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Interview: Ask the Debian Project Leader 192

Wichert Akkerman, our interview guest this week, describes himself: "I'm a simple MSc Computer Science student who likes to work on Linux projects. I have been the Debian Project leader since February and that has taken most of my time. Debian is a project to produce a completely free operating system and as such we currently have a GNU/Linux distribution and are working on GNU/HURD as well." So ask away. One question per post, please. Moderators & assorted others will select the 10 - 15 questions we forward to Wichert Tuesday afternoon. His answers will appear Friday.
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Interview: Ask the Debian Project Leader

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  • How do you feel about the emerging of distros basing themselves around Debian - eg. Stormix and Corel.. Chris. --
  • by charlie ( 1328 ) <charlie.antipope@org> on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:03AM (#1496561) Homepage Journal
    Corel have based their Linux distribution on Debian. However, they've made some additions of their own, notably on the side of turnkey installation and user interface improvements to KDE.

    To what extent are you seeing Corel feeding back these changes to the Debian community? How good for Debian has Corel been, so far?

  • by citizenx ( 117856 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:04AM (#1496562) Homepage
    I'd like to know the status is on porting Debian to the FreeBSD kernel. A combination of the daemon and debian - how delicious.
  • by Jonas Öberg ( 19456 ) <> on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:06AM (#1496563) Homepage
    Any news on when Debian will start accepting new maintainer applications again?
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak AT yahoo DOT com> on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:08AM (#1496564) Homepage Journal
    Linux supports, as standard, a phenominal number of platforms, including the Sun Sparc, Dec Alpha, etc, etc. Then, there is a plethoria of Microkernels, such as HURD and L4. Finally, there are exotic beasts, such as ExoPC, to dabble with.

    Is Debian looking to concentrate on a small set of well-established architectures, or are we going to see Debian for every conceivable environment that Linux can run under?

  • any news on the long-awaited (or -supposed) graphical interface to apt? anything else in the works on the package-managing front?
  • by chromatic ( 9471 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:11AM (#1496566) Homepage

    What's the best way to get involved with the Debian project? Do you have a list of tasks that need to be done along with the required skills?

    I ask because that seems to be one barrier keeping more people from helping out various free software projects -- they don't know where to start. If we could point to a list and say "The boot disks need testing; we expect these error messages:" or "The foo package has these ugly functions that need to be rewritten:" it would give us more concrete goals to reach.


  • by Christopher B. Brown ( 1267 ) <> on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:12AM (#1496567) Homepage
    Considerable improvements have gone into the "back end," apt-get ; while there has been some experimentation with gnome-apt and console-apt, there doesn't seem to yet be anything that unambiguously improves on dselect in terms of functionality.

    With the things that have been learned from those attempts, is there likely to be some sort of dselect-ng ?

  • by grrussel ( 260 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:12AM (#1496568) Homepage Journal
    Now that Qt 2 is free software, under the QPL, will Debian include KDE 2 when it is released, based on Qt 2?

    Also, do you feel it is better to keep Linux entirely DSFG free software only, or to include software in some way restricted, such as Pine, Qt 1.x and Netscape?

  • by sanderb ( 9539 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:13AM (#1496569) Homepage
    Since you are working on both Linux (established) and the HURD (experimental), could you please tell what the advantages of using the HURD over Linux would be, once the HURD would near completion?
  • by Tet ( 2721 ) <> on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:13AM (#1496570) Homepage Journal
    What are your feelings on RPM vs. dpkg? Would it be better for Debian to add any missing functionality to RPM, and then switch to that? In what way might Debian users benefit from sticking with dpkg over a modified RPM with equivalent functionality? From personal experience, the thing that really stood out in Debian was dselect, but that could sit on top of RPM just as well as it does on dpkg. Presumably the same applies to apt (although I haven't looked at Debian recently enough to know about apt).
  • by bconway ( 63464 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:15AM (#1496571) Homepage
    Debian totes that it is a completely free distribution of Linux, and likes to look down on those that package things like Netscape and StarOffice in their distributions because they are not totally free. Meanwhile, Debian packages these things as well, but puts them in a section declared to be "non-free." How is that you can still maintain your air of superiority for a "free" distribution if you're distributing the same non-free programs as everyone else, yet still look down on distros such as RedHat solely because they don't keep a seperate non-free section? Would this not fall under the category of hypocrisy?
  • What will they do about the current problem with getting a debian maintainer? - AFAIK they had big problems because there are too many people who want to become debian maintainers.
  • by mcurtis ( 48452 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:17AM (#1496573)
    Could you compare GNU/HURD to GNU/Linux, from a user's perspective. What are the advantages of each? What are the target groups for each? Why would I choose one over the other?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:18AM (#1496574)
    I ask these questions with total respect for the Debian project. They're bitter by nature, not by my emotions.

    1. Eric Raymond has stated (during a speech, NYC :) that he believes that the Debian project is making it difficult for Linux to adopt a standard packaging system. What do you have to say in response?

    2. I'm rather disturbed by the GNU Hurd's Debian-like appearance now. I was hoping for a radically different OS but I was disappointed with seeing a different underlying OS that still looks much like Debian. Does Debian have a legitimate reason for doing this?

    3. Now from the GNU Hurd to Debianizing FreeBSD. My only question is: Why? Does this help improve the state of the world or simply help glorify Debian itself? I don't see a practical reason for doing this.

    I am trying to understand your motives. Not ridicule them. Thank you for your time.

  • by Stephen ( 20676 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:18AM (#1496575) Homepage
    To my mind, the main problem that Debian has to sort out is its release cycle. It's one thing to have a well-tested distribution by the time it's released, but it's going too far to have packages a year or more out of date still in the current release. What steps are being taken to address this? Or is there an expectation that everyone is happy to use unstable?

