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Google Linux

How Google Uses Linux 155

postfail writes ' coverage of the 2009 Linux Kernel Summit includes a recap of a presentation by Google engineers on how they use Linux. According to the article, a team of 30 Google engineers is rebasing to the mainline kernel every 17 months, presently carrying 1208 patches to 2.6.26 and inserting almost 300,000 lines of code; roughly 25% of those patches are backports of newer features.'
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How Google Uses Linux

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 07, 2009 @04:51PM (#30016658)
    Hmmm... Techno-Amish? (i.e. "We'll use your roads, but not your damned cars!")
    • Re:A New Culture (Score:5, Informative)

      by MichaelSmith ( 789609 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @05:57PM (#30017070) Homepage Journal

      Funnily enough the roads were there before the cars.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by trytoguess ( 875793 )
        Amish don't avoid technology based on a point on a timeline. They believe in maintaining a certain lifestyle (strong family bonds, avoid thing that promote sloth luxury or vanity, etc), and many tech is seen as disruptive to such things. What is and isn't ok is debated tweaked and constantly modified depending on which Amish group you're dealing with. This [] is a good place for more info.

        Fair chance you were just joking, but I figure, why not go on a info dump?
  • by Dice ( 109560 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @04:52PM (#30016662)

    They monitor all disk and network traffic, record it, and use it for analyzing their operations later on. Hooks have been added to let them associate all disk I/O back to applications - including asynchronous writeback I/O.

    I. Want. This.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 07, 2009 @05:07PM (#30016768)

      Try iotop. []

    • Togh (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Google does not distribute the binaries, so they are not obliged to publish the source.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        TFA does suggest though that google have gotten themselves into a horrible mess with their local changes and would be better off by offloading their stuff to the community and taking properly integrated releases.

        • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

          by Anonymous Coward

          I think TFA also tries to notice how stupid is to base all your work in a old kernel because it's supposed to be the well-know stable release used in the organization, and then waste lots of human resources into backporting features from newer kernels. This is what Red Hat and Suse used to do years ago, and avoiding it is the main reason why Linus' set up the new development model. Google could learn from the distros, they probably can use all those human resources to follow more closely the kernel developm

          • Re:Togh (Score:5, Insightful)

            by pathological liar ( 659969 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @07:03PM (#30017436)

            Yeah great work Linus.

            The distros STILL stick with older versions and backport fixes, because who in their right mind is going to bump a kernel version in the middle of a support cycle? It's even MORE broken because the kernel devs rarely identify security fixes as such, and often don't understand the security implications of a fix, so they don't always get backported as they should.

            The Linux dev model is NOT something to be proud of.

            • Re:Togh (Score:5, Funny)

              by grcumb ( 781340 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @07:22PM (#30017592) Homepage Journal

              The Linux dev model is NOT something to be proud of.


              "The Linux dev model is the worst form of development, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." - Winston Churchill

              ... Oh wait, no. That was me, actually.

              • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

                by Anonymous Coward

                Oh actually I think the form of development used by the BSDs is a lot better. At least it is a lot more efficient. They don't just crap software and deprecate it as soon as it remotely works (hal).

                • Wow I didn't hear hal was deprecated. Just.. wow.
                • What does HAL's deprecation have to do with the Linux Kernel's development model?
              • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

                by grcumb ( 781340 )

                The Linux dev model is NOT something to be proud of.


                "The Linux dev model is the worst form of development, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." - Winston Churchill

                ... Oh wait, no. That was me, actually.

                Holy humour-impaired down-modding, Batman! How is the above a troll?

                For those too dense to get the joke: I actually agree that the Linux development model has significant weaknesses. It's just that, despite its shortcomings, it actually has proven workable for many years now.

                I'm not implying that there aren't better community-driven coding projects in existence. Nor do I want to suggest that critiquing the community is unwarranted (or even unwanted). It's just that, for all its warts, it has produced consis

              • "The Linux dev model is the worst form of development, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." - Winston Churchill

                The Linux dev model isn't the only one in existence, isn't the only one that has withstood for a lengthy period of time, and certainly isn't the only one with plausible contention for the best (as opposed to democracy).

