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Ask Slashdot: Upgrading Red Hat 5.2 to Linux 2.2.0 127

Daniel Roberts wants to know about the following:: "I am running Red Hat 5.2, and I have been trying to upgrade to 2.2 since pre1. My problem is, I have read through the "Changes" file very carefully, and tried to upgrade all the needed packages... But it still won't work. I am looking for binary RPMs whenever I can, but even Raw Hide does not seem to have all the needed updates to make it work. In particular, I cannot get libc5.4.46 to work, for some reason, even though I've tried to install the binary tar version. My question is: what do I need to do to get Linux 2.2.0 working properly with a stock Red Hat 5.2 system??" Update: 02/12 03:02 by C : I've just discoveded information about "Project Tango" which may be the answer to this question. Thanks to Palin for the heads up.
C :I was going to run this as another story on this, but after rereading I figure it's better if we add in this libc-5 issue from davie, who is in the process of a similar upgrade:

"I've built and installed libc-6 and it seems to be working fine. Now I need (at least according to the Changes text in the kernel source) to upgrade my libc-5. The problem is, I can't find any references on how to install a new build of libc-5 for compatability support only--I'm concerned that if I just 'configure, make, make install', I will break libc-6. I've looked at every FAQ and HOWTO I can find and there's nothing helpful. I looked at a libc-5 update RPM for RH 5.1, but I'm reluctant to guess where files go and which files need to be replaced. The libc-5 binary tarball includes fewer files than the update RPM, so I'm not sure what to do. Is there a doc online that explains how to build libc-5 and install it for compatability on a libc-6 box?"

Palin wrote in with this information...and a reliability question on the Tango Project, which looks to be the cure for this problem:

"Do you or anyone else in the Linux comunity know if the Tango Project's RPMs work? If you don't know what the Tango project is... It is a set of rpms for Redhat Linux 5.2 that provide all the necessary software (in RPM format) that one needs to install a 2.2.X kernel. I'd like to apply them...but was wondering what success others have had... The software can be found.... here and here. If it works I might be able to mirror it in the US...but I'm not going to try unless I know people have had success with it... "
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Ask Slashdot: Upgrading Red Hat 5.2 to Linux 2.2.0

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  • by hurin ( 63 )
    You can find all you need at.
  • I was using a stock Red Hat 5.2 system, and I didn't think about upgrading any software. The only things I have encountered so far are the use of ipchains for IP masquerading, and the library needed for RealPlayer.
  • You have to make sure that you have cleaned out your /usr/src/linux is a link to your kernel source tree. I just delete it, untar the new kernel, rename the directory to the appropriate kernel name and re-create the link. I am pretty sure those sig 11 problems people are having are due to them simply overwriting their existing 2.0.x kernel.

  • I origionally had a RH5.1 system and upgraded to 5.2. I keep my kernels up-to-date... was running Linux2.0.36 on 5.1.

    After the 2.2 kernel was declared stable, I downloaded the source, read the readme's, downloaded the packages it said I had to upgrade, and began planning.

    On a lark, I decided to configure and try to compile the 2.2.0 kernel without adding all the other stuff. IT WORKED FINE!

    I now use the framebuffer and it works fine. My virtual terminals in KDE, under 1280x1024x16 hi-res backgrounds, switch twice as fast as they did under 2.0.36. Everything is snappier and the video looks alot more smooth. Sound works like a champ. x11amp is broke so I use freeamp. :) Needless to say, I ain't even THOUGHT about going back to 2.0.36, I've considered getting myself a multiprocessor box.

    What can I say? Linus and the Kernel Crew did a fine job! That's what.
  • Posted by Aur0ran:

    I have had problems too. Upgrading everything except libc6 was pretty easy, and I was able to compile and install the kernel fine. However, the new dhcp client from ISC ( requires libc6 (glibc2) to compile. I'm able to get it compiled and then installed, and even edited the specs file ala advice from the Glibc2-HOWTO, but ldd still reports that my binaries are compiled with libc5.4.46. So, I gave up and reverted back to 2.0.36 where my netaccess worked. Any ideas?
  • I'm using 5.1, and the only changes I made were the upgrade of net-tools and modutils. 2.2.1 is running smoothly so far.
  • The Slackware Secret
    I'm gonna give it all away now.

