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Linux Software

Mainstream Press for Trinux 32

An anonymous reader wrote in to sent us a few links to mainstream articles regarding Trinux, a small security-oriented toolkit type Linux distribution that runs in RAM and boots from floppies. One article can be found in InfoWorld, and the other is in c't (most of us will need to babble fish that bugger).
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Mainstream Press for Trinux

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  • yes, it's ok. everything will be alright. don't worry, the men in white coats will be here shortly to put you in a nice soft room.
  • I had it running a for a bit, and liked what I saw. Now, I'm just waiting for an old 486 to hook up to the dmz and just have loads of fun. Two floppies, a bunch of ram, a fdd, keyboard/monitor, and you're ready to rock. Jesus H. Christ! Ain't Linux great!
  • by Plutor ( 2994 )
  • by aheitner ( 3273 )
    Paraphrasing: distributed under the GNU GPL, so may be distributed freely but not modified...

    What the fsck? Infoworld needs to check their lisencing credentials...
  • instead of one floppy? please ms have always written shitty software. Who the hell used / as a command line switch? Jesus. The people responsible for making us here at our computers are the nice capitalists^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hpeople at intel who gave us microprocessors. And the LSD using hippies @ apple who gave us the PC. and digital...... Billy stole MSDOS, ripped off windows and pulled Nt out of his asshole to compete with netware and sun. So shutup! Don't mind my grammer bad!

    Ex Machina "From the Machine" []
  • Does anyone else get the impression that most of these trolls just post this shit to get us all worked up.
  • Does anyone else get the impression that most of these trolls just post this shit to get us all worked up. I mean, come on, this statement is just plain stupid. If someone honestly meant it he/she is obviously dumb.
  • Here is a translation of the c't article (sorry about typos and bad grammar):

    Net Diagnosis Using Floppies

    Trinux: A Linux Security Toolkit

    A boot disk and one or two expansion floppies turn every PC into a well-equipped network administration system. Linux makes it possible.

    Once again, the network connection is down: a host can't be contacted or can't connect to certain servers. Even if the installed system has little or no network tools, there is no need to complain: With Trinux, the network administrator can turn any PC in the network into a well-equipped diagnosis platform, and that without changing the installed system.

    Trinux is a spezialized Linux distribution aimad at diagnosing network problems. Unlike other distributions, the Trinux Security Toolkit consists of only a boot disk and at least one data disk. After booting the Linux kernel, the system creates a RAM disk on which it installs several network utilities.

    Before you get started, you only have to copy your network card's driver module onto the boot disk. When booting, Trinux asks for network parameters such as the IP address, netmask, etc., which it optionally saves on the disk. It can also receive this information from a DHCP server. After Trinux has copied the tools to the RAM disk, the system is ready to use.

    The number of the tools makes it impossible to list them all. All the standard Unix tools such as ping, traceroute, and tcpdump are available. They are complemented by monitoring utilities like netwatch, iptraf, and ipgrab. Port scanners, packet sniffers, and tools to test several network services are also included in the distribution.

    It is recommended to first install all the packages on a real Linux system and try everything. This will make later use easier. Even experts might discover a few previously unknown programs.

    The real strength of Trinux lies in its expandability. The network administrator can create new data disks by simply copying his favorite tools to a disk as a tar archive.

    Unix novices will have problems with the Linux Security Toolkit. After booting, they are greeted by a simple command prompt. /* snip stuff about how to make Trinux work with your German keyboard */

    The user can't hope for a GUI: all programs work in text mode and usually only take comand line options. In the best case, they provide a small menu. The documentation on the disks is kept to a minimum.

    The authors are working on additional data disks to make it possible to use Trinux as an intrusion detection system or a portable security scanner.

    Unix newbies will certainly have problems with the mini-Linux's command prompt, but for experienced network administrators, Trinux is a useful portable toolkit.
  • Longos imitaris. You don't understand Latin so w'll translate : you pretend you are one of the big boys. Else you would understand Trinux is composed of tri and nux. Where can anybody get something from MS on 3 flops ? Nowhere ! Will that work ? Never !
  • Ups, I did not know c't-magazine was mainstream-press. To me it seems c't is a more specialist computer-mag read mostly by IT-Pros, nettime-posters linux-freaks and students, nothing for the mainstream. Correct me if I should be wrong.
  • Microsoft haven't done anything better than anyone else since they wrote Basic for the Altos back in 1975, since then, they haven't had to do anything better than anyone else. The money kept coming in and Microsoft kept shipping out software, and as long as those two factors stay in balance they never will have to. Microsoft are a business, their focus is on profits, and their reward is the size of their business. Where open source software does it better for real people is that the focus is on quality, and efficiency, because pride, and recognition is the reward.

    Microsoft could possibly do it better, they have some very talented programmers working for them, but why would they bother when the cost to develop something like this is unlikely to ever be recovered. As a business, they need to justify using resources on a project. This is why Windows is still a slow, bloated, behemoth of an operating system, because there is no commercial impetus on improving efficiency. This is exactly why Microsoft's software sucks my big nana, and why you won't be booting NT off floppies in the near future.

    Wordprocessor and GUI on a floppy? QNX maybe? :-)
  • I agreed. Anyone ever think of funstuff.tgz in datadisk?

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
