Ask Slashdot: "Pseudo-Free" Software in Major Distributions? 184
submitted the following:
"I've been looking into using SSH and rdist to distribute
around 2 gig worth of data to about 1000 machines nightly.
Rdist (v6.1.5) would be perfect for this, as it automatically
forks to send data to multiple machines, but it isn't totally
free software. The problem is with SSH.
To use SSH with rdist you need the server side of SSH on
each of the machines that are running the rdist server.
The licensing fees for this are simply astronomical for
this kind of application. While researching all this I noticed
that Red Hat includes rdist (6.1.5) in its distribution.
I also now know the
rdist license
terms. Rdist isn't free to use in a commercial setting
if it involves another company. So, if you have two
companies running Linux, that are collaborating on some
project, and sharing some of the data using Linux and rdist,
they owe Magnicomp money. My real question here is: Does
anyone else realize this? How many other packages have
similar arrangements that are going to cause major
headaches in the future?"
rsync, lsh (Score:1)
lsh, an ssh replacement seems to be coming along nicely
Free alternatives (Score:1)
As several other people have pointed out, you can probably use rsync instead, and rsync is newer and probably better maintained these days anyway. rsync comes with Red Hat.
There is a free version of SSH 2.0 under development at:
It is under the GPL, but is not finished yet. I don't know how usable that is.
If you need encryption/security, you have at least 2 free options for an rsh/rcp type program:
- Use Kerberos rcp which can encrypt data. You will have to install a Kerberos server, though, and client software
- Use a SSL version of rcp. (SSLeay or OpenSSL, I don't know what's popular these days)
Re:Strange.. (yet another reason for Debian) (Score:1)
No more wondering what the terms are of the software you are using.
vrms :-) (Score:1)
I have it installed out of curiosity
Is this a fact or an opinion? (Score:1)
2) previous post says the license changed 11/98
3) ls -l rdist says rdist binary was created 8/98
Is there any proof offered from the original poster that his statement is true, or is he just trying to flame Red Hat?
Re:Alternatives, and some comments (Score:1)
license of each package for compliance with the The Debian Free Software Guidelines, the
document that later became the Open Source Definition.
Um, Bruce, before you get all holier-than-thou, you might want to make sure you know what you're talking about.
[foo@baz foo]$ dpkg -S rdist
[foo@baz foo]$
Yep, that's right. Debian ships with rdist as well. It ships a BSD-licensed version, just like Red Hat does. Apology accepted.
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:1)
Historical Context (Score:1)
And no, I couldn't get a copy of that tee-shirt, I wasn't one of some inner circle or something.
So I say, screw 'im. Wrap a conditional trigger system (etc) around rsync, and bury rdist. I'd do it, except I don't sysadmin any more.
-- Perry
[Sorry about the AC posting, but I don't post enough to be worth it to get a signon.]
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:2)
While it is true that Debian distinguishes between free and non-free software according to the DFSG, this does not imply that Debian is only distributing free software. Far from it. Three weeks ago I counted 334 non-free packages in potato. If we add the contrib packages that depend on non-free software, say another 150 packages (don't know the exact number), it will be true to say this: Debian distributes about 484 non-free packages. This is contrary to Debian's 'social contract' which begins with the phrase "Debian Will Remain 100% Free Software" (then goes on to explain that 100% free software means free + non-free software! )
Re:rsync not rdist (Score:2)
Re:Easiest "Ask Slashdot" question yet: use Debian (Score:1)
----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
Coulda used PuTTY too... (Score:1)
- A.P.
"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
Re: Debian does NOT DISTRIBUTE non-free software (Score:1)
We're likely to be voting very soon about removing the non-free software from our primary servers and placing it on a machine with a different hostname. If this happens it will still be available to everyone as it is now, but hopefully it will help stop silly comments like "Debian distributes non-free software" from popping up all over the place.
Not so fast... (Score:3)
From the ssh COPYING file:
(b) You may use the program for non-commercial purposes only, meaning that the program must not be sold commercially as a separate product, as part of a bigger product or project, or otherwise used for financial gain without a separate license. Please see Section 2, Restrictions, for more details.
