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Red Hat Software Businesses

Red Hat 6.1 Officially Announced 156

Niklas Paulsson was the first to tell us that Red Hat now has a press release on their website Announcing v6.1 of their distribution. It was on the FTP servers last week, but now its official.
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Red Hat 6.1 Officially Announced

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  • Can anyone PLEASE point to ANY sparc iso images for 6.0.. or Redhat, will you please (in time) toss out a 6.1 iso image?

    That IPC at home is lonely and wants to join in on the fun.

    -fester (if hppa linux takes off, then they ALL can be linux boxen)
  • Should have waited for 2.6, I hear it'll be even better. :/

    This is chock full of updated packages. At some point you just have to ship it. They'll get 2.4 "when it's ready."
  • Incase you missed these in the previous story. []
  • Does anyone else get a whiff of Intel Marketing in this phrase?

    Pentium III ... "Internet economy"... the only place I've heard these phrases linked so tightly is in Intel advertisements.
  • If you just remove your old modules before you install your new ones, you'll be fine. This hasn't changed and isn't Red Hat specific. You may want to use another subversion instead (like 2.2.12-custom) - just change a line in the Makefile
  • You use the text installer.
  • Do they list the contents of the two Workstation Application CD's? Does any one know what is on them?

  • I think what Michael's trying to say is that you may have forgotten to build some necessary modules during the config (menuconfig, xconfig, etc.) stage. Go back and make sure you haven't forgotten something important like the kernel-level module loader...

    It's a real easy thing to do, happens to me all the time.
  • by teg ( 97890 )
    Actually, it looks a bit better - the new GNOME release has gotten much better icons, and far more gtk-themes are included.
  • ..but don't have support. Why I have to buy a CD at $29 when the same CD cost me $1.5?
  • Perhaps Red Hat could take up Debian's "psuedo-CD-image" system, which allows the bulk of the work of providing CD images to be done by servers that have the distribution as a bunch of files, not as a CD image.

    This is one of the best ideas I've ever come across. This program [] fetches all the files that will appear on the CD and simply concatenates them all. It then uses the "rsync" incremental-update protocol with the CD image servers to convert this concatenated file into a CD image: since much of the data that appears in the image is already on the client's machine the load on the CD image server is only 6% of what it was.

    With this system in place, we can all start burning official CD images without slashdotting the mirrors too badly. I think it's a piece of bloody genius!

  • I hope this mean there's a new mandrake to come out soon. I absolutely loved the 6.1 distro, and a 6.2 with all the new RedHat stuff would be very cool.

    Anybody in the know around here ?
  • by slag187 ( 70401 ) <geoff AT zorched DOT net> on Monday October 04, 1999 @04:05AM (#1640699) Homepage
    This release has lots of nice features:
    1) Interactive startup of init scripts
    2) Some new and interesting packages (LDAP, lots of new PostgreSQL modules and Apache Modules, kuydzu hardware detection utility)
    3) Of course all of the security updates
    4) Installation! The new install is NICE.

    But, I can't get a custom kernel to boot!? I keep getting all of these unresolved kernel symbol errors. I haven't delved very deeply into the problem yet, but this should be a no brainer in my opinion . . . Any one know what's up with this?

    So far that's the only problem I've run into.
  • They're on the RHAT 6.1 CD in the docs directory.
    Also, on the web/ftp.
    I got these from -6.1/i386/doc/rhinst/figs/cd-rom-gu i/ [].
    But, as you can see from that directory's listing, each screenshot is 350kb, and not really organised, so I reduced the size (compressed GIF) and organised them a bit.
  • I shut down my home machine every night. I wouldn't like this stuff running every time I boot up. But then I don't use any dist so it doesn't affect me in the slightest. I did choose to use RH at work unfortunately, but I'll be nuking it as soon as I get the time. It sucks.
  • Is there a detailed list of changes anywhere?