                The FreeBSD (core-team) development model has certainly been around, in it's current form longer than the Linux kernel, and it doesn't suffer fr

            • You are right... ...except that the distro makers and the kernel hackers think the contrary.

            • How is your fork coming along?

    • DTrace (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      They monitor all disk and network traffic, record it, and use it for analyzing their operations later on. Hooks have been added to let them associate all disk I/O back to applications - including asynchronous writeback I/O.

      I. Want. This.

      DTrace code:

      #pragma D option quiet

      @[args[1]->dev_statname, execname, pid] = sum(args[0]->b_bcount);

      printf("%10s %20s %10s %15s\n", "DEVICE", "APP", "PID", "BYTES");
      printa("%10s %20s %10d %15@d\n", @);


      # dtrace -s ./whoio.d
      cmdk0 cp 790 1515520
      sd2 cp 790 1527808

      More examples at:

      • by JamesP ( 688957 )

        I thought about this too and I guess your example shows why they don't use it...

        All the 'printfs' are a burden, so they probably put the stats in memory and do some other thing with it

      • People just don't know about the innovation that has being going on in the storage arena by Sun.

        It is funny, but I think what let Sun down was their marketing, not their Engineering.

        You can currently get storage devices that run those diagnostics at the click of a mouse.

        How regrettable that this wonderful technology may be shelved. Tragic really.

    • Or buy one of their Solaris/ZFS/Dtrace based storage devices, you can do what you ask with a few clicks of the mouse...

  • Is it worth it? (Score:2, Interesting)

    The whole article sounds so painful, what do they actually get out of it?

    Google started with the 2.4.18 kernel - but they patched over 2000 files, inserting 492,000 lines of code. Among other things, they backported 64-bit support into that kernel. Eventually they moved to 2.6.11, primarily because they needed SATA support. A 2.6.18-based kernel followed, and they are now working on preparing a 2.6.26-based kernel for deployment in the near future. They are currently carrying 1208 patches to 2.6.26, inserting almost 300,000 lines of code. Roughly 25% of those patches, Mike estimates, are backports of newer features.

    In the area of CPU scheduling, Google found the move to the completely fair scheduler to be painful. In fact, it was such a problem that they finally forward-ported the old O(1) scheduler and can run it in 2.6.26. Changes in the semantics of sched_yield() created grief, especially with the user-space locking that Google uses. High-priority threads can make a mess of load balancing, even if they run for very short periods of time. And load balancing matters: Google runs something like 5000 threads on systems with 16-32 cores.

    Google makes a lot of use of the out-of-memory (OOM) killer to pare back overloaded systems. That can create trouble, though, when processes holding mutexes encounter the OOM killer. Mike wonders why the kernel tries so hard, rather than just failing allocation requests when memory gets too tight.

    Ooooh... efficiency.. I'm curious what the net savings is.. compared to buying more cheap hardware.

    So what is Google doing with all that code in the kernel? They try very hard to get the most out of every machine they have, so they cram a lot of work onto each.

    (30 * kernel engineer salary) / (generic x86 server + cooling + power) = ?

    • Re:Is it worth it? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Rockoon ( 1252108 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @05:43PM (#30016994)
      This company had about a million servers last time I cared to find out. I dont think 'more cheap hardware' means the same thing to you as it does to Google.
      • by kjart ( 941720 )

        This company had about a million servers last time I cared to find out.

        How did you manage that?

          • Funny, but that search don't give any reliable source for the 1 million servers estimate. The only source is an estimate by Gartner, and if you belive them, you also belive that Itanium II is the most sold 64 bit server chip

      • Google runs their own flavor of linux on most engineers' workstations, too. When I first got there, it was based on Red Hat 9 (and called grhat). After Red Hat fucked their users with the whole Fedora nonsense, Google went to a version based on Ubuntu (called goobuntu). I don't recall the amounts, but I do know that they submit patches back to Ubuntu fairly frequently.

