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Ask Slashdot: What Video Games Keep You From Using Linux? 951

skade88 writes "Everyone knows content is king. Many of us use Windows or OS X at home instead of Linux because the games we love just are not available on Linux. With Steam moving forward for a Linux launch, I would like to hear from the Slashdot community on this topic. What are the game(s) you cannot live without? If they were available in Linux would you be happy to run Linux instead of Windows or OS X?"
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Ask Slashdot: What Video Games Keep You From Using Linux?

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  • Guild Wars 2 (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mynis01 ( 2448882 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:39PM (#42034995)
    I would love to be able to play GW2 on Linux, since it constitutes 99+% of the gaming that I do these days. Mass Effect 3 would be cool too, but I don't really play it much anymore. I'm looking forward to playing native versions of Portal and Left 4 Dead on Linux soon.
    • Not a game (Score:4, Interesting)

      by camperdave ( 969942 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @11:30PM (#42036717) Journal
      Not a game, but Microsoft OneNote. And it's not that it keeps me from using linux, but it does force me to keep a Windows partition that I'd rather do without.
    • by Sir_Sri ( 199544 )

      My take is less about the big titles, I fully expect that if linux (or mac) gets enough market share any of the half a million plus sales games will make ports for the other platforms. I suspect the cutoff is that you'd need to sell 50 or 60k extra copies for it to be worthwhile. Stuff like Guildwars, Skyrim WoW, those will have a linux version the moment the think they can break even on it.

      The problem is all of the marginal games that might only break 50 or 60k copies total. Niche stuff, grand strategy

      • Re:Guild Wars 2 (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Vintermann ( 400722 ) on Tuesday November 20, 2012 @02:36AM (#42037777) Homepage

        The most important development that will push games to Linux isn't Linux adoption by gamers, but lower costs of porting.

        Increasingly, cross-platform development is a necessity. And if you're already being careful about not using platform-specific stuff (which you are if you're developing for Windows, consoles and OSX already), it becomes a simple question of middleware support. More and more engines support Linux these days, and Valve is committed to it. It will happen.

        Meanwhile, I'm happy with Crossover and emulators/retrogames.

        • On the other hand, a developer can hit the vast majority of the market by targeting the Windows platforms alone, and do the least amount of port work... if they use DirectX.

          I would like more Linux games, and I won't buy Windows games any more and I do occasionally spend money on Linux games, because I am not happy with Crossover.

  • by dremspider ( 562073 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:40PM (#42034999)
    The real question should be... what games do you want now, and in the future. Just getting all games to work that I want now doesn't really help me when Awesome cool game 15 comes out and I really want it. This is coming from a person who has been using Linux for years.
    • by DarksideCoatiMundi ( 2777343 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:55PM (#42035193)
      Half Life 3. If that came out on just Linux I would switch to Linux and never look back. And if they brought a new release of Alpha Centauri to it too, the honey pot would just grow that much sweeter.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by dohzer ( 867770 )

        How about Half-Life 2: Episode 3?

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @10:10PM (#42035997) Homepage

          The silly idea that any one particular game would prevent a transition to Linux is just that silly. It is a whole library of games collected over years that keeps "DUAL BOOT" going. Windows the toy operating system for fun and games and Linux for business.

          • by war4peace ( 1628283 ) on Tuesday November 20, 2012 @12:32AM (#42037123)

            Not really, no. As Virtual Machine support becomes better and host machines become faster, it's *new* games that are a showstopper, not older games from 2+ years ago which can be run in a VM. But so far there's no VM that can properly run Borderlands 2, for example.
            Dual boot allows you to run only one operating system at a time, that doesn't work for me. With Windows as host OS and Linux as guest OS, I can suspend the guest and be gaming in 20 seconds. Compared to shutdown+restart+boot_the_other_OS procedure, it takes 1/20th of the time.
            Using dual-boot for gaming is like sex with an inflatable doll: by the time you finish inflating it, your boner turned into a wiener for a while already, you're tired and your mood is shitty.

