Torvalds Uses Profanity To Lambaste Romney Remarks 1223
netbuzz writes "Last night Linux creator Linus Torvalds took to his Google+ page and called Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney 'a f***ing moron.' Torvalds' stated reason? Romney's much-ridiculed suggestion that air passengers would be safer in emergencies if aircraft windows could be opened (a suggestion which some, including Snopes.com, have taken as a joke). Torvalds also recently called Mormonism, Romney's religion, 'bats**t crazy.' Is this just Linus being Linus? Or does such outspokenness on non-technical matters reflect poorly on the Linux community that Torvalds leads?"
Reflects poorly (Score:5, Insightful)
idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Insightful)
I do agree with him in this sense: you shouldn't need to censor your personal thoughts just for political correctness. Or even "professionalism", as TFA asks for. Even if you're someone of popularity. It shouldn't reflect at all on the Linux community, in the same way Reiser FS didn't become complete shit after Hans' better judgement slipped away from him.
Could he have used more mature words? Sure. But does anyone really care?
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:4, Insightful)
you shouldn't need to censor your personal thoughts just for political correctness. Or even "professionalism", as TFA asks for. Even if you're someone of popularity. It shouldn't reflect at all on the Linux community
Exactly. On top of this - every actor, actress, musician on the planet is allowed to voice their opinion on politics, religion, etc - but if a technical guy such as Linus does, it is unprofessional?
And just for the record - Mormonism is batshit crazy. It takes an unprecedented level of double-think to believe Joseph Smith's story about the golden plates that no-one ever saw, and his excuses for why he couldn't translate the same transcript the same way twice.
Linus shouldn't need to apologise for a statement that is objectively and obviously correct.
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Interesting)
I agree with your analysis that the fragmentation of US national solidarity for health insurance etc. is founded on sublime racism. It is a quite Straussian perspective but I think it applies.
In Europe freaky aggressive policy communication is usually the business of the "progressive" left and the right fringe. Conservatives are conservative, that is they restrain themselves. They don't engage in negative campaigning. You could say, conservatism is policy making for grandpas, not disgruntled haters. Europe is multicultural but equally struggles to create cohesion. But we see the emergence of right wing populist parties like FPÖ [www.fpoe.at] in Austria, PVV/Wilders [wikipedia.org] in the Netherlands and others which adopt communications similar to US Republicans. They are mostly immune to scandals, poltical legacy and refuted facts, thus not conservative. Even Obama's positions would be unacceptable to modern European conservatives [www.epp.eu] because he endorses death penalty, torture and targeted killings.
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:4, Insightful)
Does it take more double think than that required for someone dying on Friday and coming back on Sunday?
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Insightful)
Does it take more double think than that required for someone dying on Friday and coming back on Sunday?
Well Mormonism includes all the christian/catholic double think, and then adds the extra levels of Joseph Smith double think. So by definition I guess that it requires more .
While I might be crazy (Score:4, Interesting)
my religion isn't. I am a Mormon. I guess I should be offended by what Torvalds said, but if I go around getting offended by every time somebody says something unthinking or inaccurate, then I won't live my life. Perhaps if all I knew about my faith came from people ranting on the internet I guess that I would be scared too. But here is the thing. When I find someone who makes a pretty easy factual mistake about something, I can ignore the rest of what they say pretty easily. For example. Lets say that you read a history textbook that says that Theodore Roosevelt ended World War II by dropping an H-bomb on Tokyo in 1946. Would you pay any attention at all to any analysis that that book made? If you know anything about history, you could quite easily detect the subtle yet easily identifiable mistakes that someone not quite in the know would make. If you didn't know any better, you could conceivably believe the person. But you would be wrong.
OK, so how does that apply here? You said, "golden plates that no-one ever saw". Now, if you knew even a smidgen of Mormon history you would know about the three Witnesses and the eight Witnesses. In fact, their testimony is printed in every Book of Mormon. Each of those eleven men to their dying day never denied seeing the plates. Some people after interviewing them tried to explain away, or spin what was said so Martin Harris and David Whitmer countered newspaper accounts with their own newspaper advertisements. Even fifty years after the fact, after Joseph Smith was long dead and the LDS church was in Utah, Whitmer 1000 miles away safely in Missouri could have easily denied his testimony but expressed the truth of what he saw and said on his deathbed. He even had it engraved on his tombstone. To state that "no-one ever saw" the plates (or claimed to have seen the plates) is a serious misrepresentation of historical record. So, any further analysis that you might bring is "objectively and obviously" incorrect.
