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Linux Software

Simple Comprehensive Config Tools? 358

Speare asks a question which may be on the tongue of many Linux newbies: "Is there anyone working on a GNOME or X gui front-end that can help organize all of the known device configurators into one comprehensive front-end? Let me point-n-click at /dev/cua2 and see if it's got a modem on it, for example." He also has some valid comments about ways Linux Distributions can improve their configurators. I too feel that a single configurator is better than multiple configuration tools. Linuxconf is a move in the right direction, but it still has room to improve. (More)

"I admit it, I'm a Linux newbie. As I write this, it is Day Two. I've been both impressed and unimpressed with the out-of-box experience. The variety of Linux I've picked up was RedHat 6.1 for my Intel machine. I hate lowlevel hardware tweaking like determining IRQs, and have hated it for 19 years, but I figured I could go through a little more of it.

I was pleased to find that there were gui or text-mode-gui things to help me get many items configured. There were a series of tools on most of the basics like mouse, monitor, graphics card, sound, net card, modem, ppp, and so on. If I knew the name of the tool or could find it (by using the Win32 laptop still attached to the Web), I was able to get my subsystems all working with a little effort. I'm not afraid of vi or bash or emacs, but the gui setup was well-adapted to letting me run around and choose options without having to remember or learn keystrokes like C-x C-s at the same time.

Very few things seemed to be organized, either in the online help, or the tools available. Most of the things I found were by searching the support requests on the RedHat page, not in any prepared documentation. Once I found *mention* of setserial(8), I could use it or get the manpage. Once I found the /etc/inittab(5), I could tweak it to get that graphical login that rh6.1 install didn't make. And so on, for problems I faced in an unsupported PnP Sony 17" monitor stuck in 640x480 SVGA, and other problems I've yet to figure out.

If I had a *comprehensive* one-stop-shopping place to go, it would help a lot. It doesn't have to know all the esoteric PnP techniques, it just has to know how to execute the tools that have already been written.

Perhaps it would let you browse all /dev/* entries, click on each one, and it would start the configurator tool that is responsible. Or at least point the user at what /etc/*.conf file was useful. I would hope to see loopback tests and more importantly, what to do or where to look if something's not working resources, even if they're just URLs back to the distro or author of the uberconfig tool."

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Simple Comprehensive Config Tools?

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Isn't YaST a bit like that?

    And isn't that something Corel must have put into their distribution?

  • As far as I know, KDE 2.0 is supposed to have such a tool. I've only seen screenshots of it, though; can anyone else elaborate on that tool's quality?
  • I use debian and am a little partial to debconf which does a great deal of the important setup information for many packages. This was reventle (about a month ago) given its own package and can have various levels of importance with regard to prompts.
    However your best bet is linuconf or maybe a gnome app (sorry can't think of the name because I only used it once)
    which allowed for editing system files and such.
  • The organization i work with/for/own a slice of is actually in the process of creating such a tool that will do all that speare is asking for and then a whole lot more. its simple, secure, graphical, network aware and... well... there is so much to say about it that you may as well just wait till its out... it will be GPLed and the release is slated for the first week of march (we have 5 full time developers working on it). watch yer freshmeat =)
  • Because the "idiots", as you put it, are the ones who buy the software, and Linux isn't going to be very commercially viable unless the "idiots" can set it up and use it. And Linux will have to be commercially viable to get the same attention from large developers that Windows does...

    If you can't figure out how to mail me, don't.
  • Since Corel is based upon Debian I think that the various config methods (notibly debconf and things related to apt) are the norm.
    Corel I believe has added some of their stuff for the install and probably improved the apt front end greatly with some form of gui or something.
  • This sounds good, do you have a name for the product so we'll know what to look for??

    If you can't figure out how to mail me, don't.
  • Try using Xconfigurator for you video problem. Make sure you know the type of video card and how much memory is on it first though... It will then ask you what type of monitor you have. 17" Sony is one of the options
  • This is a person that was brand new to Linux. You can hardly expect someone like that to just dive in and write it. You were new to Linux once, right?

    I swear, it's attitudes like these that make me wonder how Linux ever got anywhere.

    If you can't figure out how to mail me, don't.
  • the new 7.x release of Mandrake w/ Cooker (beta), DrakX, linuxconf and Econf as defaults?

  • If you think this is the case look at all win32 api documentation then tell me about it. Generally the user interface in windows is more idiot proof than most (except the mac). However it does not mean that any idiot could do anything they want from the OS in an idiot proof manner.
    What must be stated is that if all you want is to play games then you can easily do this in liunx in an idiot proof manner. However if you want to do something complex in a simple manner you may be stretching it. Any OS that tried to do something complex in an idiot proof wawy usually fails because of the complexity or because of lacking flexibility.
  • I've played around with Linuxconf and the Gnome configuration tools, and have been generally unimpressed with the "embed everything into one tabbed panel" approach of the two. I use simple console-based tools or vi to edit the config files, but would welcome a set of *loosely integrated* tools, each specialized to work with modems, mice, etc. under X.

    One approach, although windows-like, would be to make each applet a dynamically-linked library. A central "control-panel" applet could enumerate the shared libraries in a directory, calling some function like 'struct cp_ops init_panel(void);" to get a list of the functions to call for opening the applet, closing the applet, or assigning the applet an "owner window" (if such a thing exists). Among the "struct cp_ops" members could be a name, description, etc. This would be highly extensible, and wouldn't be limited to any one "master" application: other client programs could easily link in the "official" control panel operations, or simply reimplement them by calling into the applets directly.

    I'm sure there's some really good argument for the ORBit/COM-like OO approach to configuration tools, but in practice I just haven't seen it work. If the embedded applets wouldn't do funny things like disappear when I press OK (GNOME), I would probably be singing their praises right now.

    Is the aforementioned (and simple ) approach adequate? Is there some use or situation for which it would fail?
  • by dw ( 5168 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @01:06PM (#1346435)
    Webmin is an excellent configuration tool that everyone should check out once. It's particularly good at configuring server processes such as sendmail and DNS.

  • I'm not saying to make it "idiot-proof". I like linux precisely because it gives me such fine control over the OS. I"m just saying that there's no reason not to give the idiots the tools to stay away from that kinda control if they don't want it. Maybe like two layers - one idiot-proof, but you can drop into the more detailed version if you want it...

    I see nothing wrong with making it appealing to the "idiots". We don't have to sacrifice anything but our elitism.

    If you can't figure out how to mail me, don't.
  • Automation and GUIs are great, as long as the "traditional methods" don't get broken. SMIT on AIX can be great, but some of the /etc stuff doesn't work, any more. Even worse, some of that is still there. So I would say that any GUI config tool should work through existing /etc stuff rather than around it.

    RedHat skirts around this issue, a little. The regular /etc stuff is there and works, but it was typically machine generated. The original data is often back in /etc/sysconfig, and if you use linuxconf again later, your changes are ignored and wiped over.
  • Yes and look at their market share as compared to Windows. It's paltry. True, they have lots of commercially viable SERVER software, but the average end user isn't interested in that. They'll be content to let someone else do that, I could almost hear the shouts of glee when I set up an IRC server for a friend. But when it comes to end-user software, I stand by my statement.

    And I don't particularly like babysitting idiots either, but at the same time I don't like the elitism that a lot of the Linux community shows when faced with this problem. Give them what they want. Give us what we want. Everyone's happy and the world benefits.

    If you can't figure out how to mail me, don't.
  • right now the "code name" is olympus... the company's name is Mount Linux... so you can probably see the reason for the name @;-)

    here's a few more teasers on the software: its 100% modular, can admin more than one machine at once, and works w/Linux now and will be ported (which is trivial) to *BSD, AIX, Solaris, etc... the front end will also be ported to windows...

    if you are interested in finding out more or getting involved in the development of what is the next generation in Linux/Unix config/admin tools, drop me a line at aseigo@mountlinux.com

  • I've used webmin. It works but I found it very lacking in a lot of respects. It's not easily configurable and it's not under the GPL, you're not permitted to redistribute your changes.

    I gave it to the support staff where I used to work... they didn't like it and I came to realize it was a mistake.

    If you can't figure out how to mail me, don't.
  • All these add are gui *front ends*. Meaning that nothing changes. Thank you.
  • This isn't about idiot proofing Linux, it's about making it user-friendly. The only way Linux will become commonplace (more so than it is) is if ordinary people can use it and if it does a better job of what they need done. Sure if Linux stays mysterious and difficult to Joe SixPack, then it will remain on the outskirts of what is standard. This is what I hate about the little percentage of assholes in the "linux is sooper leet" group. They think that just because someone needs a little bit (or maybe a lot) of help with some small things that the people asking for help are automatically idiots and don't deserve the help. Ok, so maybe some people don't have the computer aptitude to install Linux and tweak it instantly on the first try. And maybe they don't grasp concepts of Linux as fast as others, but as long as they're trying to make steps in the right direction for themselves, I say "more power to ya!"

    As for myself, I've tried Linux several times on different occasions and concluded that it was a neat OS to run but my Win NT box is doing everything I need it to at the moment and it hasn't crashed once since I rebuilt my computer. If Linux offered better performance over NT on most of the things I use it for, then I'd have cause to switch but as it stands Win NT suffices.

    Make it user friendly for the masses but first make sure it's what they need.

