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BASF uses Linux cluster for modelling chemicals 17

Linux Magazin has a rather interesting article written by BASF researchers about the use of Linux as a research tool. It's nicely detailed, going into the software and hardware problems they encountered, their choice of compiler, and a performance comparison of 10 PCs with a parallel SGI box. They are happy with Linux and are looking forward to 2.2's 4-way and 8-way CPU support. The only problem with this article is that Babelfish chokes on it quite quickly.
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BASF uses Linux cluster for modelling chemicals

Comments Filter:
  • Posted by skansal:

    Kinda poor but enough to get the point.

    Sonu Kansal
    straphanger inc.
    (the site for developers)
  • Posted by skansal:

    Kinda poor but enough to get the point.

    Sonu Kansal
    straphanger inc.
    (the site for developers:do a netcraft look up and see what were running)
  • Linux appears to be ascending rapidly as the default choice in
    high-end research. It seems only natural that researchers would
    choose a system with very low cost, high performance, consistent
    behavior and total freedom of customization. Linux becomes a sort
    of generic research tool. Why not?

    In the long run, this will establish credibility for Linux. The
    contributions of research institutions have already become a
    significant source of improvements to the system. This relationship
    is so natural it seems render irrelevant the alternatives.
  • Can anyone tell us what a turbomole is - inquiring minds want to know...
  • I would hope the researchers themselves are environmentally conscious. After all, it does not profit them to destroy their environment. Logically the only people that are benefitted by this action are top few percent in the company that can easily move away, and the foreign share-holders. Note that I do not know BASF's track record, I am just pointing out a flaw in your reasoning.
  • he he he!
  • At least they wouldn't be paying homage to Microsoft!

    Besides, this is european research being discussed here. European companies seem to be a bit more sensitive to environmental concerns and more driven to consider anything that isn't the bottom line (Geld nicht über alles).

    With Linux having more true international character than most other OS's (in design, development, distribution and usage), this would be better for countries that are NOT the US.

    A disloyal American signs off...
  • ... I'm also rooting for BSD. I use that all the time at work. Oh well.
  • Because some of us can't read any German. In my case, I do quantum mechanics, so the words that Babelfish can't figure out, I can figure out myself. So I could quite easily understand the bit that Babelfish was able to translate, while from the untranslated text I could only understand those words that Bablefish couldn't translate. :)
  • It is the R&D default, but only where the money going into the pockets is not proportional to the overall project costs...
    Namely - corporations - yes...
    Educational sector (most countries) no...
  • Well, we certainly use Linux for our plasma
    simulations. We use Linux/Alpha too, though that
    we've had trouble with. The major thing missing from Linux from our point of view are some very good optimizing compilers. I've tried some of the
    commercial offerings and they didn't work well
    on our C++ code, which vendor compilers on other
    Unixen compile without trouble. egcs/g++ also
    work well.

    Many of my colleagues here at UCB also use linux heavily for research, and SLAC has just christened a cluster of 16 dual P-IIs for distributed computing.
  • If you feel it necessary to thanks me, send porn to strangefocus@yahoo.com

    Comments in brackets are my own. Also indicates stuff that can't be typed. Bear with me, my good dictionary is packed somewhere, and I had to sleep sometime.

    --Inexpensive yet high performance Linux clusters are becoming more important for solving complicated problems.--

    This article presents a system which is used at the BASF in Ludwigshafen for quantum-chemical computations.

    The BASF is an enterprise of the chemical industry operating world-wide. At the Ludwigshafen location approx. 45,000 coworkers are employed. The department of ZKM is again the authority center for physical questions around chemistry within the BASF. Here two teams are occupied with Molecular Modeling, ours concetrates on quantum chemistry. How a Linux cluster with 10 computers supports us with the daily work, is the topic of this article.


    The quantum chemistry is the branch of chemistry (or physics), which calculates chemical problems with the help of quantum-mechanical models. Unfortunately Dirac, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, said the following quote about these quantum-mechanical methods, namely procedures for the solution of the Schroedinger equation. Even after the invention of the computer chemically relevant problems can be solve only with an enormous cost of computation. With these equations today even the fastest computers can be kept busy for an arbitrarily long time.

    The fundamental physical laws for the mathematical theory of a majority of physics and entire chemistry are well-known. The only problem is that the accurate application of these laws leads to equations, which are much too difficult to solve.