    The reason that all us slak users use slak is 'cause it is easy and simple to use.

    Our superiority is just a sham, hell I can't install Red Hat, rpms and debs just confuse the hell out of me. I guess I screw up so much I need something I can fix.

    Oh yeah as someone up there said "kernels are a snap"

    Thank you Patrick V.

  • I got the necessary SRPMs (based on the update info at from rawhide and
    rebuilt them with rpm --rebuild. I think there may have been one or two things that I got from contrib, too.
  • Check o22.html for the list of packages; I upgraded a 5.1 system based on this and it worked fine.
  • d.html [] works great for me.

    You'll need to change your networking scripts a bit, though.


  • I've had TONS of problems with SuSE 6.0... First off, it was a 2 gig download... Networking was broken and still isn't totally right. I can't compile anything. Lots of window managers, enlightenment works, gnome seems to work. Lots of other good stuff too, but kinda buggy.
  • Uh-huh. Linux is not about memorizing a twenty step installation procedure. Here's mine:

    make xconfig
    make dep; make clean;
    make; make modules;
    make zdisk; make modules-install

    I have used 2.1 kernels with near stock 5.1. (I needed to update ppp and a few other util files) and 2.2 kernels with stock 5.2.
  • Use the resources you have available to you.

    Specifically these two links from there:

    A complete upgrade guide, with a list of required versions/packages and where you can get them. oto22.html

    A mail message from Vladimir V. Ivanov on the linux-kernel list. This one has a link to a page/ftp site with everything you need to upgrade rh5.2 to 2.2.0 9901_04/msg00969.html
    1. libc5.x.xx Ignore the bit about (obsolete) libc5.
      As long as you have the latest glibc-2.0.x, you should be fine. glibc-2.1 will give you ptmx support, etc., but it may also break other things.
    2. RedHat 5.2 RPMS
      Use a stock dist. and all of the updates from "" [] for your architecture.
    3. Routing
      With 2.1.??? and 2.2.x kernels, bringing up an interface automatically adds its routes. Comment out the following lines from '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup':
      • 133: route add -net ${NETWORK} netmask ${NETMASK}
      • 135: route add -host ${IPADDR} ${DEVICE}
    4. Broadcast for bootp/dhcp
      'bootpc' doesn't seem to work on my Multia's on a "down" interface. My workaround has been to build a kernel w/bootp support and not bring the interface down before using 'bootpc'.
    5. Other Stuff
      There's a bunch. Can't think of it right now (construction workers just started up the jackhammer right outside my window). Please feel free to add. :)
  • Always expect stuff NOT to work when you use binaries.. especially if you are getting them from rawhide, they are linked with new and different libraries old redhat's dont have! what to do? compile it yourself. its not hard! say it with me! ./configure ; make ; make install
    phew. that was hard.
  • I've found that after I updated all the RPM's from their website that I had everything already in place for 2.2. The only thing that needed to be updated was modutils and the kernel (I believe the modutils package should be 2.1.121 but check with LinuxHQ to be sure) I then grabbed the full source for kernel 2.2.1 and the modutils full source extracted them and then compiled them. It worked for me.

  • In your situation, you're going to have to get your hands dirty and compile some sourcecode. Binaries do not always work as they were compiled to a given system situation- which includes a given kernel version.

    As an example, the binaries for pppd that shipped with Red Hat 5.0 and 5.1 will not work in any way, shape or form, with the 2.2.X kernel- there's been quite a few changes that render the daemon inoperable, unless you use the sourcecode from the latest version or use the binary version installed with Red Hat 5.2.

    If Red Hat didn't ship the latest binary version of libc with 5.2 (which, since libc's depreciated, I'm pretty sure they haven't) then you need to obtain the source and attempt to compile it as it's your only recourse- at least as long as nobody else works on the problem.
  • Has anyone tried this on a Sparc machine... I really want to upgrade my Kernel on my Sparc to 2.2.1 however I keep seeing things about DHCP not working ... I have both DHCPd and DHCPcd running on the machine and do not want to lose this functionality (router for my home net to cablemodem) Thanks for any info....