  • by ajs ( 35943 ) <ajs.ajs@com> on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:19AM (#1496576) Homepage Journal
    I was looking over the info on the attempt to integrate FreeBSD's kernel, and was shocked to find that the people doing it were using BSD libc! Since glibc was designed with a certian amount of portability in mind, why not port glibc to FreeBSD's kernel? This would seem to be to make the overall port MUCH easier, as the rest of the debian code should be far simpler to port to a different kernel platform, but the same libc....
  • Hi!

    First of all, thanks a lot (to you and to the rest of the Debian team) for an oustanding job!

    Several quick questions:

    (A) What is exactly the BSD/Debian project? What are its goals? Is it officially supported by the Debian project, or is it just some sort of personal projects for some Debian programmers?

    (B) When can we expect a release of the GNU/HURD? Do you think the HURD is the next great thing and that we'll all have to leave Linux/*BSD to install it on our machines?

    (C) On a more personal note... how do you manage all this work? Jolt, Coca-Cola, designer drugs or just good old plain caffeine? Do you receive extra credit for working on Debian during your studies? =)

    Thanks again -- keep up the good work!
  • When will potato be released and what has to be done until then? - There seem to be some bigger problems with that.

    Why was he not informed and announced a release date which they had to correct. (Current release date is in mid January)
  • by DJStealth ( 103231 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:24AM (#1496579)
    How do you, and the Debian team feel about Corel only allowing adults (over 18) to download their distrobution of Linux?
  • by Gurlia ( 110988 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:29AM (#1496580)

    Check out:

    IMHO one of the best things about Debian is its openness, not just in terms of Open Source, but things like:

    • The Bug Tracking System is right there on Debian's page, so that every bug in Debian is apparent to whoever cares to look.
    • The WNPP (Work-needing and Prospective Packages) page, also readily accessible if you looked, so that volunteers can easily figure out how they can help.
  • by PigleT ( 28894 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:31AM (#1496581) Homepage
    Other major distributions have their derivative distros - eg RedHat and Mandrake etc. There are also some good jobs done of porting RedHat-written code to Debian (eg Linuxconf).
    Given the problems experienced with Corel Linux, which is known to be "based on Debian", what are your feelings on having other distributions derived from Debian - in particular, how 'far' away from the original should they go and is there any preference in direction that they take?
  • Recently there has been talk of porting software from debian to FreeBSD. I'm wondering what use this will offer for the userland and system part of FreeBSD.

    If there is a plan to port software, how do you plan on submitting the code? Will you use the normal method and promote the current cvsup system? How does the Debian project see FreeBSD as an OS? Are there plans to implement current features of this software into Debian?
  • It seems to me that Debian is stuck in a situation where it's minor releases are actual MAJOR releases.

    At what point will potato be released, and what revision number will it have? It seems to me it would have been better to have released potato a long time ago, and release 'sub-releases' often to keep up to date, instead of waiting for that never-to-be-seen 100% perfect release.

    'Release Often' is a term often used to describe Open Source projects, but it doesn't seem to apply to Debian. Just sticking in 'beta' forever.
  • Personally, I'm a slackware man who has just recently started using debian due to the lack of another distro that I like on DEC alpha based machines.

    The current stable debian distribution "slink", is still based on the 2.0.x kernel, while the other big players couldn't adopt 2.2.x fast enough just because of the version number. With the 2.4 kernel just around the corner, how will Debian be able to compete with i.e. Red Hat, as they even might launch the next version with the 2.4 kernel as the Debian maintainers are still working on getting potato out the door?

    What are the plans to do something about it? Hon the lot of geeks that are eager to help out join in, or what are the criteria or needed skills? Does one have to be an über-geek to get in?
    Okay... I'll do the stupid things first, then you shy people follow.

  • by gpoul ( 52544 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:37AM (#1496585)
    Debian seems to be getting too big to be managed. (by the user and wakkerman)

    There are many packages and they are getting more and more. ("What? There is a new window manager? - Package it!") - I don't think this is the responsibility of a distribution.

    A distribution should be the base system to run linux. Every more advanced system should be installed by the unix administrator.

    To make it even more worse, packages like netstd get split up in many others and packages which should be split, don't. (Look at tetex-bin. You only need xlib6g because there is xdvi in it. - If you drop xdvi in it's own package you don't have to install xlib6g and xbase on your servers)
  • Recently, Debian adopted "logrotate" as their standard log rotation tool. I thought this was interesting because it was developed by Red Hat, not so much to increase the pool of Generally Good software out there as to meet a specific need they ran up against in the process of building a distribution. If this distinction makes any sense (and I think it certainly applies to, say install tools), what can you borrow from other distributions to bring Debian forward?
  • Why do you let yourself be badgered by RMS into calling the product GNU/Linux? It seems like it was done mainly because RMS wanted to latch onto a rising star after enduring the heretofore failure of the GNU/HURD project. To me, this seems no less silly/sleazy than politicians saying that every political position they support must be done "for the children," or marketers trying to add an "e" or an "i" to the beginning of every product name -- Linux being the "e" or "i" in this case.

    It would be one thing if he just requested that people add the GNU to the name -- the fact that he berates people who don't disgusts me. Why does Debian pander to such behavior?

    Thanks for your time, Wichert.


  • As a longtime Debian user, (currently Potato) I know that Debian has received a lot of criticism for its political process. Perhaps because of the entirely open way of decision-making, it sometimes seems like the important decisions take a long time to make. Some have suggested that Debian needs some sort of a benevolent dictator. (much in the same way as the Linux kernel)

    Perhaps directly affected by this, the Debian releases, although rock solid, are usually very far apart. (yes, I know there's always unstable)

    It may be good that things undergo lengthy review; however is there some sort of middle ground that must be reached? What are your thoughts on the above?

  • by FreeUser ( 11483 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:49AM (#1496589)
    As an enthusiastic user of Debian, one of its greatest weaknesses to me has been the apparent "orphaning" of stable releases once they are released. All further development (security updates aside) appears to be done for the new, unstable development version. Even new versions of existing, well defined and stable products are rarely backported into the stable tree, resulting in the stable version of Debian quickly consisting mostly of outdated software.

