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Infographic: Ubuntu Linux Is Everywhere 185

prisoninmate writes: To celebrate the launch of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, due for release later this month, on April 21, Canonical put together an interesting infographic, showing the world how popular Ubuntu is. From the infographic, it looks like there are over 60 million Ubuntu images launched by Docker users, 14 million Vagrant images of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS from HashiCorp, 20 million launches of Ubuntu instances during 2015 in public and private clouds, as well as bare metal, and 2 million new Ubuntu Cloud instances launched in November 2015. Ubuntu is used on the International Space Station, on the servers of popular online services like Netflix, Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit, Dropbox, PayPal, Wikipedia, and Instagram, in Google, Tesla, George Hotz, and Uber cars. It is also employed at Bloomberg, Weta Digital and Walmart, at the Brigham Young University to control the Mars Rover, and it is even behind the largest supercomputer in the world.
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Infographic: Ubuntu Linux Is Everywhere

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    One more desktop install reporting in! They laugh...then you win.

    • Me too. But I laugh at them.

    • Why not replace it with one of your own choice. Oh wait Mr. anonymous Troll, coming from Windows land you aren't aware that you can do this. With Windows Bill and Fester makes that decision for you.
      • Why not replace it with one of your own choice. Oh wait Mr. anonymous Troll, coming from Windows land you aren't aware that you can do this. With Windows Bill and Fester makes that decision for you.

        Bam! This. While there are an almost ridiculous number of distros, that means that all we have to do to find an interface we like is to search out until we find one that trips our trigger. While I've been big on installing Mint Cinnamon for people the last couple years, I gave Ubuntu Mate a try a few weeks ago. A "normal" interface, and works and looks just like I want.

        Or of course, roll our own.

        • You realize Windows has long had interface alternatives like Emerge, LiteStep, Bumptop, Talisman, etc... or produce your own.
    • I have two desktops to report and one laptop with Fedora.
  • by Zibodiz ( 2160038 ) on Friday April 08, 2016 @10:14PM (#51872807) Homepage
    This is what irks me about /. Even though Ubuntu is an overall fantastic flavor of Linux, if you read the comments here, you'd get the impression that it's more loathed than a Microsoft product.
    I personally have had very positive experiences with Ubuntu, and have helped quite a few 'non-nerds' start using it on their computers, when Windows and Mac weren't good fits. I own a computer shop, and probably install Ubuntu about once a month -- it's not leading the pack by any means, but it's a very viable option. The simplicity of the distro, along with the fantastic userbase to provide support, have really helped make it the Linux of choice for the average consumer, IMHO.
    • Agreed. But that said slashdot is generally a negative place. Ubuntu lost me to mint when they went to unity but it had served me well for a number of years prior. It had issues that I couldn't be bothered working around at the time. I haven't bothered looking at it since then because Mint hasn't done anything that makes me want to change it. If it does I would revisit ubuntu.

      • by Sesostris III ( 730910 ) on Saturday April 09, 2016 @12:50AM (#51873333)
        When 16.04 comes out I'll be replacing Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) with Ubuntu on my desktop.

        When I first installed LMDE it was a rolling edition, based on Debian Testing. Now it's based on Stable, and frankly has become old. (Currently the screensaver is showing a message on startup telling me it - the screensaver - is old and I ought to upgrade to a newer version!). To be fair, I did initially install the XFCE edition, which is no longer a Mint DE flavour.

        I did think about replacing it with Mint Cinnamon 17.3, but again this is based on Ubuntu 14.04, and so based on something now relatively old. I think I want to get back to something relatively modern, easy to use, and mainstream.

        Unity has apparently improved dramatically. I've tried it with a 15.10 live disk and I'm sure I can live with it. (And I will use the main version rather than one of the other official flavours).
        • Potential consideration for you is Mint 18 will be based on 16.04 release date is may/june.

          • I will no doubt download the live disk when it comes out. (Mint Cinnamon is installed on my fiance's computer. I decided some time ago XP really wasn't safe!)
        • Why confine yourself to Unity? You do know you can select a different desktop environment at login just by installing the appropriate package, right?, e.g kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop etc.

          There's practically no difference between the various ?buntu flavours except which DE gets packaged on the CD you download.

          • Because I've never used it in anger before. I think it is time to give it a try, and if I don't like it, I'll change.
            • There is also nothing stopping you having multiple ?buntu-desktop's installed. You can select with DE when you login.

