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Torvalds Weighs in On 'Nasty' Rust vs C For Linux Debate ( 56

The Rust vs C battle raging in Linux circles has left even Linus Torvalds scratching his head. "I'm not sure why Rust has been such a contentious area," the Linux creator mused at this week's Open Source Summit, likening the fervor to ancient text editor wars. "It reminds me of when I was young and people were arguing about vi versus Emacs."

The spat over integrating Rust into Linux has been brewing since 2022, with critics slamming it as an "insult" to decades of kernel work. One maintainer recently quit, fed up with the "nontechnical nonsense." Torvalds struck a surprisingly diplomatic tone. He praised how Rust has "livened up discussions" while admitting some arguments get "nasty." "C is, in the end, a very simple language," Torvalds said, explaining its appeal and pitfalls. "Because it's simple it's also very easy to make mistakes. And Rust is not." Torvalds remains upbeat about Rust's future in Linux, nonetheless. "Even if it were to become a failure -- and I don't think it will -- that's how you learn," he said.

Torvalds Weighs in On 'Nasty' Rust vs C For Linux Debate

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  • I seem to remember him writing Git in response.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Not really. SVN is fine for small teams and individuals (I still use it), but for something like the Linux kernel it really does run into ist limitations all the time.

    • No, git was written in response to a very serious crisis in Linux development, caused by external factors. The current dispute about Rust is nothing like that.

  • by Pseudonymous Powers ( 4097097 ) on Thursday September 19, 2024 @04:20PM (#64800717)

    "It reminds me of when I was young and people were arguing about vi versus Emacs."

    Also now that you are middle-aged. And also when you are old. Also, likely, long after you are dead.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      What, those vi users are still around? Damn! I thought they had all died out by now!

      Also, "vivivi, the Editor of the Beast". ;-)=)

      • by unrtst ( 777550 )

        get off my lawn!

        • Ctrl-KKKKK
          Nano rules!

          • by gweihir ( 88907 )

            No idea what this "nano" thing is. Probably too small to matter.

            C++ is a problem in search of a solution.

            I completely agree to that. That thing is just the most horrible abomination I ever tried to write code in.

            • by ldephil ( 868060 )
              I also like nano for its simplicity. Brings back memories of pine for email, all those years ago, when commonly received email was not HTML-by-default... []
            • I completely agree to that. That thing is just the most horrible abomination I ever tried to write code in.

              C++ is great (not). One can have a fold time job for decades converting "obsolete" C++ code to "modern" C++. I remember spending my first 6 months at a new company converting everything over to C++17. Some of the code was older than C++11 and I had to rework the code dramatically to add move semantics so that the architecture could feel good that we were using "modern" C++.

            • Nano is far too big for me, I use Pico!

      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        No no no, you are supposed to say: "Those vi users are still around? Damn! I thought they all learned how wrong they were and switched."

        That keeps the feud going.

    • I call B.S. I barely know any devs who even use a command-line text editor anymore, and if they do it's only for super quick stuff (eg. git commit messages) where no one else knows, let alone cares, what tool they use.

      In fact, I believe the majority of devs these days do the exact opposite: instead of using an editor in their command line, they use a command line inside their editor.

      In IDEs like VS Code, the two are even integrated (eg. you can CTRL or CMD + click a path in the terminal to open the file in

      • I use vi literally all the time - my org requires I use a Windows machine, but all my coding is for c/perl Linux applications.
        • I use vi literally all the time ...

          I use both. Vi for short / quick / simple things; Emacs for longer, more complex things. Different tools for different jobs ...

      • by dskoll ( 99328 )

        I do all my development using emacs. And I know several other developers who use vi or emacs.

        • I'm mostly emacs, but I use vi on occasion because that muscle memory never went away. Primarily the choice is whether I have a GUI or not. So normally I have a GUI so I use Emacs; but sometimes I'm just in a terminal window and then I tend to use vi. Sometimes I'll use emacs in a terminal, since I don't rely on a mouse, but for some reason I default to vi there (brain is too hardwired).

      • Over a remote connection, such as intercontinental VPN connections, a pure text editor without a screen overwhelmed with GUI options is invaluable.

    • _Explaining_ the vi vs. Emacs war has become difficult. I use the XKCD cartoon about this:


    • Difference is that you can (or at least should be able) to use whatever editor you want. Someone dictating what your day to day tools are seems like a bug in management (must use Craftsman hammers and never Estwing hammers). Many/most projects get along just fine with every developer choosing whatever editor they prefer - it is more productive that way. However letting each developer choose their programming language of choice is going to cause great confusion, because all those pieces of code have to wo

  • I think I would be able to competently code in it. But the skills needed are on an advanced level. Restricted variable mutability. Non-standard restricted OO. Functional constructs. And that is just for starters. Now, I can handle all of these and more of what I saw. And from the PoV of secure coding most (not all) things I saw seem to be good ideas. But I think most regular coders are just lost when they look at Rust and that will not work.

