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Ottawa Linux Symposium 2000 117

Anonymous Coward writes "Looks like a good lineup of speakers. Should be fun again this year." It takes place July 19-22. I was there last year, and had a fantastic time. Highly recommended.
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Ottawa Linux Symposium 2000

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  • Think cnews

    Think regex

    Think 10 Commandments for C programmers

    CANet, RNP as well (I was in Brazil when he spoke in Rio)

    Pretty much a legend and he still has a bunch of code in many of today's popular open source projects including Apache and PHP among many others.

  • Would be nice if these conferences would schedule themselves such that those of us without alien timewarp technologies can attend all the related ones. In particular OLS conflicts with the O'Reilly Open Source conference. Grr...

  • You know, the reason /index.html doesn't link to /2000 is that the site is not ready or "released" yet (I know the organizer). That's why there's talks like "High availability blahblahblah" and "Mike talks about something" in there. They'll get fixed eventually as soon as the speakers finalize their topics.

    I'm definately coming (over the atlantic too) if I can fit it into my schedule (and I'll try damn hard to make it fit). Last year was just so incredibly fun.
  • The Dominion Tavern on York street, next to Zaphod Beeblebrox (mainstream dance bar), that's where you want to be.. Only half decent punk rock dive bar in this town..

    Actually, I wonder if there are enough linux punks to make it worth promoting a punkrawk show well the con is on.. Probably not..

  • In that case, you might also want to check out the
    Ottawa Carleton Linux Users Group (OCLUG) [] too.


  • Hi all...
    (Sorry 'bout the slight off-topic, this was too good a chance...)

    Yeah, I'm in a similar situation (plan to graduate about one week before the show, but from a Dutch university). Looks like a great place to meet & greet the local IT crowd. (Networking's all that counts :-) ).
    So Ottawa is the place to be for IT-guys? I was thinking of Montreal, but hints about the best place to be for IT are greatly appreciated. Good to hear anyway they've got

    <SHAMELESS PLUG>If you happen to know anyone who could help me get a job in that area (Canada has that cute little 'you can get 12 months working experience here' visum for recent graduates) I'd like to hear about it... and I guess you could cash in on a little bonus from my future employer... Anyway, getting a job in Canada from this side of the big lake is kind of hard. Anyway, check my site [] for a little more info. (Darn! Have to update that one REAL soon!)</SHAMELESS PLUG>
  • by PD ( 9577 )
    I did the Eastern Canada tour three years ago (Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa) with my wife. All the cities impressed me greatly, but Ottawa was especially beautiful.
  • depends what you want...if you like cheap drinks, go to stoney's from 8 - 10..buck a drink.
    its usually fairly quite until like 10:30 or so..
    If ya like Belgique (sp?) go to the Royal Oak.
    If ya like free beer, go to the OLS functions.
  • ...loosen that tin foil are way to paranoid!
    I was at the last OLS, Corel sponsered it as well, all they had was a simple sign that said "Corel", and I think they gave away a copy of wordperfect.

    This is not a trade show, and Corel realizes that. I hope that they do sponser it again this year, because it ain't cheap to bring in a bunch of speakers, and rent rooms in a nice Hotel for the talks...also there is _tons_ of free beer at OLS!

    I am also a member of the Ottawa LUG, it has been around for longer than Corel has been interested in Linux, and they don't participate too much with us...from what I can remember over the past year they have gave away a few copies of WP (I got one :), and paid for a few buses to drive us down to Montreal for an Installfest and gave us a few copies of their beta 2 Corel Linux.

    About what you said about Americans, I would have to agree, but all the IPO's are based on American greed, rather than their self centered-ness.
  • As a jealous Torontonian, I wonder why it is that Ottawa seems to have a disproportionately cooler Linux scene. I mean, Corel, HCC, Puffin, etc.

    obRoadtrip: these dates are now in my palm pilot.
  • Even Better is the Heart and Crown in the Byward market :) ..

    Great music.. sing along ... even better beer ..

    (Hope this year it's less than $150 to attend)
  • That's fantastic - I'm moving to Ottawa in a few months for a job (just graduating)! This'll be a great way to start off living in a new city I think... I can't wait, I've never actually been to anything like this before... :-)
  • Yeah no duh there's gonna be no snow...the conference is in frickin July! We're not living in the tundra up does actually get warm for half the year.
  • True, I was just trying to provide a counterpoint to all the anti-Canada sentiment in this discussion. I just don't see why when someone mentions a tech-convention in Canada, people respond will all this name calling. I mean, it's not like we're some backward snow-bound country. Hey, my hometown might be getting a chip-fab plant.
  • Little bit of trivia. What's the only country to successfully invade the USA, and burn your capital to the ground? Give up? Look north
  • The chix are cuter at the H&C but the Celtic Cross is a lot more homey and authentic.
  • Do it in February?

