:25 -0800
... ...the other non-sense sniped... . .
From: Phil Wilshire
To: Nicholas Mc Guire , "rtl@rtlinux.cs.nmt.edu"
Subject: [rtl] Re: article on the Workshop
Nicholas Mc Guire wrote:
> Hi All !
> VIENNA, Austria - Developers of embedded-Linux systems
> also decided to back Cygnus Solutions' EL/IX as a common applications
> programming interface (API) for embedded Linux.
> Nearly 100 developers and programmers attended the grass-roots Real
> Time Linux Workshop here last week, and all but one voted to proceed
> with the use of EL/IX as their API.
> I conclude that there where two workshops in vienna
> on that peter and me organized and obviously a second one
> that we did not know of...
> It is simply stupid to belive that puting fals information
> out on the net will help push EL/IX as a standard API
> I guess a view people out there did not understand the
> ideas of open source and even less the intent and spirit of the
> realtime linux workshop in Vienna.
> since the article claims to be based on information from
> phil whilshire maby he could comment on it
> D'ehre
> Der Herr Hofrat
Willingly I will comment. There was some consderable misunderstanding in the way this article was presented.
I was NOT allowed to see the results of a brief telephone interview and much that was printed was a shock to me.
I do think that the statements about adopting EL/IX unchanged were inferred from another source.
My statement was that we would work together with CYGNUS to help develop EL/IX into something we all could use.
This is a warning to all of us not to accept telephone interviews and publication without prior approval of the result.
I have been waiting for this backlash in the community and hope that my true motives in all this are clear. If one of us make a mistake we are, in general, merciless.
I want Linux to succeed and I want Real Time Linux to succeed.
i have devoted many man hours in my own time to helping the community in many ways.
I want the Real Time Community to grow stronger and develop the way forward for this technology rather than leave it in the hands of commercial entities.
This includes Cygnus.
If they push EL/IX as the "Open Source" API and it bears no relationship at all to what is really needed then we all loose. We need to work together with everyone, Cygnus included, and produce what we need as an API. We also cannot present to the waiting users out there a confusing variety of API's. The Real Time Linux community is a very strong force we have what it takes to make this happen.
I apologise to the community for any misrepresentation . Those that know me will confirm that I am VERY careful in making any such statements. I will continue to be even more careful in the future.
I hope that we can resolve this with a simple public flogging.
Phil Wilshire
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Re:What is... (Score:1)
One can only hope (Score:1)
Re:Wetware failures (Score:1)
Re:Fault tolerance (Score:1)
Re:Isn't he on the X-Files? (Score:1)
Isn't he on the X-Files? (Score:1)
Seriously, though, it's really good to see developers that can actually agree on standards, even at later stages in Linux development. Unlike certain commercial projects I can think of.
An API for embedded Linux will certainly help foster growth in the number of programmers that are willing to commit to it, for both OSS and commercial endeavors.
How is progress coming on the Real-Time aspect? I've been a little curious to see how that's implemented. It seems that it would require some serious revamping of the kernel.
Re:crash and burn (Score:1)
OS/9 or Concurrent maybe?
Re:What is... (Score:1)
Now there is hard-real-time and soft-real-time. A hard real time system guarantees
When you deal with streaming video, you would like real-time performance, but it is not critical if a few frames are dropped here and there, so usually a soft real time sys is good enough. However, the system which deploys the airbag on your car, or guides cruise missiles, should probably guarantee to work within time bounds.
Re:What is... (Score:1)
A real time OS is one in which every event (responding to a signal, etc.) is supposed to occur within a time constraint.
Now there is hard-real-time and soft-real-time. A hard real time system guarantees that the event will occur in no more than x time (and no less than y) unless the system is down. A soft-real time system tries to meet those constraints, but it is not critical if it does and it might not meet them (soft is much easier to implement).
When you deal with streaming video, you would like real-time performance, but it is not critical if a few frames are dropped here and there, so usually a soft real time sys is good enough. However, the system which deploys the airbag on your car, or guides cruise missiles, should probably guarantee to work within the time bounds.
The real story on realtime linux (Score:1)
Is this a good move? (Score:1)
I think that they really have a lot to offer each other... but I wonder if real time linux won't just sort of be eaten as an entity by cygnus.
vms = an ex-donald (Score:1)
> been for a LONG time.
But not for much longer - VMS is dead in the water and NT is taking over its workload fast.
This is one gaping hole that Linux should be targeting but doesn't seem to be.
> OS/9 or Concurrent maybe?