  • RedHat 5.2 is based on glibc2 (i.e. libc6)

    that Documentation/Changes note about libc5 i understand as: if you have libc5, upgrade libc5, if you have glibc2, upgrade glibc2
    i think that's all; i'm running 2.2.0 since pre6 (now 2.2.1) and i have glibc-2.0.109-0.990112 (previously glibc-2.0.7-29) and i encounter no problem (relating to kernel and glibc)

  • You can also read the Changes file that comes with 2.2.1 ... in it are instructions to fix Realplayer without downloading anything.
  • I can't compile 2.2.1 on my RH 5.2 system. I have had various "can't redefine" error messages ( I can change which ones I get by changing the config) such as

    make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib'
    gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=686 -c -o checksum.o checksum.c
    checksum.c:200: redefinition of `csum_partial_copy'
    checksum.c:105: `csum_partial_copy' previously defined here
    {standard input}: Assembler messages:
    {standard input}:188: Fatal error: Symbol csum_partial_copy already defined.
    make[2]: *** [checksum.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib'
    make[1]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib'
    make: *** [_dir_arch/i386/lib] Error 2

    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

  • LOL. Uh, no. Some of us are using RH just because it's the last disto we installed. I'm thinking very seriously about debian (again) or slackware (again,) even though this will cause a bit of trouble for my wife and kids, while I transition. You really should not lump people together. :)

    Redhat has gotten better (first tried 4.x, IIRC,) but it's inconsitencies with the rest of the world can still be mind-numbing at times.
  • Does it even support libc6 without fscking around compiling crap yet?

    It didn't. One reason I installed RH. It has glibc now, though. And compiling stuff is all part of the environment. If you don't want to do any compiling, what are you doing using Linux. m-a-k-e is not that damn hard.

    Slackware also lacked sysv init support which makes the startup scripts absolutely horrible.

    Agreed. I prefer sysv. Wondering if Slack changed that, myself.

    But then, how do you add an item to your Afterstep menu in RH (Don't give me the answer... I know how.) Add it globaly, and you have to restart X (not normal.) Add it to the user, and it goes away next time they start X. After figuring it out, I didn't find anything anywhere on how to do it for a good 3 months. That's a big fat inconsitency. And RedHat is full of 'em.

    When it all comes down to it, they are all Linux, though. That was the point of my post. A distro is a stupid thing to fight over. They all have good and bad points.
  • I did the upgrade, and everything works fine, however i have a network card that uses the ne2000 pci drivers, and when i display the routing information, the card always seem to show up twice. I have tried it as both a module and built in, no difference. It works fine, but its just something that bugs me. I am not sure if it is a bug, or if some package need to be updated, but i haven't heard anyone complain about it as yet, so i guess it may be a problem on my side and not with the actuall code...
  • Get shlibs5.rpm from SuSE 6.0 and install. It works great with RH! Upgrades to 1.9.9 and libc5 to 5.4.46. Many other extras too. Bulletproof. Intalls in same directory as RH.
    Would be wise to remove the files in /usr/i486-linux-libc5/lib first though. As previously posted RH does not need this for the 2.2 kernels but it does strenghten the libc5 support.
  • Take a look at Project Tango: 9901_04/msg00969.html
  • one of my machines is running minimal 5.2, had no problem downloading the kernel sources and installing.

    - MbM
  • I compiled my 2.2.1 kernel on the home system,
    which is sort of a hybrid, but started with Slack
    many years ago. It has since undergone upgrades
    to RH 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2. I have used
    this kernel on a fresh 5.2 install and a 4.2
    install, both production systems. On all systems,
    all I really had to upgrade was modutils and
    net-tools, as per kernel documentation.
    If you are having trouble compiling and/or using
    2.2.1, I would guess you have some hardware
  • I've been using 2.2.1ac1 for a while now with now major problems... the only thing I remember having to upgrade was mu DHCP, otherwise it is mostly 5.2 apps and utilities. I wish I could be of more help. I had to use the patch initially because I was building sound into the kernel, but otherwise, I can't think of anything that would prevent you from installing and using the newer kernel.