    P.A.M. Dirac, Proc. Roy. Soc. 123, 714 (1929)

    There is an abundance of different quantum-chemical algorithms, which by physical models and mathematical tricks, reduce the problem so much, that it can be solved in a reasonable time. These procedures (and naturally the computers) have developed in the meanwhile so far that also chemical problems interesting to industry can be attacked. Routine today are off-initio [???] and density functional calculations with molecules of up to 100 atoms, or a few more. With 200 atoms it becomes then really very complex. With normal algorithms the compute time increases with N^2 to N^3; very complex (and thus very exact) algorithms scale to N^8. N here stands for the size of the system, basically the number of atoms for the description of the molecule.

    Chemical applications are examples of reaction mechanisms. Here the quantum chemistry helps to simulate the reaction of 2 or more molecules. One receives as the result the structures and energies from the output products, from unstable intermediate stages up to the final products.

    The following figures show a step of a polymerization reaction with a metallocen [?] catalyst. In fig. 1a the polymer chain and the propylene which can be inserted are still far separated from each other. Abb. 1b shows the activated complex, also called transient condition, of this reaction. Here the developing linkage between the propylene and the polymer chain is already suggested. The function of the catalyst is to lower the energy of the activated complex to provide for the correct installation. In fig. 1c one recognizes the polymer chain grown by the addition of the propylene molecule. This chain is now ready for the installation of the next propylene molecule. Density functional calculations show that with the installation of the propylene an energy of approx. 93 kJ/mol gets released .

    [ Fig. 1a]

    [ Fig. 1b: activated complex]

    [Fig. 1c: Product]

    In this way quantum chemiistry helps to designen catalysts. The inexpensive simulations make it possible to measure the success of a catalyst before synthesis. The Linux cluster's purpose is to make computing time available for calculations of this type.

    Request [demand?] in industrial practice [application?].

    The goal was too get as much arithmetic performance as possible for the investment framework intended. 20 Pentium Pro CPUs or 3-4 R10000 PCUs (195 MHz) for our own workhorse, an SGI PowerChallenge, cost about the same at the beginning of of 1997. From the point of view of floating point performance it was clear: in this environment (PowerChallenge) a R10000 CCU achieves a SPECfp95 of approximately 12, a Pentium Pro PC about 5.5 -6. This factor of 2 in the performance (in practice with us in the last 1.5 years actually) faces a cost factor of at least 5. At present PC's are unbeatable in this regard (SPECfp95-Cost-Ratio). Three points had to be however still considered:

    • the administrative expenditure could be appropriate not substantially over that for a solution with expensive hardware, because the personnel expenditure eats the purchase price soon up
    • the computing time must be available at any time
    • the necessary quantum-chemical software must be available; in particular parallel software is very desirable

    The last point is naturally particularly critical. Software for assembling, visualizing and measuring molecules is not commercially available for Linux, but the actual code mostly originates from university working groups and are easily portable, lacking a graphical user interface. For the complex density functional and off-initial [?] calculations we use the quantum chemistry package TURBOMOLE that is being specially developed by a team headed by Prof. R. Ahlrichs at the University of Karlsruhe for workstations. It was there that the first linux port of TURBOMOLE was undertaken. Linux as an operating system is well suited because TURBOMOLE was developed on UNIX, and because Linux is the standard UNIX derivative for PC architectures. V A real treat was the possibility of true parallel computation on this hardware. Prof. Ahlrichs and his team are to be thanked for this, since in recent years they have developed an MPI (see below) version of TURBOMOLE.

    Why compute with Linux?

    In our case, there were only two choices of operating systems for PC's: NT and Linux. Linux was right for us because our software was ported to Linux. But there are other advantages:

    • Linux is an open system with a large, free software pool.
    • A Linux computer can be easily integrated in an existing UNIX environment. There are no difficulties with mounting discs, exporting displays, Yellow-Pages, and other network services.
    • We have grown large in a UNIX environment and feel good with Linux, because everything is the way we're use to, and there are mouse buffers [?] and korn shells. :-)
    • Our computations often last several days, sometimes over the weekend. If a computer crashes during that time, compute time is wasted. Therefore we place great importance on the stability of an operating system. Linux has not dissapointed us in this respect. Uptimes of well over 100 days are no exception.
    • The availability of MPI is essential for true parallel computing. There exists with ***mpich a partable version for all UNIX platforms. The same source code generates librairies for Linux and IRIX64 used by us.
    • For almost all problems with the operating system there is a wealth of documentation on the internet.

