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Procom to Release NETBEUI for Linux 280

Procom has announced that they are releasing their NETBEUI stack to the Linux community. Press release is here. What the press release doesn't mention is that the stack will be available under the GPL license. The actual code release will be today or tomorrow (I will post a URL for the source as soon as I get it).
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Procom to Release NETBEUI for Linux

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's Red Hat, Slackware, and a few other culprits who like to turn all services on by default.

    I went to a "security site" with this stock W2K install that I am running and had it portscan. No unneeded ports were left open. In fact, they were configured to just not answer. That's called giving portscanners a "black hole" and it forces them to observe timeouts which slows down the little thugs running them.

    Again, the security risk running just about any version of Linux is greater than W2K.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's not just software.

    Ever hear of an Intel Netport Express print server? Guess MUST RPL it using netbeui. Until now, I had to store it's config files on a windoze box that isn't always up. If I could run netbeui on a linux server, I can RPL the print server without having to use windoze.

    Newer versions have web management built in, but why spend that kind of money for a home lan when you can get a used netport for $20?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    You can get the source here []

    Much of the excitement we get out of our work is that we don't really know what we are doing. -- E. Dijkstra

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'd like to know what all this comprises, apart from the docs on how to make it play nicely with Samba. If you actually buy their towers, you get a couple of CDs - one has the kernel source on it, as required by the GPL. In there, you can get the NetBEUI stuff already. So, this stuff has already been "out" for awhile in one sense of the word.

    Maybe this means they're getting a clue. The CD FORCE units I have in a middle school are running some ancient 2.0 kernel and thus are vulnerable to the likes of teardrop. Fortunately they seem to have a hardware watchdog, since it eventually springs back to life.

    Put it this way - when I called up asking for a kernel upgrade to deal with this "little" problem, they shipped me an upgrade for their "MESA" (Linux renamed, mind you) that didn't fix the kernel issue at all. Duh.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Some reasons why Linux sucks:

    1. It's not made by Microsoft.
    2. It's opensouced. That means our enemies can use it and figure out our government computers if the federal government decides to go with Linux.
    3. Not as secure as MicrosoftNT 4
    4. There is no Microsoft Office for Linux.
    5. It's confusing. No standard GUI.
    6. Used by hackers to break into other computers and infect people with virus'
    7. You need a mouse with 3 buttons to use Linux.
    8. What distribution should you use? Some applications will not work with certain distributions.
    9. You need special hardware to use Linux.
    10. Linus is an Ego maniac for naming an Entire OS after himself.
    11. Windows is easier to use.
    12. Bill gates is cooler than Linus Torvaldes
    13. You can run Linux on Crapple Macintrashes
    14. Only College students use Linux
    15. Linux is only used by gay hippie vegans.
    16. Steve Jobs is the CEO of Linux
    17. Linux doesn't have protected-multitasking
    18. Windows 2000 uses Unix
    19. The world runs on Windows
    20. Typing commands is arckaic
    21. Linux is too expensive
    22. No Frontpage for Linux, so you can't make web pages on Linux.

    Join our Anti-Linux oganization here [].
  • Unix is so old and icky, I'd avoid it like the plague.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    smbclient uses TCP/IP...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    You can give a network interface more than one IP address. On top of your DHCP IPs, give your cards a private IP like 192.168.0.x. Use the private IPs to talk between your computers.
  • That is pretty cool of Procom to join the GPL scene, but seriously ... who give two shits about NetBEUI anymore. Most NetBIOS networks I see nowadays, run their NetBIOS over TCP/IP, which works about as well as expected.

    But NetBEUI? Why would anyone use that in today's day and age. Unless you're designing a high speed system or a standalone custom (like in a auto or something), I see this release news as mostly noisy output from another "me too" open source come lately.

    While were at it, can somebody get the source to Lantastic released. I think that would be cool (not).

    --Aaron Newsome
  • In fact, OS/2 Version 3 (32-bit OS/2) by Microsoft, eventually became NT 3.1.

    The crew Dave Cutler brought from Oregon were going to be building 32-bit OS/2 v.3. The problems in the relationship with IBM were exacerbated by MS insisting that the next OS/2 MUST be 32-bit, while IBM was convinced that a lighter, 16-bit version would still storm the market, given a little more time.

    Gates & Ballmer got the agreement to split 16 and 32 -bit development with IBM on company lines. It was only as Win3.x applications began to emerge as the business standard that MS got the courage to implement a Win API subsystem on the NT kernel, as opposed to a PM subsystem.

    The console-based OS/2 subsystem present through NT 4 was a vestige of this original direction.

    Enough of this! See what talking about NetBEUI will dredge forth from the depths!

    These were not systems that were designed or engineered... Rather, they were politic'ed and marketed into existance!


  • MS OS/2 was the OEM version, that shipped for non-IBM platforms. You could buy IBM OS/2 retail, or bundled with PS/2 systems.

    The MS branded box (plain white, with a RED stripe) came when you orderd your Toshiba laptop with OS/2, etc.

    We had one of these. A 386SX, with an orange/mono VGA -- AC power only!


  • TCP is still kernel code!

    This is not passed onto any "network co-processor" at the NIC, etc.

    InterProphet is one of many companies embedding the TCP stack in Silicon, to achieve higher performance this way. Still, AFAIK, a "stub" TCP stack would need to be patched into the kernel sources for this to work in Linux. If the masq features and all the other goodies are not supported on the "silicon stack", you're out of luck. You really aren't on the Linux (BSD, etc.) TCP code anymore.


  • Now THATS an interesting idea!

    Care for explaining with more details how to do this?

  • by gdav ( 2540 )
    Yes it's true. OS/2 up to version 1.2 was a joint product of IBM and Microsoft. And the split came when Microsoft tried to let IBM develop OS/2 version 2 while Microsoft monopolised OS/2 version 3 (a preannounced vapourware product).

    It was a bit like that moment in Land of the Pharaohs [] when Princess Nellifer (Joan Collins) lets the Pharaoh bleed to death in front of her, to further her own ambitions.

  • I think /. ate my first post. Argh.