And...from the ssh FAQ:
3.2 May I legally run ssh?
The UNIX version of ssh 1.2.27 may be used freely for non-commercial purposes and may not be sold commercially as a separate product, as part of a bigger product or project, or otherwise used for financial gain without a separate license. The definition of "commercial use" is generally interpreted as using ssh for anything that would generate financial gain, such as logging into a customers system to do administration, or providing ssh as a secure login to your partners or vendors.
In email between Data Fellows and the maintainer, the following questions were asked and answered:
================================================== =============
= ===============
S: Steve Acheson, FAQ Maintainer
P: Petri Nyman, F-Secure SSH Product Manager for Data Fellows
S)Can a company use the 1.2.26 release of the SSH software freely for
S)internal support and administration without violating the license
P)You can freely use it for internal support and administration of your own
P)equipment located in your premises.
S)Does connecting from one machine to another via SSH to
S)read email, do work, etc, violate this agreement?
P)No, unless you provide this ability to a third party or connect to a third
P)party's computer to provide a service.
S)Does connecting from a purchased PC client SSH software to a non-licensed
S)SSH server violate the agreement?
S)Does connecting to a remote site, that is not company owned, but company
S)administered, via SSH to do administrative work violate the agreement?
P)Yes. You need a commercial license for that.
So, I'd say that it's at least legally questionable if you use ssh to connect to client machines, or vice-versa.
OT: Making Debian packages (Score:1)
Take a look inside. I don't have Linux installed right now (in the process of clearing out a nasty and cobwebby install), so I can't say how to do it -- but look and see, I remember it was extremely easy.
If you'd like to email me for more, feel free, but I seem to recall there's also some documentation on the Debian web site.
Re:Have you looked at libio license? (Score:1)
Re:Easiest "Ask Slashdot" question yet-use the GPL (Score:2)
However, a decent answer to this question would involve trying to look for a solution, maybe something like SSLrdist [quick.com.au] would be appropriate. It's based on SSLeay, USC rdist, and stuff from NetBSD. So it looks free to me, and that's a good place to start. Comments?
Re:Easiest "Ask Slashdot" question yet: use Debian (Score:1)
Btw, an interesting tidbit from Magnicomp.com's ftp server: What this means is they've taken something under the BSD license and made their fork proprietary. Of course, the Magnicomp.Com-unmolested code under the BSD license will remain free.
ssh / sdist (Score:2)
Re:ssh / sdist (Score:2)
Consider CVSup (Score:1)
Pesky author indeed. (Score:1)
On a more practical note, this is a perfect example of why the BSD licence is dangerous. One Brett Glass should pay attention to this situation.
Re:Welcome to $Linux$ (Score:1)
Re:Not so fast... (Score:1)
Seems pretty self explanitory..
Re:various things (Score:1)
Re:Linux & the Pseudo Free Software (Score:1)
No thanks... the install time would be impossible... Microsoft presents one for its OS (pluss the annoying apps that come with, can we say IE), and then one for any other seperate application/suite that you install.
Maybe, have the licenses installed to something like
Re:Welcome to $Linux$ (Score:1)
Re:Rdist is under BSD license (Score:2)
I am a bit perturbed that there was no mention of 6.1.5 or the license change on the rdist developers list. The first I heard of 6.1.5 was some note on the list asking for help with 6.1.5.
"even if the person behind MagniComp is the individual who did the work at USC (one Michael Cooper)" It is the same person. Michael Cooper left USC for Sun. MagniCorp is (I think) his own corporation for stuff he has done that is not concerned with Sun.
If someone wants a copy of rdist 6.1.4 I can send it.
Apology from "use Debian" guy. (Score:1)
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:2)
While you may have written the scripts that were used to build ``bo'' CDs, I think we should probably credit Andreas Jellinghaus, who did an almost total rewrite for ``hamm'' (a.k.a. Debian 2.0).