        • The xscreensaver message is a perfect example of a diva developer being an arsehole


          It is old, but timebombing your code is astonishingly bad form.

    • Ubuntu is fine, it's Unity people bitch about. Their hand was forced after GNOME 3 I guess, but the Mint approach to the problem seems to be the clear winner. Glad to see Ubuntu Mate go official, though I'll prob stick with Xubuntu.

      You'll notice not many of the installs shown in that infographic would be using Unity.

    • I used Ubuntu for a number of years thanks to the Warty Warthog cds they mailed out.

      But a while ago I tried the net-install of debian and can't see any compelling reason to use downstream - never a big fan of Unity etc.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by westlake ( 615356 )

      This is what irks me about /. Even though Ubuntu is an overall fantastic flavor of Linux, if you read the comments here, you'd get the impression that it's more loathed than a Microsoft product.

      The geek isn't comfortable with success when success is defined as adoption by those outside his own community.

    • by somenickname ( 1270442 ) on Saturday April 09, 2016 @12:56AM (#51873355)

      I was actually a moderator for the Ubuntu forums for the first few years of Ubuntu (I had an e-mail address and everything). In those days, Ubuntu had a massive impact on the accessibility of Linux to the average computer user. I could genuinely recommend it to anyone I knew. But, when KDE/Gnome went off the fucking rails and Ubuntu went the direction of Unity, it was almost like a mini dark ages for the Linux desktop. Basically, all the traction, all the trust, all the familiarity was struck down from upon high by people wielding job descriptions like User Experience Engineer.

      Yes, assholes wearing skinny jeans destroyed the Linux desktop. And Canonical didn't help the situation when it started shipping Amazon connected desktop searches. However, having said all that, I decided to try vanilla Ubuntu recently, and, frankly, it's not that bad. It's actually really nice. In fact, I had a moment of terror when I wondered if my drunken ramblings had directly influenced the interface because it mostly worked how I wanted it to work. A power user will need to tweak it a bit but, in general, Unity might fit a power users workflow better than it might seem at first glance.

      Now, that's just desktop stuff. On a server/VM/container/whatever, Ubuntu is the go to flavor. Without hesitation. If you don't use it, people will give you the stink eye and ask you to justify why you didn't. It's easy to use, it works and it's so widely used that when you say "apt-get", no one will give you a funny look. In a sense, Ubuntu started out as Linux for Humans and ended up being Linux for the Cloud. I doubt that Canonical even expected that but, frankly, I'm very much OK with that situation and I wish them the best.

      P.S. I still love you, Debian. You'll always have a place on my laptop.

      • People - especially geeks - like to moan and bitch. I've been using Fedora KDE for the past 10 years. In general it works just as well as my Mac. Ubuntu is fine too - I use it with XFCE usually. Linux has a plethora of desktop systems and instead of moaning and bitching about one, everyone is free to use another one.
      • Exactly -- Ubuntu = broken Debian.

        The difference between a Ubuntu user and a Debian user - Debian users tend to be interested in the ethic of freedom - Ubuntu users are interested in free beer.

        As the M$ Canonical bit unfolds ( [] ) I suspect more developers will move back to Debian. M$ is not ethical - neither is Canonical.

        • I wouldn't say that Ubuntu is a broken flavor of Debian. I know that's a long standing joke but, I don't think it's true anymore. I run Debian with XFCE and I actually grab some data/packages from Ubuntu because they are leaps and bounds better than the Debian versions. In particular, if you run Debian and you aren't stealing the /etc/fonts directory from Ubuntu, you are doing yourself a massive disservice. Debian has the font rendering capabilities of Ubuntu, just not the configuration to take advantag

        • Every year or so, I get the urge to replace Xubuntu with Debian on my desktop and development systems. Sadly, it just doesn't make sense to do so. Ubuntu still has a few huge advantages over Debian. In particular:

          Ubuntu's bug tracking system [] is far more convenient than Debian's, provides richer categorization and relation tools, and integrates with upstream trackers. I waste less time when I have to report problems, and since more people are sharing knowledge in launchpad, I also waste less time on diagnost

          • I can 100% respect this post. It's dead on. Debian takes a bit of love to be usable. But, once you've got Debian into your personal Nirvana State, nothing else really compares.