Most of the stuff deemed "bat XXXX crazy" really comes from people and books who falsify and misrepresent our church and its beliefs. It is very disappointing that people who consider themselves intelligent and open minded really aren't. I guess it is ok to make fun of us, just realize that you are being a bigot while you do it.
So, the next time you have something glib to say about Mormons, just run it by a real Mormon first. We'll tell you the truth.
Re:While I might be crazy (Score:5, Insightful)
So, the next time you have something glib to say about Mormons, just run it by a real Mormon first. We'll tell you the truth.
If I ask a Catholic about Catholicism, they'll tell me the truth, if I ask a Muslim about Islam, they'll tell me the truth, if I ask a Hindu about Hindi, they'll tell me the truth, etc.
When I add all those truths together, I'll realise that none of them can be correct without falsifying the others, and so it is unlikely that any of their statements can objectively be considered truth. Especially when there is no existing external evidence to support any of these truths.
I know about the three and the eight witnesses, and other people in this thread have debunked them adequately- including the reasons why they didn't recant. You may be a nice person, and I'm sorry that you base your morals and ethics on a foundation that has no basis in fact. For the record, my statement was about the Mormon religion, not the Mormon people. I don't blame people for holding beliefs that they were indoctrinated with from an early age. However, I believe that people can have sound morals and ethics without appealing to a supernatural authority.
A bigot is someone who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief or opinion. As a strong atheist, I am a bigot about religion in much the same way I am a bigot about my mathematical belief that 1+1=2, that is, there is no question about the facts.
I don't believe that religions should get a pass when being analysed under the spot light of critical thinking, and I certainly don't think that they should get tax-exempt status. It is a pity that so much of the world labours under the misconceptions of their religious belief. I can only hope that one day, with enough education, religions will become as rare as they deserve.
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Insightful)
oh yeah, so I and another 11 people tell you we saw Michael Jackson pissing from above a pink cloud the other day, the fact that I'm not alone in the bullshit makes me credible? give me a fucking break will ya
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Interesting)
Joseph Smith also married the wife of Orson Hyde while Hyde was away serving a mission in Jerusalem/Palestine. While Orson and Nancy Hyde divorced later in life, THEY WERE MARRIED when Smith supposedly received a revelation from God that they should be married, despite Nancy Hyde already being married to Orson Hyde.
The events I'm referring to are colloquially known as "history" and you should try reading some before repeating the same nonsense you've been told since you were a kid. Do some research and you'll discover the exact same things I discovered. IT SUCKS. I was devastated. I eventually got over the fact that the people who lied to me were well-meaning and didn't realize they were lied to as well.
Uncle Joe was a con-man, a swindler, and a womanizer and he documented such in his own journals. Read the Joseph Smith Papers, volumes 1 and 2. Prepare to have your faith shattered, my friend. He documented his own exploits and still people believe the nonsense, it's absolutely incredible.
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Insightful)
Does it reflect poorly on the linux community? Don't know about that one. Anybody that's even aware that a linux community exists is probably far more interested in technology than Linus's opinions of various politicians. On the other hand I can't think of a single way it could reflect well on the community.
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't know what he said about Mormonism, but I don't think that should matter either in terms of Linux. If Mormons can't see past one dev, can't see that Linus is just one cog in a very large machine, that's their problem and not his. There will always be political things for some people to worry about, but traditionally devs are more about solving problems than massaging peoples' egos. It's not really that surprising that he's blunt and outspoken.
And why is religion special from anything else, in that it becomes poor form to criticize one after it graduates from being a cult?
I'm Confused... (Score:5, Funny)
...when you say "cult," are you referring to Mormonism or Linux?
Re:I'm Confused... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:4, Insightful)
Have you ever heard somebody saying things like "people are fucking stupid", "people are morons", etc.?
Do you really think 7B people get upset over this or even care?
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Funny)
BTW, Mr. Stupid is getting rather annoyed and wishes that Muhammad would stop fucking him.
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Insightful)
Case in point:
The dominant religion in the United States is Christianity
The main target audience of South Park are United States citizens
South Park frequently parodies Christianity
Somehow, not only are Parker and Stone still alive (and to my knowledge, have never had violence committed against them due to South Park Jesus), but their show is quite popular in a country where the show makes fun of the dominant religion...