        Not telling how many servers they run. My numbers would be 18 months out of date anyway. :-)

    • Re:Is it worth it? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Sir_Lewk ( 967686 ) <sirlewk@gmail.c3.14159om minus pi> on Saturday November 07, 2009 @05:46PM (#30017002)

      They are already running absolutely absurd amounts of cheap hardware. "Just buying more" is something that I'm sure they are already doing all the time but clearly that only goes so far.

      (30 * kernel engineer salary) / (generic x86 servers + cooling + power) = ?

      I suspect the answer to that is a very very small number.

    • Re:Is it worth it? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by coolsnowmen ( 695297 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @05:46PM (#30017004)

      You are clearly not an engineer of scientist. Aside from the fact that some people just like to solve technical problems, I am betting google's logic goes something like this:
      We have a problem that is basically only costing us $0.01*10,000computers/day. While that seems low, we plan on staying in business a long time, we could pay someone to solve the problem. Then there is that X factor, that if you don't do it, if you stop innovating, your competitors will, and they will get more and you will get less from the pool of money that is out there. In addition to that, the CS guy you paid to solve that is now worth more to your company (if you employed him) because [s]he now has a better understanding of a complex bit of code (the linux kernel) that you rely on heavily.

      • Re:Is it worth it? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Rockoon ( 1252108 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @06:12PM (#30017178)
        Also consider the fact that Google has been basically deploying new servers non-stop for many many years. They are already purchasing cheap hardware at a very high rate. Even a tiny 1% improvement in efficiency for the existing and future servers is a huge huge win for them.

        That could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars saved over the next decade, and it doesnt take a genius to realize that a couple dozen programmer salaries will be a hell of a lot less than that.
      • Re:Is it worth it? (Score:4, Interesting)

        by LordNimon ( 85072 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @06:19PM (#30017214)
        Porting patches from one kernel version to another is not innovation.

        A while back I got an invitation to work for Google as a kernel developer. I declined to interview, because I already had a job doing just that. This article makes me glad I never accepted that offer. I feel sorry for those kernel developers at Google. Porting all that code back-and-forth over and over again. Now *that's* a crappy job.
        • please read that 25% line one more time.

          now remember that comes after 20% free time.

          so that's 1 day backporting and 1 day free time per week. doesn't sound bad to me.

          now... last time google offered me a job I took it, so maybe that the difference between us.

        • Support of older applications has a great pedigree in the IT industry.

          You will find much more interesting problems from a technical point of view doing that, because you will be basically on your own.

      • You are clearly not an engineer of scientist. Aside from the fact that some people just like to solve technical problems, I am betting google's logic goes something like this:

        ... because I question your efficiency? I'm keenly aware of the "just because" excuse, and to hear Google say that would make my day. They have the resources to do it for sure.

        We have a problem that is basically only costing us $0.01*10,000computers/day. While that seems low, we plan on staying in business a long time, we could pay someone to solve the problem. Then there is that X factor, that if you don't do it, if you stop innovating, your competitors will, and they will get more and you will get less from the pool of money that is out there. In addition to that, the CS guy you paid to solve that is now worth more to your company (if you employed him) because [s]he now has a better understanding of a complex bit of code (the linux kernel) that you rely on heavily.

        I see many of the things added/backported in Linux by Google are already included in other current operating systems.
        Google does not sell operating systems.
        What is the relationship between computing efficiency and advertising revenue?
        How have these practices affected Google's bottom line?
        I agree with that last sentence you wrote.


        • You commented on my aside "just because" twice as if it was even part of the main part of my response. It was not.

          I see many of the things added/backported in Linux by Google are already included in other current operating systems.

          In the article they talk about how they have slowly gone from one kernel release to another. Some specifics are in TA, but the only thing unsaid that might help is that because the kernel is so complex and development so fast, google can't just keep updating to the next one. It would put undo work on the people maintaining the google_specic_patches. It would put that much more work on their t

    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Mike wonders why the kernel tries so hard, rather than just failing allocation requests when memory gets too tight.

      Wait, what? Has Google seriously never heard of vm.overcommit_memory []?

    • Re:Is it worth it? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by dingen ( 958134 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @05:57PM (#30017072)

      Ooooh... efficiency.. I'm curious what the net savings is.. compared to buying more cheap hardware.