    Is there any provision being made to allow for and support a more aggressive backporting of newly released software in current, stable releases, such as newer versions of xmms, netscape, mozilla, and so forth?

    I understand and recognize that some software (e.g. gcc, glibc, X, perl) may affect too many other dependent packages to be supported in both stable and development trees, but other software such as xmms and enlightenment don't fall into that category at all, yet debian packages often are never created to support the current stable release.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 29, 1999 @06:50AM (#1496590)
    I've run Debian for many years. I love it. I had a couple of possible questions about the directions the distribution is going these days:
    • Debian used to be the most up-to-date of the distributions. Now it seems to be falling way behind. There hasn't been a new release in almost a year, and potato is still going to be based on 2.0.x kernels. Do you know where the problem stems from? Is anything getting done to fix it? Is it possible Debian has just grown too large to be maintainable (in which case, it might be logical to dump half of it into /contrib, and only have the team maintain a smaller core)?
    • There's an increasing non-free presence in Debian. Right now, the default potato install wanted to give me a large number of non-free packages, and non-free is listed side-by-side with free in the install. I had the distinct feeling that that the DFSG were being diluted. Do you know what's happening on this front?
    • What do you feel about Corel Linux, Stormix, and other Debian-based distributions? Do you think Debian may eventually form a common core or base OS that others build distributions on top of?
    • Right now, installing Debian takes a couple of hours. Is any work being done on improving the install process? Is any work being done on making package management less interactive (answer all of the config questions either before or after install, rather than during).
  • I have the impression that Debian's development
    model is somewhat slow compared to the release
    cycles of commercial Linux distributors.

    There is IMHO the danger that Debian falls
    behind against commercial Linux distributors.

    Could more (benevolent) dictatorship and less
    democracy help Debian to release solid code faster?

  • This (from []) may partly answer your question. However, I wish I could get apt-get et al. to allow me to install from the non-free sections but always warn me when I request to do so.

    Programs That Don't Meet Our Free-Software Standards

    We acknowledge that some of our users require the use of programs that don't conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. We have created "contrib" and "non-free" areas in our FTP archive for this software. The software in these directories is not part of the Debian system, although it has been configured for use with Debian. We encourage CD manufacturers to read the licenses of software packages in these directories and determine if they can distribute that software on their CDs. Thus, although non-free software isn't a part of Debian, we support its use, and we provide infrastructure (such as our bug-tracking system and mailing lists) for non-free software packages.

  • by Big Dave Diode ( 2911 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @07:00AM (#1496593) Homepage
    I've been using Debian for a long time now, and I'd like to contribute back to the project. However, I've been put off by what looks to me like excessive bureaucracy and some infighting among Debian developers. Are there any plans to streamline the process to become a developer/maintainer, and the developer contribution process itself? What about fostering a more civil peer review process?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I understatand that every time the Debian unstable gets bigger and bigger and supports even more hadrware architectures. It take a while to make the distribution really stable and rock-solid before releasing it. However, what disappoints me is that, after release, Debian basically abandons the stable. The only updates that make it into stable are security (good job!) and fixes for some horrible bugs. So the current Debian stable still ships with Kernel 2.0.36 by default and XFree 3.3.2.x (this is rediculous!). Many people, and specially newbies get disappointed, they install it and then realize that their hardware is not supported and they have to rebuild kernel or hunt for "unofficial" official XFree 3.3.X debs for slink. Did Debian maintainers consider making more updates for stable? Specially, the updates that have to do with hardware support like X, Kernel and other related packages.

    - akop
  • by Chalst ( 57653 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @07:02AM (#1496596) Homepage Journal
    There seems to be something of a difference between the Linux and BSD
    worlds as to what the `natural unit' of an operating system is. In
    the Linux world it seems that the kernel is regarded as the operating
    system, and the various different distributions are regarded as
    flavours of Linux with their component parts being expected to be as
    interchangeable as possible.

    In the BSD world the whole distribution as deployed is held to be
    the OS, and moving a piece of software from one distribution to
    another has a bit of the flavour of a port. I think there are
    advanatages to the BSD way of looking at things, since some properties
    of OSs, especially security, make sense only when applied to the
    system as a whole.

    I am concerned, therefore, that the port of the Debian distribution
    to the FreeBSD kernel might undermine this view. Is the Debian port
    going to be positioned as an entirely new branch of BSD (say
    DebianBSD), or is it going to be regarded more in the Linux way of
    doing things? If the latter, how seriously do the Debian team take
    these cultural differences between the BSD and Linux world? Who do
    you see as your target user?

  • I've noticed that there seems to be a large quantity of interdeveloper conflict in the Debian project. Of course this is to be expected, but as Debian gets larger and more attention, it appears to have reached the point where it is significantly slowing development. Are there any plans for decentralization to improve the decision making process, and if so, what are those plans? Also, if you decentralized, how would you address elitism so that decisions remained in the project's best interest?
  • by bholmberg ( 82216 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @07:07AM (#1496598)
    What do you make of all of this talk about appliances taking over the computer industry, and how sucessful do you suspect an OS like Debian will have if this really becomes mainstream?
  • How important are non-intel ports of the distro to the Debian project, and what emphasis is placed on supporting new platforms as they emerge?

    SoupIsGood Food
  • and potato is still going to be based on 2.0.x kernels.

    eww, check your facts before posting.
  • by coreybrenner ( 19101 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @07:16AM (#1496601)
    On this point, just let me make this comment:

    If a FreeBSD/Debian amalgamation were to take shape, the WORST thing that could happen would be to base the distribution around the GNU libc.

    This would make binary compatibility with standard FreeBSD a nightmare, and would hamper the performance of the systems that would run such a distribution. Imagine two big C libraries, two different versions of each library depending on which C library is used, etc. Memory consumption would be phenomenal, and there is really no good reason to do it, anyway. The FreeBSD libc is at least as capable as the GNU libc, is maintained by a conscientious set of developers whose goals are quality, stability, and robustness, and just, in general, rocks.

