MandrakeMove 2 And Mandrakesoft Profit Reports 102
Mad_Rain writes "Two new developments in the Mandrake Linux camp: For the beta-testers and live-cd crowd, MandrakeMove 2 (which is based on Mandrake 10) is undergoing beta testing. 2.6 Kernel anyone? Financially, Mandrake seems to be improving, as they cite a report from EuroLand Finance about how they compete with Red Hat or SUSE, at least in the marketplace (as opposed to on the desktop)."
Re:MandrakeMove (Score:5, Informative)
Re:MandrakeMove (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:MandrakeMove (Score:4, Funny)
Re:MandrakeMove (Score:2, Interesting)
-Benjamin Meyer
P.S. Oh and it can save to a USB keychain.
Re:MandrakeMove (Score:1)
As for khtml vs. gecko, I haven't even noticed a difference - I wouldn't have a problem with Firefox/khtml, and I wouldn't be any more likely to use Safari/gecko.
Re:MandrakeMove (Score:5, Informative)
Knoppix will store your config info on a USB drive, a hard drive, a zip drive, etc... and all from a GUI.
It's nice that Mandrake will as well, but Knoppix has been doing this for a while.
Re:MandrakeMove (Score:5, Informative)
Mandrake Move creates 2 things on the USB Key. A folder named after the user you created on first boot (AKA: home directory) and a "dotfolder" hidden directory which contains your each computers individual setup. The latter of the two I find quite interesting. It appears that MandrakeMove has some sort of hardware hashing algorithm that allows it to come up with a unique ID for each computer that it is used in. When I use it on my laptop all of the hardware configurations for my laptop are used (resolution, printer, etc...) When I use it at work all of the configurations form my work computer are used. (NVidia drivers and all) I found that to be an outstanding feature that goes above and beyond most bootable distro's use of USB keys. As for the Home directory, it works as one might expect. All desktop and program configurations as well as personal files are stored there. When I play Chromium at work (...shhhh) the last level completed is stored, so when I go home I can start at my last completed level. Mail settings are saved, desktop preferences.... the whole works. It really feels like a full blown desktop moving with you.
Re:MandrakeMove (Score:2)
Re:MandrakeMove (Score:2)
But when it all boils down... Slackware CD 2.
EuroLand (Score:1, Funny)
Hey...Isn't that the place that Disney was trying to offload recently?
And better yet...why would I trust them for Financial advice ?
Re:EuroLand (Score:1)
About Time for a new Mandrake live CD (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Are you saying my Slackware floppy isn't live? (Score:1)
Re:Are you saying my Slackware floppy isn't live? (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Are you saying my Slackware floppy isn't live? (Score:2)
Re:Are you saying my Slackware floppy isn't live? (Score:1)
MDK != RH (Score:2)
It's been an independant development for several years.
What is MandrakeMove you ask? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:What is MandrakeMove you ask? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:What is MandrakeMove you ask? (Score:2)
Re:What is MandrakeMove you ask? (Score:2, Funny)
Have you had any luck with ButTorrent? Rumor has it that it uses a backdoor.
Re:What is MandrakeMove you ask? (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:5, Funny)
Well you dont need to download a copy for me, I already have one so that should get you to about 98.00000000000001%
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:1)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:2)
i have been trolled (Score:2)
You can always download JUST the new kernel from any mirror. You are full of crap. Maybe you only have enough disk space for 98% of the ISO??
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:2)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:2)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:1)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:4, Informative)
NOT Spam just information
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:1)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:2)
One clear, short definition is - Commercial: Having profit as a chief aim.
Unless its stipulated in some license other then the GPL, Mandrake is under no obligation to provide a free download product, they however chose too. In order to make money, actually remain in existence, and do all those little tweaks and make th
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:1)
Mandrake charges 66 per year. So thats about even as far as support goes. Only Linux isn't a lexus yet.
So here I am trying to learn about it and talking about how much nicer the new kernel will be. "maybe i won't have to wait 1 minute for an app to open?" That is probably just my ignorance you sp
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:2)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:1)
laptop compaq2100us/celeron1.8/512ram
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:1)
I have mandrake 9.2, so i hope the new one is faster. I may ask you for help as you seem to really want to. I found a bug in konquer webbrowers when I renamed a series of files from the GUI file browser. IT kept crashing. Seems it didn't like similar names. I am trying to get linux.
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:3, Insightful)
Between us, where you believe every Linux company should bend over, kiss your ass and give everything to yo
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:1)
I don't need any support. Windows works. Sure
Re:Is it downloadable or only buyable (Score:1, Interesting)
I D/Led Mandrake 10 the DAY it came out, yes I spent $60 for a year of MDKClub...
For my $60 I got a copy for me, which is running now (a bit buggy imo), a copy for my son, 2 friends, and about 15 copies for other people...
And I BET that my free copy will do much more than XP Pro will do (out of the box).... Will XP Pro open
Why doesn't M$ supply such software for f
Flashy Financial Analysis (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Flashy Financial Analysis (Score:2)
The best thing... (Score:5, Informative)
Kudos, Mandrake, for another great product.