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Interesting)
Aren't they too busy being "bats**t crazy" to care about what Torvalds says?
Though I admit, getting my very own planet in the afterlife is a pretty tempting proposition.
[I know too many really good and decent devout people to absolutely discount religious beliefs, and the big ones are based upon centuries, if not millennia of tradition. So I have something of a grandfather-clause when it comes to ridiculing religion. If your religion was created after the development of the steam engine, you're a crackpot. If your religion pre-dates the steam engine, I'm careful not to insult your beliefs. I'm considering pushing it back to Newton, but for now, the steam engine is the cutoff.
I know it's kind of arbitrary, but I've found it to be a very reliable rule-of-thumb. ]
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:4, Informative)
Somehow I have a feeling, that of those 15M mormons, only about 14.9M of them would be saying "Linus who?" if they read any of this.
Only in a community like Slashdot is this guy revered as some kind of opinion maker. Not a single damn is given in the rest of society.
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Insightful)
Bright or not, that would be caving to alleged mormon influence, as in "don't piss us off or we will hurt you"
Which smacks of intimidation.
What are they going to do, make all of their business investments run Windows servers?
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Funny)
No, UnixWare servers.
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Interesting)
On behalf of all Mormons, you guys are making a far bigger deal out of it than we are. I read it and just went... meh.. it's Linus being Linus.
I think we can handle' Linus' opinion after. oh, having the US Gov't try to exterminate us and being the target of 'Christian' hate, I mean Love, for a couple hundred years that resulting in smear campaigns, regular protests in front of our places of worship, tar and feathering, burning down our homes, raping our women and killing our children and murdering our leaders....
Linus, no problem. I'll take Linus' love over 'Christian' love any day.
Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score:5, Insightful)
Why are you a mormon? Is it because you looked at all available religions and selected the one that seemed closest to the truth as you see it? Or was it because your parents are mormon?
Re:Reflects poorly (Score:5, Insightful)
so ... you're incapable of seeing two sides of the same person? if you disagree with them in one arena, you can't respect them in another? that seems a little simplistic.
Re:Fortunately, Romney isn't a Democrat (Score:5, Interesting)
Oh, I can certainly point out some odious Democrats.
During the SOPA hearings, I became particularly incensed at Maxine Waters. What a waste of everybody's time she is. She and a most on both sides of the aisle didn't particularly "get" why SOPA was a bad idea. Watt was similarly a waste of oxygen and body heat in that chamber. Only a handful like Polis (D), Lofgren(D), Lungren(R), and Issa (R) and got it. Hell, Polis even understood what the hell Bitcoin, TOR, and Silk Road are. The response on /g/ was "oh god, he knows!"
Re:Fortunately, Romney isn't a Democrat (Score:5, Insightful)
Celebrities go around spouting politics all the time. They even tell us about the science of vaccines, etc.
A smart person voices a political opinion and it's a scandal? We should be backing him up, not trying to silence him.
Re:Fortunately, Romney isn't a Democrat (Score:5, Insightful)
It's only hate speech if it's not true.
Seems like it's most likely to be branded "hate speech" when it is true.
"Hate speech" is just like the false accusations of "racism" and so on. It's a way to try to shut down the discussion at the point where it'd be appropriate to acknowledge that a valid point has been made. It's a cowardly escape route. It's for childish people who think that disagreeing with somoene makes them THE ENEMY and so admitting when THE ENEMY has made a good point and dealing with it like a mature adult (which, oh my god, might involve changing your own point of view) would mean aiding and abetting THE ENEMY. So clearly that can't be done.
Some kind of character attack must be made instead, of course with no corresponding burden of proof. I mean "racist" is a pretty damned serious accusation. It's like calling someone a thief -- you better have evidence. But the goal is not to fulfill a burden of proof. It is to shut down the conversation.
I don't know how it happened but a lot of two-year-olds somehow ended up in adult bodies. Perhaps our scientists should look into this.
Re:Fortunately, Romney isn't a Democrat (Score:5, Insightful)
Seems like it's most likely to be branded "hate speech" when it is true.
Are you feeling sore or something? There is nothing mysterious about the term "Hate speech" - if the purpose of your speech is to inflame hatred in your audience, then it is hate speech. Of course, it is sometimes a matter of interpretation what the purpose of anybody's words is, but since the purpose of hate speech is to whip up feelings, it will usually be rather short on objectivity while things like accusations and generalisations come thick and fast.
