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Fedora 21 Released 106

linuxscreenshot writes: The Fedora Project has announced the release of Fedora 21. "As part of the initiative, Fedora 21 comes in three flavors: Cloud, Server, and Workstation. Cloud is now a top-level deliverable for Fedora 21, and includes images for use in private cloud environments like OpenStack, as well as AMIs for use on Amazon, and a new "Atomic" image streamlined for running Docker containers. The Fedora Server flavor is a common base platform that is meant to run featured application stacks, which are produced, tested, and distributed by the Server Working Group. The Fedora Workstation is a new take on desktop development from the Fedora community. Our goal is to pick the best components, and integrate and polish them. This work results in a more polished and targeted system than you've previously seen from the Fedora desktop." Here are screenshots for Fedora 21: GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE, and MATE.
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Fedora 21 Released

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  • It has systemd? (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by Hognoxious ( 631665 )

    If it has systemd it can get right back into custody.

  • F21 (Score:5, Informative)

    by FrostedWheat ( 172733 ) on Tuesday December 09, 2014 @06:23PM (#48559397)
    I got it installed on my laptop a few hours ago, and so far no dramas. Nice work everyone.
    • I installed the beta on my laptop several weeks ago and i haven't had much in the way of problems either. But there are a couple of things i still can't get working properly - QGIS and VirtualBox. The QGIS (gdal, really) problem fix will hopefully be pushed soon, and i don't care about VirtualBox any more, as i was forced to use qemu/kvm/virt-manager instead and i prefer it.

  • Each of the flavors builds on the "base" set of packages for Fedora. For instance, each flavor uses the same packages for the kernel, RPM, Yum, systemd, Anaconda, and so forth.

    • by caseih ( 160668 )

      Funny people even ask about it. A lot of posters talk like systemd is a brand new scary thing, when it fact it's been in Fedora for a long time. Two and a half years, if I recall correctly.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        Funny people even ask about it. A lot of posters talk like systemd is a brand new scary thing, when it fact it's been in Fedora for a long time. Two and a half years, if I recall correctly.

        Actually, it's been three and a half years. Fedora 15 was the first Fedora with systemd and that was released in May, 2011.

      • SystemD was cool and innovative back then. It is now cool to hate and bash it 3 months ago from an article posted here.

        Now you're a troll if you talk about benefits and insightful for stiring misgivings. It is political as no one gave a crap until recently

        • SystemD was cool and innovative back then. It is now cool to hate and bash it 3 months ago from an article posted here.

          Now you're a troll if you talk about benefits and insightful for stiring misgivings. It is political as no one gave a crap until recently

          Well, I never gave a crap until it started biting me on the ass.

          What inflamed me was people trying to convince me that I was an ungratefui idiot because I like my logfiles out in the open where they can be read without intermediate agencies. Having already endured their approach on other systems.

  • High traffic due to F21 release: []

    Fedora 21 Public Active Mirrors: []

  • Let the hatefest begin!

  • I have been using Fedora since FC3. Used to use Mandrake before that. I'll have to check 21 out tonight, but my gut feeling is that it's not going to go so well. I believe the last version of Fedora that was rock-solid stable and had support for pretty much anything I threw at it was FC18. For the sake of diversity, I run Ubuntu (XFCE) on my desktop at home, FC20 (XFCE) at work, and CentOS5 and CentOS6 on all the servers I'm involved in.

    One of the botches I believe FC team did was when they changed the

    • Yeah, installation's as painful as ever. But apart from that F21 is fine. I've been using the beta since it was released and haven't had any major problems. (I've been using Fedora since it was RH4).

    • by donaldm ( 919619 )
      Pick the "spin" ISO you want (eg, KDE, Gnome, Xfce ... etc) from the appropriate site and download it. Create a bootable DVD or USB (This what I do) then Install., it's pretty easy. Of course it should go without saying but backup and make sure you have documented all customisations which is user info, repos, wireless password (if appropriate), then when the install is finished (usually within 20 minutes) add those customisation and any additional software.