    Don't further pollute a FreeBSD-based Debian by making the mistake of putting GNU libc in the mix. PLEASE.

    Besides, porting a libc to a different kernel is not a terribly trivial task. Why do all that extra work when the work has already been done for you, and the results are useable by everyone and their dog?


  • by Vlijmen Fileer ( 120268 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @07:17AM (#1496602)
    Hi Wichert,
    I've been following the development of the HURD for one or two years now, and I haven't seen much change in it. Do you expect the HURD ever going to be finished in the sense that it can be used in a serious way?
    Martin van Boven
  • When the Debian project removed the KDE packages from their distribution, the given reason was that KDE could not be legally distributed without violating the GPL.

    However, at least two of the packages removed, kdesupport and kdelibs, were not licensed under the GPL, but under the LGPL.

    So, regardless of wether it was correct or not to remove kdebase/utils/etc, why were these two packages removed?

    If these two packages were removed by mistake, what are the chances of them being reinstated?

    Please notice that I have personally released at least two package that could be part of debian if kdelibs and kdesupport were not removed.
  • by Hard_Code ( 49548 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @07:34AM (#1496605)
    In light of the possibility of a Debian HURD distribution, and out of infamiliarity with Debian, I would like to ask what exactly Debian /is/...what comprises it. Is it a packaging/versioning/distribution mechanism? Is it a suite of bundled software? What exactly does Debian offer, or develop? How is it different from other distros? It seems to me that Debian isn't just a label and bundle of software slapped on to Linux, so what exactly is it?
  • by MoNsTeR ( 4403 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @07:36AM (#1496606)
    I started using Linux at home with Debian 1.3, and stayed with it through 2.1. After that though, I switched to TurboLinux (though it might just as well have been RH or SuSE) for two reasons:
    1) it seems Debian will forever be compiled i486,
    and thus never benefit from the oft-huge speed increase of egcs/pgcc
    2) the size and growth rate of Debian are, IMHO,
    inexcusable. The main section no longer fits on one CD!

    If it were just #1, I could probably live with it and just install a seperate compiler and library to compile and run the apps that I really need the speed from. But #2 is just nuts. The multi-CD method of install is very rough and difficult to figure out / use, and installing via ftp is simply not an option for those of us with 28.8 modems. Worse yet, this has caused the pace of Debian to slow to a crawl. "Stable" released versions contains libraries and apps of ancient (by the linux time scale) version, and the dependency structure of dpkg makes substituting self-compiled versions effectively impossible. In short, it's very difficult to have a Debian system that is at all current.
    So, my questions are these:

    1. Is the Debian project planning, at any point, to create a Pentium-optimized release?

    2. Is the Debian project planning, at any point,
    to create something like a Debian-lite, that includes only a core of packages such as commonly used libraries, X, popular user agents such as mutt, lftp, and lynx, essential and popular server daemons like sendmail, yp[stuff], nfs, and apache...? Basically, a distro of similar size to the more popular distros that fit easily onto one CD.

    If Debian were to do those things, which I see as modernizing and streamlining respectively, I would switch back (or at least try it out in vmware =]).

  • You could always build the newer package yourself. Just use apt-get source ... to fetch the Debian-ized source code (from unstable), and then run debian/rules binary to compile and build a .deb file.

    You could leave your sources.list pointing to the stable binaries but the unstable sources to achieve this.

    (With the unstable version of apt, you can even use apt-get -b source ... to fetch and build automatically.)

  • That's a good place to start, thank you! I'd seen the bug tracking system before, and it's also good.

    I guess what I was looking for is a place that says something like "Package X could use someone with Perl knowledge to write an installer script" or "Package Y could use a C graphics guru to optimize and prettify these functions." It's a lot of details to keep track of, I know, but it may save a lot of work later.


  • After reading about 1/3 of the posts, the major complaint about Debian (it is free, who are we to complain?) seems to be that stable releases are abandoned. I have been using Debian throughout my Linux experience. I tried RedHat, but I was dissappointed with it. Debian does seem to be getting behind. I find myself downloading tar.gz files and upgrading a lot of components myself which is very time consuming, but probably good practice if nothing else. But it kind of defeats the point of having a distro. I am not presuming in anyway to be an expert or proclaim to have a better idea than the current one, but I had a suggestion on a new distro model that might make things a bit easier, especially with the fast moving world of open-source projects.

    ** A lot of open source projects make projections about when a new release will be made or one atleast knows the next version number obviously. Why not build a distribution in the following manner.

    (1) Look at the open-source projects included in your distro or that you want to include. Look at your current distro set your new distro to include the next versions of open-source projects you currently include or plan to include. Make that your goal for the distro and when it is reached, up your version number and set a new set of goals.

    (2) All the while, maintain your current stable and basically keep upgrading it with updates with the intent of meeting your goals for the new distro version. Once it is met, your current stable goes up one version number.

    (3) Allow the users to set their version level. Maybe they don't want to touch packages above the goal of their current distro. They don't need the latest windowmaker, icewm, gnome, etc.

    Basically, your current stable is a set of open-source project versions (kernel 2.0.36, GTK 1.2, etc.) that interoperate together. Then you have additional packages that fit into your new distro such as kernel 2.2.12, 2.3.18, etc.) A lot more testing would be required, but considering the larger developer base debian seems to be getting, it might make better use of the resource. This is in no way a totally developed thought. You may have already considered something like what I described, assuming what I described makes any sense at all.
  • What are the chances of getting Debian GNU/Linux released more frequently? Currently the releases happen about every 14 months or so. Is there anyway to speed it up so that it is say, every 6 months with minor bug/security releases to stay at it's usual speediness?
  • by blackholebrain ( 90909 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @08:02AM (#1496613) Homepage
    It seems to me that the whole HURD project [tho very promising in theory] has been in pre-beta hibernation for quite some time... so my question is:

    What exactly would it take to ramp up work on the HURD so that *Debian/HURD* actually becomes reality... or maybe the question should be "is there no Linus Torvalds or Alan Cox for the lowly HURD??"
  • by LiNT_ ( 65569 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @08:26AM (#1496615)

    I've seen a number of comments already dealing with this subject but none have asked specifically what I want to know. As a new user to linux if anyone has a simple answer to my question, please answer

    I've been wanting to try Debian for awhile now, the only thing holding me back is the tendency for Debian to fall behind by one current kernel release. With the upcoming release of pototo based on the 2.2 Kernel as well as the 2.4 kernel is Debian destined to fall behind once again? Are there any plans to adjust the release schedules or come up with a new release system to keep more up to date with the new software we're seeing more frequently?

