OpenSUSE Opens Up to Questions About the Microsoft Deal 288
NewsForge is reporting on the recent IRC meeting that the OpenSUSE team held to answer a few questions about the controversial deal between Novell and Microsoft. The most prominent questions are highlighted and the complete IRC log is available from the article while the questions that didn't make the discussion will be posted on the OpenSUSE wiki.
What is this? (Score:5, Interesting)
Microsoft asked Novell to "put together a patent agreement" so Novell could market that protection to their customers
Does Novell often pay millions of dollars for "protection" for its customers when it does not believe that the threat has any substance?
Microsoft is the one making the threats.
Novell is paying Microsoft to NOT follow through on threats that Microsoft has yet to substantiate.
Not to mention the patent battle that could erupt should Microsoft ever file a patent claim against anyone using Linux.
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Look at what Microsoft is paying for. (Score:5, Interesting)
Yes, that is correct.
Microsoft is paying hundreds of millions of dollars for SuSE support licenses. Far more than Novell is paying Microsoft.
Now, when was the last time anyone tried to buy SuSE from Microsoft? Has anyone here tried to? No?
Okay, when was the last time anyone called Microsoft's tech support about a SuSE issue? Has anyone here tried that? No?
Well, it seems that Microsoft paid a LOT of money for licenses that it will probably never use and didn't seem to need in the past. You might want to look up the history of the SCO lawsuit and see how Microsoft also paid for SCO licenses that Microsoft will probably never use and didn't seem to need prior to that.
So, it looks like Microsoft paid for Novell's signature on that "patent agreement". Novell couldn't say "no" to that big of an instant payoff.
Now, go back and read about Microsoft's other "partners" and how Microsoft treated them. There isn't any reason to believe that Microsoft is suddenly going to play nice and fair with Linux (or Novell). Microsoft's who business model is based upon their monopolistic control of the desktop.
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Yes, indeed. And that also makes the agreement pretty meaningless. "I give you a net amount of several hundred million dollars, together with a license to all my patents" simply does not demonstrate that someone's patents have any value.
It's a Protection Racket for God's sake (Score:3, Insightful)
The Mob only wishes there were smooth enough to pull off crap like this.
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Let's make Novell a similar offer (Score:5, Funny)
This offer is also open to any other companies who want to take me up on it.
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Re:What is this? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:What is this? (Score:5, Interesting)
While that does vaguely resemble mafia "protection" payments (though not as closely as many Slashdotters seem to believe), I really don't see why people are having such a hard time wrapping their heads around the reason for this deal.
This is also reminiscent of what was going on in the US during the cold war - everyone building bomb shelters, stockpiling food, etc. The reality was that none of this would have been able to keep anybody alive, had nuclear war broken out. But the fact that people thought it would put their minds at ease, and that made all the difference in the cold war.
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Really? I need you to elucidate that for me. Please explain how Microsoft's overtures are substantially different from "Sure is a nice business you have there. Sure would be a shame if something were to...happen to it. Like, you know, a lawsuit. Funded by Microsoft."
How is that ANY different from a protection racket?
Re:What is this? (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, I think most people aren't having problems "wrapping their heads around the deal". They see it as unethical. This is very different from not being able to understand it.
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I believe the Novell statement is basically honest, as honest as corporate statements ever are, at least. And I read it like this:
Novell wanted a deal on interoperability. MS played along, and managed to slip them a poison pill along with it. I don't think anyone at Novell intended to be played like this - but there's obviously some serious hardcore cluelessness at the pay scales where this deal got vetted and the decis
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When has Microsoft EVER worked with GPL'ed products for interoperability? I'll give you a few decades to research that and feel quite confident you won't find an example.
So if interoperability with GPL'ed products isn't on their agenda, what is? Don't think too hard. Look at Ballmer's comments only a few days with the announcement out of the gates for clarity.
I'd say [Novell} was clueless.
