Ask Slashdot: Palmtop Computing And Linux 67
Uart asks: "I am really interested in buying a Psion palmtop, however, I spend almost 90% of my time using Linux and I would want to be able to transfer files to and from the palmtop and desktop computers, as well as syncronizing it with a calendar/address book application. Is this possible under Linux, or is the Psion windows only?"
And Alternate Personality submitted this one: "Being one of them busy college students I carry a Philips Velo1 w/ Windows CE(v. 1.1) machine around with me so i can type up papers or jott down some quick code between classes. But, using Linux I'm at a loss. I have to keep the cradle on my girlfriend's windows box then transfer my paper to disk, because there is no support for such a device under linux, at least as far as i know. Can someone point me in the write direction on how to get this working. Either with existing software OR how to communicate with the device so i can write my own? "
Librettos are cheap now (Score:1)
libretto (Score:2)
check : http://www.cerfnet.com/~adorable/libretto.html
I highly recommend it.
installing linux was a snap.
What about the Royal DaVinci? (Score:1)
EPOC (Psion 5) files can be opened in Linux (Score:1)
http://www.wholepop.com/ [wholepop.com]
Whole Pop Magazine Online - Pop Culture
Kudos to Psion for Support (Score:2)
the kernel to run on their palmtop, and made
their information available to developers. Even if the kernel isn't 100% yet, it will be.
I was looking at palmtops and pdas, and was going to buy one tomorrow. After visiting the Calcaria page, I decided to order one from buy.com tonight.
Re:Thats bullshit (Score:1)
Psion file transfers (Score:1)
It requires a small OPL program to be running on the S5, so you'll need PsiWin (or minicom under Linux connecting to the Terms app on the Psion) to transfer that file over first.
I'm currently using a somewhat more expensive, but convenient method of transferring: I have a 48M compact flash card for my Psion, and a PCMCIA adapter that allows me to mount it under Linux on my laptop, so I can transfer files that way.
If you have a copy of Windows, it might also be a workable solution to buy VMWare and use it to run a small Windows install for PsiWin...
That said, I love my Psion. It may not be as compact as Pilot or as flashy as a color-screen CE device, but the EPOC software is a pleasure to use. It's a very well-designed machine. I wish it was a little more Linux-friendly, but you can't have everything. Supposedly the new Series 5mx is twice as fast and comes with twice the RAM, and has a brighter screen, so it should be a very nice little machine.
Re:Libretto w/2 Ethernets? WAS:libretto (Score:1)
Use MediaGX or MATX Super7 (Score:1)
That would work much better than your $1000+ Libretto or the lousy Multia...plus it won't overheat. Best of all, it's i586.
Kriston J. Rehberg
http://kriston.net/ [kriston.net]
Re:Kudos to Psion for Support (Score:1)
> pushing it?)
It is. The Series 3 is running on a NEC V30 chip
which is, basically, an 8088. That means it has
serious limitations regarding adress space and
Psion did a great development job, though and the
EPOC OS runs very smooth on it.
I recommend the new 3mx to all those who find the
5mx too bulky! Its also only about 1/3 the price
and has a crisper display! And its 4 times as fast
as all previous Series 3 machines.
I have reverse engineered various file formats of
the Series 3 earlier and will do an import/export
library at least for Series 3 Data and Agenda
before the end of this year.
Re:libretto (Score:1)
-- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?
Psion 5 port webpage (Score:1)
http://www.calcaria.net/ [calcaria.net]
Re:Libretto w/2 Ethernets? WAS:libretto (Score:1)
Heat problems. I had a laptop that had great uptime... upwards of months. All I did was suspend to RAM when not in use.
Once I set it up to run constantly, without ever suspending, I got about 2 weeks before is barfed on me. Sound started messing up, and then it just froze. Totally. And this is a very reliable system.
I'd recommend something like a DEC Multia, if you can smack it around, or some other small desktop more capable than a 486/25.
Good luck, however you try it.
