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Fedora-Based Linux Distro Korora Halts Development ( 68

Korora, a Fedora-based Linux distro, halted its development this month, BetaNews' Brian Fagioli spotted Wednesday. The announcement would irk many, as Korora consistently received positive feedback from critics and users alike. News outlet ZDNet once described Korora as "Fedora++", while Slashdot readers, too, spoke highly of the distro.

At the same time, the announcement should come as little surprise to anyone who has been tracking Korora's work. In a blog post, Korora team wrote: Korora for the forseeable future is not going to be able to march in cadence with the Fedora releases. In addition to that, for the immediate future there will be no updates to the Korora distribution. Our team is infinitesimal (currently 1 developer and 2 community managers) compared to many other distributions, we don't have the luxury of being able to dedicate the amount of time we would like to spend on the project and still satisfy our real life obligations. So we are taking a little sabbatical to avoid complete burn out and rejuvenate ourselves and our passion for Korora/Fedora and wider open source efforts. The team had expressed similar concerns earlier this year: For the past few years Korora has released a new version in line with each Fedora version. That means that approximately twice a year we prepare, test and create 5 different ISO versions. This is as well as, among other things, developing new projects, supporting existing releases and planning the future versions. As each team member has different skills some tasks, such as development, can only be done by one person. All this is done in our spare time along side our job, family and personal responsibilities. For a very small team, currently 3 people plus the occasional input from others, this is a lot of work. It means that often Korora has to take a back seat when real life intrudes. This isn't the first time Korora had to abruptly pause its development. In 2007, Christopher Smart, who kickstarted Korora (at the time based on Gentoo Linux), had discontinued the project -- only to revive it three years later.
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Fedora-Based Linux Distro Korora Halts Development

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward

    as i typed...

    for a distribution which is portrayed as being so well know as fedora++

    I never Fscking heard of it.

    • pretty hilarious, I looked for its distrowatch ranking. It fell off the end of the charts that go down below 5 hits per month, it has no ranking. because last release was last year, it's been dead and its corpse is now stinking up slashdot.

      seriously, who gives a shit about these minor niche crap distros that a ten year old could cut and paste together?

      • We've got us some quality editors running things here at /., that we do.

      • At first I thought my unfamiliarity with it was just that I am firmly on the Debian side in the type of distros I prefer. This isn't even in the Distrowatch top 300 - if there are (at least) 300 distributions above you, including Slackware, the distribution that is, famously, essentially a one-man-show, then this is beyond even being a niche case. I kind of feel for the guy, though. Whomever he is. He's dedicated ten years of his life to making a distribution that could only register on the Internet's v

        • well some people used it for 10 years, I suppose a loyal following of dozens might be enough to make someone happy so I understand that part.

          rather than supernova of a main sequence star this is more like a brown dwarf, thought to fuse just a bit of deuterium and lithium if over 13 jupiter masses, and emit in the infrared. the only wonder is that they fuse at all. they just go dark when they die but don't change anything visible.

    • "Journalism largely consists of saying 'Lord Jones is Dead' to people who never knew that Lord Jones was alive." -- G. K. Chesterton

  • If they like "Red Hat/Fedora done better", they will also like Mageia. It's progenitor was Mandrake, a "red Hat done better" distro.

    download link []

  • The fact that it's so isolated to each task being done by one person only makes it a weak candidate for any Linux distribution.
    At that point, it's only a matter of time before one piece of it's weak foundation breaks and it comes tumbling down.
    Not to mention.. I've never heard of it.

  • SystemD, DBUS, PulseAudio, GNOME3, Wayland. Fedora, these things hang around your neck like a dead albatross. "Loaded with shit." is a good description of Fedora. Also, let's not forget that the Fedora faggots are the ones who started a lot of that shit. They were jumping up and down wanting systemd etc.. Now they are all excited about Wayland. Fuck that. All it does is take a bunch of useful features (XDMCP *is* fucking useful despite it being too technical for Fedora weenies to comprehend). Wayland takes
    • Funny facts about this thread. It's been hidden by admins, and the parent has been moderated a zillion times. At the moment it's a troll but still +1, lol. Just goes to show you that the SystemD fiasco is still a huge force of drag on Linux. Besides being convincingly garbage software over these last few years, it's also caused a huge rift in whatever "communities" existed. I seriously still hear a lot of hate-speech (ha! I finally got to use that phrase) about it every time there are more than three geeks
  • One dude? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Who would use an OS created by one dude..

    oh wait..

    • Well... when the desktop OS alternatives at the time were Mac OS 7 or Windows 95, almost anything looks good in comparison.

      Even some strange community UNIX-like OS written by some guy named Linus in Finland.

  • This may be a significant loss to the community, but I doubt it. How many Linux distros can one choose from? Scores, for sure. Maybe hundreds? How many of those accomplish something that is not already accomplished by many other distros? How many of them do something original? The vast majority of them seem to be based on one of Fedora, Debian or Ubuntu. What do they do that their parents don't? If you are going to come up with your own Linux distro, at the very least be original. While I am all for variet
    • Hundreds-of-Distros-hell seems especially egregious when you consider somehow the (3) BSD distros have clear design differences, but don't fragment to hell every time someone wants a different DE or window manager. It's one of many traits that makes Linux appear clueless when it's actually compared against it's betters.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        "but don't fragment to hell every time someone wants a different DE or window manager."

        You mean like GhostBSD, TrueOS, DesktopBSD, and others? I still remember people forking BSD for various non-English languages, as if that required a different OS codebase.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        The BSDs do tend to fragment over the same issues. It's just you rarely hear about them because BSD's marketshare is a fraction of GNU/Linux's, and the people that use the BSDs don't really care as much about user interfaces.

  • "Many"? LOLZ (Score:4, Insightful)

    by iggymanz ( 596061 ) on Wednesday May 16, 2018 @10:50AM (#56620478)

    never even heard of this little distro, and I admin hundreds of linux boxes of various distros in multiple locations for a living

    seriously, little "distros" (ooo look, we took this other's distros menu and made it pretty, and threw in packages x, y and z) sprout and die like weeds, who cares?

  • I am one of the Korora users. I still choose it when I want to deploy a system on which I am merely an auxiliary user, and I just want it to be ready-to-go for the users. I have migrated to Fedora for my own systems because I kickstart and inject all my own configs and repos. But, for the family machines, they get Korora. With the arrival of Fedora 28, though, the K26 systems will fall behind and eventually I'll upgrade them to Fedora 28+.

    • I used to install Fedora for other people.
      The thing is, Fedora has an 18 month life. If you REALLY need some bleeding-edge feature that CentOS / Redhat doesn't have, the trade-off might be worth it. For 98% of use cases, CentOS will do what they want to do, more reliably, and with years of updates and support.

      • If you REALLY need some bleeding-edge feature that CentOS / Redhat doesn't have, the trade-off might be worth it

        This is what the EPEL [] repo is for. This way you're able to keep a stable foundation while having access to newer packages that RHEL/CentOS wouldn't otherwise have.

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