  • by itachi ( 33131 ) <mwegner@ c s . o berlin.edu> on Saturday January 22, 2000 @01:15PM (#1346446)
    I don't really have an answer here, more of an expansion to the question, I guess. Since tools like linuxconf can be so dangerous (big gaping security hole waiting to be exploited in the machine isn't properly configed, and who is going to be most likely to not know what config is dangerous? First time users. Not to mention breaking things that you don't understand...), is that really the best answer? I think that a better solution to this would be a very detailed set of installation and/or config documents. For some things, this isn't that big a deal - if you can't get quake3 running in the first 20 minutes the machine was booted into *nix/BSD, you'll live. But if you don't know how to deal with basic config and setup, you can leave yourself open to being rooted, and that is a danger not only to yourself, but to everyone who has a computer that is network accessible from yours. Not a problem for the home box with nothing but loopback, but a serious problem for someone installing linux in their office, or on a college campus, or attaching to a DSL or cable modem. Personally, the way I first did this was by looking for man pages associated with everything in /etc. But that's time consuming, and there's plenty of stuff you don't learn that way. I suppose that for a given item you want to setup, that might not be that bad a method, for the moment. Still, I like the notion of a big pile of documentation. IIRC, red hat used to sell a package where you got these two immense reference manuals along with the distro cd and some other cds of software. Something like that would be good for a first time install, I think. Although it would have to be done just right - easily cross referenced, available in text or digital form, and up to date. Having meandered about this notion, I think it'll never happen, because it is that most feared and hated part of the programming project - documentation. Bummer, dude.

    Now, in an attempt at answering, I would say that YaST is a really good tool for this, although I don't know if it can be shoehorned onto anything other that suse. YaST is fun and fabulous, although it doesn't do everything. But what it does, it does nice.


  • That's really a fairly lame thing to say. The simple fact is that there is a lot of stuff out there in relation to Linux that even keeping track of it all sometimes blows my mind.
    Then you have to know how to code. I think it's asinine at best to assume that every Linux user needs to be a programmer. Not everyone who wants to use a robust quality OS like Linux has the time or inclination or knowledge to write code.
  • There are always ways to get around GUIs but they are usually not easy. All it takes is some knowledge about what the config file looks like and then you can edit it.
  • by KGBear ( 71109 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @01:19PM (#1346451) Homepage
    That kind of questions, coupled with what the guy finds 'impressive' and 'not impressive', is exactly what I fear most about the future of Linux.

    The impression that everything is not organized comes from someone who knows nothing about Unix; I mean, "once I found /etc/inittab".

    I understand the need the GUI generation (and most of non-geeks) have for easy to use tools, especially if Linux wants to take over the desktops (which I'm not sure is a good idea anyway), but I really worry about it turning Linux into something it's not, which is difficult to use for the experienced user.

    Please be careful with automated tools. To try to put all the Unix miriad configuration files under ONE tool has a huge potential for chaos. It's almost inevitable the thing is going to get out of sync as already happens with linuxconf, unless you refrain from doing any kind of configuration by hand.

    My feeling is that half the problems of the Windows family are caused just by that - the GUI and the need to make everything easy.

    Maybe if Linux would split into 2 things, one of them being what already exists and the other some distribution for the masses. If something like this does happen, I'll bet anyone the version for the masses will not be nearly as stable and flexible as the original design.

    Please, guys, make your install/config tools, but be careful!

  • by JamesSharman ( 91225 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @01:20PM (#1346454)

    I think we can start of with a sem-apropriate quote from Brian Behlendorf:

    ``The great thing about mod_rewrite is it gives you all the configurability and flexibility of Sendmail. The downside to mod_rewrite is that it gives you all the configurability and flexibility of Sendmail.'' -- Brian Behlendorf
    Apache Group
    The point I'm trying to make here is that traditionaly under unix configuration has been quite a complex thing. Practicly everything under wintel has been designed with a cutsie little 'properties' dialogue in mind. Most of the time under unix the system and tools are vastly more configurable. Just look at the network thingy in a windows control panel, it's unwealdy, obease and not entirely effective at getting the job done, now imagine what it might look like under linux with the 10 fold greater flexibility the architechture lends to configuration. It may well be possible to design simple dialogues to hland the simple stuff like ip address, dialup and the like (effectively just the definitions at the top of all the config scripts and a few enable dissables). What you are unlikely to see however is an 'apply' button that asks you to 'please wait while I recompile the kernal', it's just plain silly. A certain degree of configuration can be hidden from the user by dialogues but until some big changes under the hood are implemented sooner or latter your going to have to roll your sleaves up. The question you then need to ask is how much flexibility are we willing to sacrifice for user friendliness?
  • When I first installed Linux, I knew very little about the nuts and bolts of an operating system. Having been a Mac user for years, I had no idea as to the workings of an OS, how an OS did the things it did. Using Linux (LinuxPPC) forced me to quickly develop an understanding of the things that make an OS tick.

    IMHO, I like the lack of GUI config tools, and, with the exception of kernel config, I hardly ever use them.
  • kppp, modemtool or XISP can do it..kppp is probably the best pointer and clicker tho. and yes, it works on gnome and ships with redhat.
  • heh... i'm part of a team developing linux/unix config tools right now and this is similar to the approach we have taken when it comes to the diversity of "things" to admin/config.. it only makes sense... every module in our software is a shared library, gets its own window and relies on the core client to actually communicate to the machine(s) (file i/o, networking, etc) =)

    our software will be out (GPL'd of course!) first week of march... company: Mount Linux... software is currently code named olympus (because we developers can't come up with a better one at the moment.. too busy having fun coding the damn thing)

  • by olmy ( 11401 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @01:24PM (#1346460) Homepage
    Although I can appreciate many people's desire to
    have GUI config tools to help with configuration
    in linux (devices, xwindows, daemons, startup, etc), I'd like to point out the following:

    most GUI tools of this ilk are linux-specific.
    One thing I always tell friends (esp. when configuring apache, bind, sendmail, etc) is that
    they should go straight to the config files. One
    of the strengths of linux is that configuring it
    gives you an introduction to other unices as well.

    If you can configure apache's httpd.conf on linux,
    then you can also configure it on freebsd, solaris, aix, and just about any other UNIX it will port to. That's a valuable skill to learn --
    and one that the GUI tool won't help you with.

    By all means, play around with GUI configurators,
    but learn what they actually configure and where.
    Look at the config files. Learn to configure these
    things with vi and you'll go a long way towards a
    wider world.

    (one thing I did like about AIX Smit is that it
    displayed the CLI syntax once it kicked off a
    configuration task -- not bad).

  • by Anonymous Coward
    But, who's after 'market share'? Linux was not about market share, but about people writting code for fun, and to share their knowledge.
    I have no commercial interest whatsoever in Linux, and seeing the latest hype with the RedHat and VALinux IPO has done nothing but sicken me, seeing how we spend more time making things 'pretty' instead of fixing them, just so that some company can then go out there and make a wad of cash selling shares when they really never turned in any profit, nor actually have a 'real' product.
    I do not agree with windows users moving to Linux, because the learning curve is HUGE. I do not agree with people devoting a large amount of time making things as simple as 'point-and-click' because it takes away the need for a clue on the user's side.
    Look at the amount of packet kiddies out there, and the number of 'hackers' popping up allover the place simply because distributions like redhat make it easy for a clueless person to put a server online on their cable modem which will then become a happy spam relay box, a smurf amplifier, a shellbox for kidz, etc etc.
    Now tell me... is it really worth it ?
  • yes... mucking with files this way is Not Good.

    any gui tool in unix (imho) should always allow the user to hand edit the file in question if they want to... there is not reason not to, really...

    also, conventions must be kept to and prior modifcations/changes should be respected and held to.

  • Dude, at some point you never used linux before. Or unix. Or any computer. Now, unless you're really going to be starting up a seriously real psychic friends network, at some point between then and now, someone showed you what to do to make it go. What's being discussed is not turning *nix/bsd into something made by playskool, what's being discussed is how first time users are supposed to learn how to use linux without asking you for help. Frankly, with the attitude you're displaying, I think that the *nix community is better off with nobody asking you for help.

    itachi, former phone monkey who knows the difference between lusers and clients...

  • Linux isn't going to be very commercially viable unless the "idiots" can set it up and use it.

    Well, you know, I'm an idiot too, before I've had my first cup of coffee and any time I'm not paying close attention :-) Also, there are always parts of the system I've never delved in to and where I really do like to be held by the hand, even if the second time I do it I do it the manly way. The thing I like about linuxconf is, it really does tell you a lot about how the system is structured, and how it goes about doing the stuff it does. That's wonderful: linuxconf is a learning tool, for newbies, admins and hackers alike.

    When creating these new tools let's never forget that they're not just for newbies - they're going to be used by professionals as well, so let's design them according.
  • Linux is quite complex and to simplify the installation too much would deprive people to use it for more complex setup. An example is RedHat 6.1 compared to 6.0, to make it more "easy" to install and less chance of going wrong, users are prevented from running fdisk during installation. (RH are you listening? Put it back...)

    Simpler installation attracts people like the "newbie" who want to try things, but it frustrates more experience users. There cannot be a one size fit all distribution, Corel tries to address the naive user market, RedHat tries to address moderate to experience user, etc. If he has installed Corel instead, he don't even have to deal with /dev stuff.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Any linux config tool should not require X *cough*redhat*cough*mandrake*cough*. Some of are trying to set up Linux on 486s or 386s with 4MB or 8MB of RAM with small 135MB hard drives. I ain'ts gots no steenkin' room for X.
  • If Linux offered better performance over NT on most of the things I use it for, then I'd have cause to switch but as it stands Win NT suffices.

    Methinks we very nearly have a convert :-)
  • Linuxconf has gotten a lot better over the past 6 months, and I find it adequate for 90% of my configuration needs. You can add users, edit mounted disks, modify the network setup, config Apache and Samba, and even edit the default init level (one of the problems mentioned in the post.) It seems to play fairly nice with existing text config files, and the web interface is a really neat idea.
    Now when it comes to configuring hardware, I think Red Hat's simply the best, with Kudzu and Xconfigurator. Kudzu runs at bootup and, if new hardware is detected, will install and auto-configure the needed drivers. Xconfigurator, the well-known X config tool, is adequate, but this is one area that could use a make-over. I anticipate better tools after the release of XFree86 4.0.
    I've never had a problem getting supported hardware to work with RH 6.1. Didn't even need to edit any text files!
  • The dream of one unified tool to manage your system is but a dream.