    Anyway, isn't netbeui supposed to be a lot "lighter" weight protocol that tcp over ip? Lighter as in less bytes. which means more throughput.

    Could I maybe run MPI or PVM over this on a cluster and gain some speed? TCP is known to be a dog for dsitribted computing, maybe this is a better off the shelf solution.

    I would appreciate anyone who has tried this speaking up and letting me know before I blow time on it ...

  • before someone tells me all about kernel MPI ... already know all about it ... this could be more flexible and run on fddi.

    i suppose I should dig up some doc on netbeui, huh?
  • That is exactly how I was able to get Linux "in the door" at many locations.

    The ability for linux to understand many of the legacy protocols is definitly a great plus. It is great for a small buisness that has a few machines and is in need of a cheap (as in $$$) solution to replace or to communicate with some piece of hardware that they can no longer find. NetBEUI, although being an old outdated protocol, is still in use..

    For many small buisnesses, once they see that it can solve one problem.. the next question I usually get is in the line of "so... what else can this Linux thing do..."

    Amarillo Linux Users Group []
  • Yes..
    Lookup MARS NWE... (nwserv)

    Amarillo Linux Users Group []
  • Now I have to go back and tell all the people I've been telling no, Samba is NetBIOS over TCP/IP, not NetBEUI that now Samba is (or will be, shortly) also NetBEUI. *sigh*

    This is good news in fact. Any user can set NetBEUI up, since there's nothing to setup. It doesn't help my old fight against former co-netadmins to stop them from polluting the network with NetBEUI, who will probably install it by default now, but so is life, you have to lick it one day at a time...

  • You're confusing David Bowie (bow as in bow and arrow) with Jim Bowie (boo-ee).
  • "Marconi Corp. GPL's the "Morse Code" stack"
    It may not be theirs to GPL. Samuel F.B. Morse was using it about a half a century before Marconi, Tesla, Edison, Sarnoff, any of those guys. No doubt his heirs are still vigorously defending all patents, trademarks, copyrights, service marks, etc. You might even want to think twice before using S.O.S. brand soap pads.
  • Yes, DMZ is "Demilitarized Zone", and it refers to the area of the network that is after the external router, but still in front of the firewall. It is used for externally accessable services, like a web server, dns server or mail relay.
  • Okay, well... now that I'm bald that doesn't help much.
  • I spoke to an MSCE friend of mine, and he says it's a MS protocol. Also, according to these guys [], it really is a Microsoft protocol.
  • Net-Bew-Ee
  • Is that free poo as in free beer (Heineken, Budweiser,...) or free speech (KKK, hippies, ...)?
  • There are still alot of legacy hardware/software that will not be upgraded. How many of you guys are still running dos, win311 or os/2 boxes? Would it be nice to hook a linux box up to that network?

    NetBEUI was nice when you had a small office with a few machines and needed a quick and easy lan to setup. It still is the easiest way to setup a few windows machines to share files or printers.

    But for me, its TCP/IP and a DHCP server.

    One last thought, since its easy to setup, maybe it would be good for Home Stereo Equipment. No IP, just NetBEUI the linux(mp3?) box.

    Brook Harty
    -IronWolve- Tribes, UT, Half-life.. No time to code!

  • In a move that rocked the open source community, the Marconi Corp. today announced plans toGPL their "Morse Code" telegraphy protocol stack, formerly widely used for telegram transmission.
    You laugh, but when Marconi started supplying wireless sets to ships, more than 100 years ago, the contract specifically forbade radio operators from communicating with ships with non-Marconi radio equipment...
    " It's a ligne Maginot []-in-the-sky "
  • I know nothing about NetBUI but I'm SURE somewhere they are using it as a primary protocol for a network and it is just nice to be able have the option of running Linux on it. So all the Linux people should be happy that more people can run Linux now. :-)

    - 8Complex
  • heck yeah, hasn't anyone seen Independence Day? sheesh :)
  • You are right. Completely on target.

    I had my head up my ass there in my clamor to denounce NetBEUI.

    Replace "Bandwidth" with "Efficiency."


  • Anyone care to share with me exactly what DMZ is? The only thing I can think of is "De-militarized Zone", and that's obviously not it.

  • Microsoft's Remote Access Server has done this for years (for NetBEUI over serial links). It's most likely possible to do with network links too.
  • Check the MS-DOS Client 3.0 on your NT Server disk -- This does include a DOS TCP/IP implementation, and one that understands MS WINS, DHCP, and Domain security to boot.

    It does use lots of memory. It can't be installed directly onto a floppy disk (install to hard disk, selectively copy files to floppy, it will fit.) You need to manually install the DOS NDIS NIC drivers by editing INI files. It should work from a NIC Boot ROM. With some trickery, it should run under Windows 9x.

    It's a pain in the ass, but when you get it working, it works pretty good (although much slower than NetBEUI).
  • NetBEUI was designed by IBM in around 1983 for old-style single segment LANs. A single segment LAN is what I have in my house. I run NetBEUI between the Windows boxes, and it is F-A-S-T.

    Maybe MS's TCP/IP filesharing is just broken. Doesn't matter. If you can get away with using NetBEUI for Doze/Samba stuff, I recommend using it.

    (Auto configuration and non-routability is also a plus -- If you have cable/DSL, you can unbind SMB/"WINS Client" from TCP/IP on your NT boxes and use NB for local file+print, and worry less about the evil haxors.)
  • Virtually every PC shipped comes with USB -- you can't get better economies of scale. Ethernet is $20 mature tech, sure, but it's apparently not cheap enough for most vendors to give it away.
  • More history -- Microsoft sold the server version of OS/2 1.3 directly as "Microsoft LAN Manager 2.x". Earlier versions were not sold directly by MS, but were known as 3Com 3+Open and AT&T Somthinerother. These products together accumulated about a 10% market share (largely due to the difficulty of NetBEUI.)

    The word "LanMan" is still all over the NT documentation. The "Server" service used to be called "LanMan Server" in NT 3.x, for example. MS claimed that it was based directly on the OS/2 networking code, and therefore bug-for-bug compatible. Microsoft wanted to hang onto that 10% market share when they moved to NT, so the networking was taken wholesale from LAN Manager.(Things started to change a bit around NT4 SP4 -- it was no longer possible to have mixed OS/2 and NT domain controllers, for example.)