          • by Nimey ( 114278 ) on Tuesday November 20, 2012 @09:13AM (#42040355) Homepage Journal

            There's that, and then there's the fact that Windows 7 has gotten a much better UI than previous versions of Windows... and to a real extent, to current versions of Linux.

            I've been using Linux since early 1999, started on Debian and switched to Ubuntu in late 2005. None of the current desktop environments or window managers have the same "get the hell out of the way and let me run my programs" feel of Win7, likewise discoverability. I quite liked GNOME 2 paired with Compiz Fusion, but that's gone away unless I want to stick with an old distro[1], and MATE just isn't the same without Compiz and a good suite of supporting programs.

            Then there's fucking PulseAudio and its refusal to run 100% reliably, with all features running, on my sound hardware (Asus Xonar DX). Part of this is undoubtedly Asus' fault for not releasing proper drivers to enable Dolby et al, but part of it is just fucking PulseAudio. Fucking PulseAudio.

            Last is that it's been IME a huge pain in the ass to get multi-monitor support running properly compared to the epsilon effort on Windows. Again, a deal of this is going to be drivers, and I've had negative experiences with Intel and AMD video (haven't had an Nvidia card lately), but it really should be easier to get full-resolution dual-monitor 3D acceleration going. On Win7 you install the driver (often not requiring a reboot these days) and visit a single control panel to set resolution and screen position, done.

            [1] Ubuntu 10.04 with the window buttons moved back to the right is IMO about the high-water mark for Linux UIs right now.

      • by Vintermann ( 400722 ) on Tuesday November 20, 2012 @02:39AM (#42037793) Homepage

        Interesting fact: Sam Lantinga and Ryan C. Gordon, who now work with Steam on Linux, also ported the original Alpha Centauri game for Loki. Apparently it had some extremely hairy self-modifying assembly code to make the modular units crawl on hills correctly. I'd say those guys are very qualified.

    • by Virtucon ( 127420 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:17PM (#42035481)

      I agree. I've been able to get a lot of Windows games to run under Wine however it's always a PITA! There is Crossover but it still has it's issues as well. Frankly if they could get Halo or Borderlands to work well under Android, it wouldn't be much of a leap to get it on a Linux Distro.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by TheLink ( 130905 )
      You could also flip the question around and ask what Linux stuff is keeping you from using Windows?

      So why not run Windows and use Linux as a virtual guest. That way you can play Windows games AND use whatever flavour of Linux you prefer.
      • by MurukeshM ( 1901690 ) on Tuesday November 20, 2012 @12:28AM (#42037087)

        So I should cut off my arms and legs and use prosthetics just cause I need to use pliers every now and then?

      • License costs, hatred towards Microsoft, I-am-1337 feeling, lack of RAM, habit to name a few. Also it makes little sense to spend 95% of your time in a guest OS if the bulk of your work is done there. Not to mention that if you run some heavy stuff on your Linux-based OS (e.g a large DB or e-mail server) it makes really no sense to have a 16 GB RAM machine with Windows and ru n a 15 GB Linux guest on it.

      • You can also go the other way if you are willing to use Xen. You can run native (well, Dom0) linux and then run a Windows VM with a VGA-passthrough video card to it. It's non-trivial to setup but, I've played at least a dozen Windows big release games at max graphics on my linux workstation using this method.

        Hint: You will also need to get a PCI USB controller and a KVM to do this. (And, oddly, ATI cards are what you want for the passthrough card).

      • by Vintermann ( 400722 ) on Tuesday November 20, 2012 @02:45AM (#42037825) Homepage

        Well, these days, hardware support is a big one. I don't use Windows myself, but I had to help some friends reinstall Windows on an infected machine. It wouldn't even find drivers for the network card without network access and manual selection! When I popped in an Ubuntu memory stick, it detected everything. Even the fricking webcam was functional during the installation process.

        It's really amazing, considering that 7 years ago it was totally the other way around, you couldn't count on e.g. wireless cards working.