    • by dhaen ( 892570 )
      I think a lot of Ubuntu early adopters got fed up with it. Later releases had more bells and whistles but less usability and dependability. Some have moved to the spinoffs, I've gone to the pure source - Debian. I'm in love with Jessie.
    • This place is totally trolled by the microsofties. Witness all the slashvertisments for Microsoft product and all the down votes for anything remotely critical of windows.
    • I think it's more of a love-hate relationship.
      I used to love Ubuntu, and was very impressed in 2005 by the live CD. It was the first time ever I didn't have any driver problem with internet, graphic card or sound card on Linux. Everything worked out of the box. I spent 3 years actively translating packages, helping noobies on the forum and spreading the stoke.
      I stopped using it after they tried to force Unity/Gnome 3 down our throat.
      Linux Mint has replaced it since then, and has done a very good job. It's k

    • You're absolutely correct! I've been using Ubuntu since 6.06 and it's been vastly better than Windows for me.

      But there are things that are annoying. For me, it's mostly where LTS releases tend to be released with irritating bugs that may never be fixed; instead they'll get fixed in the next version, and as an LTS user, you've either got to get a back port, or a PPA to solve it.

      I've not done much testing with 16.04 yet, but this bug is *really* annoying: bug 1521302 []

      And I've a horrible feeling it won't
  • or the virtual year of the Linux desktop?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 08, 2016 @10:15PM (#51872817)
    Java is installed in over 3 billion devices in the world.
  • Just seems to me they made a few marginal improvements to debian and colored it orange. I seriously don't get it.

    • Originally I think it was just debian that you didn't need to spend time messing with manual non-free codec and driver installs to get it working on desktop. Not sure how much that is still the case.

  • Canonical put together [...] showing the world how popular Ubuntu is.

    Well. Duh. Stopped right there.

    • Even if you do keep going, there isn't much to see. This is the worst infographic I have ever seen. There are no pie charts or bar graphs. There are no comparisons to other OSs. It's just useless.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 08, 2016 @11:28PM (#51873081)

    The article linked to is blog spam with an ugly JPEG version of the infographic. The original PNG infographic is here:

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Infographic on /. , now I've seen them all. This place is devolving

  • I noticed that Cadence shows support for Ubuntu LTS growing up to 2017, when every tool shall support an old version of Ubuntu, LTS 14.4. Bear in mind that the other supported OS are RHEL and SLES, both costly versions of GNU/Linux distros that give you support. After all, support is what enterprises like to have.
    It will probably be 2018 before Ubuntu LTS 16.4 begins to show in the EDA roadmap.
  • We have a small holiday rental property in which there is free wifi and a Ubuntu PC. This suits us well - particularly the PC as we do not need to worry about what is downloaded and who looks at it. Wifi is of course another issue, but this thread is Ubuntu, and we are very happy. I suspect that some of the naysayers either have needs other than ours or have not looked into needs such as ours. My 2C, keep the change!
  • by cuby ( 832037 ) on Saturday April 09, 2016 @05:53AM (#51873813)
    Compare how a linux desktop was 10 years ago and how it is today. Like it or not, Ubuntu has driven most of the chages/controversies. I like to use it. Has it's issues, but overal, I realy enjoy it. I have much more complains from Gnome, for dumbing down too much, than from the Unity interface. I think most Slashdot users are too conservative to accept some changes and are allways complaining and acepting WORSE alternatives because they look "like it used to be". This is the problem with Slashdot. No forward thinking anymore.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Distrowatch interest does not equal installs. Gives you a rough idea, that's about it. Also, remember that there is Ubuntu MATE, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, and a few more *buntus lurking around.

  • Do you just run apt-get upgrade with cron?

    On a thousand machines?
    For RHEL, there's the tools around The Foreman. For Ubuntu, there's landscape - but it costs so much that I could use RHEL right away - and RHEL is much better. And The Foreman is open-source, can be deployed on-premise.

    I hate that there is no real official documentation beyond a few alibi-pages that assume you're running a desktop. My co-workers tell me that I can google any problem and find a solution by some guy, somewhere - but my ex

  • Yeah I dig Ubuntu. For all of the things they do that make some people displeased, they have come a long way and their distro is pretty stable and fun to use. It doesn't get in my way, it does what I want it to do when I want it to do it and there are no significant barriers to me doing most work on it.

    These days, the only thing that makes me sad is that the Unity3D Linux builds aren't quite up to date with the Windows ones so if I open a project in Windows I can't edit it on my Ubuntu laptop.

