Linux Howto by Gartner Group for Corporations 98
Doug Moreen wrote
in to tell us of this
Gartner Group Howto: How and When to Adopt Linux in MSEs.
While Linux support has been announced by major corporations,
Gartner Group does not consider it sincere. Indeed they
believe that real commercial Unix support levels for Linux
will not be available before 2000 with a 0.8 probability.
Furthermore they warn people away from Linux by stating that
vendor interest is primarily opportunistic, support via the
web/0800 numbers does not work for critical responses, etc.
Kragen, are you ready to take them on ? ;-)
They ARE always wrong! Here's how (Score:1)
Linux wasn't even on their radar screens, and six months later MS themselves were saying that Linux was evidence that they had competition. You'd think someone getting big bucks for their crystal ball would have some idea of the biggest paradigm shift since the web. At that time it was like a tsunami about to hit the shore. But on Gartner - nothing. Gartner is standard safety-oriented corporate farina for their standard safety-oriented corporate customers. I pity the people who follow them like lapdogs.
linking QPL code with GPL code is illegal (Score:1)
Gartner has different perspective... (Score:1)
Try to see things from their perspective... If you do, you will probably notice the article as avocative.
www.freshmeat.org? (Score:1)
Good report (Score:1)
Keep in mind that 'serious' support is more than just announcing that you will support a product, it means committing a sizeable amount of resources to that support. Since companies are still feeling out the Linux market, it makes sense that they will not yet make the full-scale commitment that more conservative users would like to see.
Gartner basically says "If you have the in-house talent, go for it. If you don't, hold back until things are a little more stable". Always good advice.
- Ken
type A users (Score:1)
The bit about banning "code hacking" seems to be directed toward people who might customize the kernel or some other critical system program, but it's hard to tell from the context. I don't think they're advocating a general ban on programming!
well....conservative catering (Score:1)
BS -- 800 numbers/web/email are fine! (Score:1)
Digital(Compaq), SGI, IBM, HP, Sun (actually we use Polaris, and have a software support contract with sun), Network Appliance...
Typically you get some commitment, like 4 or 8 hour response time, on hardware and/or software. I don't see why linux should be any different, or why Compaq, HP or any of the others would change their mode of support for linux. In fact, I'd be surprised if they didn't simply integrate linux into their current support infrastructures -- it would be wasteful and difficult to track trouble tickets otherwise.
$20,000 is small stuff, and not what's meant here (Score:1)
If Ga. Tech (or anyone else) wants to pay me what they paid to Sun, I'll gladly make Linux kernel mods to suit their needs!
That's the great thing about Linux and support. Because the source is available to everyone, it is possable to hire a really good programmer to provide such needed services. With other vendors, it's them or nothing. For $20,000, you could probably retain a really good Linux person to provide fast response on an as needed basis. And since $20,000 would probably mean a lot more to that person than it does for Sun or SGI, they would be strongly motivated to provide prompt service.
$20,000 may not be a lot to SGI, but for 2 servers, it is a great deal of money. As support goes, I'm sure that for a few hundred million dollars, even M$ might become responsive to my needs.
I think the biggest misunderstanding about Linux support is based in casting Linux into a proprietary system. The reason you must hire a large corperation to support Solaris, IRIX or NT is that nobody else has (or can afford to license) the source code in order to do the sort of support you're talking about. Linux support contractors do not have that problem.
I think its right on (Score:1)
And if you will note, they predict (easy to do when it already happens) that Linux will take off with a 70 to 80 percent certainty. Thats not bad at all.
A personal anecdote - I've been looking for a UNIX sysadmin job in Pennsylvania, especially in the Pittsburgh area. Haven't found much of anything and absolutely nothing about Linux. I'm hedging my bets on Linux and in my book, when there are Linux jobs posted for Pennsylvania, I'll know that Linux is here to stay. Amish country isn't exactly Silicon Valley (but we run Linux in our school district!)
The temp agencies I talked to are getting a smattering of request for Linux but not the kind you'd expect for something that has already arrived. Just a little more patience - my prediction is that within the year, Linux jobs will be the most prevalent of the various UNIX jobs available.
"Don't do anything!" (Score:1)
Sure, I can understand management being interested in GG's opinions (amongst many others...) but actually listening to them??
They ARE always wrong! Here's how (Score:1)
Of course, the *quality* of Gartner group, is imho, on a downward spiral, similar to that of Dataguess
Other "advice houses" like GIGA and IDC are usually more reliable, but as with all statistics & probability, the truth isn't always what the numbers make it out to be.
Debian==techie distro? (Score:1)
this one (Score:1)
All paths lead to Red Hat? (Score:1)
The default
Red Hat? Thanks, but no thanks!