    IMO opinion most of the die hard Linux fans are faithful devotees of Debian yet they also want to be on the bleeding edge. It seems to me Debain would benefit greatly by keeping more up to date even if it was with sub-releases incorperating things such as KDE 2.0 and the 2.4 kernel. As I said before I'm releatively new to Linux and since I've had literally no experience I would not be surprised to find all of this is easily solved with dpkg or something similar. Please let me know if it can be.


  • Actually, there was a story on Slashdot a while back about RedHat doing just that -- releasing something called RMS/Linux.

    Slashdot's story can be found here [].

    Personally, its not my cup of tea. I'm more into my Linuxes working well than being 110% open-source. But that's just me, and that's why I use Mandrake and KDE. :)

    In fact, a good question for the Debian people would be: Would you ever consider bundling a seriously closed-source package with the distribution? At what point would the ends (say, hundred of thousands of sales) justify the means for you guys/gals personally. Would you ever, if you'll forgive the tackiness of the phrase, sell your soul?

  • by joey ( 315 )

    Right now, installing Debian takes a couple of hours. Is any work being done on improving the install process? Is any work being done on making package management less interactive (answer all of the config questions either before or after install, rather than during).

    Yes, debconf [] will allow either of these to be done, as well as limiting the questions you see to only the most important ones.

  • The publicly stated reason for closing new-maintainers was so that existing packages could be maintained better (did I get that right?). Are things any better now? It seems to me to be a non-sequitor that you can improve the maintainance of existing packages by preventing new people from joining - but maybe I am missing something here. At what point will you decide that packages are being maintained well enough so that new maintainers can be reopened? Couldnt whatever course of actions that you took upon closing new-maintainers also have been executed with new-maintainers still open?

  • > SuSE is releasing tools to make their version of Linux more secure
    > (ie hardening scripts and other tools.)

    I disagree that the application of scripts can take an OS that has not been audited and turn it into one that is "secure".

    IMO, you need to go back and look at every single interface to every single routine, you need to go back and look at every single call of functions that are known to be typically mis-used (e.g., gets() instead of fgets()) and either replace them or ensure that they're used safely, and you have to start incorporating the security-minded thought process in all the code that gets committed from that point on (so that a routine that has been secured doesn't get broken by a later commit). You also need to follow all this up with a system of checks and balances, so that if you happen to miss something at one stage in the process, it's likely to get caught at another stage.

    It is my understanding that this is basically what happend with OpenBSD, and is the reason why they have *never* had a security breach in a piece of the core OS (e.g., something from /usr/src) that had been audited. The FreeBSD folks have likewise recently fired up the freebsd-audit [] project, which I have started to monitor, and hope to perhaps some day be able to contribute something useful to.

    That said, there is Bastille Linux, which I understand hopes to become the OpenBSD of the Linux world. But it's based on Red Hat. It would seem to me that it would be much more natural to base it on a much more solid distribution (such as Debian). As such, my personal opinion is that they're starting two strikes down, and with both arms and one leg tied behind their back.

    So, to mirror and expand upon the above question, are there any plans to create a security/crypto-oriented distribution based on Debian, or perhaps efforts to modify the Debian development methodology so that not only does all the core code get audited, but the audit process gets built into the development and commit process?
  • What is/was your motivation to put out a Debian FreeBSD distro?
  • I would love to see a version of Linux (maybe Debian) that would be considered as secure as (more secure than) Open BSD.

    I wouldn't hold my breath. Linux is a good desktop OS, but too many quick patches add on;s and compromises have already been made to consider it a strong contender for security 'deep down'.

    FreeBSD and OpenBSD take great care looking at what code goes into the kernal - it is not just a matter of setting permissions and turning off services. With BSD you knwo you aren't running 'raw' code some 15 year old hacked onto a driver someplace.

  • I'm not quite sure where to put this question;
    it probably isn't a very good one for this topic,
    but I couldn't find the package description, as
    the package is no longer part of Debian. I was
    wondering why Debian dropped the Grail web
    browser. I'd like to contact the former Debian
    maintainer for Grail, if possible; however,
    the package description isn't available at the
    Debian web site, since the package was dropped.
    Any suggestions, anyone?

  • However, I wish I could get apt-get et al. to allow me to install from the non-free sections but always warn me when I request to do so.

    Then add it. I've poked around in the apt sources, and this should take about 5 minutes to add to apt-get. Now that you've mentioned it, my frontend (<PLUG/aptitude []/) may gain this ability..

  • Have you tried gnome-apt? It's available in potato, it may not be available in slink though.
  • Debian seems to be getting too big to be managed. (by the user and wakkerman)

    I don't think I agree, or at least, I don't think the size is the cause of the management problems with the Debian project. They have had similar problems back in the 0.93 release and probably before that too.

    There are many packages and they are getting more and more. ("What? There is a new window manager? - Package it!") - I don't think this is the responsibility of a distribution.

    A distribution should be the base system to run linux. Every more advanced system should be installed by the unix administrator.

    Well, that is your opinion, but I disagree. I see no reason why every administrator should duplicate their efforts by doing all the configuration, patch applying and integration for "every more advanced system."

    That is one of the things I like about Debian, if there is a useful program out there, then chances are it has already been packaged and that makes my life easier.

