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Linus Torvalds and Greg K-H Talk About Linux Community, Dealing with Hardware Bugs, Chromebooks Gaining Traction, Microsoft, Companies Gleaning Data and More ( 21

Swapnil Bhartiya, who runs the blog TFIR, had a chance to interview Linus Torvalds at Open Source Summit in the second half of August this year. (Some context: The interview, which was published this week, took place before Mr. Torvalds said he needs to take a step back to reflect on how he has dealt with the community over the years. Since then, we have learned that Mr. Torvalds is returning to his position.) In the wide-ranging interview, Mr. Torvalds has touched a wide-range of subjects, including formulating workarounds for the problematic hardware bugs (Meltdown, Spectre), and Chromebooks gaining traction (though it is still not a machine that he could use for his work yet). He also talked about companies gleaning a lot of data about their users, regulations, (a tad bit of politics), Linux community.

Greg Kroah-Hartman (aka Greg K-H) joined Mr. Bhartiya and Mr. Torvalds for the second half of the interview. On Sunday, Mr. Bhartiya published an additional interview of Mr. Kroah-Hartman.
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Linus Torvalds and Greg K-H Talk About Linux Community, Dealing with Hardware Bugs, Chromebooks Gaining Traction, Microsoft, Com

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  • by Bradmont ( 513167 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @11:53AM (#57549379) Homepage
    Please don't post a 45 minute video without a transcript, or at least time indexes for the major topics. There are interesting subjects in this interview, but I don't want to dig through a huge video to find them...
    • by Anonymous Coward

      I agree. The reason I get all my news via the Internet, and not television, is that the task takes just a tenth the time by reading.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        I just get my news through memes. It is faster and likely more truthful.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Linus is the voice of technology. He climbed the mountain top and saw the promised land. He led the world into the land of milk and honey. He is our the high priest of technology. Imagine how awesome it is to wake up everyday, look in the mirror and say "Hey y'all! I'm Linus! That's me lookin' back at cha!" Nothing is too good for Linus; just imagine a world without Torvalds, and being ruled by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Dear Lord, I shudder in my tracks at the thought!

  • by Citizen of Earth ( 569446 ) on Sunday October 28, 2018 @03:47PM (#57550625)
    Why wouldn't the only relevant issue be Linux's new Code of Conduct (C.u.C.)?
    • Why wouldn't the only relevant issue be Linux's new Code of Conduct (C.u.C.)?

      Shouldn't that be Code of Conduct for Kernel Experienced Developers (Co.C.K.E.D)?

    • Because this interview was before the code of conduct was merged.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Most of it was politics.. "blowing up", media, secrecy, privacy, mailing lists, diversity...etc. Very little discussion about actual technology. What a waste of an interview.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Free Software world hero Linus Torvalds was forced to resign from the Linux kernel project by blackmail. He fell for a honeytrap and was threatened with a #MeToo purge if he didn't resign. It's a corporate power grab, using "Social Just-Us" as a tool.

The life of a repo man is always intense.