      We're talking about Google here. They have dozens of datacenters all over the globe, filled with hundreds of thousands of servers. Some estimate even a million servers or more.

      So lets assume they have indeed a million servers and they need 5% more efficiency out of their server farms. Following your logic, it would be better to add 50,000 (!) cheap servers which consume space, power and require cooling and maintenance, but I'll bet you paying a handful of engineers to tweak your software is *a lot* cheaper. Especially since Google isn't "a project" or something. They're here for the long run. They're here to stay and in order to make that happen, they need to get the most from their platform as possible.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Taur0 ( 1634625 )
      I really hope you're not an engineer, because your solution to a problem should never be: "Screw the most efficient solution, we'll just go out and buy more and waste more energy!" These incremental increases in efficiency will drastically change a product overtime, look at cars for example. The countless engineers working at GM, Toyota, Ford, etc. could have easily said: "meh whatever, just make them buy more gas". The modern combustion engine is only about 30% efficient, but that's far better than when
    • Google has more than 15,000 servers. A well tuned system can outperform a poorly tuned system 2:1 for very specialized apps like google uses. you dont think that having 15,000 vs 30,000 servers is worth maybe 2Mil in wages and power bill? google had a 2Mil power bill per month. Those developers are starting to look pretty cheap..

      Increasing the efficiency of their code, from memory management and scheduler to proxy servers can save huge amounts of CPU time which in turn lowers electricity requirements an

      • by epine ( 68316 )

        People seem to be ignoring in this equation that this team of engineers becomes deeply familiar with the Linux kernel and likely participates in a lot of problem solving and strategic work on the side. Knowing Google, they are confronting this patch migration problem from a high level and generally thinking about *all* the problems in the Linux kernel development and maintenance space. I'm sure this mess also counts toward code review against their mission critical infrastructure and their general handlin

    • Now if only they'd taken Con's pluggable sceheduler patches... tsk tsk tsk...
  • by jones_supa ( 887896 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @05:45PM (#30017000)

    Google makes a lot of use of the out-of-memory (OOM) killer to pare back overloaded systems. That can create trouble, though, when processes holding mutexes encounter the OOM killer. Mike wonders why the kernel tries so hard, rather than just failing allocation requests when memory gets too tight.

    This is something I have been wondering too. Doesn't it just lead to applications crashing more often than them normally reporting they cannot allocate more memory?

    • by IamTheRealMike ( 537420 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @05:52PM (#30017036)
      Well, most programs are not OOM safe. It turns out to be really hard to write programs that behave gracefully in OOM scenarios. Killing a sacrificial process when the system is out of memory works OK if you have a pretty good idea of priority ordering of the processes, which Google systems do.
    • by drsmithy ( 35869 )

      This is something I have been wondering too. Doesn't it just lead to applications crashing more often than them normally reporting they cannot allocate more memory?

      It results in (practically speaking) non-deterministic behaviour. Which is pretty much the worst thing you could have when it comes to system reliability. The OOM Killer (a solution to a problem that shouldn't even exist) basically kills stuff at random and (at least in my experience) rarely the process that's actually causing the problem in

  • by TorKlingberg ( 599697 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @05:47PM (#30017010)

    Does Google give any code and patches back to the Linux kernel maintainers? Since they probably only use it internally and never distribute anything they are not required to by the GPL, but it would still be the right thing to do.

    • by MBCook ( 132727 ) <> on Saturday November 07, 2009 @06:22PM (#30017234) Homepage

      Yes, they do. Since they use older kernels and have... unique... needs, they aren't a huge contributor like RedHat, but they do a lot.

      During 2.6.31, they were responsible for 6% [] of the changes to the kernel.

      • by marcansoft ( 727665 ) <[moc.tfosnacram] [ta] [rotceh]> on Saturday November 07, 2009 @06:50PM (#30017380) Homepage

        Andrew Morton, Google employee and maintainer of the -mm tree, contributed the vast majority of the changes filed under "Google" (and most of those changes aren't Google-specific - Andrew has been doing this since before he was employed there). If you subtract Andrew, Google is responsible for a tiny part of kernel development last I heard, unfortunately.