    To make it even more worse, packages like netstd get split up in many others and packages which should be split, don't. (Look at tetex-bin. You only need xlib6g because there is xdvi in it. - If you drop xdvi in it's own package you don't have to install xlib6g and xbase on your servers)

    Your example of tetex-bin might be a legitimate complaint, I'm not sure, there might be technical reasons why xdvi has to be there.

    However, in general, I don't have a problem with lots of small packages. The required packages are automatically selected for you, so you just select the programs you want, and it makes no difference to me if it needs 1 or 1000 other packages to be installed.

  • Why do you let yourself be badgered by RMS into calling the product GNU/Linux? It seems like it was done mainly because RMS wanted to latch onto a rising star after enduring the heretofore failure of the GNU/HURD project.

    Good point. There is no doubting the contribution that RMS has made to the free software world... but he is a political radical in his own way.

    Trying to stick "GNU" onto the name Linux is exactly in keeping with his philosophy of "virus like" methods of influencing things. It's kind of like he is applying the GPL to even the NAMES of distributions.

    "If you use GNU code, I get to tell you what to call yourself!"

  • It's interesting that you mention this problem.

    FreeBSD shoots for three to four releases per year, but the problem we typically have is that there are usually problems with the CD-ROM images as they were released (they won't boot on some machines, or don't recognize the Ethernet cards, or whatever), and the -RELEASE versions are almost always out-of-date within days after being created.

    Instead, if you want an actual working version that fixes a couple of major problems in -RELEASE, you instead need to pick up the most recent -STABLE.

    There are plans to try to fix this problem, so that -RELEASE is more useful out-of-the-jewel-box, but I suspect that there are still going to be a lot of people that buy (or otherwise get) the -RELEASE CD-ROMs, but never bother to even take off the shrink-wrap.

    I guess it's a good way to support the project, but it doesn't seem to be a really good way to develop and distribute an OS. It seems to me that there should instead be three main branches:

    -RELEASE, which gets made as rock-solid stable as possible, and although important bug-fixes get created (and patches released), no really new functionality gets added. Today, the best you can do in this arena is to run the previous major release down (e.g., -RELEASE is currently on 3.x, so you would instead run the latest 2.x version available), but this isn't a real fix for the problems.

    -STABLE, which is -RELEASE plus some additional functionality, bug fixes, etc..., but no really huge architectural changes. This is pretty much -STABLE today.

    -CURRENT, which is the absolute latest bleeding-edge version, and if you run it, you get what you deserve. There's absolutely no guarantees that the thing will ever even compile, much less run or even function according to design. If you want this, you damn well better track the freebsd-current and cvs-commit mailing lists religiously, cvsup RELENG_4 nightly, etc.... And don't forget wear your Nomex(tm) jammies if you ever want to post to any of the mailing lists. Again, this is pretty much -CURRENT today.

    Are there any plans for such a three-pronged development track for Debian?
  • A quick simple question,

    What are your job duties?


    Do you make executive decisions for debian?

    Do you just keep organization?

    Do you handle legal maters?

    Etc..., refering back to the orginal question, what are your duties?

    side question- describe a typical day, week, month?

    Steve Bibayoff

    ps I know I asked two questions, but there close enough to the same.

  • Few pointers that may help you out. There is a file in /etc/apt called 'sources.list' In this file there are URLs where the application 'apt-get' will look for .deb files. What you would do, if you wanted incremental updates, would be to point those at the _unstable_ branches instead of stable. You could then do a huge overall upgrade, or simply download the newest apps you want. Apt itself will take care of all the dependancies and installation.

    For the most part this solves what you are talking about. The reason that Debain is always so 'behind' is because they put much more emphasis on distribution stability than other distributions do. They cross test packages and whatnot making sure everything is inter-compatible before releasing. This ensures a rock solid distribution, albiet a tad bit out of date.

    Hope that helped out a bit. Debian isn't for everybody. It certainly is not the easiest to use. But the features that really make it shine in my opinion is the power of apt, and the dpkg system, automatic menu updating with debian adjusted window managers, among other things.
  • the size and growth rate of Debian are, IMHO, inexcusable. The main section no longer fits on one CD!

    IMHO, this is the beauty of Debian. As they are all volunteers there really is no way that Debian would not be huge. Why you ask? I'll tell you. People contribute what they like. In a company like redhat those in charge can say "stop fiddling with that HURD project and give us a hand".

    In the Debian world if those in charge said something similiar the HURD group would give them the finger and continue their work. They are all volunteers doing what they do because they love it. They're not being paid by anyone and really have no deadlines save those that are self-imposed. Debian's size will continue to grow very quickly so long as people have diverse interests (and we know they do... I say linux, you say freebsd, etc, etc)

    My questions: When will Debian again be accepting new Developers, because you've got someone in Maine ready to give you a hand.

    btw- I really think pentium optimization is a great idea, even though I read somewhere the speed increase is minimal.

  • by Cplus ( 79286 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @09:52AM (#1496639) Homepage Journal
    Do you think that Corel has taken the right path in making a user friendly distro of Debian? Aside from the hoopla of threatened lawsuits and other controversy do you think it is easy enough for a newbie and fleshed out enough for someone who wants to really use it?

  • Does the Debian project plan to offer sourcecode Debian packages? I'm aware that apt already supports downloading and building packages from source archives. However, since a dependency system for source packages is missing, this remains an error-prone process. The need to install software from sourcecode seems to become more urgent as Debian supports more CPU architectures. It would also be a welcome feature for those who want Pentium-optimized binaries.
  • ta to slashdot for the good interview.

    to the debian people:

    i really like the .deb package format, especially its dependencies. i would, however, like to be able to compile programs myself, for optimization and such. is there an easy way to implement dependencies for source code, and to have a self-compiled version of a package fill the dependencies for the prepackaged version?
  • 2. I'm rather disturbed by the GNU Hurd's Debian-like appearance now. I was hoping for a radically different OS but I was disappointed with seeing a different underlying OS that still looks much like Debian. Does Debian have a legitimate reason for doing this?

