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Linux Software

Another Hardware Site 21

An anonymous reader sent us a link to Ace's Hardware and suggests checking it out. The site looks pretty good- similar to Tom's Hardware, but with some other different stuff. Check it out.
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Another Hardware Site

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  • Posted by Assmodeus:

    splendid. another site /.ed i couldnt get through to it to save my life...
  • Posted by JohanAce:


    I am editor at Ace's. The reason why our site is slow now, is the visit of thousands Slashdot readers (Thanks Rob!).

    So why should you still bother ?
    Well,if you want the latest about AMD's future K7..
    If you want to solve your videocard problems,
    IF you want to setup a network at home,
    if you want to know more about CPU architecture or
    the latest videocards...
    you should really pay us a visit!

    Thanks again!

    (no, you won't find those things at Tom's hardware)
  • This web site is yet another in a growing number of them that insist you have your web browser open to a certain size (this one looks like 800x600) in order for it to layout properly.

    Ugh. No thank you. I don't want my web browser to take up 3/4 of the screen.

  • So why should you still bother ?
    Well,if you want the latest about AMD's future K7..

    Or if you want to show off the size and resolution of your monitor by displaying ultra-wide paragraphs...

    Or if you want to show off the colors of your monitor and the pixel depth of your display card by demonstrating that turquoise4 text on turquoise3 background is readable...

    And you have the webmaster's personal guarantee: you won't find those things at Tom's hardware!

    On the positive side, the initiative to report on non-x86 hardware (such as sparcs and alpha) and the idea of having a forum are novel.

  • It's the only way to true salvation [].
  • >(Like Tom's hardware guide, assuming the page didn't attempt to set a cookie 50 times on each >page... does anyone else find that annoying? Once is enough isnt it?).

    So?! Just ln -s /dev/null ~/.netscape/cookies and accept all the cookies you could want, and never be annoyed again by either the dialog boxes or the fscking cookies!

    (Er, you are running Unix/Linux/FreeBSD, aren't you? Oh, well, never mind...)
  • It looks OK in MS IE5 on my system, but not with Netscape Communicator 4.51.

    Designing for 800x600 is not the best idea either.
  • Ace Hardware has more pressing issues to worry about -- like being killed by Home Depot.

  • Look for the hardware store called "Ace" to sue this guy in the near future. Just like Toys -r- Russ...
  • Acctually, you are right, this site doesn't compare to Tom's Hardware, nor do I think Brian or Johan intend to, nor do I or any of a number of people who run the smaller hardware websites. We don't expect to get nearly as many hits, and we have much more current information most of the time. Tom gets a few exclusive things because he is huge, but thats the nature of the beast. I personally read Tom's once a month at most, and read Betanews, Coolinfo, Anand, Aces, JC's, Sharky's and VoodooExtreme daily.

    And Slashdot of course :)

  • I didn't know a style sheet could be persuaded to overlay the color background like that. He'll have to adjust's awkward to read when the start of each line of blue text lands on the blue color bar, and the end of each line is past the right margin of the browser.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