I don't think clueless even scratches the surface of the level of ineptitude re
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150 Millions for license
Re:What is this? (Score:5, Insightful)
It seems that Microsoft's true motive was shown only a few days after the deal when Ballmer continued to throw FUD about patent issues regarding Linux. Only now, he can claim that Novell has acknowledged the patent issues in an effort to make the claims appear to be more legitimate.
Re:What is this? (Score:4, Interesting)
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I'm beginning to think that we need to seriously rethink the patent process on the whole.
There is a world of difference in lifting an entire screenplay, design document, or chunk of source code, and using the same small idea. We shouldn't allow patents on small, trivial concepts. But people have patents on trivial things.
I have no doubt whatsoever that various distros infringe on some small patents. And I also have no doubt that Microsoft stole countles
Re:What is this? (Score:4, Insightful)
Does this mean a patent system would be better? Hell no. So what then?
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Taking the concept of how something is done, improving it, and doing it yourself from scratch is another story.
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Re:What is this? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:What is this? (Score:5, Insightful)
There is indeed nothing wrong with this, quite the contrary. However, this process only works for software at a very local scale. As soon as you get into complete systems with massive internal dependencies, copyright becomes a very effective protection. After all...
Exactly. People are allergic to work, that is what makes copyright on source code so effective. Do you feel like rewriting GCC just to skirt the copyright?
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Let's be clear about software patents (Score:4, Informative)
Protest the Novell-Microsoft Patent Agreement [techp.org].
Re:What is this? (Score:5, Interesting)
Once MS sees it's patents start being picked apart by the community they will start to panic, it will be fun to watch.
Re:What is this? (Score:4, Insightful)
Right. So the developers don't read the site. This will be a way for people who do not code to contribute to OSS.
"Here's one (of many) example of Linus' views on patents on LKML"
I don't think people respect Linus as much as they used to. He totally messed up the bitkeeper situation, he rejected the GPL3, and he has said nothing about the threats by MS to sue linux developers, distributors and users. You would think that he would at least condemn Ballmers remarks but not a peep.
It's clear that linus doesn't get IP. He doesn't care and he thinks everybody is like him. Maybe the one good thing to come out of all this will be that linus learns to care about the threats of patents, DRM and licenses but somehow I doubt it. He will remain uncaring I am sure.
Re:What is this? (Score:5, Interesting)
7,143,340 - a patent on the MVC pattern applied to tables in GUI. I know both the Qt and gtk+ toolkits do that.
7,139,894 - that patent covers just about any interprocess communication that transmits "configuration information".
7,131,112 - and here's a patent which covers basically every revision control software ever written (cvs, svn, git, etc)
That's 3 of 5873. Go to this page [uspto.gov], enter "Microsoft" into Term 1 and select "Assignee Name" for Field 1 if you wanna see the list.
CVS predates it (Score:3, Informative)
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As for Microsoft, could this mean that MS is on the back foot? Or is it perhaps that they really do need to interop, or make the appearance of it.
Dumbass (Score:3, Informative)
What Red Hat and HP offer is not the same (Score:5, Informative)
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Oh, it's no problem for Red Hat and HP. It's only a problem for people who own the patents in question or people who have made a deal with the owners of the patents. People who indemnify do so by reimbursing your damages out of their own pockets or through an insurance company, and they do so regardless of whose patents got you in trouble.
There is a fundamental difference between indemnification and what N
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Hopefully everyone can also see that Big Mike so-to-say ended up getting shaken down by Novell for an awful lot more than they got from Novell.
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Yes. Frivolous lawsuits bought against them by . . . . Microsoft.
But no, it's not a protection racket, no. Not at all.
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Novell (Score:4, Informative)
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I've lost count of the number of people calling for a boycott, or reporting that they have switched away from, or are in the process of switching away from Novell products.
I think that it is essential that this is continued. The community is the strength of FOSS. If we cannot stand together against what in essence is a form of corporate blackmail Microsoft will continue to drive
Re:Novell (Score:4, Insightful)
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Either we got nothing or you got nothing. (Score:5, Insightful)
Hm, wow, I'm convinced.
