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Red Hat Software Businesses

Red Hat's Donnie Barnes in Live Chat on CNN 23

Alex Prestin writes "Donnie Barnes will be doing a Q&A chat session on CNN.com tonight at 8 PM EDT. " To read more from Donnie, check out the post-quiet period chat that CT and I had with him.

disclaimer:Hemos owns shares in red hat

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Red Hat's Donnie Barnes in Live Chat on CNN

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  • If they are doing chats there, I guess that means they've really made the big time. Next he'll be on Larry King Live. But seriously, I hope that this fame is used to push linux as an OS and not red hat as a distro. But I think we all know what will happen.

    -- Moondog
  • something like this taking place on a mainstream site like CNN. Probably the biggest dividend to the Linux community from RedHat's IPO is that Linux is finally be taken serious by the business community as a whole and not just in the back rooms of the IT departments.
  • by Shanoyu ( 975 ) on Monday October 04, 1999 @12:42PM (#1639175)
    I've been to chat.cnn.com a few times and theres a few problems with them, most of you wont be able to go.

    They ban by Version, (snicker) so theres a chance that anyone not using mIRC wont be able to get in. They use to akill everyone off who has two part version replies, thereby killing everyone who ever got lagged, due to a madly 1337 k-r33t mIRC script :)

    Add this to the fact that the operators don't even know how to use the simple mIRC clients they are using, and the admins will probaly see something like BitchX and be like, GRUGH WOMAN HATER AKILL GURGH! O:LINE SMASH! ^_^

    I have a pair of very intresting chat.cnn quotes. They are from the day when the media was trying to pull off a coup against rollercoasters telling people that they were incredibly dangerous even though they reported that you had a one in four billion chance of being injured on one.

    [This is an op in #talkback on chat.cnn.com] (sharonka) my kids are forbidden ever to go to a carnival and ride anything! The people who run those things are filthy, reek of alcohol and scare me!!
    [chat.cnn.com quote] (Dix) Guns are safer tan [sic] roller coasters

    Other events included the ops throwing colors at everyone that were so horrendous against my black background, I suggested to the op that she doesn't do this and she called me an idiot and told me that everyone else had a white background, so I should too. I told her that maybe she should use the ctrl-k x,y format (a dumb mIRC thing which is fine because shes using mIRC and most of the people there were too anyway, so there was no point in being anal about some clients not being able to see colors.) when using colors so everyone with all kinds of backgrounds could see. She told me she would 'look into it'.

    In conclusion the chat will probaly be rather homogonised unless they've made some drastic changes over there. This is by no means a bash against chat.cnn, This is all truth, I assure you.

    The fact is that it's just going to be incredibly boring for just about everyone here because the ops like to step in and say "woah! too complicated! We don't know what you are talking about, talk about something else", of course then again when CNN is talking about the Great IP Crunch of 2010, you never know.

    -[ World domination - rains.net ]-
  • But do you REALLY want to be there if they don't want you there in the first place? heh, be pretty funny if the interviewee couldn't attend the chat though.

    As far as I can tell the reason for not letting people using stuff like BitchX in is because they think people using BitchX are like women haters or something, I heard they let them back in recently when they wised up but bleh, it's talk back live, it's not that great a show, do I really want to be a part of it? :)

    -[ World domination - rains.net ]-
  • by Anonymous Coward
    But didn't you know? Linux is Redhat! =)
  • No, i'm sure that he will push linux, not specificly redhat. Saying "Redhat is the best linux" means nothing to people because they have never used it. On the other hand, if you say "linux is much better than Windows", then it means something. Redhat is also aware that at least for now, people like us are their main market, and they know how easy it is to lose our support. They will not do anything to upset us, at least not now, and most likely never. It will probalely be a represnetitive of redhat talking about linux. Of course this will help Red Hat, but it will not be aimed only at "Red Hat Linux".
    I think we should all be just a little less cynical.
  • There will be a transcript posted in a few days I think on cnn.com
  • by m3000 ( 46427 ) on Monday October 04, 1999 @01:39PM (#1639182)
    Someone needs to fix the HTML tag. The real URL can be found here [cnn.com]
  • by Wakko Warner ( 324 ) on Monday October 04, 1999 @12:51PM (#1639183) Homepage Journal
    Just change your version reply to something that looks like a happy, friendly mIRC version reply.
    It's easy to do in IrcII. /version a few of your friends on IRC who use mIRC and copy theirs. Problem solved, though it shouldn't be a problem in the first place (hello, CNN admins?!)

    - A.P.

    "One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft promotional ad

  • I got reattached for the last few minutes. They mentioned a transcript will be on the CNN chat page in a few days.
  • I don't think this is a troll, guys, i think it is a valid comment. Granted, it's a bit short and easy to be misunderstood, but think a little before blasting please. (I believe) Mr. Coward is saying "why is there kiddie porn here? This is bad. It should be fixed." not "HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS!!!"
  • What kind of servers are they using? CNN's Java client quit after 20 minutes and won't reconnect. Tsk.
  • Obviously, it was the original Anonymous Coward.
    Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.
  • Did anybody record it. I missed it.

  • i got a question in which was basically asking him how red hat plans to keep users up to date with all of the constant new versions, but specifically for modem users. of course, they took out the part about modems when they asked my question and he just said "they can connect to our ftp site for free or pay a subscriber free and get priority high bandwidth access!" which defeated the point of my question. oh well.

    anyone else misread the dept at first and thought it said "the _hated_ wonder"? heh.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
