Linux Counter Hits 120,000 100
meni writes "The Linux Counter Project now has over 120,000 Linux users listed worldwide. And with their brand new AlphaServer machine, they're ready to get slashdotted. If you haven't registered yet, please go over there and do." Okay, I just tested it out. W-a-y faster than it was in the past. I'm registered, and you should be, too.
Debian does (Score:2)
Re:Distribs should remind people of this (Score:1)
Linux counter info (Score:1)
Below is some more info about the linux-counter project. I hope you will find it interesting:
Hmmmm... (Score:1)
/.'ed (Score:1)
Re:Counting with factorials (Score:1)
I suppose you'll have some troubles working with integers this large, you'll need about 1GiB of RAM just to store one number of that size.
Even if every elementary particle in the known universe used Linux, there wouldn't be that many Linux users.
Re:Sounds more accurate than 10 million (Score:1)
I assume they count servers by IP address not by domain names right? I wonder how accurate this information is since a popular way to do virtual hosting is to assign multiple IP addresses to a single host. If there are a small number of people assigning whole sub-domains to a single machine these numbers could be an order of magnitude off.
Re:Windows Users? (Score:1)
150,000!!! (Score:1)
It's good to see that so many Linux geeks are out there, and it's definately good to see the support that slashdot's users give to Linux.
and if you aren't registered - what are you waiting for? Lets show people just how many proponents there are!
Cleanly installing Games (and other apps too) (Score:1)
Also, it'd be nice to have a console version of the installation/removal system for those who can't use X for one reason or another.
The installer could include an interface for optinally making the binaries from source, or whatever other steps that are out of the ordinary.
Something like "Setup" would be a script for compiling the interface(s) maybe, like the linux kernel has make menuconfig.
Such an application would be a great benefit for the community if it were GPL. >=)
It'd be like InstallShield, but done *better*.
We need a new survey. (Score:2)
/. (Score:1)
Re:Possible fudging (Score:1)
D'oh. I remember reading this at the time. My apologies to all concerned.
Windows Users? (Score:1)
Re:slashdotted already (Score:1)
this is not a "normal" slashdotted behavior.
Actually... (Score:1)
how many slashdot users? (Score:1)
My guess would be that jsut slashdoters could accoutn for a fair chunk of those registered
Re:The point of the linux counter project. (Score:2)
Alpha based machine prices (Score:2)
It took some digging around, but I finally found some price information on the AlphaServer 800 (I really wish companies wouldn't be so coy about their prices... (no, I do not want to fill in a form so that you're sales people can call me back). Anyway, it looks like it's around $7000 (as of January). But the specs are 500Mhz, 64Mb, and a 4.3 Gb drive. If you want it configured with some real memory I would guess it's going to be an extra $1500 for 256Mb.
Press release, prices of AlphaServers [digital.com]
Maybe I'm confused, but isn't this still kind-of pricey? Compare that to these guys, who've got a 256Mb alpha machine with a 9Gb drive listed for less that $3000:
SWT Digital Alpha Linux System [digital.com]
Or course, this is technically a "workstation" rather than a "server". But I don't understand what exactly it is that you get when you ask for server hardware, except a ten grand price tag.
Re:Distribs should remind people of this (Score:2)
I was thinking of things along the lines of:
- A message saying that it exists (This is one of the emails to root that Slackware automatically installs)
- A client program to make it easy to register which could be integrated into the system's install/configuration tools (eg: a menu in YaST or Linuxconf)
I agree that forcing it would be a very bad thing.
Re:Distribs should remind people of this (Score:2)
Actually, this is a very good idea.
It's the easiest to implement for sure.
SuSE sets the default homepage to www.suse.de and I would imagine Red Hat does the same.
Re:can't get the site.......... (Score:1)
i just installed linux the other day on an old 486 to crash around with, then i read this article, how apropriate. Anyways, speaking of slashdot finding the bugs, the graphs [li.org] are kinda creepy following the posting of the article, exponetial(sp?) growth almost
--- installing slack with floppies which have a 50% fail rate != fun
Sounds more accurate than 10 million (Score:1)
Counter for companies, perhaps? (Score:1)
Just my 2 x 10^-2 dollars worth.
The point of the linux counter project. (Score:3)
You really should ask yourselves these things.
(ps, it's a joke)
Michael Chisari
Re:Sounds more accurate than 10 million (Score:3)
I've been using Linux continually since the 0.99pl7 kernel was state of the art. It has been my primary computing platform for nearly as long (since 0.99pl14).
My guess is that there are more than 120,000 Linux boxes continuously on the net acting as web servers. NetCraft counts over four million web servers running Apache. Estimates I've seen say that at least 1/3 of the Apache based servers on the net are running Linux. Personally I believe that number to be conservative, but even if only 10% of the Apache servers on the net are Linux based, its over 400,000. And that isn't even considering that some Linux based web servers are running Stronghold, Zeus, Roxen, AOLServer, Netscape Fastrack, or something else.
My guess is that only about 1 in 5 Linux boxes are actually used to run a web server on the publicly accessable Internet. If that is true, then I'd say that 2 million would be a bottom number for the number of hard-core Linux users.