    Just used the following to compile...
    make clean && make deps && make zImage && make modules && make modules_install && make install
    Hope you have success.


    Time flies like an arrow;
  • I upgraded to 2.2.0 (and 2.2.1 since) on 2 seperate RH 5.1 machines with 0 problems. It was just like tracking kernel releases always was with either 2.x tree; download kerenl, remove linux symlink, untar in /usr/src, rename to linux-2.x.x, symlink linux over to it, then the standard makes (menuconfig,depend,zImage,modules,install,modules_ install) and away I went.

    I don't see where RH5.2 is any different, it's based on the same glibc and (incremental releases aside) same compilers. It seems very strange that 5.2 would give problems where 5.1 didn't...
  • Upgrading the kernel is not going to make your life immediately better. Constantly upgrading software, getting the latest sources, recompiling, recompiling, recompiling...all of this is quite interesting if you don't have anything to do with your time. You aren't going to notice any real differences. Just wait and RH will release all this crap on their next CD and you can take five minutes to upgrade painlessly instead of two hours. All of this obsessive upgrading is imply going to make you frustrated in the long run with no clear benefit.
  • I rather like RPM's "--nodeps" argument to allow me to upgrade (by way of local build) libraries and such while keeping other RPM-installed software that depends on said libraries.
    I don't know about Debian's system, so I won't comment on it, but I don't think that a system "that will insist on upgrading all packages that DEPEND upon the selected package you are changing" is really superior--eek.
  • Well, there were something peculiar about
    the 2.2.1.

    Although the intranet can be reached, but
    the internet cannot be reached. So, what I
    know is that at least my network card works.

    Another problem is that X term from the
    XFree 3.3.3 ( binary distribution ) doesn't
    work. Even my WindowMaker can't invoke any program
    using the menu.

    I think the 2.2.1 should work correctly but I can't figure out why it can't.
  • Overall it wasn't that difficult, just some annoyances and tips
    to get by that aren't documented anywhere.

    This is VERY long, and probably missing a few steps, but this
    is what I remember doing. It took about 4 or 5 hours to solve.
    If you don't care about, don't like, don't want, this, then
    stop reading and delete this message.

    When I looked about, and asked about, I've been trying to figure
    out how to add new kernels for a couple of months now without any
    success, people generally said, "I've never seen that!" "It's
    not supposed to be like that!" "Please stop abusing my warez
    site!" and so on. The errors were stuff like "kernel-module
    mismatch" and "Cannot open root device."

    First, download the new kernel from or wherever
    else you want.

    "cd /usr/src" and do a "ls -l". You should see something like:
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jan 26 23:57 linux -> linux-2.2.0
    drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 1024 Jan 10 16:04 linux-2.0.34
    drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 1024 Jan 26 23:55 linux-2.0.36
    drwxr-xr-x 15 1046 1046 1024 Jan 26 16:10 linux-2.2.0
    drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 1024 Oct 14 16:05 redhat

    Of course, the first line, linux will point to 2.0.34 or 36. This
    link may or may not be there, it does seem to vary, I don't know
    why. If it's there, "rm linux". :-) If it is an actual
    directory, "mv linux linux-".

    Now uncompress and untar the kernel sources, this creates a tree
    with the name "linux". Now "mv linux linux-2.2.0". And finally
    re-create the ORIGINAL link using "ln -s linux-2.0.36 linux".
    That's just in case things go horribly wrong, you still have your
    old source trees, otherwise they would be overwritten.

    Now "cd linux-2.2.0" and do the general configuration. One easy
    way to get started is to go into the old version of kernel
    source you have, and type "make menuconfig", then select
    "Save Configuration to an Alternate File". Save it to "blah"
    and copy the file to the new source tree (linux-2.2.0). In
    the new source tree, do another "make menuconfig" and
    "Load an Alternate Configuration File" and select "blah". :-)
    This should keep most of your settings from the old sources.
    If it doesn't...heh, life's tough, eh? Start from scratch.

    Now go through the rest of it, and ensure everything seems ok,
    and you might want stuff like joystick support, and the
    "Magic SysRq key". This one allows you to press Alt+PrtScrn
    to get to debug if something goes horribly wrong with
    Linux. You can sync your filesystems and stuff with it.
    It's under "Kernel hacking".

