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Linux Software

Linsider Launched 61

Fred Palmer writes: "Linsider was launched recently. We're featuring lots of business-related news, profiles for every major Linux company, stock information, content licensed under the OpenContent license, and much more. You can read our press release, or skip straight to the home page. " We don't usually post new sites, but there's been a lot of word going around about Linsider/Linsight and what its aim is. Post-LinuxToday, Dave Whitinger [?] was rumoured to be spending a lot of time working on Linsight and this -- and it looks like it was worth the effort.
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Linsider Launched

Comments Filter:
  • I get all my latest news and reading done at Slashdot, so I don't need another site

  • For some reason I kept thinking of that Michael Mann movie "The Insider" ... Visions of Al Pacino running around yelling at the top of his lungs about some kind of conspiracy to keep Linux in the dark or something.. (Hey wait a minute, that would be kind of cool!)

    -Dextius Alphaeus
  • The new Linsider site seems to boil new Linux information down to it's essence. While /. does report Linux information, they have a broader net to cast (and a cast of crazies to keep me coming back). Linsider looks like it can be the spot for Linux news. I wonder how this new site will impact the smaller, non-commercial sites run by Linux fans. We'll see how it goes.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    If you were a new site and wanted to get the hit counts up for possible advertisers, where would YOU want the announcement?
  • Is /. posts something new without taking the time to investigate it, they could be bashed by people like you and I for "not doing their journalist's job" and being "irresponsible".

    But if they _do_ check it out, and realize the scoop is real and worth writing, then people like you and I criticize the story as being old news.

    Nobody's forcing you to read it, just check the headlines. If it's old, move on!

  • by robr ( 69609 ) on Thursday March 09, 2000 @03:04PM (#1213683) Homepage
    I'd just like to say that linsider isn't the only investment site focusing on linux companies. there are a few like OSInvestor [osinvestor.com], LinuxStockNews [linuxstocknews.com], and LWN's Stock Page [lwn.net], to name only 3.
  • Alright so now we have a web page where we can stick all of the people trying to make a buck off of Linux the good ol' fashioned Ameriacn way.... ohh beautiful for spacious skies...
  • I like the choices in stocks to display. I see Inprise on there...

    I wonder if SlashDot and Linsider will be checking each other's sites to see if they missed anything.

  • Obviously built in PHP, but anyone know what the back-end code looks like? Do they use an open-source PHP project like PHPslash?

    It would be cool if more OSS sites would publish their own source code, ala /. (or whenever Rob gets around to it ;))

    Want to work at Transmeta? Hedgefund.net? Priceline?

  • Commercialism pays the bills. Whether it's free beer OR free speech, someone has to pick up the tab. If this means advertising, or corporate sponsorship, or even, shudder selling software, money must move from place to place. Someone has to pay for the wires, servers and electricity.

    ObTopic: This is an excellent looking site. It's well organized and clean. I appreciate the wide variety of content exports supported. I haven't had a chance to delve deeply, but I will bookmark it, and check back to see how it holds up.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    All the news stories appear on a one-inch column on the left side of the screen. Scroll past the quotes, and you get 90% of the page being blank, with all the news crammed in the left 10%.

    Who's the freakin' designer that works for Linsight? get a freakin' clue [hel13.com]!
  • I'd have thought they'd offer their content for syndication via RSS. Anyone have any idea why they seem to have gone with a proprietary XML format for syndication?

    They *do* offer a Perl backend-syndication program to parse the XML, but I've already got some nice RSS tools. Integrating their stuff shouldn't be too hard, but putting another line in my RSS-reader's config file would be easier.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Folks, I know this is going to get hammered, but hear me out. Having all these wall street types wired in with Nasdaq, SYSE, FTSI etc. is going to be the death of open source as we know it.

    First off, shareholders in dot coms are the ones behind the DMCA and all the noise it represents. Having a dedicated stock site, dedicated to linux and open source just feeds the machine.