    Todays computer systems are complex things, just tcp/ip reqiures a 600 pages book to cover the basic, and people think that thinks that it could be melted down to one single "network control panel" are dreaming.

    The traditional unix way of handling complexity is to break things down into smaller packages which could be managed on their own, imho a sensible aproach, top-down. But the drawback is obvious, you get the 2367 config files /etc.

    I hope not for one tool to manage my system but rather a set of tools, perhaps integrated by a "front-end", the best aproach I have on this so far is made by http://www.linux-mandrake.com/ , things like http://www.linux-mandrake.com/lothar/ , the lothar project seems to be heading in the right direction. But as with all software theese things take time to mature and become really usable.

  • The dream of one unified tool to manage your system is but a dream.

    Todays computer systems are complex things, just tcp/ip reqiures a 600 pages book to cover the basics, and people think that thinks that it could be melted down to one single "network control panel" are dreaming.

    The traditional unix way of handling complexity is to break things down into smaller packages which could be managed on their own, imho a sensible aproach, top-down. But the drawback is obvious, you get the 2367 config files /etc.

    I hope not for one tool to manage my system but rather a set of tools, perhaps integrated by a "front-end", the best aproach I have on this so far is made by http://www.linux-mandrake.com/ , things like http://www.linux-mandrake.com/lothar/ , the lothar project seems to be heading in the right direction. But as with all software theese things take time to mature and become really usable.

  • But, interestingly enough, most of the kinds of changes being talked about here wouldn't require kernel recompiles. Changing IP address, setting up a modem, etc. all are much faster to do in Linux than in Windows, where 3 or 4 reboots are sometimes required (Don't believe me? Try installing a Proxim Symphony card). In Linux it's as simple as editing the correct config files and ifdown/ifup. But the tools out there that do this stuff, Linuxconf being the most general purpose one, are inadequate or unwieldy.
  • by jetpack ( 22743 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @01:44PM (#1346482) Homepage
    Disclaimer: this is not a bashing of admintools .. please bare with me :)

    I've been kicking around unix systems for some years now, and I've developed a love/hate relationship with admin tools (both GUI and text-based). I tend to lean towards the hate category and edit config files by hand as much as possible.

    "Why", you ask? Because if I don't figure out how to do it by hand, when things go south, you either wind up learning to do it by hand, or you often are out of luck. It seems to me that it is better to know all the nasty bits up front, rather than wait for Bad Things to happen later and have to figure things out then (often under pressure from time constraints).

    Now, this is not an admintool-bashing argument; I'd love to see the end-all-be-all suite of admin tools. However, what I would *most* like to see in an admin tool is more feedback. Specifically, if I'm going to be using linuxconf (for example), when I hit the apply button, I want it to *tell* me what it's doing, and preferably log all the changes it's making. That way, I have a clue where to look if linuxconf isn't doing the Right Thing. That would go along way towards helping newcomers to linux: they'd have a central place to go for configuration *and* learn what was going on behind the scenes for those times when it really matters.

    As a second example, consider the debate about the ease of installing windows vs installing linux. Windows installation is usually described as easier, right? In many ways, I'd say this is true (altho it's the delta is narrowing all the time). However, you've probably had those times when installing windows didn't go so well. And when it goes badly, what happens? You are in a world of hurt. Why is that? Because it doesn't tell you what it's trying to do behind the seens; you can't fix things because you can't even figure out what is supposed to be fixed (at least not without an enormous amount of effort or prior knowledge of windows).

    So, in summary, I think anyone developing configuration tools should really consider keeping the tool's users informed about what is going on under the hood, rather than hiding the operations completely. That would help both the user, and the tool's maintainer.
  • by Len ( 89493 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @01:50PM (#1346484)
    So far, I've seen comments saying: (paraphrased)
    • You're an idiot if you don't already know all the magic incantations to configure a Linux system;
    • Write your own config tool;
    It seems that there are quite a few people who think that Linux should not be used by people who don't program; or that Linux is a club for nerds who can rhyme off everything in /etc without drawing breath.

    If, on the other hand, Linux is supposed to be an OS that can actually be useful as an OS, shouldn't it be possible to install it properly without having another PC handy for Web queries? Fun's fun, but you shouldn't have to take a "Linux for Geeks" course before you can even boot it up.

    I don't think the issue is so much GUI vs. CLI configuration, but rather having some tool available "to execute the tools that have already been written", as the article said.

    Or maybe I'm wrong, and I'm just not ready to join the Holy Order of Linux Initiates.

  • by cadfael ( 103180 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @01:59PM (#1346492) Homepage Journal
    To an extent, yes. A bimodal tool (addressing needs of the expert user and the new to the system) would be of value to the WHOLE Linux market. I realize that many folks have a bias that makes them feel that Linux would be best served by keeping it highly complex, but you restrict the usability of the OS by doing so. Consider something like Jakob Nielsen's usability heuristics, one of which states that you should support the new user with comprehensive assistance and an obvious interface, but also provide shortcuts to the advanced user. I beieve that there is room for both in the Linux community. Perhaps the resource for the new user could be an agent that could be a module to be compiled if selected, so that the new user has the help, and the experienced user could merely not install it. Just my 2 cents (Canadian, so that's about 1.6 cents US). Cadfael
  • This is both a blessing and a curse. I hated Windows because it insisted on holding my hand when I didn't want my hand held, so, what was the first thing I did when I installed Linux, I ran Linuxconf.

    Linuxconf is a phenomenally capable tool. Sure it is rough in spots and annoying in spots and it writes hideous smb.conf files, but it does at least give someone a place to start. The curse part, however, is that I started relying on the tool instead of educating myself as to what was going on underneath the Linuxconf interface. So, I quit using Linuxconf and started doing everything by hand. Now I know what goes on on my systems (the last Linuxconf module I regularly used was the Sendmail module, I recently started using the M4s, and then ran into the arms of Postfix, but that's a different story).

    Now, I sometimes use Linuxconf again to do quick and dirty network stuff, but at least I know what Linuxconf is doing!

    If we are ever going to reach the "average" users, tools like Linuxconf must succeed and we shouldn't look down on the tools or those who use those tools (and I've seen some of that invective on this thread). Just be glad that as with most things Linux we have a choice!

    Stand Fast,

  • by Christopher B. Brown ( 1267 ) <cbbrowne@gmail.com> on Saturday January 22, 2000 @02:13PM (#1346504) Homepage
    What the world probably needs is for someone to build a "barneyfied" GUI tool for the construction of cfengine [hioslo.no] scripts.

    cfengine is a sort of generic "configuration control" languge. You define things like lines that should be in /etc/hosts , or things that should be mounted, or files that ought to be kept up to date with central repositories, rotating system logs, fixing file permissions, and other similar sorts of things.

    A daily/hourly run will go through and "clean up" whatever isn't set according to the instructions.

    There's a client/server variation called cfd that allows you to push configuration across a network on demand.

    The big point to this is that it treats system set up more like "immunology" than anything else. From a security perspective, this is very good. You get some security rules set up, run them regularly, and fix/prevent holes.

    Perhaps more useful, once you set up some common rules for a site, installing a new system becomes real easy: you just need to get as far as installing cfengine, get some config files over, whether via floppy, CD, or NFS mount, and then type # cd /etc/cfengine; cfengine and depending on the sophistication of the rules, you may never need to log on as root again.

    For instance, you might set up a location where machines mount a filesystem containing package upgrades or configuration file upgrads, and automagically install them.

    The regrettable thing is that cfengine doesn't have the "barneyfication" that naive users may want/need.

    On the other hand, it has the major virtue over things like Linuxconf that it is a tool for building configuration systems rather than being a front end that is tightly connected to the back end.

    I could see:

    • Building a GUI tool that manipulates some combination of templates and data. That allows providing a relatively friendly front end for what could be a bit offputting.
    • Using cfengine as the tool for pushing package configuration into place on one's system.

      Thus, rather than merely doing a "cp foo /etc/foo; chmod 774 /etc/foo", the configuration process might include asking the user for input of critical bits of configuration, and constructing a cfengine script that might even be usable to "clean up" if you've done something icky and want to fix the package.

      This would also make it natural to create a little script for a given package that might do security checks, perhaps automagically turning off dangerous options or the like.

  • by Booker ( 6173 )
    That's my biggest beef with Linuxconf - when I resort to using it because I don't know how to do it by hand, I would *really* like to have it tell me which file it's editing, at the very least - this would make it a good learning tool, as well as a good config tool.

    I guess that's what you said. But I completely agree. :)
  • It could be nice if as many config files as possible were in some standardised markup language, such as some XML-family language. That way, a GUI tool could parse them, or you could edit them directly.

    Actually, it would be nice if all the cli tools output a standard command template that could have a gui wrapper autmatically put around it. The amiga almost had this - every compliant command produced a template when called with ? as a command line option, whcih could be fed into a tool such as Gui4Cli (on aminet) to build a GUI automatically. The template wasn't quite general enough for everything, but if each command output a GUI code in XML when called with foo --gui, then very newbie-friendly distros could be built.

  • by Booker ( 6173 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @02:30PM (#1346525) Homepage
    gecco [sourceforge.net], on sourceforge, looks interesting. It has a way to go, but it has a cool plugin architecture that should make it easy for various people to contribute to it, and make it a good all-around tool...
  • by costas ( 38724 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @02:34PM (#1346527) Homepage
    Why is a GUI a bad thing? I totally disagree with you that the GUI and the need to things the 'pretty' way is what makes Windows unstable. What makes Windows unstable is that it is a huge engineering effort, accomplished by one company and closed to outside scrutiny. It's like Ford kept developing cars with the hoods shut off and explossives triggered to the hood ;-)...