It is perfectly possible to discuss even serious and difficult problems without inciting hate - one good way would be to start out by seeking out any common ground and looking for reasonable solutions.
There is an disturbing irony in the fact that the extremists on both sides of any conflict are so often helping each other by polarising the situation - the anti-muslim extremists are very much carrying fuel to the muslim extremists' bonfire, and are in that sense betraying their own people. To an objective person, the real conflict is not between "The Muslims" and "The Christians", but between those in the middle and the extremists on both sides.
Hmm, I see I have gone OT, sorry about that - but I think what I say is valid in general, and who knows, it may even apply to the subject at hand.
Re:Fortunately, Romney isn't a Democrat (Score:5, Insightful)
"Of course, it is sometimes a matter of interpretation what the purpose of anybody's words is..."
This is the entire problem with the any description of "Hate Speech." It is left to the eye of the beholder - which is the very definition of subjective.
How can you have free speech when another persons interpretation can turn it into a crime?
Look - there is nothing in the Constitution about being guaranteed a right to not be uncomfortable with what someone else says, but rather the guarantee is to the person causing the discomfort! If someone chooses to make an extreme comment - then judge them as you will, but it shouldn't be a crime unless someone is harmed physically, or property is destroyed by the person doing the speaking!
Re:Fortunately, Romney isn't a Democrat (Score:5, Interesting)
There are hundreds of other candidates, none of which are will likely even have a remote shot of actually winning the election.
One person that is likely going to at least appear on a number of ballots throughout America is Gary Johnson [wikipedia.org], the current Libertarian Party candidate. If you really can't stomach either Romney nor Obama, that is at least one person to cast that kind of dissenting vote against both political parties. There are currently a total of five presidential candidates [thegreenpapers.com] that in theory could win the presidency by virtue of the fact that they are officially on enough ballots in enough states with enough electoral votes that something really drastic happening between now and November could open a way for one of those other candidates to actually win. Outside of those five candidates, everybody else really is a fringe candidate and doesn't even have a theoretical chance of winning.
I'm still undecided in terms of who I will vote for this November, and Gary Johnson is looking pretty nice right now. I'm under no illusion that he even has a remote shot of winning, but it at least gives me somebody to look at other than those other two major party candidates.
Listening to the video (Score:5, Interesting)
I had no clue in Romney's tone or anything else he was joking.
Re:Listening to the video (Score:5, Funny)
Romneybot isn't programmed for the emotion known as "humor."
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
Come on (Score:4, Insightful)
I had no clue in Romney's tone or anything else he was joking.
It was obvious from his tone in the video (and from body language, and from his laughing while saying it) he was joking. The reporter who was actually there said he was joking. No rational person on earth thinks airplane windows should roll down.
Re:Come on (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Come on (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Come on (Score:5, Informative)
I was being sarcastic.
It is NOT obvious he was joking (Score:5, Insightful)
Here's the video:
http://www.politico.com/multimedia/video/2012/09/romney-airplane-windows-not-opening-a-real-problem.html [politico.com]
Judge for yourself. My only comment is that IF he was joking, he really needs to work on his delivery.
Re:Come on (Score:5, Insightful)
Romney has crossed "Poe's Threshold", the point where it's no loner certain whether his statements are serious or facetious.
Re:Come on (Score:5, Interesting)
How many rational people strap the dog kennel to the roof of the car?
Re:Listening to the video (Score:5, Insightful)
A Republican gaffe is when they state their party platform in public.
Re:Listening to the video (Score:4, Insightful)
A Republican gaffe is when they state their party platform in public.
You got that right. 98% of the Republican party's difficulties come from the fact that they have to pretend they're about something other than plutocracy.
Re:Listening to the video (Score:5, Funny)
A Republican gaffe is when they state their party platform in public.
You got that right. 98% of the Republican party's difficulties come from the fact that they have to pretend they're about something other than plutocracy.
Sigh... If I was clever I would have said "99%".
Come on Slashdot, seriously? (Score:5, Informative)
For those having issues understanding the summary, here's the plain text:
'a f***ing moron' = ' a fucking moron'
'bats**t crazy' = 'batshit crazy'
Hope this helps.