    And.. "Pentium III optimized" - please nobody start the serial id war again, thanks. ;-)
  • I too have NT on hda1 and I get exactly the same behavior. Installer can't mount hda1, hangs.

    If anyone figures out this problem (LOTS of other people must have it...) or sees a RedHat fix I'd appreciate a post here. I can't believe they didn't try to upgrade a dual boot system... :-(

    (Sorry, I hate "me too" posts, but I figure somebody here will have an answer...)

  • I installed Redhat 6.1 on a friends computer and I was excited when I saw a link to an auto-update program on the gnome bar. I was dissapointed to find that one could not use it with the downloaded version and you had to buy the real version to use it. Then I went to Redhat's website for more information and learned that if you bought the basic $30 copy of Redhat you only got 30 days of use of the update program. Why should I have to pay $30 for a month of use of the update program when I can use MandrakeUpdate for free with Mandrake 6.1. They probably just used the source code for MandrakeUpdate anyway. The whole point of Linux is that people can have a free, among other things, operating system and that pople aren't forced to pay for something that doesn't even work right half the time (hint hint Windows). I personally will not use a distribution that tries to force people to purchase the commercial version.
  • "Red Hat's new release of the Linux operating system has been optimized for the Pentium III Xeon processor and this combination offers customers the performance that is required in today's Internet economy." Does this mean that it doesn't run on a 386?
    Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.
  • Thanks. Actually I have tried both TDK and Sony disks. My ISO file must be corrupt or something. Now that I have wasted more than twelve dollars and twelve hours on this free download I might as well just order the CD...
  • I can hardly wait to play around with 6.1. I use 6.0 all the time at my work place, and it is sweeet! It is too bad that Linux is slowly being killed off at the univsersity level though. I hate too think what a world with only Windows for an OS would be like.
  • Don't know.

    It doesn't run on a TRS-80 or a Vic 20 either...

  • Any one know if they include an ATI Rage 128 server. I'm using the Suse one and it's great. very sharp, no hoizontal lines, ... Nice.
  • Is Linux *really* that slow on an IPC? Although I haven't checked recently, Linux used to be marginally faster than SunOS and blew Solaris out of the water on low end hardware. Linux also works great on my HyperSPARC upgraded SS20, but that's another kettle of fish...
  • There is a page [] with the details.


  • Ok, one more, then I promise to quit.

    I got the clean 2.2.12 sources from a mirror. I copied the .config file over that I had used to attempt to build from the sources installed by the RH rpm. I used the same proceedure to make and install the kernel and modules. (I tried it 3 times with the kernel sources from 6.1)

    It worked flawlesly this time. Problem with the rpm sources? I don't know for sure, but you might want to look into it it (you still there Michael?, let me know and I'll try and give better feedback/ QA).
  • I downloaded the ISO and fired 'er up. After choosing upgrade, the installer probes for my hard drives and mount gives an invalid argument error on /dev/hda1 (which is not a mountable partition in the first place) and then hangs after spewing Python errors. I get this in all three modes. I can mount my HD manually, but that doesn't help me.

    I hope they put up a patched boot disk soon, GRR.
  • A lot of people are still using old 386s and 486s for routers, cheap servers, cheap home machines. This is why it is important to preserve backwards compatibility. In fact, I am typing this on a Cyrix 5x86/100 mhz (a 486 clone).
  • What kind of partition is hda1?
  • Swear Filters would MAKE Slashdot a playground.

    If you are offendend, grow up. People swear. It is a fact of life. Take it for what it is worth and move on.

  • Does anyone know anything about it?

    I installed 6.1 with no evidence of a 'Online auto-update system'.. hmm... .. does anyone even know the proper name for this utility? (I can't find a HINT of it on the Redhat website .. less the press release...)

