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Linux Software

Info World on VA Research 21

chrisd sent us a link to a nice little InfoWorld Article on our friends over at VA Research. Mentions the specs of their latest speed demons and talks about them getting some capital.
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Info World on VA Research

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  • Sam was never a VP of VA Research, so lets just put that to rest, as to the rest....Hi Sam, it's good to see you out and about, transparent much?

  • It's amusing to see Sam stoop to these sorts of astroturf (like grass-roots, but without real roots) tactics.

    Check out the real Penguin Computing here [crackmonkey.org].
  • He wasn't slandering anyone. He just stated the fact that Sam Ockman [crackmonkey.org] was never a VP of VA. If anything, stating his position as an employee of VA would strengthen the validity of this assertion.
    Have a cookie.
  • Did Sam run the web site?

    Yes, as a matter of fact he did. He told me this on many occasions. Supposedly there are still Beastie Boys lyrics hidden in the comments for some of the pages.
  • For example, in December VA began shipping the VArServer 4100 system, a Red Hat Linux server that features four 450-MHz Intel Pentium II Xeon processors with 1GB of RAM on each, upgradable to 2GB. Pricing starts at $49,995.
    1GB of RAM _ON_ each? What? I do believe they meant to say 1M full speed Cache Ram on each. If they stuck 1G on a CPU, they would be like world record holders or something....
  • You may want to Check thier Pricing/Configuration [varesearch.com] before you say it's out of line. I see a heck of a lot of hardware there for under 1/2 of the $50,000 you mention.
  • That seems REALLY expensive...even for a quad Zeon system...it better have 1/2 a terrabyte of storage at that price...
  • I bought a personal system, nnd my company bought a fancy dancy server; We are both as happy as clams at high tide.

    If all you want to do is gripe, why not say so? If you really want to make things right, don't just whine. Tell chrisd how to make things better. It sounds pretty petty otherwise.

  • This is a sorry attitude. You don't care enough to tell VAR how to get better, yet you care enought to whine. Isn't part of the free source attitude supposed to be helping others in the same boat? VAR has helped slashdot at expos, they have helped others, and they probably will keep on doing so. Yet you can't be bothered to do anything but whine vaguely.

    So what's your problem? Are you just a parasite, hoping to get a better deal from Gullible People using Linux? Nothing to contribute back, even such a simple matter as constructive criticism?

    I don't work for VAResearch, I don't have any relation other than a twice satisfied customer.

  • I went through hell and high water to get a system out of them. I generally regret going through over a month of phone calls and wasted time simply to get a system.

    They had better hope high-volume vendors don't take a keen hankering to linux - they simply won't last with their current level of general ineptness.
  • I already have my system. The last thing I want to do now is waste even more of my time getting VA operations up to speed. Needless to say, if you can't turn around a linux system in five business days, you're simply not going to be in business long.
  • I work for Penguin in their customer service and sales department. If you have any problems with one of our machines, please e-mail me and I will work with you to find a solution.

    Alli Huynh

What ever you want is going to cost a little more than it is worth. -- The Second Law Of Thermodynamics
