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Linuxbierwanderung Report 28

Wired News has an enjoyable report of the Linuxbierwanderung (Linux Beer Hike). It sounds like it was a wonderful event, and you can't beat the admission (free)! I almost feel stupid for missing out on this, even if I don't drink. As a bonus, they even got to see the eclipse.
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Linuxbierwanderung Report

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  • That'd rock. Of course, we'd probably end up getting into some vicious disputes with the border patrol over legal drinking age on the border :). Ah well. Minor issues.
  • Cool. When can we have that here in my neck of the woods (North American Great Lakes).
  • Half hours ago when I came to the there was a quickie news right after this one. And now it was taken down. It's time to reconsider the Andover/BillGa~1 connection.

  • Timothy Taylor's Landlord is undoubtedly the best beer in Britain (it just won CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) first prize again, so that's not only my bigoted opinion.

    I used to say it was the best in the world - but then I spent a year living in Munich and got to know the head brewer for Paulaner who educated me. Now I reckon it's probably the second-best beer in the world ... there's not an eclipse promised next year, but instead I could offer to arrange a trip around the brewery and I doubt if after a couple of hours in there anyone would know whether it was day, night, eclipse or hatstand. Keighley, where they brew the stuff, is only about 10 miles from the best curry in Europe - Bradford.

    So, how about a beer-and-curry-hike next summer?

    Any takers?

    In fact, I think I'll give it a trial run this afternoon ...........
  • having to be in the same place. Let's do an irc chat and everyone get a ton of beer. This way you can read how stupid you were when you were drunk. Love to do this but the guy that said he made a teleporter, well he's still applying for release from the mental institute. irish red fan
  • yah, I thought maybe i had imagined the quicky article, or was still asleep when i logged on.
    What's up, slashdot? don't mess with my mind, esp. on Hangover/Sunday morning
  • Wonder what happened with it? Maybe they didn't find it interesting?

    BTW. I voted BeOS :o)
  • <offtopic>
    I'm glad I'm not the only geek out here who
    doesn't drink.
  • Terminal error: statement does not compute.
    Core dumped.
  • ... is beer?

    This really suits the Linux mentality. I mean, think of the parallels:

    Q) What's yer favourite distro?
    A) SUSE
    Q) Lame Ass. Real men run Slackware!

    Q) What's yer favourite brew?
    A) Lower Musquadaboit Lager
    Q) Lame Ass, LM Lager is crap. Real swillers drink Mosquito Gulch Ale!

    The only difference being I'm too chicken to name real beers because of the inevitable flame wars that will result. Linux preferences are safer to state. :-b

    Suggestion: we have the next Linux Beer event right on the Canada-US border, say a western portion of it so I can travel. That way we can insult each others' beer in the comfortable setting of enjoying our favourite software.

  • At the end of the article, someone suggested having a Beer Hike in the U.S., where there are many microbreweries.

    I would obviously recommend that this be somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. Humboldt County, California has a few very good breweries, and magnificent scenery with the Coast Redwoods.

    Portland, Oregon supposedly has the highest per-capita concentration of breweries on the planet, and nearby there is Mt. Hood, the Columbia River Gorge, and many other very good hiking areas.

    If Seattle is preferred, perhaps it could be a bike trip through the San Juan Islands. I don't know if there are many breweries up there, though.

    Finally, across the Strait of Juan de Fuca (I just like to say that out loud), there is Victoria, B.C. on Vancouver Island. There are some good breweries, and many excellent pubs, and the island has many recreational opportunities.

    I couldn't make it to Germany (although I would have liked to), but I could definitely attend a Beer Hike in any of these places.

    Interested in XFMail? New XFMail home page []

  • That's where the next one should be. I you don't know why, then you don't know Why.

    just BYOB!
  • by mdvkng ( 59799 )
    It's a non-western locale which good for global perspective on the idea ... and speaking of perspective, it's closer to The Source (if I know what you wanna da people to know Why, eh?).

    That way you can open up The Source while you look at open source. Oops! It's time to change the bong water, fill the bowl and build a new kernel. Ta.

  • Hmmm. I'd certainly like the chance to go to France and do a Linux bike trip, myself, perhaps one that ended up on the beaches of Cannes?

    I can program in French if need be and have a number of friends from France ...

    And then we can practice our arrogance and say things like "Le Microsoft, c'est un batard! Merde!" And argue about distros in drunken bar fights, while wearing racing jackets (and caps) with our distros on them.

    Anyone else up for this?

  • I've got relatives on Lopez Island and know some people in Friday Harbor (I buy my tickets through Great Getaway Travel in Friday Harbor, but live in Seattle). Like the Cross-Country (US/Canada) Bike Tour concept.

    Still think France would be more fun, though.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    see subject
  • This is Off-topic? HTF do you score Anonymous Moderator. Where TF do you suppose me to post this? ASK SLASHDOT? Hum? Post a article about why Rob dropping article left and right and hope that he will post it as Jon Katz's feature? Is there anyother way to post this. I sincerely looking for an answer. Not troll.

    I don't want to say that I deserve an answer or something like that, this is Rob's site after all. But this is not off-topic.

  • Drinkers with a Linux problem... :-)

  • why irc? why not go for a mud/mush? hehe, cuz that way, we could create where we are as we went ;D

  • Of course, you'd probably run into some rather nasty disputes with the border patrol about legal drinking age on the border. =)

"The Avis WIZARD decides if you get to drive a car. Your head won't touch the pillow of a Sheraton unless their computer says it's okay." -- Arthur Miller