      As far as partitioning this new distro is simplic
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 09, 2014 @08:46PM (#48560579)

    The server/workstation/cloud flavor thing is lame especially given you can't ever switch. Why can't we just pick software we want and be done with it?

    The ultra-modern ultra-spartan mobile meme website sucks. Impossible to find anything without hitting from goggle. You declutter and hide everything predictable result is nobody can find anything.

    Upgrade from F20 added a firewall daemon that fucked up my iptables configuration.

    Quick check using nmap shows something new listening on port 9090 some "cockpit" management BS. This is really what I want in my life is a management web server.. right up there on my Christmas wish list next to a Supermicro IPMI module.

    Upgrade was "stuck" at the end with a message saying writing logs and then we'll reboot.. this is just below a cool ascii hotdog man mascot... This writing logs thing appears to have been quite busy writing a copy of every system log entry since dawn of civilization to a new file labeled /var/log/upgrade.log ... after about an hour and 400mb log file.. I finally said F this and rebooted.

    Hey I can't complain too much upgrade actually worked and it actually booted. The only reason I upgraded is because if I don't then updates stop working after about a year... I really need to bite the bullet one day and switch to a distribution that does not worship at the church of bleeding edge.

    Anymore it is akin to improving design of electrical sockets... sure you might make them "better" in some way but dealing with associated change is a net negative value prop considering what the system is used for.

    • Choosing the Server product on upgrade will install the Server packages, including its firewall configuration and Cockpit, because...that's Server. If you just want to keep the existing packages you have installed, choose 'nonproduct'. You can remove Cockpit if you don't want it.

    • The server/workstation/cloud flavor thing is lame especially given you can't ever switch. Why can't we just pick software we want and be done with it?...

      You can choose a different flavor by using the yum command. There is a even simpler way to convert a Fedora Cloud instance to Fedora Server. Just install cloudtofedora package and run cloudtofedora command.

    • I really need to bite the bullet one day and switch to a distribution that does not worship at the church of bleeding edge.

      That, and stop complaining about a product that is clearly advertised as being bleeding edge.

      I upgraded from F20 via fedup and these instruction, and had zero problems: []

    • by donaldm ( 919619 )
      You should have picked the appropriate "spin" that you wanted such as KDE or Xfce or ... etc. It is very easy to install and you don't have any stuff you don't need.
  • Just so we wouldn't be able to pirate copies of the new Fedora 21. Those bastards...
  • Even with the new changes to GNOME, I still can't stand it. Where is the Cinnamon desktop spin?
    • There isn't one, the Cinnamon maintainer doesn't want to make one, for some reason. You can install from the 'Server' netinst and choose the Cinnamon package set, though, that'll work fine.

  • Hurray! More 0pointer dependencies that need rpm -e --nodeps on!

    If it weren't for stable RHEL6.X and XFCE, I'd have dumped Fedora back in version 15, but this latest version 21 (codename /dev/null ) is really making me contemplate it again.

    Anyone got a suggestion for a distro without so much dep crap?

    • by caseih ( 160668 )

      What dependencies are these? You imply you've used recent versions of Fedora. But I can't think of any major, disruptive, 0pointer software dependencies that have been added in the latest release. systemd? Fedora 15. Pulseaudio? Fedora 14. firewalld? Fedora 18. (Firewalld can be removed easily; just yum remove it). No new 0pointer stuff here.

      So I don't know what you're talking about here, and I suspect you don't either. Hoping to score some cheap points? You're a bit late with the hate.

  • by bingoUV ( 1066850 ) on Wednesday December 10, 2014 @04:05AM (#48562551)

    Installed since Alpha, using full time since Beta. No major issues - just lxdm user switch doesn't work []. Hope it is fixed in final release.

    Switched to lightdm, so not checked lxdm issue yet.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