    I can't speak for Debian, but the fact that the two distributions are called GNU/Linux and GNU/HURD seems to give a clue as to their intentions. They are both essentially the GNU OS, but differ in their choice of kernel.
  • by Stephen ( 20676 ) on Monday November 29, 1999 @10:23AM (#1496644) Homepage
    There are many packages and they are getting more and more. ("What? There is a new window manager? - Package it!") - I don't think this is the responsibility of a distribution.

    A distribution should be the base system to run linux. Every more advanced system should be installed by the unix administrator.

    I strongly disagree with this. To me the joy of Debian is that any program I want is already available, correctly configured for my system, and I don't have to do any more than
    apt-get install package_name
    to install it.

  • The Puffin group has a running parisc-linux
    shell now (see
    Do you think on an architecture so far out of the
    mainstream there will be enough developers to create
    a distro? Also, feelings are split as far as
    optimizing for ix86 chipset families -- have any
    groups formed to do so, and do you think a consensus
    will emerge in favor of supporting optimized build
    rules for arch-i586 and friends, if not distributing
    the binaries themselves, can be reached?
  • This was already a topic on the debian mailing lists. You are right. This makes it much easier for some people to install programs.

    That's why the model of splitting the distribution from the applications is a good idea.

    Look at FreeBSD's port collection. This is _not_ the best solution, but it is a beginning. It may be an option to create a core debian and the application-debian around it. This way people will have a stable distribution released every few months (the developers of this stable distro don't have to think about the applications). The applications will be available somewhere else. (That's possible with apt-get)

    I just think that it's not good for debian as a whole to be that big. There are just too many bugs which are _not_ related to the core distribution.

    There were many threads about that on debian-devel and I don't want to discuss that here. It was only an idea for a question.
  • may want to know that gnome-apt development has stalled, and that console-apt is probably going to have to be rewritten from scratch to go anywhere. (gnome-apt may as well, but I've only examined the console-apt code in any detail) Luckily there's not much code, at least for console-apt :)
    I'm also working on a frontend (so my opinion is not objective!), but I don't want to say anything else until the next release as all its nice features, including downloading packages (rather important for a package manager) are currently vapor; I know pretty much how I'm going to implement them but final exams are happening :-\

  • What is intended to be done to counter the fact that for many Debian volunteers, helping debian "is just not fun anymore", because of the size & complexity of the project , politics, flame wars, ... ?

  • The problem with GNU Hurd is that there are not enough people working on it. I myself tried to invest some time into it. I simply don't have enough free-time (if you can call it that way).

    There is nobody working on GNU Hurd full-time. That's why it is so slow. But marcus invests _much_ time into it since 1996 (if I remember correctly) and is doing a _great_ job.
  • There has been quite a bit of discussion about this. I think there is more interest in shortening the release cycle than in backporting new software, but I think that projects which benefit one may benefit the other.
    Look (in the list archives of -devel and -project) at the recent discussion of "package pools". Essentially they are an attempt to make the archive much more flexible and make it easier to release multiple versions of a package with differing stability levels, etc. Wichert will probably tell you more when he replies, assuming your post gets sent to him (hope it does!)

  • I've been running linux for over 2 years(first distro was Slackware 3.2). After a while the libc5/glib2 thing was too much and I changed over to RedHat 5.2. Updated to RedHat 6 when that cam out and it was ok. Heard enough good stuff about Debian that I thought I've give it a try a couple months ago.

    With Slink being SO out of date(based on a 2.0.x kernel for starters), that's not an option to install. I need stuff like XFree86 3.3.5 for my voodoo3, some programs need to be run on a 2.2.x kernel, etc. So I decided to just point to Potato and install from there. The Potato install scripts crashed on me 3 times in a row(yes I know it's "unstable") and I finally Just re-installed RedHat 6.1.

    So my question. What do you say to someone that wants to use debian, but Slink is out of date, and Potato won't install? It possible to just install Slink and "apt-get dist update" and point to Potato after a successful Slink install? How does one do a freah install of Debian now, and have an up-to-date system(2.2.13, XFree86 3.3.5, etc.)?
  • There is a project [] which packages KDE for a number of different distros, including Debian. You can add it as a source under /etc/apt/sources.list if you want to add KDE or KDE-based packages to your system, see here [] for more info.

  • by mcc ( 14761 ) <> on Monday November 29, 1999 @11:59AM (#1496662) Homepage
    and PPC? is it likely debian will ever come to the PPC platform in any real form?

    there's a PPC section of the Potato part of the debian ftp site, but it doesn't have a lot of support, and last time i checked there was _no_ documentation. and potato's supposedly unstable anyway.

    Please, please say this will eventually come to be a full distribution. i would _really_ rather have debian on this here mac than the quasi-redhat that is linuxppc. Not to mention that linuxppc's distribution, well, isn't perfect. there are a _lot_ of things broken right out of the box. It would be nice to have something resembling an alternative.
  • This is an important question to ask, but it needs to be restated in a way that doesn't sound like a barely disguised attack from a Linux zealot. How about something like:

    Since you are working on both Linux (established) and the HURD (experimental), what new mechanisms, facilities or areas do you see the HURD opening up in future years beyond the Unix space that is covered by Linux?
  • Potato, contrary to popular belief, is updated, but updates consist of bugfixes (many security-related). You won't have the latest and greatest stuff out there, but if you want a stable box, it's the way to fly.

    Slink offers a rapid development cycle and plenty of opportunities to experience the bugs and incompatibilities which plague other distros -- well, sort of (Slink is usually fixable). Packaging for Slink usually trails application release by a few days to a weeks for more obscure stuff. Plenty quick for me.

    So have at it -- stable and conservative, or bleeding edge. Take your pick.

  • ...I thought I was confused, but now I just don't know....
  • by KMSelf ( 361 )

    Naturally, it is an Internet/Free Software concept, and that's as up-market as they get right now.

    Naturally, the issuing share price will be free, and underwriting will be by volunteers.