I don't think the 10-12 million numbers are at all out of line if they include casual, occasional and part-time users.
120,000 = 119921? (Score:1)
I just visited the site and it said:
"At Sat Oct 23 16:30:03 1999 GMT, there are
119921 users."
Did people read the message on
I can't register! (Score:1)
oh well I will have to try later!
Percentages (Score:2)
Apart from the use of the appalling word 'guesstimate', my only reservation is the calculation of percentages; I'd suspect that the percentage of linux users is slightly higher than the given ceiling of 5%. Linux users are a different breed to Windows users; the majority have at least some inclinations towards zealotry/active advocacy. I'd say that it's more likely that 10% have registered. The number of linux users worldwide is left as an exercise for the reader.
Possible fudging (Score:2)
And if linux is taking off geometically as the graph here [li.org] would seem to suggest, then there should have been considerably more than 10,000 in the last six months.
IANA statistician, but something looks dodgy. I'm not implying that microsoftian tactics were used, but it does seem a little sloppy; elucidation would be appreciated from anyone who's involved.
I like the idea of this project (Score:1)
I hope they do produce some good figures. The machines listing will be interesting.
Counting (Score:1)
Offtopic: What is this pathological need people seem to have to post first? Judging from the number of people who always send their 'I'm first', off topic posts, I'd say parents need to monitor their kids better
Back on topic: Does it really matter how many people are running Linux? I can see -some- value in it, but people seem far too concerned with 'market share'. A free OS shouldn't care about market share, as long as developers are coding for the OS (which they are).
Ok, back to some more mudane activities, like brewing beer (homebrew beer for homebrewed OS'es!).
Re:Possible fudging (Score:2)
I'd be surprised if more than 2 or 3% of Linux users have registered.
Don't REFRESH (Score:1)
Re:Distribs should remind people of this (Score:2)
Re:Percentages (Score:1)
It's the games, stupid! (Score:1)
Re:Sounds more accurate than 10 million (Score:1)
You have been GPLd..duh
Moment of Slashdotting (Score:1)
Sensible data (Score:1)
Is it necessary for them to know how many entries are in the
The Slashdot Effect (Score:1)
I found this interesting too.. (Score:1)
We at Shalshdot have put put behind the reigns of a very powerful beast, and I don't think we can contain it. Actually, I think that is kind of cool.
Note to self: Beware of slashdot effect
Re:That count is off, or hasn't been updated (Score:1)
/.'ed (Score:1)
300,000,000! that's a lot of people ;) (Score:1)
But as you add zeros, it gets more and more attractive. 30! 300! 300,000,000!
given that "!" is the symbol for the factorial function 30! = 30*29*28*27*...*3*2*1 = A VERY BIG NUMBER
so 300,000,000! users is awfully big. There won't be enough human on Earth or in the Universe to allow so much users so I guess that aliens are using Linux too.
Re:Sounds more accurate than 10 million (Score:2)
There are undoubtedly some Linux users doing virtual hosting, but my guess is that most of the really large virtual servers are being run on big iron like Solaris. Linux is obviously more popular with smaller hosting sites that likely have fewer domains per machine. I'd guess that the average number of IPs for Linux web servers is closer to 1 than 2.
Most of the large hosting sites that use an Apache derivative (like CnG and Rapidsite) have changed the identity string so that they are no longer counted on Netcraft as 'Apache', which means that the numbers are not likely to be off by as much as you seem to be implying.
There is really no way to know for sure how much that multiple IP's per machine might affect the netcraft numbers, but if it is more than a few percent when spread across four million Apache servers checked by Netcraft, I'd be surprised.
Hey! We Can Delete Old Entries Now (Score:1)
I just retired machine 353 (sniff), a 486 I had loaded SLS 1.02 onto at a client site in May 1993, among others.
Everybody should check their machine records and delete any you've lost to some other OS or just lost track of.
I wonder what's the oldest active box...
Re:Linux counter info (Score:1)
Please do not send e-mail to people who haven't asked for it. It would not be one e-mail per year, it would be 120,000 e-mails per year.
I would not mind getting an e-mail, but as long as people haven't asked for it, don't send it. Microsoft is getting flamed for their Y2K spam.
Don't give them the excuse that Linux does it too.
As a (terribly aselect) sample, I looked at registrations from NL::Groningen of people I know, ml.org is down, flits.rug.nl can't accept connections to port 25 (SMTP). Only flits102-126.flits.rug.nl can accept e-mail and you would wake a bot there. However all the people I checked with *.ml.org or flits10?-*.flits.rug.nl addresses still use Linux.
Please look at vrfy [nikhef.nl] first.
Yes U can (Score:1)
That count is off, or hasn't been updated (Score:2)
Re:120,000 = 119921? (Score:1)
Re:Counting (Score:3)
Does it really matter how many people are running Linux? I can see -some- value in it, but people seem far too concerned with 'market share'. A free OS shouldn't care about market share, as long as developers are coding for the OS (which they are).