Official Statement of the Open Source Community (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Come on Slashdot, seriously? (Score:5, Funny)
Weird, I was seeing something different:
'fhunter2ing moron' and 'batshunter2t crazy'
Re:Seriously (Score:5, Funny)
He actually apologized (Score:5, Informative)
Apologies not appropriate, says the Romney camp (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:He actually apologized (not) (Score:5, Insightful)
I hate to have to retract my statement after it has already gone +5 Informative. But it was technically incorrect. He didn't actually apologize. What he said was:
Ok, since I publicly called the guy a f*cking moron, I guess I should also publicly follow up: it does seem Romney was joking. Whew.
Which my brain, fluent in Torvaldish, automatically translated into the English
I am ever so sorry, it seems I have wronged you my good sir. My deepest apologies etc. etc.
Oh my goodness gracious! (Score:5, Insightful)
"does such outspokenness on non-technical matters reflect poorly on the Linux community that Torvalds leads?"
Every member of the Linux community checks to see what Linus is wearing before getting dressed in the morning, right? No? Then why are you asking such an apparently stupid question?
freedom of speech (Score:5, Insightful)
Bask in it, motherfuckers.
Re:freedom of speech (Score:5, Insightful)
You can celebrate the freedom without celebrating each usage of that freedom.
Re:freedom of speech (Score:5, Insightful)
You can celebrate the freedom without celebrating each usage of that freedom.
By simple reasoning you then start celebrating a freedom that has no usage whatsoever. For example, you can say again and again that the USA is the most free country in the world, or that it has the lowest taxes and the best business climate. It's very convenient when people learn a dogma without any proof of its validity today. That's why a freedom must be exercised, and only those exercises should be celebrated - and failures to exercise a freedom must be noted and counter-celebrated. Otherwise you will end up with First Amendment Zones, and the only allowed freedom of speech will be the freedom to wholeheartedly agree with the powerful of this world - and only when it's convenient for them.
Ehh. (Score:5, Insightful)
Linus is entitled to his opinions no matter how correct they are. However, I would go further and say that the two party system is largely staffed by fucking corrupt morons, and that if you think they are different you are batshit crazy. The two parties are just two arms of the *same machine*. Thank you.
"Political Correctness" (Score:5, Insightful)
Speaking of people being morons... (Score:5, Informative)
The problem is that the reporter that originally covered this (New York Times's Ashley Parker) has stated that Romney said it in the form of a joke and was not being serious. Seems like not being a moron is a fine line even for Linux creators.
Ashley’s response to the question:
The Los Angeles Times story that relayed Romney’s airplane remark to the world was based off a pool report written by the New York Times‘s Ashley Parker. When we asked Parker this morning whether it seemed as if Romney made the mark in jest, she left no doubt. “Romney was joking,” she e-mailed. Parker told us that while the pool report didn’t explicitly indicate that Romney was joking, it was self-evident that he was. ”The pool report provided the full transcript of his comments on Ann’s plane scare,” she said, “and it was clear from the context that he was not being serious.”
Re:Speaking of people being morons... (Score:5, Insightful)
Doesn't matter now, damage has already been done. It's amazing how whenever the news media doesn't like a politician they will release half-truths, outright lies, and stuff taken out of context and plaster the world with it. Then a few days later a little snippet of, "Oh, we were bad, we're sorry, honest!"
Re:Speaking of people being morons... (Score:5, Insightful)
Interesting how some people can fully justify blatant media bias.
Bias should bother you, whether it's a candidate you like or dislike, you should be comfortable knowing that the news your receive is honest. When you are accepting of what is an outright lie, you are allowing yourself to live in a fantasy world.
Ask Mark Twain about calling a thing by its name (Score:5, Interesting)
What a loaded question. "Does it reflect badly and cause of loss of reputation", what... that someone calls a batshit crazy religion batshit crazy? Didn't hurt Mark Twain's reputation much.
http://www.salamandersociety.com/marktwain/ [salamandersociety.com]
So I guess the answer is no.
Re:Ask Mark Twain about calling a thing by its nam (Score:4, Insightful)
Some points (Score:4, Insightful)
Some points:
1. All religion is bats**t crazy. Mormonism is just bats**t crazy with nuts on top.
2. Linus is probably one of the most important figures in the technology industry during the last 20 years or so. Because of that he is a public figure, so like Romney his offhand statements are bound to be criticized, analyzed, etc. He's much less of a public figure than most politicians so he probably isn't used to this as much, but I guess he'll have to. However, he's not a politician, he's a technical leader, so I think people *should* lay off analyzing such comments.