    IBM's version was/is known as "LAN Server" -- OS/2 Warp Server 5.0 is actually based on the Warp Client 4.0 codebase, the reason for the version number difference is MS's escalation to 2.0 back in the 1980s. The more things change, the more things seem to stay the same.
  • I have a Alcatel ADSL bridge, and was concerned about this. According to someone at my ISP, non-IP stuff gets killed right at the CO. With DSL at least, you are clogging your own bandwidth, but you shouldn't be clogging anyone elses or leaking insecure NetBEUI packets.

    (I'm aware Cable works differently, but I probably won't care how until they start installing it here in 2003.)
  • Can Linux print to a NetWare print queue? (Or, how about an oldskool HP DLC printer?)

    AppleTalk+PostScript might be a better bet.
  • You might have reached aesthetic perfection by squashing NetBEUI, but your network is much slower for it.
  • Of course, if I can get Administrator or root access to one box that is running both TCP/IP and NetBEUI, it's possible I could gateway between them. But by then it's basically too late anyway.

    The number one way that Win home boxes are hacked is leaving file sharing enabled on TCP/IP. (Vendors seem to ship this way.) NetBEUI is a great, but not perfect, solution to this problem.
  • Do a little testing with a couple isolated NT boxes. NetBEUI is perceptually quite a bit faster for small file copies and browsing. On our real LAN, we have a old Pentium 60 NT server with an ISA NIC. Large TCP/IP file copies bog down and barely complete. NetBEUI transfers zip.

    (Could it be something wrong with NT's SMB/TCPIP instead of something right with SMB/NetBEUI? Got me!)
  • Yes, but a big chunk of that $39.99 is probably an 'upgrader tax' for a nitch market product, and has nothing to do with the real cost of the chipset.
  • Mmmh - I do not want to wander too much off-topic, but I would find a NETBIOS over TCP BROWSER a very convenient thing to have in order to move files around a LAN. Essentially, being able to access the Nethood from LInux. I just wonder why Linux does not have any interesting toy like that - do all people love ftp ? It would make sense to have such functionality in integreated environments like KDE (their file browser even supports TAR URLs!) - so, am I missing something in the picture ? Is it so tough to write a netbios browser ? Or is it out there and I am blind and cannot find it ?
  • Well, you could use NFS rather than FTP, you know. If every machine exports the necessary directories, you basically have a network neighborhood. Especially if you have some sort of automounting magic going on - I can cd into any other developer's /home (assuming I have permissions) for example. So they are my "network neighborhood" in a sense. And you could then access the various NFS mounts through whatever filesystem browser you want: mc, kfm, etc.

    Or are you thinking of something totally different?

  • Well, It's not IP, and therefore unspoofable this way.

    If you set this up, on its own interface, you can "firewall" the NIC.

    If your scale is small enough, the DB can be a single-machine, connected by a cross-over cable!

    TCP is wonderfull. But it is a CPU eater! Especially under heavy connection loads.

    NT certainly benefits by using NetBEUI in this situation. The payoff is lesser for Linux, but it doesn't hurt, either...


  • In a DMZ you can setup a web server and use netbeui to connect to a resource server in the same DMZ and keep your resource server safe from several types of hacks, not perfect but still gives old netbeui a job


    I was about to make this point, when I saw your post. NetBEUI is a non-routable protocol, which makes a perfect little link for things like Web 2 DB.

    This is how I have protected the NT-based projects around this shop. This works bets on a dedicated NIC, and small, dumb-hub. Then NetBIOS chattiness is isolated from your IP network.


  • As many have mentioned already, this product is so old and out-dated, no one really wants it.
    NETBEUI is basically a dinosaur, true. However, open-sourcing a NETBEUI stack is useful for anyone still stuck with outdated equipment. This is particularly good when you consider that a certain segment of Open-Source software users are people trying to keep some semblence of a computing environment patched together out of what they can scrounge. Someone at, say, a charity with a pack of old [2-4]86s would probably appreciate the ability to use Linux to replace their current "server".
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK you still can't run Linux on a 286. There was that one project... did that get anywhere?
    Oops, that could have been clearer. The idea is that an organization might have older clients using things like 286es that really aren't going to do well with operating systems beyond DOS. Since these older systems would most likely not support more recent protocols like NETBIOS over TCP/IP, whatever ever you use for a server would need to talk NETBEUI. I believe this would limit your choices to Windows, OS/2 and, now, Linux.

    Again, the idea is that while it's not going to be used in a large-scale network environment, it'll be handy to have for people in quirky, highly-underfunded environments where Linux is probably already attractive due to low resource requirements and compatibility with older, less common hardware.

  • First off, this isn't too bad. It's one more piece of "serious" software that Pointy Hair Bosses can see and put cash into.

    Second, the more network protocols Linux supports, the more likely it is that someone'll invent a protocol-independent wrapper that'll let you run a server or client over any protocol you like, transparently.

    (Hey! I think it'd be neat if you could run a web-server over a NetBEUI connection, through an AppleTalk firewall, over a DECNet LAN, via an Econet router, onto a TCP/IP network, without any of the computers or software packages at either end caring what anything else used.)

  • FWIW, there are other ways to solve this. Nameley, you could setup a secondary address on each interface, then setup host routes for the secondary addresses.

    Under Linux, the commands would look something like this (this is off the top of my head. YMMV. IANAL. IYHDBUIANR (if your hard drive blows up I am not responsible):

    On the first host:

    ifconfig eth0:1 netmask broadcast
    route add -net gw

    On the scond host:
    ifconfig eth0:1 netmask broadcast
    route add -net gw

    (those commands are probably wrong. Subnet calculations like that are a pain in the neck and I'm too lazy to check them).

    The only downside would be that all your traffic would still go out over the cable modem. To fix that (mostly), trade in your hub on a switch. Switches are getting really cheap nowadays.


  • Doesn't Procom get a royality per copy of windows sold?

