A Visual Expedition Inside the Linux File Systems 85
RazvanM writes "This is an attempt to visualize the relationships among the Linux File Systems through the lens of the external symbols their kernel modules use. We took an initial look a few months back but this time the scope is much broader. This analysis was done on 1377 kernel modules from 2.6.0 to 2.6.29, but there is also a small dip into the BSD world. The most thorough analysis was done on Daniel Phillips's tree, which contains the latest two disk-based file systems for Linux: tux3 and btrfs. The main techniques used to establish relationships among file systems are hierarchical clustering and phylogenetic trees. Also presented are a set of rankings based on various properties related to the evolution of the external symbols from one release to another, and complete timelines of the kernel releases for Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD. In all there are 78 figures and 10 animations."
Hmm (Score:5, Funny)
I could use a visual expedition among the various links on this summary.
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No kidding. Sometimes I like to (gasp!) RTFA, but in this case I couldn't find out which of the F links went to the F article.
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<AOL>Me too!</AOL>
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ur right. i'm from youtube show me how to make a linux filesystem
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Who types this?
But really I would like a visual expedition into the mind of whoever writes slashcode these days. I'm not even going to get started on UTF-8 support though. My problem is "Anonymous Cowardon". Latest Firefox stable shows no space between the two names (there is one, it's just tiny). It looks stupid, please fix.
I'd attach a screenshot, but I'd know better than to click on a link replying to a troll myself so you'll just have to imagine if your browser can render it correctly.
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You left the best 'til last! (Score:2)
Let me correct that for you! (Score:4, Funny)
BSD? (Score:3, Interesting)
So they finally managed to recover DNA evidence on BSD's corpse [jhu.edu] after all. Hopefully we'll find out who killed it.
Seriously, what a useless "analysis". It's all a bunch of unreadable tables, graphs and other things, such as the history of the number of exported symbols in the BSD kernel (yeah right...) nobody cares about.
Verry Pretty ...but (Score:5, Insightful)
Is having a large number of external symbols good because it has more integration points or bad because of bloat? I don't think I have ever RTFA and come away with so little understanding before.
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ZFS rules ?
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ZFS rules ducks?
It's cases like this, and that damn gun-toting panda [wikipedia.org] that remind us of the need for proper use of punctuation. Though it's always puzzled me how people can write code all day long and then fail to use analogous typographical rules correctly in communication. Or maybe there's more "Hello ,Wrold!" code than I'm aware of.
Oh well. I, for one, welcome our new anatidaen overlords!
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Is that an American style of punctuation? In British English the first (more logical) example is correct.
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Your incorrect conclusion that quotation marks are logically wrong arose from the fact that you don't understand how quotation marks work.
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You can draw several conclusions from the images. One of them is how similar some filesystems are.
Have a look to the hierarchical clustering and hamming distances graphs.
What software did he use? (Score:1)
Typo in summary. (Score:4, Funny)
This analysis was done on 1377 kernel modules from 2.6.0 to 2.6.29
I think they meant 1337 kernel modules?
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Devito? huh? (Score:2)
Re:So what? (Score:5, Insightful)
Nothing. The whole point was do create said visualizations. From the "expedition" homepage here [jhu.edu]:
This is an exercise in visualization and kernel exploration. I'm not an expert in either of them but I like file systems and I also find great pleasure in creating visual representations of the things around me. --RazvanME
He likes file systems and he likes to create visual representation of things. There's your explanation. I suspect the guy is a student with too much free time and a desire to be featured on Slashdot.
Re:So what? (Score:5, Insightful)
Which is fair enough (unless you happen to have had a quick look at the summary, an even quicker look at the diagrams and thought "d'uh WTF?" to yourself). I think if he'd created a colourful fractal image, or moving dots swirling around then everyone would be saying how great it was. As it is, it looks like dull statistics.
I found the interesting bits to be how closely tux3 kept coming up next to fat or ntfs, whilst btrfs was close to xfs, and ext4 with ext3 and ext2. Maybe there's something in the analysis after all!
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I found the release timeline graphs for OpenBSD fascinating. Visualization really gave insight into the meaning of the data.
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I'd assume that Linux is similar except subbing one of the EXTFSes in for UFS.
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Slashdot user BadAnalogyGuy is a scientologist. If he offers you a free personality test, firmly refuse him.
Thanks, but you don't have to worry. I have no personality.
My chart (Score:5, Funny)
Usefulness of an average Slashdot article:
Usefulness of a screen door on a submarine:
Usefulness of this Slashdot article:
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Usefulness of a hammer:
Pass me that hammer, there's a fly on my mother-in-law's forehead
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Reminds me of the best way to die, ever: Take a parachute drop, but without the parachute. Instead put a large thorn/needle/picket on your head. Then land exactly on your favorite bad guy.
When I'm old and gray, this is what I am going to do. If it were today, I'd take the boss of Monsanto or some Rothschild boss with me.
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Filter error: You can type more than that for your comment.
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Talk about an open door with just a screen door left between you and 500 feet or polar ice water.
A hammer. Bah. Crybaby. ;)
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You forgot
Eye-candy knowledge (Score:4, Insightful)
'cuz dude, it's so beautiful !
External symbols for 2.6.29 + tux3 (Score:1)
And Obama is president of US...