Why Wait? (Score:1)
Some days...
Debian==techie distro? (Score:1)
Perspective (Score:1)
ha Unix commercial support always sucks! (Score:1)
"They fear what they do not understand."
Calling somebody "Nader" is an insult. (Score:1)
Chomsky's OK though (and he's right more often than we would want him to be).
SOMETHING GOOD has to come out of it.... (Score:1)
May not be perfect, but it is a start!
They nailed it. (Score:1)
And not even redefining "hacking" to mean "kernel hacking"
Do you really want your system running a modified version of say, sendmail? Are you prepared to invest the time in merging in vendor changes to your private code tree? There are significant costs associated with running modified code on critical systems.
If your modification would have enough general intrest, you can submit it back to the main tree. However, it's quite likely that you will need to support it yourself then for a period of time.
Have you budgeted the man-hours for that?
I have custom versions of a few servers... and even if a CVS merge shows up clean, you may still end up tromping on something. It takes time. And, in the case of yet another security hole, it could mean downtime while you sync your code in.
They're always wrong (Score:1)
IT Analysts Approach Linux at a Dinosaur's Pace (Score:1)
The 3 big cautions in the note are related to technical expertise requirements, support contracts, and code hacking. Of these requirements, the first two represent real opportunities for anyone with Linux experience, and for entrepreneurs who want to make money while spreading open source software around. As for the 3rd requirement, I think that long-term policies in this area are going to be more complex than "discourage or ban outright," but code hackers need to realize that in enterprise systems, any changes to the code should be thoroughly tested and documented - a very expensive process that most companies would like to engage in as little as possible.
Industry research firms like Gartner are - without any exceptions that I know of - either playing serious catch-up with Linux (and OSS in general) - or still in denial about the whole thing. This note shows Gartner lumbering into catch-up mode, though their hindquarters may still be stuck in the bog of denial.
It makes a huge difference to me... (Score:1)
I'm not opposed to Qt's feature set, or the fact that it's in C++ (which I consider an advantage, to be honest), or anything technical about it, although I do like GTK+'s structure and theme handling much better. What I do oppose about Qt is the license. I will not develop for, nor will I support or advocate, a toolkit that is not Free Software, and for VERY practical reasons!
We've been down this path once before, people; let's not do it again...
Kyle R. Rose, MIT LCS
KRA-GEN! KRA-GEN! (Score:1)
It's so confusing.
Where does Noam Chomsky fit in?
Yep, just allow for server / desktop confusion (Score:1)
Debian==techie distro? (Score:1)
No research+ignorance=FUD (Score:1)
Microsoft Support is a myth (Score:1)
Let me call a spade a spade. I'm a CEO of a Linux based business that is really doing well. Not because of moronic license agreements, but because we actually give good SERVICE and SUPPORT.
Question... How many companies bring lawsuits against software companies? Not as many as you'd think. With the thousands upon thousands of companies out there maybe a few hundred ever take civil action. And even fewer sue M$. If M$ products are so well supported then how come they are reluctant to give OEMs the refunds that customers have been demanding? If you read the EULA it reads in many ways like a disclaimer for the GPL especially the parts about "No fitness for particular purpose etc." If Microsoft Products are so damn well supported how come they have to reorganize the entire company to be able to deal with customers?
If Microsoft products are so well supported how come calling their so-called support lines yield the automaton response of "Did you reboot?"
That's not the answer corporate IT customers want to hear. They want to deal with intelligent, experienced people who actually stand behind their product. One client of whom we had the pleasure of replacing his NT Server, MS Application Server, MS Back Office, and MS SQL server and MS-Exchange Server with 2 Linux boxes, complained that one MS Support engineer said he should not rely on MS-Exchange server to allow good internet email access but should buy MS-Proxy Server instead.
With over 700 NT server replaced by Linux and over 300 Windows clients replaced the resounding message I hear form IT managers isn't one of disatisfaction but more often than not it's "Wow Linux can do that also?"
In the real world, not one made up by the ZD-Nets and the Pollsters of Gartner Group, and not one made up by hapless wanna-be journalists who just didn't make the grade, IT managers want professionals, not the 18 year old kid at SoftBank for their customer support. Did I mention that SoftBank owns ZD-Net and Softbank provides tech-support for much of M$ product line.....
Reality is a BitchX huh Gartner?
Awareness and preparedness are forearmed.... (Score:1)
My company supports both and as long as Troll supports the QPL license then everyting is fine.
However, I don't know what would stop Troll from writing the next improvement to the API and saying now it's back to our old license....