    One other thing to check is the "Processor Type and features".
    Make sure it is set to your processor, which will most likely
    be "586/K5/5x86/6x86 Processor family". If it's not, change

    Anyways, finish your config, and then do the normal
    "make dep ; make clean ; make bzImage ; make modules ; make
    modules_install" Note the bzImage, mainly because images do
    seem to be larger than 1MB. It won't matter at boot time.

    Once you are done, you will have a fresh kernel, assuming
    nothing went wrong during the compile. I haven't seen it
    fail for a long time, has anyone else?

    Your kernel will be "/usr/src/linux-2.2.0/arch/i386/boot/bzImage"

    Now you want to install your new kernel. In RedHat it's
    reasonably simple, via the "linuxconf" utility. It brings
    up a GUI screen, and a ways down the page, you find stuff
    about LILO. You can start with "LILO defaults" and work
    your way down, it has some stuff you might want to see...or not.

    Go to the one that says "a kernel you have compiled", and fill
    in the info. Kernel image file is the one above. Label it
    "linux-2.2.0". If you want to take a chance, you can select
    it as "new default", but if you don't want to "selectable"
    is just as good. And please don't select "replace". That's bad.

    Where to copy is "/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.0". The root partition
    is just that, what device is your root? Mine was /dev/sda5.
    You can find that under "Lilo linux configurations" and
    the "Partition" column, with your current kernel listed.

    At the bottom is "Initial ramdisk". How many have this setup?
    I don't know. Some I talked to did, others didn't. None of
    them knew how to set one up. So I fudged one out. :-)
    How do you tell? In "/etc/lilo.conf", do you see a line
    similar to "initrd = /boot/initrd-2.0.36-0.7.img" in there?
    If so, you have an initial ramdisk!

    The reason I had to do this was because when I booted, it
    would complain that I was using kernel version 2.0.36 and
    the modules to be used during boot were from 2.0.34. (change
    the versions as you want, I fought this one for a long time,
    same error, different numbers) The boot would just stop at that point.

    If you do have one, read on. Otherwise you are all set. Accept
    the changes, run "lilo" from the command line, and go check your
    lilo.conf. Write down the "label" lines, and what version they
    boot. You will need this if the boot fails. More on that later.
    You can skip down a bit if you don't need to create a RAMdisk...

    To setup the ramdisk, the easiest way is to "cd /boot" and "ls *.img".
    Remember above when you pulled out the initrd line? That file
    should be in there. Copy this file somewhere, preferably not somewhere
    where it will be deleted during boot. :-)

    Now goto where it was copied, and do the following, carefully.
    The file you copied is compressed. "mv initrd-foo.img initrd-foo.img.gz"
    then "gunzip initrd-foo.img.gz". You now have an uncompressed image

    Make a RAMdisk. "mke2fs -m0 /dev/ram 1500" Why 1500? If you look
    at the image file size, it should be 1.5MB in size. You can
    adjust accordingly.

    Now copy the contents of the file into the RAMdisk.
    "dd if=initrd-foo.img bs=1k count=1500 of=/dev/ram"

    Now mount the RAMdisk.
    "mount /dev/ram /mnt"

    Now make the required changes. "cd /mnt" You should see
    a file called "linuxrc". cat it out, and it will list the
    modules required to load initially in order to find disks.
    (eg. "insmod /lib/aic7xxx.o" means it needs aic7xxx.o)

    Go into "/mnt/lib" and "ls -l" and I find the file "aic7xxx.o"
    I want the current one, for my new kernel, so I can find it at
    "/lib/modules/2.2.0/scsi/aic7xxx.o". I copy the new file
    over top of the old file. Do the same for the rest of the
    files in the linuxrc.

    Now I just "umount /dev/ram" (or /mnt) and run dd again with:
    "dd if=/dev/ram bs=1k count=1500 of=initrd-2.2.0.img"

    This gives me an image file, initrd-2.2.0.img. Now compress it,
    "gzip initrd-2.2.0.img" and copy it to /boot with
    "cp initrd-2.2.0.img.gz /boot/initrd-2.2.0.img" Note the missing
    .gz on the second parameter.