Christopher Kalos
Libretto w/2 Ethernets? WAS:libretto (Score:1)
Re:Libretto w/2 Ethernets? WAS:libretto (Score:1)
Re:Linux on the Psion 5... (Score:1)
EPOC files (Word, Spreadsheet, Data) are in a proprietary, closed, non-published format. Symbian requires you to use their "engines" (shared library interfaces, essentially) for all access to the files. Now, this wouldn't be the worst strategy... but the engine code is proprietary, and they've only ported it to Windows and EPOC! So you're stuck; Windows is the only real option.
We hear rumblings of Linux SDKs, etc. being explored, but who knows how long it may be before it happens.
(The data app. can also import from CSV files; that's something, I guess, but not as efficient as direct access.)
Psion 5 and 5mx + Linux (Score:3)
Conversion of the Psion file formats, and synchronization to off-palmtop applications, is the sticky point. Psion supports this only through PsiWin under Windows; the list of apps it works with is impressive, but it's only Windows (not even Mac).
The point that people often miss is that, while the PalmPilot etc. are really designed to extend your PC's data (a PDA), the Psion etc. are really computers in their own right. I do almost everything right on the Psion itself (you can even develop OPL software right on it); so as long as I have a Linux backup solution, I don't really need anything else.
But if conversion/synchronization is a concern, check out psiconv (you can find it on freshmeat [freshmeat.net]) which is an effort to reverse-engineer the file formats to convert them to open formats. Psion Word to HTML has been done already.
I am very happy with my Psion 5. The 5mx is worth checking out; same great palmtop, but 2x faster, 2x the memory (16MB), and has a Java JVM built in. Actually, ANY device (Ericsson, etc.) that runs Symbian's EPOC is worth checking out! It's a very impressive, tight, responsive, multi-threaded operating system.
A good use for VMware (Score:1)
Re:TCP/IP & PPP (Score:1)
(no real need to mention specifics concerning "embrace and extend")
Re:Libretto w/2 Ethernets? WAS:libretto (Score:1)
Have fun though. Keep up on your security and enjoy the bandwidth.
Linux and PDAs (Score:1)
Re:Troubles with CE (Score:1)
LUnix instead of Linux (Score:1)
However at current date only Linux has been ported to any PDAs.
Porting LUnix should be a trival effort sence the operating system is so small.
[it has to be it's made to run on the Commodore 64]
There is a small system dependent libary than needs to be replaced. Do that and recompile with a compatable c compiler [GCC if it compiles binarys for the target PDA] and go
Re:What about the Royal DaVinci? (Score:1)
The Palm has more/better software, and infrared; but otherwise the two PDA's are extremely similar.
(I eventually got a PalmIIIx because I outgrew the current limits of the daVinci; but it's still a great PDA!)
Re:I can see it now. (Score:1)
Newton (Score:1)
Nokia 9110 (Score:1)
On a related note does anyone know of any software to get the 9110 to connect and share data with a linux box. The software supplied is for windows boxes and I don't have any of those. Of course I can do PPP and FTP stuff but that is sub optimal as it works through the phone and gets pretty expensive through a wireless 9600 cell modem.
Re:Linux on the Psion 5... (Score:2)
Yes, i heard about that, but its far from where I would need it to be, at the moment anyway.
Since asking slashdot, I discovered a neet little gem, its not quite exacly, what i was looking for, but it is close, you can find it here [demon.co.uk], It allows you to transfer files between systems. Which would at least allow me to get some work done, but heres a question, what formats do Psion's Spreadsheet/Wordprocessor/everything else use? are they standard formats?
Everex and linuxce.org (Score:1)
Interested in the Royal DaVinci (Score:1)
What other PDAs use the Dragonball? the Pilot?
DaVinci on Linux? (Score:1)
linuxce.org (Score:2)
Re:libretto (Score:1)
Linux on the Psion 5... (Score:2)
Re:libretto (Score:1)
I use a Libretto 100CT with RedHat 6.0 and KDE, which has a little widget which interfaces with the apmd to do suspend to disk. This means restarting the machine takes about four seconds. To make this work you have to create a 70Mb partition at the end of your hard disk and leave it alone, but that's not a hassle.