A safer bet would be to hedge on GNOME and GTK but hey...Red Hat announced they were having both KDE and GNOME on 6.0 tonight so what the heck...
MS Linux emulation is a poor excuse.... (Score:1)
I agree. Microsoft is NOT Linux compliant.
So I can not bet my job on it.
a quick note to naysayers about this (Score:1)
Most risk-adverse companies (Score:1)
If I were type C risk as they seem to be interpreting it, I'd put an IBM mainframe terminal on everyone's desk. It's solid, it keeps running even if you drop it, and it won't crash. I wouldn't even dream of adapting Windows!
Why no compaq or toshiba support? (Score:1)
"We are Gartner, we don't understand OSS" (Score:1)
MSE best practices would entail putting in place practices to discourage, if not ban, code hacking when using Linux.
Now, what's wrong with this picture? Code hacking is the primary driver behind the acceptance and growth of the Linux marketplace. Why is it that dumb-ass consultants have to insist that everyone act as dumb as possible around technology - especially technology that is strategic to the function of your organization?
Right, I just answered my own question (it's so we always have to hire dumb-ass consultants).
"We are Gartner, we don't understand OSS" (Score:1)
The folks who take GG seriously are people who are too dumb to figure it out for themselves or notice. GG caters to paternalistic MIS groups, is subject to Sturgeon's law, and caveats everything to death. I'm sure GG means well, but it's still the road to hell....
Gartner sees the light... (Score:1)
Note I said "help".
I also use Slashdot, Economist, WSJ, Industry Standard, Byte (that was), conference information, O'Reilly and whatever else I can lay my hands on.
Gartner is an interesting one. Their Symposium is worth attending - the information is very helpful...but...
They are very conservative and cannot be relied upon to recognise the breaking wave. Their coverage of Open Source in General and Linux in particular has been weak. They have represented a credible independence from what I term the BOHICA boys who greet Microsoft pronouncements with obsequious handwringing, but their caution in describing OSS when weighed against the blare of publicity from Redmond is unhelpful.
Many corporate managers, mine included are pissing in their pants when faced with this cheaper, more-reliable, better-throughput operating system than NT. It brings a real world of decision to their door. Do they want to save money? Do they trust their own staff?
Well, of course...what about support?
They obviously haven't hung on a line waiting for service themselves...nor have they ever sued any vendors. The technique is for managers to push the problems down to the technicians (that's why we earn the big bucks) and to hob-nob with the pretty sales-people. Those lunches are so much fun.
The problem with Gartner and Linux is that Gartner is about commerce...and Linux...and all of Open Source just doesn't seem commercial.
The message will get through, but don't rely on Gartner...as someone said, they just contribute to FUD.
you get what you pay for (Score:1)
That's true.. there's always some 15 year old
kid waiting to help in an emergency..
They're absolutely right! (Score:1)
Linux will never be supported in the same way as, say, HP-UX. Why? Well, it's not controlled by a large company, with a constant, stable and immutable product. The source-code is free to tweak by mom&pop shops, so no one in their right mind would offer commercial level support to it.
But, the fact that Linux is open significantly reduces the need for commercial level support. Compatibility with products is a matter of time and need, not politics and back-room handshakes.
Problems are solved in a distributed fashion, with enthusiasm and good-will.
Linux represents all that is best in the Darwinian evolution of software. Corporate mentality can not fathom this, and neither can the Gartner Group. They need guarantees, and someone to sue if it breaks. Linux just doesn't break. And you can say that with more than a 0.8 probablility.
Someone needs to 'splain it to them in terms like that IBM commercial. For every Linux server you set up, you will save $20,000/year in support...
Support is free, fast and accurate. Everyone knows that contributing to it makes the penguin evolve faster and better; everyone benefits from solving each other's problems. So much so, that Tux will be the first penguin to actually take off.
Extremely upbeat (Score:1)
I know support costs are far higher that purchase costs, but some of the figures they quote are ludicrous. I think they include the total salary of a computer's user as part of its support costs.
They are right on the mark about opportunistic support, though. I wouldn't trust any of the major vendors who recently announced support for Linux to follow through.