So what was the point of the deal then?
Either you'll be contributing code that you couldn't have before, meaning no one else who doesn't have a similar MS deal can use, or you'll be contributing code that you could have easily added previously anyways.
I don't get it.
"MS-patented code" (Score:2)
A lot of software patents focus on the design, algorithm or architecture of a software "solution", not necessary on the fine grain details of the implementation (the code).
So if Amazon patents buying via one click, it means just that, you patented that feature (as stupid as it sounds) no matter what code implements it or not.
If MS patented a C# language feature, again, it doesn't matter how you implemented they patented something
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Code which practices an algorithm or other technique which is claimed in a patent owned by MS. And MS knows it, and now it's in your program. Sounds risky.
Think about that for a moment. (Score:5, Insightful)
#1. They hack them out the way Team Samba does (yay Team Samba!!!)
#2. They read the specs that are published
#3. They "clean room" the specs.
#4. They read the specs that they've just purchased the rights to.
Anyone have any other ways?
Now, which way are the Novell coders going to use to get specs
If you're thinking "Novell just partnered with Microsoft and Microsoft can share their specs with Novell now"
And anyone who thinks that Microsoft wants to play nice with Linux has NOT been reading the history here.
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We always made sure that the contract contained a clause that we're free to use any information we received this way to implement and distribute a driver under the terms of the GPL, and that the other party knows about that and agrees to it. This implies that there either are no patent claims on that code, or that the relevant paten
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I believe the "point", as they see it, is that they are being paid a lot of money to write this code. Sure, it might have been things they could have implemented anyway, but being paid enough to have lots of full time paid developers devoted t
protection racket (Score:2, Insightful)
If I walked into an office and told them they needed to pay me cause there's a possibility the place might get robbed
I'd be in jail so fast it would make my head spin.
Isn't this pretty much what MS has done here?
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Extortion, however, is not.
Another Take (Score:5, Insightful)
All those who lambasted RMS for the explicitness of GPLv3 may now have to reconsider their opposition. This includes organizations like Red Hat and OSDL, who called the FSF approach "extremist."
Who's the extremist now?
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This is part of the problem. Even if the deal is deemed to violate the GPL v2 how long will it take? How much money will it cost?
Even if Microsoft/Suse looses, they can make subtle tweaks to the agreement and try again.
If you want something to be against the terms of a contract, it's best to come right out and say it. If the issue becomes one of subtleties and the other party has orders of magnitude mo
Stupid (Score:4, Interesting)
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Sure, Microsoft is unlikely to be able to kill Linux via this, or any similar route. If they can knock over the businesses backing a couple of major distributions
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Here is how it will go. MS will sue (or they will get novell to sue). There is already a pool of patents donated by Novell and IBM and others so somebody will countersue MS. Furthermore they will demand the source code for windows and start combing through the source code for GPL violations. The community will immediately find prior art which would completely invalidate the MS patent(s) in question. Some GPL violation would be found and MS would be embarrased as hell.
MS isn't going to sue anybody. Not e
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These guys IBM [ibm.com] already are; Groklaw [groklaw.net].
They seem to be coping well enough.
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Remember, we have software patents in the U.S. because of a lawsuit brought by IBM.
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True, but there's an implication in the parent poster's claim that Open Source developers are all too impoverished to defend themselves against MS. It's an extension of the false meme that FOSS is created solely by pasty basement dwellers in their spare time.
That's no longer the case (if it ever was), and there are now plenty of organisations with relatively
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I think you forget one tiny little thing: IBM is one of the biggest investors in Linux, having pumped several billion Dollars into the development of and services around Linux.
And even compared to Microsoft, IBM is the 800 pound Gorilla in the patent league.
Of course I don't know wether IBM really would through its weight behind Linux - but neither does MS, and I don't think they are willing to take that risk.
Formatted much better (Score:2)
Much much easier to read.
Clarification: Questions in the wiki (Score:3, Interesting)
I was able to attend the meeting this morning and feel the text of this slashdot story is a little misleading.