3. Linus is known for speaking his mind and being somewhat harsh. I don't think Linux would have happened otherwise. However, compared to RMS, Linus is a real gentleman.
The idea isn't so crazy. (Score:4, Insightful)
Grown man says "fuck" on social site no one uses. (Score:4, Insightful)
And then apologizes the next day because the idiot on MSNBC got it wrong.
And we wonder why politicians never speak their minds about anything under any circumstances.
Mormons (Score:5, Insightful)
In my experience, people who criticize Mormonism and call it "batshit insane" don't know anything about it other than "Magic Underwear! Har har har!" and the other tripe they've seen on TV. Nor do they actually know any Mormons. They don't know a thing about the history, the reasons why they do, or don't do, certain things.
It's pretty obnoxious. Mormons are good people - they have different values and traditions than a lot of others, and some of them are certainly weird from an outsider's perspective, but they're good people. You don't see Mormons blowing up buildings. They're more likely to be seen helping needy people - and not making a big deal out of it.
I'd rather live next to a dozen Mormon families than be surrounded by "trollololol spageti monster har har arent i funy" types.
And no, not those fringe cults that bonk 12 year old girls say they're Mormon - because they're not.
I'm sure I'll get flamed for daring to defend a Mormon though, because this is Slashdot and FSM forbid I actually, you know, say anything GOOD about religious people...
Re:Mormons (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Mormons (Score:5, Informative)
Some Scotsmen might have something to say about that [wikipedia.org]
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
Goose Sauce Gander Sauce (Score:5, Insightful)
The irony is palpable. Romney's camp is accusing his opponents of misquoting him, but the centerpiece of Romney's campaign against Obama is a misquote of Obama saying "Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen" where they cut out the first part so it says "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen" - something very different.
Romney's camp can't have it both ways: If they want to run on the Obama misquote then how about they accept Romney doesn't understand why aircraft windows don't open.
And as usual, the real issues remain pushed to the sideline as too hard for an electorate who don't have an attention span that lasts long than a soundbite.
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Technically speaking (Score:5, Informative)
Technically speaking, the poster is incorrect in referring to Linus Torvalds's comments as "profanity". They are, instead, vulgarity (common or coarse language), rather than profanity (language which demeans the sacred).
Hey ... I'm a writer. I can't help myself.
ICYMI, some jets have windows that open inflight (Score:4, Interesting)
Boeing 737 and Airbus 320 for example.
If he wasn't joking: For venting smoke, the airbus manual says (or used to say) you have to reduce speed to below 200 knots. You should be at low altitude, of course.
Despite studies showing these it not much good in venting this way, crews still desire to do it.
I looked and Romney didn't say anything about " passengers rolling down the windows at 30,000 feet and at 500 knots."
That's just wild ass charicature circle jerking. What he said was that they (FAA? Manufacturer? Leasor?) should allow it. He might have been reflecting the crew's sentiments.
Venting air via an open window could be done using air rams to maintain pressure. The FAA doesn't like the planes slowing down and dropping altitude to do it for delayed landing, reduced cummonication, and analysis of In effectiveness.
Wide body jets are particularly bad aerodynamically to allow venting based on studies.
planes in the US May have their windows bolted shut, I don't know about that.
But I do know that even today there are planes evenin commercial service that have windows that can be opened in flight and older flight manuals gave instructions on how to do it in the event of smoke or fire. (btw, fire can be bad because the vacuum can pull it into other areas of the plane).
Anyway, I don't get Linus' reaction as I when I read the quote in the la times I immediately thought I understood what he was saying.
The planes are made with opening windows, but I don't know
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Insightful)
Slashdot sleaze (Score:5, Insightful)
who's F**king Moronic idea was it, that this is even /. newsworthy?
In the run up to the US election, any excuse to publish political story will be taken. It guarantees hundreds of posts ignoring the supposed topic, just rehashing the usual political talking points.
And why is this dumb story sourced to "networkworld.com"? These assholes are just playing the same game, getting pagehits. Link to what Linus actually wrote: https://plus.google.com/+LinusTorvalds/posts/2Z4pgYDFeEm?hl=en [google.com]
Linus is allowed to have personal opinions. He's not putting "Fuck Romney" in the Linux kernel, just writing a personal blog.