    No, because Microsoft doesn't use Procom's implementation.

    Also.. WIth NetBEUI being open sourced.. what are the odds that ALL kinds of bugs are gonna be discovered with Windows Networkig (ie. New Security Issues)?

    Discovered by reading the source code? Probably not many, as a lot of the code path for handling SMB is probably in the SMB code, not the NetBEUI code - and, as indicated, the code Procom is GPLing probably isn't the code Microsoft are using (unless they licensed it from Microsoft, which I think is extremely unlikely).

    What are the odds that Microsoft will now HAVE to embrace Open Source to at the very least fix their New NetBEUI security holes?

    What "New NetBEUI security holes"? And why would then then "HAVE to embrace Open Source" for this?

    And if Microsoft had the source-code themselves as part of their agreement with Procom (Or did they somehow get NetBEUI by other means?)..

    Yeah, they got it by other means, i.e. writing an implementation thereof.

    How come they were too lazy to fix all the security issues within the formally closed-source protocol

    A protocol isn't "open-source" or "closed-source", it's publicly-documented or secret, and NetBEUI falls into the former category; see this document [] under "The NetBIOS Frames protocol".

  • But then how can they both be called NetBEUI?

    Well, if multiple vendors independently implement the same protocol, they can use the name of that protocol for their implementation.

    As I said in my previous message, these are two presumably independent implementations of the same protocol.

    (Whether "NetBEUI" is the correct name for the protocol is another matter; the IBM spec that documents it [] calls it "the NetBIOS Frames Protocol", and Microsoft calls it "NetBEUI Frame" in the Windows NT Server Networking Guide document in the NT Server Resource Kit:

    The NetBEUI protocol was one of the earliest protocols available for use on networks composed of personal computers. In 1985, IBM introduced NetBEUI to provide a protocol that could be used with software programs designed around the Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) interface.


    Windows NT-based NetBEUI, also referred to as NBF because it uses NetBEUI Frame (NBF), implements the IBM NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI) 3.0 specification. This protocol provides compatibility with existing LANs that use the NetBEUI protocol and is compatible with the NetBEUI protocol driver shipped with past Microsoft networking products.

    but that's another matter.)

    If this truly has nothing to do with WIndows NetBEUI

    It is an independent implementation of the same protocol, so it does have something to do with it. It just doesn't share code with it.

    Remember when Quake was open sourced? All kinds of new ways to cheat.. Remember.. alot of closed-source software today are considered secure thru their obscruity. Open the source up, and 9 out of 10 something has to be secured for real.. no?

    This doesn't ipso facto mean that there will be any new security holes (besides, the protocol was documented), and doesn't ipso facto mean that Microsoft would have to "embrace Open Source" to deal with those, unless by "embrace Open Source" you mean something other than what is normally meant by "embrace Open Source", i.e. open-source their protocol implementation.

    If protocols can't be "open-sourced".. how is it that NetBEUI is being open sourced by Procom?

    Because what they're open-sourcing is their implementation of an existing, documented protocol. They are NOT "open-sourcing" the protocol itself - the protocol is already publicly documented. Given that, I think that it's incorrect to say that they're "open-sourcing NetBEUI", just as it's incorrect to say that Berkeley, for example, "open-sourced TCP"; it's correct to say that they're open-sourcing their implementation of the NetBEUI (or NetBEUI Frame, or whatever) protocol.

  • I spoke to an MSCE friend of mine, and he says it's a MS protocol.

    It may be "a MS protocol" in the sense that Microsoft uses it, but that doesn't ipso facto mean that Microsoft invented it.

    (It also doesn't mean it's necessarily some Secret Proprietary Protocol that Microsoft have only just now made public; it is, in fact, not such a protocol.)

  • Ever tried smbclient?

    Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, I guess, but more pleasant might be a combination of smbfs and an automounter that understood SMB (knew which SMB servers had announced themselves to the browser, knew how to query an SMB server to see what shares it was offering) - that would let you use the KDE 1 file manager, or the KDE 2 file manager, or GMC, or Nautilus, or ls, or... as SMB browsers.

  • A DOS client can be useful in some cases. Diskless workstations have already been mentioned. Our PABX runs under DOS, now I can let it write its logfiles to a Linux machine for processing!

    I tried that with NetBIOS over TCP/IP (LANMAN, MSClient) but its footprint was too big: lots of TSRs gobble up memory which did not leave enough room for the PABX software.

    And yes, as you can see on my homepage I have tried several DOS clients with Samba. The only DOS client which looks nice (little low memory usage) is the IBM LAN client but the specs say it only works with original IBM network cards. However, I got tipped that you can actually use any NDIS2 driver. Dunno if that is true, but at least I now have two options!

    So all in all, I can't wait to get my hands on this one!
  • Samba 2 does have PDC support. It's BDC and domain trust relationships that it needs right now. IntelliMirror tech would be nice too (directory replication). This won't help further any of those goals.. it'll just allow linux to have backwards combatability with other windows products. Which is nice, but it won't help Samba.
  • I don't see why I'd want my mouse over (even a personal) ethernet (that's only connected to my computer). More latency is bad - I expect and demand immediate response from my pointing device... no slowdowns are acceptable

    SunRays redirect their USB over 100Mb ethernet, and there is no latency at all til the load average starts pushing 120 on the server (at which point we start killing netscape processes -- not like they don't crash at random anyway)
  • Samba doesn't use netbeui -- it uses netbios on TCP/IP.

    I have a home network with a bunch of windoze and linux boxes, and I use samba on the linux boxes and Windows file sharing (i.e. netbios) on the windows boxes, but I have only TCP/IP turned on--this is a 100% NETBEUI free zone.

  • This is not a flame. I am a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer/Microsoft Certified Trainer. I am not an OS bigot (I also run Linux, MacOS, AmigaDOS, and OPENSTEP), so no flames, please...:) I just have to say one thing: NetBEUI sucks. I mean, for Chrissakes, it's a BROADCAST based protocol. Even with MS machines, the stack has to pull EVERY packet all the way up to the Application Layer of the OSI model to check whether or not the machine name matches it's own! I mean, we already have a fast, well desgined protocol to run our networks on (TCP/IP) and a way to make it almost zero-administration (DHCP/BOOTP).