    GUIs are good. Humans primarily rely on visual information, not a buncha #s and ;s and ugly Unix-y text files. I've been administering/using Unix boxes for a decade now: I am sick, sick and tired of all the different little syntaxes and quirks thrown into every configuration file (Sendmail is the champion of quirkiness, of course).

    Stop the madness! You can/should/have to standardize... even win16 had a consistent *.ini file syntax that made sense even if you had never seen the application before. Why can't Unix standardize? why not Linux? not only it will help admins, it will make the creation of a GUI layer on top, much, much easier. As things are now, every utility needs a parser to make sense out of its config file...

    Better stop ranting now... I am going back to my POS 98 laptop, fondly remembering the days when a reliable, pretty, configurable Unix still existed: it was called NeXTStep :-(...

    engineers never lie; we just approximate the truth.
  • by costas ( 38724 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @02:42PM (#1346528) Homepage
    I'll go one step further: we don't just need more feedback from admintools (actually, I agree with the two-layer approach: a high-level, newbie layer and a lower-level, expert layer of feedback): we need bette configuration files. There was an idea being thrown around in a previous /. discussion for standardizing on an XML-derived config syntax. Now, wouldn't that be nice? Standardized config-files with parsable comments... a GUI layer would be only a parser away.

    engineers never lie; we just approximate the truth.
  • by Hrunting ( 2191 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @02:44PM (#1346529) Homepage
    I see a lot of comments both for and against this type of comprehensive system maintenance, and I have my own personal opinions on the matter that simply don't matter. I will summarize what I see, though, in these two statements:
    1. Configuration shouldn't be complicated by GUIs that may not be able to handle hand-edited text files accurately. System administration should involve handling this configuration through text files as has been done before.
    2. Yes, this is exactly what Unix needs. Configuration is two hard for newbies and making it graphical, like Windows and MacOS have done would encourage more people to switch to Linux.

    The viewpoints are extreme oversimplifications, but the point is made. What we're seeing is a split both over how Linux should be used, and I think, how it will be used. And it says a lot about what Linux needs. Linux's install base is diversifying so much that one solution is not going to fit everyone. On the one hand I say, "Yes, a comprehensive graphical system manager would be fantastic!" On the other, "But you're not learning system administration, which is what Linux is all about."

    Linux is too complex for the newbie. It's just a fact, and it's going to have to be accepted. Steps have already been taken to change that, but in large part, these efforts have been controlled by people who aren't newbies and don't understand all of the troubles. Microsoft does this sort of testing, and the Linux community does not. When we need something like this, something that targets an audience that's "not us", we copy Microsoft, and since our systems weren't designed like Microsoft's, it's a kludge. It works, but not necessarily very well, and it's certainly not cohesive, and probably never will be, simply because it's being done by many separate people, not one overarching company. It's one of the downfalls of open-source software, a minor one for anyone who doesn't use corporate software.

    Someone can very easily develop a fully comprehensive system manager. Parts have already been started. The end result is something that really bastardizes the idea of what Linux is, a server OS that is very complex and very loosely organized, but it does work for the newbie, because it hides all that. The end result is really two different versions of Linux, which is really what Microsoft has with its Windows line. The Windows schism isn't necessarily a bad thing, except that they are two different implementations. With Linux, the community has a chance to produce that seeming "schism" in one implementation. If done right, security, which config files can of course break, can be set at install time, and the system manager will never touch it. A more advanced user, of course, would take care of all that on his own, and probably never need the manager. It's the same OS. The implementation is even the same. On one hand, though, you are setting the security at install time, and in the other, the user's taking care of it.

    I don't want one of these 'system managers'. My Linux doesn't need one of these 'system managers'. But Linux as a community does, if it's ever going to be viewed as having its act together. Webmind and Linuxconf don't cut it. Newbies need a manager that can act just like we do when we manage our systems. Can a community that produces so many things separately do that as one? Who knows.
  • I have installed just about every variety of Linux that I have heard about. Mostly out of curiousity.

    From my experience, Mandrake 7.0 seems to be what every newbie is looking for. The installation is GUI based and very straightforward. It also lets you tweak the X configuration and test it before committing to it in the installation. That way any one can test their resolutions and color depths.

    After that, such things mentioned earlier such as DrakConf and Lothar make matters much easier for setting up thigns such as the sound card.

    On the other hand, it might make things a little too simple and cause someone to get lazy and never learn any aspects of the CLI. But, nothings perfect.

    On a side note, and off topic:
    Everyone seems to be pro linux, screw microsoft, but in the same sense, everyone also seems to have the "Why should we make things any easier" attitude. Either you want more linux advocates, or you don't. Pick a direction.

  • by Wolfier ( 94144 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @02:46PM (#1346532)
    Graphical all-in-1 configuration tool is a great idea - but it is ahead of its time. Here's why:

    First, configuration file formats changes from one version of the same software to the next. It is unlikely that the team who writes the config utilities catch up soon enough with the team who makes the programs to be configured.

    Second, different programs have different configuration files. It makes it hard for a single configuration utility to recognize them all.

    Third, the existing tools seem to be too tree-structured, taking away the simplicity advantage they first try to provide. (anyone besides me who hates linuxconf?)

    INI files is one of the few things about Windows that I like. I'd love to know if anyone has started to unify the format of all the configuration files into, say, XML?

    Another possibility is to have the author of each program write its own configuration cgi script,
    Then some project can be started to make a configuration server to gobble them all up at an HTTP port (ala SWAT)

    As of now, the closest thing I can get is to have a text editor that support projects. Put a bunch of config files into a project....I prefer this to linuxconf. You get the idea.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I would have to say that just because it looks like windows, it doesn't make it bad. I am not a windoze lover, however I have to work with the device manager a bit (network techie) and I can't say that I have any qualms with how they organize/display their information. It is intuitive, and relatively easy to use. I think something that *nix users tend to forget is that just because it is easy to do/use that doesn't necessarily make it bad/worse than a similar, but hard to use utility.

    I definitely think that Linux could only benefit from something like that. I have had (and still do have, on occasion) similar troubles. It isn't using the config files that is the problem, it is finding them. It only makes sense to provide some method of centrilization for configuration. Coincidental cohesion.

  • Saying of Windows that "everything is in the registry" is similar to saying of Unix, "everything is on the file system". Everything's in that one place, but it's a big, complicated place. (That is one of the central points of Unix, anyway -- that everything is a file.)

    If you look at it this way, Windows has the same problem the Unices, but it has a way around it. (The difference is that Unix started with the problem, and MS retrofitted it in. :)

    Documentation, as you imply, is important. Unix documentation, although not centrally organized, is all over the place; OTOH, there are many things about MS products you don't learn unless you take their courses or buy their resource kits. (Or someone who has shows you.)

    If I were Bill or Steve, I would trade the dollars for the knowledgeable user base. No, wait. On second thought, if I were either of those two guys, I'd quit my job tomorrow, buy a bunch of secluded land, and build a palatial high-tech hermitage. Hey, wait....


  • by DragonHawk ( 21256 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @02:57PM (#1346541) Homepage Journal
    That's my biggest beef with Linuxconf - when I resort to using it because I don't know how to do it by hand, I would *really* like to have it tell me which file it's editing...

    linuxconf offers you the option of previewing your changes before it applies them. When you quit the program, choose "Preview what has to be done".

    This is on Red Hat 6.1, linuxconf 1.16r3.2-2, but I'm pretty sure it has done this for a long time.
  • by helix_r ( 134185 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @03:02PM (#1346543)

    You can have your cake and eat it too. The existence of easy to use graphical tools does not necessarily mean that text-based tools are going out the window (no pun intended).

    Face it, some things are just a nightmare in linux. For example, making it so that you can have decent good-looking fonts in X requires a brilliantly written 20+ page how-to. Things just HAVE TO get better than this. Very few people have the time to read dozens of pages of information to change each little aspect of their computing experience.

    Graphical front-ends are a good idea, epecially for administrative tasks that are done once per installation or that are changed infrequently or on machines that are administered by someone that is not a professional administrator. It is very hard to remember the details of commands like mount, for example. The man page is very long and complex for this command and it creates a feeling of dread in someone that just wants to get some work done.

  • Disregarding for the moment my own opinion on the GUI config vs. CLI debate, I see a lot of people getting confused in this thread about the idea of easy to use compared to easy to learn.

    Example: vim makes text editing easy for me. It makes programming easy. Was it easy to learn? No, not really. Is it worth it, though? I think so.

    Example: Debian makes maintaining my box incredibly easy. Easy to learn? Hah! But the payoff, once again, is there.

    I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point. Please keep this idea in mind as you think about how to improve the GNU/Linux system. There's nothing wrong with making things easier to learn, as long as you don't trade away ease of use.

    Ian Peters
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @03:09PM (#1346550) Homepage
    The whole area of configuration and installation needs to be rethought. The classic UNIX approach, a collection of related textfiles, sucks. The Windows registry seemed like a good idea, but Microsoft managed to botch that. Layering an installer in a procedural language on top of either of those representations almost works, and it's the "almost" that leads to most system administration problems.

    What's needed is a declarative, as opposed to procedural, way to specify what "installed" means for a device or a software package. The problem with procedural representations is that it's hard to do much with them except run them. Given the specification of something in this form, along with specification of previously installed things, it should be possible to perform all the following operations:

    • Determine whether everything currently installed is installed properly and intact.
    • Determine whether or not installing a new component would invalidate the installation of anything already installed.
    • Install or uninstall any component without impacting other components.
    • Check and fix the installation of any component.

    The key idea here is to get away from procedural scripts and to move toward a declarative representation that can be used for multiple purposes.

    This is kind of abstract. To be more concrete, you want a description of a component that contains lots of information like:

    Package XXX requires file YYY with checksum ZZZ installed in directory DDD.

