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Red Hat Software Businesses

Article about Red Hat's RHAD Labs 15

Robert Wagoner writes "Today's News and Observer had yet another Red Hat article in the business section. This is one of the more clueful items we've seen in the local press coverage. " It's a longish article with a few pictures and various interesting quotes. And there's raster again in that suit. Yikes. I don't even wear pants.
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Article about Red Hat's RHAD Labs

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    about these rhad guys. I hope they take enough time off. RTP is close to some really cool outdoor stuff. Going east: fishing, on and offshore, hunting, hiking in the swamps (don't laugh, the eastern swamps are magnificent), surfing at Hatteras, etc etc. Camp Lejeune also puts on Marine combat training demonstrations that are very interesting. Going west: hiking, caving, climbing, whitewater rafting, canoeing, etc etc. Lots of history around too, Charleston and DC are within striking distance.

    If you rhad guys are listening... if you do an offshore trip to the gulf stream or something, post some pictures!

    Have fun!

  • If any of you RHAD guys read this, have you tried 007 multiplayer in you "off" hours? It's far more cathartic than Bomberman.
  • hehehehe ... I dunno ... but I don't really care if my software was coded by someone who codes 14 hours a day ... (I rarely do ... I'm too lazy to, unless I get a good idea) ... then again ... I'd rather be using code someone has written because he loves to code ... (if you hate coding, you ain't gonna work for 14 hours on it) .... and I don't see how it shows lack of character ... I see more people being hippocritical and immoral, that won't work that long, and they will go out after with friends or whatever you'd like them to be doing ... for me character is how moral you are and what values you stand for ... and how much you believe in what you are doing ... could someone explain to me what working long hours has to do with character???? .... and what does it have to do with the quality of the software??? (if anything it will make the software be better) ... if you are gonna stop using software just because of who wrote it? .. and how? ... why are you using linux or any unix in the first place ... I mean unix has code from bill joy who is a person that could code for a couple of days straight ... and I'm sure linus isn't someone that just puts in a 9-5 job on linux ... (as most linux developers) ... if you want software by people that don't really care about it and leave at 5 and don't go to work on sundays ... use windows ... and compare quality ...
  • Here in Ireland, nearly everyone in the "computer trade" wears suits. Most of them use NT. In my job, I have to wear a suit, going as I do on sales calls with the salemen (who are pretty clueful themselves; I'm the back-up!).

    I never wear a suit to a normal day at work, and I feel terribly relieved when I'm back in my combats & CATs. Nevertheless, if you get a nice loose suit & a shirt with a too-big neck size, you'll be okay. For a few hours at least.


    Useful is beautiful.
  • So this isn't directly related to RHAD Labs, but I'm curious, has redhat made their stock public? I've gone through all the standard stock exchange search engines, and can't find them anywhere. I have a couple of dollars that need to go into a new stock, and I'd love to invest in a linux or OSS company, but I can't seem to find any except caldera, however I really don't think I'd get much of a return on caldera stock. Anyone have any ideas? I've also checked redhat's site, and I don't see anything there either.

    Please e-mail any responses, as I'm at work and don't have enough time to sit and reload the comments page for this article every 2 minutes. :)


  • Hey easy there....we used to use the US Army jump School...I had a chance to work with the 82 jump instructors...nice lot... Of course being a former USMC Captain and running a STA Platoon, we had a lot of fun in the outdoors with the US Army... You guys in the Army had better chow halls than us thats for sure... ;-)

  • ACtually I use a modified version of ICE WM and GNOME on our corporate desktops. It works well and is fast.

  • Hmm, I'm curious.

    What happened to Marc Ewing? The article mentions his now-empty desk, but doesn't say what happened to the person.

    I hope the article doesn't mean Enlightenment will become a dull looking KDE clone. That seems to be its thrust, and that would be No Fun At All.

  • Bear in mind that the most vicious, destructive wars are between factions that really have little but petty disagreements with each other.

    Juidaism is 50% of Christianity, and yet many Christians hate Jews.

    Christianity is 90% of Islam, and yet many Muslims hate Christians - enough to set up crusades and bombs and what-not.

    Red Hat is 90% Linux, 10% (if that!) original effort. They're on our side. If the whole world turns into Red Hat Linux, at least it will be one heck of a lot better than a Windows world.

    Now, I could be wrong about this, since I don't know a great deal about how distributions are set up - but couldn't competitors to Red Hat become "binary compatible" with Red Hat RPMs? And isn't this in fact happening?

    I hazily understand that some RPMs are incompatible with some distributions - how does this happen, and is there a way to create a standard (or use Red Hat's de facto one)?


  • I think we'll be seeing more and more Linux items in the news as time goes by. This next year should be just as exciting as the last for the OSS world. Maybe we'll take a significant chunk of the OS (at least server and home) market.

    We can always hope.

  • Where can I see these?! As you can tell by my username, I'm close by.
  • Yeah, Enlightenment tends to be a little unusual, (and the packaged sounds almost caused me to go into a homicidal rage), but I actually really like using it. I personnaly find it more intuitive than FVWM, and it doesn't give me a head ache to look at. I have to admit that I really didn't give all the windows managers a go before decided on E but overall i have to say I have few complaints with it.
    And seeing as right now, E.14 has so few none-barebones features, I'd be hard pressed to call it gimmicky. The only current thing gimmicky is the window panes (or what ever those are called) and I would rather use that system than pagers. I agree however that E is not the wm to introduce chartered accountants to, but man, does it ever have a nice feel to it.

    Also the fact that almost every e-theme has women in chainmail bikinis fighting dragons might also limit it's corporate appeal.


Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