    I preach in my classes that unmitigated broadcasts (i.e. anything but ARP or DHCP initialization) are EVIL. They suck your most precious resource - bandwidth - like a hungry vampire.

    NetBEUI is even more evil because you have a choice NOT to use it and use TCP/IP.

    The only reason to use it is for MS-DOS clients...and I would segment them away from my network using a dual homed machine with TCP/IP bound to one adapter card (to the main network) and NetBEUI bound to the other (to the DOS machines).

    NetBEUI's dead, folks. Don't pollute the efficiency of *NIX with this crap.

    Kevin W. Bunn, MCSE/MCT
    MCP ID # 1198191
  • 3: (Cable modems again). Screwey Cable Cos can put different machines on the same modem onto different class Cs. This makes TCP/IP really bad for moving data arround because you are limited to you modem bandwidth.

    what you just said doesn't even make sense, secondly, you are limited to the bandwidth of the line attached to the cable modem, and lastly, under what circumstance would you not be limited to the bandwidth of your line?

    what he's trying to say is, because the subnets are different, all data from one machine sent to another on the same hub will be sent through the cable modem... unless the modem is smart enough to route those back without sending through the cable line, the packets will go out to the router and back again.

    with two machines on the same subnet, the cable modem isn't even involved in the connection

  • This article says a lot more than just "Procom is giving away NetBEUI".

    This is our way of giving back to the community whose technology serves as the foundation for our NAS technology.

    Here we have a big player really acknowledging the extent to which they really rely on linux. :)
  • Yes! In fact NETBEUI is more efficient than TCP/IP for DB connections (many set-up and tear down events which are expensive in TCP/IP, especially on NT). Some NT people doing this for DB back ends to web sites already.

  • We still are using mission critical apps that use NetBEUI as part of a data gathering and distribution system for scientific experiments. A DOS box collects the data and distributes it to NT clients (using NetBEUI) for further processing. The apps are closed and proprietary, so we don't have much choice about the networking. :(

    However, if we can get this supported by VMWare, we can allow the currently dual booting analysis stations to remain in Linux mode all the time (which is what we prefer).

    Time to check into the source, and fire off a request to VMware...

    So, to us, this is potentially far from useless.
  • at a place I worked once.

    OS/2 v1.2, I think - I could have grabbed it, but really, what good would it have been?

  • I admit that NetBEUI isn't the coolest thing on earth, but this is definately good news. I know a company that makes embedded printer servers and one thing stopping them from using Linux as the base OS for those servers was that NetBEUI was a proprietary protocol and because of that without a decent Linux implementation.

    Now, with this, everything changes.

  • Try smbclient []
  • IBM invented it [] and Microsoft absorbed it. Now Samba has another feature to be added...
  • 2: For people on cable modems, NetBEUI is a better protocol for file sharing because it doesn't get spewed out to the entire network.

    My cablemodem (and the cable modems of everybody I know) is a bridge, not a router, so the NetBEUI and IPX traffic gets spewed out, choking off the neighbor's bandwidth.

    Other manufacturers may make cablemodems that are routers, but mine (Terapro) and those of most of my friends (Motorola) are bridges, which means that NetBEUI would indeed be propagated.
  • I know that client.
    It does not support dns or even wins (or NetBEUI for that matter) and it uses lots of room.
  • 'Fraid not -- you don't need NetBEUI to authenticate against an MS Proxy Server from Mozilla. What you need is Internet Explorer ;-) Seriously though, it could be done over TCP/IP, but yes, it's within the Proxy protocol AFAIK, which is higher up the protocol-ladder than NetBEUI, which is an underlying network protocol like IPX or TCP.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • The costs that I was figuring in were in the devices themselves (i.e. printer, mouse, keybd, etc). I can find USB mice for $15-20 (albeit not great ones - but an MS PS/2 mouse runs much more), and 4 port USB hubs for $16... the outboard devices can be real cheap. Just about every motherboard has USB support now, so it's really not a big deal that way. You could even calculate in that $7-50 savings for not buying an ethernet card, using yor model. The question is the ASICs in the peripheral, and how that price compares to a similar ethernet ASIC... which may be very prevalent, but are far more complicated with communications, and can be overkill for a lot of things.

  • Check pricewatch - you can find 4 port USB hubs for $16... for $18 you can get a colored one to match your iWhack... harldy $70... There are a number of printers that directly support USB - I wouldn't think a conversion there would save you all that much, since the USB link would still have to do all of the transfers at parallel speed, which is what your computer wants to avoid... I don't think I've ever even seen a kludge box of that nature 8^) Ethernet -> parallel cards with buffers or network printers with memory provide a nicer solution - one quick transfer. File and forget, so to speak. If the USB converter had some memory, then that would alleviate much of it, but it's not a very clean solution...

    Two ports work well for most people... What someone needs to do is make a keyboard with a built in hub (maybe only one port) for the mouse (kinda Macstyle)... saves a port on the back of the box, after all. Just a thought... I'm sure there's one out there.........
  • I have an old Intel Netport Express 3 port print server: it's dumb as a rock, and must boot over the network. Does it speak TFTP? Hell no! It will only boot over IPX/Novell or NetBEUI/SMB (NOT TCP/IP/SMB). Since my server is Linux, NetBEUI is out, so I had to set up Mars/NWE to allow the damn thing to boot (once booted, it speaks LPR). If I could do NetBEUI, then that would be one less daemon running on my server.

    Yes, it's an old protocol. Yes, nobody in their right mind wants it on their network. But, along with TokenRing, DECNET, TCP/IP, IPX, and Appletalk, if we add NetBEUI, we get to be the glue that holds the network together. That's not a bad way to force your way into the server room...

  • The term "X.25" really refers to multiple things, all of them annoying. The Layer 2 part is LAP-B or whatever, but the definition of the layers doesn't line up cleanly with either TCP/IP's worldview or OSI's. There's also the X.3/X.28/X.29 terminal+host protocols that give telnet-like functionality. It's also possible to run the IP protocol stack on top of X.25 instead of using point-to-point private line protocols like HDLC, and various parts of the Arpanet did that, but that's not what most people mean. Some people even ran the Evil OSI Layer 3 and Layer 4 protocols on top of X.25 Layer 2. (CLNP/CONS/8473...)