    This provides information that an installer or an uninstaller needs, but more important, it allows you to find conflicts between components. That's the part of configuration and installation that usually gives trouble.

    "cfengine" is a step in the right direction, but they don't quite have it right. A popular package that got this right, one that let you do all four operations listed from the same description, would be a major advance.

  • Ok, devfs won't solve all the problems, but devfs support is one major step that needs to be taken by the kernel to make whole device management easier. The device namespace in Linux is so incredible polluted it's just too much for new and experienced users to deal with. There are 5103 entries in /dev under RH 6.1. With the 2.4 kernel, this will increase even more with the new devices (I2O, Firewire, USB, etc.) It's completely ridiculous. If /dev only showed the devices that were actually on the system instead of every possible one, it would be much easier for people to tell what's what. Imagine if /dev/modem only appeared if a modem device was detected?
    Deepak Saxena
  • by DragonHawk ( 21256 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @03:13PM (#1346555) Homepage Journal
    You can/should/have to standardize... even win16 had a consistent *.ini file syntax that made sense even if you had never seen the application before. Why can't Unix standardize? why not Linux?

    Mainly because of that beast that causes engineers to shudder and admins to dive for cover: Backwards compatibility.

    There is a huge installed base of software that reads and/or writes the countless configuration files that live in /etc/* and their siblings. Not only the original software which gets fed said files, but other software as well. Changing things would break huge amounts of software. Ironically, some of these programs are automation tools design to make admins' jobs easier.

    There are other problems as well. For one, what format do you pick? Some will want Windows style .INI files; others will want XML; others still will want something based on their favorite scripting syntax. Who gets to be king of the world and decide the standard?

    There is also the legitimate technical complaint that no one format fits all possible uses. The sendmail configuration file format is a programming language all its own; it would be tough to reduce it to a universal format that would work for all software.

    In short, changing things around to use a single standard format would be akin to getting all the people of world to settle on one language: Really nice idea, but impossible to execute.
  • by costas ( 38724 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @03:33PM (#1346562) Homepage
    Of course, you're right: backwards compatibility is a bitch. But why can't we work around it? MS did (sort of), why not Linux?

    My $0.002: forget /etc, /var --let's make them forbitten territory, locked out to any user, including root (sorta like /proc). Instead, let's agree on say /conf, and create a config-service deamon that will read from /conf in an agreed-upon, standardized format and write to /etc, /var, etc. for backwards compatibility. When /etc and /var become irrelevant, get rid of them completely...

    As for the format; yeah, it will be tough to iron out, but so was POSIX. I ain't that level of hacker, but I do think that XML should be able to handle everything that a program would need. After all, XML is more of a syntax than a language, right? The added benefits:

    As I said before, a GUI layer on top will be almost trivial, and expandable to no end.

    There could be a standard configuration-reading library, that any utils developer can use to parse his or her config file, saving that stupid work... (I've always hated writing parsers, don't you? ;-)

    engineers never lie; we just approximate the truth.

  • Also, since it's written in perl, it's pretty easy for even the novice perl programmer to create their own modules. From qmail to my own application servers, it works very well.

    Of course, it's pretty easy to just make a cgi or php application to do similar administration.

    Besides webmin, I also have almost everything on my system automated. From splitting logfiles and creating reports, to easy additions to config files, to little crontabbed scripts that ensure a daemon is working, to *cough* automated logging of user commands upon executing commands or connecting to ports they shouldn't be, to adding new ip's to an interface as well as the rc, to simple changes to the adduser script to meet my requirements for new users...

    These are things anyone can do with a bit of practice.
  • The biggest problem with all these configureing programs is that you the user are limited to what the programmers have built in. Also these programs make a mess of the files. I gave mandrake a try a while back and for me it was the hardest thing to use because the config program didn't have anything in it for configureing ip_masq and more that one nic. The rc files are a mess and imposible to trace.

    I started out using slackware and I found most of the config files were easy to edit manualy and any special setups wasn't that hard to configure.

    One of the biggest problems I have when I sit down at a windows 9x machine to fix something for a friend is that I have no way of knowing what the box is trying to do or what has been done. And then theres the rebooting *shudder*.

    What we need is a stadard layout for config files. That are both easy to read by humans and programs alike.

  • by Speare ( 84249 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @03:56PM (#1346571) Homepage Journal

    Here's another little story.

    • I owned a Toyota MR2 a few years back, which is a mid-engine car. That is to say, the engine is not in front of the front axle, it's in front of the back axle, behind the driver.

      I drove a long highway trip, visiting relatives in a small town, just when it was due for oil. I didn't have the option of going to a Toyota dealership to get the service done. I went to a professional looking establishment a relative recommended. I drove up, and girl waived me into the garage stall. She must have been the mechanic's girlfriend, just killing time and helping him on a slow Wednesday. She made a hand gesture for me to "open the front hood."

      I smiled, and shook my head no. When she came to the window, I explained, the oil's behind me. Her boyfriend assured her that I wasn't pulling her leg... the engine compartment really wasn't up in the front of the car. She couldn't get over that... a car with the engine in the back!

    Sure, if you *know* the architecture of MSDOS and Windows starts with a kernel that reads AutoExec.bat, while the architecture of Unix starts with a kernel that reads /etc/inittab, you should be able to find your way around.

    The last time I used Unix, there was no X login shell. Why would I look into something that was named /etc (as in, miscellaneous afterthoughts) for the core, key, central file that controlled all run levels? It's all a matter of context.

    There's a difference between being stupid, and being ignorant. One can be cured.

  • I've been reading the threads and comments and thinking about this a lot. What people seem to be missing is that fact that we could implement what most people need with little effort.. It's only the odd few percent odd-ball situations that a lot of people are focusing on.

    VGA-16 colour support in 640x480 (ie: an video card and monitor that can handle this is likely to be on the target machine), so GUI config tools are quite possible from the earliest get go.

    Here's an idealised setup routine:
    • Start install from either bootable CD, or a ~5mb disk image loadlin'd from a DOS prompt. This gives us the space for the bare-bones GUI tools and abilities.
    • Choose your prefered method of install (guru text, or newbie gui).
    • Partition the HD (either in text mode via an Guru fdisker, or in VGA16-640x480 with a friendlier face). Choose your swap partition and target partition.
    • Pick packages in your choice of guru Slackware-like expert mode (slick & fast), or the incredibly slow Red Hat custom mode (GUI).
    • Decompress packages.
    • Guru install then has a network config and lilo setup. Newbie install goes into the Setup Wizard *. The setup wizard allows easy setup of XF86Config (in /etc), setup of your network (if it exists), and an easy walkthrough of Lilo (as well as a rescue disk of some kind).
    • The setup has completed with a bootable system.

    * Setup Wizard is a version of netconfig and the lilo conf with the "click for help and examples" and related documentation all in one interface, allowing easier first time setup.

    For an idealised setup like this to happen, there need to be a few more tools that don't (AFAIK) yet exist, as well as a few modifications to existing tools. X, for example, should default back to the VGA16 colour server if it suddenly finds the video card is different (ie: the 3Dlabs server is run on a non-3DLabs card). A simple program that is set to run in the default system-wide xinitrc can detect the fallback, and open up a helpful wizard for newbies. For non-newbies, it can allow skipping of the dialog so they can get to fixing the problem themselves.

    Another thing would be a good program for setting up your XF86Config for the first time. xf86config is kinda complex and lengthy for a newbie. Since the kernel knows about the hardware, how hard would it be for a program to check the /proc export, then probe the monitor. Once it has the info, it could query the user to confirm it, and then test it. It'd be faster than things like xf86config.

    Finally, a nice program I'll call "Control Panel" needs to be created. Yes, it'll be a blatant rip-off of the Windows control panel concept (which, IMO, is actually implemented semi-decently). A "Container" window is shown, listing the various configuration backends it understands. IE: for networking, it'd probably want an xml file describing how to obtain its settings, how to committ its settings, and how to format its GUI dialog. This could be implemented in GTK+ with libxml and included in the system menus of the various window managers and desktop environments that ship with the system. What would absolutely have to be shipped would be the basic complement of backends: X display settings, networking, /proc info parser, kernel configuration, package manager **, keyboard settings (rc.keyboard?), mouse settings (rc.gpm), font manager (TTF support in X), "multimedia" (config for sound cards, and 3D accelerators, both of which have traditionally been hard to setup), "Startup" (a good GUI SysV config for us BSD init script people :^).. This should provide a good base for even the greenest newbie to go and figure out how to change things.. With the XML config system as the backend, it would be very easy to fetch updates and deal with changes.

    ** Package Manager: To my taste, there are no "good" package managers. Something that could keep track of how often certain packages are used, could handle the installation of autoconf, RPM, deb, and Slackware tgz through support programs, and could finally centralise all of these disparate ideas would be what I'm thinking of. NT 5 has something like this, and it suprised me when I was playing with it. It's butt ugly, but it really does track how often something is used -- a big plus.

    The problem is, of course, the fact that there are hundreds of window managers, and a few desktop evironments to boot. Under Win32, the installation and removal of programs has been simplified because of the add/remove control panel applet. True, it did little but point the appropriate uninstall program at the appropriate install created setup file, but the Linux world does not have something like it. Remember, their add/remove applet handles all kinds of setup programs from different companies (install shield, MS, Norton setup programs, etc). Second, the "control panel" is reinvented poorly by desktop environments like Gnome and KDE. Their internal config programs are great for modification of their own startup, look & feel, and window manager, but they do not address things like network config, kernel reconfiguration and compiliation, etc. The things they do allow you to look at are limited. KDE's "SMB status" tab is interesting, but you can hardly reconfigure smb.conf from there, or do something like launch Swat and connect to it in a browser.