    Has anyone used the utilties included with the Linux Mandrake package? How does it compare with the Redhat online management system.. seems like redhat is very slow in official software updates. :)

  • it's my windows NT partition. Obviously trying to mount that will give an error. I submitted a report to bugzilla.
  • I cant install RH 6.x ive got a 25 gig hd, with 2 10 gig part. for win98 and 5 gig unpart space. Disk druid wont let me make a / or a /boot partition. Says not enough space. This happeend to a friend of mine with his RH 6 cd this is pitiful i REALLY like RH but I cant even use it!!!!! Any ideas?
  • What ever happened to RedHat E-Commerce Server?

    There are still copies of the old press release floating around RedHat's site, but they don't seem to be selling it anymore.
  • Perhaps this is a stupid question, but why doesn't it use the Monitor's Plug'n'Play capabilities to determine its optimal refresh rate? Most modern monitors support some system of self-identification, right? It always works on my Win98 box, anyway.
  • I just wish I could find _any_ mirror with a restore function, it's a pain to download half of an image and have it disconnect in the middle, and then have to start from scratch
  • Where is an ISO image besides @ redhat. All the mirrors I have gone to don't seem to have it yet.
  • Actually, the cheapest version is $29.99 - I think that's a pretty interesting move.

    I imagine that a lot of people who bought 6.0 from cheapbytes for $4 instead of from Red Hat for $80 may actually consider buying 6.1 from Red Hat. $30 is quite reasonable, considering you even get some support.

  • Ok, now that RedHat have a graphical installer and (apparently) is easier to install that windows I want to know:

    How do the new installer deal with the partition problem. Have they a Partition Magic version like Caldera? Have they a clone?

    Do they autodetect the Graphic card and (more important) the monitor?

    I also heard about an easier way to upgrade your RPM's. What are the extr-functionality compared to GnoRPM or things like that?

    I had a few more question but I forgot them.

  • by Booker ( 6173 )
    Here you go. []
  • Unf. Disregard last post; I figured enter would go to the next box ;)

    Like I was going to say... I'm suprised Red Hat hadn't trumpeted this yet, but Pirhana (part of a high availability package) is in this version -- has anyone experimented with it, and can anyone give me information on how well it works, advantages/disadvantages?

    Granted, it's still 0.2.1 but... obviously, they think it's usable enough that it's worth shipping...
  • Copy /usr/src/linux/ to /boot/ to get rid of this little error. procps 2.0 uses the kernel symbols so that it can get more accurate process information... a good thing :)

    Jeremy Katz
  • If you're interested in an OS that will scream on a SPARC, try OpenBSD []. A friend of mine installed RH6 on an LX and was amazed at the dog-slowness of the system. We installed OpenBSD, and the system was snappy as hell.

    Good stuff.

  • Heck, does 2.2.12 compile properly on Alpha and Sparc yet?

    I'd say so:
    Linux 2.2.13pre12 #6 Sat Sep 25 19:27:23 PDT 1999 sparc unknown
    Cross-compiled it myself on a pentium 2.
  • The University of Nevada CS dept has zero - count em, zero - windoze machines. We have ultrasparc/slowaris and pc/linux. The engineering college also provides an sgi/irix teaching environment along with some sort of micro$hit. All in all not too bad.
  • But have a default selection if they don't know. Perhaps a dialog box along the lines of "What is the refresh rate of your monitor. If you don't know, just select ok and the default will be used." And have 60Hz already preselected. Then, either have a drop down box or a fill in text box (drop down is probably easier to do).

    Note: I haven't even tried installing 6.1 yet, just commenting on what I've been reading.
  • If Lizard is proprietary, then it is not Open Source. And if it is Open Source, then is is not proprietary.

    I haven't looked at lizard, but if the source code is available, and I can modify and distribute those modifications, then it is Open Source and not proprietary. However, If I can't distribute my modifications, then it is not Open Source. Simple. I do recall that Caldera was going to release it as QPL, and if so, not only is it Open Source, it is also Free Software (since all Open Source is Free, and vice versa).
  • I can repost the list of stuff I did on Saturday :) Also, a great way to see what's changed is to look through the rpm changelogs... but that's a time consuming process :)

    I've been beating pretty hard on the 6.1 beta (lorax) since it's release.