Until there is an army of people with something like the (pathetic but recognised) MCSE certificate to wave at the non-technical, the non-technical have no support. You can get lots of rapid useful feedback for Linux technical problems, but you need some technical competance to make use of it. Most MCSEs may be able to do little more than get NT installed and staggering along, poorly configured, but that represents an insurmountable hurdle for most people. There aren't enough Unix support people around to switch to Linux support. This is an area where quality may be less important than quantity.
companies like Sun and IBM can benifit from Linux (Score:1)
1) a unified Unix would stand a chance of gaining markek share agains M$
2) less ports (if any) between *nixes
3) large compoanies could concentrate on the customer support end and less on the OS side (not none, just less like RH) making the OS easier to use, install, and maybe even more apps... (hey IBM where is that lotus notes client for Linux???.. where is that speach software?? ) (hey sun wher eis that Java??? for linux )
They got at least something right. (Score:1)
Why Wait? (Score:1)
About the QT stuff, you assumptions are out of date, since the next version will be ok-check out the SuSE or KDE sites for this & cease & desist from spreading out-dated & ergo wrong information.
Also, the paradox in public prophesy, is that it tends to self-fullfilling prophesy; which then becomes one reason why they get it right. Isn't this how these organizations make money?
Anyhow, they have mis-read the scene & their info is outdated & wrong. Ha, ha, ha...
Will, that be one egg or two, on your face???
The whole report misses the point. (Score:1)
That point is that with Linux, control of system support returns to the company, versus the hand wringing that goes on with every little burp and twitch of WinNT.
All of the big hitters (Gartner, Ernst & Young, Anderson Consulting, etc. downplay Linux because of the lack of "corporate support."
The buggy nature of virtually every early version of Microsoft OS and development system have allowed many of the major consulting firms to leach major bucks out of the big companies with trainees just out of college but that sound like they really understand Microsoft's wares.
Which doesn't even count the major bucks which alot of VARS or former VARS like me paid to Microsoft for support subscriptions that proved essentially worthless because the low quality of the support staff at MS. Usually by the time MS support came up with the answer, I had discovered it myself, or dumped the product.
Consider that for the same cost of all the client OS charges and support contracts currently paid out to MS and consulting organizations to individiuals who JUST SUPPORT MS OS's (not counting development) any major corporation could hire 5-10 true Linux wizards, arrange them in a "think tank" type workgroup, and have superior systems level support. One criticism of this concept which I have heard put out by a consulting company is what if one of the "gurus" leaves? Hire another highly qualified Linux person to keep the team functioning. Versus the consulting companies who constantly ship new people in and out.
I challenge Gartner or anyone else prove that the cost of supporting Linux in house is higher than what Microsoft and minions are currently milking the Fortune 1000 for.
To be honest 'though, I'm lucky. I work in a mostly Microsoft free shop.
These guys are going to be quoted so many times (Score:1)
Take it for what it's worth. (Score:1)
I just want to comment on two other things:
while PC server vendors are seriously considering a Linux strategy, fears of cannibalizing their own Unix strategies and concerns about the chaotic nature of the market will limit their sincerity to opportunistic sales
This is absolutely true. Nobody expects major resources from IBM, Sun, or SGI to go into Linux development; they are merely making a virtue out of a necessity, and that's what will dictate the extent of their commitment to Linux. If they don't provide Linux support for their hardware, someone else will. Any development they contribute will most likely be funded by a customer who requests it.
emulation a poor substitute for Microsoft compatibility.
This is one reason why Linux supporters need to keep pushing Java, or a substitute for it, as hard as they can; it does as much damage to the "Linux is not good enough for the desktop" problem as supporting GNOME and KDE does. In a post-scarcity world, which we are very much on the brink of, the difference between native opcodes and Java's bytecode will no longer be significant. And it will run on Linux and Win2000 equally well. So much for having to play catch-up with emulating Microsoft's latest API's. And so much for Microsoft incompatibility.
close (Score:1)
original post by me (Score:1)
about how management pukes see their operating systems. Like all points of
view, it is incomplete and flawed. I thought that their comments were pretty
positive for that type of review. Probably if the Gartner group would give a
totally 100% go ahead it would mean that Linux was obsolete and ready for
the junk heap. This is sort of how you can view some news organizations.
They are almost as out of sync with the real world as clothing stores. Here,
in Montana, where I live, the clothing stores are starting to get in their
summer stock. Here outside my house, I have a half a foot of snow on the
ground. I've heard that if you get your photograph on the front page of Time
magazine then it means that your fame is pretty much over. This is how I
look at this kind of viewpoint. They, the news orgs aren't quite ready for
the change, which means for the real world, that it really is time.
I sent this article to a friend who I have been trying to get to use LInux
for about 2 years, and when he saw this article, he said that this made him
think that he was ready to try it right now. He used to be a corporate puke
himself, so he knows how to interpret these kind of articles. I was really
interested in seeing exactly how the
Apparently not too many corporate types post to
would, it would improve the balance of views.
thanks for your comments
Doug Moreen
Silicon Mountain Technologies
VAR. for Windows, Linux, Mac Be machines