    If you've not noticed, all my ideas for "new" programs, or modifications to existing programs, involve ways for these many disparate ideas and design philosophies play nicely together. An "over" package manager that allows the user to point it at a package (or various types), and letting it handle the implementation (calling rpm, installpkg, or configure --prefix=/usr; make; make install; recording the changes and monitoring usage) would do much to make life easier for both the newbie and the guru alike (in my "over" package manager, the guru would be able to easily modify the default config "template" args, supply their own args, etc). For things like X, there would be a way to figure out problems, and help the user cope with them (rather than "vi /etc/XF86Config, and have fun!"). The basics are in place, and the source code is available. Implementation is not the issue -- it's only getting people to agree on the same basic method. The one true method. The Linux Kernel has advanced because of Linus' vision, now we need a Linus for the userland tools for maintaining the systems.

    Just my opinion :-)
  • I honestly think that these sorts of beliefs hold back the acceptance of computing into the areas where it could be used in the most interesting ways, i.e. by people who may not understand computers.

    Sure TCP/IP is complicated. So is a Pentium chip, I don't know how superpipelining works and I use the thing just fine. There are a zillion examples of this in technology - compexity made usable. Unfortunately we haven't mastered it in computing yet.

    When we do, and giving up the idea that our area of specialization is just too complex for anyone to simplify is the first step, then I think we'll really be making some progress.

    Hotnutz.com [hotnutz.com]
  • "preview what has to be done" just tells you which services it's going to restart (i.e. inetd) but it doesn't tell you which files it's editing (i.e. /etc/hosts)
  • by TheDullBlade ( 28998 ) on Saturday January 22, 2000 @04:45PM (#1346586)
    I have a rabid hatred of XML. It's just such a hideously ugly language that I could never stand to use it. Markup languages seem more or less acceptable for text formatting, though they aren't much fun to write by hand, but they are just about my last choice for configuration (or for general data description, or programming). They're also hideously verbose, wasting keystrokes and network bandwidth alike.

    I still don't see any advantage to XML. Standardizing on a completely general language is about as useful as standardizing on "an ordered list of bits." If you're going to extend it you still need code somewhere that actually understands the data. Parsing a configuration language is trivial compared to actually deciding what the content and structure should be.

    Yes, I know, you can make a GUI editor that understands the format of your XML-based language, and gives the user options, but I really don't think this is more than a superficial benefit. People should get used to editing plain text; it's the basic skill of running Unix systems, and a damn good thing to standardize on. Text editors have been tuned for a long time, and they can be used very efficiently with a little practice - much more so than a configuration GUI.

    A more useful thing might be to start having a standard script for each plain text configuration file, which interleaves it with a man file, putting all the relevant entries right beside where they'd be used, allows the user to edit the file in this way, then removes the man comments (for efficiency in reading the config file) when he is done. This way you could get what is IMHO the main benefit of GUIs: having configuration options laid out in front of the user to select, with all of the traditional benefits of plain text (or rather, unique syntax) config files.
  • ah, that is your problem, you are not trying to be "elite" but you are trying to prevent other people from doing things to help others. No one forces you to use any tool. heck you dont even have to use a fricking distro! you have the kernel, build your own! heck, or just keep running what you are running and never upgrade. why is that so difficult? why must we always have social groups that try to keep others out? are you so much better than the other man that you refuse to be next to him?

  • AIX, bless its ugly little heart, did contain one idea here that it would be nice to see Linux pick up and run with, improving it as it goes. Under AIX, the tangled maze of textfiles that define system configuration are replaced by a database. There is a single, standard tool for editing the DB, which in turns means there is one way to edit any part of the system config.

    I don't like that last part: a single way. What I would prefer to see is this db exported to something akin to /proc - a virtual filesystem containing textual representations of the db contents, and editable with a text editor or a GUI tool. The text editor would use the standard read/write interface; the GUI tool could do that, or there could be, as in AIX, some standard API for accessing and modifying the configuration that it would use directly.

    The centralized repository for system configuration is a good idea, but only if its implementation doesn't force the use of a single tool. Can we do this better? Certainly not me - I'm too busy hacking Linux audio+MIDI apps.

  • Yes, XML is ugly and not as effient as those #s and ;s... but: XML is already agreed upon and "out there"; there is no need to come up with Yet Another Standard. More importantly, XML's "loose" enough to cover every configuration file need _I_ can think of (not that that's saying much, BTW ;-)...

    E.g.: Apache's .conf syntax is XMLish enough, IMHO: it's parsable, human-readable and -editable. And your argument that text editors are mature and we should stick to text applies both ways: modern editors (emacs, vim) are mature enough to handle a text-based, XML-like language with little added user work. Added benefit: since everything will be standardized and immediately parsable, you could probably click/Ctrl-] on a config parameter and get that man file entry you want... vim can be made to do it now...

    We can do XML-based config files now, with existing tools, without departing too much from the "Unix way". I think it's time we should. Think about it: before Bill Joy, unix admins probably thought one line of text at a time was all _they_ needed ;-)...

    engineers never lie; we just approximate the truth.
  • The aesthetics / ergonomics (loosely speaking) of software is a big interest of mine. That's not because I'm a software expert, but rather for the opposite reason: I can figure out a way to misinterpret or fail to comprehend directions from practically any source, and I'm sure you can think of examples where you laughed at the guy going through the door labeled "Enter other side" ass-first or whatever. Yes, that was me, and it still hurts. I've hurled a fair number of CDs across the room because of frsutration at installing the software they contained onto my standard-issue, plain-vanilla PCs.

    The arguments that easy-to-use GUI tools make true, deep learning harder by eliminating the need for it have merit. But there is a threshold beneath which learning isn't even an issue, because the software (whatever software -- let's keep this agnostic!) never gets installed at all.

    Remember, whatever we already know can seem pretty obvious. But the things we don't know yet can lurk tantalizingly close and remain unknown. My father, for instance, is an electrical engineer with a moderate but lengthy exposure to computers: no way could he figure out a GNU/linux install without plenty of handholding.

    I offer here [io.com] a small example of some documentation I've created with the intent of making the "... for Dummies" books seem positively erudite and obfuscatory, all for the purpose of getting software installed in the first place. After that we can worry about deeper learning. (Which goes for me, too.)It's specific to my present ISP. Illuminati Online (io.com), but I imagine would be easily modifiable for many others.

    Hope someone finds it useful -- I like to find an excuse to post it once in a while so I can make sure the counter on my Web site works ;)


  • I think that posts like this advocating a central, unified configuration language are the way things need to go eventually. But, for the mean time, and in the case of extremely complex configs that won't mess readily with such a standard, maybe the solution is to create a number of pluggable GUI tools that will work with the existing configs. For common tasks that everyone needs to perform, there will be the option of editing the configs by hand, or using the GUI. For more complex tasks, let new users select from a few options that will handle basic things, but leave the text files in place, so that if they (or anyone else) needs to change the configs by hand, they can. Let people who know the most about a specific tool work on a GUI configurator for it, and then create central configuration util that can call on those other, device specific units. You keep the flexibility of hand configuring a device in its own origonal config language for advanced users and sysadmins, but you add the ability for newbies to get basic tasks up and running safely until they get a chance to learn more. It's a little stopgap; the real solution is still probably to go to a more standard format; while it would still leave some problems with GUI implementation, it would still allow hand-editing of configs. If a GUI is written responsably and so as to not break the hand configs, than there is no reason why slapping a different interface on a configuration should cripple anyonthe device's flexibility, or your ability to debug config problems.

  • He is not asking for a gui config tool for everything, nor is he saying he is afraid of editing config files:
    If I had a *comprehensive* one-stop-shopping place to go, it would help a lot. It doesn't have to know all the esoteric PnP techniques, it just has to know how to execute the tools that have already been written. Perhaps it would let you browse all /dev/* entries, click on each one, and it would start the configurator tool that is responsible. Or at least point the user at what /etc/*.conf file was useful. I would hope to see loopback tests and more importantly, what to do or where to look if something's not working resources, even if they're just URLs back to the distro or author of the uberconfig tool.
    This seems like a marvelous idea to me.

    A centralized repository of pointers to all the configuration tools/files that exist somewhere under linux.

    He is correct, merely finding out what needs to be changed can be a huge waste of time. Learning how to use Linux, no matter how innately valuable the process of discovery might be, does not mean we all have dozens of hours to spend finding out where inittab is.

    Perhaps a listing of all the common hardware devices and software, with a paragraph describing the config tools or files, and their common locations. A link to the appropriate HOW-TO, or any other documentation that may already be on the system, and links to useful URL's would be a great time-saver. Maybe this could be added to linuxconf for the bits it doesn't currently handle, and as a fallback for the stuff it does.

    I imagine a tool like this would be a source of encouragement for the many people who are willing to experiment with Linux, but may actually have a life outside of computers vying for their time. Certainly many people that would benefit from the stability and versatility of Linux, but who might otherwise give up after too many disappointments trying to get thing X working.

    Now the issue of standardizing on the format of config files seems like another great idea, XML might be well suited to the task, but merely making a common syntax would be a step in the right direction. Windows ini files were a model of simplicity, no matter which other faults they may have. Are there any XML parsers already written that can easily be embedded into an app to add this functionality?

    Thought provoking question,
  • Would be a kernel configurator that notes to you what hardware modules are actively used by the system (like SCSI modules). Though you would still need to know your hardware fairly well, the kernel configurator would give you little heads up before you exclude modules you REALLY need to keep active.

    Chas - The one, the only.
    THANK GOD!!!

  • Almost all of the arguments against GUIs that I've read here rest on the fact that GUIs and flexibility are somehow mutually exclusive. I don't think that's necessarily true. It's easy to point at Windows and say that GUIs are inflexible, but that's overlooking the underlying truth: Windows is inflexible; why should the GUI be any different?