I then maintained that set of scripts, but there has since been another rewrite by Steve McIntyre (for ``slink'', a.k.a. Debian 2.1), with contributions from a whole bunch of people on debian-cd@lists.debian.org.
Apart from that, you are correct in saying that the Official Debian GNU/Linux CDs contain only software that meets the Debian Free Software Guidelines [debian.org].
Cheers, Phil.
P.S. rsync ? I think you mean rdist. rsync is GPL. Debian's rdist is rdist-6.1.3 (usc.edu:/pub/rdist) which is BSD.
Older BSD rdist? (Score:1)
Re:Older BSD rdist? (Score:1)
You can catch me at:
Alternatives, and some comments (Score:2)
This would not have happened if you were using Debian, because Debian considers the license of each package for compliance with the The Debian Free Software Guidelines [debian.org], the document that later became the Open Source Definition.
Re:Have you looked at libio license? (Score:2)
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:2)
Re:Alternatives, and some comments (Score:2)
I'm more than a bit wary of a program with two very different licenses on the same site. It sounds as if some left hands don't know what the right ones are doing.
Nope, Red Hat version is non-free. (Score:2)
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:2)
Re:100% redhat FUD. (Score:2)
Re:Alternatives, and some comments (Score:2)
Re:Alternatives, and some comments (Score:2)
Re:Summary (Score:2)
Re:Alternatives, and some comments (Score:2)
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:2)
I got rsync and rdist confused in more than one posting. Sorry. Time to go to sleep.
Re:Older BSD rdist? (Score:2)
Re:informing redhat... (Score:2)
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:3)
The Debian Social Contract was not written to eliminate non-free software from the face of the earth, but to keep it out of Debian's "main" directory. The contrib and non-free directories aren't an official part of Debian.
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:3)
The Official CD ISO 9660 images do not contain non-free software. They do contain an old BSD version of rsync.
Summary (Score:3)
Re:Welcome to $Linux$ (Score:3)
That, sir, is why we're so "fanatical" about licenses. To protect you from exactly what you described.
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:3)
Re:rsync not rdist (Score:2)
Rsync is GPLed, and a lot more efficient than rdist for most purposes -- the debian ISO mirror process is one good example.
If you do go with rdist-style distribution, check into sdist, which might (I can't recall with any certainty) have a more liberal license than rdist, and uses SSH.
For the SSH portion, there are troubles. Free implementations of ssh are underway (the ssh1 license allows some levels of commercial use, ssh2's is too restrictive to be commercially useful), but taking their time.
Re:rsync not rdist (Score:1)
Re:Linux & the Pseudo Free Software (Score:1)
Linux & the Pseudo Free Software (Score:2)
Unfortunately, being able to name a replacement is not the point. The point is that someone out there is not going to know that there is a licensing distinction for some piece of software including on one of the distros and they're going to violate the terms of the license. And they're going to get caught. And they're going to raise a stink. Not that this is a real problem; I think all of the distributions should band together to develop some universal mechanism for informing users when they are installing a "pseudo-commercial" licensed product.
I think that rpm, yast, apt and whatever tools that are used to install packages should be modified to present the license to a user when it varies from the license used by a majority of the distribution. Or that a user should have to read/accept each license in kind.
Re:Have you looked at libio license? (Score:2)
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.
informing redhat... (Score:1)
has anyone considered informing them? or is it just more fun to piss and moan about it here?
Re:Linuxppc (Score:1)
Most people are somewhat i386 centric? Debian is rather anal about licenses.
> 1. how does one upgrade a debian box if a security issue is found with a package?
Either grab the deb and install it manually, or use dselect/apt to work out if there are any updates and install them (see next question).
> 2. What exactly does apt-get update actually do (it seems to just change a few gzipped files on my machine representing the directory structure of the debian ftp site)
That's what it does - it updates the list of avalible packages. To upgrade all the upgradeable packages, use "apt-get upgrade". To upgrade/install a specfic package, use "apt-get install foo".
> Does ir get packages which have been changed due to security related issues?
