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SuSE Businesses

SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 Released 6

Barondude writes "For the SUSE lovers out there... SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 was released today. Evaluation versions of SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for x86, AMD64 and Intel EM64T are available as free downloads from"
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SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 Released

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  • Evaluation versions? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by chochos ( 700687 ) on Tuesday August 03, 2004 @08:32PM (#9874194) Homepage Journal
    I've never seen an evaluation version of a Linux distro before (though I'm sure they've been around for a while). How does this work? do you have to enter some activation code to get the whole thing to work? is it a special version of the kernel modified to stop working after a certain date (and if so, don't they need to distribute the source for that, or you could just replace the kernel anyway)?
    • It's almost certainly set up on the honor system.

      Professionals and/or busnesses who have the money will pay to get the support.

      Folks too cheap to pay will either run this without support (and thus cost SUSE/Novell no money) or switch to another distribution which is suitable for their purposes.

      Of course if SUSE learned that some big corporation was using the evaluation version they might be able to pursue legal action.
    • I've never seen an evaluation version of a Linux distro before (though I'm sure they've been around for a while). How does this work?

      Its like crack, first hit is free.

      Actually, support, engineering and consultants still cost. Just because someone is a linux admin, doesn't give them enough expertise in clustering, dba, or other skills needed to setup a large Linux server farm. Software is cheap, manpower costs. Look how Microsoft is giving software away, but charges for the support contracts.
      Neat http: []
    • by Proteus ( 1926 )
      Linux evaluation versions usually lack (or limit access to) key proprietary features. RedHat evaluations, for example, used to allow only short-term access to the RedHat Network (now, you fill out a survey on occasion to renew your access).

      Also, some Linux evaluation versions run from CD, and therefore don't have any installer or package manager. It all depends. However, rest assured that while it is possible to get an evaluation distro to run as almost-like-the-real-thing, you'd likely invest more in t
  • No More Netware (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by rice_web ( 604109 )
    Netware was a pain in the ass... thank god our school district is switching to this as soon as possible.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
