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Linux Idle

The Linux Kernel Mailing List is Down ( 76

Every page on is currently displaying this error message along with a picture of Flits the cat. What started out as a power outage while I was on vacation (leading to the computer hosting the backend of this site being unable to boot) became a larger issue as the mainboard in that computer appears to be broken.

Not wanting to let you wait for a spare part to arrive, I'm currently (while being assisted by our cat Flits) busy copying over all data to a VPS, and getting things working from there. The rsync is progressing slowly, having copied over the first 50% in three hours (at 14:30 CET). Please check back later for status updates.

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The Linux Kernel Mailing List is Down

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I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs. -- H.L. Mencken