He was probably thinking of VxWorks, which is rather cool but can hardly be described as unix (as it often is).
crash and burn (Score:1)
Re:It's basically the old POSIX real-time extensio (Score:1)
Amoeba giving Linux a friend (Score:1)
RedHat hype? (Score:2)
But what is the API *for*? (Score:2)
Linux already does soft realtime (Score:2)
So, it's not a matter of starting over, just a matter of selecting another one of the existing Linux schedulers. (this operation is NOT, I repeat NOT synonymous with nice(2) -- see sched_setscheduler(2) and friends)
I actually wrote a set of tools that allow you to manipulate the realtime schedulers under Linux (soft realtime was introduced in Linux 1.3.something, if I remember correctly), and they're on freshmeat as rt-utils.
The homepage, and download links are out-of-date, but I'll get around to dealing with that soon. In the meantime, if you want a copy, drop a line to mental@rydia.net
Re:Novell article [OT] (Score:2)
Re:Maybe I'm Crazy, But. . . (Score:2)
> Linux/programming/OSes etc. - but I still
> ahve no clue what the heck it is. Could
> someone please explain, in simple terms,
> what it is that all these articles are
> refering to?
A real-time operating system is one that has to respond very quickly to incoming hardware events, usually with a constraint on the maximum time alloted to complete the response. While a conventional OS (like Linux in normal operation) offers no guarantees on how quickly it will respond to requests (usually very quickly, but under high load a request could be deferred quite a while), a real-time OS usually offers guarantees on performance.
Real-time is subdivided into "hard" real-time (an absolute guarantee on system response, usually harder to accomplish) and "soft" real-time (an average-case guarantee with a certain degree of variance.)
Real-time processing is most common in things like embedded systems ("fly-by-wire" computers on airplanes, for instance, had better not take too long to process requests!), but occasionally real-time shows up in a userland/PC environment (audio processing, scientific equipment monitoring, etc.)
Hope this helps...
Maybe I'm Crazy, But. . . (Score:2)
Damn you (Score:2)
"You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."
Re:What is... (Score:2)
Real-time things (Score:2)
Re:Real Time System definition (Score:3)
A fault tolerant system is a system in which the designers have anticipated some of the ways in which a system can fail, and designed the system to keep on functioning, at least at some level, in spite. An example of this would be redundant hardware -- if, for example, one power supply fails, the system has a backup power supply that will take over.
Fault tolerant systems are not necessarily realtime -- for example, a lot of servers have some degree of fault tolerance built in. Real time systems are not necessarily fault tolerant either, but in practice, since realtime systems are often used in places where a failure would be catastrophic (ie. the control system of an airplane) it would be a very wise idea to design some fault tolerance into them.
Re:What is... (Score:4)
Now, say, that program is controlling the flight of an airplane, and the computer has to make 10 ms of corrections every second or the plane crashes.
Now, there is a big difference between getting 14 ms every second and 50 ms every 2 seconds; in the latter case it will crash, even though it gets better average CPU time. If a program other than the flight control has a burst of CPU usage....
In other words, it's more important to have a guaranteed rate of computation than a high average rate.
A real-time OS is one where a program can be started and told "Make sure this program gets at least -- CPU time every -- real time", and the OS will only run it if the program if it can guarantee giving it that much CPU time.
Don't forget... (Score:4)
Consider an automated assembly line application such as a sorter. A reader reads a bar code and sends a package down 1 of 10 lines. If a timer is used to control when an actuator will push the box off the line, the timer better not pop too early or the box won't be there yet.
I know this example is contrived, but it is the best I could think of in a short time. The basic point is that in a real-time OS the computer not only has to respond within a specified time, but that time is bounded so that the computer can't respond before the specified time either.
It's basically the old POSIX real-time extensions. (Score:4)
It's reminiscent of MERT, the first UNIX real-time variant, from the 1970s.
Real Time System definition (Score:5)
A realtime system is a system in which the response time of the system to an external event is predictable and bounded. That is, if a user presses a button, a realtime system will guarantee that the system takes whatever action is associated with that button press in a given time, or less.
This does not necessarily mean that the system is fast or responsive. For example, the design spec could say that if the user presses the button, the system must respond in 5 seconds or less. As long as the system always responds within 5 seconds, it is still a realtime system, even though most people wouldn't think of it as such.
If the system fails to respond within the specified time frame, it is considered a design failure. As such, it is used mainly in things like industrial or vehicle control systems, where failing to respond within the specified time can have catastrophic consequences.
A realtime OS is simply an operating system designed for use in realtime systems. Because of strict constraints on response times, some harsh tradeoffs must be made -- ones that users of desktop and server operating systems would find hard to fathom.
For example, a realtime filesystem is very difficult, if not impossible, to design, because some filesystem operations can have a potentially unbounded completion time. Usually, any processor cache is disabled, because, although the cache greatly decreases the average execution time, it can actually _increase_ the worst-case execution time, and it makes it very difficult to determine how long a piece of code is going to take to execute.