    Today's high in Ottawa is -6 C. That's about 23 degrees Farenheit for the benefit of the Yanks.

    This is also why they do the Glengarry Highland games in July. It's hard to toss yer caber when it's shrunken down to a wee .... ahem, forget it.

    Californians have more summer than Ontarians. Maybe get _them_ to move their little get together.


  • Go for the OLS; stay for the beer.

    Prendre un verre de bière mon minou
    Prendre un verre de bière righthrou
    Tu prends un verre
    Tu m'en donnes pas
    J'te fais des belles façons
    J'te chante de belles chansons
    Donne-moi-z-en don.
  • If I went, I would especially look forward to two grand talks:

    L. Marowsky-Brée from an undisclosed agency no less : "High Availability Blah Blah Blah"
    M. Shaver:
    "talks about something"

    Honestly, isn't it weird that right from the beginning those talks, where the speaker doesn't give a shit (it seems), subjectively rank among the most interesting talks of this symposium?


  • I've been visiting both over a year ago, investigating how it would be to move there from the Netherlands (I moved to Switserland btw, not to Canada).

    Ottawa was by far the nicest town IMO. Montreal was second, but the problem there is that you're in Quebec. If you don't speak french very well you'll be in a bad position, as the Quebec govt really tries to separate from Canada and to eradicate the use of non-french.

    Also Ottawa clearly has more high-tech firms and better IT possibilities. In general, Ontario's economy is strong and improving, taxes are lower. Quebec, preoccupied with language wars and such, is going down and it's future doesn't seem to look so good. Lots of companies have left Quebec, because there are weird laws forcing them to only advertise in french and things like that.
  • Humm Maybe the Elephant and Castle , but of course i have no social life
  • to the success of Linux and OSS in the market place. There is an unfortunate tendency for those in the U.S to act as if they are the center of all that is Linux and OSS ( a side effect of the America tendency to look mostly inwards); this is borne out by the recent Linux IPO's. With this Symposium we see/hear indications of the great progress and inroads that Linux/OSS is making elsewhere in the world. Naturally I for one am very happy about this - it means that Toronto can't be far behind for a Linux expo (hopefully held over the weekend so I can stay for the whole event!). Of course I would be somewhat leery about this - remember that Ottawa is Corel's home town and with the recent Corel/Inprise(?)/Borland (whatever they are now) merger, they doubtless want as much Linux oriented positive spin out as possible. I didn't see any mention of Corel in the article but the fact that there is a solid LUG in Ottawa and Corel being focused in Ottawa does sound a little coincidental..
  • Anyone looking for a good place to meet after sessions? Go to the Celtic Cross,on Bank Street just north of Somerset. Wonderful Irish pub. And, as an added bonus, Murphy's Irish Stout on tap.

    How can you go wrong?

  • Welcome to Ottawa. Some people say the night life sucks, but what do they know. I moved here in 1984 after I got my doctorate from Waterloo, and I just love it. Welcome.
  • I, for one, am very glad to see this. As someone who is just plain sick and tired of The Borg, anything that raises the general public's understanding of Linux is a very, very good thing.

    I just wish there were more Linux-related events, especially ones geared towards educating the newbies.

    My (appropriately geeky) hat is off to the organizers of this, and all other Linux conferences.

  • It's superb we have such conferences.

    But timing is not good. O'Reilly's yearly
    Perl Conference is held this year in
    Monterey, CA between 17th and 20th of July.

    I think many people have interests in both
    conferences and won't be able to attend
    one of them

  • I'm especially looking forward to the day that "Mike talks about something." It's good to see that they're sparing no expense in advertising too. Great slogan... "It's not the longest URL on the net, but it's close" and "2.3 it's fast, it's scalable, it's buggy. AC." While the lineup looks interesting, the promos look cheesy, and that may very well prevent it from being taken seriously. But then again, I haven't used up the travel expense budget yet, and they're promising no snow... Nice thought, after having my car doors frozen shut the other day.

    - - - -

  • I was referring to where I am... Alberta. We DO get the odd July snowfall. Since I've been in Calgary, I've seen it snow every month of the year... and not just in the mountains.

    - - - -

  • Werner Almesberger will talk about [] the interesting possibilty of launching a new Linux kernel from within Linux. This sounds like a cool feature, in theory you wouldn't even have to restart a machine for kernel upgrades anymore.
  • The Glengarry highland games and music fest is just after OLS and not very far away. The timing is quite good in most peoples eyes 8)


  • So what is Henry Spencer's affiliation with linux?

    I already know him as the world's most knowledgable person on aerospace facts and trivia, so it's good to have him aboard.

    I might go to this one. Ottawa isn't far away at all. The last time I was there I had a great time.

    And on a side note, how can ET phone home when SETI@HOME'S servers aren't answering?

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
