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Linux Software

Software Returns to its Source 23

MindStalker sent us linkage to an article from an upcoming PC Magazine that covers Linux in a Major Way. Distribution comparisons, an installation guide, and tips.
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Software Returns to its Source

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  • Posted by Mr. Assembly:

    Do you notice how these articles always start out by saying that linux is not for the mainstream yet, stay away and wait? Then you flip the page and there is an article "How to install linux"
  • That issue is the single biggest problem people complain about. It's only fair that it be stressed.
  • This was already posted to /. over a week ago. Look here [] for the comments from last time...
  • by gas ( 2801 )
    They more often don't mention Debian (which is larger than SuSE (three times if you believe /. poll []s))

    I'll bet the only reason they mention it here is that they seem to think Debian is a company...

    What does S.u.S.E stand for by the way?
  • Seriously. Nobody can provide comprehensive analysis of those distributions. It's up to you to try them all out and decide which to use. But man, the author who wrote that should do some research before he actually writes stuff like that for everyone to read.
    I dunno....anyone out there installed Debian and it worked from the first try? I know I did, and I know it worked. Whats so hard about using your brains to detect some hardware manually, and not rely on some 'Hardware detect wizard'. If someone wants everything done for them, go to Windows and stay there.
  • I take it you have never had the 'pleasure' of reading any other ZD pubications. One of their writers claimed that "Windows NT is the internet's most popular operating system" He then defended his statement when confronted by a letter writer.
    I have read PC Magazine since the 80's and once they covered Linux, which is not surprising. At least not as much as the way they treated netware during its reign or the way they continue to treat Unix. They seem to take pleasure in being M$ attack dogs, denigrating all competing technologies and alienating many readers.
    If the US had as strict ad laws as the UK PC Mag's slogan "The independent guide to Personal Computing" would be banned, as would M$ claim that Windows is fast and stable.
  • Amen. They are spineless lackeys who depend on Redmond for ad revenue in their business of selling clay-coated paper stock. PC Mag and their ilk started out to make it easier for PC Users to get the most out of their machines.

    As their advertising revenues grew PC Mag became just another device of Microsoft's to keep PC Users from getting the most out of their machines, unless they use Windows(tm).


    "When Laws are outlawed, only Outlaws will have Laws." - Justin Case, Barrister
  • Why does the mainstream media continue to ignore Windows NT? It could be a major player, if only people knew about it.
  • Truth hurts eh? I love Linux but it is a bitch to set up, especially for the regular user. So if Linux is to expand beyond programmers, sysadmins and hackers this has got to change.

  • You know, as a programmer, I find most of that stuff by hand myself anyway, even on Windows, when I do an install (I just want to be sure I get the right version of the drivers). The key is, of course, I'm a programmer. This shit is my life. Unfotunately my mother the 911 dispatcher would rather just plug it in and let it be done for her, since she doesn't know computers that well. Ditto for my sister the hairdresser or my brother the cop. Actually I suspect that's true for most people outside of our profession. They just want to USE the computer to help them in their jobs, not be an expert in hardware or programming.
    Given that, be careful what you wish for...everyone may just "go to Windows and stay there". Then where will Linux be?


  • Gee that's funny... I did it yesterday in about 10 minutes with out down loading anything
  • "detect some hardware manually..."

    This involves a screwdriver, moving
    a lot of cables out of the way,
    and wrenching your video cards out
    of their slots, right? Because even
    if you still have the wrapper, manual
    or driver readme files, not one of
    them tells you exactly what model
    your specific card is.

    This isn't really something that's
    fun to do during an install.
  • The reason you never hear about S.u.S.E is because the mainstream media is still a bunch of babbling idiots when it comes to computers. Be thankful they even know what a Linux box is. Hell the only reason in my oppinion they are finally catching on is the MS-DOJ trial.
  • "Although the company remains skeptical of the open-source model, Microsoft has distributed
    source code for some of its products in certain cases. For instance, Microsoft has released
    portions of the code for Windows and Windows NT under nondisclosure agreements to various commercial and research entities."

    Why did he even bother writing this, the phrase "as you do" comes to mind. I hardly think that the phrases "non-disclosure agreement" and "open-source" belong in the same paragraph!!

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