Getting Linux onto the machine was not entirely straightforward. There are a couple of good howto pages on the Web:
Re:linuxce.org (Score:1)
Hopefully this will progress well, I want a replacement for my NCR-3125 (running PenPoint) and my Newton. MP-100. I've considered the Vadem Clio/Sharp Tri-Pad, but the software isn't adequate to my desire (and no, neither is the Newton, nor was the NCR, though the NCR was close when I had Windows for Pen and FutureWave's SmartSketch).
Linux and Gill, GYVE or Killustrator would be perfect for my needs (especially with a port of TeX thrown in)
Lettering Art in Modern Use
Re:Nokia 9110 (Score:1)
Porting Linux shouldn't be too much work, since the 9110 houses an AMD 486 processor. 4 Mb of memory is used to run Geoworks, while the other 4 Mb is user space, which is subdivided between program and data space. That theoretically gives you 2 Mb in which to boot and run Linux and 2 Mb in which to store it.
If you have a memory card, you could store Linux there and save the data space for your own files.
I have no idea if anyone's working on a port for the 9110, but it would be a very welcome thing to have.
it does use tcp/ip (Score:2)
http://home.utah-inter.net/clalor/lin ux_ce.html [utah-inter.net]
All you wanted to know getting those wince thingymijigs working under 'nix.
Re:TCP/IP & PPP (Score:1)
Anoymous Coward worte:
You can get a Windows CE machine (And Windows too for that matter) to talk to a Linux box, just set up a ppp connection which reads the string "CLIENT/SERVER" from the device, and writes the string "SERVER", then start ppp.
I write in response:
shudder I spent 2 days trying to get a Windows NT 3.51 box and my Linux box talking to each other over a null modem cable. The same cable and same Linux box were fine connecting with 2 other operating system(Macos and Linux). I knew about the client/server/bull but I still never got it working. They just wouldn't talk right. That experience showed me what is truely horrible about Windows. The Windows NT box wanted me to specify whether it was the "server" or the "client". I tried to tell it that PPP is a peer to peer protocal and that there is no "server" or "client", but it wouldn't listen (: It's these strange spins on using the standard protocals that makes it hard or impsosible to make a Windows box work with other systems, but work automagicaly with its own breed.
So try this, but be prepared for a major headache. Well that was my rant for today, I hope you people enjoyed it.
Re:Psion 5 port webpage (Score:2)
to the Psion 5 at the Ottawa Linux Symp. It's far from stable but it's working! It was the most memorable part of the show. The presenter even
ran Perl on the Psion (about 2.5 secs to print
"hello world"). They have no X server yet but the fbcons is working well. He said X client should work now (to display on a remote server) but that he's not installed the Xlibs to test it. They even have gcc running *on* the psion.
All in all it's a pretty impressive result for 1 year's worth of labour.
Speaking of the OLS, was anyone other than me as embarrased for the rebel.com and corel guys as I was? In a crowd of geeks and nerds they stood out as a group of out-of-touch losers. It was hard to watch. It angered me that they cut short Alan
Cox's Q&A to bash Microsoft and show their "cool"
promotional video. It was creepy.
TCP/IP & Windows DUN (Score:2)
Re:Someone needs to port linux to the Vr214X (Score:1)
Windows CE devices... (Score:1)
Did you uncheck "Connect Directly to Desktop?" (Score:1)
Re:Linux on the Psion 5... (Score:1)
Fritz' code doesn't allow transfers to/from a Series 3, yet. It takes the NCP/RFSV protocols and interfaces them to NFS, so you don't need p2nfs running on the Psion.
Windows CE Connection Info (Score:1)
If I run Start/Programs/Communication/ActiveSync , select Serial @ 115k and my desktop's name, then run pppd
I checked the debug logs from pppd, and the only protocol the P/PC asks for is TCP/IP, so ActiveSync must be based on that. I ran a simple TCP portscanner against the P/PC and found something on port 990, but I can't tell what it is - probably some proprietary ActiveSync server.
It would be nice if someone could reverse-engineer the ActiveSync protocol, but I'm not holding my breath. In the mean time, I use an ftp server for WinCE I got from this website [oohito.com]. The MIPS executable is here [oohito.com] and the SH3 executable is here [oohito.com].
Hope this helps someone...
Re:libretto (Score:1)