People who are unable to attend can post their questions in the wiki before the meeting (the wiki link in the article). The questions in the wiki were reviewed during the meeting, and many were addressed. Some, however, were not specifically addressed as they were answered during the live Q&A earlier in the meeting. Therefore, all of the questions (live and on the wiki) were addressed in one way or another.
That being said, I think it was great to hear from Nat directly.
Scripted by PR? (Score:4, Interesting)
Also, I notice that they had things rigged so that they could censor any questions they didn't like. (Reasonable, an open forum would have been a mad house, but not exactly a process that builds trust.)
They also didn't say anything about which of their customers could redistribute what. The short answer appears to be "We aren't interested in developers."
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Also, I think it's reasonable to believe that Nat doesn't know everythi
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*** DeveloperBob has left IRC
<DeveloperSteve> ok, so next question please...
This statement might be wrong (Score:2)
But here [cnn.com] I read that, "Moglen offered no opinion on whether the Microsoft-Novell deal violates the GPL currently in effect (known as version 2), but merely pledged that version 3 would clearly bar such "discriminatory" deals."
Maybe the quote I've used here is wrong, or maybe it's been superceded by something Moglen has
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A few years ago Red Hat introduced their service license which said that if you bought Linux from them, made a copy of it, and put it on another machine, your service contract for the paid machine was canceled. There was a pretty loud reaction to this, and a lot of people in the community said that Red Hat's service agreement was incompatible with GPLv2. Eventually Eben Moglen and the SFLC reviewed Red Hat's service agreement and said "it's on the edge, but it does not violate GPLv2" (or words to that eff
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(He does go on to say that GPLv3 will include new language.)
Whether this was the intent or not, the patent side of this deal has pissed off the FSF to the extent that it GPLv3 will be explicitly written to invalidate this deal. Equally this deal is likely to spur the adoption of GPLv3, even among people who were previously opposed.
Sorry Nat but whatever your intentions, I think you guys are in serious trouble.
Samba? Mono? Moderators? (Score:2)
has microsoft expressed any interest in cooperating inother compatibility areas? apart from xen and OOo?
Nov 27 12:21:44 say, samba or kerberos.. or wine
The three areas we already agreed on are the beginning, not the end. I am sure you will see more going forward.
Nov 27 12:22:50 hd41, let's say I worry because so far they haven't given the EU much useful documentation
isnt samba and mono covered too?
Virtualization, OpenOffice and WebServicesManagement is where we
Real reason for deal revealed! (Score:4, Interesting)
Eben Moglen read our agreement and hasn't said a thing about GPLv2 violation. It's abundantly clear that he doesn't think there is any.
Instead, he and Richard are using the community energy to try to get people to adopt the previously-controversial GPLv3 (which we support also)
Hey, this is actually a cool way to get GPLv3 accepted. Reading over the log, and seeing their responses, I feel a bit better about the deal. I'm still suspicious but I'm no longer at the point where I am ready to remove openSuSE from my system and install debian.
I really hope this works out, Novell has done a lot of great things in the past and I would like to see them continue their good work.
Doesn't Violate GPL2? (Score:2)
My open letter to Novell [techp.org] is still available for you to sign. There are 2245 signatures
rofl (Score:3, Funny)
Dino: (Terry Jones) Good morning, Colonel.
Colonel: Good morning gentlemen. Now what can I do for you.
Luigi: (Michael Palin) (looking round office casually) You've
Colonel: Yes.
Luigi: We wouldn't want anything to happen to it.
Colonel: What?
Dino: No, what my brother means is it would be a shame if... (he knocks something off mantel)
Colonel: Oh.
Dino: Oh sorry, Colonel.
Colonel: Well don't worry about that. But please do sit down.
Luigi: No, we prefer to stand, thank you, Colonel.
Colonel: All right. All right. But what do you want?
Dino: What do we want, ha ha ha.
Luigi: Ha ha ha, very good, Colonel.
Dino: The Colonel's a joker, Luigi.