    Why not make a GUI that's a tutorial as well? Why not make a scalable GUI? Instead of assuming that the current UI metaphors are the alpha and omega, why not investigate new and alien UIs?

    Why not have a configuration tool that uses plugins? That way the poor config authors wouldn't have to be responsible for keeping up to date with all the config file changes.

    Why not have each plugin include a paragraph for each option explaining how to set that in the raw config files?

    Giving something a GUI frontend is not the same thing as making it Windows. Let's get some ideas out here instead of the same old cantankerous crap.
  • This is why it's great to have multiple distributions. I would never put mandrake or corel on a server or similar non-desktop machine. But on my main workstation, I would like to live happily without text-mode screens. There will allways be distributions that cater to the server environment - because, as you say - it is one of the primary (and best) uses of linux.

  • We already have a centralised repository - it's called /etc.

    This works very well because it's infinitely extendable. You just add text files in whatever format seems appropriate for the application. There would be no benefit whatsoever in making this more complicated than it is. To use a virtual file system like /proc instead would be completely pointless and would only mean a huge programming overhead every time you wanted to add config facilities for a new application.

    I'm sick and tired of hearing this same tired argument. Unix doesn't need a registry.

    Individual hand-edited ASCII config files do what we need and they are robust and independent; a more tightly-bound repository kept in memory and managed by a large program would expose the configuration data to programming screwups like the Windows registry suffers from.

    Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
    Thought exists only as an abstraction
  • The AIX SMIT (System Management Interface Tool) is the dream configurator of all Unices. It is amazingly well-designed.

    Just imagine if linuxconf was like it:

    * It would be dismembered in a number of system commands; like, if you would change a device, you would use chdev; if you change network parameters, you would use a command called chinet; if you would delete a filesystem definition along with its partition, you would use rmfs; if you would list devices on your system (with parameters that specify things like: devices actually working of just device definitions), you would use lsdev, and so on. Mnemomic enough.

    * You could get to where you want by a shortcut, not having to navigate through awkward menu options every time. Example: linuxconf user would take you to the "user accounts" section.

    * You would have a less irritating text interface. Ever seen smit? Its interface is VERY simple. A title on the top, some options, each one in one line, the one that is selected is highlighted, that is, written in reverse. In the bottom, a small keys chart. And that's it. No fancy ascii art and text contours. Fast and visible. Straightforward.

    * You could see the command, script, or linuxconf "subsystem command" it would execute if you selected the option. For example, if you fill the form to create a user and press F6 to see what it would do if you pressed enter, you could see something like: adduser -c 'New user' -d '/home/user' -G 'users' -s '/bin/ksh' 'foouser'. Or, if you are just about to reconfigure the serial line, you could get some chdev -l ttyS0 -a baud_rate=9600 -a parity=none -a stop_bits=1.

    * EVERY option or entry would have a dedicated context-sensitive help if you pressed F1 (and not a general screen with boring explanations. Let's get to the point!)

    * There's still more, like types of input (choices from certain lists, which are also activated by scripts or commands; numerical values; string arrays; pathnames), logging everything (even the menu entries selected) to a text file, but I almost lose my hopes... Something that born to be linuxconf will NEVER get to the feet of SMIT.

    Really, linuxconf designers and programmers should get a grip on the better designed UNICES. Alas, they make a good work, they make it for free, yadda yadda yadda, I know that, but there IS good-designed stuff on the market for them to take their ideas from!


  • I agree. There needs to be some central mechanism. Take PPP for example. I use KPPP under KDE. It's very easy to setup etc. Unfortunately, if I don't have X running, etc, I don't have easy access to my dialup. This wouldn't irk me so much except all of the PPP utilities/applications all seem to go through mechanism of pppd/chat and the associated files.
  • "I think that a better solution to this would be a very detailed set of installation and/or config documents"

    I disagree. I think that is a great solution for you or me. I like good technical documentation. Unfortunately that's not a good solution for the average user. I want to see Linux grow, and that means attracting the average user. Take my girlfriend for example: she loathes computers and no matter how hard I try, I make little headway. She doesn't understand very much about computers and so the Microsoft setup solutions work quite well for her. They generally try and configure the machine for the lowest common denominator (which is probably one reason why we find them so frustrating). They judiciously use wizards with very simple questions and instructions. The last thing that she wants is to wade through pages of documentation that goes in to detail that she doesn't care about.
  • "Documentation, as you imply, is important. Unix documentation, although not centrally organized, is all over the place"

    But under UNIX I can add it to my MANPATH and use man -k. Etc. There is no way under Windows for searching all of the help on the machine.
  • Why not circumvent backward compatibility by using a configuration template that can change with each revision of your application?

    So you tweak the logic of your config options, the template file would reflect the change.

    Essentially what you'd have, I guess, is a programming language for the configuration system.

    But i do also agree that linuxconf is running full-steam in the wrong direction, and needs to be completely re-thought. In many instances it does things in entirely the wrong way. See the samba module for insight.

  • by Frodo ( 1221 ) on Sunday January 23, 2000 @05:22AM (#1346684) Homepage
    XML is not so bad, used properly, and can enchance structure of data. It's still text, so you can edit it by hand. It has structure, so program and human can understand easier what is where. And it has tools for parsing it, so one needs not to reinvent config parser every time he wants to write something configurable.
  • The point here is that you can ease even sendmail config - see various m4's for it, for example. Or even write soem GUI that would mirror 1-1 all sendmail.cf capabilities but won't force me to remember what exactly :$( $) means, but replace every sendmailoglif with nice helpful button. That won't harm any on the configurability but would largely enhance usability for occasional user.
  • by Surak ( 18578 ) <surak&mailblocks,com> on Sunday January 23, 2000 @05:41AM (#1346686) Homepage Journal
    So, in summary, I think anyone developing configuration tools should really consider keeping the tool's users informed about what is going on under the hood, rather than hiding operations completely

    I dunno. Isn't hiding operations rather the point of a "user-friendly" tool? One of the reasons that the Macintosh was heralded by the computer press was that it hides the underlying details from the user.

    This is a timeless debate that has gone on forever, but really the hiding of the nuts and bolts is really what has one in the hearts and minds of the users. This is why Micros~1 Windoze is so popular.

    Remember that many Windows users, especially newbies, are confused even by the presence of multiple windows. In my line of work, when a modal dialog box would pop up (one that doesn't let you do anything until you dismiss it), users would instantly get confused (why can't I click this?), or even just other instances of multiple windows (when I click this pulldown menu, this other window that was on top goes away, why?)

    Having complicated details on the screen confuse most casual users. They'll be completely intimated by it. Even the stupid "Device Manager" in Windows 9x confuses many clueless users. Forget that, even the CONTROL PANEL confuses them.

    I know what you'll say next: well, casual users shouldn't use admin tools. But even seemingly simple things like installing or configuring a printer are really system administration tasks. Mounting network shares, adding devices, installing software, etc. are all system administration tasks that casual users often find doing for themselves, despite having adequate IT staffing. And technical details are intimidating and confusing to these users. They just want to point and click and get their work done. They don't care about technical details and don't want to know what is going on under the hood.

    Just my $0.02

  • Better stop ranting now... I am going back to my POS 98 laptop, fondly remembering the days when a reliable, pretty, configurable Unix still existed: it was called NeXTStep :-(...

    Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no... I hated NeXTStep with a passion, and the reason I hated it was that fscking lusers would use those pretty graphical administration tools to get themselves into configuration messes that those same tools couldn't get them out of. And you'd be called in to find a totally crashed machine that wouldn't boot, and the luser twittering on about how he 'just did this'. So after considerable mucking with the bootloader you finally get the thing up into run-level one, where you don't have any access to the pretty graphical user interface and - whoopee! you can't fix any bloody thing because the config files are not ascii text anymore, they're some horrible undocumented binary format.

    No. Not NeXTStep. Not anything like NeXTStep. And may Steve Jobs have his fingernails and toenails pulled out slowly one by one over a hot fire for even thinking of it.

    There's two things here. Firstly most people are not competent to configure a computer, don't have time to learn to be competent, and don't want to learn to be competent. It isn't their job and they shouldn't have to do it, and most important of all they shouldn't be provided with tools which make it look as if it's easy. It just inherently isn't easy.

    Second of all, configuration files should remain simple ascii files which can be manipulated by a competent person even on a totally crashed machine. If you must write pretty graphical front ends, make sure that they keep their config in plain text files, and make sure they can still parse those files even after they have been human edited (provided the human is competent enough to follow the syntax rules, of course).

  • I think a lot of people are missing the point here. It's not that us folk who have been using Linux for years are being OS bigots and don't want to let everyone else play with "our" OS - it boils down to the fact that we know, from experience, that when a user becomes dependant on a config tool, they cannot solve the simplest (to us anyway) problems manually when the config tool doesn't provide the funcionality. The solution to this is simple - Create config tools which teach the user as they go along in configurating their system. Tell them *why* they need to create user accounts, and exactly *how* it is doing it etc. Don't just do it all for them, although you might get through the config a few seconds quicker, you'll be worse off in the long run. That way the user will be better prepared to be able to do the same thing on a system where the tool might not be available, or if the config tool is missing the functionality you are looking for, and will also give them clues as how to approach other problems. It's the same as in every other aspect of day-to-day life. There will never be a config tool which can do *everything* on every single specific system, and do it all properly. So the aim is to provide as much functionality as possible, and enough resources and clues to make sure they can intelligently think for themselves when the tool is lacking. Hopefully this will reduce the increasing number of I-wanna-be-spoon-fed idiots on IRC these days (some of whom have been using Linux for quite a while, but because they become dependant on linuxconf etc, they simply don't understand basic concepts), so that we can all work more productively. "Give a man a fish and he'll feed himself for a day. Give him the means to fish for himself and he'll curse you for the rest of his life"
  • I have a rabid hatred of XML. It's just such a hideously ugly language that I could never stand to use it.