    All points taken together made the decision to use Linux easy.


    Our cluster consists of 10 PC's, each with the following configuration (see figure 3):

    • Dual PPro 200MHz w/ 256kB cache each
    • 256MG RAM
    • Adaptec 2940 PCI SCSI II cont.
    • 4.3GB SCSI HD
    • 2MB PCI Graphic Cards
    • 3c-905 TX PCI Network Cards (Fast Ethernet)
    • floppy [yes!!!]

      All PC's are joined to a Polycon Console [tm?], so that only one monitor with keyboard and mouse is at hand. At the console you enter which computer is to be bound with the in/output devices. This saves space and most importantly reduces heat generation, which is alreay noticeable with 10 PC's! Each node has a power consumption of 200W. This gets turned into heat sooner or later. That's 2kW of heat. That corresponds to an average heater. Smaller rooms are substantially warmed up by that. Besides that there is significant racket. Since we had to raise the voltage of our cooling fans from 6 to 12 volts because they often stay running 24 hous a day, the noise got even worse. So the cluster is best kept in a separate room with airconditioning...[geeze, enough of the thermodynamics lesson]

      You can tell if a fan's gone dead, even with the case closed, because the system hangs within 2-3 minutes after boot-up. That isn't even enough for a filesystem check. ;-) The fans aren't the only parts that die in the service of raw number crunching. We had to replace 3 of the ten network parts after 1 year. The memory modules are often defective. These seem to grow old. With the SGI's we only knew the principle "Run once, run always". On the other hand, on the PC's a module fails about every 2 months. What happens often is the modules pass the memory test at boot-up, and then fail at some point. The more often the defect occurs, the shorter the time to the next crash. [now that's using your noodle]

      It's a good idea to put your money into high quality components and/or a hardware support contract with the vendor. The computers are networked to a 3com Hub (Super Stack II, Hub 100 TX) with 100Mb/s fast ethernet. The PCI-SCI and Myrinet cards were too experimental and expensive for us. 2000-3000 DM {US$1300-2000] per computer including MPI is what you have to pay for that even today. That gets you very small latencies, because you bypass the TCP/IP stack, and of course high bandwidth. The improvement of the speedups wouldn't have made such an investment worthwhile, though! One of the PC's represents the connection the the LAN [I think]. It is configured as a gateway. To reduce the network load, data for calculations is stored on local discs.


      Before we could install our quantum chemistry software TURBOMOLE, we had to first install 10 Linuxes [Linuces? ;) ]. We installed S.u.S.E. Linux 4.4 w/kernel 2.0.25. At that time there weren't any network installations, but we were able to connect the Adaptec controller to an external CD-ROM drive. For parallel jobs under mpich an unreproducible runtime error came up from time to time, which was fixed after upgrading to developmental kernal 2.1.110. The parallel jobs have been running on all CPU's error-free ever since. The developmental kernals are also supposed to have better integrated SMP support. Because of SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) you have to comment out the "SMP=1" in the make file. Then both CPU's can work. After the first 'top' we determined that unfortunately only 64 out of 256MB of RAM were recognized. The solution: add the following line to the lilo configuration file: append="mem=256M".

      The network was configured with help of the numerous HOWTO's and the energetic support of a UNIX guru. After about a week the cluster was configured with TCP/IP, NFS, and YP. Sole user is Eddy, the knight of computing [what the hell?]. To synchronize the computers we used xntpd. Nine PC's get the time from the 10th PC (the gateway), which is connected via 10Mb network card to the LAN. This gets the time from the BASF intranet. After the OS infrastruktur was ready, we were able to compile the TURBOMOLE package. This software is written in Fortran 77. Only system calls like dynamic memory allocation were developed using C. To compile the Fortran parts we acquired the commercial Fortran compiler of the Portland Group (PGHPF: Portland Group High Performance Fortran Compiler. The binaries of this compiler are faster by a factor of 1.4 than the those of g77. For the queuing system to divide the jobs we used DQS.