No. If you have the security updates archive locations (security.debian.org and proposed-updates) in your sources file, then doing "apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade" should do the right thing.
> 3. DOes anyone have a script/howto for making debs. RPMS seem really easy, but the stuff for debs on the debian site seemed a litte too confusing.
I found the easiest thing was to just do it. It's sometimes instructive to look at the diff files of existing packages to see how they do things. A good starting point is to use dh_make to put in a skeleton which works for packages configured using autoconf (ISTR the potato version broke - if it's still broken, try the one from slink). Use lintian to check for errors in the built debs - it's very useful.
> 4. Has the debian open-source manual been released, yet?
Pass. There's a whole bunch of debian manuals - take a look at the Debian Documentation Project for more info (it's linked from the devel section of the web site).
Re:Are software licenses legal?: Revisited. (Score:1)
My personal favorite is the clause that usually comes right after this: "including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness." In other words, the software isn't actually worth enough to sell (but worth far too much to give away! Programmers would starve!), and even if it were, it's not useful for any particular purpose, anyway.
If manager types read these things, they'd go nuts. Wait! We just spent how many thousands of dollars? And all we have is crates full of coasters and many copies of the same useless software that is collectively worth somewhat less than a penny?
Re:Have you looked at libio license? (Score:2)
But the LGPL also have problems; it isn't suitable for embedded systems customers, who have, in effect, been paying most of the bills for gcc development (via Cygnus support contracts). Switching libio to the LGPL would not be acceptable to the people that are doing or paying for most of the work.
The current license (GPL with special exception) requires that at least one .o file be compiled with gcc. But the LGPL has many more requirements: the executable must be shipped in linkable form, and there are other requirements as well.
Switching libio to the LGPL will make matters worse for many. Some other solution is needed.
VPN maybe? (Score:1)
Re:VPN maybe? (Score:1)
Vpnd was probably referring to slip because a VPN is a virtual point to point connection, and then you can route through that point. I would think PPP would make more sense than slip, but who knows.
I've seen a few other projects that look promising. Check out the FreeS/WAN project at http://www.xs4all.nl/~freeswan/. It uses IPSEC so it should work with other IPSEC devices.
The reason I suggested a vpn of some sort is after you have securely connected two networks, encrypting file transfers, ttys, etc become unneeded unless you've got people inside your own network you have to worry about. This allows many more tools to be used for administration.
Use stunnel/stelnet: they're free (Score:1)
You're wrong on the terms (Score:2)
As with MySQL, you seem to be welcome to build resale solutions around it without anyone getting paid, so long as your app leaves it to the customer to obtain and install rdist themselves separately.
The terms are weird and tortuous, but they do not seem to require payment for commercial or business-to-business use per se.
Re:Have you looked at libio license? (Score:2)
rsync not rdist (Score:2)
Re:Free (Score:1)
Re:Apology from "use Debian" guy. (Score:1)
Thanks for posting that. Your point is well taken...anybody who claims to have all free software but doesn't *should* be called on it (and it doesn't matter who it is...Debian, RedHat, S.u.S.e, or any others.)
However, a point that is just under the surface there is this: one of our greatest strengths is that GNU/Linux comes in so many different packages. It's the same core but with many different makers (distros) which all provide their own set of options. What distro A lacks, B has, so if you need that function/option, B is the better choice. However, as sure as that B will lack something that A has.
I tend to view the fact that we have different distros and so many variations, yet all based very much on the same core system as a strength. If a Micro~1 product falls short, who can you turn to while keeping with Windows? No-body (generally speaking here.) If a GNU/Linux distro falls short, there is another to step-in and take its place.
I sometimes find it interesting how we spend so much time fighting each other and trying to destroy what is actually one of our strong selling-points.
I don't mind this (Score:1)
However, if the software is distributed in a RPM or similiar package, I believe that it should be a requirement of the distribution that the description in the package clearly states that "if you use this for commercial use, please read the license file" or such.
It's alright that someone gets paid for their work.
p.s. Does anyone know how to change the email address of a slashdot account? I've since moved ISPs.