        That's one of the factors keeping me on Linux, I suppose. I bet if I tried to build a Windows gaming rig, I would be stuck in driver hell and/or end up with a half-broken, underperforming system.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by devent ( 1627873 )

        You could also flip the question around and ask what Linux stuff is keeping you from using Windows?

        That would be many many items on my list.
        First of all would be KDE.

        Then all the stuff where Windows sucks ass. For example with my Globe G3 stick: in Linux I plug the stick in and in 3 seconds I can connect using the network manager in KDE. In Windows I have first to wait until this stupid Globe Application have started, which takes about 20 seconds. Then it needs to discover the stick which takes another 20 seconds. Now I can connect.

        SSH in Linux is just plain simple: just enter ssh-add anywhere in a termi

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 19, 2012 @10:36PM (#42036273)

      I had a comp setup for Lord of the Rings Online for my granddaughter to play on, and the latest release broke it. Turned out there was a bug in WINE that was found and fixed the next day, based on my report and others. However, the WINE developers were extremely arrogant, and accused me of slacking because I didn't have a full development environment and couldn't get the compiles to work correctly. Turned out to be an issue with multi-architecture setup under the current Ubuntu 64-bit release, trying to compile Wine for 32-bit use, which was required for LOTRO to work correctly. This was not a 10-minute fix. It took several days of work trying to get the Ubuntu system working under multi-arch, and I finally just gave up. How many days can you go telling a small child she can't play her game? So I installed Win8 and she's happy again. My office comp still runs Linux, but I refuse to recommend it for less-than-knowledgeable users.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by wvmarle ( 1070040 )

        So I installed Win8 and she's happy again. My office comp still runs Linux, but I refuse to recommend it for less-than-knowledgeable users.

        This assumes most users are quite knowledgeable about Windows already.

        You may consider me a troll here, but I've just got exposed to Windows again, and not having used it for over a decade (Win 98 was the last one I really used) I can say I'm quite inexperienced and unknowledgeable about Windows, while being quite knowledgeable about Linux and it's quirks and shortcomings.

        A week or two ago I bought a netbook, with Win7 starter on it. Oh my, what an experience. It was like my first steps in Linux, really, I

  • by MrEricSir ( 398214 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:41PM (#42035011) Homepage

    Aside from a couple of great indie games, the majority of the games I've enjoyed in the past few months are not available for Linux.

    The opposite question would have a much shorter answer.

    • by stretch0611 ( 603238 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:33PM (#42035635) Journal

      Aside from a couple of great indie games, the majority of the games I've enjoyed in the past few months are not available for Linux.

      Actually, I feel the reverse... all of the games I have bought recently have been through the Humble Bundle which are all indie and all work on Linux. The few games that have not been through the Humble Bundle have been through and work on wine.

      The last big studio release I have bought was C&C 3. After that I just felt that DRM became too restrictive. (A big reason for buying humble bundle and GOG games.)

      I did buy one indie game about a year ago that did not work on Linux, and that was Torchlight. (which I recently was released under Linux through the humble bundle.) I actually ran Torchlight in a virtual machine.

      As suggested by the article, because I have not been beholden to windows only games, I have not used windows since XP.

  • by ALeader71 ( 687693 ) <glennsnead AT gmail DOT com> on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:41PM (#42035021)

    Drivers, installed base, drivers, familiar windows interface, drivers, most users can barely power their machine on much less install linux, drivers, forget installing linux software...see comment before the last comment, drivers, lack of vendor support, and drivers.

    Oh did I mention drivers?

    • by NoEvidenZ ( 807374 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:02PM (#42035305)
      I can't deny that Linux would confuse a great number of users from Windows and Mac, but it has come a long way in recent years in terms of both usability and driver support. The only issue here is vendor support, and we can't forget that video games are driving the industry. nVidia doesn't keep making more powerful graphics cards so Microsoft Word will look better and run faster, they do it because the games and gamers want more power. If one big game developer made a game for Linux, drivers would be developed alongside the game and the industry would soon follow.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The question wasn't "are you personally missing drivers for Linux", "do you feel that normal people could install Linux", or "is it important for all operating systems to have the familiar Windows interface". The question was which games would need to be available for Linux in order for you to switch to Linux. Or, if you prefer, if the games you need were available for Linux, would you run Linux instead of Mac OS X or Windows.