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Funny)
You should work as a PR spokesperson for some politician or something :)
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Insightful)
It does not follow that if you are speaking honestly, that makes your community look good.
Example: If Linus feels that all women should be raped, that would not make anybody look good.
All that said. I personally don't give a fuck.
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Funny)
Mormons are here to make scientology look credible. You want to see bat-shit crazy, just research some Mormon stuff. From baptizing dead jews to getting their own planets, they have some crazy stuff going on in there.
Mormonism vs Christianity http://mormoninfo.org/ [mormoninfo.org]
The best gag was from a comic when Bush was still in office. The comic was asked what he thought about a Mormon president. After a pause, he shrugged meh, what's one letter?
Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Insightful)
Since Linus is speaking honestly, he makes the entire community look good.
or that Obama has time for Letterman, The View, Beyonce and JayZ
It's campaign season. Get over it. Every sitting president has campaigned whether it's town hall meetings, stump speeches or TV shows.
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Insightful)
Some of this is BS like the amount of time Obama has spent with this national security team.
What's Romney's policy on Libya? What is Romney's policy on terrorism? Other than "not apologizing" he seems to mostly agree with Obama. So his policy is what, do what Obama wants just be more of a jackass while doing it?
Romney has repeatedly refused to answer any questions on the budget. Obama's budget's conversely have been rather good blocking Republican spending cuts and continuing the 2009 budget more or less indefinitely.
As for more people being on food stamps or jobs. Obama (or more accurately Pelosi) would love to pass something like the WPA and get them off food stamps and into government jobs. Dire poverty has far more to do with Republicans failing to provide needed stimulus.
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Insightful)
Romney does come from one of the most liberal states in the country. So much so that he's not likely to even win his own state in the election. He's closer to, say, a Texas Democrat or Oregon Republican (read: fairly moderate) than the asshat fundamentalist that he's been trying to portray himself as in order to get the nomination. So of course nothing much makes sense. He's not being himself in any of this and refuses to say anything lest he be branded as a liberal by most of the extreme right in his party. After all, his positions ARE pretty similar to Obama's.
The problem is that he was a moderately conservative (his being a complete jerk aside) governor in an extremely liberal state who was pushed into the feeding frenzy that is Washington politics. So of course he got blind-sided. What he considered normal conservative practices and ideology wasn't even on the same planet as what the embittered fanatics in the RNC were espousing on a national level. Note how even Ron Paul also got pushed so hard to the right that he wasn't even able to say much of anything about his core Libertarian beliefs in the primaries.
As for Torvalds, he's as much of a spokesperson for Linux and its various distros and forks as Bill Gates is for Microsoft at this point. He has some connection to the product that he created, but essentially doesn't actually do anything meaningful at this point.
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Insightful)
or that Obama has time for Letterman, The View, Beyonce and JayZ
You realize that he's campaigning, right? These public appearances are part of his campaign. It might be nice if a sitting president didn't have to spend much of his 4th year in a reelection campaign, but I'm not sure how to do that. Maybe longer terms with a single-term limit?
he and his wife flew out to NY on the taxpayer dime for dinner and a Broadway show
People make this complaint about every president - the president really has no choice in the matter, he can't book a ticket on a commercial flight and slip away to NYC for a private weekend with his wife. All of his trips, regardless of reason come with immense security that most individuals cannot afford to pay, so every trip is on the taxpayer's dime. This is the tradeoff we make between protecting our top leaders and saving money. Is there any candidate that will promise to never go on vacation? Would you want such a candidate in office?
the fact that he's spending more time of the golf course than with his financial advisors and his national security team combined
In nearly 3-1/2 years (1200 days), he's played 100 rounds of golf. Once every 12 days. At 6 hours each, that's 600 hours. or 30 minutes/day. Sounds like a reasonable recreational activity. Many people think that recreation outside of work helps them stay more focused on their job, and I'd imagine that's true even for presidents. And much of his golf is played on military courses, which reduces the security expenses paid by taxpayers.
fact that a budget has not been passed since Obama has been in office
Congress has done a lot of things poorly since Obama has been in office, but that doesn't mean Obama is solely to blame.
or the fact that more people are on food stamps, are in poverty and/or can't find a job....
Maybe it takes more than 4 years to completely turn around a huge economic downturn that the entire world is still suffering from.