Re:ssh / sdist (Score:1)
SSH 1.2.7 is probably the best version available (for cost & what you get) IMHO.
Thank you,
Carl Nasal
ZZWeb.net Web Hosting [zzweb.net] - $15 & $30/month accounts!
ZZWeb.net Web Hosting - http://www.zzweb.net
Re:Free Software is Business-Friendly (Score:1)
Re:Welcome to $Linux$ (Score:1)
> mid-sized environment. Sometimes time is
> cheaper than money -- use Linux. Sometimes
> money is cheaper than time -- use Microsoft,
> but be aware that you will probably spend
> more time than you ought maintaining things.
My employers, who I am trying to subvert from within ;) , use Netware file servers, NT application (email, web, DNS/DHCP) servers and '95 on the 230-ish clients (including ~35% laptops). Shock result:
I'm running the webservers -- I can't do anything about NT *yet*, but Apache performed exactly as the previous poster described in comparison with IIS. IIS 'works' approximately out of the box, whilst Apache will *not* work until you've at least read and understood the .conf files. However there's been loads of issues with IIS (security holes, exploits, old-fashioned bugs etc) and ours crash the server or grab 100% of the CPU every few weeks. Apache 1.3.* OTOH has required zero maintenance since started.
Re:Look at cfengine (Score:1)
We use at the company I work for on about 1000 desktop workstations. It works great and makes life a hell of alot easier for us CSA's.
Superstition is a word the ignorant use to describe their ignorance. -Sifu
Re:OT: Making Debian packages (Score:1)
This isn't precisely correct. You have to unar it first to get the tar.gz files. Coincidentally, there are detailed instructions for this in the accellerated glx project faq [openprojects.net].
Re:rsync not rdist (Score:2)
Re:Look at cfengine (Score:1)
We've got nearly 500 systems (Irix, Solaris, Linux, Unicos & ConvexOS) running it here. It makes host management a dream.
As for the author, well... Mark is a little backwards in his views on how to develop things. He's afraid of using patch, doesn't see the point in a CVS repository (he doesn't even use RCS), etc. So it can be difficult to get him to incorporate things; but it does happen.
Be realistic though. You shouldn't try and get *him* to add things; you should develop the addition yourself along with a discussion of how to implement it on the mailing list. If he likes the idea he'll add it to a future version.
Look at cfengine (Score:2)
cfengine is a GNU project which easily replaces rdist. It uses its own protocol rather than relying on a seperate program (ie: rsh or ssh) to transfer the data. Encrypted transfers are an option in the most recent (v1.5) version.
Check it out at the cfengine home page [hioslo.no]
Rdist is under BSD license (Score:2)
MagniComp appears to have forked their version off the USC source tree and "hijacked" the license. This is possible with the BSD license, which is why some of us feel that the GPL is better. The However, they definitely can't lay any claim on the version of rdist that comes with RedHat... even if the person behind MagniComp is the individual who did the work at USC (one Michael Cooper), that version had not yet been hijacked, so it's safe.
various things (Score:2)
2: You don't need the server stuff on your 1000
hosts, just on the central one. Just have the
clients pull the files from the server (eg from
a cron job, like we do here).
3: Use rsync instead of rdist - it's much better.
Re:Easiest "Ask Slashdot" question yet: use Debian (Score:1)
Re:ssh / sdist (Score:1)
Strange.. (Score:1)
One thing to consider is that RedHat may have paid MagniComp or Mr. Cooper to recieve rights to distribute rdist under the terms of the BSD license or another nonrestrictive license, instead of MagniComp's regular EULA. However, I can't verify this because my (RedHat binary) copy does not include a copyright or license file in
If you download it from MagniComp and read the copyright in the source distribution, it's a standard BSD license with Michael's text at the top saying you can't make any money from distributing or using it, without an agreement in writing from him. According to the changelog, the copyright notice was changed in November of 1998.
Re:Strange.. (Score:1)
Free software of all kinds is great. Programmers choose licenses based on how they want their work used, and that's great too. My favorite licenses for free software are XFree, GPL and BSD, all great. This program is no longer free and is under a license which essentially prohibits commercial use or commercial distribution of any kind, making it not-so-great.