After perusing the article, and ... (Score:3, Insightful)
. Who gives a shit ?
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Who gives a shit ?
Nerds, which is what this website is for. If you're looking for some sort of pop culture website where things are only posted if they appeal to the majority, you're doing it wrong...
One other observation though... (Score:2)
Re:One other observation though... (Score:4, Funny)
It's easy.
I did it once and the fact that it couldn't be mounted was offset by the fact that no bugs were ever reported, nor did it it ever corrupt or lose any data. In fact, I didn't even have to write any of the implementation.
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How is it possible to create a file system driver which does not call "register_filesystem" ?
If you 'rtfa'... it stated [jhu.edu]:
Another (again expected) observation is that the lack of (un)register_filesystem identifiers in the modules which only provides services to others: dlm, lockd, fat, and jbd2/jbd2.
Yes I did read the article and thought it was very interesting. For one thing the fact that in earlier kernel releases file system drivers used to use more or less the same set of external symbols and in recent releases they more often used exclusive external symbols. If that's a good or a bad thing I don't know because I'm not an expert in file systems. It may indicate file system kernel module writers are re-using code less or do no longer compare their work that much anymore or
Link to the article's Front Page please? (Score:5, Informative)
Dear submitter,
A /. summary is a bit like a main page on a website. Make the organization clear. Don't pile on shortcuts to different parts of the website: the reader risks being discouraged trying to find out how best to get to the important part of your website. Less is better.
I actually clicked on one of the links that appeared to go to the "Expedition" website (based on its similarity to other links, as shown in my browser's statusbar!), then changed the address in the address bar to get to the front page.
You actually didn't include a link to your article's front page [jhu.edu], for heaven's sake!
Hope this helps for the next time you write a summary.
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Hope this helps for the next time you write a summary.
You must be new here...
Odd visualization, but not so bad (Score:5, Interesting)
My first reaction when browsing through the article was disgust about the measure being used. I couldn't see the value of graphs about the number of symbols used by different file-system modules. So vfat doesn't use kprintf, woo-fucking-hoo!
But then, the Hamming distance and hierarchical structure struck a chord. Huh, so NFS, uses a very different set of symbols than, ext3. (ok, this may be biased by NFS using a metric fuckton of external symbols where ext3 uses less), which implies that NFS is pretty different, internally, than ext3.
So now, I agree that such a visualisation, while very abstract from the implementation details, can be pretty useful to have a (very) rough overview of the filesystems and their code structure. And I think we need more abstract overviews like this.
Reminds me of Code Swarm [ucdavis.edu], which creates a movie of commits to a repository.
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This is a case of a thorough analysis done by someone who knows how to do an analysis but has no idea what they are analysing or what is important?
So you end up with lots of pretty graphs and trees that actually mean absolutely nothing
NFS has more external symbols than VFAT and there are less than in the previous kernel version... and this means ..... well not a lot really ....
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They really do produce client-centric best practice inter departmental core competencies with a high return on investment and extremely low granularity event horizons. Just ask them !
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There usual recommendation is to rename the product and/or company ... which they did themselves Andersen Consulting became Accenture, this means you can advertise that you are the same as always and nothing interesting is going on ....
Informative timelines (Score:4, Insightful)
My only interests in filesystems are how much free space I have and whether mine will recover from a power outage. Thus 95% of these graphs are a total bore to me.
But I do like the Timelines [jhu.edu] of kernel releases. Some kernels see an exponential slowdown of release rate as they approach finalization and others are released like clockwork throughout their lifetime.
I'd love to see these methods applied to other topics I care more about, like games and science
When I develop maps for Starcraft, I usually go with a "release when it's ready" approach. That leads to a first public release long after my internal rough draft. Then there are a few quick releases as major bugs are found. And later the releases slow to a trickle as the focus move from bug fixes to balance tweaks. The magnitude of the changes also decreases over time, but each one's effect on game play can be disproportionately large.
But recently I went with a public balancing approach. I released the rough draft to get a feel for how it played. Then released new drafts as often as twice a day as suggestions were made and problems became apparent. I love to see that contrast visually or see other patterns I hadn't considered.
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I'm usually more concerned about how much free space I have after a power outage.
Satanic messages (Score:2, Funny)
Man, I just thought I saw some obscured letters in one of the heatmaps but then realized it was just my damn glossy Macbook screen reflecting the writing on my t-shirt... Damn it...
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it's obviously (Score:2)
oh Jurrasic Park, what a prophetic movie (Score:2)
Stop merginig useless file systems (Score:1)
There are so many totally useless file systems inside the main tree, and I honestly fail to see why those should bloat the main tree while the junk could happily live in the hard drive of the three perspective users.
For God's sake, even POHMELFS was merged! Where does it end? Where the boundary to say NO, and keep this irrelevant code out of the tree?
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Linux should stop merging file systems used by three individuals at most.
There are so many totally useless file systems inside the main tree, and I honestly fail to see why those should bloat the main tree while the junk could happily live in the hard drive of the three perspective users.
For God's sake, even POHMELFS was merged! Where does it end? Where the boundary to say NO, and keep this irrelevant code out of the tree?
It's unlikely that anybody would care about your opinions even if they weren't stupid.
Painfully obvious (Score:1)