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Interesting)
People make this complaint about every president - the president really has no choice in the matter, he can't book a ticket on a commercial flight and slip away to NYC for a private weekend with his wife. All of his trips, regardless of reason come with immense security that most individuals cannot afford to pay, so every trip is on the taxpayer's dime. This is the tradeoff we make between protecting our top leaders and saving money. Is there any candidate that will promise to never go on vacation? Would you want such a candidate in office?
But if something did happen, can't you just elect a new president?
Sure, and there is a succession plan 18 people deep to decide who would take over in the interim and it would take up to a year for the special election to take place. In the meantime the VP is next in line to become president, and there are few vice presidents (or speaker of the house, or secretary of education, or any other people in the succession plan) from either party that I'd want to be acting as president. Especially in a crisis like the death of a sitting president.
The costs from the financial turmoil from even an unsuccessful assassination attempt would be far greater than the cost of providing years of first class security to the president.
Re:reflects well (Score:5, Insightful)
Clearly you don't understand the financial markets. The overwhelming majority of things that impact stock values and market prices are not present/actual happenings, but concerns over potential happenings. US President dies? VP might start a war over it, or change economic policies. Leader of middle eastern country gets the flu? Oil supplies might get disrupted by his successor.
A lot of basic policies didn't change between Obama and Bush (sadly), but the president represents the public face and voice of the country moreso than anyone else can. Obama is way more eloquent, patient, and understanding than Bush was, so the overall view of the US has improved from then--it's no longer quite so dangerous for a US citizen to travel to Europe or Asia and admit to being an American. Would Biden do as well as Obama has with this? Probably not. So it does affect more than just the people in his immediate family.
Re:Airplane fire expert (Score:4, Insightful)
You don't need "expertise" in religion (whatever that means) to know that religions are `the stupid virus`, and that Mormonism in particular is really fucking stupid.
Seriously, if I started a religion today and said that you have to hit your hand with a hammer every morning, does it make hitting your hand with a hammer not stupid? If not, what test have these other, stupid, religions passed which makes them not-stupid but my one stupid?
Re:Romney *is* a moron (Score:5, Insightful)
Allowing aircraft windows to be opened is recipe for disaster, pressure and whatnot.
I've opened the window on a plane. I've even opened the door on a plane. If you are at a low enough altitude, it doesn't matter. Of course, I was on a plane that probably wouldn't make it to an altitude that is unsafe, but it was an aircraft and opening them was not a recipe for disaster. The damn thing had air vents!
I don't ask Romney to fix kernel bugs just as I don't look to Linux for political advice. Both should stick to what they know.
Re:Romney *is* a moron (Score:4, Insightful)
Bollocks. Everybody should speak about politics if they feel like it, democracy works better that way.
Re:Romney *is* a moron (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Romney *is* a moron (Score:4, Insightful)
He has a record of taking things that are failing and turning them around.
What 'record' did you read? He runs an economic chop shop, runs up huge debts and then sells off the pieces and fires the workers. He's second hand 'Reaganomics'.
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Snopes on the window comment (Score:5, Informative)
Per Snopes, although it is true that Romney made that remark, it was clearly told as a joke meant to lighten the mood. It was not a serious comment.
Re:My 2 cents (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Not useful (Score:5, Interesting)
... We're considering him for a president. I'd rather debate on his policy, record, etc. And I'm not claiming to agree with all of it or think highly of him on these merits, but this is the domain we need to be in, not the "batshit crazy." ...
Romney is the candidate for everyone. No matter what your position is on anything, he has held that position at one time or another..
Re:or just (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe the motherf***cker is just telling it like it is? I mean, yes, most religions are batsh*t crazy and in America, anything except Catholic, Protestant, or a direct, Jesus-wrote that sh*t his-self, fer sure, is just not going to fly.
Everyone can plainly see that everyone else's religion is just a bunch of hooey.
Re:To people who think clearly (Score:4, Insightful)
He's not really talking to people who hate Democrats anymore. He did that during the primary.
Now he's talking to independent voters who don't vote straight party ticket. People who hate Democrats are going to vote for him no matter what he says.
Re:Bill Nye (Score:5, Informative)
I don't hear Bill Nye being a pussy and apologizing for calling it like it is. He called a sitting US Congressman a "fucking idiot" for his pseudo-scientific beliefs and followers of creationism "fucking retarded".
Nope. It's a great story, but it didn't happen [snopes.com].
Re:Poorly (Score:4, Insightful)