Luigi: Explain it to the Colonel, Dino.
Dino: How many tanks you got, Colonel?
Colonel: About five hundred altogether.
Luigi: Five hundred! Hey!
Dino: You ought to be careful, Co1onel.
Colonel: We are careful, extremely careful.
Dino: 'Cos things break, don't they?
Colonel: Break?
Luigi: Well everything breaks, don't it Colonel. (he breaks something on desk) Oh dear.
Dino: Oh see my brother's clumsy Colonel, and when he gets unhappy he breaks things. Like say, he don't feel the army's playing fair by him, he may start breaking things, Colonel.
Colonel: What is all this about?
Luigi: How many men you got here, Colonel?
Colonel: Oh, er
Luigi: Paratroops, Dino.
Dino: Be a shame if someone was to set fire to them.
Colonel: Set fire to them?
Luigi: Fires happen, Colonel.
Dino: Things burn.
Colonel: Look, what is all this about?
Dino: My brother and I have got a little proposition for you Colonel.
Luigi: Could save you a lot of bother.
Dino: I mean you're doing all right here aren't you, Colonel?
Luigi: Well suppose some of your tanks was to get broken and troops started getting lost, er, fights started breaking out during general inspection, like.
Dino: It wouldn't be good for business would it, Colonel?
Colonel: Are you threatening me?
Dino: Oh, no, no, no.
Luigi: Whatever made you think that, Colonel?
Dino: The Colonel doesn't think we're nice people, Luigi.
Luigi: We're your buddies, Colonel.
Dino: We want to look after you.
Colonel: Look after me?
Luigi: We can guarantee you that not a single armoured division will get done over for fifteen bob a week.
Colonel: No, no, no.
Luigi: Twelve and six.
Colonel: No, no, no.
Luigi: Eight and six
My Rant. (Score:5, Insightful)
I guess because it involves the words "Microsoft" and "patents" "
I hope that's plain enough.
Goddamn, they _still_ do not get it.
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This is unusual (Score:5, Interesting)
Do me a favor. Take your anger here [techp.org] for a moment and help me out, if you haven't done so yet. But no F-words there, please, it would detract from the document. Even if Novell tosses it off, it's point is already made to a lot of Novell users and VARs and investors and the press. They've been calling me.
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It was hand crafted from rare woods, with each syllable hand rubbed with fine oils to bring out the grain.
"Take your anger here for a moment and help me out
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Re:My Rant. (Score:4, Insightful)
Which means that everyone else is left swinging in the wind. It means that members of OSDL are not protected because they are paid. Correct me if I am wrong. It means that every author that accepts a paycheck from his regular programming job is a target if he writes software that Microsoft doesn't like.
And it doesn't even have to be something that infringes. Just the threat of a lawsuit in a strongly worded letter from a Microsoft lawyer makes many people retract projects, because they simply can't afford to go up against a giant like Microsoft.
Oy, there is so much wrong with your assumptions that I don't know where to finish up.
"If you listen to microsoft's fud and take it as truth thats *your* fault."
I am not worried about _my_ ears. I am worried about the FALSEHOOD AND LIES that Microsoft is spreading around to be picked up by every PHB, Purchasing manager, and uninformed internal corporate lawyer. Novell has just signed a deal that _endorses_ Microsoft's behavior and agrees with their POV.
Get the facts, indeed.
BMO - SuSE Linux from versions 6.1 to 10 and no further.
very well said (Score:4, Insightful)
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I guess you're talking about the SCO cases. It's probably worth remembering that Novell have been pretty active in that arena too.
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Your rant (Score:3, Interesting)
Novell has not provided any useful precedent or other legal ammunition that ANYONE can use in ANY court case. We didn't acknowledge that there are any MS patents infringed by Linux. So this court case you're screaming about is totally unaffected by the Novell/MS deal. Microsoft has been spreading FUD that Linux infringes MS IP for years -- nothing changed in that respect here.
