SGI Press Release: Linux is Officially Supported 80
Mech.Eng writes "SGI is officially supporting Linux on servers.
This is
their press release "
The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
Microsoft red alert! (Score:1)
Read about it on the M$ PropagandaPass website [microsoft.com]
No SGI Icon? (Score:1)
I think they're serious... (Score:1)
Nice, but I want to see **WORKSTATION** support (Score:1)
Linux a winner on SGI (Score:1)
Carrerra Alpha Workstations were only used for rendering. The lion's share of the actual content was developed on SGIs, and a small amount on Alpha machines running Lightwave for NT.
We Love SGI! (Score:1)
Interesting... (Score:1)
I for one wouldn't mind an 800MHz MIPS in my next SGI! Probably an R12K or R14K.
Puh-lease! (Score:1)
Like SGI needs Linux? Get real...
Fair Benchmarking (Score:1)
X Driver (Score:1)
SGI supports Linux. What's so hard to understand? (Score:1)
I have also read many other SGI comments and stories lately, and the burning question is X. Everyone is asking about X. So, lot's of people care about X. And when SGI announces that they will offically support linux for servers, people want to know "what about X?"
What's so hard to understand about people wanting X? Linux already runs on the Indy and the VPC, and therefore there is nothing new about being able to have a Linux/SGI server. The news story is about "SGI Offically Supporting Linux" and thier statement is that they will support it on SERVERS... Well, great, afaik, the support we recieve for IRIX is NOT great, and VERY expensive, so, although it's good PR for LINUX and SGI, it's not really that exciting of news when it comes down to the facts. What IS interesting about it is, with "offical" SGI support for linux in "some" ways, is this going to lead to what people REALLY want from SGI/LINUX... which is X.
What's so hard to understand about asking the _real_ question burning in peoples minds?
Did YOU Read the Artical? (Score:1)
So, what do you know about IA-32/Linux/SGI? What do you suspect the "server" design will be based on?
"As we enter the low-end of the market with 32-bit systems, we will support Windows NT and Linux, again giving our customers what they have been asking for," said Vrolyk.
I read comp.sys.sgi.hardware and the other comp.sys.sgi.* groups often... Do you? What do YOU see people asking for? SGI/LINUX servers? or SGI/Linux w/ X + GL?
This is great! (Score:1)
Won't happen. (Score:1)
IRIX/Linux/Veritas (Score:1)
Now how about Veritas as a binary-only module? If it's as good as it's reputation it should be worth having. Of course, SCT's new journalled ext2 will narrow the gap by removing the need for a conventional fsck.
Can they beat the K7 (Score:1)
This is apparently the same motherboard that Microway [microway.com] is selling with its 6-way crossbar between the dual processor/RAM/PCI busses. The question is, with AMD set to beat Intel in absolute performance, and with high-end Alpha motherboards taking the K7, should SGI be basing their IA32 offerings on this bus instead of the P-II bus?
A reaction to comp.arch FUD (Score:1)
Also the Linux bit is a reaction to all their dyed-in-the-wool Unix fans who liked the new machines, but hate NT.
IRIX/Linux/XFS (Score:1)
OK. That is an even better reason not to want to port to a 32-bit target (IA-32) now.
As for Veritas, SGI is much more excited about its own log-structured file system, XFS, and rightly so, IMHO
Oops, that's what I meant of course
Web Server Clones (Score:1)
C'mon! Doesn't Apache predate all commercial web servers? I mean, at it's roots. The first web servers were *all* free software. The commercial companies cloned the free software!
God. Next thing you know, Microsoft will have invented the internet...
Innovative free software: Mosaic, NCSA web server, Gopher, Archie, e-mail (in general),...
Oooo, I'm spitting mad. Claiming We're just a bunch of cloners....
Wisdom spreads slowly but steady! (Score:1)
Win98/95 == Nintendo enhancement for PC
WinNT == Nice Try OS
Linux == REAL OS what means it perfectly to customize, easy to maintain, rock stable and even better: it is Open Source.
Yes, Linux(tm) (Score:1)
$$$$ (Score:1)
Will they help de optimisation of the "Free" compiler tools - like egcs and gcc ?
Will this support help the Mesa to get OpenGL certification ?
These are the real Linux-related Q
Note no mention at all of MIPS Linux (Score:1)
Hmm, funny... (Score:1)
I think Apache on NT is still "beta" (Score:1)
Growing support (Score:1)
ACE Initiativea again? (Score:1)
Therein lies the key....
Are customers going to wait for NT if they need 64bit horsepower without spending a billion dollars on a high-end box?
Prolly not. The jump to a 64bit architecture will likely be a serious blow to NT in the market-place and give Linux a real serious jump, especially with SGI users...
No K7 :( (Score:1)
Damn shame, too.
Note no mention at all of MIPS Linux (Score:1)
Fair Benchmarking (Score:1)
Anyone want to form a betting pool on how some popular magazines benchmark's are going to turn out?
=) You guys are sick =) (Score:1)
Unless she's a geek too that thought DiCrapio didn't die soon enough...