    To say that at first there weren't any bugs would be a lie of course, but I've seen _great_ leaps ahead over the course of it. At the beginning,
    it took some work to get it to work.

    But, through lots of beta testing, and lots of late night hacking by Matt Wilson, it's now to the point that it's the easiest installer I've seen.
    Much easier than Caldera's graphical, in large part, because it gives you a lot more freedom in the install. The GUI install works for CDROM
    installs, NFS installs, and (untested, but should work I believe) hard drive installs. If the GUI installer doesn't work for you (or you don't want it even), never fear. There's still a text-based installer for low-ram machines, and ftp or http installs.

    Other nice neat things in 6.1 (for those wondering)
    - kudzu: kudzu does hardware detection and will start the appropriate configuration tool. Very neat
    - an interactive startup option (disable-able) ala choose what you want to start during startup for Windows 9x and DOS; so for when you screw up your sendmail config, you can still start without taking ages :)
    - up2date: service to give access to a priority server upon registration and then will give you the new rpms in updates and give you the
    opportunity to install them, just download them, few other options
    - fsck has a progress bar :)
    - rp3: an easy-to-use ppp configuration tool. I haven't actually completely tested this one being on ethernet and all, but it appeared to work
    - XFree 3.3.5, 2.2.12 (+fixes), GNOME 1.0.40 stuff (newest when it mastered...), KDE 1.1.2, glibc 2.1.2
    - One of the boxed versions is the US version, which contains 128bit Netscape, GnuPG, and a few other things that are export controlled.

    Think that's most of the good interesting stuff. As I said, it's shaping up to be _really_ solid from what I can tell.

    As to the PIII optimizations, I think they're kernel and potentially binutils.

    Jeremy Katz
  • RedHat hasn't run on a 386 in a while. IIRC, the requirements include a 486 with 16 megs of a ram for previous versions.

    Jeremy Katz
  • That "interactive startup" is just one more of the many annoying things about redhat. Why the **** does Redhat have to make a bunch of shell scripts so bloody complicated -- all they need to do is start and stop programs; the eye candy for the idiots who don't know what's going on anyway is purely useless ("fluff").

    And this "kuydzu hardware detection utility"... how often does the hardware configuration of a machine change? What's the point in running this thing everytime the machine boots; don't you know when the hardware has been changed? Would you like it if windows ran a hardware discovery everytime the machine booted up?

    "Security updates"... yes, alot of known problems have been fixed or patched. The real question is how many _new_ holes have they provided? In the last available version of Lorax (6.1 beta), "mv" didn't work right. I don't know if that's redhat's mistake or the fileutils people's mistake, but it's things like that that piss me off. (Apply a few seconds thought to things before you ship it.)

    BUT, even with the growing spooge that is Redhat (and always has been), the installer is a nice thing.

    Rule #1 applies to your kernel problem: Never use the supplied redhat kernel or source tree. Long ago, I stopped trying to figure out what those nuts did to the kernel they ship (why do they have to f*** with the kernel in the first place? If it's a valid, necessary change then send it in.)

  • (I thought of that too...)

    Because this requires information from the DDC lines on the VGA connector. There isn't any standard interface for accessing this information as every vendor has a different way of sensing the information (I know how to do it with Matrox cards, but that's worthless for an ATI card.) The installer would have to fire up an X server to detect the video card and monitor assuming the DDC capability were there.