    • by wed128 ( 722152 )
      Reducing the productivity of the vast majority of programmers would be a *good* thing. There is entirely too much software in existence, and what does exist isn't tested or reasoned about nearly enough.

      Having a class of bugs detected at compile time is good, *especially if* it damages productivity.
      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Generally, I tend to agree. Not in the Linux kernel-space though. That requires far more skills than just the language used and not many have it.

        • Knowing the programming language is 1% of the job. Or less. I know quite a few people who program with decades of experience who still don't quite know their favorite language :-) In fact there are entire outsourcing industries that exist because they can throw busloads of poorly trained programmers at your project; what they don't have in quality they try to make up for with quantity.

          Rust can prevent some errors commonly made by inexperienced programmers. But inexperienced programmers shouldn't be on su

    • How about leaving the OO and functional type bits out of it, and write simple, practical code as if it were C?

      Data is data, functions are functions, and don't make it more complex than it needs to be.
      I haven't tried Rust yet but I think one can apply the KISS principle just the same.

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        I do not think that is going to work. If you do that the language probably gets very cumbersome.

  • The correct answer is always vi. Always.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Seriously. Everyone is tired of the bugs. New "vulnerability" lists churning out every day. Most are the same old mistakes: screwing up memory. Humans can't do this correctly at scale. "Program better" isn't a solution and has yet to deliver anything of value.

    Old fogeys will get with the program or step aside for those that have adapted to better tools. If you don't like that, tuff cookies; the world, Torvalds included, doesn't care and won't listen.

    • Re: Fuck C (Score:5, Interesting)

      by jrnvk ( 4197967 ) on Thursday September 19, 2024 @05:27PM (#64800951)
      Rust is still young enough to be a fad language. And it likely will be that in the long run, simply because the community surrounding it has absolutely no respect for dissent. Telling people to leave a profession simply because they refuse to drink the new flavor of Kool-Aid is just irresponsible. Those people have seen a lot of languages come and go. This one will be no different. Those who invest in the fads will just find anger.
      • How many fad-and-fade languages have you seen with meaningful uptake lasting more than five years, including uptake in the major software development corporations? I'm serious here. I've been programming professionally for a couple decades, and as an amateur for a decade before that, and the closest I've seen to this was Go, which started rising around the same time as Rust, but faded quite a bit when it became clear it was too opinionated (no operator overloading means no drop-in replacements for language

    • The solution is to modify C to make it better. Rust only has a few things that actually make it desirable and those few can be hacked into C. Eventually, those mods would get into official C - rather than wait decades for it to evolve.

      • Are you joking? You have to be joking. If you put even a tiny fraction of the security and stability features of Rust, things that are desirable even before we get into functional improvements, you'd be porting some form of:

        1. Automatic bounds-checking, with iterators to remove the need for most bounds-checking in the first place
        2. Protections against accessing arbitrary memory
        3. Automatic resource cleanup in various forms (RAII for most objects, with reference-counted types, both for single and multi-threaded usag
        • Why do you need any of these IN A LANGUAGE? This all belongs IN A FRAMEWORK. This is like complaining that people don't use English correctly, so instead of making sure your journalists use the AP writing style guide, you need to invent a new language (like Klingon) (and of course just like Rust have that language dominated by a corporatizations , and sue anyone who uses the trademark "Klingon" to denote compatibility with the language)

    • RIGHT!!!! So now to fork the kernel rewrite it and show the CS world how it's done!! ./

    • This post was written by someone who doesn't use C every day. C is a language that was designed to be a standard, i.e. everything that you can do in hardware, is something that you can do in C, and C is an international standard not ran by a bunch of litigious social justice warriors trying to sue people for using the word "rust".

      All of the complaints about by rust devs about C having vulnerabilities and what not, arise not because of C, but rather not running tests on their code and / or using untested cod

  • by dfghjk ( 711126 ) on Thursday September 19, 2024 @04:33PM (#64800789)

    If Linus cared about this topic in the slightest, that would NOT have been his response. And that's how you learn? LOL Linus has always been about having all the answers already.

  • At first I thought the headline was saying Linus was calling Rust nasty rather than calling the debate nasty.

  • Just fork it out into Rustix. You don't need a civil war if both sides just agree to split. Enough are itching to go with Rust; letem' go! "If you love it, you will set it free."

    • if you forked it and called it "rustix" they will literally sue you, they are a litigious bunch and their board is dominated by corporations.

  • Torvalds weighs in on 'nasty' Rust vs C for Linux debate
    Rust vs C for Linux - Torvalds weighs in on 'nasty' debate

    Don't know about you, but a more balanced headline goes a long way.

    And this headline somehow made it through the writers head, then the editors. They should both go back and take their 24 hour bootcamp in journalism.

    Please don't correct my writing. I know it's terrible. It's also not my JOB to write headlines being read by the masses.

"I never let my schooling get in the way of my education." -- Mark Twain