        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by CyrusOmega ( 1261328 )
          A lot of companies will also use a single employee for all of their commits too. I know the company I used to work for made one man look like a code factory to a certain open source project, but, in fact, it was a team of 20 or so devs behind him doing the real work.
          • by marcansoft ( 727665 ) <[moc.tfosnacram] [ta] [rotceh]> on Saturday November 07, 2009 @07:45PM (#30017726) Homepage

            Andrew has been doing a large amount of kernel work for some time now, before his employment with Google. Note that the 6% figure is under non-author signoffs - people that patches went through, instead of people who actually authored them. Heck, even I submitted a patch that went through Andrew once (and I've submitted like 5 patches to the kernel). Andrew does a lot of gatekeeping for the kernel, but he doesn't write that much code, and he certainly doesn't appear to be committing code written by Google's kernel team under his name as a committer.

            Google isn't even on the list of actual code-writing employers, which means they're under 0.9%. I watched a Google Tech Talk about the kernel once (I forget the exact name) where it was mentioned that Google was (minus Andrew) somewhere in the 40th place or so of companies who contribute changes to Linux.

          • by tyrione ( 134248 )

            A lot of companies will also use a single employee for all of their commits too. I know the company I used to work for made one man look like a code factory to a certain open source project, but, in fact, it was a team of 20 or so devs behind him doing the real work.

            You clearly know nothing about Linux Kernel development if you think Morton is a face for a team of hidden coders.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          by ibwolf ( 126465 )

          most of those changes aren't Google-specific

          Why would they submit "Google-specific" patches?

          It would make sense for them to only submit those patches that they believed to be of general utility. Other stuff would likely not be accepted.

          • by marcansoft ( 727665 ) <[moc.tfosnacram] [ta] [rotceh]> on Saturday November 07, 2009 @08:09PM (#30017896) Homepage

            By that I meant "developed for Google, useful to other people".

            We can divide Andrew's potential kernel work into 4 categories:

            1. Private changes for Google, not useful for other people.
            2. Public changes for Google, deemed useful to other people but originally developed to suit Google's needs.
            3. Public changes of general usefulness. Google might find them useful, but doesn't drive their development.
            4. Maintaining -mm and signing off and merging other people's stuff

            Points 1 and 2 can be considered a result of Andrew's employment at google. Points 3 and 4 would happen even if he weren't employed at Google. From my understanding, the vast majority of Andrew's work is point 4 (that's why he's listed under non-author signoffs as 6%, along with Google). Both Andrew's and Google's commit-author contributions are below 0.9%.

            So what we can derive from the data in the article, assuming it's accurate, is:

            • Google's employees as a whole authored less than 0.9% of the changes that went into 2.6.31
            • Andrew authored less than 0.8% of the 2.6.31 changes
            • Andrew signed off on 6% of the 2.6.31 changes
            • Besides Andrew, 3 other changes were signed off by Google employees (that's like .03%)

            So no, Google doesn't contribute much to the kernel. Having Andrew on board gives them some presence and credibility in kernel-land, but they don't actually author much public kernel code. Hiring someone to keep doing what they were already doing doesn't make you a kernel contributor.

            • Points 3 and 4 would happen even if he weren't employed at Google.

              Don't tell him or Google that... I'm sure he prefers to eat in-between maintaining Linux.

        • by farnsworth ( 558449 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @07:51PM (#30017764)

          Google is responsible for a tiny part of kernel development last I heard, unfortunately.

          I don't know that much about google's private modifications, but the question of "what to give back" does not always have a clear default answer. I've modified lots of OSS in the past and not given it back, simply because my best guess was that I am the only person who will ever want feature x. There's no point in cluttering up mailing lists or documentation with something extremely esoteric. It's not because I'm lazy or selfish or greedy -- sometimes the right answer is to just keep things to yourself. (Of course, there are times when I've modified something hackishly, and had been too lazy or embarrassed to send it back upstream :)

          Perhaps google answers this question in a different way than others would, but that doesn't necessarily conflict with "the spirit of OSS", whatever that might be.

