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Crowdfunded Linux Voice Magazine Releases Second Issue CC-BY-SA 19

M-Saunders writes: As covered previously on Slashdot, Linux Voice crowdfunded its way to success in late 2013, showing how a small team can make things happen with a different business model (giving profits and content back to the community). Now, a few months after the magazine made issue 1 freely available, they've released issue 2 under the Creative Commons for everyone to share and modify. If you've ever fancied making your own Raspberry Pi-powered arcade machine, there's a full guide in the second issue.
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Crowdfunded Linux Voice Magazine Releases Second Issue CC-BY-SA

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  • by Half-pint HAL ( 718102 ) on Sunday January 11, 2015 @08:16AM (#48786449)

    Sadly, despite all the criticism of the issue 1 release, they've stuck to their guns and released most of their articles as "object files" in PDF. To me, that feels like their being purposefully obstructive -- it is such a faff to extract text from a PDF file, and they must already have the article text in an editable format.

    I hope we don't get an announcement for every single issue from now on in. Let's wait until there's some actual news before running another /. story....

    • I'm told they'll be doing .epub starting in issue 7.
    • The point of having an Open Source publication would be that anybody will be allowed to change any article. We already have that, and it's called Wikipedia.

      • Yes, but they made a point of licensing it as CC-BY-SA, not CC-ND, as though they're expecting derivative works... but then they put up a barrier to adaptation by publishing in a delivery format that is notorious for breaking even simple copy-and-paste operations.
    • Sadly, despite all the criticism of the issue 1 release, they've stuck to their guns and released most of their articles as "object files" in PDF. To me, that feels like their being purposefully obstructive -- it is such a faff to extract text from a PDF file, and they must already have the article text in an editable format.

      If you go to the download page, all the articles are available individually as PDF, but many also in text or html.

    • Mike here from the Linux Voice team. As you can see, we've made many articles available also as plain text, or HTML. And you know what? These are extracted from the PDF. Many changes are made at the layout stage, so it's not like we just use the original plain text that's sent to us. We're looking at ways to improve this workflow, but be reasonable -- we wouldn't be "purposefully obstructive" as you so nicely put it. Why would we even do this in the first place, if so? Why even bother if we didn't want peop

fortune: cannot execute. Out of cookies.