Re:Are software licenses legal?: Revisited. (Score:2)
The Berne convention, the basis for most international copyright laws, states that all original works are automatically copyrighted and that the author, unless she specifically waives certain rights by declaring otherwise, is entitled to every protection under the copyright law, including the right to redistribute the work.
Basically, without the license, you have NO right to copy the work or really even to use it, except under "fair use" exemptions. What entails "fair use" is somewhat vague...and depends greatly on the type of work in question.
If software licenses were held to be unenforceable, however, this would be GREATLY *hurt* the free software movement, which actually depends on these licenses. Remember that the GPL, and other similiar licenses are just that: they are software liceneses and they do place restrictions on how software can be copied, modified and distributed. The fact that these restrictions are designed to protect people's rights to redistribute and modify free software is completely irrelevant.
The real question is not whether software licenses are enforceable per se, but whether or not *certain provisions* of these licenses are enforceable, such as restrictions about who and who cannot use a program.
I would say that distribution and copying can be controlled under copyright, but personally I would argue that if someone has *paid* for a license to use a program then that person cannot be denied the right to use the program under fair use, but if someone was *given* a program, but the license does not allow distribution to that particular person (or company) then they *could* be denied the right to use the program.
For a complete discussion by an excellent copyright attorney, you should check out "The Software Developer's Complete Legal Companion" by Thorne D. Harris III (Prima Publishing).
DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer, so this represents only a laypersons opinion. You should consult a lawyer if you really need to.
MySQL is another bad one (Score:1)
MySql is another bad one and it doesn't even attempt to follow the SQL standards!
Use PostgreSQL [postgresql.org] instead.
As for mirroring multiple machines, the best way to do this is to use rsync [samba.org] along with SSH 1.2.27 [cs.hut.fi] and the blowfish encryption which uses less CPU time. Also make sure to turn on compression in rsync, -z I believe.
Michael Dillon - E-mail: michael@memra.com
Re:Strange.. (Score:1)
For rdist, it says BSD, tho.
Major Distros with Pseudo-Free Software (Score:1)
Just my thoughts on this.
Re:Rdist is under BSD license (Score:2)
The answer is to fork from the last free rdist version and then merge in any relevant bug fixes (you probably need to clean room this so that you aren't accused of just hijacking the Magnicorp version). Could this code fork be transfered to GPL?
BTW RedHat used to use a different rdist. The Michael Cooper version is much superior and we want to stay with that if at all possible. People do need an rdist version - rsync can't do somethings at present (ie script triggers on updates) although modifying rsync in that way is another option.
Re:Free alternatives (Score:1)
Well, this WAS a modified version of BSD program that was modified and put under a more restricted license. The BSD license allow you to do that. The GPL don't (unless it don't stand up in court), this i swhy I prefer the GPL (and why other people prefer the BSD license too
Re:ssh / sdist (Score:3)
This directory contains snapshots of lsh development. lsh is a free implementation of the ssh protocol.
/Niels Möller
lsh is far from finished; don't expect these snapshots to compile or work, and even if they appear to work, beware that lsh currently does *NOT* provide any security at all.
Re: Debian does distribute non-free software (Score:1)
There's a non-Magnicomp rdist that's greater than version 6.1.0 out there? How intriguing. The only one I was able to track down (and which prompted this posting) was the 6.1.5 version.
Time to do some more investigating.
Later: By the way, ftp.usc.edu/pub/rdist says "RDist_MOVED_TO_www.MagniComp.com"
Oh well.
Re:rsync not rdist (Score:1)
Re:various things (Score:1)
It's more complicated than that - there are multiple sets of files that get sent to those 1000 machines, and those must be configured on a machine-by-machine basis. Currently that's handled via a centralized web interface.
I won't deny that it's possible to rework the whole system to use rsync, but it's probably much easier to rework the system to split internal destinations from external (client/vendor) destinations, and reduce our ssh licensing costs to something manageable that way.