          • Real example... (Score:5, Interesting)

            by Fished ( 574624 ) <> on Saturday November 07, 2009 @09:42PM (#30018456)

            Back in the 90's, we had a customized patch to Apache to make it forward tickets within our intranet as supplied by our (also customized) Kerberos libraries for our (also customized) build of Lynx. It all had to do with a very robust system for managing customer contacts that ran with virtually no maintenance from 1999 to 2007--and I was the only person who understood it because I wrote it as the SA--when it was scrapped for a "modern" and "supportable" solution that (of course) requires a dozen full-time developers and crashes all the time.

            Not really bitching too much, because that platform was a product of the go-go 90's, and IT doctrine has changed for the better. No way should a product be out there with all your customer information that only one person understands. But it was a sweet solution that did its job and did its job well for a LONG time. Better living through the UNIX way of doing things!

            But, anyway, I never bothered to contribute any of the patches from that back to the Apache tree (or the other trees) because they really only made sense in that particular context and as a group. If you weren't doing EXACTLY what we were doing, there was no point in the patches, and NOBODY was doing exactly what we were doing.

            • by jgrahn ( 181062 )

              Back in the 90's, we had a customized patch to Apache to make it forward tickets within our intranet as supplied by our (also customized) Kerberos libraries for our (also customized) build of Lynx. [...] and I was the only person who understood it because I wrote it as the SA--when it was scrapped for a "modern" and "supportable" solution that (of course) requires a dozen full-time developers and crashes all the time.

              Not really bitching too much, because that platform was a product of the go-go 90's, and

              • In fairness, the new system has capabilities that the old system did not. And I also think that there is a certain amount of overhead that necessarily accompanies a serious development effort, especially one that involves more than one person. If I just want to throw something up that will work, I can do it, by myself, without documentation etc., in a matter of weeks. Require documentation, controlled processes, and make me work with a team, and it will take months. The "mythical man month" is an ever-p

        • by itzdandy ( 183397 ) on Saturday November 07, 2009 @08:08PM (#30017890) Homepage

          If you subtract search engines google is responsible for a a tiny portion of the internet. Andrew gets benies from google so I suppose they do get some credit for the quantity of his work as he needs to eat and pay rent so that he can code.

  • wtf? (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Oh sorry...title had me thinking this was penguin porn

  • by cycoj ( 1010923 )

    Somehow I'm reminded about the whole Android thing. Google really seems to have the urge to only do their own thing. Same thing with android where they have thrown out the whole "Linux" userspace to reinvent the wheel (only not as good, see Harald Welte's Blog for a rant about it). Here it seems the same thing they just do their own thing without merging back and disregarding experiences others might have had.

    On a side note, their problems with the Completely Fair Scheduler should be a good argument for plu

    • If what you say is true, and if what is said about Free Software is true, then there should therefore exist an opportunity for someone to come along and eat google's lunch by taking advantage of the Bazaar development model. I suggest you get crack-a-lackin'.

  • It's amazing how many of these problems, especially with regard to multi-threading issues and multiple cores, have already been solve and implemented in Sun Solaris. In 1994. Fifteen years ago.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by T-Ranger ( 10520 )
      And yet, tar is still broken. Well, maybe not today, but it sure as fuck was in 1994.

      Pick your poison.
  • Google is using extensively open source, but is not giving back any significant technology to the open source world.

    No efficient search technology.
    No decent OCR software (ocropus + tesseract are still years behind what you get for free with any multifunction HP printer on the windows world) No GIS technology No JSP cooperation, Minimal kernel patches, etc, etc

    Google could be a major open/free source contributor, they have the money and the skills, but they have no will to do-it. In fact, Google is behav

    • by Fastolfe ( 1470 )

      According to [], Google has released 1M lines of source code across 100 projects. Are you disappointed in the volume of contributions, or because they aren't releasing software that you're interested in? Sure, Google could open source their entire search product, but that's kind of a critical part of their revenue stream, yeah?

    • You should really read carefully the licenses of open source software before the foam in your mouth asphyxiates you.

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