    That second parameter is also what you put into the "Initial
    Ramdisk" field in linuxconf. :-)


    Now that you have that set, accept all changes, and so on. And
    get back to your prompt. Run "lilo" to set all you changes,
    and then go into /etc and cat your lilo.conf. Write down all
    the "label" lines with the associated version of linux it will

    When the boot cycle comes up, and it says "LILO:" in the corner

    of your screen, type in "linux-2.2.0" and it should boot into
    your new kernel. If it doesn't...suffer!

    No, no. If it doesn't, look on the list you made of the lilo
    labels and versions, and just type a label in at the "LILO:"
    prompt. That gets you back to your old version. From here
    we can try to work out what is wrong if you email me.

    Once you have seen that the new kernel works, you can edit
    your lilo.conf and change the "default=" line to be

    You can also go back and change the /usr/src/linux link to
    point to your new source. "cd /usr/src" "rm linux"
    "ln -s linux-2.2.0 linux"

    One cool error with no solution anywhere that I got was
    scsi : 0 hosts
    scsi : detected total
    Partition check:
    request_module[block-major-8]: Root fs not mounted
    VFS: Cannot open root device 08:05
    Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:05

    The only way around this, was for me to type in at the
    "LILO:" prompt "linux-2.2.0 root=/dev/sda5", where
    /dev/sda5 is my root partition. After that the error
    went away. It only took me a couple of hours to
    figure that one out.

    Whew! Hopefully this makes setup of the new kernel

    Good Luck,
  • i've got an un-patched RH 5.1 box here that i compiled and installed the 2.2.1 kernel. i haven't upgraded anything. works like a champ. :)
  • I upgraded pretty straight-forwardly and had only minor problems (DHCP needing to be upgraded among them). I still am having problems with getting the kernel to detect my parallel port (others I've talked to have this one as well) and using smbmount (errors about needing Mount V6).

    Maybe someone else here has a solution to this for ya as well. I didn't upgrade libc5 at all, things still work. :)
  • For kernel 2.2.x, all you need is the source tarball. Period. That's it. Compiles and works fine. Now, if you want some of the other stuff to work, like masquerading and NFS and Samba, you might want to get the latest and greatest. But stay away from Rawhide. It's very unstable. Especially don't mix in any Rawhide binary rpm's with stable systems.

    As for the libc5 question, you might want to hang on to that. There are still quite few proprietary programs linked against it. RH is nice in that libc5 is shove off in a corner; if you read the glibc HOWTO, then your libc5 will also be shoved off in a corner.
  • If you're using a stock Redhat 5.2 system, then the dhcpcd daemon needs to be updated. Unfortunately, I couldn't find an rpm for the version that is suggested by the 2.2.0/1 documention. But I had no problem downloading and installing the tarball version that was suggested.
  • I did an 'everything' install of RedHat 5.2 about a month before 2.2.0 came out. to upgrade to 2.2.0, all I had to do was go through the 'shopping list' and get the stuff I needed, all of which compiled and installed just fine. Then I downloaded the 2.2.0 source, extracted it, make xconfig, make dep && make clean && make bzImage && make modules && make modules_install, wait ~30 mins (2 pII300's run fast =]), then copy the new kernel, reconfigure lilo, run lilo, reboot. The only weirdness that I had to deal with was patching a couple utils like xosview to handle two cpus properly. RPMs are evil. TarBalls are good.
  • That is all I had to do to get mine to work with 2.2.

    Mine has been running great.
  • Okay, this is off topic, but if you're bored and
    want to have some fun, use autorpm to download 100 megs of RawHide updates and then type:

    rpm -Uvh *.rpm

    After working out a few minor glitches, it worked for me. Whee, what fun!

  • the impression i got was that the Changes doc
    was saying that if you have libc5, it needs to be this version, or if you are using libc6, it needs to be this one...