    • by Mad Merlin ( 837387 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:49PM (#42035805) Homepage

      Drivers, installed base, drivers, familiar windows interface, drivers, most users can barely power their machine on much less install linux, drivers, forget installing linux software...see comment before the last comment, drivers, lack of vendor support, and drivers.

      Oh did I mention drivers?

      You play weird video games. Personally, I like playing the "my computer works already, I didn't have to hunt down twenty drivers from twenty different sites and make sure I kept them all up to date individually" game, that's why I already use Linux (and have for nearly a decade).

    • Drivers, installed base, drivers, familiar windows interface, drivers, most users can barely power their machine on much less install Linux...

      In other words, what is needed is the OEM system bundle.

      The balanced and tested bundle of hardware of hardware and software backed by a warranty and sold under a recognizable brand name through familiar and trusted retail outlets.

      The retail shopper doesn't give a damn about FOSS.

      He will give a damn if he can't install Skype, play his favorite Internet radio stations, flash based games or instant Netflix videos.

      He will give a damn if he discovers --- far too late --- has to jump through hoops before he i

  • Microsoft Office (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:41PM (#42035025)

    To be honest - Microsoft Office. Most of the people I communicate with use MsOffice products, and yes, I have heard of OpenOffice and LibreOffice, however, their cross-compatibility is not perfect. This is a no-go - when I send a customer an important document - I have to be sure everything is looking good / professional and that the other side has no issues with what I sent them. When I receive a document from a client - I have to be sure I get exactly what the customer sent. Sometime PDF is not a valid solution. LibreOffice does not promise it to me, yet (in my current opinion).

    • Re:Microsoft Office (Score:4, Interesting)

      by ninja59 ( 1029474 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:03PM (#42035311)
      I have found the opposite to be true. For a long time my new windows boxes at work were producing .docx files my clients could not open. This problem seems to have gone away, but I have occasional formatting problems going from windows office machine 1 to windows office machine 2. It is almost always a margins problem, I don't really know why. It might be something intrinsic to résumés.
      The only superiority that I personally have found in Office is in Power Point, and, again this is my personal opinion, Power Point presentations should be illegal. They might just be the pretties, most inefficient way to present real information.
      With the exception of large spread sheets, PDF is always the way to go. You can open them in browsers now a days and if I want it presented in a very specific way, I usually don't want anyone to edit it along the way.
    • Re:Microsoft Office (Score:4, Informative)

      by MightyYar ( 622222 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:08PM (#42035377)

      Word is not a good format for exchanging documents that need to look the same between computers. Word formatting changes between versions and, worse, between default printers (depending on settings). Powerpoint is OK most of the time, provided you have the correct fonts and are running the same version. The entire Office suite gives you no way to easily tell what version the file originated with, or even if it came from a Mac or PC. These details make a big difference in layout.

      Point is, you should probably be insisting on PDFs for "important documents".


      If you're trying to save the cost of an Office license, then that's a different story.

    • by Zemran ( 3101 )

      If you really need Office, install it. The discussion was about which games people want. I have had Office running on all OSs and do not see what you are talking about. Codeweavers is better than wine for this but that is up to you as well. I no longer need or want the macros to run but when I did I would just install MSOffice on the Linux box. I switched to OSX and started to use Office for Mac but it is as bad as the Windows version. Now I prefer Pages but it does not matter because it is not releva

  • None (Score:4, Interesting)

    by yotto ( 590067 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:42PM (#42035037) Homepage

    I play a little (read: a lot of) Minecraft, which is available on Linux. The reason I started playing it in fact is because it was for Linux and that's all I had. I've also started accruing a library of games from Steam that I tend to not play, including a few games that I play online with friends. I suppose those games would keep me from switching back to Linux, all other things being equal.

    But in all honesty, I haven't switched back to Linux since Windows 7 came out because I don't mind using Windows 7. If it sucked, I'd be on Linux and no game could pull me back. But, much to the chagrin of many, Windows 7 is a pretty good OS and I have no problem using it even though I almost never play really serious games on my computer.