      The Distributed Queuing System of the Supercomputing research institute of Florida is a programm package that generates a waiting list for jobs. If the load of one of the computers is smaller then a given value, then a job gets allocated to it. DQS recognizes free resources to all connected nodes. There's a client on all these that constantly passes info about the system state to the server. The server can at any time give out status information to the clients. The communication ensues over 3 ports defined in /etc/services: Service Port dqs313_qmaster 1612/tcp dqs313_dqs_execd 1613/tcp dqs313_dqs_intercell 1614/tcp The queuing system relives the burden of the ten nodes and there 20 CPU's. For example, in a computation of molecular vibration in a 100 atom system 1200 individual jobs are produced, which are stuffed in the queuing system by a Perl script. Wenn the calculations are finished, the results are gathered by the Perl script and the frequencies are computed in harmonic convergence. This is how you can find infrared spectra, for example. DQS has proved its worth to us. It seves not only to divide the work, it's also a system for watching over the nodes.


      TURBOMOLE is parallelized. In order to allow parallelization on many platforms, MPI was used. MPI is a standard interface for data exchange between processes. We use mpich, an implementation of the MPI specification usable on many systems. Mpich supports not only clusters, but also "shared memory architectures" as well. with mpich it's even possible for processes on different computers and OS's to exchange data with one another. Mpich is a librairy (C & Fortran), whose algorithms enable development of parallel programs. It's available for free [beer] on the internet. With mpich any WAN [?] can be turned into a cluster. Of course, mpich must be fitted to the hardware, that means installation and configuration. After unpacking it, you call the 'configure script' to configure it: [duh!] configure -arch=LINUX -device=ch_p4 When the configuring has sucessfuly completed, you can simply proceed with make As a rule there are no problems here. If you have parallelizing programms (with mpi) all you have to do yet is link the librairies to it
      and do the initial tests. If you don't have applications, you can test mpich with the provided examples.
      For example, cpi calculates pi in parallel. Before starting the program you must register the appropriate nodes in the local directory 'machines', otherwise the default directory
      gets read. That way even single computers can be named several times. The number of multiple designations correponds to the number of processes that launch on that node. A good documentation of mpich comes with the package. A program parallelized with mpi, like cpi, is called as follows:

      mpirun -np 6 -machinefine ./machines cpi

      The number after 'np' corresponds to the number of processes that get started. The output should give info on the node used as well as the number pi. The following list might help any problems:

      • On all computers it has to be possible to an rsh zu start without giving a password.
      • The computrs have to be pingable
      • Maybe the mpirun script doesn't work with /bin/sh. Try an older version of bash.
      • documentation: ~mpich/docu/user_guide.ps ~mpich/docu/installation.ps

        The test and example programs provided with the package serve as a good basis rot your own first experiments with parallel programming. PERFORMANCE

        In hindsight, the Linux PC's did not disappoint on the computations. In direct comparison with the compute times of our PowerChallenge shows that these are about twice as fast. The following table contains compute times and speedups for an energy computation of a molecule with 122 atoms, broken off after 5 iterations. These calculations were carried out with different numbers of CPU's. [table] The speedups of the PowerChallenge are somewhat similar to those of the cluster. The losses in the speedup arise from serial steps. Such a serial step is for example the preparation of parallel calculation and the diagonalization of a matrix with N^2 elements. Both parts here need about 2000 seconds. The diagonalization for hard to parallelize N^3 steps is presently the bottleneck. The throughput of mpich can be measured with the program mpptest. The program varies the size of the packets to be transferred and measures the times that these need. Figure 3 shows the result. The vertical axis represents the latency. We arrive at a figure of 0.3 ms. The bandwidth reads 50Mb/s. Hank Dietz shows in #5 a minimal latency of 0.08 ms and a maximum bandwidth of 100Mb/s for fast ethernet. The measured values shouldn't disturb you, because TURBOMOLE is not a bandwidth-hungry application.

        Several programs need considerably higher bandwidth and smaller latencies. The only thing to do in this case is get different hardware. For so called "plan wave codes" for solid state physics computations there are presently no alternatives to Cray-class supercomputers or similarly robust shared memory boxen from DEC, HP, IBM, SGI, and SUN (ordered alphabetically, not by merit) [funny how alpha came first, though]. PC's with Myrinet cards have latencies of 0.004 ms and bahdwidths of 1009Mb/s and might be an alternative to supercomputers after the conclusion of the experimental phase.

        When parallelizing programs, note that the time needed to carry out a parallel code segment is noticeably less than the latency. If large quantities of data are transferred, then the time for that likewise needs to be taken into consideration. [graph]

        [resume] [credits] [etc, etc]

You can now buy more gates with less specifications than at any other time in history. -- Kenneth Parker