  • Abandon libc5. I just upgraded from RH5.1. After
    postponing various upgrades ("I'll enable sound later, CD-R doesn't work, etc.") I got around to
    them last night and said to hell with it and upgraded the kernel too. Hell of a lot sweeter
    running 2.2.1 than 2.0.34! The goto 2.2 [] article was all
    I needed (that and no fear of hosing my modules
    and accidentally obliterating my old kernel due
    to sleep deprivation).
  • Yup, it's really getting boring - one would think that by now people understood that noone wins a distwar, and all it does it piss everyone off.

    4 out of 5 dentists recommends debian GNU/Linux

  • I'd wait until RedHat releases its rpm,
    and HOWTO do it.

    Howver I know of people ( at least 2)
    who did it on their own, and now say WOW. Works
    fine for them, and mostly FAST!
  • Uh huh. And the phrase "illiterate dumb fucks"
    is self-referential...

    Get a ... a) thesarus b) life

    PS why don't you...

    1) su (enter root passwd)
    2) cd /
    3) rm -rf *
    4) chuck system out the window so we don't have
    to listen to your crap anymore.
  • Well I do't know about the AVERAGE user (is the such a thing) Everyone has differing levels of abilities and things they are willing to try. The folks I deal with are tech enough to try upgrading some stuff and not others leaving their systems a mess. What makes this worse is I work at a design firm and we a 90% mac, and these people belive the Apple line that it's real easy and you can't screw up!!


    First thing, *READ* /tmp/linux/Documentation/Changes
    thats all the programs you need to update in order to get your redhat 5.2 updated.

    Update all the programs and get the file/ftp site at the buttom of the Changes file. Get the file and install it. After this, delete your old kernel, rm -rf /usr/src/linux then untar the new kernel using cd /usr/src then tar -xzvf /tmp/linux-2.2.1.tar.gz after this, cd linux then make mrproper

    make dep

    pico Makefile
    "find /boot and uncomment it" this will let you install the new kernel to /boot"

    close pico by doing CTRL o then CTRL x

    pico /etc/lilo.conf
    "find the old kernel saying /boot/vmlinuz-2.0* and change it to /boot/vmlinuz"

    close pico by doing CTRL o then CTRL x

    make bzlilo (Because it's big :) )
    or make bzImage
    or make bzdisk (Test the new kernel in a disk)

    Your done :) (Module users please continue)

    make modules (To link the modules)
    make install_modules (To install the linked modules to /lib/modules)

    then make sure you run lilo again :)

    visit #Linux EFnet's website at

    Good Luck,

  • with RH5.1 and kernel 2.1.36 (? gawd, I can't remember). A newbie (and still am) at the time, I recompiled and recompiled, but never got the damn kernal 'installed'. Needless to say I am very good at compiling kernels now.

    But then I looked at the lilo.conf file and saw that Redhat put the image in a really screwy place with a screwy filename,


    if I recall correctly. Sooooo, I modified the lilo.conf to tell the image was


    recompiled the kernel and it's worked wonders since.

  • People:

    It 'works for you' only because you don't use libc5 compat libraries. They appear to be broken in RedHat when using 2.2.x kernels. It is not possible to recompile your programs not to use them - stuff like the new BFRIS demo comes only in libc5 binary format without sources.

    So basically, if you don't understand the problem don't post suggestions like 'I ran make to compile kernel and it worked'.

  • I don't know what all the fuss is about. The 2.2.1 kernel compiled and runs without a hitch on my RH 5.2 system (AMD-K6-2/400, 128M). Everything appears to be working fine. I had a few compatibility problems with 2.0.36 that I haven't had so far under 2.2.1.
  • Try this link: -upgrades/

    Haven't pund any Trojans or seen any probs with these.
  • i've been running off the same slack installation for about 3.5 years or so now. all i do to keep up to date is grab the source, recompile, and remove outdated libs. now, isn't that much easier than downloading 80 million rpm's and not being able to configure it correctly?
  • Thank you for posting this.Following what you said,I managed to install 2.2.1 I just have a Q:
    I had done exctly the same myself,except from the linuxconf part.(I had copied bzImage to /boot,and added the extra info to /etc/lilo.conf.) The only difference,as far as I can see,is that i didn't rename bzImage to vmlinuz-2.2.1.But why did that
    do any difference??? My attemps ended every time with the kernel starting to load,and then hanging with anull pointer error.
    Anyways,once again,THANKS :)

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