    IMO, the installer should ASK the user to choose between an X install and a text install from the get-go. And then ask them the refresh rate for their display if they know what it is. Don't assume all of your users are complete freakin' morons. If you do then they will be the only ones who will use your product.
  • I've an HP Kayak with Matrox G200 8MB. After starting the X server the monitor looses signal. This happened the first time in the install process when doing "Test X Configuration". Could not even switch to virtual consoles. Had to reboot and reinstall. During second install avoided to test the X config but I was unfortunate to select as timezone UTC+1:00. Now the postinstall could not find the time zone file for UTC+1:00 and the install hung at this point (python error mentioning that file UTC+1:00 did not exist). Re-installed again (since not sure where in post install the things were stopped), setting timezone to a European city and not testing the X config. After booting I could not access the network. It turned out that /etc/sysconfig/network did not contain the gateway and gateway dev. Also /etc/resolv.conf had not the default search correctly set. This was easy to fix. However, the XF86_SVGA server still doesn't work. Under 6.0 it works fine and I use the same XF86Config. Anybody else seeing the same problems.

    Sloppy, very sloppy.....

    -- Fons
  • I saw one of the textbooks for the OS class, and this thing stated that NT5.0 was coming out at the end of the year, and that since it was one of the newest OS's around, it was functionally better than Unix.

    Hahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

    Thanks, I needed that. I don't know whether to feel sorry for those people or just consider that that's the highest pinnacle they'll ever reach in their lives. Of course, if they really have a brain, but aren't able to develop it because they are fed that type of garbage, then yes, I guess I feel sorry for them. Microsoft has probably mentally destroyed more people then all the casualties of every war combined.

    These are the people who when they get to the real world are clueless enough to believe that the project they were hired to develop will be complete, featureful, and bug free in 2 months. Now what will they say? "Why should we keep working on this application that's already been released. If we start all over it will be functionally better then the old program. Oh, and it'll only take 2 weeks to rewrite it anyways."

  • Intel said they were working with Redhat to make
    sure their Linux 'runs best' on Intel architecture.
    It's pretty sad that their processors are so bad
    that the only way they can make sure distros
    run best on IA32 is to (no doubt) delay ports to
    other architectures...
  • Linux Central [] is selling just the binary disk for $1.95. For another $1.95, you can get the source disk. (they're taking pre-orders now for shipping next week)
  • Not entirely true...

    I have an 18G drive with win98 installed well beyond the mythical 1024 mark and it boots perfectly. The true problem is the utter stupidity of LILO (it's always assumed the world is IDE based anyway.)

    There's a LILO option to instruct it to use "linear" (-l) address instead of the CHS (3D) address that tops out at 1024. LILO still has trouble with it but it generally works. I cannot get LILO to boot 98 from the "way out" partition, for example.

    HOWEVER, getting back to the original thread, there is some major stupidity in the partitioning code in that it will not let you change the types of existing partitions. I'd also like to beat RH over the head for not installing without a swap partition -- I've got 1G of RAM; I'll use a swap FILE just make the kernel happy.
  • Would you like it if windows ran a hardware discovery everytime the machine booted up?

    I believe it does. No, I don't particularly like it.
  • for example, try to get linuxconf to work on a non-RH distro... Good luck

    I use Linuxconf on Debian 2.1. It appears to work fine...

  • Hey I had problems with the new I128 server. I had to force an older install from the REDHAT 6.0. any one know what is up with this?
  • Well, I don't think the hardware acceleration was part of x.3.3. I remember downloading my drivers from [] in order to get the acceleration. I believe XFree86 4 will have acceleration built in, but not in the current ones. Go check Nvidia's web site and try to apply their drivers. It's pretty easy (from what I remember).
  • Pardon my ignorance, but what is the difference between the $1.99 CD-ROM and the $5.99 CD-R?

    --Jamin Philip Gray

  • And this "kuydzu hardware detection utility"... how often does the hardware configuration of a machine change? What's the point in running this thing everytime the machine boots; don't you know when the hardware has been changed? Would you like it if windows ran a hardware discovery everytime the machine booted up?

    I don't know about you, but for a lot of people the main reason for a reboot is a hardware change or an OS update ( followed by a power outage ).

    How often do you reboot anyway ?