    Second, if you like open souce being open, al la EFF morals and viewpoint, you must not support franchises like these. On the surface they look inviting, get rich quick, eye candy for the community, look folks we've hit the big time with our little linux underdog. Keep it up and the same folks who are making it tought to copy DVD's are going to be regulating what we now know as open source.

  • All of them to go and flame LinuxOne. My friends and I were going to take the Mandrake installation, and swap out ALL of the logos and names, and then market it as "Linux2000...2000 times better than LinuxOne." (Because...2000 * 0 is still 0.) But, alas...someone already took the Linux2000 domain name...and anything else nearly related to it we could find...sigh...
  • Here's something for you LinuxOne fans [attaway.org]. I hit the floor laughing at this. I'll have it up for a few hours, so mirror early, mirror often.
  • yes this is redundant for me saying... its a nice site, but im not impressed. there are othere sites that do the same but havent had the same press coverage as this on has.
  • What do we have here? The Linside Track, Search Linsider, Company Index and Linvestor Summary.

    Shouldn't that be Company Linudex? It's not as annoying as the rest of them.
  • Yet Another Company tried again today to 'capitalize' on the 'nascent' 'linux market' today by offering up the following stunning breakthrough in marketing technology:

    A portal! Look mom! Look! It's got BOXES! LOOK! No, it's cool, see, those are STOCKS! And, wait, get this, it will be CUSTOMIZABLE!

    Everyone knows php3 is passe these days. If you aren't using servlets, you're yawnsville.

  • by fredpalmer ( 161371 ) on Thursday March 09, 2000 @04:21PM (#1213710)
    E. J. Wells developed the entire thing from the ground up, and we're working to release the code for people to use.

    Give us time - we just launched the site less than a week ago. :)

  • There is some idiot moderating down posts that he disagrees with, and unless you read at -1, you wont even notice he's doing it.
  • I forgot to mention, you have to click 'parent' to see the post I was refering too...
  • You might notice that we have no banner ads on the site (nor will we ever). We're not trying to make any money on this... We're just providing a good service.
  • Why do you call XML proprietary? Seems just about as open as a data format can be, and it's gaining popularity as a syndication format over formats like RSS or anpa precisely because of that openness...
  • I just swung over there in my favorite text only browser (I've been holding off on X this install until 4.0 came out. It's out now, and it's compiling already :-)) w3m, and it was a *very* nice looking site. It's nice to see a company respecting those of us who still don't browse in pictures.

  • I dont think he's calling XML proprietary... just that they should also provided a RSS formatted XML backend as well, which is a well established syndication format already used by many sites. Granted it's not hard to translate their XML into RSS...
  • try doing that meta-moderation thing then.
  • no criticism implied. look forward to checking out the source. i wrote all the PHP for my site (www.CatalystRecruiting.com) and have been contemplating converting it into an open-source project. Maybe we should compare notes...


    Want to work at Transmeta? Hedgefund.net? Priceline?

  • Everyone knows php3 is passe these days. If you aren't using servlets, you're yawnsville.

    Everybody knows trying to use the latest technology just because some jerk thinks it's cools is passé. If you aren't using tried and true technology that's proven to work, you're crashville.

  • I kept thinking of Nintendo's Nsider [nintendo.com]. They sound a whole lot alike after all.
  • . We're not trying to make any money on this... We're just providing a good service.

    Although I like what you guys are doing, The "Were not in it for the money comment,doesn't seem all that innocent and charitable, according to your press releases

    KC computer firm gets $30 million in venture capital
    Talley said the $30 million investment would allow the company to go into a "hypergrowth" mode and hire top industry professionals. In addition, "strategic acquisitions are very important to us, and this will allow us to pay in cash if we have to," he said.
    Linux firm hopes cash infusion will steer it to IPO
    "As things move along, we certainly see the professional services side moving up to 50 percent

    Again, I like what you guys are doing and Linsight overall, good services and you have picked out your own nitch market, but being owned by Atipa, with 30M in venture capital to repay, the revenue has got to come from somewhere. The division your in my be more of a marketing branch for brand awareness etc., but this still goes back to revenue generating efforts. You may not see the marketing impact from where you sit, but beleive me it's there. I can't see Atipas VC's giving up 30M so you and Wells could code for the good of the Linux community, your are part of the revenue stream.