    Then you really should study it more closely.

    Yes, indeed, XML is an extraordinarily complex syntax for writing what are essentially SEXPRs; however, it's a single, common, generic, internationally and openly agreed syntax, for writing files which are both human readable and machine parseable.

    If you are going to start again from scratch and define new syntax for UN*X configuration files, and you choose to use anything other than XML, you really are going to need to have a very good reason for doing so.

    And remember, if you really find XML syntax so ugly, it's trivial to convert XML SEXPR syntax into LISP SEXPR syntax and back again.

  • No, I wasn't; but please, read a few lines further: I wasn't suggesting that config files should be locked out --just that /etc and /var should be locked out while we migrate to /conf (or whatever it gets to be called). /conf and its config files (the standardized config files) would and should be editable by the user.

    But as someone else suggested in this thread, /conf should be more like AIX's config files, or sorta like /proc: real text files, but changes in them should be detectable by some backward-compatibility deamon, that would parse the new file and write an old-format /etc or /var file. As more and more programs migrate to the new standardized format, the need for still having /etc and /var around will die of. Sorta like the .ini -> registry migration in Windows. But without the Windows stupidity of making the registry uneditable and unreadable by a human --or, for that matter, uneditable w/o a specialized tool.

    With careful engineering and everybody pulling together (which, with the added benefits of a standard format to users and developers alike won't be too hard, IMHO), we could have a clean, standardized system in 2-3 years easily...

    engineers never lie; we just approximate the truth.
  • by extrasolar ( 28341 ) on Sunday January 23, 2000 @09:00AM (#1346702) Homepage Journal
    That is why you shouldn't edit XML by hand. I think XML was meant to be editted by an XML editor, not a plain text editor. Just add and delete entities and it would be much easier than using a plain text editor. With a proper DTD, you can get the available options for a configuration.

    I really think UNIX should evolve to XML. Plain text encourages Yet Another Configuration Format. GUI tools would also benefit from the XML format. Dragging and dropping tags from one file to another.

    The arguments for editing everything by hand usually stem from shoddy tools. Quite frankly, the common text editors seem to be the few stable applications used with GNU/Linux. I have tried LinuxConf but it's interface is terrible and its stability is lacking. I much prefer editing by hand compared to using LinuxConf.

    I think it would be far nicer for the newbie to double click on resolve.conf.xml and get an XML editor window allowing the user to change the DNS numbers just by double-clicking on the entry. I don't think it would be wise to put all the configurations in One Be-All Tool. Keep the config files where they are but just put the files in a friendlier format -- XML. Have a nice SysEdit application that lists all the configuration files on the system and a short description of them -- the user double clicks on the file they want to edit and the XML editor comes up with that file ready to edit by double clicking. This is both user-friendly and The Unix Way.

    Unix is a very old OS. It needs to evolve towards modern interfaces and file formats. The best way to do things then isn't necessarily the best way to do things now.
  • "preview what has to be done" just tells you which services it's going to restart (i.e. inetd) but it doesn't tell you which files it's editing (i.e. /etc/hosts)

    Um, I just double-checked, and you're right. I stand corrected. Somebody moderate my original post down with "-1, Incorrect".

    (I could have sworn it told you the configuration files it was about to modify, but I must have been thinking of something else.)
  • I think this is a great idea. A unified configuration format would be a godsend for newbies and administrators, I think. It would also solve the backwards compatibility issue. This really needs to be submitted as a proposal to the LSB or one of the distribution, perhaps Debian.

    Great idea. I would love to use a system that implemented this.
  • Sorry for the late response ;)

    I love SMIT. When I have more free time (in a year or two :( ) I wanted to write something like "SPIT" "Sytem Programming Interface Tools" that simulated the SMIT features. And write a ncurses to do SPITTY. Maybe we can get Redhat or SUSe or better yet Slackware to come up with a end all tool to do this.

    I wouldn't mind writing one up, but I only know the configuration formats of some tools. Not all, so this would definitly be a group effort!

    Steven Rostedt
  • OK, fine; really, the format here is almost beside the point. I am sure that whatever group gets to decide on the format will be knowledgable enough to decide on something practical and readable for both machines and humans.

    The more important thing here, is that: a) the community (not necessarily us, this thread, or /. for that matter) agree that it is about time to move to a standardized format, and b) that this migration is as painless as possible. Let's agree on that, and get a momentum behind this. The engineering details warrant a larger audience and a much longer discussion...

    engineers never lie; we just approximate the truth.
  • Obviously, it would be a lot more complex than that

    I rest my case.

    Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
    Thought exists only as an abstraction
  • You couldn't have stated it better, that there is no benefit to making configuration in unix more complicated. How about making it simpler?

    Forget to tab in syslog.conf? : comments got you down in inittab, typo in passwd locked you out? Guessing at possible values for /etc/system variables got you stumped?

    I fail to see how moving the data to a different location - or putting it into a tree structure - would make any difference at all.

    Without dumbing it down, or removing flexibility, I believe a better way to manage the bits of configuration required by each program would be a centrally managed, accessed, API driven repository for config.

    As I've pointed out, front-ending the whole thing with a database manager which keeps everything in memory exposes the whole damn thing to corruption. Obviously you haven't suffered under Windows as much as I have.

    I don't pretend to know the right way to begin to code this up, but I'm tired of explaining to new admins that are looking to change X in unix, that the only way to know how to find the config file -- is to already know where to find the config file.

    Ha ha. I sympathize with your newbies, but your answer is not strictly true. You only need to know what the file is called - and you can get that from the man page for the utility/program concerned. Once you do know what it's called you just do a 'find /usr -name "whatever"' command. You *do* need to know how X is configured to run on your system though, so start by examining the startx or xdm scripts to see what they call. That's how I managed, anyway.

    No doubt some will complain "but that's too complicated". They may be right but it won't be solved just by putting the X config files into a central repository. If you want to master X configuration, you have to learn how it works. There are, unfortunately, not shortcuts to mastering a system with so many configurable options. Even if there was a nice GUI on it, you'd still have to learn what all the parameters mean.

    Sorry Mr.Bell, but I'm fundamentally opposed to any scheme to take Unix away from the philosophy which makes it what it is: the most flexible operating system, the most robust application platform and the most feature-rich development platform in the world.

    For those of you who have forgotten, or who are simply too young to know, here is that philosophy spelt out (you can find the original here [camalott.com]):

    Tenets of the UNIX Philosophy

    from The Unix Philosophy by Mike Gancarz

    ISBN:1-555558-123-4. Copyright 1995 Butterworth-Heinemann.

    Reprinted with Permission of Digital Press

    The main tenets of the Unix Philosophy are as follows:

    1. Small is beautiful.

    Small programs are easy to understand.

    Small programs are easy to maintain.

    Small programs consume fewer system resources.

    Small programs are easier to combine with other tools. 2. Make each program do one thing well.

    "The best program...does but one task in its life and does it well."

    "The program is loaded into memory, accomplishes its function, and then gets out of the way to allow the next single-minded program to begin." 3. Build a prototype as soon as possible.

    Prototyping is a learning process.

    Early prototyping reduces risk. 4. Choose portability over efficiency.

    Next ---'s hardware will run faster.

    Don't spend too much time making a program run faster.

    The most efficient way is rarely portable.

    Good programs never die--they are ported to new hardware platforms. 5. Store numerical data in flat ASCII files.

    ASCII text is a common interchange format.

    ASCII text is easily read and edited.

    ASCII data files simplify the use of Unix text tools.

    Increased portability overcomes the lack of speed (of flat ASCII text files...)

    The lack of speed is overcome by next year's machine. 6. Use software leverage to your advantage.

    Good programmers write good code; great programmers "borrow" good code.

    Avoid the not-invented-here syndrome.

    Allow other people to use your code to leverage their own work.

    Automate everything. 7. Use shell scripts to increase leverage and portability.

    Shell scripts give you awesome leverage

    Shell scripts leverage your time, too.

    Shell scripts are more portable than C.

    Resist the desire to rewrite shell scripts in C. 8. Avoid captive user interfaces.

    CUIs assume that the user is human.

    CUI command parsers are often big and ugly to write.

    CUIs tend to adopt a "big is beautiful" approach.

    Programs having CUIs are hard to combine with other programs.

    CUIs do not scale well.

    CUIs do not take advantage of software leverage. 9. Make every program a filter.

    Every program written since the dawn of computing is a filter.

    Programs do not create data--people do.

    Computers convert data from one form to another.

    Use stdin for data input;

    Use stdout for data output;

    Use stderr for out-of-band information.

    Ten Lesser Tenets

    1. Allow the User to tailor the environment.
    2. Make operating system kernels small and lightweight.
    3. Use lower case and keep it short.
    4. Save Trees.
    5. Silence is golden.
    6. Think parallel.
    7. The sum of the parts is greater than the whole.
    8. Look for the 90 percent solution.
    9. Worse is better. (I won't try to explain this one...)
    10. Think hierarchically.
    "Unix owes much of its success to the fact that its developers saw no particular need to retain strong control of its source code."
    Forgive me for reproducing the whole page here but I feel it's something everyone should see at least once, even the "click-through challenged".

    Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
    Thought exists only as an abstraction
  • Computers are extremely complex tools, if people are unwilling to learn the little bit that it takes to operate a computer, then they shouldn't be doing it.

    You seem to be contradicting yourself. The first part of your sentence states that computers are "extremely complex tools," and then you say that people should "learn the little bit it takes to operate [one]".

    Which is it? Are they complicated or do they take "a little bit" to learn?

    I don't think you know what you're talking about.

  • but this has not much to do with configuration, but with installation and package management. There are lots of package managers for various unices, at least one for each commercial distribution and one for each Linux distribution that doesn't use RPM. But configuration is entirely different beast.

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
