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Ubuntu Christian Edition 5.0 Beta 39

JimLynch writes "Back in 2006, when I was writing for ExtremeTech, I reviewed a version of Ubuntu with a religious theme: Ubuntu Christian Edition. At one point it seemed as though Ubuntu CE had been discontinued but I was pleased to note today that it has apparently been brought to life again and so I decided to do a full review Ubuntu CE 5.0 for DLR."


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Ubuntu Christian Edition 5.0 Beta

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  • "Do not be unbelieving, but believing." And JimLynch answered and said to him "My Lord and my OS!" Jesusbuntu said to him, JimLynch, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
  • ...I'll give up the naked pagan rituals, but the Torvalds and RMS idols stay!

  • Like how in the review he gives it a con of 'Doesn't quite match the beauty of the Muslim distro'. BURN (in hell that is)!
  • Forks (Score:3, Funny)

    by Joeseph64 ( 1538923 ) on Wednesday July 22, 2009 @01:15PM (#28785043)
    Didn't you all hear about the fork in the Christian Ubuntu? Apparently, one of the developers sent in 95 patches, but they were rejected. Now there's a Protestant Christian Ubuntu. The main difference is that the Protestant version has no icons. Source []
  • I really don't see the point of all these versions of ubuntu, the only thing that truly varies is applications which are bundled and those can always be installed separately.
  • by just_another_sean ( 919159 ) on Wednesday July 22, 2009 @03:16PM (#28786863) Journal

    there is a competing [] version out there as well.

    • One of the coolest things ever. Now, if only it came with preset free porn bookmarks and a map to Anton Lavey's tombstone...
    • by Yfrwlf ( 998822 )
      That's not competing. Both are myths which have evolved greatly through the ages, and are currently lumped into some large modern-day myths. If you believe in modern Satan, you believe in God/Jesus. Really depends on at which "Satan" through history you're talking about though.

      The moral? Don't believe in either until you have proof.
      • by ITEric ( 1392795 )

        The problem is, by the time you have proof it's already too late!

        • by Yfrwlf ( 998822 )
          Lol, "In conclusion, do everything I say, because I'm telling you you will BE DESTROYED IF YOU DON'T, but there is no way to know if what I'm saying is a lie or not!" Yeah, um, no. If you're a gullible retard though, then I'm sure that logic makes sense to you. You should only believe in things that you have a real reason for believing, and then you should only *hope* that they work. There's a zillion religions and gods and mythologies to choose from, that you could believe in, so do the wise thing and
          • by ITEric ( 1392795 )

            I'm not suggesting that you need to believe the same things I do, or that you should do as I say. Not every christian sees things that way (although, admittedly, some do). Frankly, if you are an Athiest, Pagan, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, or whatever makes no difference to me.

            Personally, I find the world around me far too intricate and beautiful to write it off as just some chance happening. I find it much more probable to be the result of some intelligent design. By all means, you believe what y

  • Despite the warnings that one might be offended by the idea of a religious Linux distribution I decided I had the force of will to continue through and read the review. Turns out it was right, by the end of it, I was offended, there were no pictures of the Virgin Mary. I think I like the SE version better than the CE version, so much sexier.
  • Do not want! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Zombie Ryushu ( 803103 ) on Wednesday July 22, 2009 @11:18PM (#28791457)

    One of the reasons I use Linux is that it is a secular operating system. I have bad experiences with religion and I have a problem with religious organizations tainting Linux and the secular philosophy of openness and transparency.

    Religion is pro-censorship, pro-dogma, and the antithesis of everything that the Linux movement stands for in my opinion.

  • There, fixed that for you. For Chissake (cough), get your facts right.

    Personally I can't see myself using it (I'd feel inhibited swearing at my computer), but the idea opens up a whole array of questions: what would other religious themed distros be like?

    Note to the humour impaired: stop reading, NOW. I am only jesting - or trying to insult everyone simultaneously - take your pick..

    Amish distro: black & white, terminal mode only (loved because it gets so much more work done on very basic kit)
    Jewish di

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by pinkushun ( 1467193 )
      Haha! *grin* Well done, can I try some...

      7th day Adventist - works every other day except Saturdays
      Agnostic - Doesn't believe in backups, but rather uploading your files to a public ftp server
      Process Church - "The Three Great Gods of the Universe" include Gnome, KDE and Fluxbox
      Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - console commands have pirate inspired accents, and if your math co-processor does any calculations, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is there changing the results with His Noodly Appendage
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      There, fixed that for you. For Chissake (cough), get your facts right.

      Personally I can't see myself using it (I'd feel inhibited swearing at my computer), but the idea opens up a whole array of questions: what would other religious themed distros be like?

      Note to the humour impaired: stop reading, NOW. I am only jesting - or trying to insult everyone simultaneously - take your pick..

      Amish distro: black & white, terminal mode only (loved because it gets so much more work done on very basic kit)
      Jewish distro: needs 7 monitors, which the supplier will gladly sell you
      Calvinistic distro: will install Windows instead. Life is suffering.
      Muslim distro: based on vast scientific knowledge well preceding other distro's but webcam support doesn't work for female users - a problem that slowly disappears.
      Scientology distro: auto-edits Wikipedia entries, and the DVD is hard to use as it keeps hovering in the air - which makes for a great coaster.

      etc etc. I need more coffee for this..

      there already is a Muslim distro
      not sure if CE came before ME but Ubuntu ME exits

  • That would be cool!

  • because I learn about stuff I never heard about before, everyday!
  • It took 3 years for this resurrection to occur.
  • I prefer the satanic edition [] muaaahhahhaahah :-)
    • by petrus4 ( 213815 )


      This seriously is amusing. Makes me wonder how many badass 14 year olds are actually using it. ;)

      I loved the slogan, "Linux For The Damned." Well played, guys, well played.

  • by Yfrwlf ( 998822 )
    Jesus, supernatural figure of lore, please take up my offering of Jesus wallpaper, and protect my computer from viruses in return.
  • The atheist demographic of Slashdot have shown remarkable restraint in the comments for this article so far. Of course, the tags are predictable, but there has been considerably less mockery, derision, and atheistic evangelism attempts than I would have suspected.

    This does, however, represent a deeply apropos time to drop you a hint, kids.

    You can only consider yourself to have truly left Christianity when neither Christianity or Satanism, conversely, manages to generate any emotional response from you what

"The hands that help are better far than the lips that pray." -- Robert G. Ingersoll