  • Wasn't there something about one question per post?
  • It's suppose to be (by someone's standard) that Linux is simply the kernal of GNU. FreeBSD is an entire system and has its own kernal. But nowadays people refer to Linux as the whole system and not just the kernal. Which notably brushes GNU aside.
  • There are at least two ways to handle this:

    • Equivs []
      You can use this to tell dpkg that certain dependancies are fulfilled.
    • Rebuild the package yourself []
      This is probably the cleanest way. Grab the package source, type dpkg-source -x file.dsc to extract it, cd to the directory it made, hack away on Makefiles or whatever, type fakeroot debian/rules binary (leave off fakeroot if you're actually root) and voila - fresh compiled packages.
      You might wish to put them on hold ("=" in dselect or 'echo packagename hold | dpkg --set-selections') so that the packaging system knows not to upgrade them.
  • No, at least not that I've heard of. A while back Klee Dienes created a revised source package format - check 99/11/mail [] for details. Once again, it's not a .deb, it's tarballs and patches to them. For source, .debs aren't practical because it would cost the maintainers and mirrors a lot of bandwidth every time they wish to make a one-line change that would only affect a .diff.gz and the binary .deb - especially for very large packages.

    Also a list of source dependancies is kept by the build daemon machines - I forget where it's at though.

  • Well, there's been a lot of discussion on this on -devel and a whole bunch of build dependency fields were recently added. Currently this is optional; since there are so many packages to convert and there's not yet an automated way to detect build dependencies I suspect this will take a while (possibly a release or two) to get straightened out. Then we can start the fun stuff: modifying build depends based on compile options selected by the user! :)

  • I've been a Debian user ever since I started using Linux, some years ago, and probably the most annoying aspect of the distribution is how long it takes for unstable to become stable (and, therefore, how old stable packages get).
    There has been a lot of discussion on debian-devel lately (and for some time now) on the "package pool" system. How far have these discussions gone? I've already watched a few simply disappear with no concrete changes at all.

    Congratulations on the great work!


  • Well, Linux is much more of clone of the Unix kernel than the Hurd is, just the same, the Hurd, when complete, will provide a superset of the functionality of Linux (and, if Linus is right, run slower, but we'll see).

    So, since you'll be able to run all your Linux applications on the Hurd (when/if it is completed), a Hurd box will look just like a Unix box (run X, Gnome etc). Where it will differ is that there will be applications that can run under the Hurd but not under Linux (or, at least, apps that would need root privs and kernel modules under Linux but could run in user space on the Hurd).

  • Besides GNU/Linux and GNU/HURD, is it possible that someday Debian might attempt an OS that completely breaks with the UNIX tradition? Although I understand HURD implements UNIX in a different way, how about an OS that reflects and entirely new way of thinking in its API's and its visible structure?
  • libapt-pkg takes care of the protocols, pulling data off the servers and so on, but I still have to call functions to start the download and do something sensible in terms of display while it's progressing (the display being the sticking point). I'm currently investigating just how far I can push libapt -- I have some extremely nifty interface ideas for the download screen, but they may not be possible with the current API.

  • Yes, this would solve the problem.

    Just be careful not to relicense code you didn't write.

    I thought I heard a long time ago that KDE was planning to relicense all the code they own to the Artistic license, does anyone know what became of this?

  • I think I may not have made myself clear: one *could* think about
    Linux in the same way that BSDers think about BSD, namely that the
    operating system is the whole distribution. However in practice that
    is not how most people do think of it, partly I think due to the
    workability of applying RPMs meant for one distribution to other
    distributions, giving rise to `mulatto Linux'.

    Its amazing that this works without much difficulty, and I think it
    is one of the reasons why Linux is so innovation friendly: one doesn't
    need to wait until the new Redhat version of package XYZ is out, one
    can be truly bleeding edge and apply the SuSE RPM today. But it is
    anathema to the `systems integrity' mindset of BSD, and I think there
    is a case for that mindset with issues like security, etc.

  • What did you expect? Hurd was intended as a free UNIX clone, just like linux. It is just a kernel, there shouldn't be any differences above the kernel in the user space.

    If there are no differences above kernel level, then there is little point to bothering with Hurd. [] Might as well just improve Linux a bit.

    The point is twofold:

    • Many things about Hurd will be much the same as Linux. It has GLIBC, and anything that runs atop GLIBC on Linux should, by and large run on Hurd.

      Things may not be there yet, but that's certainly the intent.

      The result of this is much as you suggest, that there don't have to be a lot of differences visible in user space. Applications that run on Linux should also be able to run on Hurd.

    • On the other hand, Hurd uses a microkernel, has some kernel structures that are different from Linux, and allows building things that are hard/impossible on Linux.

      The notion of filesystem translators, for instance, is something that Linux doesn't do.

      As time goes by, if there is any merit to Hurd, the use of Hurd facilities such as translators should result in systems based on Hurd diverging from the way Linux looks.

    Conclusion: Both Linux and Hurd offer many things that are similar, such as:

    • Multiple users
    • Multiple tasks
    • Hierarchical filesystems
    • GLIBC
    • ...
    which will result in them looking pretty similar in a lot of ways.

    The similarities at present comes from trying to get the stuff that works on Linux to work on Hurd.

    Eventually, if Hurd "goes well," the differences will emerge...

  • I've probably just misunderstood you, but if I did then others might have as well, so making the question a little more encouraging and positive might help.

    "The Unix space" was a reference to that subset of all operating system facilities that is traditionally accepted as describing Unix (and therefore also Linux). As the HURD website makes clear, it is a primary goal of the HURD to provide functionality that is outside of that subset, ie. to offer more powerful facilities and mechanisms than are available in the Unix model. By design then, the HURD would be expected to surpass Linux in a variety of areas, which is why a more positive form of the question seemed appropriate.
  • Given that people get arguments on debian-devel about exactly this question, I don't think it's quite as silly as you think ;-)

  • The QA group has put together a page at [] that serves at least some of this purpose.

    The concept could easily be extended to better fulfil your request.

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. -- Thomas Edison