    The most common X.25 environments I saw in the US used these for terminal emulation, so you could take your 3270 controller or your dumb-paper-terminal controller and log on to a mainframe or timesharing host, sort of a bondage-oriented version of async-dialing to a Unix host. Unlike frame relay networks, where each customer has their own permanent virtual circuits between their own locations, X.25 was designed for telcos and PTTs who could connect you to any of their customers, if you knew their network address (equivalent to knowing a phone number. To add some security, there were features like Closed User Group.) This basically meant that anybody within France, or anybody within Germany, could set up an X.25 connection to anybody else there, and could sometimes do international sessions as well. It doesn't matter that there's no Internet protocol if everybody you want to talk to is on the same Layer 2 network, so this was how computers at European universities talked to each other.

    The canonical book on why all of this is a bad idea and TCP/IP is better is
    M. A. Padlipsky's The Elements of Networking Style and Other Essays and Animadversions on the Art of Intercomputer Networking. Prentice--Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1985. I don't totally agree with him - X.25 did error-checking at Layer 2 because it was designed to run over French barbed-wire, and while it might have been faster to restrict those functions to Layer 4, that mainly became true when fiber-optic long-haul networks made bit error rates many orders of magnitude lower than the original facilities X.25 ran on. But he's mostly right on.

    BTW, calling ISDN a "layer 2 protocol" is pretty dodgy. The D channel does run X.25, with whatever features the telco feels like supporting, but the Bell Labs and Nortel telephone switch developers never really had the clue about what data users want (:-), and computers had gotten faster by the time ISDN was priced for consumers, so what everybody really uses are ISDN B Channels (which provide Raw Bits at 64 or 56kbps) with the end-user's choice of Link Layer framing protocols (I forget if that settled down on V.110 or V.120?).

  • I thought Samba already managed NetBEUI interoperability pretty well. What kind of improvements does this bring to the table?

    What Samba really needs is the ability to run as a Primary Domain Controller. Will this contribution help meet that goal?
  • Hmm... well, IP was invented before NetBEUI, no?


  • I am yet again amazed that the /. crowd, which seems to be have a large Open Source/Linux crowd, would criticize a post such as this one. One of great hallmarks of linux is it's compatibility to older stuff, especially hardware. Try running the latest m$ OS on an old piece of hardware on an old network and see just how well it does. At least with linux you have a chance. Why should people care if someone decides to Open Source xyz protocol? You're certainly not forced to use it. Most likely it will be of benefit to someone, even if it is to see where someone else went wrong. :) I know this is flamebait.
  • ..but isn't this good? I mean, Samba piggybacks SMB on top of TCP/IP, increasing packet size. Won't this let Linux do SMB natively, increasing throughput?

    If my server is sending out X+Y size packets (X is the TCP/IP wrapper, Y is data) wouldn't it be better to just be sending Y size packets instead? This will make Linux that much closer to NT in terms of raw speed at the high end. You're not sending out larger packets, either to the server or the clients.
  • cool! Now Linux can join in with the M$ Boxes to flood the network with excessive NetBlooey traffic. Can you say 'Packet Collision'? I knew you could.

    On the upside, it will make Linux even easier to setup in small networks, where TCP/IP is not required..... Where you would find this scenario, I do not know.....

    Just my 0.06CAD worth...
  • Have they told us how to pronounce it yet?
  • by Guy Harris ( 3803 ) <> on Monday February 28, 2000 @10:56AM (#1239242)
    Won't this let Linux do SMB natively,

    No. SMB-atop-NetBEUI is no more "native" than is SMB-atop-NetBIOS-over-TCP.

    Yes, the NetBEUI headers take fewer bytes than the NetBIOS Session Service, TCP, and IP headers, but it's not at all clear that this necessarily buys you that much.

  • by Guy Harris ( 3803 ) <> on Monday February 28, 2000 @11:05AM (#1239243)
    Microsoft has GPL'd the NetBEUI protocol!

    No, Procom have GPLed an implementation of the NetBEUI protocol, specificat ions for which [] have been available for a while. (Look in "The NetBIOS Frames Protocol" section of the IBM document in question - yes, IBM, who were involved in it, as well as in SMB.)

  • by Guy Harris ( 3803 ) <> on Monday February 28, 2000 @12:37PM (#1239244)
    I really don't remember the difference/relationship between NetBEUI and the Server Message Block protocol though.

    SMB requests and replies are stuffed into the payload of NetBIOS-over-NetBEUI (or "NetBIOS Frame Protocol") packets, just as they're stuffed into the payload of NetBIOS-over-TCP Datagram Service and Session Service packets, etc.. SMB doesn't, by and large, need to know or care what protocol NetBIOS runs atop.

  • Broadcasts suck NOT because they suck bandwidth. Most LAN's broadcast bandwidth is a small fraction of the availabe bandwidth, but may still have a significant broadcast problem.

    When an ethernet card receives a frame, it evaluates whether or not the machine is interested. The frame is important and requires processing if one of the following happens:

    1. The destination address of the frame is the MAC address of the ethernet card (unicast)

    2. The destination address of the frame is a broadcast

    3. The destination address is a multicast the ethernet adapter is interested in

    An "interesting" frame results in the ethernet card generating an interrupt, which the OS must then decapsulate and analyze, even if the OS is truly not interested. Broadcasts generate a large number of "interesting" packets for the nic card, which triggers a large number of interrupts on the PC, which in turn takes CPU cycles away from other important tasks (like SETI@home :) ). And broadcasts are forwarded on to ALL stations on a LAN, so all stations take that performance hit. Multicasts are like broadcasts, but the NIC card can be told to only subscribe to the multicast addresses it wants, so it doesn't have to process what it is not interested in.