  • Can't Game (Score:3, Insightful)

    by smittyoneeach ( 243267 ) * on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:42PM (#42035047) Homepage Journal
    No attention span. I pick up a box in the store, feel the hours sucked vampirically from my body into the box. I put the box down.
    Disclaimer: it's really all the fault of Sid Meier's Civilization series.
  • by buddhaunderthetree ( 318870 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:44PM (#42035063)

    I'm really done with computer gaming. Now if you want to talk about how Netflix keeps me from using Linux, I'll be glad to talk.

  • by ihaveamo ( 989662 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:44PM (#42035069)

    Hell, I like to make things run on WINE, that's a game in itself!, but untill Joe Sixpack can drop in DVD / Download-and-play-with-one-click, LINUX gaming will struggle. (Remember even WINDOWS gaming is too hard for a lot of people, with DX updates, various runtimes, licensing, etc,etc .. thus, IMHO, console sales)

  • My last 2 computers had the obligatory Linux partition on the HDD, yet I never loaded Linux on either. Why? Cygwin. I can work in a *nix environment and game in a Windows environment.

    So even though I first used Unix in '84, Linux in '94, and have written a handful of Linux device drivers, I don't see the need to run Linux at home.

  • None (Score:5, Interesting)

    by connor4312 ( 2608277 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:46PM (#42035081)
    The only reason Windows still lurks in my computer is Photoshop. True, GIMP is good, but it just doesn't measure up in terms of features or speed of workflow.
  • iRacing is practically all I have time for, as it eats a LOT of time. But even if that didn't exist, practically every other game that exists is for Windows anyways. I'm fine sticking with Windows until every single game is available for Linux.

  • Xwing (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Ashenkase ( 2008188 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @08:57PM (#42035227)
    • Tie Fighter
    • Xwing vs Tiefigher
    • Bwing
    • Xwing Alliance

    Any of those will do.

  • I like having the option to play new games or whatever games I stumble upon.

    I do not know "what games I cannot live without" but in the last few months I have been playing:

    League of Legends
    Cockatrice (free online magic the gathering program)

    And I have FTL and XCOM Enemy Unkonwn installed and ready to check out when I have free time.

  • by ArhcAngel ( 247594 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:02PM (#42035297)
    The Halo series?
  • by ThePeices ( 635180 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:02PM (#42035303)

    Instead of complaining about this and that, ill do as the summary asks and actually list the games I currently cant do without:

      - EVE Online
      - Most of the DCS series ( A-10 Warthog, Black Shark )
      - MS Flight Sim X
      - Civilization V
      - ARMA II
      - PKR

  • by Philotomy ( 1635267 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:13PM (#42035427)
    I'm already running Linux instead of Windows or OS X, so I guess my answer is "none of them." Games aren't very high on my software priority list. That said, I'd probably buy some titles, if they were available on Linux.
  • Currently? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Sycraft-fu ( 314770 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:21PM (#42035513)

    Xcom 2012, Civ 5, Elemental Fallen Enchantress, Fallout New Vegas, Battlefield 3, and Medieval 2 Total War. Those are the games I've installed and play as the mood strikes me. However they aren't the only ones, I have a list of other games I own but haven't the time to play yet. More or less I want all of the games. I love games, and I own a ton.

    Games aren't the only things though, I'd also need Cakewalk Sonar (and affiliated plugins), or something very much like it, Native Instruments Kontakt and EastWest Play.

    I'd also need support for my hardware, some of which is a bit esoteric (like a MCU Pro).

    If I had a good DAW, good VIs, and all the games, I suppose I could consider switching. Of course I'd still need to be sold on a reason as to why, since personally I find Linux more frustrating to use.

    However it isn't as simple as one or two games. I want all of the games I have, and all the new ones that spark my fancy.

  • by spaceman375 ( 780812 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:23PM (#42035555)
    We all vote for Civilization. Most people are holding back just because they realize lifetimes are finite.
    • by Rhys ( 96510 )

      I'd vote for civ, but I have to finish one more turn first.