Licenses for everythying!!! (Score:2)
Have you looked at libio license? (Score:3)
Licensing terms for libio
Since the iostream classes are so fundamental to standard C++, the Free Software Foundation has agreed to a special exception to its
standard license, when you link programs with libio.a.
As a special exception, if you link this library with files compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause the
resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
The code is under the GNU General Public License (version 2) for all purposes other than linking with this library which means that you can
modify and redistribute the code as usual; remember that, if you do, your modifications, and anything you link with the modified code, must
be available to others on the same terms.
Re:Are software licenses legal?: Revisited. (Score:2)
In short, I respectfully dissent from the second sentence of the message to which I respond.
I note, with interest, that recent efforts to add a new article 2 to the UCC were directed to precisely this question, which would tend to support OSS non-wrap licenses. It is ironic that these proposals were largely rebuffed without much analysis by the open source community, precisely because the proposals were also supported by IP holders.
It is important to recall that, at least, the Stallman view --which eschews the notion of public domain free software in favor of GNU-like licenses-- depends upon the enforceability of Copyrights and related license agreements.
Open Source Compliance Opinions (Score:3)
Unsurprisingly, clients' first question is whether (and if so, how much and how) code must be distributed in open source or at least offered for distribution. They are often surprised that there may be serious questions whether the software can be distbuted at all!
As it turns out, these questions are rarely easy ones to answer, even after assuming that the agreements are all fully enforceable. On the other hand, the failure to perform such an analysis can lead to substantial downsides such as the suggested example.
Re:ssh / sdist (Score:2)
Basically, there was never a verifiable problem with SSH 1.2.26 (the version available when this whole incident took place). The IBM team that suggested a possible exploit (the same warning Rootshell latched on to in attempts to explain their compromise) ended up retracting their claim. However, panic and some politics have made this whole issue unclear.
1.2.27 took care of a hard-to-duplicate issue involving Kerberos support. And, as of right now, I'm not aware of any exploits at all against 1.2.27 (current version in the SSH1 tree).
I'd be glad to hear of any new developments I've missed out on. :)
The SSH Legal Issue (Score:2)
With that being said...
Commercial use of SSH generally requires a license. But there are non-commercial allowances in both SSH1 and SSH2. The trouble is what the definition of "non-commercial" includes. SSH2 is very restrictive and pretty much discounts any use of the suite near anything "commercial" in any manner. SSH1 allows for greater leeway:
The file named COPYING [cam.ac.uk] that is included in the distribution reads:
The interpretation I get from this is that a Commercial enterprise may use SSH1 as long as it is not a part of a specific service. Administration of local servers is OK. Services that include "Remote secure backups of your systems for pennies a day!" or "Checking accounts now come with secure online banking!" that includes SSH1 as its method of secure communications do not fit in the "non-commercial" license.Once again, it would be wise to point out that it seems the folks selling SSH later decided against this kind of policy. SSH2's license is much more restrictive and reserves "non-commercial" licensing to personal use and educational use as part of academic research and/or teaching (note: educational institutions don't get to use it for administration).
But you're not out of the legal woods yet. SSH1 uses a whole slew of libraries and intellectual property that adds additional layers of license concerns. Thankfully, most of them are cleared by allowances for use of those properties in SSH1.
Two big concerns that aren't covered include IDEA and RSA. IDEA is easy to get around by not including it in your compile (opting for Blowfish instead). RSA is a tougher issue. You'll have to look at it yourself if you're still trying to figure it out (I luck out with a license granted to the US Government for RSA since a partial Gov't grant helped develop it at MIT).
Are software licenses legal?: Revisited. (Score:2)
Are software licenses legal or enforcable.
It's one thing when Microsoft has a license which states that by clicking on this button, you sign your soul over to bill, but I never clicked such a button when I installed my Redhat 5.2. Would this make Redhat responsible for license violations. Can you enforce a contract which one side has never even seen? I suspect the ideas of software licenses will have to be revisited by the legislature at some point (Scary thought).