    A side note....If I remember correctly, this was the initial problem with the first DOOM. The first version of DOOM used broadcasts, which killed all stations on that LAN, even if they weren't running a network protocol. A later patch updated DOOM to use unicasts instead.
    NetBIOS over IP applications, like SAMBA, has the same issues. It generates broadcasts to announce "i have these services", "wheres workgroup so-and-so?", etc., etc. The saving grace of Netbios over IP is the functionality of WINS (Windows Internet Name Service, the netbios equivalent of DNS...just less scalable). With WINS, stations can register and look up other hosts on the network WITHOUT using broadcasts.

    If you run Netbios Over IP on a sizeable network, across routers, or both, USE WINS. Or enable WINS resolution via DNS. And disable NetBEUI and NetBIOS over IPX. If you run NetBIOS over multiple protocols, it will broadcast over each of those. Yuck. Bye-bye network.

    John Kramer
  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @10:38AM (#1239246)
    This is the very same NetBeui protocol you see in Windows. Microsoft Windows. Microsoft has GPL'd the NetBEUI protocol!

    Sweet jesus, do you know what this means? It means I just lost atleast a dozen bets with my friends... I have to go shave my head bald now... good grief... it's 70 and balmy in hell right now!

  • by powerlord ( 28156 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @01:34PM (#1239247) Journal
    And in a related story Tesla LLC filed suit against Marconi Corp for improper use of Patented materials. Tesla LLC claims that Marconi Corp. used their patented algorythms in the creation of the "Morse Code" protocol stack and will appear in Court on Friday seeking a priliminary injunction.
    Both Tesla LLC and Marconi Corp. were unavailable for comment.

    Guys... forget the RIAA and MPAA lawsuits we all have to come out in force for this one. Can you imagine what would happen if we lost? The precedent that gets set? Please... buy the t-shirts that copyleft is producing showing the "Morse Code" translation algorythm! Support the EFF and lets get our voices heard.


  • by Tower ( 37395 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @11:44AM (#1239248)
    >Ethernet will even allow you to run both 10 and 100 Mbps devices on thesame medium.

    Yes, but not at the same can choose one or the other for each connection. There are, of course, hubs and switches that convert the two so that your network can have both, but it's not quite the same thing.

    I don't see why I'd want my mouse over (even a personal) ethernet (that's only connected to my computer). More latency is bad - I expect and demand immediate response from my pointing device... no slowdowns are acceptable. Network printers are quite common and have been for years, though not in a home setting. There are many outboard ethernet -> parallel converters, and the smarter printers have internal cards for them - a net printer with 32/64/128MB of ram is definitely the way to go, in terms of not sapping resources (parallel ports are aweful, USB better).

    Mice need clocking and power, and you can't duplicate that over standard ethernet. An interesting idea, though.

    USB is one big shared interrupt for all of your peripherals - so there's no need for an extra network connection, and it should save at least one or two IRQs (serial and parallel - leaving one serial open).

    As for the relative pricing, I'd say USB is a lower cost solution for most things - not much translating and address matching. Much less hardware. Very little protocol overhead (as opposed to a LAN). Stands to reason the amount of hardware should reflect this.
  • by hawkestein ( 41151 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @11:59AM (#1239249)
    I for one could sure use NetBEUI under Linux. Here's why:

    I've got a 10Mb LAN set up at home with two computers, and the hub also hooks up to a cable modem. I am paying for two IP addresses from my cable company (don't ask me why I'm not using masquerading. Both machines are dual-boot, and it's too much a pain. Besides, technically I'm not allowed to do masquerading anyway).

    The problem is that the two IP's always end up being on different subnets (I don't know why Videotron does this to me. It's DHCP, and they say that they can't do anything about it)! This means that for the two machines to talk to each other over TCP, packets have to actually leave my LAN, travel over the cable modem to the router, and then back through the cable modem to the other machine.

    However, with NetBEUI my problem is solved, and I can transfer files from one machine to the other without having the packets routed out of my LAN and back in again.

  • by The-Forge ( 84105 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @11:54AM (#1239250)
    There are a few good reasons for NetBEUI. Here are a couple:

    1: It's not TCP/IP and it's not routeable, therefore non attackable unless you are on the same network.

    2: For people on cable modems, NetBEUI is a better protocol for file sharing because it doesn't get spewed out to the entire network.

    3: (Cable modems again). Screwey Cable Cos can put different machines on the same modem onto different class Cs. This makes TCP/IP really bad for moving data arround because you are limited to you modem bandwidth.

    4: A brain-dead AOL user can set it up.

    Nuf Said.
  • by The Big Bopper ( 150305 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @10:30AM (#1239251) Homepage
    Even very small LAN's now use TCP/IP. NetBEUI is a thing of the past. And where it is used, it is usually used incorrectly. I remember a large corporate network that bridged NetBEUI to over 2,000 nodes and hired me for big bucks to determine why their network was so unstable. Duh.
  • by gdav ( 2540 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @12:09PM (#1239252)
    Our site (a university in Oxford, but not the Oxford University) ran on NETBEUI for years and years. It was already well established when I joined in 1991, and some very privileged folk had network connections on - gasp - "the backbone" (a bit of coax that ran through ceiling voids and through the ducts between the buildings).

    We ran Lan Manager 2.0 with one server (running Microsoft OS/2!) and forty DOS/Windows 3.0 clients. We evaluated and immediately rejected TCP/IP because (a) the server-side stack made the server blow up and (b) the client-side stack consisted of umpteen little TSRs which together left enough real-mode memory to run EDLIN. I should also point out that we British had brilliantly chosen X25 rather than TCP/IP as our national network protocol so the Internet dawned rather late here.

    NETBEUI was succesful here for three reasons. Firstly it was "on" in a default installation of server and client. Secondly it was chatty and self-discovering, a bit like Appletalk (another technically crappy protocol that nevertheless made life easy when doing small setups). Thirdly it was monolithic and small in memory.

    Now you aren't supposed to go above about 200 nodes in a bridged environment like this, as any fule kno, but we eventually had about 2,000 nodes running NETBEUI quite happily. It was only last summer that we finally got around to implementing VLANS on the central Cisco - and this brought the house down, as Microsoft's SMB clients (in 3.11 and 95) are pretty broken when it comes to working on vanilla TCP/IP with just a minimal LMHOSTS file and DNS support (we didn't want to use WINS).