      See also: XCom.

  • by apharmdq ( 219181 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:25PM (#42035573)

    I mostly play indie games nowadays, and the ones I like tend to release Linux clients. Other games I really like (read Warsow) are already for Linux. On the RTS front, I really only play Supreme Commander, and with the success of the Planetary Annihilation Kickstarter, it won't be long until my RTS itch is taken care of. On the RPG front, there are rumors that The Witcher 2 is being considered for a Linux release, and if that's true, we can expect CDP's future games to be on Linux too. I do really like the Evochron series, but as much as I bug Starwraith about it, they just don't have the resources to port it over, so I guess that would be a major reason.

    So right now is essentially a transition period to using Linux on my main, gaming desktop for good. All my other computers already run Linux.

  • by DaveAtFraud ( 460127 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:29PM (#42035611) Homepage Journal

    I spend a lot of time playing solitaire instead of doing something useful. Yeah, it's the Linux version but I don't consider playing Solitaire to be "using Linux."


  • by wallbase ( 2773553 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:29PM (#42035615)

    To be honest, I'm relatively happy with the combination of FOSS games, indie games like in the Humble Bundles, and older commercial games like Doom 3 and Wolf-ET such that gaming solely in Linux wouldn't be an issue for me. The problem, however, is a question of effort. Let me list one example:

    - Doom 3 -

    * Install game
    * Patch
    * Play

    * Install using the latest Linux installer using the text interface (which was only supposed to be a backup in case the GUI works, which it doesn't anymore because it was built to use the GTK1.2 libraries which don't work properly/aren't available with modern distributions).
    * Copy the required .pak files from the game's CDs to where the binary is installed, because the official installer won't do it automatically (though it's possible someone's written a script to do this by now).
    * Run, then find out there's no sound because OSS was deprecated in modern Linux distributions. Spend an hour googling and trying different options until you find out the correct method to launch D3 with sound:

    doom3 +set s_alsa_pcm plughw:0 +set s_driver alsa

    * Create a .desktop file/link because the installer fails to do so properly, otherwise you don't get a shortcut in your DE of choice.
    * Play, then discover you have massively jerky framerates because the Linux kernel changed to use a different method of timing (too complicated for me to understand) which affected how Doom 3 determines timing. Fixed using this additional variable during launch

    set com_fixedtic 1

    * Play and enjoy the same game that worked with far less effort in Windows.

    Sure, half the problem was in iD not giving a crap at producing a good installer that would do most of the work for you (like copying required files) and not using static GTK libraries that would survive changes to distros. But things like the removal of OSS within the default builds of distros as well as the change to kernel timings, kinda do make a few problems for older games.

    Newer stuff tends to works better, but often there are quirks even in newer Linux ports (I won't keep listing stuff but there are a number of complaints about bad Linux ports of a number of Humble Bundle games - look them up). For gaming, I get tired of messing about when things just fucking WORK in Windows. It's suppose to be entertainment and escapism after all.

  • by ndogg ( 158021 ) <(moc.liamg) (ta) (nrohr.eht)> on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:34PM (#42035657) Homepage Journal

    Oh, come on, Gabe, we know it's you. ;)

  • A lot (Score:4, Insightful)

    by __aardcx5948 ( 913248 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:36PM (#42035675)

    Steam on Linux will be nice.

    Mostly it's Battlefield 3 and the likes (new games with shiny graphics and DRM), they won't work well or at all.

  • It's not about games (Score:4, Interesting)

    by roc97007 ( 608802 ) on Monday November 19, 2012 @09:45PM (#42035773) Journal

    I don't know the demographics, but it's really not games that's keeping me personally on Winders. I want Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Creative Suite (not freeware "alternatives", not fiddling around with Wine but those specific applications running natively on, hell, any Linux distro) and something reasonably like the full version of Nero. Give me those working well on Linux, and I will gladly leave Windows and never look back.

    If it's about content, let's port the prime content creators.

Surprise due today. Also the rent.