I think it is significant, because the idea of a "critical mass" enters heavily into software development and public acceptance. If there were, say, 3 Linux users world wide, all in Linus' family
That might be more of an issue to closed- than open-source programmers, but it still applies.
As far as public acceptance, well the past 12-18 months have seen huge leaps in public apprehension and understanding of Linux, even if it's overheard as "You heard 'bout this LYE-nucks doohickey?" Again, if it was just the Torvalds family sitting around the living room sending messages to each other with PINE, no story. But USA Today and Newsweek can cite geometric growth, or (soon) "a million registered users," or "the thousands of small businesses using Linux instead of (whatever operating system)."
That's why I think counting is a good idea. The numbers aren't everything (and as the other threads on here are mostly about) they're not easy to extrapolate. But they give a starting point!
Severe underestimate, registration very rare (Score:2)
Extrapolating from this personal experience, I'd say that while the error margins on any estimate of total Linux population must necessarily be very large, the ballpark figure is probably massively underestimated.
Under a million and over 50 million would be unreasonable, but anywhere in between is not unreasonable at all. And remember that estimates of Microsoft usage count the number of licensed copies, so to be even-handed one ought to count all the released distros that each Linux user has obtained, ie. often a whole lot of them.
Privacy and the Linux counter ... (Score:3)
For unrelated reasons I looked at the counter yesterday. It's very interesting; does anyone know who the single Linux user in the Wallis and Futuna Islands [wallis-islands.com] is? (Down at the bottom of the country list...) I can tell that person signed up earlier this year, and that they've elected to be private.
(I'm not picking on that person except that I happened to notice a 'one person per island listing' and that island sure looks nice right about now! I've yet to visit French Polynesia. Why not say hello to fellow Linux users in exotic locales?)
You can find out a scarey amount of info about people there. I'm glad that my listing (happy user since 1994!) is private. Most folk are letting a scarey amount of info about themselves be visible. Look at your town ...
can't get the site.......... (Score:2)
--- counter.li.org ping statistics ---
31 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss........i'll hafta check later
Side-effects (Score:1)
So much for being slashdot-proof ... (Score:1)
Re:Privacy and the Linux counter ... (Score:1)
However, the entry for Laos is very real, and so is one of the 2 for Antarctica. Linux is used in LOTS of places.
/.tted (Score:1)
Re:slashdotted already (Score:1)
And this is on an Alpha Server
Re:can't get the site.......... (Score:1)
Slashdot is VERY good at finding out where the bugs are - this was a kernel bug, I think.
What a way to spend an hour of Saturday afternoon...
Re:Sensible data (Score:1)
They are free to ask anything they want. You are free to not answer anything. The only real statistics that matter here are the number of users and the number of machines (which is oddly less than the number of users).
Re:The point of the linux counter project. (Score:2)
You know, the funniest thing about that post is the implicit assumption that Microsoft Fascism 1.0 will be too buggy to work...
Re:Sounds more accurate than 10 million (Score:1)
Just my opinion. YMMV.
Country Top 10 (Score:1)
Finland: 2899
Australia: 2806
Norway: 2710
Denmark: 2633
Well, I know absolute numbers proof nothing (I mean, look at the /. polls *grin*), but I do find it interesting that Linux seems to be a largely Europaen affair.
Another interesting - IMO - thing to note is that Japan is surprisingly weak represented (some 800 registered users), whereas Korea (South) is very strong (only Asian country in the Top Ten). Anyone ideas why?
Just my 2c
Counting with factorials (Score:1)
It gets even more exciting when you add exclamation marks...
David Watters, that one with the hair.
Distribs should remind people of this (Score:2)
I've installed RH, SuSE, Debian, Mandrake, and Caldera and have gotten no such message.
Considering the number of Slackware installations compared to the bigger guys, and the fact that not all Slackware users have registered (I registered years ago when it first started) I think I know of one reason that number is so ridiculously low.
Imagine if Red Hat had a message in there at the end of the install.
Hmmm, what about a "counter server" that lets a client program to add/change information about a user? How about integrating that into the installer?
The participation rate would greatly increase.
Re:Distribs should remind people of this (Score:1)
Re:can't get the site.......... (Score:1)
I'll have to remember to check back some other time.
Re:Possible fudging (Score:2)
the number you get is WAY ahead of the count (some 40.000 at last measure). Why is listed in the FAQ - http://counter.li.org/faq.html - basically it's because some numbers are allocated to people who only register machines, some were jumped over due to bugs, but I never started handing out lower numbers. Thus, the difference.
Re:Distribs should remind people of this (Score:1)
Is there any place that advertises this?
Re:Distribs should remind people of this (Score:1)
Although, I would have to say that yes, having distros remind is probably a good idea. Or even better, when Redhat sets the default homepage for netscape (I don't know if this happens) to redhat.com, they could probably have a form to sign into the counter on their page.
Just an idea.
A True Count of Linux (Score:1)
of Linux users, but I can see no way in which
we can get a close number by doing this. Perhaps
the distrubutions can put a note in their installation process saying that out of curiousity sake, go to the Linux Counter and register themselves/machines so we can get a more accurate count of the amount of Linux Users out there.
Come see my website.