I hope they are showing a profit! (Score:3, Informative)
I joined their mandrake club to download the iso's and give them a little support. They charged my credit card $6600.00 for a standard membership. They did not answer their phones. I had to dispute the charges through my credit card company. In their defense they did reverse the charges a few days later. But boy was I worried for a few days!
Re:I hope they are showing a profit! (Score:5, Informative)
Read more at the press release here [].
Re:I hope they are showing a profit! (Score:1)
On a side note. You linked to an explanation / apology. Their site states they have / will contact all 260 some odd customers who where overcharged. I have not heard a peep from Mandrake after leaving several messages asking for an explanation right up until the charges were reversed, nor a return call yet nor an email weeks la
Re:I hope they are showing a profit! (Score:2)
I think it's sad they didn't contact you. I'm not aware of what the internals are at Mandrakesoft. In fact, I haven't heard from anyone else that was affected by this, so I'm not sure if anyone else wasn't contact by Mandrakesoft. But like any company, they likely weren't able to personally contact some of their customers... It's too bad, but, now that everything's ok, there's not much
Re:I hope they are showing a profit! (Score:1)
I'm sorry, but what you say is just wrong. If you are reasonable, I'm sure you will see why you are wrong.
I came, I saw, I left (Score:5, Insightful)
I could not find answers to simple questions with a reasonable amount of effort.
Q) What is Mandrake move vs. mandrake 10? I actually had to come back to slashdot to find a link with the answer to this one. It is a
standalone live CD-ROM version of linux.
Q) How much does it cost? I actually had to click on the order link, fill in my state and country,
and sort through a bunch of irrelevent products and I still didn't get an answer. I know how much it costs with a keychain USB flash memory ($70-$330) but I don't know how much it is by itself. Price needs to be listed before you hit the shopping cart.
Q) Free downloads? Well, if you click on downloads it looks like you could probably
download it for free (if the ftp server wasn't
says something to the effect of "I am already a member of the mandrake club or I plan to join real soon now". So you either need to join the club (about $70/year) or promise to join the club before you can download. I don't have the slightest intention of joining their club unless I find the software useful and shouldn't be required to state otherwise. Plus it reminds me of those sleazy subscription cards for magazines: "Yes! I want to subscibe to the worlds greatest basketweaving magazine! Send me one year (12 exciting issues) of basketweaving today for just $17.97. I'll save 62% plus I'll receive the basketweaving 101 book FREE!"
Re:I came, I saw, I left (Score:2, Informative)
Pretty simple and standard linkage really.
A2) Its free if you dload it ! What else do you need to know ? Or just join the damn club !
A3) Where do you have to _promise_ anything ?
Before downloading our products, we ask for your support by joining the Mandrakelinux Users Club.(my bold)
You came, you saw, you left, bereft ! Shame.
Re:I came, I saw, I left (Score:2)
You're not looking at the right page. He is referring to here [] where they have two buttons on the bottom. The choices are:
"I agree to support Mandrakelinux, please send me to the Mandrakelinux Users Club Registration page"
"I'm already a member of the Club or plan on registering soon, please send me to the download page"
Aside from the runon sentences used
negative equity? (Score:2)
Re:negative equity? (Score:1)
Re:negative equity? (Score:2)
It generally happens in the housing market with mortgages after a housing price crash.
Re:negative equity? (Score:1)
Re:negative equity? (Score:2)
Mandrake (Score:4, Interesting)
All I have to say is that Mandrake makes a very secure server and a very easy to use desktop and they do so with a GNU smile on their face.
I will make however a few historical comments:
*Have you tried rpmdrake and used it to create Raid Arrays or LVM volumes? Look up how many years they have had such a tool and compare it to other distributions.
*Research which distro first used CUPs and made it easy to use multi-function devices in Linux?
*Research which distribution has a zeroconf/Rendevous in it for a while
*Have you tried their server wizards, which they have had for years?
*Research urpmi when you get a chance. It is a good as Debian's apt, which is the installer by which all other ought to be measured. And even though apt-for-rpm is now available, it isn't as good as either of the above, not to mention that these have yet to be formally embraced in an officially shipping product by either Novell or Red Hat.
If you can afford to send Mandrake a few bucks, do so.We need more companies like Mandrake around. If anything, it will keep both Red Hat and Suse honest.
Ps: Oh.oh.. That Stallmanite reference will drive all of the anti-RMS cloud out of the closet
Re:Mandrake (Score:1)
Re:Mandrake (Score:1)
Re:Mandrake (Score:2)
Isn't MANdrake a sexist name? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Isn't MANdrake a sexist name? (Score:2)
That's still sexist. Change it to Personduck.
Re:Isn't MANdrake a sexist name? (Score:2)
Mandrake Move v. Knoppix (Score:4, Informative)
Granted, my test is disk-related... I use both Knoppix and MM to run badblocks on drives before I install their final OS. But, on the same hardware, Mandrake Move will run 'badblocks -svw /dev/hda' to completion (4 write/read passes with different patterns) in less time than the first pass in Knoppix 3.3 or 3.4. That's a significant time savings when you're checking 8 250GB drives for a RAID array!
Re:Mandrake Move v. Knoppix (Score:1)