Another point I want to make. Open Source Risk Management is a company that makes its money by selling insurance on Linux IP infrin
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I mean, come on, standards people!
wow, is it just me? (Score:5, Insightful)
Surely, it is not just me that sees this as the first step in MS owning Linux? I KNOW how paranoid that sounds, but lets get real and deal with past history, real fact, actual behaviors...
I really don't care how this gets modded, it must be said that a tiger doesn't change it's stripes, so why is MS doing this? out of kindness, or out of a desire to own Linux? While that may be paranoid at this point, look at what they stand to gain if one distribution owns up to IP issues? It will tie up all the other distributions in litigation...
I have to say, personally, I find all this 'love fest' rather dangerous indeed
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Mostly correct, but I disagree with the bit I emphasized. Microsoft are surely smart enough to know that they can't wipe out Linux one distribution at a time; for every distro they quash, a few others will rise up. This tactic may
Re:wow, is it just me? (Score:5, Interesting)
People keep saying this, but there are counterexamples.
In 1997 Microsoft invested $150 million in Apple. The deal also involved a promise from Microsoft to make Office available on Macintoshes, and there was a patent agreement as well. Bill Gates appeared on the big screen at MacWorld to jeers and shouts. People said Apple had done a deal with the devil and was dead. But in fact the deal gave Apple the money and the breathing room to build itself up and they are far from dead now (though not the most open company in the world, obviously).
In 2004 Sun did a deal with Microsoft, were paid $1 billion, and signed a patent agreement with MS as well. This month they announced they are GPLing Java.
So while I agree that MS is a dangerous company and you have to be careful when you do anything with them, it's simply not true that doing a deal with them is always fatal.
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It does not matter what Novell's motivations were (Score:2, Insightful)
This deal was a trojan from the start. Before the ink was even dry Ballmer was screaming that they were finally getting economic return from the use of their IP in Linux and that anyone not using Suse will have an 'undisclosed balance sheet liability'. There was no
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MS end run around the GPL. (Score:2, Informative)
Just my two cents worth.
"Our Customers" (Score:3, Insightful)
This "our customers" language is typical of Novell's statements surrounding this issue. They constantly speak of their customers but do not speak of the wider impact on the FOSS community itself. This might sound like a non-customer asking for a handout, but the fact remains that the majority of Linux developers and users are not associated with SUSE or Novell. The fact also remains that Novell relies on the FOSS community for its development. Therefore, a patent lawsuit that caused, say, X or kernel development to be halted or altered would affect Novell as well, even though MS could claim that they have not violated the agreement.
It goes without saying that Ballmer's statements have caused harm to the FOSS community and that many more people were exposed to Ballmer's statements than Hovespan's.
I think the reason that RMS and Moglen are so incensed about this agreement is obvious. This agreement to create a de facto ownership of Linux by suing anybody who competes with Novell. If MS sues successfully for patent infringement in Application A, Novell can continue to use it without being sued, but no one else can. In this way, they can become the only non-MS people to be able to use it in consequence of their "get out of jail free" card. It is an end run around the GPL.
Both MS and Novell benefit from this. Novell destroys its competition in the Linux arena and becomes the only "legitimate" Linux vendor. MS reduces its competitors to one complacent one which it can dispatch at its lesiure or use to prove that MS is not a monopoly.
In light of this, Novell only has two options if it truly believes in FOSS:
Whether Novell sees this future or not, it is screwing the Linux community. And garbage like this [novell.com]:
Open letter to Ronald Hovsepian (Score:2)
Cher Ron,
Je suis a bit fromaged off avec votre decision to compromise la communauté de source ouvert avec le contrat avec le diable. Je reckon vous must have d'autres choses in La Belle Novell itself pour donner ? Unixware ? Votre premier fils ? votre soul, puet etre ?
Frappez le crows avec stones, Sport! La guerre contre m$ n'est pas fini. We need ce contrat about as beacoup as poisson need les bicyclettes.
Un autre point, cobber. Votre histoire de produit dev isn't tres flash, consisting, n'est-c
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