  • This is one of the best comedy routines I've heard in a while... She's a pro straightman.

    I gues it's offtopic, but damn!

    How did you keep from laughing? Can you give me any tips on compiling and debugging with that cool-sounding RPM thing?
  • PHP3 passe? Servlets? HA. So we're supposed to jump onto the latest "Xlets" from Sun to be "cool"?

    I like Java's OO and everything, but do I *really* need to run cross-platform code for a single platform? What a waste....
  • Get yer asbestos undies on, kids -

    Hi Fred:

    First, I don't know who you are, or to what depth your involvement with linsite extends. Please don't take the things I say personally. I am a person of strong opinions and no ready wealth of tact when it comes to expressing them.

    You might notice that we have no banner ads on the site (nor will we ever). We're not trying to make any money on this... We're just providing a good service.

    In fact, I did notice exactly that. In fact, I considered posting exactly that in response to the post above about posting the opening of your site to /. - but then I read your site, and, well..

    I mean, come on Fred, LOOK at it. It's a portal, and it's not even a very interesting one. There's no sign of tux, no blessings by St. Larry.. just brown table-tops and lots of stock quotes. THIS is 'linsite?' Insight, into linux? No, no, in fact, it is not. It's a late-to-market, sub-par, CFO-friendly portal. And you didn't even release your php scripts for the kiddies. So, you know, you provide whatever service ya like, but if you post it to /., you take your lumpy soup like the rest of em.

    If your site really WAS interesting, if it really DID have value, I'd have either posted a thank you, or not have posted at all. What do you want? You want me to thank you for not having banner ads? You want me to thank you for not having a profit motive? It's old hat, G. It's old hat, and it's bullshit. That site isn't free. Someone, somewhere, wants to make money off of it. In fact, consider this a challenge - you said you're not trying to make money, you said you're trying to provide good service - do either, do both. Give it up. Gimme some value. What are you doing? Where is the value? Search engines? A calendar? The same stories posted in different order under different headings all over your site? A fucking article talking about linux putting fucking AUSTRALIA on the software development map by the laughingstock of the IT industry? Cuz, you know, nothing good has ever come out of Australia, right? Do you have any idea how disgusting that article is? No? Here ya go:

    "Australia has a great deal of creativity and a multicultural background to fuel content creation. Australia has always developed very sensitive content that probably would not be made in the US and Asia," he said. "

    This is pure, 100% corporate, spin-laden, rhetorical, look-at-me-talk-and-say-nothing, BULLSHIT. Excuse me while I throw up. When I'm done, I'll clean my chin with SGI stock.

    Have I made my point yet?

    Ok, how about this. The very first item on Atipa.com's leetle web page is mention of a $30 million investment. Now.. Are you going to claim that none of the work done on linsite is done without the intention of furthering corporations that deal in linux solutions? Are you going to posit that just because linsite itself is monentarily valueless, there is not cash generated by its existence? Is linsite NPO? Doesn't seem to be.. In fact, it looks to me like everything on it is (C) of the Atipa corporation. Hmmmmm.

    Wake up, clue in, and give us kernel patches. (yes, yes, yes, i realize SGI talks a lot about doing that - don't even bother to flame me with how great XFS for linux is, cuz i'll only laugh at you) If you encourage the corporatization of linux, then you are in it for the money, because corporations are about making money - the value they add to MY (free) linux is tertiary to the value they perceive (wrongly, i believe history will prove) that can be reaped from servicing it.

    blue, unofficial /. agitant to the masses.

    And, to the two morons at the bottom of this thread - come the fuck ON, people. If you can't recognize the sarcasm in my trumpeting servlets, you might really wanna go back to reading the mushroom, or something.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
