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Linux Software

Linux Today - now with audio 34

Our friends at Linux today started today to broadcast in MP3 format, and they need "beta" testers to get some feedback. (you'll need mpg123 program or the latest RealPlayer G2, or X11amp/XMMS to hear it)
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Linux Today - now with audio

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  • OK, *this* is a page with 2 RealAudio files of Linus Torvalds *himself* pronouncing "Linux" (in English and Swedish.)


  • One thing I noticed is the pronouncation used was "Lynn-ucks." I thought it was thought by most people that this was "incorrect", whatever that means. Linus says it as "Lee-nucks." That's probably the only truly 'correct' pronounciation.

    However, isn't the accepted Americanized pronounciation "Lie-nucks?" This seems logical to me, as Linus' name is pronounced "Lie-nus" (though it's "Lee-nus" in Finland.) So doesn't "Lie-nus" become "Lie-nucks?" Why do so many people say "Lynn-ucks" then? Will you make fun of me and steal my lunch money if I say "Lie-nucks?"

    Please dont' consider this a flame or "my-way-of-talking-is-better-than-yours." Have a nice day. :-)

  • Checked it out earlier this morning. The quality of the audio was good (it IS mp3 after all). The quality of the DJs (reporters? announcers?) was horrible. Reminded me of the 'news program' that I did when I was in 5th grade. The content was /. rehashed. And why do they need beta testers for IceCast technology? Any semi-knowledgable linux person can get that up and running with no problems. IceCast is, for the most part, proven software. Beta testing THEIR capabilites perhaps?

    Of course, I could just be cranky this morning...
  • I want to express my support for the previous post. We don't need a long annoying thread starting over this.
  • I just wanted to encourage everyone to NOT respond to this. You know it's a troll, and you know he's seeking attention.

  • /. rehashed? What? Are you kidding?

    The content on Linux Today goes above and beyond /. content. Rob has the interface down, but lacks a good flow of news stories. If you notice, most stories make it first to Linux Today and then are rehashed on slashdot.

    My dream linux website would be slashdot backend with Linux Today content.
  • 'I here-by announce these Linux audio games of the summer.. now open! inc=zeik.hail (loop)'
  • Hey although I am still new to Linux I have gotten around a bit. I have not yet listened to this broadcast but I have been listening to one that some of my friends do. It is an Enlightenment show. Filled with lots of cool music, taking requests, and basically just having fun. Maybe you should look more into that then just trying to go "ohhhhh Linux is better" the truth is yes its better, but we already know that. Why waste our time telling us what we know!
  • Ugh. Maybe lots of people like to be told their news but I have music to listen to! Plus, reading is so much cooler. Plus, I get to write back. The Linux Today mp3 broadcast works fine technically ... but I felt like I was listening to CNET radio. A couple of sappy, happy, bubbly freaks telling me how `COOL' Linux is.

    I don't need that CRAP! Sorry, just bothered.
  • OK Bad things first
    (1) The audio is 32Kbit.... too fast for modems...
    (2) The encoder isn't the best one in the world - good encoders can give the same quality at 16Kbit
    (3)The Announcers need a bit more practice and pace - that'll come with time and practice

    I can forgive them for all these - commercial encoders cost money, and the free encoders are no good below 32kbit.

    The Good Things
    (1) It's Not Real Audio!
    (2) users on slow links can Download it.
    (3) They're using a non-commercial encoder
    (4) The First story they mentioned was my series on animation on linuxpower.com

    This last one is actually oddly ironic - since I started mp3 radio on Linux back in 1997 - I was one of the first - so it's spooky that the first mention should be for me... even if it's completely unrelated to mp3 radio (mp3serv/Icecast/LiveIce)

  • I guess if someone doesn't go to Linux Today for their news and goes to /. instead the broadcast would come off like /. rehashed. I just don't find the Linux Today site, what's the right word here, useful? No... I guess I just find the site doesn't fit my tastes. Oh well, you can't please everyone.

    Even if the stories were 'fresh' the result was still lacking
  • Even better! They aren't using IceCast! Doh! They are just serving the file with Apache!

    Hey, I need some beta testers for this static file I'm serving...

    Damn, way too cranky in the morning...
  • > Let's not draw attention to this post by replying to it.

    Absolutely not. It's just not worth making a silly, silly cascading thread over.
  • They're just different. I doubt Slashdot would be as lively as it is if it had 40+ posts per day. It wouldn't be as worthwhile as a news filter either. And they post a lot more of the "Linux is stupid; no one would write free programs" stories on Linuxtoday. If all those got posted here . . .
  • That my 28.8 just won't cut it anymore :( Now, more than ever I need high speed internet..
  • Absolutely not. It's just not worth making a silly, silly cascading thread over.

    I agree. Replying to such a thread would only encourage others to do so, thereby drawing attention to the offending post.
  • Let's not draw attention to this post by replying to it.
  • Hmmm.. The Altair by Intel?

    Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't the Altair a homebrew computer made by a 'hacker' (can't remember his name), using a Zilog Z80? Or was it an i8080?

    Up to that point, Intel themselves probably dismissed the idea of a computer on everyone's desktop. I betch'ca they really woke up to the comsumer market shortly afterwards.

  • "Leenooks" is the correct (Finnish) pronunciation, but I, for one, have never been able to get my American throat around those Scandinavian vowels...

    The accepted Americanized pronunciation is "Lynn-ucks", and that's actually how Linus usually seems to pronounce it (I'm basing this observation on his keynote speech two Linux Expos back). We probably won't steal your lunch money if you say "Lie-nucks", but we may point and laugh and throw offal. :)
  • No, that (soo-sa) is the correct pronunciation, according to the last report of a Linux show where SuSE was represented.
  • The sound was fine, but my announcers appear
    to be broken. They keep repeating the same
    inane comments over and over. I can't tell
    if it's just this implementation on the
    bandwagon platform.

    Is there an patch yet?
    Moodle - Open source software for online education - http://moodle.com/ [moodle.com]
  • Yeah, making this thread drop down another level would definitely be in bad taste......

  • Give them some CONSTRUCTIVE feedback if you see room for improvement. I personally enjoyed listening to them. I think they should go to a live streaming format so they can take callers and guests and stuff....
  • Seems like the audio is working for everyone else, but not for me. All I hear is pause, hisss, pause, hisss, hisss, pause, hisss, where the hisses are where someone would be speaking. I'm using mpg123 on Debian 2.1 on a GUS Ultrasound Max which plays back other audio files just fine.
  • Finally something I don't have to stream! OK, as with everyone I liked the sound quality, but I'm not likely to listen often at this pace.

    First of all no matter were you are, there usually collages around with mass comm dept, or even a local college radio station. Use them. I'm sure someone would love to have something "hi-tech" like this on their resume. If your spokesperson is not that up on Linux, let them at least be up on radio.

    Second, this is news, and it's also Linux news, therefore, if I'm bothering to listen, I'm already somewhat for Linux. So lay off the stability and reliability and overall Linux is better. WE KNOW THAT. I want news. You can slip in some commentary, but focus on reporting the facts, and mabey were they came from.

    Oh, and get some music, a kazoo or something. There has to be something to let me know you're done. :)

    I listen the news.com's radio feed now and then, granted it's a bit hokey and streaming the same commercial daily gets on my nerves, but there are times when I get home and want to get some info while making dinner or what have you. Streaming audio is the solution to the whole problem of when do you air news. Stream it and I'll decide.

    Don't quit on this, you just have a ways to go is all.

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