  • Actually, we do use DDC to query the monitor, and we do use extended refresh rate ranges when the monitor supports them. However, many monitors do not. sigh...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'd like to see what the new Red Hat/GNOME looks like.
  • Comments like this make me sick, As far as I'm concerned, I feel I am benefiting from RedHats developments with or without major Kernel and X enhancements. Redhat is right on schedule!

  • It's nothing more than having multiple kernels to select from... At some point during the installation, it checks what processor you're using and installs a kernel optimized for that. I think they had this option with v6.0, so the Pentium III i just the newest cpu option available.

    Unlike Mandrake, all the other packages/software is still compiled for a 386 (or 486) for backward-compatibility. Mandrake recompiles *all* of their packages for Pentiums.

  • I'm guessing there will be a panel with a foot in the corner on the bottom of the screen. It will look just like any other gnome screenshot you've seen.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Looks like they must have heard the sound of all the money rushing to Cheapbytes when they raised product prices for version 6.0. It seems they have a low-priced offering for this version. Thanks, Red Hat, I'll start buying the "official" releases again with this statement:

    Standard, a package including two operating system CDs, one StarOffice 5.1a CD, 90 days of email support and 30 days of priority online access--for $29.95.

  • I'd agree that this is being pedantic but:

    The graphical setup runs at 60Hz. This is murder on my eyes. By the time I finished the installation (see below) I had a migraine from the flickering. Yes, I know that VGA@60Hz is the lowest common denominator. Personally I would have preferred the choice of installing using the old setup application.

    The graphical setup. I wanted to customise which packages got installed. It took ages, even longer than my other pet hate custom installation, SUSE. I didn't figure out a way to select more than one package or directory for installation at a time, so I had to click through each folder and package manually. I hope next time RHAT add alphabetical listing of packages, proper key navigation and multi select of packages. I'd also like the package installation to show how much space I'm going to use on each drive I have if I've spread my partitions across drives.

    Disclaimer I am NOT flaming or trolling here. These are my opinions, not incontrovertible fact.

    I suppose I'm p*ssed of that I forgot to select the WindowMaker package :-(
  • Cheapbytes is shipping a CD-R version for

    Forgive my ignorance, can anybody sell it like
    this? Does Cheapbytes pay Red Hat for each
    copy they sell?

    Could I legally sell it for $4.99?

  • try using fdisk before choosing what to mount / on with disk druid. I had some problems with disk druid on my 20.4 maxtor, but fdisk had no problems. I did have to set up the geometry in my bios manually tho.
  • try this one [].
  • Use gnome instead of kde ;)

    Seriously though, if the x3.3 from 6.0 worked better, then just uninstall the 6.1 version, and reinstall the 6.0 version of X.

    You can use older versions of X with the newer version of redhat.. you'll just need to do the install manually

  • If you ordered from RedHat, see if they will let you upgrade (for free) or maybee, the UPS shipment is late because they are including 6.1 instead.
    Steven Rostedt
  • I'm glad I waited and didn't return a sarcastic comment about how useful your first comment was as a bug report... ;-) Thanks for this comment; it makes it pretty clear what happened.

    I'm guessing that the first time, you ended up installing modules in the same directory (/lib/modules/2.2.12-20/) as the existing modules, but that you left some old modules in place because you did not rebuild them with your new configuration. Your changed configuration changed some signature information, so you ended up with a mix of inconsistent modules. When you downloaded a kernel tarball, you moved to a unique directory (/lib/modules/2.2.12/, I presume) which did not have old modules in it and so you did not have the same problem.

    Now that you have provided a good report, I'd like to reiterate that this is not new to Red Hat Linux 6.1 -- it's just the first time that this particular gotcha, well, gotcha.