    Nowadays NETBEUI only operates in one of our VLANS, the one containing the main servers and the public PC labs. We've recently been remote-booting 95 using Lanworks ROMs and BOOTP. They load a floppy disk image which has the real-mode Lan Manager client (including NETBEUI), do a bit of hard disk integrity checking/maintenance, then whack the real-mode client on the head, vapourise the virtual A: drive, and execute Windows 95.

    Works like a charm.

    SO... what is the effect of this announcement on us? Well, back in the days of DEC we bought several big Alphas. We've been feeling pretty annoyed since Compaq/Microsoft ended development on this platform. Now, assuming that SAMBA gets modified to play nicely with this NETBEUI stack, we can give them a new lease of life by running Linux on them instead.

  • by Dr. Evil ( 3501 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @11:02AM (#1239253)

    Could NetBEUI over Ethernet be a replacement for USB? Just name your mouse "mouse", your printer "printer", etc. You could plug it into a dedicated network card, a hub, or even directly into the network. I know they can make the cables reasonably thin, they do it for PCMCIA cards already.

    How is USB any better than ethernet? Ethernet will even allow you to run both 10 and 100 Mbps devices on the same medium. I suppose the only thing you loose is the ability to line-power devices. With PCI you should even be able to share interrupts.

    What's cheaper these days, an ethernet IC, or a USB IC?

  • by Knight ( 10458 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @10:48AM (#1239254)
    As many have mentioned already, this product is so old and out-dated, no one really wants it. However, it allows Procomm to get a free image-enhancement with the Open-Source community. They give away something they don't want anyway, and in return, get lots of fuzzy feelings from us Linux geeks. I'm waiting for the day when a company like this GPLs a serious application that's actually worth something. Then, I'll be impressed.
  • by georgeha ( 43752 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @10:59AM (#1239255) Homepage
    I thought Samba already managed NetBEUI interoperability pretty well. What kind of improvements does this bring to the table?

    No, Samba does NetBIOS over TCP/IP, NetBEUI is another kind of network protocol, like TCP/IP, or IPX/SPX.

    NetBEUI isn't routable though, which is usually a bad thing.

    Microsoft itself has been moving away from NetBUIS to NetBIUOS over TCP/IP for Windows networking.

    What Samba really needs is the ability to run as a Primary Domain Controller. Will this contribution help meet that goal?

    No, but the beta version of Samba already has this, you just have to compile the code yourself.

    IIRC, Samba PDC code doesn't work well with BDC though.

  • by philg ( 8939 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @11:35AM (#1239256)

    Don't dis them for doing something we, as Free software advocates, have been asking companies to do -- namely giving mothballed products to everyone rather than hoarding them.

    Even if NetBEUI isn't viable anymore, it has value as an Open Source application:

    • The code may be interesting and instructive for students.
    • There might be life left in the old bird that the original company doesn't see -- but someone poking around with the code might come up with something.
    • Parts of its implementation could be useful for other OSS projects. Synergy is one of the most important advantages of Free software.

    Opening code that companies no longer value is more than just good PR -- it's a valuable practice, and it should be encouraged on general principal.


  • by ch-chuck ( 9622 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @11:56AM (#1239257) Homepage
    In a move that rocked the open source community, the Marconi Corp. today announced plans to GPL their "Morse Code" telegraphy protocol stack, formerly widely used for telegram transmission. "Now that we have our entire office on the open TCP/IP protocol, we felt it was time to 'give back' to the community", said Paul J. Oldtimer III, his wrist still twitching from a long session at the key. "Our Morse Code Stack is the best in the business, with centuries of development and debugging that has left it the most mature protocol available."
    Not all agreed that this boon to humanity was a welcome offer. "Telegraphy?!?" bellowed Peter D. Spittle, a Linux enthusiast and Networking consultant to the International Megabuck Banking consortium. "Who the heck uses that anymore in a competitive business environment? Maybe as a slow secure-channel protocol to thwart crackers busting in on your IP router, but for everyday use the manual routing personnel can delay packets for as long as an hour, depending on coffee breaks".
    However, officials for the Marconi Corp. insist it is still a relevant protocol. "Look, say the line between Witchata and Flagstaff goes down, you can still get a ticker tape of the message to our guy on a horse who'll get it thru! The message must get thru!!", repeated Mr. Oldtimer, slumping in his chair as the whiskey bottle fell to the floor.
  • by instant ( 29883 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @10:52AM (#1239258) Homepage
    Before all of you start to post "who cares" and slam NetBEUI as an outdated protocol (it is), let me point something out:

    A lot of people would like to be able to boot diskless DOS/Win95/Win98 boxes from a Linux server. There isn't a functional way to do that using TCP/IP. Yeah, there are some DOS IP stacks but using them prevents IP from working once Windows boots up.

    Currently the only real way to handle it is using Netware shares. But now it should be possible to do it with NetBEUI instead... a preferable solution for booting a Microsoft OS (call it evil if you want.) At home, this will let me run my Windows box without a hard drive just by hanging it off my Linux machine.

    Heck, this would be useful if only to recover a crashed Windows box without a rescue disk. :)

    NetBEUI is not dead yet!

  • by Nagumo ( 38787 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @10:56AM (#1239259)

    The fact is, someone will use it. How many times do you hit "n" when you're configuring your kernel? Lot's I'll bet. I know I do. I really don't give a crap about "Amateur Radio AX.25 Level 2 protocol", and yet somehow it snuck its way into my config script. So what? I just hit "n", and then forget about it.

    Just because you don't (or the majority of users doesn't) care about a particular feature, it doesn't mean that there's not a place for it.

  • by jmoo ( 67040 ) on Monday February 28, 2000 @10:46AM (#1239260)
    I'll be the first to tell you to get rid of Netbeui from your main network but there is one thing you can use it for.

    In a DMZ you can setup a web server and use netbeui to connect to a resource server in the same DMZ and keep your resource server safe from several types of hacks, not perfect but still gives old netbeui a job

If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