    So this is clearly not a bug. I'd like to take a moment, however, to point you and everyone else reading this thread to our Bugzilla [] bug tracking database. If you use it to report bugs, we can do a much better job of keeping track of things and letting you know if/when we are able to fix the bug. Even when it turns out to be a feature rather than a bug, it's there for the next person who searches the bug database for the problem they are having. Which, of course, brings me to another point: before entering your bug, use bugzilla's search facilities to see if someone else has already reported a similar problem.

  • Actually, this is instead just a list of packages on the main CD (ie the one in the $30 version), which is the version available for download, except for the few packages with export restrictions }=\ (GnuPG, 128bit Netscape)

    Jeremy Katz
  • I have the same problem (my NT partition shows up as hda6 and is mistook for an ext2 partition.) The Python debugger is active at the error - btw - perhaps someone with more time wants to figure out what's going on here?
  • The CD-R (gold disks) is currently shipping because they download the distribution and they can burn copies on a CD-R drive. This is labor intensive so it costs a certain amount. By now they have sent a gold master to a CD factory. The factory will produce many copies, the typical CD (silver) disks, for pennies a copy. So Cheapbytes can sell them for only $1.99 and still make a profit. Or at least you may see something else there you like and then they will make even more money.
  • I was considering purchasing the standard edition (read: I'm a broke college student and can't afford more than $30 to support RedHat.) However, I had some questions regarding the new update utility.

    First, do you have to be a registered user to use up2date? If, for example, I were to purchase it from CheapBytes, would I not be able to use up2date?

    Second, does the new auto update feature only let you connect to the priority site? I would think it would be a real bummer if I only got updates automatically for the first 30 days, since thats the amount of time you get to use with the standard edition. Also, it would be annoying if I really needed an update but the priority site was down/unavailable (due to either their machine crashing, or a new outage like the one we saw last week.)

    Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
  • I saw one of the textbooks for the OS class, and this thing stated that NT5.0 was coming out at the end of the year, and that since it was one of the newest OS's around, it was functionally better than Unix.


    Sh'yah RIGHT! This is *MS*, the company that regularly REMOVES useful features from their products while introducing bugs! Some of my old DOS tricks from the mid 80s no longer work under 9x, yet most of my shell scripts from ye olde days still work without a hitch (or at least, with minor modifications).

  • After I placed my order for 6.1, Red Hat's commerce site told me that they would start shipping on 18 October. What really bugs me is having one choice for shipping ($9 two day FedEx) but that expensive shipping isn't going to do me much good with the two week delay in front of it!
  • After the initial /. announcement this weekend I was able to download and upgrade my existing 6.0 install with very little hassle. Very painless upgrade compared to 5.2 -> 6.0, which you might expect.

    However I didn't get to use the graphical install tool they mentioned in the press release. I had the plain old text mode that all the previous versions of RedHat used. Not that I needed the GUI installer, but what did I do wrong?

  • You can sell it for whatever you like. That how the GPL works.

    Redhat make money off a operating system given freely by the community. They therefore support people making money off their efforts.

    Ain't open source great.

  • As far i know, all software made by RedHat is licensed under the GPL.
    So you can sell it for $4.99 or better for $0.02. And if you insist you may even sell it for $10 000 and you'll be rich !!!

  • We experimented with higher refresh rates, and thus reduced the number of working monitors in our test lab by one. While 60Hz hurts (no pun intended) your eyes, it should not kill even older fixed-pitch monitors.

    Fortunately, you do have the option of text-mode installation. When you boot the install disk, read the text that shows up -- it tells you to type "text" if you want a text-mode install. While graphical mode is naturally the default, text mode is faster for those of us who know the procedure and prefer typing to mousing. Take your pick!

  • The gui is for cd or nfs installs.
  • Great to see another release from the
    Linux company that truly works for the community.
    While many of the other distributions are starting
    to add proprietary "Open Source" additions (like Caldera's Lizard), Redhat fights and upholds the values of the Linux community by relasing all their stuff under the (L)GPL.
    I hope the rest of the linux community do like me, and shows their support of this stance by buying this release.

    Looking forward to trying out the new GUI installer.
  • Hi all, I spent the entire day at work today downloading the ISO file. (In the background as I did all my other work. really!)I've tried burning it to CD 3 times and it doesn't work. It won't boot and I can't read the disk.(Using Adaptec 3.5)I downloaded Mandrake 6.1 when it was released and everything worked just fine. Is there some secret to making this work? This is really getting on my nerves as I throw away useless CDR's. Can anybody tell me what's up? I am running Suse 6.2, Openlinux 2.3 and Mandrake 6.1 with no problems. Why does Redhat have to fail me? Thanks in advance. Vampire Tap Check out my little OS page at
  • I see. Thanks for clarifying that. :)

    --Jamin Philip Gray

  • You must have done a either a "Workstation" or a "Server" installation. To save your existing partitions, you'll have to select "Custom".
  • by Anonymous Coward
    If you don't like 60hz, or if your monitor (like mine) flickers on and off when the graphical instaler is running, you can use a text-based install by typing 'text' at the boot: prompt. This also solves the "I want an easy wat to select individual packages" problem (until it too is fixed graphically). And before I hear anybody moaning about the apparant loss of the fdisk utility, it's still there but not as easily found. Before you get to the Disk Druid screen, press CTRL-ALT-F2 to access a bash prompt '#'. You can from there run fdisk on the drive of your choice (just remember it's /tmp/hdX or /tmp/sdX). To return to the installer type ALT-F1.
    If you partition with fdisk (greater flexibility IMHO) before you access the Disk Druid screen, you will only need to set your mount points and go. Rumor has it (I see the button but haven't dared try it) Disk Druid will now assist you in setting up Software Raid. I still don't believe it will be possible to have the / partition included in a RAID. Have fun!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Yeah it's perfectly legal. One of the neat little things about the GPL. Of course, if you buy a copy this way, don't expect RedHat to support you in the least if/when you try to call them up for support.

    I don't know about RedHat specifically since I've not bought an official version, but I don't know if they include commercial packages in their official release or not. You probably won't get any of those if you buy a $5 CD from cheapbytes. (You're also free to download the entire distro from RedHat's FTP, and mirrors -- this is what cheapbytes does, and then puts it on a CD.. handy for us modem users)

    Oh, and you're free to sell your own copies for however much you want. Don't expect anyone to buy 'em unless they're pretty cheap though.. :-)
  • We have not changed the procedure for booting custom kernels. Unresolved kernel symbol errors are typical of forgetting to build/install kernel modules when you build a kernel.
  • It's more than likely that your video card couldn't be recognized. I had that problem with lorax (beta) but not with cartman.
  • by Shin Dig ( 27213 ) on Monday October 04, 1999 @04:48AM (#1640827) Homepage
    I am happy that they changed the official box pricing to $40 for OS and StarOffice, leaving the $80 version with two more CDs of fun extras. I think that the $80 v6.0 was a little much for a lot of people who did want to help out redhat and buy a "real" version.

    I am definitely into buying an official product from RedHat once and a while, as they do pay people to write GPL code.

  • What is proprietary? I thought that everything that RedHat created was GPL'd... That doesn't mean that it will work easily with another distribution (for example, try to get linuxconf to work on a non-RH distro... Good luck), but I thought that they didn't have any proprietary stuff.

    Please list particulars, please!
  • OK, don't mean to be petty, but: That was real helpful (please note sarcasm). . . I was working under the assumption that 'make modules' and 'make modules_install' took care of that (yes I did do make menuconfig, dep, clean and bzImage).

    And custom kernels might "work fine" for you, that doesn't mean they "work fine" for me . . . at least not in this release, they have in all the previous ones.
  • type "text" if you want a text-mode install


    (Hangs Head in shame)

    Maybe I'll pay more attention in future, although I was eager to try out the new install.

    Thanks for the info.

    Will it make you feel better if I tell you I'm a loyal use since 4.1?


The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
